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The mental triggers, these never change. Reciprocity, if someone gives you something then you want to give them something back. Rich gives you free reports, give you these fantastic free reports then you want to give him something back like your money. What’s the worst feeling in the world? It’s like Christmas afternoon. Someone knocks on you door, you go there, there’s you neighbor. Your neighbor has a gift for you. You’re just thinking, oh my gosh, I don’t have a gift for them. You feel like a total loser, right? We’ve all been there. The way you activate these trigger is always changing. The triggers never change but the way you activate them is always evolving. There’s that special blank screen that I worked so hard on. We used to hit it via email. When I did my first launch I didn’t even have a website. Then we could have via Web pages. Then we could add audio to our Web pages. Then we could add video to our Web pages. Then we had blogs. They are great for hitting social proof and scarcity triggers, commitment and consistency triggers, authority triggers. Now we’ve added Web 2.0, we’ve got Facebook, we’ve got Twitter, we’ve got YouTube, we’ve got MySpace, just more interaction, more ways to use these triggers. Really in this Web 2.0 world, everything is so interlinked. It’s really, really powerful. This is one of the places where I’ve really added the most to Product Launch Formula 2.0 is adding in the Web 2.0 components.

Making Videos for Your Product Launch

I’ve released a lot of case studies as video and the thing is people never, ever, ever confuse my stuff with infomercials. If you’ve seen any of my video, it’s like me holding the camera out like this and shooting. It doesn’t look like an infomercial but you don’t –looking polished is not generally the answer to selling stuff. Unless you’re selling like design services, graphic arts that type of stuff. People want to connect with people. They don’t want to connect with super glossy. You don’t connect with an infomercial, right? But people connect with my video. When they meet me its like Jeff, I feel like I’ve known you from you email and from your videos; I just feel like I know you. They know I can’t play guitar, they know I’ve been trying to play guitar and I can’t play guitar. They know I live out in the mountains. They know I like to go white water rafting. They know I like mountain biking. They know all these things about me because people get engaged with people not with companies, not with images, not with the logos. So its okay—I don’t want to say be amateurish but you want to be real. My video shot with the little digital cam has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars because I’m shooting and my lens cap will fly up. Forget being ultra professional. Don’t send emails that say we. We decided we had this Super Ninja 2000 way to trick yourself to play guitar so we sat down and created this—some people do that. They try to make their business sound big and professional. People buy from I and from me and from you, they don’t from we. If you don’t do anything else but go through all your emails and take out we every place it is then you’re a winner. In that workshop, remember your stuff is always written about your people. It’s written to them, to one person, not to a ton of people. “To you all’ -- isn’t cool. In very rare circumstances you can but in general you’re writing to one person. Get a picture of your typical prospect and put it over your computer monitor and you write to that person. It’s a one to one relationship even if you’re sending it out to 40,000 people.

How to Make Your Launch Bigger

The launches just keep on getting bigger and bigger and bigger. You don’t have to hit a million dollars in you first launch. You can hit $1400, you can get $10,000, you can hit $20,000, $30,000—that’s really, really cool and that’s probably going to be more impactful than when you do hit that million dollar launch. But the launches do keep on getting bigger and bigger. There is more competition especially in certain markets. If you want to sell how to make money online stuff? To do a launch there is harder because there is more competition. You really have to work hard. You really have to be different. You really have to differentiate yourself. If you’re in a niche like most of us are outside of that how to make money online stuff, it’s still pretty much wide open. It’s easy. There are a few markets that they keep on doing over and over again is like that learning the guitar market. A couple of those guys did buy my product and did 52252

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