September October Writing

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Terrific Tsunami Poems!!! !



o C d lan

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N o b od y t o Th em NO OO O… .

The Day the Ocean Attacked Me.

First of all, I am a very focused child. That could be good and bad at the same time… for example. In school, focus is great. But when you’re only focusing on one thing, something can sneak up on you. Sometimes it could be your little sister, or in this case, a wave. Dun, dun, dun! “Ready, set, go!” Katie yelled over the noise of the mad waves. I felt a pang in my foot as I accidently stepped on a sharp rock. I quickly hopped down to the ocean with my only good foot. I pushed my neon yellow tube toward the ocean my feet sinking in the sand with every step. I braced myself as I jumped in the tube as the waves pushed me back and forth. I held on to the neon yellow ring of life, my nails digging in. I started to smile as I got used to the gentle rock of the waves. Katie and Alec were laughing hysterically as the waves lifts them up in the air. I giggled loudly as they flipped over taking their own tubes down with them. Then, my eyes popped out as I saw a humongous wave towering over my head. It was as if time stopped in its tracks. I saw Katie and Alec staring in the distance. There faces were blurry because of the wave that was completely over my head. Then I felt a little push. “TESSA!” I yelled as my tube started going faster and faster, right in the direction of the waves. I put my feet in the ground to try to stop the dangerous pull but it was no use.

“AHHHHH!” I yelled. My voice could probably be heard over the roar of the ocean. Then, it happened. The wave fell on top of me and hit the ground sending white foam everywhere. The water was absolutely freezing! I choked over and over as the sea decided to pull me in and out, like a rag doll. Salty seawater rushed past me as I hung onto my tube for dear life. It carried me away, who knows which direction I was going at. The sand beneath my feet scurried around sending mini tornadoes around under the waves. My eyes and lungs burned. I came up for a breath of air and found sand and icky sea water in my mouth. Bleh. “Hmmm… a second lunch” I thought happily as I came in control and stood up in the surging waves. My whole body felt relieved as the sun warmed my skin and my feet were being tickled by sand. Then I felt a surge of panic. “The tube!!” I gasped as I spun around. There in the middle of the huge ocean sat a tiny yellow tube. And guess what. I dove for it. I heaved it back to dry land, because I am never going to ride in that tube again. As I finally got hold of it I dragged it back to dry land. I practically limped back to my friends with their jaws hanging open. I sighed and laid down on the warm sand closing my eyes, trying to imagine myself dry. I looked at my dad who was holding a camera in is his hand. Nice guy…kid nearly dies ….he runs for his camera. “Good thing I got that on camera!” Dad said cheerfully. And by the way he said it I knew he was talking about me. Everybody started giggling.

“UHH!” I exclaimed as I buried my face in my hands. And I silently vowed to myself, I will never do that again.

Taken Over by Kristi

The sea was calm The sun was bright As bright as a child’s beaming smile All was happy All was calm And then… The sky seemed the air A gray fog covered the land And a monstrous figure Rose Rose out of the ocean Standing as tall as ever been No! You can hear people scream As the huge thing crashed Sending sparks as white as snow Crashing towards the ground No more cries No more screams

Everything gone The wave itself starts to attack Never, ever holding back The mighty warrior attacks the houses sending their little bits toward the ground The oak tree that you climbed when you were a kid Gets carried away Who knows where it will go? Your perfect school gets taken down It plops Into the sea Not as mighty as can be No more cries No more screams Everything gone Silence, Meets the eyes.

Nobody By Kristi Deki I watch, as people come and go. Always wondering if someone would stop to say, Hello! Some people take quick glances at me as they go down sliding steps called escalators. You want to know how I know that? I’ve listened to tons of conversations. They say, “How do you do?” Or maybe see you soon!” Some people walk silently and I wonder, “if they can’t talk, just like me. I’ve sat there for a year and three quarters just waiting for someone to stop and stare for just a little longer then they usually do, so I can talk to them, with all those phrases that I know. But all I get, are the clickety, clack, of peoples shoes as they race off to a moving car called a train. I know that is just a dream. My back is stiff, my eyes sting, and I am starting to smell like sticky sweat. But I can’t move. I watch little children cry and laugh as the day goes on and I feel a deep sorrow in my heart. Why can’t I be like them? Why, why? That is the only thing that runs through my head everyday I watch people’s legs move feeling confused that my own pair don’t work. I wonder why I was chosen to be the person that just sits their looming over the train station everyday. Soon the day comes to an end at the train station. And a bright moon shines in the sky. I am still there when the clickety, clack, of peoples shoes gets softer until there are no more. I am there when the sliding stairs goes to sleep. I am there when there are no more. Trains coming from the dark tunnel and the conducter doesn’t blow his whistle anymore. With a full moon shining on my face I sit there alone in the train station, smiling, as if everything is alright.

Japan, China, and Taiwan at war, a nuclear strike on Japan, the US navy involved? Death threats from all ends?? What is going on??!!! What do you think? Whose side are you on? This is a big situation… but all over a small group of islands? Lets find out the true story of this problem… The Chinese protesters are getting very violent. They believe that it “their” island and the Japanese stole it from them. They show their anger by; throwing rocks, bottles, eggs, and bricks at Japanese embassies, cars, and even people!! They are wearing Anti-­‐Japanese logos, vandalizing photos of Japanese high authorities, sending death threats to the Japanese prim minister, and the worst of all, and ripping the Japanese flags. Here’s our own new reporter Kristi Deki for the news on the island dispute reporting from China. “PROTESTING IS OUT OF CONTROL! PEOPLE ARE BEING ARRESTED ON THE SPOT FOR PROTECTING THEIR PROPERTY! THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE PARADING THE STREETS WITH DREADFUL SIGNS AND DEATH TREATS! WHO KNEW THAT THIS TINY ISLAND WOULD CAUSE THIS MUCH DISPUTE!” There are two sides of the story for the Chinese workers; some of the workers believe that “Japan is part of the problem we need to let them know it’s our island! “ China needs the oil and gas because they are the country that makes a lot of products and they own a lot of factories so in order to produce their elements, they need all the resources they can get, but some of the Chinese workman need the

Japanese manufactures because that how they feed their families and provide for themselves. “Japan is one of our main business partners and most of the jobs come from Japanese factories so why are we stressing our economy even more by fighting.” A Chinese fisherman exclaims, “The Daioyu islands belong to us. We sailed the around the island many times and discovered it in the 14th century, so why are we not the owners? We evidently are a big country and China has one of the biggest populations in whole world. Clearly we have the most to provide for. Adding to that the Daioyu islands are a pretty big fishing area so we need that to feed the people. It’s clear the islands belong to us.” A Chinese fisherman named BuBu proclaims, “This is an outrage! We have the right to fish and for Japan to stop us. Vandalizing the Toyotas, Nissans and Hondas, vandalizing the Japanese flag and prim minister’s photo is what they deserve!” Let’s stay away form those angry protestors for a long time. Some believe that China is using the island dispute to resolve their World War 2 grudges and direct it off their economy failure. A Chinese historians says “the island is ours since we sailed the island during the 1400 hundreds” Now lets hear Taiwan’s part of the story… A Taiwanese official protests “We need the island since China has enough resources and Japan has help form the U.S we need the island most.” Taiwanese local fisherman says, “This is an outrage! The Japanese navy has been blasting my boat with the most unusual thing… WATER CANNONS!!! One of the major problems of this situation is that the island is a key fishing spot for the Taiwanese.”

A Taiwanese protester states, “The Island is ours because geographically it’s around 75 miles from our “Island”. Another protester states, “The children all agree with us and since we believe that the island is ours, the children should protest with us.” As you can see, it looks as if Taiwan thinks that no one would harm a child, no one would so the protestors use the children to do their dirty work. Surprisingly with all this commotion Japan has managed to stay calm. A Japanese official declares “ We bought the Senkaku islands, China is just trying to use this to distract the fact that their economy isn’t doing well at all. Taiwan just wants the island for the fishing rights since that their fishing hotspot. Clearly the island is OURS.” The Japanese prim minister is very firm in his speech he sends a message to the Taiwanese and the Chinese that the Senkaku islands belong to Japan. A Japanese historian announces, "We bought the Senkaku Islands, we surveyed the islands since the late 19th century and the Americans administered the island till the 1972 and hand overed the islands to us. China is just using this crises to resolve their World War 2 grudges.” The funny thing is was that when Japan surveyed the island in the late 19th century the claimed it belonged to nobody. A Japanese worker exclaims, “Since China has shut down multiple of the Japanese factories that are located in China, we are losing more than 10% of our manufactured production.” A local Japanese fisherman called Mr. Sakamoto says “ Yes, Hello, I feel we really shouldn’t go to war over some silly islands, we own them anyway. Even though the islands are a fishing hotspot and I’m a fisherman, I have a brain. I mean, I hope Japan get’s the islands, but their said to be a nice oil preserve in the area and definitely nice fishing spots. Even

though I haven’t visited the area yet I won’t until all this commotion ha settled down.” The U.S are starting to get involved in this escalating crisis “If any country pass the Japanese territorial border we have to get involved. We really don’t need another country hating us since our nation is split between the presidential election.” We hope that this island dispute doesn’t get any farther than this, Let’s hope that they share the island before this escalates into a something bigger. This is Maya, Kristi and Young Signing off.

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