Tuck Everlasting book report!

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Tuck Everlasting By Kristi Do you want to learn how to live forever? Do you really? It is quite a complicated story, yes. You will have to read the book, Tuck Everlasting to find what happens. What if you fell off the train tracks while the train was coming full-speed on to you and suddenly, the train passes right over you, as if you were only a ghost. What if you were invincible? Read the story Tuck Everlasting to find out all about it. The Tucks wake up every day to know that they just have another day ahead of them. Wouldn’t you, if you were in their same footsteps get bored and lazy? You would think, “No Mr. Murphy I didn’t do my homework. What is that? I might have to do 5th grade over grade? Bother, I have all the time I have.” Then, there is someone who appreciates every moment of his or her life, in this case a young, stubborn girl named Winnie. She wakes up everyday to find that people are fussing over her, wanting the best out of her. All Winnie wants is to be alone to feel free, to have an adventure. What if these to different personalities clash and these people set eye to one another. Will it lead to being friends? Or pure enemies? Find out more about this amazing, wicked little tale by reading Tuck Everlasting, an amazing book that tells you about the life of living forever.

The story wouldn’t be the story if the characters didn’t exist. Winnie is a curious little girl who wants to feel free for once since her family is always crowding over her, telling her what to do. She wants to know what it is like to be an individual making her own life path. She gets so lonely she starts chatting with a toad that seems to appear in her garden everyday. Winnie’s grandmother is the most mentioned in the Foster family. Her grandmother seems to be an image of her when she was younger. When she talks about the elves music box you can tell that she still believes in those things. Winnie’s loyal but overprotective mother and father keep there child in from the dangers of the world but, Winnie just gets more and more curious with the thought of that there is something beyond the world she’s living. When you think about the Tuck family, do you think about a group of energetic people who likes great, big, dangerous adventures? Or do you think of them as the kind of people who sits around all day being lazy and having slow conversations such as… “Hey dad, you need to take out the trash.” “I’ll do it tomorrow.” “Hey Miles you need to do your homework that is due tomorrow.” “I’ll do it later.” “Hey mom, you need to go out and feed the horses.” “Eh.” “Hey everybody, we need to eat dinner”

“Let’s do that right now!!” I personally think that the Tucks are in the middle. They are kind and probably reliable people that don’t want anybody else to drink the immortal water (Which obviously makes you immortal) because then who knows what kind of crisis this could be? Mae, the Tuck family mom, is a very fun but serious character. She is one of those people who knows when to do certain things and when not too. She cares for her children and for the dreadful secret. Jesse and Miles are the two siblings of the Tuck family. Even though they are close to 99 years old they still act like children of their age. And they are the superb characters in Tuck Everlasting. I, personally, think that the author’s style is very interesting. She could have made this book very long if she wanted to but instead she choses to make the book very short. Why do I think this? I think this because this idea could have gone on to one of the Harry Potter length story but maybe the author writing style was to do that. The author likes to give a lot of description. I noticed that right away. For example, in the beginning she takes time to describe Mae. Even how she put on her clothes! I found it a bit odd how she managed to fit in all that description into one tiny book. I found that I didn’t quite enjoy the ending, for it just talked about the tuck family visiting Winnie’s grave for the first time. If I wrote the story I would have made it where Winnie is all grown up and one day she

bumps into the tuck family. But, everyone has different styles right? My Family doesn’t live forever but we are kind of like the tucks. We all appreciate each other like the tuck family even though we have those, on and off fights like any normal family has. I’m just saying, if you haven’t fought with anybody in your family then that is a bit abnormal. Just saying…

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