Talk About Epping Summer 2020

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The Mayor’s view

The operation of the town council has changed significantly since the pandemic outbreak and the introduction of social distancing. Most notably the Monday market has had to be closed. This decision was not taken lightly, but the format of the market did not allow for adequate space to operate within the social distancing guidelines. The market will reopen when it is deemed safe to do so and I would urge you to support this local facility as and when it does. I know several of the traders are operating a home delivery service, details of which are on our website. We have had correspondence telling us how much our market is missed and we look forward to welcoming it back when we safely can. Whilst Epping Hall and the Jack Silley pavilion are closed to the public, the town council have made the pavilion available to Princess Alexandra NHS Trust to carry out selected blood tests in a controlled and safer environment, away from the actual hospitals. We are pleased to support our NHS in this way. As part of emergency legislation, the government now allow Council meetings to be conducted via video conferencing. The town council have been

quick to adopt this technology and now have meetings via this method for full council meetings, to discuss planning applications and for the various working parties to meet. This has enabled the decision making process of the council to continue without too much disruption. Day to day, the council staff are operating remotely where possible, under the direction of our Town Clerk. We have continued to monitor our telephones and emails, so we can continue our operations as much as possible behind the scenes and support and signpost our residents. The grounds staff are continuing with their roles under strict social distancing guidelines. Both I and my fellow councillors are extremely grateful for their dedication to their roles during these difficult times. On a brighter note, before the current situation started, the Council were making plans to renovate the tennis courts at Stonards Hill. These plans are still being progressed and it is hoped that as soon as the lockdown situation is relaxed these can be actioned and that the tennis courts will be available to use once we can all get out and about again. Please enjoy our many lovely green spaces in Epping, but within the safety guidelines. Finally I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy summer.

Grahame Scruton

Epping Town Council’s allotments

There are two Epping Town Council owned allotment sites in Epping; Meadow Road and Lower Bury Lane. The site at Meadow Road is much larger, therefore has many more allotment plots. This has lovely views looking out across the fields. You can also find a trading hut near the entrance, normally open on Sunday mornings, operated by Epping Horticultural Society, that sells provisions and offers advice to gardeners and tenants. Allotment sites have remained open recently, with the social distancing and allotment rules in operation. Tenants have found their allotments a very welcome place to be this spring particularly.

The Lower Bury Lane allotment site is much smaller and has fewer plots. Both sites contain a mixture of single and double plots. Allotments are often measured in ‘rods’. Some plot holders have been with us for many years, growing a mixture of fruit, vegetables and flowers. Allotments are still very popular with residents of all ages. Did you know? Allotments have their own laws and are governed by legislation. In years gone by, they provided a real opportunity for people to feed their families with fresh produce.

Epping Town Mayor 2020-21

Epping’s Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected by their fellow councillors in May of each year. Councillor Grahame Scruton, who was Mayor of Epping 2019/20 will continue to be our Mayor in 2020/21. Epping Town’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Michael Wright will continue to be our Deputy Mayor in 2020/21. The Town Mayor acts as Chairman of the Town Council; the Deputy Mayor acts as Vice Chairman. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor normally visit and support lots of organisations throughout the year.


Epping’s Monday charter Market

Epping Monday Market has been closed since Monday 23rd March 2020, due to the coronavirus Covid-19 health emergency. The Town seems very different without it. We look forward to seeing our shops and market able to open again in the coming months and would like to encourage everyone to support them as they return from this very difficult time. Some of the Monday market traders; Frost’s Pet Foods and Green’s Fishmongers have been delivering to their customers in Epping and the surrounding areas. Top Quality health foods (dried fruit and nuts) are offering a mail order service. We look forward to welcoming our market traders back as soon as it is safe to do so. Some of our traders have been with us for many years and our High Street is not the same without the market and our wide variety of shops, restaurants and businesses. Please support our High Street when it is safe to do so. Don’t forget, you can buy so many different products on our Monday market; see below. We welcome new and casual traders, so if you like the idea of setting up your own market stall, please get in touch.

Books and puzzle books Bric-a-brac Dried fruit and nuts Food Fruit and vegetables Groceries Handbags Hats Jewellery Mens accessories Phone accessories Scarves Soft furnishings

Bread and cakes China Eggs Fresh fish Glasses Hair accessories Hardware Household items Ladies fashion Pet food Plants Shoes Tools

Resident quote: “I must say, out of all the restrictions we have during this lockdown, the thing I miss the most is Epping’s Monday market, not only for the stalls but for the shops and the community too as I always bumped into friends and had a chat. I miss all that so much and hope this lockdown won’t change the market.”

Contact: for more details


Julie’s café at Stonards Hill: First Year

This first year running my own business has been an amazing experience; making new friends, supporting local events and learning new skills. In spite of all the preparation leading up to the opening, when I opened the doors of the café on 19th April 2019, my feelings were a mixture of anxiety and excitement. I saw it as a great opportunity to provide a facility for the local community and people visiting the park. Being a café in the park, it is very important to be dog friendly and many of our regular customers are my doggy friends who rush to the café in front of their owners for their doggyccinos. Throughout the year we have organised a number of personalised events such as an 80th birthday party, a 60th wedding anniversary high tea and a number of children’s parties. I have also taken part in a number of community events such as the Scarecrow trail organised by Epping in Bloom, the Christmas market and the Christmas Tree Festival. Our tree “The 12 dogs of Christmas” won first prize in the business class at the Tree Festival. Our ice cream was very popular at the Town Show and all the family had to lend a hand. At Halloween I organised a best dressed competition for dogs which was a great success. Most of all I am really grateful to all our customers for supporting me and hope to welcome everyone back once I can reopen. Please follow us on social media for updates and announcements relating to our reopening in line with government guidance. (Facebook and Instagram @ Julies at Stonards) Julie Turrell

Julie’s cafe at Stonards Hill recreation ground

Tel: 07596 650067 Instagram and Facebook: Julie’s at Stonards (Contact for reopening details)

1st Theydon Garnon Scouts sponsor a guide dog puppy

During an evening of learning how difficult simple tasks are for those with physical disabilities, the Scouts at 1st Theydon Garnon Scout Group were set different challenges replicating a disability to give them an experience of what it may be like to be disabled. They had to negotiate around their headquarters blindfolded with numerous obstacles placed in their way. They had to feed each other with the receiver putting their arms behind their back or blindfolded and also fold their uniform scarves one handed. They discussed how challenging everyday life must be for people that are blind or visually impaired and how having a guide dog must make life outside the home so much easier. They were visited by puppy trainer, Brenda, from the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association who brought retired Guide Dog, Aero, with her. Brenda gave a very interesting talk about how a puppy is trained and also how the charity breeds their own dogs.

The Scouts decided themselves that they would like to help the charity and clubbed together their own money and are now sponsoring a Guide Dog puppy called Rosie.

If anyone is interested in sponsoring a Guide Dog puppy please visit their website at

Epping Town Council have been awarded Quality Gold status by the Essex Association of Local Councils. This demonstrates that we have excellent policies and procedures in place and work hard for our community.


A few of Epping’s green spaces

Please note: At the current time (May 2020) all play facilities and gym equipment are currently not available for use.

Epping enjoys a wide variety of lovely green spaces which have been a valuable asset during the current difficult times. Epping Town Council own, manage and look after many of the green spaces we enjoy in and around Epping.

Some places to explore when it is safe to do so: At Lower Swaines Recreation Ground, you can find a play area and a suite of trim trail equipment. If you follow the paths, you continue to City of London owned forest and onto Lovelocks Meadow owned by Epping Town Council and managed by the Friends of Swaines Green, assisted by Epping Forest Countrycare.

Many of you will frequent Stonards Hill Recreation Ground, which was gifted to the people of Epping by the Silley family in the mid 20th century. Epping Town Council own and manage this area on behalf of the town. There are many facilities, including football pitches, a play area, outdoor gym, tennis courts, skate park and an outdoor table tennis table. There is a café at the Jack Silley Pavilion. If you continue walking through Stonards Hill and into the fields and woods (Hoy’s Wood), you can get to Coopersale. (Please check what is open as the situation is changing.)

The recreation ground at Frampton Road is a large green space, sometimes used for football. It has a play area in the corner and outdoor exercise equipment. The area is surrounded by fields. The Lindsey Street Community Association hall is situated next to the recreation ground and they hold regular events and functions.

Epping Town Council are also responsible for the play areas at Parklands, Coopersale and Ivy Chimneys. There is a small green area at Brook Road that is used for football training at weekends.

All our green spaces are well used by visitors and dog walkers.


Epping Quiz:

Test your knowledge with our fun quiz


What is the name of the roadway between the Old Police Station and the Post Office?


What year was the War memorial unveiled?


What is the name of the pond at the end of Lindsey Street?


What animal is on the badge of Epping Town Council and how does it feature?


Where was the site of the old Spotted Dog public House?


In which year was the Epping Market Charter granted?


Founded in 1886 as the Workman’s Club and later known as the Literary and Mechanics Institute, what is this known as now?


Which of Shakespeare’s plays was alleged to have first been performed at Copped Hall?


Which year was the Epping to Ongar Central Line service closed?


Who has a blue plaque on the Old Courthouse in Epping?


Who owns and controls Epping Forest?


Off which road is the Epping Sports Club located with cricket, tennis and bowls clubs?


What name was St Margaret’s Hospital formally known as?


Name the three ‘white’ public houses that have gone from Epping High Street since 1960.


What is the name of the pathway from the High Street next to the Shell Garage through to Hemnall Street?


What now marks the site of the Old Market House in the High Street?


Which Epping Historian has a blue plaque above his old house at 45 High Street?


What year did the Tour de France ride through Epping?


Which famous Prime Minister made a speech in Epping High Street outside what is now Marks and Spencer?

20) A listening bench was installed in 2017 in which Churchyard? (Answers next issue) With kind thanks to John Batchelor, a Freeman of Epping

Tennis court refurbishment: Stonards Hill recreation ground

Epping Town Council are looking to refurbish the tennis courts at Stonards Hill recreation ground. We hope to resurface and make improvements to the floodlighting, which will increase the amount of time available for play. The tennis courts have been closed during the coronavirus health situation and will reopen once it is safe to do so. The tennis courts are situated to the right of the café at the Jack Silley Pavilion.


Epping Eco Fayre

The first Epping ECO Fayre was held at St John’s Church, Epping, on Saturday 18th January.

There were speakers from Epping in Bloom, The Friends of Swaines Green, Epping Forest ReUse and The Epping Society, who all explained how they are helping the environment in the Epping area in a variety of ways and also how residents can help in different ways. There were displays from these groups as well as the 1st Theydon Garnon Scouts, who helped everyone to make pine cone feeders for the birds, the Hedgehog Preservation Society and Rye Meads Bird Ringing Group.

The Fayre was very well attended with people leaving with lots of easy ideas on how they can make a real difference to the local environment. The next Epping ECO event is already being planned. Look out for details.

Action for Family Carers

From January, people with dementia have access to weekly Activity Groups in Harlow, Uttlesford and Dunmow run by Essex charity Action for Family Carers.

Over 50 people in West Essex already attend the Groups, mixing with others and participating in a variety of mentally and physically stimulating activities, ranging from seated exercise, indoor bowling, reminiscence discussions and games, often including music.

Action for Family Carers has taken over management of the Groups which were previously run by the Alzheimer’s Society. The groups are led by a small team of professional and caring staff and a large number of dedicated local volunteers. Morning sessions, called Keeping Active, focus on physical activity and afternoon sessions, called Active Minds, focus on activities to stimulate the mind.

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and can help your overall wellbeing. It can give opportunities to spend time with others, reducing isolation and loneliness and support people to continue being independent.

Cognitive stimulation involves activities and exercises that stimulate thinking, concentration, communication and memory in the person with dementia. It involves talking about day-to-day interests, reminiscence and information relating to the current time and place. Speaking about the Activity Groups, Action for Family Carers’ CEO, James Clarke said: “We are delighted to be supporting people living with dementia in West Essex. We have been pleased to work with the Alzheimer’s Society to ensure the continuation of these highly valued groups and we look forward to supporting many more people in the future.”

If you know of anyone who might benefit from joining the Groups and for more information please call 0300 770 80 90 and ask for Clare Savva or email on


A new Weather Station for Epping

Some of our residents may recall that there was for a long time a weather station operating in Epping, based in Woodberry Down at the home of George Booth FRMS, who published his records daily to a dedicated website at (you can still find the details there). Unfortunately for Epping residents, he moved to Edinburgh, and so a continuous record of Epping’s weather from 1979 to 2013 was broken. Now we have a town weather station again. A private donation has enabled an automatic station to be mounted at Stonards Hill recreation ground and this has been operational since December 2019. A website has been set up and carries the weather information updated in real time. So if you want to know the temperature before you go outdoors, go to As well as the here and now information, we can also display the current and previous months’ daily records, and fully detailed daily records are retained in a database for potential future download and analysis if requested. We’ve also started a monthly blog to review each month’s highs and lows. Thus you can go to our website and see that, compared with George Booth’s 1979-2013 records, we’ve so far this year experienced our warmest ever January, our third wettest and fourth warmest February, a very windy and mild March, and a warm, dry and sunny April (3rd warmest on record). You can leave your email address on the website if you want to be emailed when a new Weather News blog is posted. For now, these monthly summaries are being produced by a local volunteer. If any individual, school, or other group would like to write such a monthly review, then please get in touch through the contact form on the website. We can download all the relevant data for you.

Epping Town Council would like to thank our very kind donor for financing Epping’s new weather station and for all their hard work with research and the setting up and maintenance of the website. We hope this will be a valuable interesting and educational resource for years to come and extremely useful for our community.

Epping Neighbourhood Plan update

As can be expected, the development of Neighbourhood Plans as well as Local Plans during this coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic have been affected. The government has issued some guidance recently about this matter. The Committee can still work on our Epping Neighbourhood Plan and we hopefully will be meeting later in the year, subject to Epping Forest District Council’s (EFDC) progress, but the Neighbourhood Plan can’t go to public referendum until next year. EFDC has the latest version of the Neighbourhood Plan and has responded with comments which are being considered. There remains the need for the Neighbourhood Plan to conform with EFDC’s Local Plan. EFDC are addressing the Inspector’s findings from the Local Plan examination last year such as further work on air pollution and possible adjustment of housing sites and numbers in Epping. The Neighbourhood Plan will not be submitted for examination at this stage, until the work at Epping Forest District Council has progressed, then respond to changes and prepare to submit the Neighbourhood Plan after that time. EFDC did plan to consult in June/July 2020 and finish the Local Plan by the end of 2020, but this timetable has been affected because of coronavirus (Covid-19). Epping Neighbourhood Plan is a separate document to the District Council’s Local Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan, once voted by residents in a referendum, would sit alongside the District’s Local Plan as a key planning document. It will be one of the documents against which future planning applications are judged in Epping Parish until 2033.

The Epping Neighbourhood Planning Advisory Committee is made up jointly of members of the local community and Epping Town councillors. For further information about Epping Neighbourhood Planning, please visit our website: Thank you to everyone who has submitted an article for Talk About Epping. Please keep them coming in. High resolution cover pictures also welcome for consideration.

Ashlar House

TALK ABOUT EPPING 9 All the staff at Barchester Ashlar House Care Home in Epping would like to say a huge thank you to Barbara Dines (whose husband has been with us for 5 years) for the fantastic hand made banner which we will hang where everyone can see, and the box of chocolate treats which were a pleasure to receive. Barbara has become a part of the Ashlar family coming in every day to see her husband. Hopefully we will all be back to regular visits in the not too distant future.

Fantastic Rainbow pictures lifting spirits across Barchester Health during coronavirus lockdown. In such unprecedented times residents families, our dedicated carers at Ashlar House, children and grandchildren are already showing wonderful community spirit at a time of need. The display around our home is keeping us going.

Epping Society views

Our 48th Annual General meeting which was to have been held in March was postponed following the Government’s decision to prohibit social gatherings. We will announce the new date as soon as we can. Meanwhile the existing Officers and Committee continue in office. The Society has been keen to encourage the replacement of fingerposts lost in the District over the years and also for additional ones to assist visitors and encourage tourists. We believe that fingerposts add to the market town character of Epping and to the rural aspect of the District which is still apparent in many ways. We have been heartened to learn that others felt as we did and replacements have been erected and repairs have been done on a small scale in Theydon Bois, Coopersale Street and Epping. We understand a replacement is to be installed at Lindsey Street soon. The Society remains unclear about funding and where responsibility for this work now lies but we will add our voice to those working to renew such distinctive street furniture. We have heard of one Parish Council which has restored 16 fingerposts so far and we have seen attractive modern versions in Lindfield, West Sussex.


Crimestoppers: speak up about crime

More people in Essex are contacting independent charity Crimestoppers, which gives people the power to speak up 100% anonymously about crime, to keep communities safer. From April to December last year, Essex people gave Crimestoppers nearly 6,500 reports about crime, an increase of 10 per cent over the previous year. The top four crime reports were about drugs, drink/drugs driving, possession of weapons and wanted persons. Crimestoppers can take information about most crimes. Information can be given 24/7, 365 days a year by phoning the UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111 or by completing an untraceable online form at – Crimestoppers charity is here to listen and here to help. All information about crime should be reported, no matter how insignificant you think it is. What you know could be vital in making a difference. The only person who will know you contacted Crimestoppers is you. Some people refuse to speak about crime to authorities for a number of reasons, from fear of retribution to cultural expectations. This is why Crimestoppers exists. The charity is trusted nationally by hundreds of thousands of people who each year safely pass on information about crime anonymously. Speak up about crime to Crimestoppers charity you are guaranteed to always be 100% anonymous.

Epping in Bloom scarecrow festival

Epping in Bloom’s scarecrow festival has been cancelled this year. Hopefully, it will go ahead next year. Look out for details then.

Pretty Tower Road green

The new town guide is available to view once Epping Hall is open again.

Epping Town Show 2020 – cancelled

Epping Town Council has unfortunately decided to cancel this year’s Town Show which was due to take place on Sunday 5th July. This is because of the massive impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the uncertainty for the following months. However, we can confirm that the Council has agreed the date for next year’s Town Show which will be on Sunday 4th July 2021. Please put the 2021 date in your diaries.




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VE Day 75 2020

The VE Day 75 2020 commemorations on 8th May 2020 had to be rescheduled due to the coronavirus Covid 19 health situation. This event has been provisionally rescheduled to Saturday 15th August 2020 (over the weekend) to coincide with VJ Day. Please put the date in your diary. Hopefully, there will be a street party around the Hemnall Street Social Club and fire station. Instead, the Royal British Legion, St John’s Church and Epping Town Council invited the people of Epping to turn the streets of the town red, white and blue on Friday 8th May 2020, as they did 75 years ago. Anyone who didn’t have flags or bunting perhaps making their own flags and decorations if they were able to. Thank you to everyone who took part to mark this very important occasion.

Epping Playground Association


Epping Town Council are working with the newly formed Epping Playground Association to help deliver a playground refurbishment at Lower Swaines recreation ground. In partnership, we should be able to obtain more funding. If anyone would like to be involved in this project, please contact: and we will provide further information. Alternatively, please contact:

Safer Epping group

The Safer Epping Group is a community initiative led by Epping Town Council working with a number of community partners and the aim is to give people the opportunity to raise local issues relating to crime and safety in the Town. Its terms of reference are to work with the community stakeholders and relevant partners to reduce instances of crime and antisocial behaviour in Epping and to help people feel safe, to make the best use of data to understand the issues identified and to inform the most effective responses spanning engagement and enforcement methods and to prioritise, plan and implement strategies to address identified issues, drawing upon the experience and expertise of community stakeholders and partners. In these days of uncertain times, with more reliance on technology, the Essex Fraud Alert System focus on Coronavirus has recently highlighted an increase in fake emails and text messages appearing to come from official bodies, such as the Government, banks and other organisations. They contain links which are designed to download malicious software (ie viruses) to your device, or to take you to a website that will collect your personal and financial details. There are a variety of forms these emails can take and can include: offering a tax rebate, demanding payment of a fine, asking for donations or linking to a map of the spread of Coronavirus. The advice is that if an email is unexpected, do not click on any links, simply delete the email, use the ABC approach: Never Assume they are legitimate, Never Believe they are legitimate, Always Confirm using a trusted number or asking friends and family. As a resident of Epping, if you have any concerns that you would like to raise about crime and safety in Epping, please come along to the next meeting. This will be advertised on Epping Town Council’s website: and on noticeboards. Meetings are usually held on Mondays in Epping.

Annual Town Meeting 2020 Each year there is an Annual Town Meeting where residents can come and hear about the latest work that the Town Council has been doing; meet your councillors and ask questions. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, there won’t be an Annual Town Meeting this year. If you are a resident, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time by email on about Epping parish related issues, as staff and councillors are working behind the scenes.


2019-2023 Members - Hemnall Ward Cllr N Avey Cllr C Burgess Cllr C McCredie Cllr B Scruton Cllr M-L Whitbread Cllr J Whitehouse 07831 501598 01992 572333 01992 561875

Cllr I Black Cllr J Duffell

01992 577073 07847 357493 07917 841823 01992 572173 07926 516097

Members - St John’s Ward Cllr R Griffiths

Cllr H Pegrum Cllr G Scruton Cllr M Wright

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS Please note: meetings will be by Zoom (digital platform) during the coronavirus health situation. Times and dates may vary, so please check Epping Town Council’s website. Zoom start times are likely to be 6pm. Council dates may vary at this time.

June 2020 July 2020

August 2020 September 2020

9 Planning 11 COUNCIL 23 Planning 14 Planning 16 COUNCIL 28 Planning 11 Planning 11 COUNCIL 25 Planning 8 Planning 8 COUNCIL 22 Planning

18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC

Cllr N Avey, Cllr C McCredie and Cllr Jon Whitehouse are FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING, SEE EPPING also District Councillors. TOWN COUNCIL’S WEBSITE FOR MEETINGS Other Local Representatives EFDC & ECC Cllr Chris Whitbread (01992 573557) EFDC Cllr Les Burrows (01992 572003) EFDC Cllr Holly Whitbread (07508180426) EFDC Cllr Janet Whitehouse (01992 812503) MP: Dame Eleanor Laing MP (020 8508 6608)


Please contact Epping Town Council for assistance with joining electronic meetings.

epping town council responsibilities

Bury Lane Cemetery Halls: Monday Charter Market Epping Hall, St Johns Rd Christmas Market Jack Silley Pavilion, Recreation Grounds: Stonards Hill Stonards Hill Allotments: Articles for the next edition of Talk About Epping must Ivy Chimneys Lower Bury Lane be submitted before 24 July 2020 (Autumn issue) Lower Swaines Meadow Road and 9 October 2020 (Winter issue). Submissions Frampton Road Town Show should be sent to Epping Town Council via email: Parklands, Coopersale Continental Markets clearly marked Brook Road Bakers Lane Toilets ‘Talk About Epping’. Please send in copy on a word document (200-300 words max). Please attach pictures as Talk About Epping (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) separate jpegs (not inserted into the word document). Consultee on Planning The editor may amend copy appropriately. Epping Town Council’s Planning Committee consider every planning & TPO (tree protection order) application in Epping and give their views to Epping Forest District Council, who are the local planning authority. If you are organising an event which you would like the Mayor or a representative of the Town Council to attend, Thank you to David Jackman, please email: Everything Epping Forest, for his marked Invitation for the Mayor or tel: 01992 579444. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor attend many different ongoing media support. events over the year to support our local groups, Visit: businesses and organisations.

talk about epping deadlines

invitations for the mayor

For more stories, visit our website: Follow us on twitter: @eppingtown Follow us on Facebook:

TALK ABOUT EPPING is published by EPPING TOWN COUNCIL Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex, CM16 5JU Tel: 01992 579444 Fax: 01992 579446 email:

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