The Power Is Now Magazine | May, 2023

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MAY 2023 Vol. 10 | Issue 5
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Pg. 14. April's homebuilder sentiment soars: builders secure near-record market share.


Pg. 16. Improve your kitchen personality with these 4 simple tips.


Pg. 18. Climate risk and the future of underwriting: Fannie Mae's journey to a sustainable mortgage industry.



Pg. 8. Revving up the future: how biden's clean cars proposal paves the way for electric vehicle adoption and reduces pollution.


Pg. 10. The ripple effect: how rising inflation impacts real estate markets.


Pg. 12. Rise of luxury apartments in U.S. cities: a look at the surprising housing trend during the recession.

Pg. 20. Uncovering the truth: the secret bias against black homebuyers in mortgage approval algorithms.


Pg. 22. Protect your investment: 7 real estate scams to watch out for and how to avoid them.


Pg. 24. Creating a relaxing outdoor retreat: tips and tricks.


Pg. 26. Is rocket's new credit card the right choice for homebuyers?


Pg. 29. Striking the perfect balance in home repair costs before selling your home, by Sharon Bartlett.

Pg. 33. Selling in the next season? Here’s how to protect and increase home value on a budget, by Emerick Peace.

Pg. 39. Florida house shopping guide: tips and tricks for house hunters this spring season, by Adriana Montes.

Pg. 43. Scottsdale, Arizona Market Update: Q2 2023, by Yvonne McFadden.

Pg. 47. Metro Denver real market updates forecast and outlook for Q2, 2023, by Walter Huff.

Pg. 51. The ultimate guide to buying a house in Akron, Ohio this spring season, by Heith Mohler.

Pg. 55. Riverside market update: may 2023 - A flourishing hub for commerce and lifestyle, by Ruby Frazier.

Pg. 58. Richard Rothstein: Exploring the research and insights of Richard Rothstein on racial inequality in America.

Pg. 63. Spring 2023 real estate market update: Corona, California, by Jenny Gonzalez.

Pg. 67. How much homeowners insurance do you need in California?, by Ian Batra.

Pg. 71. Proven strategies for lowering your closing costs, by Briana Frazier

Pg. 75. Breaking down the average time it takes to sell a house in Minnesota: tips and insights for a faster sale, by Francine Marsolek.

Pg. 79. The property line: why you should stop waiting to sell your home, by John Costigan.

Pg. 83. Let’s talk about real estate investing: the 5 tips for investing in real estate as a beginner, by Norman Green.

Pg. 87. How to appeal your property taxes in New Haven, Connecticut, by Steven Rivkin.

Pg. 91. Cash home buyers: don't forget these often overlooked expenses, by Monica Hill.

Pg. 95. How much should I spend on a house? 5 tips to help you make a decision, by Marina Ramirez.

Pg. 99. To wait or not to wait: snalyzing home prices in Palm Desert april 2023, by Brandy Nelson.

Pg. 103. What is an appraisal contingency and how can it impact your homebuying journey?, by Jim Clifford.

Pg. 105. Do you have what home buyers want? a comprehensive guide to meeting market demands, by Dolores Golden.

Pg. 109. Brooklyn real estate market update: Q2 2023, by Harriet Robertson.

Pg. 113. San Diego real estate market trends, forecasts, and statistics for Q2 2023, by Gabe and Cherish Mendez.

Pg. 117. The checklist for selling your house this spring season, by Kenny Sessions.

Pg. 121. Should you buy and sell at the same time? A comprehensive guide to real estate timing, by DaShunda Morris.

Pg. 125. Spring 2023: wa comprehensive guide to prepare your home for sale, by Nicole Bascomb.

Welcome to the April Issue of the Power Is Now Magazine!

As we wrap up the first quarter of the year, I am truly amazed at how quickly the time has passed. It feels like just yesterday when we first kicked off the year with our January issue.

This April issue of the Power Is Now Magazine is packed with the latest and greatest news from the real estate industry. From advice on how to navigate the current housing market to new developments in the field of technology, we have something for everyone. Our expert contributors have put together the best and most up-to-date information available, so you can stay on top of all the happenings in the real estate world.

As we look back on the first quarter of the year, it is an exciting time to be a part of the real estate industry. We are proud to present this month’s cover story featuring Corey Woods, the Residential Bancorp CEO. Corey is a highly respected leader in the mortgage industry, and his 20+ years of experience and knowledge in the field are invaluable.

This issue of Power Is Now Magazine offers a great collection of articles about the latest trends in the real estate industry. We are sure you will enjoy reading about the latest developments in the field, as well as the inspiring stories of success from industry veterans.

We have also included plenty of insightful articles and interviews to give you an indepth look at the world of real estate. We want to ensure that our readers have a comprehensive understanding of the industry, so they can make the best decisions possible when it comes to their real estate investments.

We hope that you enjoy this April issue of the Power Is Now Magazine. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.


6 | MAY 2023
MAY 2023 | 7

Revving Up the Future: How Biden's Clean Cars Proposal Paves the Way for Electric

Vehicle Adoption and Reduces Pollution

The automotive industry has been a major contributor to pollution for years. However, with the increasing threat of climate change, there is a growing need to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation. President Joe Biden's recent proposal to revamp the nation's vehicle fleet is a step towards achieving this goal. The Clean Cars proposal aims to make electric vehicles more affordable and accessible, while also reducing pollution and creating jobs. The proposal sets a target of 50% of all new cars sold in the US to be electric by 2030. This ambitious plan will not only reduce pollution but also help the US become a leader in the EV industry. The Clean Cars proposal is a muchneeded boost for the environment, the economy, and the future of transportation. In this article, we'll explore how the proposal will pave the way for electric vehicle adoption and reduce pollution.


Electric vehicles (EVs) have been around for a while, but they have yet to gain wide acceptance in the US.

According to the International Energy Agency, in 2020, EVs made up only 2.6% of the US passenger car market. While this is an improvement from previous years, it is still a small fraction of the total number of vehicles on the road. In contrast, China leads the world in EV adoption, with EVs accounting for 5.3% of the passenger car market in 2020.

One of the main reasons for the slow adoption of EVs in

the US is the lack of charging infrastructure. Many people are reluctant to buy an EV because they are afraid of running out of battery power on longer trips. However, this is changing as more charging stations are being installed across the country. Another factor is the higher cost of EVs compared to traditional gas-powered cars. However, as technology improves and production volumes increase, the cost of EVs is expected to decrease.

Despite these challenges, there is a growing interest in EVs among consumers. According to a survey by Consumer Reports, 71% of Americans are

interested in buying an EV. The key to increasing adoption is to make EVs more affordable and accessible.


The goal of the Clean Cars proposal is to reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. The transportation sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the US, accounting for 29% of total emissions in 2019. The proposal sets a target of reducing emissions from new passenger cars by 60% by 2030. This will be achieved by

8 | MAY 2023

requiring automakers to produce more zero-emission vehicles, such as electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

The proposal also includes a provision that would require automakers to reduce emissions from their entire fleet of vehicles, not just passenger cars. This means that automakers would have to produce more fuelefficient trucks and SUVs as well. The proposal would also establish stricter emissions standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

The Clean Cars proposal would not only reduce pollution but also create jobs. According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, the proposal could create up to 1 million new jobs in the auto industry and related industries. This is because the production of EVs requires more labor than the production of traditional gaspowered cars.


While the Clean Cars proposal is a step in the right direction, there are still challenges to increasing EV adoption. One of the biggest challenges is the high cost of EVs. While the cost of EVs has decreased in recent years, they are still more expensive than traditional gas-powered cars. This is partly due to the cost of batteries, which account for a significant portion of the cost of an EV. However, as technology improves and production volumes increase, the cost of EVs is expected to decrease.

Another challenge is the lack of charging infrastructure. While more charging stations are being

installed across the country, there are still not enough to support the widespread adoption of EVs. This is especially true in rural areas, where there are fewer charging stations. However, the Clean Cars proposal includes funding for the construction of more charging stations, which will help address this issue.

Finally, there is still a lack of consumer awareness and education about EVs. Many people are still unfamiliar with EVs and are hesitant to buy them. This is partly due to the fact that EVs have a shorter range than traditional gaspowered cars and take longer to recharge. However, as more people become familiar with EVs, this is expected to change.


Without government support, it is unlikely that EVs would be as widespread as they are today. Government support can take many forms, including tax incentives for EV buyers, funding for charging infrastructure, and regulations that require automakers to produce more zero-emission vehicles.

One of the most important forms of government support for EVs is tax incentives. The federal government currently offers a tax credit of up to $7,500 for EV buyers. This credit has helped make EVs more affordable for many people. However, the credit is only available for a limited time and is subject to phase-out once a certain number of EVs are sold by a particular automaker.

Another form of government support for EVs is funding for charging infrastructure. The Clean Cars proposal includes $15 billion in funding for the construction of more charging stations across the country. This funding will help address one of the biggest challenges to EV adoption.

Finally, regulations that require automakers to produce more zero-emission vehicles are also important for increasing EV adoption. The Clean Cars proposal includes regulations that would require automakers to produce more EVs and reduce emissions from their entire fleet of vehicles. These regulations will help create a level playing field for EVs and traditional gaspowered cars.


The Clean Cars proposal is a much-needed boost for the environment, the economy, and the future of transportation. By setting a target of 50% of all new cars sold in the US to be electric by 2030, the proposal will reduce pollution and help the US become a leader in the EV industry. The proposal will also create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

While there are still challenges to increasing EV adoption, the Clean Cars proposal is a step in the right direction. By providing government support for EVs, we can accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. The future of transportation is electric, and the Clean Cars proposal is helping to pave the way.

MAY 2023 | 9

The Ripple Effect: How Rising Inflation Impacts Real Estate Markets

Inflation, the overall increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy, has become a major concern for investors and consumers alike. It erodes the purchasing power of money and affects various sectors of the economy, with the real estate market being no exception. This article will delve into the complex relationship between inflation and real estate, examining both the direct and indirect effects on property prices, investment strategies, and market dynamics.


In a period of rising inflation, property prices tend to increase for several reasons:

1. REAL ASSETS HEDGE: Real estate is often perceived as a hedge against inflation since property prices generally rise in tandem with inflation. This correlation is primarily due to the cost of construction materials and labor, which

increase with overall price levels. As a result, property owners can maintain their purchasing power and protect their wealth from the adverse effects of inflation.

2. LAND SCARCITY: As inflation makes land more expensive, developers find it increasingly challenging to acquire new land for development, resulting in a constrained supply. This scarcity can drive up the prices of existing properties in prime locations, amplifying the inflation effect.


Rising inflation often leads central banks to raise interest rates to control price levels and stabilize the economy. Higher interest rates have a direct impact on mortgage rates, which subsequently influence the real estate market:



rise, the cost of borrowing increases, making it more expensive for prospective homebuyers to finance their property purchases. This may lead to a decline in demand for real estate, dampening property prices.

2. AFFORDABILITY CONSTRAINTS: With higher mortgage rates, homebuyers may face difficulty in qualifying for loans, given the increased debt-to-income ratios. This can result in reduced purchasing power and a contraction in the pool of potential buyers, exerting downward pressure on property prices.


Inflation not only affects property prices but also rental markets:

1. RENTAL INFLATION: As the cost of living increases, landlords may raise rents to maintain their purchasing power and cover the increased costs of property maintenance, taxes, and insurance. Consequently, tenants may face higher rental expenses.

2. TENANT DEMAND: As homeownership becomes less affordable due to higher mortgage rates and reduced purchasing power, some would-be buyers may opt for renting instead. This increased demand for rental properties can result in upward pressure on

rental prices.


In times of rising inflation, real estate investors often reassess their strategies to protect their portfolios:

1. FOCUS ON INCOMEGENERATING PROPERTIES: Investors may prioritize incomegenerating assets such as rental properties or commercial real estate to benefit from the rental inflation and maintain their cash flow.

2. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS (REITS): Investing in REITs provides an indirect exposure to the real estate market, allowing investors to hedge against inflation while diversifying their portfolio.


Rising inflation has farreaching implications for the real estate market, affecting property prices, mortgage rates, rental markets, and investment strategies. Understanding these dynamics can help both property owners and investors make informed decisions, protecting their wealth and adapting to everchanging economic conditions. While inflation remains a complex and unpredictable phenomenon, being proactive and vigilant is the key to navigating the real estate market in times of uncertainty.

MAY 2023 | 11

Rise of Luxury Apartments in U.S. Cities: A Look at the Surprising Housing Trend During the Recession

In recent years, the luxury apartment market has been on the rise in many U.S. cities, despite the economic recession. While it may seem counterintuitive, this trend is driven by a number of factors, including changing demographics, increased demand for urban living, and a growing focus on amenities and lifestyle. With the rise of luxury apartments, developers are catering to a new generation of renters who are willing to pay a premium for high-end features and services. But what does this trend mean for the overall housing market, and how is it impacting the affordability of rental housing in these cities? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the rise of luxury apartments in U.S. cities and explore some of the surprising trends and factors driving this trend forward.


Over the past decade, there has been a noticeable shift in the preferences of people living in U.S. cities. Young professionals are increasingly opting for urban living, attracted by the convenience, excitement, and opportunities that cities offer. As a result, the demand for rental housing in cities has increased significantly, leading to a corresponding rise in rental prices.

However, with rising rental prices, renters are looking for more upscale features and amenities. Developers have responded by offering luxury apartments that cater to the needs and wants of this new generation of renters. Luxury apartments are typically larger, feature high-end finishes, and offer a range of amenities such as fitness centers, rooftop decks, and concierge services.

Despite the higher rental prices, luxury apartments have become increasingly popular, especially among young professionals who value the convenience and lifestyle that urban living offers These renters are often willing to pay a premium for luxury apartments, which offer the kind of amenities and services that they cannot find in traditional rental housing. As a result, luxury apartments have become a lucrative market for developers, who are increasingly investing in this segment of the housing market.


The rise of luxury apartments is not just a response to changing preferences for urban living. It is also a reflection of the changing nature of homeownership in the U.S. While homeownership has traditionally been seen as a key part of the American dream, this is changing. Younger generations are increasingly delaying


homeownership or choosing not to own homes at all. Instead, they are opting for rental housing, including luxury apartments.

This shift towards renting is driven by a number of factors. For one, many young people are saddled with student loan debt and cannot afford a down payment on a home. Additionally, many young professionals prioritize flexibility and mobility over homeownership. They prefer to be able to move easily for work or personal reasons, which is easier to do when renting.

Furthermore, the rise of luxury apartments has made renting more attractive than ever. Luxury apartments offer many of the same amenities and features as homeownership, without the commitment and maintenance that owning a home requires. Luxury apartments offer the opportunity to enjoy high-end finishes and amenities, as well as access to a vibrant community of like-minded people.


The rise of luxury apartments is not likely to slow down any time soon. In fact, the luxury


apartment market is expected to continue to grow as more and more developers invest in this segment of the housing market. However, there are some concerns about the impact that luxury apartments could have on the overall affordability of rental housing in U.S. cities.

As luxury apartments become increasingly popular, rental prices for these units are likely to rise. This could make it more difficult for lower-income renters to find affordable housing in cities. Additionally, the rise of luxury apartments could contribute to gentrification in some neighborhoods, pushing out long-time residents and changing the character of these communities.

Despite these concerns, luxury apartments are likely to remain a popular option for renters in U.S. cities. The convenience, lifestyle, and amenities that luxury apartments offer are simply too attractive for many renters to pass up. As a result, developers will continue to invest in this segment of the housing market, catering to the needs and wants of a new generation of renters.

The rise of luxury apartments in U.S. cities is a reflection of the changing preferences of urban living and the changing nature of homeownership. While luxury apartments are not without their concerns, they offer many benefits to renters who value convenience, lifestyle, and amenities. As the luxury apartment market continues to grow, it will be important to ensure that affordable rental housing remains accessible to all. However, it is clear that luxury apartments are here to stay, offering a new and exciting option for renters in U.S. cities.

MAY 2023 | 13

April's Homebuilder Sentiment Soars: Builders Secure Near-Record Market Share

The housing market has been on a rollercoaster ride since the pandemic hit, with uncertainty and instability driving many people to put their homebuying plans on hold. However, there are signs that the tide is turning. According to the latest data, April's homebuilder sentiment has soared to near-record levels, as builders secure a larger share of the market. This is great news for the industry and for anyone looking to buy or sell a home in the coming months. Let's take a closer look at what's driving this trend and how we can capitalize on it.


The increase in homebuilder sentiment can be attributed to several factors. One of the main drivers is the strong demand for housing. Despite the pandemic, people are still looking to buy homes, and this has led to a shortage of inventory in many markets. This has put upward pressure on home prices, which has made it more profitable for builders to construct new homes. In addition, low mortgage rates have made it more affordable for buyers to purchase homes, which has further fueled demand.

Another factor driving the increase in homebuilder sentiment is the improving economic outlook. As more people get vaccinated and the economy reopens, there is growing optimism about the

future. This has led to a surge in consumer confidence, which has translated into increased demand for housing. Builders are also feeling more confident about the future, as they see more opportunities to sell homes and grow their businesses.

Finally, government policies have also played a role in

boosting homebuilder sentiment. The federal government has provided support for the housing market through stimulus measures and low interest rates. Many states and local governments have also implemented policies to make it easier for builders to construct new homes, which has helped to increase supply.

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The current housing market is characterized by strong demand and low supply. This has led to a situation where home prices are increasing rapidly, and there is intense competition among buyers. According to the latest data, home prices have increased by more than 10% over the past year, which is the fastest rate of growth in over a decade.

In addition to rising prices, there is also a shortage of inventory in many markets. This has led to a situation where homes are selling quickly, often for above asking price. In some markets, there are more buyers than there are homes for sale, which has created a highly competitive environment.

At the same time, there are signs that the market may be starting to cool off. While home prices are still increasing, the rate of growth has slowed in recent months. There are also indications that more homes may be coming onto the market, which could help to alleviate the supply shortage.


The increase in market share for builders is good news for homebuyers. It means that there will be more new homes available for sale, which could help to alleviate the supply shortage. It also means that builders will be more competitive in pricing their homes, as they seek to capture a larger share of the market. For buyers, this could mean more options and better pricing. Builders may be more willing to negotiate on prices or offer incentives to attract buyers. In addition, buyers may have more leverage in negotiations, as they are not competing against as many other buyers for the same homes.

options and work with a qualified real estate agent to find the home that best meets their needs and budget.


The future of the housing market is uncertain, but there are several trends that are likely to shape it in the coming months and years. One of the main trends is the ongoing impact of the pandemic. While the vaccine rollout has brought hope, the pandemic is likely to continue to affect the housing market in various ways. For example, remote work has led to increased demand for homes in suburban and rural areas, while reducing demand for homes in urban areas.

Another trend that is likely to shape the housing market is the ongoing supply shortage. While builders are increasing their market share, it will take time for them to catch up with demand. This means that prices are likely to remain high, at least in the short term.

Finally, interest rates are likely to play a key role in the future of the housing market. While rates are currently low, there are indications that they may start to rise in the coming months and years. This could have a significant impact on affordability and demand for homes.


However, it's important to note that buying a new home is not always the best option for every buyer. New homes may come with higher prices and fewer customization options than existing homes. Buyers should carefully consider their

Overall, the increase in homebuilder sentiment and market share is a positive development for the housing market. It means that there will be more new homes available for sale, which could help to alleviate the supply shortage and provide more options for buyers. However, it's important to note that the housing market is complex and constantly changing. Buyers and sellers should work with qualified professionals to stay up-todate on the latest trends and make informed decisions. As a skilled assistant specializing in digital marketing, I can help businesses stay ahead of the curve with compelling content that is both SEO and conversation optimized.

MAY 2023 | 15

Improve Your Kitchen Personality with These 4 Simple Tips

The kitchen is often regarded as the heart of a home, where delicious meals are prepared, and memories are created. But, do you ever feel like your kitchen lacks personality or seems dull? With these four simple tips, you can quickly transform your kitchen into a vibrant, personalized, and inviting space that reflects your taste and style.

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One of the easiest ways to improve your kitchen's personality is by incorporating a fresh color scheme and adding interesting textures. Color can evoke emotions, and textures can create depth and visual interest in a room. Here's how you can achieve this:

Choose a bold accent color: Start by selecting a color that resonates with your style and preferences. You can choose one or two shades for your kitchen walls or accents, such as a bright yellow, deep teal, or a soothing lavender. This will instantly create a focal point and uplift the overall mood.

Play with textures: Introduce different textures through backsplashes, countertops, and even appliances. For example, a brick backsplash, a quartz countertop, and stainless steel appliances can create an eyecatching contrast.


Keeping Things Organized and Stylish

A clutter-free and organized kitchen not only looks better but also makes cooking a more enjoyable experience. Incorporating customized storage solutions will help you create a kitchen that reflects your personality and meets your unique needs.

Open shelving: Open shelves offer a great way to display your favorite cookbooks, unique dishware, or even small plants. You can choose from a variety of materials and designs to suit your kitchen's overall aesthetic.

Pot racks: If you love cooking and have a collection of pots and pans, consider installing a pot rack. They come in various styles, from wall-mounted to ceiling-hung options, and add both functionality and character to your kitchen.



Adding decorative accents that reflect your personality and interests can instantly make your kitchen feel more like your own. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

Display your passion: If you love collecting vintage teacups or have a thing for quirky salt and pepper shakers, find a way to showcase your unique collections in your kitchen.

Artwork: Hang a favorite piece of art, a framed recipe, or a beautiful photo that resonates with you. This not only adds visual appeal but also helps create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Textiles: Add warmth and comfort to your kitchen by using colorful, patterned, or textured linens like curtains, tablecloths, and dish towels.


Incorporating plants into your kitchen adds life, color, and a sense of tranquility to the space. Plus, many plants can help purify the air and improve your overall well-being.

Herbs: Grow a mini herb garden on your windowsill or countertop. This way, you'll have fresh herbs at your fingertips, and they'll also serve as a beautiful decorative element.

Indoor plants: Add some low-maintenance plants, like snake plants or spider plants, to brighten up your kitchen and create a soothing environment.


Improving your kitchen personality doesn't have to be an overwhelming or expensive task. With these four simple tips, you can create a vibrant, personalized, and inviting kitchen that not only reflects your unique taste and style but also makes cooking and spending time in your kitchen a delightful experience.

MAY 2023 | 17

Climate Risk and the Future of Underwriting: Fannie Mae's Journey to a Sustainable Mortgage Industry

Climate change is no longer a distant threat. It's a present reality that's affecting every sector of the economy. The mortgage industry is no exception. The catastrophic effects of climate change, such as flooding, wildfires, and hurricanes, are increasing the risks in the mortgage industry. With over $10 trillion in outstanding mortgage debt in the US, the industry is facing potential losses from climate-related events. However, one company is leading the way in addressing climate risk and creating a more sustainable mortgage industry: Fannie Mae.


The mortgage industry is facing unprecedented risks from climate change. According to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the mortgage industry could face potential losses of up to $200 billion due to flooding alone. As sea levels rise and extreme weather events become more frequent, the risk of default and foreclosure is increasing. Homeowners who live in areas prone to flooding or wildfires may find it difficult to obtain insurance or sell their homes, leading to a decline in property values. This could have a ripple effect on the economy, leading to a decrease in consumer spending and a slowdown in economic growth.


Fannie Mae, the world's largest mortgage

financier, is taking a proactive approach towards addressing climate risk. The company has made a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, with a goal to become a leader in green finance. Fannie Mae's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its business practices, operations, and products. The company has set a target to finance $150 billion in green mortgage loans by 2022, which includes energy-efficient mortgages, green bonds, and financing for affordable multifamily properties that have achieved green certifications.

Fannie Mae has also established a Green Bond Program, which allows investors to support the financing of energy-efficient homes and multifamily properties. The program has been a success, with Fannie Mae issuing over $70 billion in green bonds as of 2021. The proceeds from the green bonds are used to finance energy-efficient homes and multifamily properties, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable living.

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Sustainable underwriting practices can benefit both the mortgage industry and the environment. Energy-efficient mortgages, for example, can help homeowners save money on their utility bills, while reducing their carbon footprint. These mortgages take into account the energy efficiency of a home, allowing borrowers to finance energy-efficient upgrades such as solar panels, insulation, and HVAC systems. This can help reduce the cost of homeownership, while also promoting sustainable living.

Green bonds can also provide benefits to investors. These bonds are typically oversubscribed, indicating a strong demand for sustainable investments. Investors who purchase green bonds can benefit from the stable returns and diversification that come with investing in the mortgage industry, while also supporting sustainable finance.


While sustainable underwriting practices can provide benefits, there are challenges in implementing them. One challenge is the lack of awareness and education among borrowers and lenders. Many borrowers may not be aware of the benefits of energy-efficient mortgages or green certifications, while lenders may not have the expertise to underwrite these loans. Another challenge is the lack of standardization in green certifications. With multiple green certifications available, it can be difficult for borrowers and

lenders to determine which certifications are legitimate and which are not.


The future of sustainable underwriting in the mortgage industry looks promising. As more borrowers become aware of the benefits of sustainable living, the demand for energyefficient mortgages and green certifications is likely to increase. Lenders are also recognizing the importance of sustainable finance, with many offering green mortgages and participating in green bond programs.

The government is also taking an active role in promoting sustainable finance. In 2021, the Biden administration announced a plan to create a new tax credit for energy-efficient homes, which could encourage more borrowers to invest in energy-efficient upgrades. The government has also set a goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, which could lead to new incentives and regulations that promote sustainable finance.

In conclusion, Fannie Mae's journey towards creating a sustainable mortgage industry is a remarkable one, characterized by bold innovation, collaboration, and a deep commitment to environmental stewardship. The company has taken a proactive approach towards addressing climate risk, and its efforts are already having a positive impact on the industry. As the mortgage industry continues to face unprecedented risks from climate change, sustainable underwriting practices will become increasingly important. With Fannie Mae leading the way, there is hope for a more resilient and sustainable future for the industry.

MAY 2023 | 19

algorithms and artificial intelligence are playing an increasingly important role in decision-making processes. In the realm of mortgage lending, many banks and financial institutions have turned to automated systems to approve or deny loan applications. However, recent studies have uncovered a disturbing trend in these algorithms - a bias against black homebuyers. Despite having similar financial profiles as their white counterparts, black applicants are often denied loans or offered less favorable terms. This secret bias has far-reaching consequences, perpetuating the cycle of discrimination and systemic racism in the housing market. In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind this bias and

Uncovering the Truth: The Secret Bias Against Black Homebuyers in Mortgage Approval Algorithms

about the secret bias against black homebuyers in mortgage approval algorithms.


Algorithms are an integral part of the mortgage lending process. They are used to analyze vast amounts of data and make predictions about which applicants are most likely to repay their loans. This data includes a variety of factors such as credit scores, income, employment history, and debtto-income ratios. However, algorithms are not perfect and can be influenced by the biases of those who create them.

When algorithms are used to make decisions about mortgage lending, they can

have a significant impact on the lives of homebuyers. A mortgage is often the largest financial commitment that a person will make in their lifetime. The terms of the loan can affect their ability to build wealth, access credit, and achieve financial stability. If an algorithm is biased against certain groups of people, it can lead to unfair and discriminatory lending practices that perpetuate inequality.


Studies have shown that algorithms used in mortgage lending can be biased against black homebuyers. One study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that black applicants were 80% more likely to be denied a loan than their white counterparts with similar financial profiles.


Another study by the Center for Investigative Reporting found that black applicants were more likely to be given higher interest rates and fees than white applicants.

The problem of bias in algorithms is not limited to mortgage lending. Algorithms are used in a wide range of industries, from hiring and promotion decisions to criminal justice and healthcare. When algorithms are biased, they can perpetuate and amplify existing inequalities, leading to systemic discrimination.


The use of biased algorithms in mortgage lending raises serious legal and ethical concerns. Discrimination in lending is illegal under the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. If an algorithm is found to be discriminatory, the lender could be subject to legal action and significant financial penalties.

In addition to the legal implications, there are also ethical concerns around algorithmic bias. As AI and machine learning become more widely used, it is essential that these technologies are designed and implemented in an ethical and responsible way. Algorithms should be transparent, accountable, and designed to promote fairness

and equality.


To address the problem of bias in algorithms, there are several steps that can be taken. First, it is essential to ensure that datasets used to train algorithms are diverse and representative of the population. If data is skewed towards one group, the algorithm is likely to be biased against other groups.

Second, algorithms should be regularly audited to ensure that they are not perpetuating bias or discrimination. This audit could be conducted by an independent third party to ensure objectivity and transparency.

Third, algorithms should be designed to be transparent, so that the decisionmaking process is clear and understandable. This transparency can help to build trust in the algorithm and ensure that it is being used in a fair and responsible way.


While algorithms can be useful tools for decision-making, they are not always the best option. In some cases, human judgment may be more appropriate, particularly when making decisions that have significant consequences for

people's lives.

In mortgage lending, for example, some lenders have begun to use a hybrid approach that combines algorithmic decision-making with human underwriting. This approach allows for the benefits of automation while also ensuring that human judgment is used to assess each applicant's unique circumstances.


The use of biased algorithms in mortgage lending is a serious problem that perpetuates discrimination and inequality. To address this issue, it is essential that algorithms are designed and implemented in an ethical and responsible way. This includes ensuring that datasets are diverse, auditing algorithms for bias, promoting transparency, and considering alternatives to algorithmic decision-making.

As consumers, we can also play a role in promoting algorithmic fairness. By choosing lenders that prioritize fairness and transparency, we can help to create a more just and equitable housing market. We can also advocate for stronger regulations around algorithmic bias and discrimination.

Together, we can work towards a future where algorithms are used to promote fairness and equality, rather than perpetuating discrimination and bias.

MAY 2023 | 21

Protect Your Investment:

7 Real Estate Scams to Watch Out for and How to Avoid Them

Fake Real Estate Agents and Brokers

One of the most common real estate scams is the use of fake agents or brokers. These scammers will pose as legitimate real estate professionals in order to gain access to your money. They may offer you a great deal on a property or convince you to sign a contract without fully understanding the terms. In some cases, they may even ask you to wire money to them directly without going through a bank or other secure payment method.

To avoid falling victim to this type of scam, always make sure to do your due diligence when working with a real estate agent or broker. Check their credentials and verify their license with the relevant authorities. Additionally, it's a good idea to research the agent or broker online and read reviews from other clients. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Rental Scams

Another common real estate scam is rental fraud. Scammers may create fake rental listings for properties that don't actually exist, or they

may claim to be the owner of a property that is already occupied. They will then ask you to wire money for a security deposit or rent payment before you can see the property or sign a lease agreement.

To avoid rental scams, always make sure to view a property in person before signing any agreements or wiring money. If you're unable to view the property in person, ask for a virtual tour or video call with the landlord or property manager. Additionally, be wary of rental listings that have unusually low prices or require a large upfront payment.


Foreclosure scams target homeowners who are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. Scammers will offer to help the homeowner avoid foreclosure by promising to negotiate with the lender or buy the property outright. They may ask for an upfront fee or convince the homeowner to sign over the deed to the property.

To avoid foreclosure scams, never sign over the deed to your property without consulting

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a lawyer or financial advisor. Additionally, be wary of anyone who asks for an upfront fee to negotiate with your lender. Legitimate foreclosure counselors and loan modification companies will never ask for payment before providing their services.


Home improvement scams involve contractors who promise to complete a renovation or repair job but fail to deliver on their promises. They may ask for payment upfront or use low-quality materials to cut costs. In some cases, they may even cause intentional damage to your property in order to charge for additional repairs.

To avoid home improvement scams, always research contractors and read reviews from other clients. Get multiple quotes for any job and never pay for the entire project upfront. Instead, pay for the work in installments as it is completed. Additionally, make sure to get a written contract that outlines the scope of work, timeline, and payment terms.


Mortgage scams can take many forms, including loan modification scams, appraisal fraud, and equity stripping. Scammers may promise to lower your mortgage payment or refinance your loan, only to charge outrageous fees or steal your equity. They may also use fraudulent appraisals to inflate the value of a property and secure a larger loan.

To avoid mortgage scams, always work with a reputable lender and never sign any documents without fully understanding the terms. Additionally, be wary of anyone who promises to lower your mortgage payment or refinance your loan for a fee. Legitimate loan modification companies will never charge upfront fees.


Title fraud occurs when a scammer forges documents in order to transfer ownership of a property to themselves or another party. They may use your personal information to create fake documents or steal your identity to access your property. Once they have control of the

property, they may sell it or take out a loan using the property as collateral.

To avoid title fraud, always keep your personal information secure and monitor your credit report regularly. Additionally, make sure to review all documents related to the sale or transfer of a property and verify their authenticity with the relevant authorities.


The best way to avoid real estate scams is to stay informed and be vigilant. Always do your due diligence when working with real estate professionals and never wire money or sign any documents without fully understanding the terms. Additionally, be wary of anyone who promises to make you rich quickly or offers deals that seem too good to be true.


If you do fall victim to a real estate scam, it's important to act quickly. Contact the relevant authorities and file a report, and consider hiring a lawyer to help you pursue legal action. Additionally, monitor your credit report and accounts closely to ensure that the scammer doesn't continue to access your personal information.


Real estate scams are a serious threat to investors, but with a little bit of knowledge and vigilance, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim. By staying informed and doing your due diligence, you can avoid falling prey to fake agents, rental scams, foreclosure scams, home improvement scams, mortgage scams, title fraud, and other fraudulent schemes. Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to ask questions.

MAY 2023 | 23

Creating a Relaxing Outdoor Retreat: Tips and Tricks

An outdoor retreat is the perfect space for relaxation, entertainment, and tranquility. It's an area where you can connect with nature and enjoy the therapeutic benefits it has to offer. This article will provide you with tips and tricks for creating a serene and inviting outdoor retreat that reflects your personal style and provides the ultimate escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.


Before diving into the design and setup of your outdoor retreat, you need to understand the space you have to work with. Consider the size and layout of your backyard, garden, or patio, and how you can best utilize it. Think about sun exposure, privacy, and any noise factors that may impact your space. These factors will help you decide on the location, size, and design of your retreat.


Privacy is a crucial aspect of an outdoor retreat. You want your space to feel like a secluded haven, away from the prying eyes of neighbors or passersby. To achieve this, consider installing a fence or screen, planting tall shrubs or trees, or using curtains or outdoor blinds. You can also create a sense of privacy through the strategic placement of outdoor furniture or a pergola.


Seating is essential for relaxation, so choose furniture that offers comfort and durability. Opt for outdoor sofas, chairs, or loungers with weather-resistant cushions. Also, consider adding throw pillows or blankets for an extra layer of coziness. If your outdoor retreat includes a dining area, ensure you have comfortable chairs and ample legroom for your guests.


Incorporating greenery into your outdoor retreat creates a soothing and refreshing atmosphere. Plant a mix of lush foliage, colorful flowers, and fragrant herbs. You can also add potted plants, hanging baskets, or vertical gardens if space is limited. Water features such as fountains, ponds, or streams can also enhance the tranquility and add a soothing soundtrack to your retreat.

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When selecting a color palette for your outdoor retreat, aim for calming and soothing tones that evoke feelings of relaxation. Neutrals, pastels, and earth tones are all great options. You can also incorporate color through accent pieces, such as cushions, rugs, or decorative items.


A focal point can help anchor your outdoor retreat and set the mood for the space. Examples of focal points include a cozy fire pit, an outdoor fireplace, or a water feature. A stunning sculpture, a large potted plant, or even a striking piece of garden art can also serve as a focal point.


The right lighting can transform your outdoor retreat into a magical oasis at night. Consider adding a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting. Use string lights, lanterns, or candles to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. For safety, add solar or low-voltage lighting to illuminate paths, steps, and any areas that require extra visibility.

8. I NCORPORATE OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: Adding entertainment options to your outdoor retreat can help you and your guests unwind and have fun. You could include a built-in sound system for playing soothing music or even install an outdoor

television for movie nights. If space permits, consider adding outdoor games, such as a bocce ball or horseshoes court, for some friendly competition.


Finally, personalize your outdoor retreat with accessories and decor that reflect your style and taste. This could include decorative pillows, rugs, wall art, or even a collection of outdoor trinkets. You can also add sentimental items or incorporate themes that resonate.

MAY 2023 | 25

Is Rocket's New Credit Card the Right Choice for Homebuyers?

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions that most people will make in their lifetime. And if you're in the market for a new home, it's important to consider all of your options when it comes to financing. That's why the new credit card from Rocket Mortgage has caught the attention of many homebuyers. But is it the right choice for you? In this comprehensive review, we'll take a deep dive into the features and benefits of Rocket's new credit card, and help you determine whether it's the best fit for your homebuying needs. From cashback rewards to competitive APRs, we'll explore everything you need to know about this innovative new product.


When it comes to buying a home, financing is a key consideration. And while there are many different options available to homebuyers, Rocket's new credit card offers some unique benefits that are worth considering. One of the biggest advantages of using Rocket's credit card is the cashback rewards program. Cardholders can earn up to 2% cashback on every purchase, which can add up quickly when you're making bigticket purchases like furniture, appliances, and home decor.

Another benefit of using Rocket's credit card is the competitive APR. Depending on your credit score and other factors, you could qualify for an APR as low as 14.99%, which is lower than many other credit cards on the market. This can save you money in interest charges over the life of your

credit card balance, which can be especially helpful when you're already dealing with the costs of buying a home.

Finally, Rocket's credit card offers a streamlined application process that can make it easier to get approved for credit. The application can be completed online in just a few minutes, and you'll receive a decision within seconds. This can be a welcome relief for homebuyers who are already dealing with the stress of finding the perfect home and navigating the complex process of getting a mortgage.


Of course, before deciding whether Rocket's credit card is the right choice for you, it's important to compare it to other credit cards that are designed specifically for homebuyers. One popular option is the Chase Freedom Unlimited

card, which offers 1.5% cashback on every purchase and a 0% APR for the first 15 months.

Another option to consider is the Citi Diamond Preferred card, which offers a 0% APR for the first 18 months and no annual fee. However, this card does not offer any cashback rewards, so it may not be the best choice for homebuyers who are looking to earn rewards on their purchases.

Overall, Rocket's credit card compares favorably to other credit cards for homebuyers. The combination of cashback rewards and a low APR make it a compelling option for those who are looking for a new way to finance their home purchases.


In addition to the cashback rewards and low APR, Rocket's credit card offers a number

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of other features and perks that can make it an attractive option for homebuyers. For example, the card comes with a number of security features, including fraud alerts and zero liability for unauthorized purchases.Cardholders can also take advantage of 24/7 customer service, which can be especially helpful when you're dealing with the stress of buying a home. And if you need to make a large purchase, the card offers a high credit limit that can help you cover the costs of everything from appliances to home repairs.

Finally, Rocket's credit card comes with a number of travel benefits, including travel accident insurance, rental car insurance, and baggage delay insurance. While these may not be the most important considerations for homebuyers, they can be a nice bonus for those who like to travel and want to earn rewards on their travel purchases


To apply for Rocket's credit card, you'll need to meet certain eligibility requirements. These include being at least 18 years old, having a valid Social Security number, and having a steady source of income. Additionally, you'll need to have a good credit score to qualify for the best APR and credit limit.

The application process for Rocket's credit card is relatively

straightforward. You can apply online by providing some basic personal and financial information, and you'll receive a decision within seconds. If you're approved, you'll receive your credit card in the mail within a few days.


Like any credit card, Rocket's credit card comes with fees and interest rates that you'll need to be aware of. The card has no annual fee, which is a nice perk, but it does charge a balance transfer fee of 3% (or $5, whichever is greater).

The interest rate on the card will depend on your creditworthiness, but it can range from 14.99% to 23.99%. This is competitive with other credit cards on the market, but it's important to remember that carrying a balance on your credit card can be costly in the long run.


While Rocket's credit card is a strong option for homebuyers, it's always a good idea to consider other alternatives as well. One option to consider is a home equity line of credit (HELOC), which allows you to borrow against the equity in your home.

specific purpose (like a down payment on a home).


Ultimately, whether Rocket's credit card is the right choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you're looking for a credit card that offers cashback rewards and a low APR, and you're comfortable with the fees and interest rates associated with the card, then it could be a great choice for you.

However, if you're looking for a credit card with a higher credit limit, or you're not interested in earning cashback rewards, then you may want to consider other options. It's always a good idea to compare several different credit cards and financing options before making a final decision.


Another option is a personal loan, which can be a good choice if you need to borrow a large amount of money for a

Buying a home is a major financial decision, and it's important to consider all of your options when it comes to financing. Rocket's new credit card offers some unique benefits that can make it an attractive option for homebuyers, including cashback rewards, a low APR, and a streamlined application process. However, it's important to compare this card to other options on the market, and to consider your individual needs and preferences before making a final decision.

MAY 2023 | 27

Striking the Perfect Balance in Home Repair Costs Before Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be an exciting yet challenging process. One of the crucial aspects of this process is ensuring that the property is in good shape, which often means investing in home repairs. But how do you strike the perfect balance in home repair costs without overspending or underselling your property? In this article, we'll explore how to prioritize repairs, budget effectively, and make smart decisions to achieve the best possible outcome.


The first step in striking the perfect balance is to identify which repairs are necessary and which ones can be left for the new homeowner. Start by conducting a thorough inspection of your home

to pinpoint any issues that may negatively affect its value or appeal to potential buyers. Focus on the following areas:

• STRUCTURAL ISSUES: Issues like foundation cracks, roof leaks, and damp basements can be major deal-breakers. Address these problems before considering cosmetic updates.

• FUNCTIONALITY: Buyers expect a home's systems to be in good working order. Prioritize repairs to heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical systems.

• COSMETIC REPAIRS: Repaint walls, replace worn carpeting or flooring, and update outdated fixtures to improve the look and feel of your home.

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After identifying the necessary repairs, create a budget based on estimates from local contractors or by using online cost calculators. Determine how much you're willing to spend and allocate funds to different repair categories, keeping the following factors in mind:

• ROI: Focus on repairs that will give you the best return on investment (ROI). These typically include kitchen and bathroom updates, fresh paint, and new flooring.

• NEIGHBORHOOD STANDARDS: Be aware of your local real estate market and the expectations of buyers in your area. Overspending on high-end upgrades may not always translate to a higher sale price, especially if the improvements exceed neighborhood standards.

• CONTINGENCY FUND: Set aside a portion of your budget for unforeseen expenses that may arise during the repair process.


Decide which repairs you can handle on your own and which require professional assistance. While DIY can save you money, don't take on projects beyond your skill level or that may require permits and inspections. Also, consider the time it will take to complete each repair, as

this can impact your home's time on the market.


If you're unable to address all necessary repairs before selling, consider offering a home warranty to potential buyers. A home warranty can provide coverage for major systems and appliances, giving buyers peace of mind and possibly making your property more attractive.


Working with a real estate agent can help you identify which repairs will have the greatest impact on your home's sale price. They can provide valuable insight into the local market, buyer expectations, and what types of repairs are worth the investment.


Striking the perfect balance in home repair costs before selling your home involves careful evaluation, budgeting, and decision-making. By prioritizing necessary repairs, creating and sticking to a budget, and consulting a real estate professional, you can make informed choices that help maximize your home's appeal to potential buyers and ensure you get the best possible return on your investment.

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MAY 2023 | 31

Selling in the Next Season? Here’s How to Protect and Increase Home Value on a Budget

As we approach the next season, many homeowners are starting to think about selling their properties. With the current state of the housing market, it’s essential to take steps to protect and increase your home value on a budget. In this article, we will explore some few tips for protecting and increasing your home value without breaking the bank. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to selling your home for the highest possible price.


Your home’s exterior is the first thing potential buyers see, so it’s crucial to make a good impression. To boost your curb appeal, consider the following:

• Trim your hedges and trees: A wellmanicured yard shows that you take pride in your home.

• Install outdoor lighting: This not only makes your home look inviting but also adds a layer of security.

• Add some color: Planting some flowers or adding potted plants can give your home a pop of color and make it more inviting.

• Paint Your Home: Painting your home is an easy and affordable way to give it a fresh look. However, it’s essential to choose the right color. Neutral colors like beige, gray, and white appeal to the most significant number of potential buyers.


Upgrading your kitchen and bathrooms can be costly, but there are ways to make small improvements on a budget. Consider the following:

• Replace outdated hardware: New cabinet handles, faucets, and light fixtures can make a big impact.

• Paint your cabinets: A fresh coat of paint can make your cabinets look brand new.

• Update your countertops: There are

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affordable options like laminate or quartz that look great and are easy to maintain.

• Replace your showerhead: A new showerhead can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your bathroom.


Improving your home’s energy efficiency not only saves you money on your utility bills but also makes your home more attractive to potential buyers. Consider these upgrades:

• Add insulation: Proper insulation can save up to 20% on your energy bills and makes your home more comfortable.

• Install a programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat can save up to $180 a year on heating and cooling costs.

• Replace old appliances: Energy Star-rated appliances use less energy and can save up to 50% on your utility bills.


When buyers come to view your home, they want to envision themselves living there. Depersonalizing your home helps them do just that. Consider the following:

• Remove personal photos and memorabilia: This will make it easier for buyers to

imagine themselves in your home.

• Tidy up your space: A clean and organized home shows that it’s wellmaintained and cared for.

• Remove excess furniture: Too much furniture can make your home feel cluttered and small.

furniture or decor can make your home feel cramped.


A clean home is essential when selling. Consider the following:



Small repairs can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your home. Consider the following:

• Patch holes in walls and ceilings: Small holes can be easily patched with spackling or joint compound.

• Replace old or broken light fixtures: This is an easy and affordable upgrade that can make a big difference in the look of your home.

• Fix leaky faucets: A dripping faucet can be a big turn-off for buyers.


Staging your home helps potential buyers see the full potential of your space. Consider the following tips:

• Highlight your home’s best features: If you have a beautiful fireplace, make sure it’s the focal point of the room.

• Create a cozy atmosphere: Add some throw pillows, blankets, and a rug to make your home feel warm and inviting.

• Remove clutter: Too much

• Deep clean your home: Dust, vacuum, and clean all surfaces to make your home shine.

• Clean your carpets: If your carpets are looking dingy, consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional to give them a deep clean.

• Clean your windows: Make sure your windows are sparkling clean, inside and out.

In conclusion, selling your home can be a stressful and expensive process, but these tips can help protect and increase your home value on a budget. By boosting your curb appeal, making small upgrades, and staging your home, you can create a space that is inviting to potential buyers. By focusing on energy efficiency and decluttering your space, you can save money on your utility bills and make your home more attractive to buyers. Finally, a clean and wellmaintained home will make a great first impression and help potential buyers see the full potential of your space.

34 | MAY 2023
Purchase Price of Home: $350,000 First Mortgage Loan: $339,500 Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance from GSFA*: $23,765 Total Assistance Program Highlights • No first-time homebuyer requirement • 620 FICO’s score minimum • Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Available Toll Free: (855) 740-8422 E-mail: Website: *Advertisement contains general program information, is not an offer for extension of credit nor a commitment to lend and is subject to change without notice. Example based on 97% Conventional First Mortgage Loan combined with 7% in down payment and clossing cost assistance. For complete program guidelines, loan applications, interest rates and annual percentage rates (APRs) contact a GSFA Participating Lender. Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) is a duly constituted public entity and agency. Copyright © 2021. Your PATHWAY to HOME OWNERSHIP DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE NOW AVAILABLE! You may be able to purchase your dream home with little-to-no money out of pocket! CALL TODAY TO LEARN MORE

Where Starting Over happens every day!

We’re Starting Over, Inc. - a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting and uplifting people experiencing the effects of mass incarceration, systemic racism, housing insecurity, substance addiction, and mental health issues. We believe that people impacted by these issues are the ones closest to the solutions, which is why we are a Black-led and criminal justice-impacted organization engaged in this work. From experience, we’ve learned that housing is critical, but alone, it is not enough to support those exiting prisons or the streets. We not only provide transitional housing, but also include holistic services such as peer support, case management, employment, wellness, and reentry services. We also work to address the root causes of our houseguests’ difficult situations, leading grassroots organizing and policy initiatives in the Inland Empire region and statewide. Established in 2009, we’ve served over 1,400 men, women, and families in Riverside and Los Angeles Counties through the reentry and transition process.

We believe that the past does not define our future. We’re invested in creating safe and equitable opportunities for all members of our community, and especially those with past convictions. Housing opportunities are crucial for our community members and directly affect their ability to thrive.


Over, Inc. is committed to reducing and eliminating the many barriers to life after incarceration.

We have a deep commitment to identifying and implementing evidence-based approaches to strong communities and families. We seek to creating program/project solutions where the need exists in our community. We do lots of things at Starting Over, Inc. - but our primary goal is to address the immediate effects and root causes of incarceration, be it through housing, employment, legislation, or community organizing.

T t i l d ith i itiatives, access our services, or support our work through donations, you can or 6355 Riverside Ave Suite 100, Riverside, CA 92506

Our programming and projects include, but are not limited to:

Transitional Housing

We currently operate eight homes in LA and Riverside Counties open to men, women, and children, with options for sober living or harm-reduction housing All of our services are available to our houseguests, many of whom have been unable to obtain housing after being released due to their conviction histories

Case Management

Our Case Management specialists provide support to our guests with obtaining necessary documents/identification and accessing insurance, education, healthcare, clothing, food, & more.

Peer Support

Our houseguests are not alone - our support specialists, having experienced incarceration, addiction, and homelessness themselves - understand our guests' needs and the barriers they face. We’re here to meet our guests wherever they are in their journeys and to support them moving forward through empowerment, support with recovery, referrals, and mentorship

Family Reunification, Equity, & Empowerment (FREE) Project

Mass incarceration affects not just individuals, but families - many of our community members and guests experience family separation at the hands of the child welfare system. The FREE Project is system-impacted led and organizes parents and family members in a non-judgemental space, advising on best practices and dependency court procedures We recently sponsored and passed statewide bill that eliminates major barriers to child placement and allows family members with criminal convictions unrelated to caring for children to be considered as placement options allowing for suitable family members with criminal convictions to step up in times of crisis

Through our Path to SEED program, we connect guests and community members with employment opportunities and provide training & support regarding obtaining and retaining employment, often a major hurdle for formerly incarcerated individuals

Marshall Legal Clinic

Our free clinics provide relief for expungements, wills/trusts, immigration, and more with the support of local legal organizations

Employment Policy Advocacy

In the past year, we’ve co-sponsored and/or supported nearly a dozen statewide bills to reduce the scale of mass incarceration and its collateral consequences We’ve also worked locally to influence Riverside County to reduce criminal history look-back periods from 7 years to 3 years in 2017 and to enable youth coming out of probation to be able to stay with their family members in subsidized housing

Grassroots Organizing & Civic Engagement

Our Participatory Defense organizing model (based on Silicon Valley De-Bug) empowers family and community members in the courtroom to positively impact their loved one’s outcome and to bring them home. As fiscal sponsor and start-up organization of Riverside All of Us or None (a chapter of a national initiative of formerly incarcerated people, family members, and allies advocating for the rights of the currently and formerly incarcerated people) we ensure that system impacted leadership remains at the center of the fight to keep our community together and address the social problems that incarceration purports to solve Our community outreach team also disseminates voter registration and public health information regarding COVID-19, and we organize food and clothing relief for community members in need.

(951) 898-0862

Florida House Shopping Guide: Tips And Tricks For House Hunters this Spring Season

If you're ready to take the plunge and buy a new home, then this is the perfect time of year for it!

• Why? Because there are fewer people looking at houses during this time of year than any other season so if you want one before everyone else gets their act together, now's your chance!

• Plus, with all those winter coats still hanging up in closets across America (and even here in Florida), most buyers are focused on getting warmer weather outfitted before they start shopping around for houses again.


Florida's real estate market is in a state of flux, but it's not all bad news. For example, the average listing price for homes in Florida has dropped by about $5,000 since last year. That may not seem like much until you consider that this drop represents an 11% decrease in value!

While this might seem like good news for buyers who are looking for bargains on homes for sale in Florida during springtime, there are still some challenges ahead of them:

• There are fewer homes available than at any point since 2012 according to Realtor Association data from January 2019.

• With fewer homes available on the market now than ever before (and prices dropping), competition among buyers will likely increase.

While interest rates remain low by historical standards at around 4%, they're expected to rise soon which means that even though prices might be lower now than they were before you'll still pay more over time due to higher monthly payments when interest rates go up again later

this year or early 2020s.


You've decided to buy a house, and you're ready to start looking. But how do you know which neighborhoods are best for your needs? What should you look for in an agent, and how do they differ from each other? What are some of the financing options available to buyers today, and how do they stack up against each other?

How much can I expect my home's value will increase over time? How long does it take on average for houses in Florida to sell once listed on the market (and what factors affect this)?

These are just some of the questions that need answering before making any major decisions about purchasing property here in beautiful Florida!


Spring is the ideal time to start looking for a house in Florida. There are several reasons why you should consider buying a home during this season, including:

• Better weather

• More inventory available on the market

• Less competition from other buyers


There are several types of financing options available to house hunters in Florida.

• Traditional mortgage loans, which are secured by the property being purchased and can be used as a primary or secondary residence.

• Cash-out refinances loans, which allow you to take out cash from your home equity

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while still keeping the same interest rate on your current mortgage (this is also known as an "equity loan"). This option may be useful if you want to use some of your equity for renovations or other purposes, but keep in mind that there are limits on how much money you can take out at once and depending on what type of loan you have, even if it's possible at all!

• Home equity line of credit (HELOC), where homeowners borrow against their home values without having any monthly payments until they need funds for something specific like purchasing furniture for their new place; this type of loan has no pre-payment penalty so once again makes sense if only needed temporarily rather than long term use cases such as paying off debt faster through accelerated payments each month.


• Negotiation strategies.

• Tips for negotiating the best deal when house hunting in Florida.

• Negotiation strategies and how to use them effectively.


Choosing the right location is perhaps the most important part of house hunting. You want to be sure that your new home is in an area that suits your needs and lifestyle, while also providing easy access to amenities such as shopping, restaurants, schools and parks. To evaluate potential locations:

• Consider how close they are to public transportation (if you don't want to drive).

• Think about how much traffic there is on nearby roads at different times of day.

• Think about what kind of neighbors you'd like living around you do they share similar interests or hobbies? Do they have children who play sports? Are there enough kids for them all to make friends easily?


Working with a real estate agent is one of the best ways to find your dream home. A real estate agent can help you navigate the complex process of buying and selling property, which can be difficult without their expertise. They'll also know about local market conditions and trends so that you don't overpay for a home or miss out on an opportunity because it's not what you're looking for.

If you're moving to Florida and want to buy property there, working with an experienced real estate agent will make your life much easier. In this section we'll explain how they work, how they get paid, what kind of services they provide and even how much they typically cost!


• Be sure to check the neighborhood and school districts before you buy a home.

• Don't forget to look at homes in different areas of town, as some neighborhoods may not be as safe as others.

• Consider hiring a professional inspector before making an offer on a property.


The spring season is a great time to start house hunting in Florida. So, if you're looking for a new place to live and haven't found the right one yet, we hope these tips will help get you on the right track! Don't wait until the last minute. The best deals go fast during this time of year and if you don't act quickly enough, someone else might snag your dream home before it's yours.

Be flexible with your budget and location preferences (if applicable). Houses are more affordable during springtime because they're easier to sell than they would be at other times of the year; however, there may still be some homes that cost more than what's comfortable for buyers like yourself who aren't willing/able to spend extra money just yet. You'll probably find some great bargains out there if only someone would take advantage already!

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Scottsdale, Arizona Market Update: Q2 2023


Scottsdale, Arizona, a desert oasis known for its luxurious resorts, world-class golf courses, and vibrant arts scene, has been experiencing robust growth throughout the years. As we progress through the second quarter of 2023, it's time to take a closer look at the latest trends in Scottsdale's real estate market and overall economic development. This market update will provide a comprehensive analysis of the factors driving growth and what to expect in the near future.



Scottsdale's real estate market has continued to see strong growth in Q2 2023, with median home prices increasing by 6.5% compared to the same period last year. The rising demand for homes and a limited supply of inventory have contributed to the increase in prices, making it a seller's market. With low mortgage rates persisting, homebuyers are eager to enter the market, driving up competition for available properties.

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Inventory remains tight in the Scottsdale housing market, with a 2.4-month supply of homes at the end of Q2 2023, down from 3.1 months in the previous year. The lack of inventory has been a primary factor in the price increases, as buyers have fewer options and are willing to pay a premium for the available properties. Additionally, new construction has been unable to keep up with the demand, creating an ongoing deficit.


The rental market in Scottsdale has also seen significant growth, with the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment rising 4.2% in Q2 2023 compared to the same period in the previous year. The surge in remote work and a desire for larger living spaces have made renting an attractive option for many, contributing to increased demand and rental rates. This trend is expected to continue in the short term, as remote work remains popular and job growth drives population increases.


Scottsdale's economy has been steadily expanding, with job growth surpassing the national average. In Q2 2023, the city saw a 2.8% increase in employment, compared to the national average of 1.5%. The technology, healthcare, and financial sectors have contributed heavily to job growth, with companies like Axon, HonorHealth, and Vanguard making significant

investments in the area. POPULATION GROWTH

The population of Scottsdale has been steadily increasing, with a growth rate of 1.6% in Q2 2023. The influx of new residents has been driven by the city's strong job market, quality of life, and desirable weather. This population growth is expected to continue, further fueling demand for housing and contributing to the city's economic development.


Scottsdale is investing in its infrastructure and transportation systems to support the growing population and economy. Recent projects include the expansion of the Loop 101 freeway, providing improved access to neighboring cities, and the development of the SkySong Innovation Center, which aims to foster collaboration and growth in the technology sector.


Scottsdale's real estate market and economy show no signs of slowing down in Q2 2023, as the city continues to experience strong growth in home prices, rent rates, and job opportunities. With a healthy economy and a thriving real estate market, Scottsdale remains an attractive destination for those looking to invest or settle down in the sunny Southwest. While challenges such as limited housing inventory and rising prices persist, continued investments in infrastructure and development projects are expected to help mitigate these issues in the long run.

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5 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Fixer-Upper

Buying a fixer-upper can be an excellent investment opportunity, especially for homebuyers looking to enter the real estate market or investors seeking to increase their portfolio. However, before diving headfirst into this type of purchase, it is essential to consider a few critical factors. In this article, we will discuss the top five things you should know before buying a fixer-upper.


When purchasing a fixer-upper, it is crucial to assess the property's condition to determine the extent of repairs and renovations needed. Conduct a thorough inspection with a licensed

home inspector to identify any structural or safety concerns, as well as any plumbing, electrical, or HVAC issues.

Estimate the cost of repairs and factor them into your budget to determine if the property is worth the investment. It is also crucial to understand that unforeseen issues can arise during the renovation process, so be prepared to account for unexpected expenses.


Another critical consideration is your skill level and the time you have available to devote to the

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renovation process. Some repairs may be simple enough for you to complete yourself, while others may require the services of a licensed contractor.

It is essential to be realistic about your skill level and the time required to complete the renovations. If you do not have the necessary skills, consider hiring professionals to assist with the project. Keep in mind that renovation projects can be time-consuming, so ensure that you have enough time to commit to the process.


Renovating a fixer-upper may require obtaining permits from the local building department. Failure to obtain the necessary permits can result in costly fines and legal issues.

Consult with a licensed contractor or architect to determine the permits required for the project. Obtaining the permits before starting the renovation process can help prevent any potential legal issues and ensure that the work meets the local building codes.


Financing a fixer-upper can be more challenging than financing a move-in ready property. Traditional lenders may be hesitant to offer financing for a property that requires significant repairs.

Consider alternative financing options such

as a renovation loan or a home equity loan. A renovation loan can provide the necessary funds to purchase the property and finance the renovations. A home equity loan allows you to borrow against the equity in your existing home to finance the purchase and renovation of the fixer-upper.


Lastly, research the neighborhood and potential resale value of the property. The location of the property can significantly impact its value, so ensure that it is in a desirable location.

Research comparable properties in the area to determine the potential resale value of the property. Understanding the potential resale value can help ensure that the investment is worth the time and money required for renovations.


Buying a fixer-upper can be a rewarding experience, both financially and emotionally. However, it is essential to consider the factors mentioned above before making the purchase. Assessing the property's condition, understanding your skill level and available time, obtaining necessary permits, considering financing options, and researching the neighborhood and potential resale value can help ensure a successful renovation project and a profitable investment.

48 | MAY 2023
THE FLOOD TURNED OUR LIVES UPSIDE DOWN. WHEN WE TRIED TO RENT A NEW PLACE TO LIVE, WE KEPT GETTING TURNED DOWN. When the flood came, we had to run from our home. Fortunately, we found temporary shelter. But as we started looking for a place to live, we ran into housing discrimination, which isn’t just unfair – it’s illegal. If you feel that a landlord or broker has denied you the sale, rental or financing of a home based on your race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or because you have children, report it to HUD or your local fair housing center. Go to or call 1-800-669-9777 Federal Relay Service 1-800-877-8339 FAIR HOUSING: THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. A public service message from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in cooperation with the National Fair Housing Alliance. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability.

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a House in Akron, Ohio this Spring Season

Spring has arrived, and with it comes the perfect opportunity to start looking for your dream home in Akron, Ohio. As one of the most populous cities in the state, Akron boasts a diverse community, affordable housing options, and a thriving economy. To ensure a successful home-buying experience, we've created the ultimate guide to buying a house in Akron, Ohio, this spring season.


Before starting your search, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with Akron's housing market. Browse listings and research neighborhood demographics, schools, and amenities. Take the time to explore various neighborhoods, such as Highland Square, Wallhaven, and Ellet, to get a feel for the community and housing options available. Keep track of the average sale prices in your preferred areas to gauge your budget.

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Setting a realistic budget is essential in ensuring a smooth home-buying process. Determine how much you can afford by taking into account your current financial situation, monthly expenses, and future financial goals. It's recommended to consult a financial advisor or use online mortgage calculators to estimate the amount you can comfortably borrow.


An experienced real estate agent can help you navigate the competitive Akron housing market. Find an agent familiar with the Akron area and its neighborhoods, as they can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the entire process. Additionally, agents can negotiate on your behalf to secure the best possible deal.


Before beginning your house hunt, it's essential to obtain a mortgage preapproval. This not only shows sellers that you're a serious buyer but also helps you understand the maximum amount you can borrow. Pre-approval is an essential step in ensuring a smooth and timely closing process.


Once you've narrowed down your options, attend open houses and schedule private showings to view properties in person. This allows you to get a feel for each home and its surroundings and to ask any questions about the property. Keep an open mind, as you might find a gem in a neighborhood you hadn't previously considered.


When you've found the perfect home, work with your agent to submit a competitive offer. Be prepared for potential counteroffers and negotiations, as the spring season is typically a popular time for home-buying in Akron. Your agent can help you navigate the negotiation process and make sure your interests are represented.


After your offer has been accepted, schedule a home inspection to identify any potential issues with the property. This step is crucial in ensuring you're aware of any necessary repairs or potential problems before closing. Based on the inspection results, you may need to renegotiate the sale price or request repairs before finalizing the purchase.


Once you've reached an agreement with the seller, it's time to finalize the sale. Your agent and lender will guide you through the necessary paperwork, and you'll be required to provide a down payment and pay any closing costs. After all the paperwork is signed, and funds have been transferred, the keys will be handed over, and you can finally move into your new Akron home.


Buying a house in Akron, Ohio, this spring season is an exciting venture. By conducting thorough research, setting a budget, working with an experienced agent, and following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to finding and purchasing your dream home in the beautiful city of Akron.

52 | MAY 2023
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Riverside Market Update: May 2023, A Flourishing Hub for Commerce and Lifestyle

As we approach the middle of 2023, Riverside continues to captivate residents and visitors alike with its unique blend of charm, history, and growth. Riverside's market is no exception, with a flourishing business environment and an array of real estate offerings that cater to various needs and preferences. In this May 2023 update, we'll dive into Riverside's thriving market, including real estate, job growth, and new developments that are reshaping the community.


The Riverside real estate market has been steadily gaining momentum in recent years, and May 2023 is no exception. Low interest rates have played a significant role in stimulating home sales and encouraging a surge in new constructions, both residential and commercial. The average home price has seen a 4.5% increase since May 2022, demonstrating strong market growth.

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Riverside's diverse neighborhoods continue to be a major draw for homebuyers, with charming historic districts and vibrant new developments providing options for a wide range of preferences. Demand for multi-family homes, townhouses, and condominiums has been on the rise, as more people seek low-maintenance living arrangements with easy access to urban amenities.


The commercial sector in Riverside has been experiencing a renaissance, with a diverse range of new businesses opening their doors in May 2023. The city's booming tech industry has led to a high demand for office spaces, while the blossoming food and beverage scene is attracting culinary enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike.

A variety of new developments are underway, including the much-anticipated Riverside Plaza renovation project. This mixed-use space promises to create a vibrant hub for shopping, dining, and entertainment, while preserving the historic charm of the area.

The city's concerted efforts to support small businesses have also resulted in an increase in locally owned shops and restaurants, further solidifying Riverside as a thriving economic center.


Riverside's job market is flourishing, thanks in part to the city's strategic location and businessfriendly climate. The local tech sector has been growing rapidly, with major companies choosing to establish headquarters in Riverside or open satellite offices to tap into the talented workforce.

seen significant job growth, as the University of California, Riverside continues to expand its footprint and local medical facilities undergo expansions and renovations to meet the demands of a growing population.


As the city grows, Riverside's infrastructure is undergoing essential improvements and expansions to accommodate the increased demand. Public transportation options are being expanded and upgraded, including new bus lines and improvements to the Metrolink system, ensuring better connectivity within the city and the surrounding regions.

Additionally, the Riverside City Council has approved plans for significant investments in public spaces, including parks, recreational facilities, and street improvements. These investments will enhance the quality of life for Riverside residents while attracting more visitors to the city.


In May 2023, Riverside's market is thriving on all fronts, with a strong real estate market, bustling commercial sector, and healthy job growth. The city's commitment to supporting local businesses and investing in infrastructure improvements will ensure that Riverside remains an attractive destination for residents, entrepreneurs, and visitors alike. Keep an eye on this vibrant city, as it continues to emerge as a sought-after destination for commerce and lifestyle.

The healthcare and education sectors have also

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Gabe Del Rio

An Expert Perspective on the 1968 Fair Housing Act and Its Impact on Today's Society

Gabe Del Rio is a renowned figure in the housing industry, serving as the Chairman & Co-Founder of the Homeownership Council of America (HCA). With years of experience in building best practices in housing counseling, down payment assistance lending, affordable housing, and mortgage lending for underserved communities, Del Rio is committed to promoting fair housing and homeownership opportunities. In a recent episode of The Power Is Now 2023 Fair Housing Series, Del Rio shared his perspective on the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and its relevance in today's society.

The Fair Housing Act of 1968 is a landmark piece of legislation that prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. The Act was a critical step in breaking down barriers to housing opportunities for historically marginalized groups, which helped to create a more level playing field in the housing market. Del Rio acknowledges that while

discriminatory policies and practices in real estate markets have significantly decreased, they still exist to some extent.

Del Rio suggests that to address these challenges, there needs to be greater education and awareness about fair housing laws and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the housing market. He also emphasizes the importance of working with community leaders and organizations to create more affordable housing options and to promote economic development in historically underserved neighborhoods.

Furthermore, Del Rio believes that advocating for policies that promote fair housing and equal access to housing opportunities is necessary. This includes advocating for policies that address the root causes of housing discrimination, such as increasing funding for fair housing enforcement and strengthening the Fair Housing Act. Finally, Del Rio stresses the importance

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of collaboration between government agencies, community organizations, and other stakeholders to address discriminatory practices in the housing market.

The Homeownership Council of America, a national nonprofit dedicated to developing and expanding homeownership through well-designed products, programs, and delivery systems, is focused on promoting fair housing and increasing access to homeownership opportunities for all. Del Rio plans to expand its reach and impact by working with more organizations and community groups to promote fair housing and increase access to homeownership opportunities. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration and partnerships to achieve these goals and suggests that the organization will continue to grow and evolve in the years to come.

In conclusion, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 remains an essential piece of legislation that has helped to promote greater equity and opportunity in the housing market. The efforts of advocates like Gabe Del Rio and organizations like the Homeownership Council of America are helping to move the needle in the right direction. There is still work to be done to ensure that all Americans have access to safe, affordable, and quality housing. Del Rio's solutions focus on increasing education and awareness, promoting economic development in underserved neighborhoods, advocating for policies that promote fair housing, and collaborating with other stakeholders to address discriminatory practices in the housing market.

Looking towards the future, Del Rio remains committed to expanding the reach and impact of the Homeownership Council of America by working with more organizations and community groups to promote fair housing and increase access to homeownership opportunities. He believes

that education and awareness about fair housing laws and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the housing market are critical in achieving these goals.

Moreover, Del Rio stresses the importance of affordable housing options and economic development in historically underserved neighborhoods. He believes that by creating more affordable housing options, more people can afford to live in areas with better schools, amenities, and jobs, which can help break down housing segregation and promote greater access to housing opportunities.

Del Rio also emphasizes the importance of advocating for policies that promote fair housing and equal access to housing opportunities. He believes that increased funding for fair housing enforcement and strengthening the Fair Housing Act can address the root causes of housing discrimination.

In conclusion, Gabe Del Rio's expertise on the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and his commitment to promoting fair housing and homeownership opportunities have been instrumental in advancing equity and opportunity in the housing market. His solutions to fight discriminatory practices outlawed by the Fair Housing Act focus on increasing education and awareness, promoting economic development in underserved neighborhoods, advocating for policies that promote fair housing, and collaborating with other stakeholders to address discriminatory practices in the housing market. With his dedication and passion, Del Rio continues to make a significant impact on the housing industry and American society.

60 | MAY 2023



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How to Qualify for Down Payment and Closing Cost Programs.

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Special Mortgage programs that you need to know about.

Underwriting guidelines and Documentation Requirements for Mortgage Get all of your questions answered.

E R I C L . F R A Z I E R M B A N M L S I D : 4 6 1 8 0 7 S V P N a t i o n a l S a l e s B A N C O R P N M L S I D : 2 1 0 8 5 3 c : ( 7 1 4 ) 4 7 5 - 8 6 2 9 E r i c F r a z i e r @ b a n c o r p c o m S H A L O N D A C H A P P E L T h e C h a p p e l A g e n c y t h e c h a p p e l a g e n c y @ g m a i l c o m D R E # 0 1 9 9 4 2 3 6 D : 8 5 8 6 2 1 1 5 8 5
B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y :
A N N A M A R T I N E Z B r a n c h M a n a g e r N M L S # 9 9 1 6 1 6 C : ( 9 0 9 ) 8 2 4 - 4 3 7 1 a n n a m a r t i n e z @ b a n c o r p c o m MAY 2023 | 61

Spring 2023 Real Estate Market Update: Corona, California


As the spring season flourishes in Corona, California, the real estate market is reflecting the spirit of renewal and growth. Despite concerns around economic stability in recent years, Corona has proven resilient, offering homebuyers and sellers a competitive market to navigate. This article provides a detailed update on the Corona real estate market in spring 2023, outlining trends, factors driving growth, and future projections.

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In line with the state-wide trends, the Corona real estate market has experienced a steady increase in home prices during the spring season. The median home price in Corona now stands at $630,000, representing a 7% growth year-over-year. With increasing demand and limited inventory, it's no surprise that prices continue to escalate.


The inventory of available homes in Corona remains low, making it a seller's market. Buyers can expect fierce competition, often leading to multiple offers and bidding wars. This scarcity has contributed to the surge in home prices, further tightening the market.


As remote work continues to be a reality for many, the demand for larger homes with office spaces and outdoor areas has grown. Corona, known for its spacious singlefamily homes, has attracted buyers seeking to accommodate their changing lifestyles. This demand has put upward pressure on home prices in neighborhoods offering such amenities.



One of the primary drivers of the Corona real estate market's growth is the continued low mortgage rates. These rates make it more affordable for potential buyers to secure financing and encourage current homeowners to refinance. As a result, the market has

experienced increased buying activity.


Corona's strong local economy has been a crucial factor in the stability of the real estate market. The city boasts a diverse range of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, which provide stable employment opportunities for residents. This economic growth has attracted more buyers to the area, contributing to increased demand for housing.


Corona's strategic location, nestled between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, offers residents easy access to nearby cities for work or leisure. This proximity has made Corona an appealing option for professionals seeking a suburban lifestyle while remaining connected to urban centers.


The Corona real estate market is expected to remain competitive throughout 2023, with demand likely to outpace the available inventory. Home prices are anticipated to continue rising, although at a potentially slower pace due to affordability concerns.

In the long term, however, Corona's real estate market will rely on the development of additional housing to accommodate the growing demand. City planning initiatives focused on creating new residential areas and revitalizing existing neighborhoods will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Corona's real estate landscape.


The Corona, California real estate market is thriving in the spring of 2023, characterized by rising home prices, limited inventory, and high demand for larger homes. Driven by low mortgage rates, a strong local economy, and proximity to major cities, this growth shows no signs of slowing down in the near future. As the city works towards addressing its housing challenges, Corona remains a prime location for homebuyers and investors alike.

64 | MAY 2023

How Much Homeowners Insurance Do You Need in California?

Homeowners insurance is a crucial component in safeguarding your most significant investment: your home. However, determining the right amount of insurance for your property can be daunting. This article explores factors to consider when calculating the appropriate level of coverage for your home in California, taking into account the unique risks and requirements for the state.


Homeowners insurance covers the financial losses associated with owning a home. It generally consists of four key components:

1. DWELLING COVERAGE: Protects the structure of your home and attached structures like garages and decks.

2. PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE: Covers the loss or damage of personal belongings inside and outside the home, such as furniture, electronics, and clothing.

3. LIABILITY COVERAGE: Provides protection against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage caused by you, your family, or your pets.

4. ADDITIONAL LIVING EXPENSES (ALE) COVERAGE: Covers additional costs of living elsewhere while your home is uninhabitable due to a covered loss, such as hotel bills, meals, and transportation.



To determine the right amount of dwelling coverage, consider the cost of rebuilding your home. This cost varies based on factors such as the size and location of your home, construction materials, and local labor rates. To accurately estimate this value, consult with a professional appraiser or use an online replacement cost calculator.

In California, many insurers require coverage of at least 80% of the home's replacement cost, but it's best to insure your home for 100% of the estimated cost to rebuild. This will ensure you're fully covered in the event of a total loss.


Personal property coverage is usually set as a percentage of your dwelling coverage, typically 50-70%. However, this may not be enough for homeowners with high-value possessions like jewelry, art, or collectibles. In such cases, consider purchasing additional coverage or riders to fully insure these valuable items.


The standard liability coverage amount in homeowners policies ranges from $100,000

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to $500,000. Consider factors such as the likelihood of accidents or incidents on your property and the potential costs associated with legal claims when deciding on the appropriate amount. It's also a good idea to consult with a professional insurance agent to ensure you have adequate coverage.


In California, it is recommended that you choose an ALE coverage limit that reflects your lifestyle and living costs. Most policies cover ALE for a certain period, typically 1224 months, or up to a specific percentage of your dwelling coverage.


Natural disasters are a significant concern for California residents. Make sure your policy covers the following risks common in the state:

1. EARTHQUAKES: Standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage caused by

earthquakes. You'll need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy or endorsement for your existing policy.

2. WILDFIRES: Most homeowners policies cover damage from wildfires. However, if you live in a high-risk area, obtaining coverage might be challenging or expensive. The California FAIR Plan offers a last-resort option for homeowners unable to find coverage in the voluntary market.

3. FLOODS: Similar to earthquake coverage, flood insurance is not included in standard homeowners policies. If you live in a flood-prone area, you should purchase a separate flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or a private insurer.


Determining the right amount of homeowners insurance coverage in California requires considering the unique risks associated with living in the state, as well as the value of your home and personal belongings.

68 | MAY 2023

Proven Strategies for Lowering Your Closing Costs

Closing costs are an unavoidable part of purchasing a home, but that doesn't mean you can't reduce their impact on your wallet. The average buyer spends around 2-5% of the home's purchase price on closing costs, so it's essential to look for ways to cut back. This article will explore proven strategies that can help lower your closing costs, saving you money on your home purchase.


Comparing lenders is essential to find the best mortgage terms and the lowest closing costs. Different lenders offer different loan options and varying fees, so make sure to obtain multiple Loan Estimates before making your decision. Remember that closing costs are negotiable, and you can ask your preferred lender to match or beat a competitor's lower closing costs to secure your business.

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One way to reduce closing costs is to ask the seller to contribute towards them. Seller concessions involve the seller covering part or all of your closing costs, making it easier for you to afford the home. Although this isn't guaranteed, it's a worthwhile strategy in a buyer's market or when the seller is motivated to close quickly.


Timing your closing date can save you money in prepaid interest charges. The closer you close to the end of the month, the fewer days of interest you'll need to pay upfront. This can lead to substantial savings, so discuss your ideal closing date with your lender and real estate agent.


Some lenders offer a no-closing-cost mortgage, which rolls your closing costs into your loan balance. Although this may lead to a higher interest rate or a larger loan amount, it can help reduce your upfront costs. Keep in mind that this option may end up costing you more in the long run, so be sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully.


Before closing, you will receive a Closing Disclosure detailing your final closing costs. Review this document carefully to ensure you understand every fee listed. If you notice any discrepancies or unclear charges, discuss them with your lender or real estate agent. They may be able to remove or reduce certain fees, ultimately lowering your closing costs.

eligible buyers, which can help offset closing costs. Research what programs are available in your area and check if you qualify for any assistance.


Title insurance can be a significant part of your closing costs. However, some states offer alternatives such as abstracts of title, which may be less expensive. Additionally, you can ask your lender if they are willing to accept a reissue rate on your title insurance if the seller has recently purchased a policy. This can lead to considerable savings on this particular expense.


Lowering your closing costs is an achievable goal if you're willing to do some research and negotiation. Implementing these strategies can help you save money on your home purchase, making homeownership more attainable and affordable. Don't hesitate to ask questions, compare offers, and seek professional advice as you navigate the process of buying a home.


Many local and state governments, as well as nonprofit organizations, offer down payment assistance programs that can help reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. These programs typically provide grants or low-interest loans to

72 | MAY 2023
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Breaking Down the Average Time it Takes to Sell a House in Minnesota: Tips and Insights for a Faster Sale

The average time it takes to sell a house in Minnesota can vary greatly depending on where you live, but there are some general trends that you can expect. If you're looking to buy or sell a home, understanding this information will help ensure that the process goes smoothly and without surprises.


The average time it takes to sell a house in Minnesota is currently around 84 days. This number is an average of all homes that have sold in the state over the past 12 months, so it includes houses with all sorts of different features and conditions. In general, older homes tend to take longer than newer ones because they're more likely to need repairs or updates before putting them on the market:

• LOCATION: Where your property is located plays an important role in its success as well as how quickly it can be sold once listed! Homes near major highways or commercial areas will generally attract more attention from potential buyers than those tucked away from busy streets and businesses.


• LOCATION: There are many neighborhoods within the state that offer excellent amenities and convenient access to transportation options. If you're looking for an ideal spot for raising a family or retiring, these areas may be right for you!

• CONDITION: If your home is in good condition with no major repairs needed and little clutter, buyers will be more likely to see its potential value as opposed to other houses on the market with similar prices but less desirable features. In addition, if there are any issues with pests or mold growing inside walls/ceilings/floors etc., this could cause people who would otherwise want this house at first glance instead choosing another option because they don't want those problems themselves later down road after buying yours instead.


Here are some tips for selling your home faster in Minnesota:

• PRICE IT RIGHT: The first step to selling your house is pricing it correctly, and this can be a challenge when you're not sure how much other homes in the area have sold for. If you're not sure what price range is appropriate for your property, consider getting an appraisal from an appraiser who specializes in residential properties. They'll be able to tell you what other houses like yours have been selling for recently and give advice on whether or not there's room to negotiate on price with potential buyers.

• MARKET EFFECTIVELY: Once you've determined how much money needs to come out of pocket before closing escrow on a sale, make sure potential buyers know that information as soon as possible and don't forget about marketing tactics like advertising online through sites like Zillow!


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If you're thinking of selling your house, it's important to consider the advantages of doing so quickly. For example, if you need to move out of state or have another pressing reason for selling your property fast, then a quick sale will be beneficial. Not only does this reduce stress but it also saves money on carrying costs and price reductions.


Working with a real estate agent to sell your house is one of the best ways to ensure that it will sell quickly. A good agent will have experience in the local market and know what buyers are looking for, so they can help you price your home competitively and make sure it looks its best when potential buyers come through. They'll also be able to handle all of the paperwork involved in putting your home on the market, so you don't have to worry about any last-minute surprises or unexpected delays in closing escrow (which can delay getting paid).

Working with an agent also gives you access to their network: If there's something about your property that needs fixing before showing time or even after they'll likely know someone who can take care of it quickly at a reasonable price point. And if something goes wrong during escrow, agents often have relationships with insurance companies that could help mitigate any financial losses associated with making repairs after closing day has passed!


Now that you've learned about the average time it takes to sell a house in Minnesota and how much you can expect to receive for your property, let's look at some tips and strategies for negotiating your sale.

Negotiating is an important part of the homeselling process. It's also one of the most intimidating parts for many homeowners, who may feel uncomfortable with asking for more money or pushing back on requests from buyers:


Before entering into any negotiations with potential buyers or sellers, do as much

research as possible on comparable properties in the area and what they've sold for recently. This will help inform both parties' expectations about what price range might be reasonable and give them ammunition if negotiations break down later on because one party thought something was reasonable when it wasn't!


• TRADITIONAL MORTGAGES: A traditional mortgage is a loan that allows you to purchase a home with an interest rate and monthly payment. The bank or lender will hold the title until you pay off your debt, at which point they'll release it back to you.

• CASH OUT REFINANCE LOANS: If you have equity in your current home and want to use it as collateral for another loan, consider getting a cash-out refinance loan from a lender like Wells Fargo Home Mortgage or Chase Bank USA. This type of financing option lets homeowners take out more money than what they owe on their current mortgage--which means more cash in their pockets!


(HELOCS): HELOCs allow homeowners who have built up equity in their homes over time access those funds when needed without having to sell their property first.


To help sellers choose their ideal location, we've created this handy guide:

• Evaluate local amenities like shopping and entertainment options, schools, parks and other community resources. If these things aren't available nearby then they won't be an option for potential buyers either!

• If possible try looking at homes that have recently sold in your area so that you can get a sense of what prices are currently being paid for comparable properties.


You now have a good understanding of the average time it takes to sell a house in Minnesota. If you follow the tips and advice in this post, you'll be well on your way to selling your home quickly!

76 | MAY 2023
WILDFIRES DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR RACE. BUT WHEN WE TRIED TO RENT A NEW PLACE TO LIVE, WE LEARNED THAT SOME LANDLORDS DO. When the fire came, we had to run from our home. Fortunately, we found temporary shelter. But as we started looking for a place to live, we ran into housing discrimination, which isn’t just unfair – it’s illegal. If you feel that a landlord or broker has denied you the sale, rental or financing of a home based on your race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or because you have children, report it to HUD or your local fair housing center. Go to or call 1-800-669-9777 Federal Relay Service 1-800-877-8339 FAIR HOUSING: THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. A public service message from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in cooperation with the National Fair Housing Alliance. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability.

The Property Line: Why You Should Stop Waiting to Sell Your Home

In today’s volatile real estate market, homeowners are often hesitant to sell their properties. With fluctuating interest rates, economic uncertainty, and market fluctuations, it can be difficult to know when the right time to sell is. However, waiting too long to sell your home can result in missed opportunities, reduced profits, and increased risks. If you’ve been considering selling your home, it’s time to stop waiting and take action. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you should sell your property now, rather than waiting for the perfect time.


One of the primary reasons to sell your home now is that the current real estate market is characterized by low inventory and high demand. With fewer homes on

the market, buyers are competing for a limited pool of available properties. This can drive up prices, resulting in greater profits for sellers.

If you wait too long to sell your home, you may miss out on this opportunity. As the market fluctuates, inventory may increase, and demand may decrease, resulting in lower prices and reduced profits.


Another compelling reason to sell your home now is that interest rates are currently low. Low-interest rates make it more affordable for buyers to purchase homes, increasing demand for properties. Additionally, low-interest rates may make it more attractive for buyers to purchase larger, more expensive homes, resulting in increased profits for sellers.

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However, interest rates are subject to change, and waiting too long to sell your home may result in missed opportunities. Interest rates may increase, making it more difficult for buyers to afford your property, resulting in decreased demand and lower prices.


Real estate markets are inherently volatile, with prices fluctuating based on a variety of economic, political, and social factors. Waiting too long to sell your home may result in missed opportunities or increased risks as market fluctuations occur. For example, if you wait to sell your home until after a market downturn, you may be forced to sell at a lower price, resulting in reduced profits. Alternatively, if you wait to sell your home until after a market upswing, you may face increased competition from other sellers, resulting in reduced demand and lower prices.


In addition to market factors, personal circumstances can also play a role in determining the right time to sell your home. For example, if you’re planning to downsize or move to a new location, it may be advantageous to sell your home sooner rather than later. Similarly, if you’re experiencing financial difficulties, selling your home may provide much-needed relief. Waiting too long to sell your home may result in missed opportunities to improve your personal circumstances. Additionally, delaying a sale may result in increased financial burdens, making it more difficult to achieve your goals.


Finally, waiting too long to sell your home may result in increased costs. As your property ages, it may require repairs or renovations, increasing the cost of ownership. Additionally, if you wait to sell your home until after a market downturn, you may be forced to accept a lower price, resulting in decreased profits.

Selling your home now can help you avoid these potential costs and ensure that you achieve maximum profits. Additionally, by selling your home now, you may be able to take advantage of increased demand and favorable market conditions, resulting in a faster, more profitable sale.


If you’ve owned your home for a significant period of time, you may have built up a considerable amount of equity. Equity is the difference between the market value of your home and the outstanding balance of any mortgages or liens. By selling your home now, you can take advantage of this equity and use it to invest in other opportunities or pay off debt. However, waiting too long to sell your home may result in a decrease in equity. This can occur if property values decline, or if you take out additional loans against your home, increasing your outstanding balance.


Real estate markets are constantly evolving, with new trends and market dynamics emerging all the time. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increased demand for properties with more space and outdoor areas, while reducing demand for properties in urban areas. If you wait too long to sell your home, you may miss out on emerging market trends or changing buyer preferences. This can result in decreased demand and lower prices.

In summary, there are many compelling reasons to sell your home now, including low inventory, high demand, favorable interest rates, market fluctuations, changing personal circumstances, increased costs, high equity, changing market dynamics, and opportunity cost. By taking action now, you can maximize your profits, avoid potential risks, and achieve your personal and financial goals.

80 | MAY 2023
82 | MAY 2023

Let’s Talk about Real Estate Investing: The 5 Tips for Investing in Real Estate as a Beginner

Real estate investing can be a highly lucrative and rewarding venture for individuals seeking to diversify their investment portfolio. Despite the challenges it presents, especially to beginners, a well-planned approach to real estate investment can yield significant returns over time. To help you get started, we have compiled five essential tips for those new to the world of real estate investing.


Before diving into real estate investing, it's crucial to determine your investment goals. Consider the

following questions:

• What type of property are you interested in? Residential, commercial, or a mix of both?

• Are you looking for short-term or long-term investments?

• What is your target rate of return?

• How much risk are you willing to take?

Clearly defining your objectives will help you make informed decisions and stay focused on achieving your goals.

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Investing in real estate requires a solid understanding of various topics, including market analysis, property valuation, financing options, and property management. To enhance your knowledge, consider:

• Reading books, articles, and blogs on real estate investing

• Attending seminars and workshops

• Participating in online forums and networking events

• Engaging with experienced real estate investors

Armed with the right information, you will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of real estate investing.


Before investing in real estate, it's crucial to understand the different financing options available and choose the one that best suits your needs. Some common methods include:

• TRADITIONAL MORTGAGES: Offered by banks and other financial institutions, these require a down payment, good credit, and a stable income.

• HARD MONEY LOANS: Typically provided by private investors or companies, these loans have higher interest rates and shorter terms, but they can be easier to secure.

• PRIVATE MONEY LENDERS: Friends, family members, or individual investors can lend you money for a real estate investment, often with more flexible terms than banks.

Building a strong network can also provide you with leads, referrals, and off-market deals.


As a beginner, it's advisable to start with smaller investments that require less capital and have fewer complexities. By starting small, you can minimize risks, learn from your mistakes, and gradually scale up your investments as you gain confidence.


• SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES: These properties are easier to manage and understand, providing an excellent entry point for beginners.

• FIX-AND-FLIP PROJECTS: Purchase a property in need of repairs, renovate it, and then sell it for a profit. This strategy can be risky but allows you to learn valuable skills in the process.

• REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS (REITS): REITs are companies that own and manage income-producing properties. Investing in a REIT allows you to benefit from real estate appreciation without the hassles of property management.



Real estate investing is a team sport, and having a robust network of professionals can be invaluable. Connect with experienced investors, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, attorneys, and contractors to expand your knowledge, gain advice, and learn from their experiences.

Real estate investing is a dynamic and challenging field that can provide significant financial rewards for those willing to learn and put in the work. By establishing clear goals, educating yourself, securing financing, building a strong network, and starting small, you can lay the foundation for a successful real estate investment journey. With patience, perseverance, and continuous learning, you'll be well on your way to achieving your real estate investing goals.

84 | MAY 2023

How to Appeal Your Property Taxes in New Haven, Connecticut

nINew Haven, Connecticut, like in many cities across the United States, property taxes are a significant expense for homeowners. Understanding your property tax bill and knowing how to appeal it if you believe the assessed value of your property is too high is essential for reducing this burden. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to appeal your property taxes in New Haven, Connecticut, and offer tips for achieving the best outcome.


Before initiating an appeal, it is crucial to understand your property assessment. Property taxes in New Haven are based on a property's

assessed value, which is determined by the city's tax assessor. The assessment takes into account factors such as the property's size, age, location, and comparable sales in the area. Ensure you carefully review your property tax bill to comprehend how your property's value was assessed.


Once you have reviewed your property tax bill and understand the basis for your property's assessed value, you should determine if you have grounds for an appeal. This typically means that you believe the assessment is incorrect due to a mistake, an outdated evaluation, or a

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discrepancy in the way comparable properties were assessed. Gathering evidence, such as recent sales of similar properties in your area, can help strengthen your case.


In New Haven, the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) is responsible for reviewing property tax appeals. If you decide to appeal your property taxes, you must submit an application to the BAA. The application must include:

1. Your name and contact information

2. The property's address and Parcel ID number

3. A description of the property and any improvements made

4. Your reasons for the appeal

5. Any supporting documentation (e.g., comparable sales, appraisals, or inspection reports)

6. Note that there are deadlines for filing your appeal, typically in February or March. Make sure you submit your application on time, as late submissions will not be considered.


After submitting your application, you will be scheduled for a hearing with the BAA. It is essential to prepare for this meeting, as it is your opportunity to present your case in

person. Come organized with all supporting documentation, and consider hiring a professional appraiser to strengthen your case if necessary. Presenting a well-reasoned argument with strong evidence can significantly improve your chances of success.


After the hearing, the BAA will send you their decision, typically within 1-2 months. If your appeal is successful, your property's assessed value will be adjusted accordingly, leading to a reduction in your property taxes. If your appeal is denied, however, you have the option to pursue your case further by appealing to the Connecticut Superior Court. Be aware that this process can be more time-consuming and expensive, so weigh the potential benefits against the costs before proceeding.


Appealing your property taxes in New Haven, Connecticut, can be a worthwhile endeavor if you believe your property's assessed value is too high. By following these steps and presenting a strong case, you may be able to reduce your property tax burden and save money. Always remember to stay organized, gather strong evidence, and adhere to deadlines to increase your chances of a successful appeal.

88 | MAY 2023

Cash Home Buyers: Don't Forget These Often Overlooked Expenses

Buying a home is an exciting process, but it can also be a complex one. While paying cash for a home can simplify certain aspects, there are still many expenses that cash buyers must take into account. If you're planning on purchasing a home with cash, it's essential to be aware of all the associated costs to avoid any surprises down the line. In this article, we'll outline some of the often-overlooked expenses that cash home buyers should be prepared for.


Although obtaining an appraisal may not be a requirement for a cash buyer, it is still a wise decision to have one conducted. An appraisal provides an unbiased estimate of the property's value, helping you ensure that you're not overpaying for your new home. The cost of an appraisal typically ranges from $300 to $500, depending on the size and location of the property.

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A home inspection is another expense that cash buyers should not overlook. An inspection can reveal potential issues with the property, such as structural damage, faulty electrical systems, or plumbing problems. While not required for a cash purchase, a thorough inspection can save you from costly repairs in the future. Home inspections generally cost between $300 and $600, depending on the size and age of the home.


While cash buyers can avoid many of the fees associated with obtaining a mortgage, there are still closing costs to consider. These costs include fees for the title search, title insurance, recording fees, and any attorney fees. In some cases, the seller may be willing to cover some or all of these costs, but it's best to be prepared for the possibility that you'll need to pay them yourself. Closing costs for cash buyers usually range from 1% to 3% of the purchase price.


As a cash home buyer, you'll also need to consider property taxes. These taxes are typically based on the assessed value of the property and can vary greatly depending on the location. Be sure to research the property tax rate in your desired area, and factor in this expense when budgeting for your new home.


Purchasing homeowner's insurance is essential for protecting your investment. While it's not

required by law for cash buyers, it's still a smart decision to safeguard against potential damage to your property from events like fires, storms, or theft. The cost of homeowner's insurance will depend on factors such as the value of your home, location, and the coverage you choose.


When moving into a new home, you'll need to set up utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and internet. While some utility companies may not charge fees for setting up new service, others may have installation or transfer fees. Be sure to research the utility providers in your area and factor in any associated costs.


Finally, don't forget to budget for the cost of moving. This includes hiring movers, renting a moving truck, or purchasing packing supplies. Depending on the distance of your move and the amount of belongings you have, moving expenses can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.


Purchasing a home with cash can simplify the process, but it's important to remember that there are still expenses to consider. By taking into account costs such as appraisal fees, home inspections, closing costs, property taxes, homeowner's insurance, utility setup fees, and moving expenses, you can ensure that you're prepared for all aspects of your cash home purchase. By being well-informed, you'll be better positioned to make a sound investment in your new home.

92 | MAY 2023
VIP agent Sell with me in 2023 and your home will be featured on My Show!! Marina Lomeli m: 562.254.5555 o: 877.MarinaL Cal DRE# 01236771 MARINA FROM THE DESERT TO THE SEA!

How Much Should I Spend on a House?

5 Tips to Help You Make a Decision

Buying a house is a major milestone in life and one of the most significant financial decisions you'll ever make. You may be wondering, "How much should I spend on a house?" The answer to this question is not straightforward, as it depends on numerous factors such as your income, expenses, and long-term financial goals. Here are five tips to help you determine the right amount to spend on a house.


Before you start looking for a house, take a step back and assess your financial situation.

Begin by listing your monthly income and expenses, including debt payments, savings, and investments. This exercise will give you an idea of how much money you have left each month to allocate towards a mortgage payment.


A widely accepted guideline to determine how much you can afford is the 28/36 rule. According to this rule, your monthly housing costs (including mortgage principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance) should not exceed 28% of your gross monthly income. Moreover, your total monthly debt payments (including your mortgage, car loans, student

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loans, and other debts) should not surpass 36% of your gross monthly income. While this is a helpful rule of thumb, remember that it's just a guideline, and you should consider your unique financial situation when making decisions.


The size of your down payment will significantly affect the overall cost of your house. Generally, it's recommended to put down at least 20% of the purchase price to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI) and secure better loan terms. However, there are loan programs available with lower down payment requirements, such as FHA loans, that may allow you to put down as little as 3.5%. Be aware that a smaller down payment might result in a higher monthly mortgage payment and additional costs in the long run.


When deciding how much to spend on a house, remember to account for additional costs such as closing fees, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. These costs can add up quickly and have a significant impact on your budget. As a rule of thumb, allocate approximately 1% to 3%

of the home's purchase price annually for maintenance expenses. Be realistic about these additional costs, as underestimating them can lead to financial strain down the road.


It's essential to keep your long-term financial goals in mind when determining how much to spend on a house. For example, if saving for retirement, investing, or paying off student loans are priorities, you may want to spend less on a house to ensure you can comfortably achieve these goals. Your home should not compromise your overall financial health, so be cautious about overextending yourself with a mortgage payment that leaves little room for other important financial goals.


Determining how much to spend on a house is a complex decision that requires careful consideration of your financial situation, debt levels, and long-term goals. By following these tips, you can make a more informed decision and find a home that fits both your needs and your budget. Remember that your home should enhance your life and financial well-being, not hinder it.

96 | MAY 2023
Scan the QR code to apply. Let us help you stay in your home. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling is the largest and longest-serving network of nonprofit financial counselors. Our mission is to help everyone gain control over their finances through free access to financial education., one of our premier member agencies, understands the need for financial safety, so there is no shame in asking for help. Get back on track today. 100% confidential Dedicated financial support Personalized solutions Connect with a nonprofit certified housing counselor today. 844-865-3028 or Facing
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To Wait or Not to Wait: Analyzing Home Prices in Palm Desert

Palm Desert, located in the picturesque Coachella Valley of Southern California, has long been a sought-after destination for both retirees and families alike. Boasting a fantastic year-round climate, natural beauty, and an abundance of amenities, it's no wonder that the real estate market in Palm Desert is perpetually in high demand. But, as potential homebuyers keep an eye on market trends, many wonder if they should wait for prices to drop before making their move. This article will discuss the various factors that can influence home prices in Palm Desert and help you make an informed decision about your next real estate investment.


The Palm Desert housing market has historically experienced periods of both growth and stagnation. The area has been susceptible to fluctuations in national and regional economic conditions, such as recessions and periods of rapid economic expansion. As a result, it can be challenging to predict with certainty whether home prices will drop in the near future. To better understand the potential trajectory of the Palm Desert real estate market, it's crucial to analyze factors like inventory levels, interest rates, and employment opportunities.

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A key indicator of the potential for a decrease in home prices is the level of inventory. When there are more houses on the market than buyers, this oversupply can lead to price reductions. In Palm Desert, inventory levels have been relatively stable, with a consistent stream of new housing developments coming onto the market. However, the demand for properties in this desirable area has remained high, which has prevented any significant decrease in prices. If inventory levels were to increase dramatically or demand were to fall, waiting for prices to drop could be a reasonable strategy.


Interest rates have a substantial impact on home prices and affordability. As rates rise, mortgages become more expensive, and buyers may be less likely to purchase homes. In recent years, interest rates have remained relatively low, making it easier for buyers to secure financing for a home purchase. If interest rates were to increase significantly, it could put downward pressure on home prices, potentially making it advantageous to wait before purchasing.


Employment opportunities and overall economic health are other essential factors to consider when evaluating home prices in Palm Desert. Strong job growth and economic stability tend to support higher home prices, as more people can afford to buy homes. Palm Desert and the surrounding Coachella Valley have seen steady job growth in various sectors, including healthcare, hospitality, and renewable energy. This economic growth has contributed to the continued demand for housing and stable home prices.


Ultimately, deciding whether to wait for home prices to drop in Palm Desert depends on several factors, including inventory levels, interest rates, and economic conditions. While it's difficult to predict future market trends with certainty, the current balance of supply and demand, low interest rates, and strong local economy suggest that waiting for a significant drop in home prices might not be the most effective strategy. Instead, potential buyers should focus on their unique financial situation, lifestyle needs, and long-term goals when determining the right time to enter the Palm Desert real estate market.

100 | MAY 2023
SOUNDS LIKE DISCRIMINATION. What matters is how you look on paper – not how you sound over the phone. Judging you by your race or color instead of your qualifications is discrimination. It’s unfair, it’s painful... and it’s against the law. The best way to stop housing discrimination is to report it. If you believe you may be a victim of housing discrimination, contact HUD or your local Fair Housing Center: Visit or call the HUD Hotline 1-800-669-9777 (voice) 1-800-927-9275 (TTY) Your Choice. Your Right. Your Home. A public service message from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in partnership with the National Fair Housing Alliance. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability. For more information, visit


S E L L I N G A H O M E ?

L E T ' S W O R K T O G E T H E R !

L i c e n s e d R e a l E s t a t e B r o k e r w i t h o v e r 3 5 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e w o r k i n g w i t h b u y e r s a n d s e l l e r s o f s i n g l e - f a m i l y h o m e s , l a n d , d u p l e x e s , t r i p l e x e s a n d f o u r p l e x e s . W a s f i r s t B r o k e r i n W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e t o o f f e r h o m e w a r r a n t i e s f o r b u y e r s o f e x i s t i n g h o m e s a n d f i r s t b r o k e r i n W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e t o o f f e r g u a r a n t e e d h o m e s a l e s b a c k e d b y a N a t i o n a l F r a n c h i s e .

J I M C L I F F O R D @ W R G P R A C O M ( 2 5 3 ) 8 2 6 - 7 5 1 3 J I M C L I F F O R D R E A L T Y . C O M C O N T A C T J I M C L I F F O R D

What is An Appraisal Contingency and How Can it Impact Your Homebuying Journey?

The homebuying process i complex and involves multiple parties and steps, one of which is the appraisal contingency. This essential component of a purchase agreement ensures the fair market value of a property. As a homebuyer, understanding the appraisal contingency and its implications will empower you to make informed decisions and protect your investment. In this article, we will discuss what an appraisal contingency is, why it matters, and how it can impact your homebuying journey.


Is a clause in a real estate purchase agreement that makes the transaction conditional on the appraised value of the property. It protects the buyer by ensuring that they are not overpaying for a home. The appraisal contingency allows the buyer to renegotiate or walk away from the transaction without penalty if the appraised value comes in lower than the agreed-upon purchase price.


An appraisal contingency is important for several reasons:

1. ENSURES FAIR MARKET VALUE: A professional appraiser conducts an objective assessment of the property's current market value, considering factors like comparable sales, location, and the property's condition. This appraisal helps determine if the agreedupon price is a fair representation of the home's value.

2. PROTECTS THE BUYER'S INVESTMENT: If the appraisal comes in lower than the purchase price, the buyer may end up overpaying for the property. In this case, the contingency allows the buyer to renegotiate the price or walk away without penalty.

3. SECURES FINANCING: Mortgage lenders

use the appraised value to determine the loan amount. If the appraisal comes in lower than the purchase price, the lender may decline the loan or require the buyer to make a larger down payment. The appraisal contingency safeguards the buyer's ability to secure financing.


1. RENEGOTIATION: If the appraisal comes in lower than the agreed-upon price, the buyer has the option to renegotiate the purchase price with the seller. The seller may be willing to lower the price to reflect the appraised value, thus preserving the transaction.

2. INCREASED DOWN PAYMENT: If the lender requires a larger down payment due to the lower appraisal, the buyer may need to come up with additional funds. This can impact the buyer's financial situation and potentially delay the closing process.

3. CANCELING THE TRANSACTION: If the buyer and seller cannot agree on a revised price or if the buyer cannot secure additional funds for the down payment, the buyer can use the appraisal contingency to walk away from the transaction without penalty. While this can be disappointing, it ultimately protects the buyer from overpaying.

In conclusion, the appraisal contingency plays a crucial role in the homebuying process, ensuring that the buyer is paying a fair price for the property and securing financing. Understanding this contingency allows homebuyers to make informed decisions and protect their investments. As you navigate your homebuying journey, be sure to consult with your real estate agent and mortgage lender about the appraisal contingency to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

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Do You Have What Home Buyers Want?

A Comprehensive Guide to Meeting Market Demands

In today's competitive real estate market, understanding the needs and preferences of home buyers is crucial to successfully selling a property. With shifting trends, economic factors, and lifestyle preferences, it's essential to know what buyers are looking for in a home. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the features, amenities, and factors that modern home buyers prioritize in their search for the perfect abode.


Home buyers continue to value location as a top priority. Proximity to amenities such as schools, parks, shopping centers, and transportation hubs is vital to attracting potential buyers. Buyers also appreciate areas with low crime rates and wellmaintained surroundings. When listing a property, emphasize its prime location and nearby conveniences.

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Eco-friendly and energy-efficient homes are in high demand. Buyers appreciate properties with features such as energy-efficient windows and appliances, solar panels, insulation, and smart thermostats. Highlighting these green attributes in your listing will appeal to environmentally conscious buyers looking to reduce their carbon footprint and utility bills.


In a post-pandemic world, the need for multipurpose spaces has become essential. Homebuyers are attracted to properties with open floor plans and flexible spaces that can be easily adapted to their needs, whether it's a home office, gym, or playroom. Make sure to showcase the versatility of your property's layout in your marketing materials.


Outdoor spaces are no longer just a luxury; they've become a necessity for many homebuyers. Patios, decks, and gardens not only extend the living area but also provide a safe and comfortable space to relax and entertain. Emphasize the quality and functionality of the outdoor living spaces in your property listing to appeal to buyers who value this feature.


Homebuyers crave organized and clutter-free living spaces. Properties with ample storage, such as walk-in closets, built-in shelves, and garage storage systems, will always be in demand. Ensure your property showcases its storage potential, and consider making small improvements to enhance the organization of the space.


Technology has transformed the

way we live, and smart home features have become increasingly popular among home buyers. Properties with features like smart thermostats, security systems, and voiceactivated assistants are appealing to those who appreciate modern convenience and home automation. Highlight any smart home features your property may have when marketing your listing.


Many homebuyers are attracted to lowmaintenance properties that require minimal upkeep. Features such as easy-to-clean surfaces, durable flooring, and low-maintenance landscaping can be selling points for busy homeowners who want to minimize the time spent on home maintenance tasks.


Understanding what home buyers want is crucial for a successful sale. By showcasing your property's prime location, eco-friendly features, flexible layout, outdoor living spaces, storage solutions, smart home features, and low-maintenance qualities, you'll attract more potential buyers and ultimately increase your chances of selling your property. Stay ahead of the curve and adapt to shifting market trends to ensure your property stands out from the competition.

106 | MAY 2023
DIFFERENT NATIONAL ORIGINS. SAME FAIR HOUSING RIGHTS. It is illegal for landlords and real estate agents to deny you housing opportunities because of your ethnicity. The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination based on national origin. If you believe you have experienced a violation of your rights, file a complaint. Go to or call 1-800-669-9777 Federal Relay Service 1-800-877-8339 FAIR HOUSING: THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. A public service message from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in cooperation with the National Fair Housing Alliance. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability. MAY 2023 | 107

Brooklyn Real Estate Market Update Q2 2023

The Brooklyn real estate market has continued to show strength and resilience in the second quarter of 2023, buoyed by a healthy local economy and an influx of new residents attracted by the borough's distinctive charm, cultural attractions, and comparatively affordable housing options. This article delves into the latest market trends, sales numbers, and projections for the rest of the year, providing valuable insights for buyers, sellers, and investors alike.


The Brooklyn real estate market has remained strong and active throughout Q2, with sustained demand for both single-family homes and condos. Key market drivers in Q2 2023 include a steady job market, low mortgage rates, and a growing desire for remote workspaces, which has prompted many to seek larger living spaces.

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1. Median Sales Price Increases: The median sales price for residential properties in Brooklyn increased by 5.1% in Q2, reaching $800,000, up from $760,000 in Q1. This growth can be attributed to increased demand and a decrease in housing inventory.

2. Housing Inventory Declines: The number of available homes for sale in Brooklyn dropped by 11.2% compared to the previous quarter, with a total inventory of 4,560 homes in Q2. The current absorption rate indicates a seller's market.

3. Sales Volume Growth: The total sales volume for Brooklyn residential real estate grew by 3.4% in Q2, reflecting the ongoing demand for properties in the borough.

4. Rising Demand for Single-Family Homes: Single-family homes, especially those with outdoor spaces, have been in high demand as remote working continues to gain traction. This demand has contributed to increased sales and higher prices in this segment.

5. New Developments: There has been a surge in new residential developments in Brooklyn, with luxury condos and renovated brownstones becoming increasingly popular, especially in neighborhoods such as DUMBO, Williamsburg, and Park Slope.


A few neighborhoods in Brooklyn have

experienced particularly notable growth in Q2 2023:

1. Williamsburg: Known for its hip and trendy atmosphere, Williamsburg has seen a 7.5% increase in median sales price, reaching $1.15 million.

2. Park Slope: With its family-friendly environment and access to Prospect Park, Park Slope has experienced a 5.8% rise in median sales price, now at $1.25 million.

3. DUMBO: As a popular destination for luxury living, DUMBO's median sales price increased by 6.2%, reaching $1.9 million.


The Brooklyn real estate market is expected to remain strong throughout the rest of the year, with increasing demand and limited inventory supporting sustained price growth. However, market watchers should be mindful of potential headwinds, such as rising mortgage rates and global economic uncertainties, which could impact buyer sentiment and activity levels.


The Brooklyn real estate market has shown impressive resilience and growth in Q2 2023, fueled by a healthy local economy, low mortgage rates, and strong demand for larger living spaces. While projections for Q3 are optimistic, it is crucial to remain vigilant for potential shifts in market dynamics as we move through the year.

110 | MAY 2023
When it comes to housing, little things shouldn’t make a difference. If you have children or are pregnant and a landlord refuses to rent to you, requires a higher security deposit, limits the use of facilities, or says you can only live in certain areas of a housing complex... that could be discrimination. And housing discrimination because of familial status is against the law. If you believe you may be a victim of housing discrimination, contact HUD or your local Fair Housing Center: Visit or call the HUD Hotline 1-800-669-9777 (voice) 1-800-927-9275 (TTY) Your Choice. Your Right. Your Home. A public service message from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in partnership with the National Fair Housing Alliance. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability. For more information, visit MAY 2023 | 111
The Mendez team
GABE MENDEZ | CHERISH MENDEZ CEO & Listing Agent DRE#01937611 P: (619) 876-2265 E: W:
S a n D i e g o

San Diego Real Estate Market Trends, Forecasts, and Statistics for Q2 2023

As one of the most sought-after destinations for homebuyers, the San Diego real estate market continues to evolve and adapt to the demands of the current market. With its stunning coastline, mild climate, and dynamic business landscape, the city attracts a diverse array of residents. This article will delve into the latest trends, forecasts, and statistics for the San Diego, California real estate market in Q2 2023.



Despite the fluctuations in the overall US housing market, San Diego has experienced a

steady increase in home prices throughout Q2 2023. This trend can be attributed to the limited inventory and high demand for properties in the city, which has led to increased competition among buyers.


San Diego's limited housing inventory has remained a critical challenge for both buyers and sellers. The issue stems from the slow development of new housing units due to zoning restrictions, regulatory barriers, and rising construction costs. As a result, the market has seen an increase in bidding wars and a decrease in the number of days properties stay on the market.

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Amidst the limited inventory of single-family homes, the demand for condos and townhomes has surged. This shift in preferences can be attributed to affordability, as well as the desire for low-maintenance lifestyles and urban living experiences.


San Diego has consistently been one of the most expensive cities for renters in the US. In Q2 2023, rental rates have continued to rise due to a combination of factors, including limited housing supply, population growth, and the ongoing effects of the pandemic.


1. Growth in Median Home Prices

Analysts predict that the median home price in San Diego will continue to grow throughout 2023, albeit at a slower pace compared to previous years. The factors contributing to this growth include the city's strong job market, increasing demand for properties, and a limited supply of new housing developments.

2. Persisting Inventory Challenges

The limited inventory of homes in San Diego is expected to persist into 2023, as the construction of new housing units continues to lag behind demand. This trend is likely to maintain the competitive atmosphere among buyers and contribute to rising home prices.

3. Increasing Interest in Suburban Areas

As the cost of living in San Diego's urban centers rises, more homebuyers are expected to consider suburban areas that offer more affordable housing options. This shift in preference may stimulate development in the city's surrounding regions and help balance the current supply-demand imbalance.

4. Focus on Green Construction

An increasing emphasis on sustainable living and green construction is expected to shape the San Diego real estate market in the coming years. Buyers are likely to prioritize eco-friendly features and energyefficient homes, driving developers to adopt sustainable building practices.


1. Median Home Price: $795,000 (up 6% YoY)

2. Average Days on Market: 21 (down 15% YoY)

3. Number of Active Listings: 2,700 (down 12% YoY)

4. Median Rent Price: $2,700 (up 4.6% YoY)


San Diego's real estate market in Q2 2023 reflects a mix of growth, demand, and limited supply, leading to increased competition and rising home prices. While forecasts predict a continuation of these trends in the short term, shifts in buyer preferences and an increased focus on sustainability may help alleviate some of the city's housing challenges in the future.

114 | MAY 2023

She fought overseas for her country and shouldn’t have to fight housing discrimination based on her race here at home. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial status or disability. I f you suspect housing discrimination, contact HUD or your local fair housing center.

A public ser vice message from the U S Depar tment of Housing and Urban Development in par tner ship with the National Fair Housing Alliance The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race color religion national origin sex familial status or disability For more information visit www hud gov/fairhousing Fair Housing Is Your Right. Use It. Visit or call the HUD Hotline 1-800-669-9777 (English/Español) 1-800-927-9275 (TTY) HOUSING DISCRIMINATION. IT’S UNLAWFUL, UNFAIR AND UN-AMERICAN.
MAY 2023 | 115
Alicia W. Iraq and Afghanistan War Veteran KENNETH D. SESSION, SR. CEO/Broker of Session Real Estate CALDRE # 01966148 T: (510) 568 - 4200 M: (510) 290 -7990 F: (510) 550 - 2690

The checklist for selling your house this spring season

To ensure that you’re getting the best price for your home, it’s important to assess its value. You can do this by comparing your house with other similar properties in the area. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a real estate agent or look at online resources like Zillow and Trulia.

Once you know how much your property is worth, it’s time to prepare it for sale by updating any outdated features (like carpeting) and making sure that everything looks nice on the outside of the house as well as inside. Your goal should be to make sure potential buyers see themselves living there!

Finally, research local real estate markets so that when someone asks how much they should pay for a property like yours or what kind of return they can expect on their investment you'll have answers ready at hand!


To ensure that you’re getting the best price for your home, it’s important to assess its value. You can do this by comparing your house with other similar properties in the area. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a real estate agent or look at online resources like Zillow and Trulia.

Once you know how much your property is worth, it’s time to prepare it for sale by updating any outdated features (like carpeting) and making sure that everything looks nice on the outside of the house as well as inside. Your goal

should be to make sure potential buyers see themselves living there!

Finally, research local real estate markets so that when someone asks how much they should pay for a property like yours or what kind of return they can expect on their investment you'll have answers ready at hand!


The first step in selling your house is to find a real estate agent. You can do this by asking around, or by doing some research online.

Once you've narrowed down your list of potential agents, it's time for an interview! During this meeting, ask them about their marketing strategies and references from past clients. You should also ask how they plan on selling your home what kind of homes are similar to yours? What neighborhoods would they recommend? How much money do they think the house will sell for? This will help determine whether or not this person is right for you and your needs as a seller.


When it comes to pricing your home, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that yours will sell quickly and at its best price. The first step is research: look at similar houses in the area that have recently sold, or are currently on the market. This will give you an idea of what other homes in your neighborhood are selling for and help determine an appropriate asking price for yours.

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Next, get an appraisal from a professional appraiser who specializes in real estate valuation (a licensed appraiser). An appraisal is not required by law but is highly recommended because it gives buyers confidence in their purchase decision and helps them avoid any surprises later down the road when they find out their lender requires one before issuing financing for their purchase. Finally, work with your agent to set a fair asking price based on comps; don't overprice just because "I know someone who paid more than this"!


• Professional Photos

• Virtual Tours

• Online Listings


Hosting Open houses and showings can be a great way to drum up interest in your home. However, it's important to remember that these are still people coming into your home--and they may not always be as respectful as you'd like them to be.


Preparing Your Home for Showings: Make sure that all clutter is removed from common areas and bedrooms. If there's any damage or repairs needed (such as broken windows), make sure they're fixed before hosting an open house or showing! You don't want potential buyers seeing something they'll have trouble overlooking later on down the road when negotiating with other agents on behalf of their clients who will likely ask questions about these things before buying from them again in future transactions if not now during negotiations themselves."


Once you've received an offer, it's time to

review your options carefully. Don't rush to accept the first offer that comes along--you may be able to negotiate better terms with another buyer.

If you're thinking about selling your house this spring and summer, make sure you have a plan in place before listing your property on the market!


Have your agent help you negotiate. Your agent knows the market, so they can help you get the best price possible for your home.

Consider counteroffers if necessary--it's not uncommon for buyers to make a lower offer than what they initially wanted because of competition from other buyers or simply because they need time to save up money for their down payment. If this happens with one of your offers, consider countering back with a higher price point that reflects how much work went into getting them interested in buying in the first place (and also makes sure there are no lingering doubts about whether or not it's worth making such a high-dollar purchase).

Finalize the contract before proceeding further with negotiations: Once both parties agree on terms and sign off on them via written contracts signed by both buyer(s) and seller(s), then all parties involved should proceed forward knowing exactly where each stands financially which means no surprises later down the road!

118 | MAY 2023
Yo r Housing A Better Community The solution to housing discrimination starts with you. If you have been trying to buy or rent a house or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated, contact HUD or your local fair housing center. The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial status or disability. + A public ser vice message from the U S Depar tment of Housing and Urban Development in par tner ship with the National Fair Housing Alliance The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race color religion national origin sex familial status or disability For more information visit www hud gov/fairhousing Fair Housing Is Your Right. Use It. Visit or call the HUD Hotline 1-800-669-9777 (English/Español) 1-800-927-9275 (TTY) SCAN HERE FOR MORE INFO

C h i n o H i l l s


Should You Buy and Sell at the Same Time?

A Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Timing

Navigating the world of real estate can be both exciting and challenging, especially when you're considering both buying and selling a home simultaneously. While it might seem like the perfect solution to a smooth transition, there are potential risks and benefits that need to be weighed. This comprehensive guide will explore the pros and cons of buying and selling at the same time, providing you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.



One of the main benefits of buying and selling at the same time is the convenience factor. Coordinating the sale of your current home with the purchase of your new one can streamline the entire process, eliminating the need for temporary housing and multiple moves. This can save you time, money, and stress.


By selling your home first and using the proceeds as a down payment on your new property, you can potentially minimize the amount of financing needed for your new purchase. This could lead to a lower mortgage interest rate, saving you money in the long run.

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In a hot real estate market, buying and selling at the same time can be advantageous, as you're more likely to receive a high offer on your current home, while also potentially scoring a good deal on your new one.


One of the main challenges of buying and selling at the same time is coordinating the timing. If your current home doesn't sell as quickly as anticipated, you may be stuck with two mortgages, creating financial strain. Conversely, if you sell your home before securing a new one, you may need to find temporary housing, which can be costly and inconvenient.


To alleviate timing concerns, you can include a contingency in your purchase agreement, stating that your purchase of the new home is contingent upon the successful sale of your current home. However, this can make your offer less appealing to sellers, especially in a competitive market.


The process of buying and selling a home simultaneously can be highly stressful, as you're juggling multiple tasks, such as preparing your home for sale, searching for a new property, securing financing, and coordinating closings.



A rent-back agreement is a short-term rental arrangement with the buyer of your current home, allowing you to stay in the property for a specified period after the sale. This can provide you with additional time to find a new home without the pressure of being homeless or needing temporary housing.


Working with an experienced real estate agent or broker can help you navigate the complexities of buying and selling at the same time. They can provide valuable advice on pricing, marketing, and negotiation strategies to ensure a smoother experience.


The decision to buy and sell a home at the same time depends on your unique circumstances, financial situation, and the current real estate market. By understanding the advantages, disadvantages, and strategies available, you can make a well-informed decision that best suits your needs. Consult with a real estate professional to guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired outcomes.


A bridge loan is a short-term loan that provides the funds needed to purchase your new home before your current home is sold. Once your current home sells, you can use the proceeds to pay off the bridge loan. This can help you avoid the stress of timing the sale and purchase perfectly.

122 | MAY 2023
MAY 2023 | 123
NEED A REAL ESTATE AGENT? NICOLE BASCOMB Owner/Designated Broker Bascomb Real Estate Group Call today : Or send mail : 206-250-3133 Seattle

Spring 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to Prepare Your Home for Sale

Spring 2023 has arrived, and it is the perfect time to put your home on the market. With the real estate industry bouncing back, homebuyers are increasingly seeking properties to match their dreams. To ensure your home is ready for sale and commands top dollar, there are a number of essential steps to follow. This guide will provide you with a thorough outline of preparing your home for sale during the spring season of 2023.


Before listing your home, it is crucial to research and understand the current market trends in your area. Monitor sales in your neighborhood and consult with local real estate agents for insights on pricing, buyer preferences, and popular amenities. The 2023 spring market has seen increased demand for energy-efficient homes, smart home technology, and versatile workfrom-home spaces. Catering to these trends will ensure your property stands out among the competition.

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Before putting your home on the market, conduct a thorough inspection to identify any necessary repairs or maintenance issues. This includes checking the plumbing, electrical systems, roof, and foundation. Repair any visible damage and make necessary updates to ensure your home meets buyer expectations. Additionally, consider having a professional inspection conducted to identify any potential issues that could cause delays or complications during the sales process


First impressions are crucial in real estate. Boost your home's curb appeal by maintaining the lawn, planting seasonal flowers, power washing the exterior, and painting or touching up the front door. Ensure your driveway and walkways are clean and inviting, and consider adding subtle outdoor lighting to create a welcoming ambiance.


Buyers need to envision themselves in your home, which can be challenging if it is cluttered with personal belongings. Remove excess furniture and items, including family photos, trinkets, and anything that makes the space feel overly personal. Create a neutral and clean environment that allows potential buyers to imagine their own belongings and memories in the space.


Home staging has become increasingly popular in the 2023 real estate market and can significantly impact your home's desirability. Consider hiring a professional home stager or follow DIY staging tips, such as rearranging furniture, updating decor, and incorporating neutral colors to make rooms appear larger and brighter. In today's market, ensuring your home is staged to cater to buyer preferences and trends is more important than ever.

Work with a reputable real estate agent who understands the current market and can effectively market your home through multiple channels, including online platforms, social media, and local advertising. High-quality photos and virtual tours are essential in today's market, as more buyers are conducting initial searches online. Ensure your agent highlights your home's unique features and appeals to the target demographic.


Lastly, be prepared for open houses and private showings. Keep your home clean and organized, and make sure all personal belongings are tucked away. Be flexible with scheduling showings and create a welcoming environment by adding fresh flowers, pleasant scents, and ambient lighting.


The spring season of 2023 is an excellent time to sell your home. By understanding current market trends, addressing repairs, enhancing curb appeal, decluttering, investing in home staging, and effectively marketing your home, you can ensure a successful and profitable sale. Happy selling!


126 | MAY 2023
choosing is a right. housing discrimination is wrong. where you live Visit www.hud.go v/fairhousing or call the HUD Hotline 1-800-669-9777 (voice) 1-800-927-9275 (TTY) discrimination because of race, color, religion or national origin is illegal. e only way to stop it is for you to report it. A public ser vice message from the U S Depar tment of Housing and Urban Development in par tnership with the National Fair Housing Alliance The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, family status or disability For more information, visit www hud gov/fairhousing

Home Ownership

Home ownership brings stability to individuals and families who have never had a dwelling place that they could call their own. There is something special about owning real estate that is unlike anything else on earth you can own.

Real Estate you own is not like cars that decay over time and you have to replace them. Real Estate you own is not like clothes that go out of style and you have to buy new ones. Real Estate you own is not like expensive vacations or experiences that only last a moment in time.

Real Estate you own is not like an apartment where the landlord may increase the rent until it’s no longer affordable.

Real Estate you own is not like staying at your parents house where you know can’t stay forever.

128 | MAY 2023

Home ownership is the beginning of wealth that increases over time and becomes your estate & legacy

Home ownership is the pride of a mother nurturer and the kitchen her domain

Home ownership is the pride of a father provider and protector of his territory and family.

Home ownership is the foundation of permanence and the place where life happens, birthdays celebrated, deaths mourned.

Home ownership is the place you build memories that can never be taken from you.

Memories etched in walls and concrete, experienced in rooms and floors,

Memories living in trees and shrubs planted by your hand.

Howe ownership is the manifestation of you - your style, your colors, your smell, your stuff, your junk, your memories, your yard and your spaces, your life.

It’s the height markers on your first child’s bedroom wall.

It’s the hearts drawn in the concrete slabs when you pour your patio floor

It’s the birthday parties, and anniversaries in the living room and kitchen.

It’s the back yard barbecue with friends, neighbors and family contentions

it’s the high school and college graduation, and wedding receptions

Its’ the family nights and block parties and the fellowship of family connections

Home ownership

It’s more than real estate. Land, brick and mortar, wood frame construction and chicken wire.

It’s more than money saved, gifts recieved and grants obtained

It’s more than the debt you incur to buy it.

It’s more than the payments you make to own it.

It’s more than the appreciation that comes with keeping it over time.

It’s memories, it’s family, and it’s life that can happen in one place

Until you say it’s time to move.

Articles inside

Home Ownership

pages 128-129

Spring 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to Prepare Your Home for Sale

pages 125-127

Should You Buy and Sell at the Same Time? A Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Timing

pages 121-122, 124

The checklist for selling your house this spring season

pages 117-119

San Diego Real Estate Market Trends, Forecasts, and Statistics for Q2 2023

pages 113-116

Brooklyn Real Estate Market Update Q2 2023

pages 109-112

A Comprehensive Guide to Meeting Market Demands

pages 105-108

What is An Appraisal Contingency and How Can it Impact Your Homebuying Journey?

pages 103-104

To Wait or Not to Wait: Analyzing Home Prices in Palm Desert

pages 99-102

How Much Should I Spend on a House? 5 Tips to Help You Make a Decision

pages 95-98

Cash Home Buyers: Don't Forget These Often Overlooked Expenses

pages 91-94

How to Appeal Your Property Taxes in New Haven, Connecticut

pages 87-90

Let’s Talk about Real Estate Investing: The 5 Tips for Investing in Real Estate as a Beginner

pages 83-84, 86

The Property Line: Why You Should Stop Waiting to Sell Your Home

pages 79-82

Breaking Down the Average Time it Takes to Sell a House in Minnesota: Tips and Insights for a Faster Sale

pages 75-78

Proven Strategies for Lowering Your Closing Costs

pages 71-74

How Much Homeowners Insurance Do You Need in California?

pages 67-70

Spring 2023 Real Estate Market Update: Corona, California

pages 63-66

Gabe Del Rio

pages 58-60

Riverside Market Update: May 2023, A Flourishing Hub for Commerce and Lifestyle

pages 55-57

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a House in Akron, Ohio this Spring Season

pages 51-54

5 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Fixer-Upper

pages 47-50

Scottsdale, Arizona Market Update: Q2 2023

pages 43-46

Florida House Shopping Guide: Tips And Tricks For House Hunters this Spring Season

pages 39-42

Our programming and projects include, but are not limited to:

pages 37-38

Where Starting Over happens every day!

page 36

Selling in the Next Season? Here’s How to Protect and Increase Home Value on a Budget

pages 33-35

Striking the Perfect Balance in Home Repair Costs Before Selling Your Home

pages 29-31

Is Rocket's New Credit Card the Right Choice for Homebuyers?

pages 26-28

Creating a Relaxing Outdoor Retreat: Tips and Tricks

pages 24-25

Protect Your Investment:

pages 22-23

Uncovering the Truth: The Secret Bias Against Black Homebuyers in Mortgage Approval Algorithms

pages 20-21

Climate Risk and the Future of Underwriting: Fannie Mae's Journey to a Sustainable Mortgage Industry

pages 18-20

Improve Your Kitchen Personality with These 4 Simple Tips

pages 16-17

April's Homebuilder Sentiment Soars: Builders Secure Near-Record Market Share

pages 14-15

Rise of Luxury Apartments in U.S. Cities: A Look at the Surprising Housing Trend During the Recession

pages 12-13

The Ripple Effect: How Rising Inflation Impacts Real Estate Markets

pages 10-11

Revving Up the Future: How Biden's Clean Cars Proposal Paves the Way for Electric

pages 8-9


pages 4-7
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