eZWay Magazine Spring 2021 v2

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Become an eZWay Wall of Famer!

Hanna Horenstein Financial Guru

Jeff Levine Filmmaker

Joanna Haribidean Ms. America 2019

Karen Dabby & Gerry Kane

Joanna Haribidean Princess Gifts Ms. America 2019 Attorney at Law


Josh Liske IHP Global

featured members

Official eZWay Network Members

Dr. Money- Stephanie Ardrey

Gerald L. Kane

Felicia Grimes

Jason Spann

Gerry Kane & Karen Dabby Leila Colgan

Monique Moore Dr. Jeffrey Benton

Tina D. Lewis

Danielle Cook Alec Stern

Nick Saifan Coach Tina Ramsay

Dr Dante Sears


featured members

James Dentley

Megan Di Martino

Tiffany Bell

Kenneth J. Bradley, Jr.

Brian Willis

Pattie Godfrey-Sadler

Daniel Faust Keever Murdaugh

Chairidee Smith


Hanna Horenstein

Dear eZWay Magazine Readers and Influencers: Happy Spring! As we enter into this sensational and very hopeful Season in 2021, I wish all of you continued happiness, health and prosperity. We are seeing re-openings and everything is really blossoming. It’s exciting to see and so wonderful to experience- you can feel hope and anticipation fill the air. And through these magazine pages, enjoy helpful hints and tips to remain positive and uplifted! Thank you, once again, to everyone on the Magazine Team who helped make this issue such a success! May these pages bring you newfound hope and may the advice help you on your entrepreneurial and financial journey. Stay healthy, and please take all precautions. The light is surely upon us through the tunnel that was 2020. Stay strong in your faith, remain positive, and believe. I remain Truly Yours, Angelique Marie - Editor In Chief/ 2020 Ms. Elite U.S., WOA

Table of Contents ERIC ZULEY CORNER


protect & monetize You SUMMIT








ALEC STERN is creating big moments

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3 Ways to have a clothing line








32 ez’s b-day bash 2021





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Success Life... About Top



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy..

Check out the new website! eZWayWallofFame.com

REACHING 318,000,000 HOMES



Create New Business

Hey everyone! Since this issue is about small business, I'm going to show you how to create new business, using media. What is the main thing everyone is wanting to learn or use right now? Remote based engagement tools which many of you know as ZOOM and STREAMYARD. How many of you have an account with either of these two platforms right now? If you're answering no, right now as we speak, then you should be creating your account! Here is a link for Streamyard https://streamyard.com/?fpr=ezway. This is best for streaming a blog or show. Our company does offer training on how to best utilize this software as well as monetize from using it. Our network also has a large reach of millions with over 40 shows- some airing and some in development! Now let’s move over to Zoom and what we feel its best for. Zoom is a really good platform to connect for meetings, video conferences, and masterminds. Zoom and Streamyard are great for events! Now let’s get into events! Events are one of the best ways to make your business and your clients get new business coming in. Lead generation is always key to a business, so if you're able to provide a turn key solution in this area, your user based business will always flourish! User based business.... hmm... this is also another one I'd like to cover. Are you currently running a user based business right now? Ask yourself, do you have users paying you monthly right now? If not, you should really position your business this way as soon as possible with the way everything is transitioning. We have a client making 5 figures right now off of this strategy. You will need a website and or app or we prefer both. If you need help with this we do offer a plethora of services for all of this through ezwaypromotions.com or by emailing ezwaynetwork@gmail.com.

Ok. Let's recap on what we want to do. 1. Positioning- Position your business to be a user based business and start making monthly residual income 2. Software - what software are you using for communication, broadcasting, content creation? Zoom and Streamyard are great places to start. 3. Content and media- Content is always king, this means wrapping media around your business and doing a show or maybe a magazine. 4. Lead generation - If you don't have media in your business plan then add it. You need some sort of broadcast vehicle like a blog, show or magazine. These are great ways to open doors, make money and barter without having to spend money. We are always holding free masterminds and training on this and much more. Join myself and anyone of our 100 + experts on our ezwaywalloffame.com each month or watch my show eztalk.live every Tues. 4 pm pst to network with our audience and learn and grow with our celebrities and experts! Ok, everyone, ‘til next time! See you on the next issue! ~ Eric Zuley ~ Founder of eZWay Network Award winning Multimedia Mogul, producer, virtual concierge, brand authority strategist




“A No Means Not Now”… By Alec Stern, Entrepreneur * Speaker * Mentor * Investor hen I was a child on more than one hot summer day, I would ask my Mom for an ice cream. She would usually say no and tell me how it would ruin my appetite for dinner, etc. I would then do a few chores and, after I had helped her with something, I’d ask again, “Mom, can I have an ice cream?” Her response would be “Alec, you were so great helping out, go ahead and have an ice cream.” This is how, at an early age in life, I learned how to turn a “No” into a “Yes.” As I began my business career, I carried with me the knowledge that “A No Means Not Now.” When talking to prospective customers, mentors, strategic partners, and investors, you will often receive a “No” regarding their interest or willingness to engage with you to hear more. Here are a few tips on how to avoid a “No” from the get-go or turn a “No” into a “Yes.” First, ask if this is a good time to speak or if they would prefer to schedule a later time. This will confirm they are ready to engage and receive the information you will be providing them. When approaching a conversation, always lead with value and ask questions of the person you are speaking to. If you are talking to a prospective customer you can ask, “What are your goals and vision for your business?” “What do you have in business today, that you wished you had more of?” “What don’t you have in business today Entrepreneur * Speaker * Mentor * Investor "America's Startup Success Expert" Founding Team Member of 8 Start-ups with 5 Exits- 2 IPOs, 3 Acquisitions Co-Founder , Constant Contact Limited Partner, G20 Ventures

and wish you did?” “Are you looking to save time, save money, increase revenue, customers, etc.?” From their responses you can tailor an interaction that will resonate with them and open the door for a follow-up conversation. Keep your comments short and to the point and address what they have shared. Do not “Spray and Pray.” This is where you just keep talking (and talking) and pray they hear something that interests them. When listening to others it is pretty common to be thinking of what we are going to say when they are done speaking. Do not do this! Be present and listen to what the prospect is really saying. (If you take the letters of the word LISTEN and mix them up, you can spell SILENT!) Active listening helps you guide your responses to make them relevant to the prospect’s vision, goals, etc. So, be an active listener. When you receive a “No,” ask why your presentation or approach didn’t resonate. It could have been because of how you presented the information. Perhaps they were not receiving your words as intended, making it easier for them to say no. Feedback is a gift, so hearing your prospect’s comments is a learning experience. Ask to stay in touch and follow up with updates of your progress. I have had many “No’s” convert into “Yes” over time. In fact, some one-time “no’s” have led to new customers, strategic partners, mentors, investors, referrals and more. So, don’t let a no (or many no’s) discourage you. Keep practicing and honing your approach and listening skills, to cultivate these relationships over time. https://www.linkedin.com/in/alec-s-3b6a94196 https://twitter.com/AlecStern https://www.instagram.com/alecspeaks https://www.facebook.com/alec.stern http://www.alecspeaks.com



By Dr. Lydie Louis | #1 Global Legal Business Authority

Contracts are powerful! You can actually create law when you sign a contract. Yes, you are. It’s called private contracting law between you and whoever else is signing the contract. And, it’s enforceable in a court of law or arbitration proceeding to ensure that the “contract expectations” of all the parties are met.

1) the default terms are not clear. You always want to know what happens if you cannot meet your obligations (you breach the contract). Also what are your options, if the other person does not meet their obligations? What can you do and cannot do, should be clear in the contract before the breach occurs.

Expectation is an important concept in law. It means what the Spice Girls sang about in the 1980, “sooo tell me what you want, what you really, really!” Yes, in a contract the people singing, I mean signing the contract are “telling’ each other in the very words written in the contract “what they really, really” want. In legal terms we call it “contract expectation.” This means never-ever sign a contract that:

2) any previous verbal understandings is not reflected in the contract. What controls is what is written in the (4-corners of contract). Unfortunately, no pre-written contract arrangements will have any validity, if it is not incorporated into the written contract.

1) does not accurately reflect “what you really, really want” 2) you don’t understand your obligations, what you are required to do (in legal terms we call it, legal detriment); 3) you don’t understand what the other person is required to do (in legal terms we call it performance); 4) you don’t know when your responsibility under the contract beings, ends or renews (we call it the term, termination, or renewal of the contract); 5) key terms that significantly impact you in regarding liability (confidentiality, indemnification, and dispute resolution); 6) the language is not clear (change the language to be easy to understand to prevent confusion and conflicts) 7) has any blank spaces. You should delete or fill-in empty space (with XXXX) before the contract is signed. Never leave blank spaces in a contract that someone can fill-in words.

3) you have nor read and analyzed every sentence in the contract. And asked for clarification. If you found value in this article, Dr. Lydie has a live contract training launching on June 6, 2021 which is designed specifically to provide a small business owners in an intimate space of 20 heart-centered business owners with the legal know-how, how-to, and to analyze and write powerful contracts that will protect you and your business. The course is entitled, The Contracts Legal Learning Cycle for Entrepreneurs. You can learn more and sign up for the course at https://drlydie.groovepages.com/learning/ For a Free VIP Resource and to learn more about Dr. Lydie and how she provides small businesses access to affordable legal training and services, please go to https://linktr.ee/DrLydie Join our supportive business community at https://Facebook.com/groups/ChampionBusinessLe aders Get more legal power tools for your business at Dr. Lydie’s Youtube Channel. If you find value in what Dr. Lydie is creating, PLEASE Subscribe, Like and Share Dr. Lydie’s Youtube Channel at https://youtu.be/7rjrmbETPYY. 15

© 20201. Dr. Lydie Louis. All Rights Reserved.

3 Ways Anyone Can Have A Clothing Line & Sell Like Crazy! by Daniella Platt Hug your shoulders. Nod your head. Your upper body “above the keyboard” is your prime real-estate to express your story from the screen to the streets. Anyone can have an apparel line with a little guidance and consultation. With branded and promotional apparel, your message fosters a community of unity, togetherness, especially on zoom when personal connection can be challenging. What’s more fabulous is knowing that zoom calls have the potential to be LIVE on social media channels like YouTube or Facebook, placing your red-carpet message or art in front of millions. Apparel has the potential to not just turn your raving fans into happy clientele, your fans also become akin to billboards, advertising and fielding questions on your behalf, with prospective Roku-like distribution capabilities. Do you know that 100% of promotional pieces mailed to your community are opened? Add little sparkle, some special packaging to spark more love, more joy, and it may appear as unboxings LIVE on social media too. Just think, all it takes is a wonderful t-shirt, hat, or a pair of socks, toting your message, your heart, to keep your clients loving you for life, and spreading your goodness. Billionaire Business Strategist Forbes Riley mentioned, everyone needs ‘swag.’ Her radio show now broadcasts video LIVE on social media and guests toting a message will have viewership to wide audience of more than 1MM. Eric Zuley,

Founder of EZWAY TV Network promotes a basic t-shirt apparel line on all his shows as a form of branding and extra revenue stream. “It’s fun.” Ava Boudi, founder of Busy-mom.com wants moms to know, they too can have a clothing collection with social media marketing and print-on-demand capabilities, while also managing a full-family schedule. Terance Coffee, FIT professor in NYC and host of Looking Good with Daniella & T. Coffee advises all to be their ‘Inner You’ and keep finding ways to create. Whatever your message is, you must create as you make your tribe happy. Now that we understand why branded and promotional apparel is a powerful way to impact your tribe on a wide-scale with goodness, how can you make it happen? Here are three ways anyone can have a collection in 90 days, without worrying about size or fit. These are not secrets for us to keep when they can help you achieve. You can find more resources inside the book, Looking Good: Be A Sales Rockstar & Fashion Startup Playbook which is available amazon. 1. MANUFACTURING. Are you looking to create your own unique brand and designs? Are you aspiring to have a complete collection that’s truly your own? Our advice to those interested in creating their own fashion collection is to first, create your samples and do a photoshoot.


You can employ a full-service manufacturer to create samples with potential to run a full production. Our partner companies such as LEFTY, SINGLE, and Creative Visual Concepts will walk you through the entire process. Do not produce your collection - YET. “Create a photoshoot of the samples and pre-sell online. Find your target market, or the people you want to spend time with, and make sure they are in alignment with your images. This gives you the time to sell or test in advance, and know the precise amount to create. 2. PRIVATE LABEL. Are you a store looking to have unique pieces, without doing the designs? Put your label on it. With private label, you have the opportunity to select pre-designed pieces as your backbone to assert your creativity. A great place to find private label offerings is at the Sourcing@MAGIC Tradeshow in Vegas which is expected to resume this August. Galina Sobalev of the label Single Dresses in Los Angeles offers private label, with minimums of 20 pieces, allowing anyone to start small. A dream for all retailers and small business owners looking for novel ways to express your art. With 65MM people being home, you can create uniqueness with robes, pajamas, loungewear, or ‘zoom tops,’ to be chic, unique, and unified. 3. BASICS ARE MORE THAN A T-SHIRT OR HAT: IT’S A LIFESTYLE FOR EVERYONE While hopefully a more normal life resumes, your clients will always enjoy sophisticated comfort that takes them from power zoom to ‘Pelaton’ versatility. Put your message on it!

TIn fact, why worry about something as important as fit when you want to focus on your art, creativity, and building your brand awareness or your tribe? There is a fit and style in every size.Whether your purpose is to build a brand or to use apparel for promotional use, think of blank ‘basics’ as an ingredient. What do you need to bake a cake? Flour, sugar, and eggs to start. Brands like Bella & Canvas, Next Level, and AS Colour, offer a variety of colors and fits, allowing you to be as creative as you like. Pick your blank, combine it with the other ingredients such as your artwork, the technical process, your label, and create a finished product. A screen printer like Deluxe Screen Printing in Los Angeles requires fewer 30 pieces to get started. One hot way to create merch, without inventory, or without the worry of store management is to use popular print-on-demand solutions like Gooten and Printify. It’s a service we find our micro-influencer clientele really enjoy to have a collection set within a few hours, with nearly no overhead. You could partner with a producer like Looking Good YAYA for full-service management, to source the right pieces, produce your apparel, or do the complete print on demand setup with no overhead or inventory Don’t be afraid to test new things. Busy styles look cool with graphics. You’ll be amazed – just make sure your message, your art and heart, is above the keyboard to be seen! What is your art or message? Pop it on shirt – and let the world know. Tell us on IG @lookinggoodyaya. Remember, Tops and Hats – they matter. -

Blank apparel was traditionally known as a t-shirt, only today, it’s anything that can be decorated, such as tops, hats, pants, athleisure, even aprons and socks. Affordable, attainable, and a two to three week turn around, you can create a red-carpet look or casual, and be as creative as you like.


Member Spotlight

Brady Mazzola

Who is Brady Mazzola and what do you stand for? I’m a Spiritual, Servant Leader and Soldier of Christ. I love God and I love people. I walk with integrity and employ a spirit of excellence. I do my best and God does the rest. Tell us about your latest project/show? As a Founder and Philanthropist at Watering Seeds Organization (WSO), the mission and vision is to produce Kingdom Content that helps others grow in mind, body, and spirit. What does producing this mean to you? This opportunity means everything to me - it has eternal value. This platform is a privilege that I don't take lightly. Especially now, with so much chaos, calamity, and confusion in the world, my desire is to “flip the script” by instilling Christ’s character, compassion, and courage in the lost and unsaved. What is your passion and message to the world? Stay connected to the Creator. We are eternal, spiritual beings living out a temporary, human experience here on earth. “Man does not live on bread alone, but by every word spoken from God.” Make Him your first priority, not your last resort. Learn how to Pray and Persevere. If it’s not good, it’s not the end. God always has the final say! What are three golden nuggets to success that you’d like to share with our readers? • Learn to develop a “No Regrets Mindset.” Grow with God and seek His guidance. Be led and fed by the Spirit. This will keep you from playing it too safe and teach you how to Activate your Faith! • Be Grateful: have an Attitude of Gratitude! Count your blessings. This will refresh your perspective and greatly improve your quality of life. • Be Generous and always give more than you take. You reap what you sow! #WSO #WateringSeedsWithGoodDeeds • Put your passion into action and you will live with great satisfaction! • Stay #PUMPd! (Prayed Up & Mentally Prepared:)



Member Spotlight

Dr. Lydie Louis 1) Who is Dr. Lydie and what do you stand for? Dr. Lydie Louis, Esq. Ph.D. is The #1 Global Legal Mentor & Celebrity Lawyer. She is Chairman of In Pursuit Media & Co., CEO of Dr. Lydie & Co., Founder of The New York Entrepreneur Legal Academy, Owner of Law & You and World-Class Vision TV, The Executive Producer and Host of The Dr. Lydie Show, and Co-Creator of Law, Money & You. She has been a law professor for 20+ years and a United Nations country trainer. Dr. Lydie is an NYC (IPA) Intellectual Property Attorney who works with individuals from all over the world who want to use the power of The United States Federal Law to safeguard their creative designs. She works primarily with tech firms and business owners who market and sell their original products and services online. Dr. Lydie stands for providing access to business owners and executives to protect and monetize original ideas, systems, methods, speeches and “know-how” to build a lifetime revenue stream for your business, you, and your family. Dr. Lydie is The Executive Producer of The Dr. Lydie Show and Owner of World Class Vision TV which is now streaming into 150 Million homes worldwide! More, importantly, she wants to interview you on her show to share your vision with the world! Learn more at https://linktr.ee/DrLydie 2) Tell us about your latest project/show? Dr. Lydie’s latest project is collaborating with Dame Doria Cordova (DC), PhD (Hon.), CEO, Global Business Developer, Sustainability Entrepreneur, Ambassador of New Education, Mentor of Nurturing, owner of Excellerated Business Schools® for Entrepreneurs and Money & You.® to create and launch the new Law, Money & You TM Program. The Dr. Lydie Show will share legal leadership, money moves, and inspirational insights that will enhance your business and your life. As Victor Marie Hugo, the French philosopher and revolutionary once wrote, “greater than the march of a thousand armies is an idea whose time has come.” For too long, we had separated law from entrepreneurship. Yet the very epistemology of the word “entrepreneur” is French and means to “entreprendre” to undertake a secret mission on behalf of the king or other royal. It was basically a “secret mission” and only those that were in the inner circle would know of the success of the mission. For too long, in the United States, we have kept secret the importance of law in business. This is why the U.S. Small Business Administration’s research reveals between 80% of businesses fail within the first 5 years and of those that survive the initial 5 years, 65% of them fail within 10 years? The time has come for business owners to realize that law is the invisible force, the missing link that can cause a business to be successful or for a business to fail. The launch of The Law, Money & YouTM Program will provide entrepreneurs with confidence to have the “legal know-how and how-to” that entrepreneurs need to build successful businesses especially given today’s times. 3) What does producing this mean to you? Producing The Law, Money & YouTM Program with Dame Doria Cordova is yet, another dream come true. I have been blessed and highly favored in my life from living in shelters in NYC with my mom to becoming an international business attorney working on Wall Street. I stand on the shoulders of many, many accomplished and kind people who gave me a pathway out of poverty to success. Everything that I have achieved has been from a combination of determination, faith, and experts that gave me the ability to do more than I could ever have accomplished on my own. I owe a debt. Therefore, I can do no less for today’s entrepreneurs that are struggling to build a successful business, but do not have access to legal business knowledge or an experienced and caring lawyer to support their vision. Dr. Lydie, now, has the leverage to connect legal knowledge with the transformational, experiential, entrepreneurial training that Dame Doria Cordova has spearheaded for decades. Working with Dame Doria is a blessing. Dr. Lydie refers to Dame Doria as “mi hermana mayor superestrella” which means my “superstar big sister,” and is honored to be a part of creating 20 a new pathway to success for entrepreneurs around the world by creating a legal financial literacy platform.

Member Spotlight

Dr. Lydie Louis 4) What is your passion and message to the world? Your past does not define you. Your future is yet to be determined, and is dependent on what you do today. Therefore, you have one responsibility that cannot be fulfilled by anyone other than you. Learn everything that your spirit moves you to learn. Apply immediately everything that you learned. Teach others what you learned. And, with that synergistic energy, begin to create a global impact to change the world. 5) What are three golden nuggets to success that you'd like to share with our readers? 1) No matter what has happened in the past, it does not define who you are today or who you will become. Use the quantum energy from your past to propel you forward. 2) Dream BIG. It takes the same amount of mental energy to dream small as it does to dream BIG. In that case, let’s upgrade our thinking to a world-class vision and create a global impact. 3) Always remember that you are not alone. You will have all the support that you need. You simply need to reach out and connect with someone you believe can be a mentor to you to support your vision of the future


The Artist’s Process Perspective Opportunities for Every Artist!

By Matt J. Doyle

Welcome to The Artist’s Process Perspective. In our previous article, we talked about the show adapting to progressive ways of filming due to the pandemic. For this article, I would like to share my perspective further, regarding the pandemic and how small businesses are surviving and succeeding in our world as we know it today. I consider the TAP Franchise a small business at this stage of the game. It is interesting to note that due to the pandemic, many small businesses including the TAP Franchise have been utilizing live internet streaming methods. TAP Interviews started off doing live red-carpet interviews, however due to the pandemic, it is now totally streamed live on Streamyard- live broadcasting software. Also, the Tap main show is being creative with our online filming process as of late as well. You may refer to previous articles in this magazine for further information. Our next episode is the continuation of a previous acting scene, which was also filmed at separate locations. Instead of a phone call, this scene is a Facetime conversation. The point is that due to the current times, small businesses are being forced to utilize different ways of operation to survive and succeed. It is a situation of them having to adapt to ensure this. Once again thank you for reading this magazine article, and please remember that ‘The Artist’s Process” continues to broadcast online, and on the eZWay TV Network. Well, until my next article, goodbye, and good luck in your life endeavors. Best, Matt J. Doyle. Matt J. Doyle was born in Australia and migrated to America in 2003. He is now an American Citizen. Prior to his acting and producing career in Hollywood, California, Matt studied performing arts in the early 1990’s at The Actors Center Australia. He also started his martial arts training in Muay Thai Kickboxing simultaneously. He then achieved a Diploma of Modeling. Matt J. Doyle has been intensively trained at Aaron Speiser, Margie Haber, and Ivana Chubbuck Acting Studios in the 2000’s. He has also worked on several mainstream productions, as well as student and indie films, where he learned filmmaking and how to produce his own productions, in addition to his acting career. For all the latest information on Matt, please visit MattJDoyle.com

Wealth Builders Show

The Johnny Venokur Show

Billionaires Elite TV

Keevers Place

Champion TV

Level Up with Leila

Unstoppable Courage TV

The Omar Periu Show

Busy Moms TV

Xenesta Show


Tap Into Your Brain

My 10 Minute Stories

Watering Seeds

In talks for a show WCTV

DominionHeir TV

Dr. Money Live Show


The Artists Process

The Sarah Lee Show

Xspannsion Show

Vibe with Viva Doll

Looking Good w Daniella & T.

The Shevyn Show

Business 2 Benefits

eZ Talk Live

Tina Ramsay Show


Houdini of Healing

Side Walks Entertainment



TV Spotlights My 10-min stories


My 10-Minute Stories is a transformational show with a unique stage that allows you share, sell, and monetize your story, all within a span of 10 minutes. In the first 5 minutes, you set the tone by highlighting yourself and your accomplishments. Letting people know about you, your background, and your expertise. In the last 5 minutes it’s your time to shine. This is where you’ll sell your work. Whether you’re a speaker, entrepreneur, artist, etc., there’s room for you to promote your best subject, You! Also, brand new for this season is our monthly cash giveaway to infuse your project with the capital you need. Once a month, we’ll have an expert panel of judges specialized in the industry of our 3 finalists, to vote on your stories live on the show! Can you handle the heat? Contact us today! My 10-minute stories broadcasting weekly Wednesdays on the EZway network!

The Houdini of Healing Podcast, hosted by Dr Jeffrey Benton DC CTN ACN QME, explores the intermingling of art and science of our body’s inter-connectivity. He is a speaker, an author, and the developer of the Emotional Trauma Release Technique ™ and Concussion Reconnection ™. Dr. Benton achieved recognition as a Top Los Angeles Chiropractor by LA Magazine for 2018, 2019 and 2020. He received the Health Professional of the Year 2019 by this organization. He will explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual connections, experiences, and traumas that lead to physical pain, endocrine dysfunction, and dis-ease of the nervous system. He will share groundbreaking “health hacks” that will allow you to release traumas and get unstuck in your own life and body.

Kenneth J. Bradley Founder o10 Min Stories

Dr Jeffrey Benton Founder of Houdini of Healing Podcast

TV Spotlights From business to benefits


‘From Business to Benefits’ will air weekly to bring small business owners the advice they need to have the right legal foundation, minimize taxation, secure access to benefits to retain great employees and protect their business from potential liability. The aim is to help business owners obtain the right benefits for the employer and the employee and take advantage of all tax deductions available for business owners. We will provide strategies to help business owners smoothly transition the business to the next generation upon the exiting of the owner whether due to divorce, dementia, dissolution, disability, or death. Upon sale of the business, we will help business owners discover the legal strategies to minimize income tax exposure, capital gains and estate tax exposure. To thrive in today’s environment, business owners require tools and techniques to pool resources and take advantage of technology available on the internet and the resources to thrive in a virtual world. Our topics will range from legal tips, financial tips, social media and marketing tips, human resources, providing employee incentives, growing, and building a business while minimizing costs.

Dr. Lydie is The #1 Global Legal Mentor & Celebrity Lawyer. She has been a law professor for 20+ years and a United Nations country trainer. Dr. Lydie is a NYC (IPA) Intellectual Property Attorney who works with individuals from all over the world who want to use the power of The United States Federal Law to safeguard their creative designs. She works primarily with tech firms and business owners who market and sell their original products and services online. Dr. Lydie provides access to business owners and executives to protect and monetize original ideas, systems, methods, speeches, and “know-how” to build a lifetime revenue stream for your business, you, and your family. Dr. Lydie is also the Executive Producer and Host of The Dr. Lydie Show and Owner of World Class Vision TV which is now streaming into 150 Million homes worldwide! More, importantly, she wants to interview you on her show to share your vision with the world!

Text LAW to 55678 Https://linktr.https://linktr.ee/DrLy dieee/DrLydie 260 MADISON AVENUE 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10016 212-242-0020 powerup@dylydie.com

Radio Boomers Live!

Not just for Baby Boomers… by James Zuley

Good morning Radio Boomer Live listeners around the world! Good morning to our EZWay Family, and good morning to Reatha Gray (my co-host who was also Betty White’s co-host from the TV show Off Their Rockers). This is how I open our show every Monday morning at 10:00 am PST. Although our show is named Radio Boomers Live, it by no means is limited to an audience that fits the guidelines of a "Baby Boomer," which is someone born from 1946 to 1964. I have always said it is the younger generation along with the more mature audience that benefit the most by listening. They may even avoid many of the mistakes us Boomers made, but now must make the best of. Radio Boomers Live is quite unique in that it incorporates a wide variety of listening entertainment. Reatha gives in depth reports on today's tech issues in her Tech Time, while my report Gems from Jim encompasses a wide variety of topics. We also have our segment called "Hot Topics" in which Reatha gives a report on a specific current subject of interest and I report on current news events. Reatha and I have also interviewed over a hundred guests from all walks of life.

Another very special segment of Radio Boomers Live is called "Carmelita's Corner" hosted by the multitalented Carmelita Pittman. Carmelita has a very interesting data base of special guests which cover a wide spectrum of the entertainment world. Often, Carmelita will have an entertainer who will play one of their hit songs. The show is not only fun and entertaining, it is extremely interesting and educational, with its wide variety of guests which could be top experts in the health and wellness field, real estate, business, finance, taxes and more. Radio Boomers Live is a small part of the EZWay Broadcasting Network which was founded and meticulously built by Eric Zuley. Over the years, Eric has built a worldwide network that now has vast distribution and numerous affiliates, Eric has definitely become a vital portal between radio, television and online media, especially in today's Virtual world! Now you have an idea of what Our show is about and this is just a tip of the EZWayBroadcasting iceberg! Check us out by going to the EZWayWallofFame.com or text EZWay to 55678 - looking forward to having you tune in or possibly being our guest!



“Alec Stern Is Creating Big Moments” by Dante Obligacion

Social media coupled with a global pandemic has created an urgency for startup businesses worldwide, however, too many people that lost small businesses or brick and mortar companies along the way need assistance and knowledgeable guidance for their new ideas as they already understand desire, drive and implementation. Though technology is here to save us, commandeering neoteric concepts requires specialized expertise. Someone needs to spin the web. So, when you’re navigating the landscape for the right business mentor reward yourself with Alec Stern, popularly known as “America’s Startup Success Expert!” He may be the best of the “Maestro’s of Connectivity,” and the world needs him now! He has performed hundreds of keynote speeches worldwide and is renowned for his sessions at top conferences such as Secret Knock, CEO Space International, City Summit, Power Team International and Habitude Warrior. Alec was recently selected to the Influence 100 Authority List by Influence Magazine and was recognized as The World Authority for Entrepreneurship by The Credible Source. He has been co-founder or founding team member of 8 different startups, with 5 exits- 2 IPOs and 3 acquisitions. Alec has been with Constant Contact, a company he co-founded for 18 years from start-up, to IPO, to a $1.1 Billion-dollar acquisition. He has also dawned the cover of a multitude of industry leading magazines including “Small Business Trendsetters, Success Profiles and Business Innovators,” not to mention he is our present cover story. Labeling him the quintessential “Walking Shark Tank” won’t do him justice, for he is much deeper and thought provoking than that. He’s an entrepreneur, innovator, investor, keynote speaker and award-winning startup mentor extraordinaire and we were ecstatic when EZ suggested Stern for our cover. It was perfect timing again! 28

A million questions were streaming through my mind as I realized that Stern represents the big red “Easy Button.” You know the one you push in case of an emergency or when you really-really want something? There are times it feels like you’re wearing a jet pack and I reveled in the opportunity to probe his methodologies for some bombastic secrets. It was the most in depth interview I’ve done yet. Born in Boston, Alec’s family relocated five days after his birth to Fairfield Connecticut where he lived until he was twelve years old. At the mere age of eight, Stern could be found banging on pots and pans with a rhythmic cadence only he could understand, but what did this mean? His parents being antique collectors would frequent flea markets where Alec’s imagination could and would run wild. He was so interested in the vendors, what they were selling and why, that he would pummel them with questions. They found him to be so fascinating that they started bringing items they knew would intrigue him. They would explain what the items were, how they worked and why people would be interested in them. Subliminally, they were inadvertently teaching him how to sell without really realizing it. His curious and calculating mind would find him sneaking into a forbidden room in his home that was full of antiques where he would touch and play with many of the items. “What would you do in there Alec?” “I would put on these antique glasses and open this big antique book pretending that I was someone important amongst other things. “I wasn’t allowed in it until company came to the

house” One day, close to his eighth birthday, the family was shopping at a flea market and mom remembered Alec banging on pots and pans when she saw a drum set. She wanted to buy it for him, but his father was against it. Mom, however, won him over and Stern received his first drum set. Mom knew what she was doing but didn’t really realize that this was the beginning of an endless journey, or did she?


n middle school I had my first big moment when I got to play the theme from the movie “Shaft” on the drums with the school band and I was beside myself with joy.” “What was high school like Alec?” “I attended high school in New Jersey where I again was playing drums for the school plays and was an athlete in football and track and field”. Connectivity and leadership skills were now oozing out of him. Mom was right again. “Were you mechanically inclined or artistically creative as a youth?” “I was actually both Dante.” There is something to be said about maestro’s and their gift of amalgamating vibes into forces of nature, and we typically do for, or in spite of one or both of our parents. “I catered to mom more than my dad.” “I figured that with the drum set Alec.” Something within him pushed for maximization and was well aware of immortalizing ideas into positive action. But what was he really chasing? “What did you study in school?” “I attended Syracuse University, where my sister went as well, and majored in business and marketing, of course.” Now I was now fully engulfed in Stern’s big picture as he was always building towards confidence something that escapes many youths.

Historic people like this can think at lightning speed so we sped up exponentially. His depth, personality and faith were growing rapidly, and enfolding him back then as he was becoming used to getting his way. “How confident were you then? “No means not now, and I convert no into yes, I don’t do no!” Boom! I remember having brunch one day with a friend who was taking singing lessons which led to an immediate trip to a music store to purchase a new drum set. We started jamming, then we met Ricky King Russell, who was on tour, and landed my friend a show with her as the headliner. That was her big moment.” “Then what happened?” “I got invited to the Boston House of Blues and six weeks later, played there.” So, turning nothing into something and creating big moments became the norm for a still relatively young college grad who adopted music as a way of life early on and still uses it to this day to connect with people on another level. “After college you dealt with the real world, what was that like?” “In College I did a case study on Prime Computer and was interested in working for them. They had offices in Boston and New Jersey but weren’t hiring kids out of college.” “Don’t tell me Alec, you applied anyway?” “Right!” “Now how did I know that was coming? Proceed.” “I kept calling them and convinced them to interview me!” Clearly Stern was fearless for orchestrating such a maneuver. “I got to speak with the head of Worldwide Sales & Marketing. It was a ballsy move, but I pulled it off and became the first person hired by the company straight out of college.” “What was in your portfolio?” “A marketing Degree, and my dad told me if you want to understand the customer, go into sales before marketing so I did.” “In which city?” “Boston.” “Full circle and back home?” “Yes, I was trained in Boston and was awarded rookie of the year over employees who had over five years’ experience.” “That couldn’t have gone over well with the faithful?” “It didn’t, but I’m big about mindset and confidence and I knew I was going to work for this company because I admired their ambitiousness and vision, so I turned challenges into opportunities, awards 30 and recognition!”

So, of course he had created yet another big moment. “What was it like in the beginning?” “The Boston office hired me, and my supervisor immediately pulled me aside and said: “I have to babysit you, you’re going to have to prove me wrong because you were hired over more qualified individuals.” “So, he basically set me up to fail in a scenario in which I did exactly the opposite.” “You mean he casted you to the wolves?” “Yes, he tossed me to the wolves, but I had a ‘take-no-prisoners’ attitude towards proving him wrong!” “Was there anyone helping you?” “Yes, there was a woman secretly helping me, who later became the manager in place of the other guy and I actually later on pulled her into a new business venture in which we had success.” “And that was her big moment.” “Give us some wisdom and direction Alec.” “Always say the right thing, it is all about relationships, respect and being consultative. Everyone wants to know the joke, but nobody can assess a room. It was never about me and my competition- working the relationship was always our approach.” Stern is laser focused at all times. As you can see, overcoming obstacles is a game that’s played by finishers, people who can actually close the deal and love doing it. “What other hinderances have you had to overcome?” “One company was selling MRI equipment and wasn’t supposed to put the computer equipment near the magnetic field. My team bid for that job and actually saved that companies' sensitive data.”

“How so?” “We did our own feasibility study and found they were going to put the machine near enough to a magnetic force that it would have erased all of their data. We got that gig by proving that it would be a catastrophic mistake to place it there. We simply relocated it.” “Wow, need I ask you about your latest business venture Constant Contact?”

“Well, there were 3 of us in an attic who realized that small businesses had nothing in the way of marketing and digital marketing. So we set out to level the playing field for small businesses. We asked many questions of small businesses, determined our initial set of features and began to build out our offering. It centered around passionate people who wanted to help small businesses.” “What else did you discover during your research?” “How do we scale this? What do we need? We secured early investment and tested and built a channel strategy which was our secret sauce. We determined the scale and implemented strategies to build 1500 employees, 8,000 partners, 750,000 customers and an expert management team.” Speed, precision and keen analytical thinking. I now felt I was bursting with information but wanted more. “Alec, what sledgehammer advice can you give our readers?” “Learn from success- the right people at the right time, stay in your lane, know your market, get out early, go to market, hire the best people you can, listen intently silent and present, and go to strangers to get honest feedback.” “Yikes, is there anymore?” “Get out of their own heads and ask what does your target market think; what do you think? Succeed at fundraising, don’t have bicycle wheel syndrome where every spoke is another idea, seek counsel, it’s “go time,” pay it forward, get out of their comfort zone, and don’t just spray and pray where you share many ideas and pray they hear one they like. I’ve learned all of this the hard way.” Whew! The interview of a lifetime! This was an enormous and dizzying amount of strength, courage and wisdom coming from an adventurer who has been creating pathways for decades on a journey of motivation while possessing a harmonic code he discovered while playing drums as a kid with an infinite imagination and a desire to conquer the word “No!” In 2019, Alec was the keynote-speaker at three of the top-five Inc. Magazine must attend conferences for startups and entrepreneurs. As an accomplished drummer, he has played at power conferences and had the honor of sitting in with Toby Keith’s house band in Las Vegas.

In the imperfect science of life, we at EzWay understand the variables and realize pivotal moments in life are where we master destinies. That is why eZWay honored Alec with the 2020 Entrepreneurial Achievement Legend Award. We’ve always visualized relationships with like-minded individuals in the spirit of Alec Stern, 31 who will always keep us pacing ahead of the pack.

Affiliation versus just being Connected

When you think of the word affiliation, what does it mean to you? Well, vocabulary.com defines it as an official connection to something. To have an affiliation to something is to be affiliated with it. You can be connected to all sorts of things, but to have an affiliation is to have an official connection. When you are a part of the eZWay Wall of Fame you are not just connected to a powerful platform but you are officially affiliated with each and every person that has ever been associated on the eZWay Wall of Fame. How does that help you? The Power of being Affiliated with the eZWay Wall of Fame Do you realize that just by being a member on the eZWay Wall of Fame, either by a FREE or a Paid Membership, you can use that to leverage yourself and build your influence through association? For example, The eZWay Wall of Fame has elite business owners, celebrities, and celebrity influencers that you can connect with and build authentic relationships from just being associated on the wall. The Wall is a Virtual Super Networking Engine designed for everyone on the wall to win through elevating each other and utilizing each other's influence to do good in the world. The Design of the Wall The wall is designed in a way that it gives its users the 3 things that ALL Business Owners and entrepreneurs want and need. What are those 3 things? Each entrepreneur needs and wants Visibility, Build Influence, and 3rd Party Validation. The wall provides Visibility because each month the wall has over 100K views or visits to the wall. Visibility can make a business or break it, if they don’t have it.

Building your Influence on the Wall When you participate on the wall and build up your wall profile it makes your wall appealing and more attractive. By doing so, it will attract more people to connect with you on the wall. When you are actively participating on the wall with posts, engaging, adding content, and sending friend requests, more people will see your content and will reach out to you. Why? You allowed yourself to stand out and be noticed by active participation and then through that more people will follow you and engage with you on the Wall and even on other social media platforms. You grow your influence also by growing your friend list on the eZWay Wall of Fame.

3rd Party Validation There is more power in what others say about you than what you can say about yourself as true. Why? No one wants to be around a person who only talks about themself all the time. The wall acts as a source to validate you all the way around without you having to say one word. Your Profile serves as a biography about you. Your cover profile photo serves as a billboard about you. Then, the friends that you are connected with on the wall are a connection and affiliation of what you bring to the table. Lastly, your reviews on the wall serve as that solid and credible 3rd party validations to cement what you have built on the wall for yourself and your overall business. Use the Wall, Engage on The Wall, Build on The Wall, and Grow using the way through the connection of affiliation.

Coach Tina Ramsay Join Epic Business Leaders Today and Do it The eZWay Epic Business Leaders CEO https://epicbusinessleaders.biz/ epicbusinessleaders@gmail.com https://tinyurl.com/coachtina1 803-713-5135 33

Financial Freedom

- Financial habits worth keeping after the pandemic.

by: Jeffrey Levine As we know the pandemic shut down the world around us. While the pandemic caused incredible financial stress it led many consumers to form new financial habits worth keeping, including saving more and spending less. 1)Spend less and save more. Many Americans found out that they had to dip into their savings. The key is to replenish those savings so that you are protected for the next challenge that may come up. 2)Keep track of your spending. Keep track of your spending. This will enable you to control what you are spending. 3) since summer will be coming soon, plan Out your summer vacation. Consider staying closer to home rather than going on a Long-distance vacation. 4)Earn extra income. Earning a side income can help provide financial stability during uncertain times. People who can consistently generate some income are better prepared to withstand financial volatility. 5 )Pay automatically This will help you stay organized. Because you know on a certain date the money will come out,you will be more organized. These are just a few ways to to be prepared just in case. Being prepared versus being unprepared could make a big difference in your life. 34

Crafting an SOS© to Recast your Financial Future during and following COVID-19

By: Dr. Stephanie Ardrey, DBA Before February 2020, many entrepreneurs had no idea of the scope or scale of how the COVID-19 pandemic would manifest on the US shores. Initially, it was some strange new global scare that started and hopefully ended in China. 2020 roared in a new decade, with tragic beginnings during a period of growth for Fortune 500s and organizations able to secure capital post the Great Recession. However, all firms could not share in the growth, as too many still lagged behind from the impacts of the Great Recession, unable to rebuild fast enough, or able to gain access to working capital at a reasonable rate. Most entrepreneurs faced varying levels of panic, and many more were completely overwhelmed by the Coronavirus pandemic, as never in many lifetimes could the image of being locked down under stay home orders in the US seem a possibility. For those of us too young to know, the US survived the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic which infected over 500 million people worldwide and claimed the lives of between 20 and 50 million people. This small bit of history was not of concern for most of us until the current pandemic happened. We quickly learned that we as a nation were not prepared. Today there are businesses that will never return. In some cities, the downtown restaurant, retailer, or service provider that represented the community fabric, is gone. Some of these firms could resume operations if there was a general agreement on how to safely operate. Those who could reopened and are working with modified schedules and processes to keep the business going. This is a perfect time to evaluate the next strategic moves by using the SOS Methodology ©. The purpose of using this tool is to craft a strategic plan during crisis or periods where you have limited time, but need to establish a clear path forward- COVID-19 is one of these times. In the SOS Methodology ©S stands for Situational Analysis, O for Opportunities and Obstacles, and the last S for Strategies and Solutions. During these times, it is best to find a path forward, by first understanding where you are in a given situation, which I describe as the S = Situational Analysis. The situational analysis is a look at your business from a snapshot perspective at the current time to determine across functional domains, where the business is, what is at stake, and if there are any opportunities worth pursuing. In common talk, we refer to this as taking an internal and external assessment and then determining if, and/or how to pivot based upon the findings. This brings us to the O = opportunities and obstacles which allow you to consider not only the opportunities which emerge during turbulent market cycles, but to also understand any obstacles able to limit the outcomes of tactics deployed to pursue new market opportunities. Finally, the last step in this process is to consider the solutions. S= strategies and solutions that can be executed in the short-term to realize new business gains. Collectively, the SOS Methodology© For educators, medical professionals, and others, the immediate need remains to find a path forward by utilizing virtual platforms to deliver services, consultations, and even training and development solutions. In these critical times, it becomes essential for all firms to explore what they could do, and how to do it by incorporating virtual tools. We are in this together, and together we can recast the economic outcomes for our Main and Wall street ventures.


eZ’s Birthday Bash 2021 by Tom Chesser

eZWay Network is closing out the first quarter of 2021 with a virtual Bang!


veryone was invited to Eric Zuley’s “Virtual Birthday

This event is brought to everyone by

BASH,” celebrating EZ’s special day by launching into the


second quarter with the new EzWay TV website release!




Eric Zuley wants to celebrate everybody’s wins and successes!!


At EzWay, the creation of united perspectives has been a staple


of their success. With a keen eye on what new technologies are

the EZWAY WALL OF FAME, and Rise

coming next, eZWay has maintained its position at the forefront

Up Media & Marketing.



of an evolving digital terrene. Eric Zuley’s innovative business strategies have propelled a multitude of CEOs to higher heights! They call him the “Digital Savant!” Eric Zuley’s implementation of qualified technical programs has impressed






breakthrough successes in the global digital marketplace. They all realize that celebrating EZ is celebrating themselves! So, let’s do this!!! “Eric Zuley’s Virtual Birthday Bash” was held on Saturday, March 20th, from 10 am – 2:30 pm PST. It marked the virtual networking experience of a lifetime! Hosted by Johnny “V.” Venokur from VH1’s Scott Baio’s 45 and

Eric Zuley’s Virtual Gold Carpet Birthday Bash Celebrity

Single and Jessica Winther from Marvel’s Antman and Iron Man 3, this event launched the eZWay Network & TV into the second quarter of another historic year.



After the eZWay Virtual Gold Carpet, There was a series of comedy and music performances by Bad Moms actress Eugenia Kuzmina and her comedy team, Maya McClean, who was on tour with Prince for ten years, opened the stage, followed by # 1 Billboard artist Viva Doll, Shevyn Roberts, and Kenya Lu, Finishing the occasion was a special dedication performance to the late Frank Shankwitz who was the creator of Make A Wish Foundation by Fiz Anthony. He was followed by a celebrity performance by Sheldon Reynolds, former lead singer of Earth Wind and Fire. Celebrity Guests that participated in the event included: Kevin Sorbo, Actor, Producer, Director (Hercules) Kate Linder, Actress (The Young and the Restless) Johnny “V” Venokur, Actor (VH1, NETFLIX, Producer, Host) Jessica Winther, Actress (Marvels Iron Man 3, Comedian, Host) Kim Marie Pettid, CEO of Letip International Viva Doll, # 1 Billboard Artist Shevyn Roberts, Recording Artist, Actress, Dancer Eugenia Kuzmina, Supermodel, Comedian, Actress (Bad Moms) Dev Ross, Emmy Award-winning Writer (Little Mermaid, Land Before Time II) Bill Walsh, Speaker (Founder of Powerteam International) Omar Periu, Speaker, Best Selling Author (One of the founders of La Fitness) Alec Stern, Speaker, “America’s Startup Success Expert” (Co-founder of Constant Contact) Jeffrey Levine, Executive Television Producer (JLSTV), Speaker, and Tax Attorney Tony Boldi, Actor, Producer, Host Loral Langemeier, Speaker (Millionaire Maker) Reatha Grey, (Betty Whites Off Their Rockers) James Zuley, CoHost Radio Boomers Live (Father to Eric Zuley) Maya McClean, Singer, Song Writer, (Dancer on Prince Tour) Kenya Lu, Recording Artist Dr. Dante Sears, Healer, Entrepreneur (Founder with WEALTHXO) Dr. Lydie, Legal Attorney, and Coach (“Law Expert of Wallstreet” and Host of the Money, Law and You Show)

Eric Stoller, Founder of Les Brown Institute (Executive Producer, Champion TV) Brian Willis, Founder Billionaires Elite VIP (Executive Producer BETV) Patrick Faucette, Actor (The Haves and the Have Nots) Andy McPhee, Actor (Sons of Anarchy and WentWorth) Esau Mcknight, Actor, Stuntman (Blade, Green Hornet, Iron Man 2) Keith Mitchell, Former NFL Star turned Yogi Gerald L. Kane, (Business And Benefits Show host) Eric Stoller, Executive Producer Champion TV, (Founder Les Brown Institute) Daniella Platt, Terance Coffee (Looking Good Show) Matt J Doyle, eZWay Network IMDB Director, Executive Producer (Host of Tap) Dr. Jeffrey Benton, Executive Producer (Houdini of Healing) Leila Colgan, Executive Producer (Level up with Leila Show) Tina D. Lewis, Speaker, Coach, (Bottom Line Strategist) Steve Sughrim “The Dominanaire” Speaker, Entrepreneur

Team eZWay consisted of Tom Chesser (Authority PR), Michelle Finnegan Nixon (V Carpet, Producer), Piper Nicolein (AP), Angelique Marie (Event Director), Ian C. Glover (AP), Saskia Van Buren (AP), Gouchti Abdeljabar (Web) Dr. Dante Sears (COO) Tina Ramsay (eZWay Wall Of Famer Trainer) Eric Zuley has been balancing the complexities of neoteric methodologies with the virtual necessities dominating a new era changing the world. At EzWay, their inexhaustible quest to support positive causes which aid humanity is never-ending, and the conjoining of like-minded individuals for positive results will remain a primary focus. This event also showcased a series of shows on the eZWay Network, reaching up to 30 and counting! As well as new TV networks and channels. Distribution through SimulTV distribution to 360,000,000 homes! Be sure and download the eZWay Family App to join the fun! https://ericzuley.com/downloadapp/ The eZWay Family App is a marketing and promotions tool for our eZWay Family community. This app helps members get promoted through their network and audience and keep up with their live broadcasts. Features of the eZWay Family App include Tips and posts, Live Broadcast, eZWay Wall of Fame members, business affiliates promotion, Journal/Magazine, Courses, Push to notifications (Always stay up to date on what’s happening the eZWay) this means members phones will be pinged when there is an eZWay opportunity that arrives and/or updates on TV shows, direct access to eZWay Wall of Fame, and more!


The Golden Rule of Exfoliation Did you know that the Skin is the largest Organ of the Body? Yes, an Organ. Just like the Heart and Lungs, which you know are Organs. Everything effects the skin. What you eat or don’t eat. Drink or don’t drink. Stress, medications, sleep or lack of it, sun, pollution....everything effects the skin. I am sure you think of the skin as your man suit, so to speak. Gain a little, loose a little! Truth. But, it is so much more. Let’s equate the skin to the frame and exterior of your car. The skin is made up of layers. The top layers are the Epidermal layers of the skin. There are actually several layers. The Stratum Corneum is the protective top layer of the Epidermal layers. What does this all have to do with Exfoliation you ask? It is all important! Remember, I shared that the skin is the largest organ of the body? To keep the skin in its optimum health the Stratum Corneum must be exfoliated. Why you ask? If I were to take cells from the Stratum Corneum and put them under a microscope, they look like brick and mortar with thousands of little holes. These holes are your pores. What creates the brick and mortar? We are all cells. Every part of us. We have cell turnover every 30-90 days. Cell turn over slows down as you get older. Therefore, removing these dead skin cells is a must. Exfoliation is vital for the function of the skin. If these dead skin cells are not removed, they will sit on top of the Stratum Corneum and build up the brick and mortar wall and clog the pores.

# So what is exfoliation? There are two types of exfoliation. Mechanical and Chemical. Mechanical exfoliation ingredients are made up of substances that will buff and polish the wall. Jojoba beads and microdermabrasion crystals are mechanical exfoliating ingredients widely used in skin care products. Chemical exfoliation ingredients dissolve the thickened wall and keep the pores open. Glycolic Acid and other Alpha Hydroxy Fruit Acids as well as. Retinol’s, a derivative of Vitamin A, are the most effective and widely used ingredients to chemically exfoliate the Stratum Corneum. The need to chemically exfoliate and to have these ingredients in home care skin care products, is not just for women. Actually, it is for anyone from 8-108 who has skin! So in closing, as care is taken of the exterior of the skin, keeping it in optimum health, it will reflect and synergistically effect the health of the entire body. Who knew that this one step, the golden rule of exfoliation in the daily skin care program, would create a dramatic difference. It creates true health and balance for the skin and a dramatic improvement to the appearance of the skin!

Why is this a problem? Nothing will penetrate past this wall. The skin will have a dull, lifeless and dehydrated appearance. Fine lines will begin to appear. Clogged pores will ultimately create white heads, blackheads and acne.



The Power of Femininity by Derrick Hutchinson

“My goal is to show the world that women can be sexy and classy ” Destinee Nicole Brown Many say life is not just an experience- Life is journey. Such is the case with Destinee Nicole Browne CEO and creator of DnB Couture, A graduate of Virginia State University. Originally a psychology major, Ms. Browne became interested in fashion after hearing about textile classes in college. As she progressed, friends and family started to compliment her on the clothes she wore and asked where they could get similar fashions. It was at that moment in 2014 that Destinee realized her career would be in fashion. After a few years of learning the skills of design, creation and manufacturing, Destinee started paying attention to the fashion industry and all of its trends. She concluded that the path for her designs would lead her in a different direction than most designers her age. Although still in her twenties, Ms. Browne has a strong attraction to vintage films and the wardrobe shown from an era decades ago. Before creating a collection, she decides what era she will use as her inspiration. 40’s, 50’s, etc., She has gone back as far as the 18th century for her inspiration. Once she decides on the era, she does extensive research on the period. Studying magazines, books, movies and the internet. And then the fun begins, Shopping for the right fabric and accessories to make the vision come to life.

International Inspiration; Western Flair “I love bringing old world Italy and France To life in America." On her journey to fulfill her dream of being an internationally known fashion designer Ms. Destinee Nicole Browne “pictured below” has relocated from Virginia to Los Angeles to continue chasing her dream. Her efforts have already begun to pay off. After being in Los Angeles for just a few months, Ms. Browne’s amazing clothing line has been seen on the runway, in magazines and on television. Not only has DnB Couture been seen on the pages of Los Angeles magazines, but Ms. Brown’s creations have also been seen on the pages of magazines in Paris, France. “I feel like fast fashion is taking over the industry and it is important that we keep high fashion alive. I love vintage fashion; anything from old world Italy or Paris. Those eras seem to inspire me the most. It is my dream to have my line be a household name like Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent and Versace.


Destinee Nicole Browne.” DnB Couture has already made its way to your home by way of television streaming services like Roku and Amazon Fire TV on a show called Fashionz Corner which airs on Jemptv and EZway TV channels you can find on either network. As of late, Ms. Browne’s vision has expanded beyond clothing into footwear. Her latest designs include sexy, mature footwear specifically designed to compliment her elegant style of clothing. Everything from low or high heel pump to strappy open toe styles.

Today’s Fashions; Yesterday's style THE BOTTOM LINE While taking on the challenges of college life, Ms. Destinee Nicole Browne realized her dream of being a fashion designer. Inspired by the vintage look and style, she created DnB Couture. The feel of these garments are incredible; soft to the touch and very complimentary to the body shape and contour with custom accessories to compliment the style such as hats, wraps, glasses and gloves. And to top it off, now there is a shoe line to round off your ensemble. Look for nothing but great things from DnB Couture in the future.








“The Dominionheir is Transforming Lives” The creation of Crypto Currency is reshaping the way money pushes and motivates our society and some who have understood its capabilities have amassed wealth with the Crypto revolution. For most people the technology is still new and confusing, however there is someone who is using it to enhance the lives of the disadvantaged. Steve Sughrim, known as “The Crypto King” or “Dominionheir” is utilizing his knowledge of Crypto Currency and Bitcoin, to feed impoverished and indigenous kids around the world. From providing education for kids in Pakistan to offering Bitcoin ATMs to Nigeria, this generous entrepreneur calls his endeavors: “Wealth with a purpose.” My intention was to reveal the impetus for his not pursuing independent wealth but using financial strategies, tech currency and relationships, to attack world hunger and better world communities. Of course, the like-minded individuals we are accustomed to working with. Born in Trinidad, where he lived until he was six, his background in food was cultivated by his mom owning a restaurant, not to mention sugar cane fields and oil. His grandparents owned a restaurant as well. The service industry and a diligent work ethic were a vital necessity. Relocating to St. Croix at 6 years of age until he was 17, his dad had owned a Taxi service where he worked. By now Steve understood taking care of people and what was considered appropriate in giving. It was public for middle school, private for high school and Bob Marley. He was a huge fan, so he welcomed the island rhythms and freedom in the music.. “I remember the work ethic independence of the islands.”



Life was about to change in every way when he relocated to St Petersburg, Florida at 18 years of age, alone, unchaperoned and unprepared for his initial experiences in the United States of America.

By: Dante Obligacion

“Was it a new normal in the melting-pot that is Florida? “No, in the islands we didn’t know color. In Florida I experienced discrimination for the first time.” “How long did you live and work under those unforeseen circumstances?” “Only about two and a half years then I happily moved to Seattle, Washington where I am today. It’s a completely different world up here in Seattle. I had an epiphany one day in 1982 and was guided towards helping people eternally.” “How did your background in food help you in Seattle?” “I was able to use my previous experience to wow certain companies into hiring me even though I didn’t have the right experience they required. I was able to overcome several unqualified job opportunities by being guided and focused and in full belief that I could do the task at hand!” “Did it keep working?” “Yes, Crystal Ministries needed a cook, so I ended up working there for a few years.” “Then where did you go?” “Then I worked at a restaurant near the Bay before becoming assistant restaurant manager at Fredrick & Nelsons for a couple of years. My daughter is actually a certified chef as well. Each job was a testimony, and the eyes of the spirit man gave me wisdom.” “Really?” “Yes, God gave me the intuition to do this!” What was next for you?” “I applied for a lead position at an assisted living facility that required a four-year degree which I didn’t have, but I read the room, saw what needed to be done, and they put me in charge of the Northwest region.” “And what were you able to accomplish there?” 48

“I revamped everything, took it to another level and cut the company budget by $50,000 over the previous year.” “Something tells me the story gets better, right?” “Exactly, Microsoft’s food service position required 8 years of experience and they already had a contract, but my resume included degrees for caregiving and food experience, so they put me in charge of 1500 employees.” “By now, you were ready to take on the world, right?” “Yes, I eventually started a company called “Bon Voyage Adventures.” Then I assisted in a cloud currency company which created millionaires and billionaires.” “What became your mission statement?” “My spiritual vision is an ecosystem where I connect whole communities with merchants, creating a geo-fence if you will, connecting businesses and transforming lives into the spiritual world.” Everything Steve experienced along the way matriculated through his spiritual being and created the enormous generosity he displays. Having discovered a new lease on life, Steve created the company DHLife designed to be a comprehensive financial education and opportunity program. They offer mindset training, health and wellness, financial training, restaurant savings and travel and directory discounts. The D stands for “the way life should be lived, in Dominion. The H stands for our status as being Heirs of God’s riches. Life stands for your new lifestyle as a Dominionheir.” The company educates you first on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. They proceed to reshape your thinking about work, money and wealth. They completely reshape you. Once they introduce you to Real Estate investment, health and wellness opportunities, asset accumulation, precious metals and gemstones, you will be on a path of discovery you never dreamed of. You will be offered opportunities to build your own wealth in businesses they’ve created for you to share and profit in. A one-stop shopping experience for a better you and a better life for your family. Relationship marketing is permeating industries currently. The correct frequency you will be vibrating on will enhance any and all opportunities to build quantified and long-lasting relationships. Their foundation of “One vision, one heart” is providing education and humanitarian aid to global communities. It’s time to let go of despair and embrace hope and opportunity and live the Dominionheir lifestyle. Steve’s webinars are famous, and his company feeds indigenous families globally. They just fed 800 families in the Philippines. They’re focused on India, South Africa and the Philippines. He says: “We are conduits, God channels through us. It’s a reciprocal process, own nothing and control everything, it’s “The Laws of Attraction. ” We are giving people around the world a purpose.”



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