Talk About Epping Summer 2019 Town Magazine Epping Town Council

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The new café at the Jack Silley Pavilion, Stonards Hill recreation ground

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The Mayor’s view

As my term draws to an end, I reflect on how much I have enjoyed being Mayor and serving Epping in that role. The last year has passed very quickly and has been full of so many enjoyable moments. What has made it so special is all the residents I have met, who make up Epping’s great community. With the Lady Mayoress, we have attended a wide variety of events. From the High Sheriffs Awards in Chelmsford, to the passing out parade for Army Cadets in Colchester. However, the local events have given us the most pleasure. We attended the anniversary of the Epping Forest Visitor Centre, which is staffed by volunteers. You realise how integral the forest is to the character of the Town, which has its name and which separates Epping from London’s urban conurbation. The forest continues to be a peaceful haven for wildlife and should be treasured. In a completely different vein, we recently attended the opening of a new Fit Club in Coopersale run by two kick-boxing fitness enthusiasts. It was great to see local residents being put through their paces! At the Mayor’s Civic Reception, we were

able to celebrate Townsperson of the Year, which was awarded to Susie Evans-Frank. I think Susie epitomises what makes this Town such a great place to live. Her enthusiasm has enabled Epping at the Movies to be a real success. We also gave the Community Award to the League of Friends of St Margaret’s Hospital, who celebrate 70 years of charitable service this year. The League of Friends are my chosen charity in honour of my mother Anne, who was a volunteer for many years. As Chairman of the Town Council, we have had another challenging year, managing to achieve a number of projects, whilst continuing to run our services. I am pleased that we have finished the renovation of the Jack Silley Pavilion and the café is now open. The most significant news is the possible creation of a new leisure centre, including a swimming pool, on the St Johns Road site. This will become one of the most important projects undertaken by the Town Council and if it comes to fruition, a real benefit for residents. To achieve this work, I and other Councillors rely on the dedication and hard work of the Town Council’s staff. As I hand over to the next Mayor, may I and the Lady Mayoress thank everyone so much for their support over the last twelve months.

Nigel Avey

Blue plaque at Epping Water Tower for Dr Joseph Clegg

Dr Joseph Clegg, who campaigned for better sanitation in the town and whose work was rewarded with the building of the Water Tower, has been recognised with a blue plaque. The Water Tower, built in 1872, marks the campaign organised by Dr Joseph Clegg to bring clean water and drainage to Epping during the Victorian era. Dr Clegg, who died in 1901 having practiced in the town for more than 30 years, was a GP in Epping when death tolls from typhoid and cholera reached crisis point in 1853. After campaigning for more than 20 years to the Home Office for fresh water and sanitation, he was granted the Water Tower. Dr Clegg also fought to save the forest and was president of the Epping Association for the Prosecution of Felons. He was a surgeon to the benefit societies in the town and took a great interest in all local affairs, especially the water supply and sanitary matters. His campaign to improve sanitation across the area helped save countless lives. Dr Clegg was the author of contributions to the British Medical Journal and of a pamphlet on Local, County and National Government which was published in 1887. Town Mayor, Cllr Nigel Avey, unveiled the blue plaque in March. Thank you to resident Wendy Clarke for requesting it.

Business Competition:

win a six-month free business pitch on Epping’s Monday Market

Do you want an opportunity to showcase a new business which you feel is deserving of a prize, some publicity and some market mentoring? Epping Town Council are running a competition to find a business who we will award with a free market stall for six months. Many successful businesses have started from market stalls and Epping’s Monday market is a busy and friendly weekly market. If you think you have that winning business or business idea, please send details (information about your business and stock, including some photos) to: or post details to Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex CM16 5JU. We are looking for new and inventive ideas. Closing date for entries: 1st July 2019.

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Jack Silley Pavilion café at Stonards Hill recreation ground

The new café at the Jack Silley Pavilion in Epping opened on Good Friday, April 19. “Julie’s at Stonards” serves hot and cold drinks, light lunches, afternoon teas, cakes, snacks and ice cream to eat in and take away. The café extension was added to the Jack Silley Pavilion at Stonards Hill recreation ground by Epping Town Council at the end of last year and has now been fitted out. Julie Turrell, who is running the café, is looking forward to serving visitors to the recreation ground. Julie said: ‘When the chance arose to open a café in the park that I grew up in, I jumped at it. I’m so excited to be able to add to the character and community facilities of our town and my home for the past 20 years. I look forward to bringing people together and providing a community space for all users of the park.’ Over the Easter weekend there was a children’s Easter-themed afternoon tea and an Easter egg hunt. “Julie's At Stonards” is on Facebook: Julie’s At Stonards and Instagram: Julieatstonards For more information email: Dogs on leads are welcome to join in the fun. For more information on opening times, contact Julie’s directly.

Outdoor table tennis table & bootcamp-style exercise gym: Stonards Hill recreation ground

An outdoor table tennis table will soon be provided at Stonards Hill recreation ground, thanks to the generosity of Tesco, Epping shoppers, who supported us with their blue tokens in the Bags of Help Scheme. The table tennis table will be located close to the new café in front of the Jack Silley Pavilion. Thank you to Tesco for their funding to date.

We will also be providing a new ‘big rig’ outdoor exercise equipment suite at Stonards Hill recreation ground. This multi-use station will have sixteen different work-out points as part of one great unit. Thank you to Big Lottery Awards for All for helping us finance this great piece of equipment.


We hope to refurbish the tennis courts, so if anyone wishes to sponsor or contribute to these improvements, please let us know. The tennis courts are currently free to use and we would love to improve them.

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Epping Monday Market Events and activities

Epping’s Monday Market sells a wide range of goods and new stalls are joining us all the time. You can buy everything from chocolate fudge to garden twine on our market and we regualrly have over 50 stalls. Why not come along and see what you can find? Or consider being a trader with us. We are looking to run events and activities on the Monday Market, for both children and adults and we are looking for an indoor vehicle such as a bus or trailer or customised van that we can hold our events in all weathers. If anyone knows of such a vehicle or would like to sponsor one, please get in touch. Epping has held a market charter since 1253 and the market is a key part of Epping life. If you aren’t a regular visitor, do come along and see just how much is sold on the market. Stock and stalls change, so keep your eye out for different bargains. If anyone would like to volunteer for a community role on Epping Market, email: We are a very friendly community market with some exciting things planned. Come and be part of it.

Market competitions

Over the coming months we will be running competitions in Epping Market and details will be available on the ‘piazza’ area outside WH Smith. Details will also be available on Epping Town Council’s website: If your business would like to donate a prize for a competition (full advertising will be given), then please contact us at: or tel: 01992 579444.

Parents: Are you looking for a flexible way to go back to work? Have you considered a pitch on Epping Market? Contact us for more details.

Diary of a market trader: Mr Meekings (Fancy and electrical goods) by Mike Compton

Many of the stalls in our Charter Market are long established and family run and another example of that is the stall now run by Paul Meekings. His father-in-law started it in the early 1980s before Paul and his wife took it over in 1991. Situated just opposite Boots, his stall deals in watches, watch straps and batteries and also what Paul calls novelty products. Novelty products have varied over the years and, following trends, have included items as diverse as the early craze for the Rubic Cube, scratch games, dancing flowers, sunglasses, novelty talking parrots, and more recently scented candles and colourful garden ornaments. Paul lives in Romford and gets up at 5.45am in order to arrive in Epping at about 7am and be set up and ready to go by 9am. He is a family man who has worked extremely hard over many years to provide his loyal customers in Epping with a good and honest service. His stall underlines the wide variety of goods for sale and the genuine commitment of all the traders to serve the people of Epping and its wider communities. Paul supports the recent emphasis in highlighting the Market's important history. It was given its charter in 1253, only 38 years after the signing of the Magna Carta. It has, therefore, been established for over 750 years, which is something to be proud of and cherished. If we want our historic and important market to survive, we must USE IT. Let us all make a decision to increase the footfall and visit it every week.

Thank you to David Jackman, Everything Epping Forest, for his photos and input in this issue and his ongoing media support.

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Epping Town Show: Sunday 7th July 2019

Come along to the Town Council’s annual community event at Stonards Hill Recreation Ground on Sunday, 7th July (12 noon to 5pm). There will be a variety of stalls with a range of items for sale and different games, entertainment, arena acts, music, a range of food and refreshments, fun dog show, fun fair, side shows… and much more. The fun dog show this year is kindly being organised by St Clare Hospice and we would encourage dog

owners in Epping to get involved. This year, a new addition to the event will be a display of classic and vintage vehicles. If you have a classic or vintage car that you would like to bring along to display, please let us know. If you are a local business, please consider sponsoring an activity at the Town Show and we will acknowledge your support through our publicity. Free entry and limited car parking. Bring your family, dogs and deck chairs! For more information contact 01992 579444 or email:

Free day trip to Southend for those living with dementia and carers: Wednesday 17th July

This FREE day trip to Southend on Wednesday 17th July 2019 has been organised by Epping Rotary with the support of Epping Forest District Council Community & Partnership Team for those living with dementia and their friend, relative or carer. The coach, with toilet on board, will pick you up from: • The bus stop outside St John’s Church, High St, Epping at 10am • and North Weald bus stop opposite the Library at 10.10am. We then make our way to the seaside. We hope to arrive in Southend for about 11.30am. You will have lots of free time in Southend to do as you wish. Southend-on-Sea is well known for its pier, at 1.34 miles, the longest in the world, which boasts a railway, gift shops and museum. The seven miles of seafront provide an array of attractions, including the famous ‘Golden Mile’ of amusement arcades, Adventure Island theme park, shops, restaurants, cafés, Sea Life Centre and Palace Theatre. We then board our coach at 3.30pm for our return home. Booking Information: • Book over the phone by calling our administration team on 01992 564226 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm) • Or in person by visiting our Community Services Office, 25 Hemnall Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4LU (Located on the same site as Epping Sports Centre), Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 4pm • All attendees must be accompanied by a friend, carer or relative. Karen Murray, the Forever Active Day Trips Coordinator, will be pleased to provide you with any further details about the trip and she can be contacted on email: or Tel: 01992 564222 and leave your details. Please note you cannot book day trips on this telephone number/email.

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Epping Horticultural Society

Become a member of the Epping Horticultural Society for only £2 a year! The Society is able to offer members significant discounts on various gardening products. Our Trading Hut operates at the Meadow Road allotments, offering members the lowest prices (better than DIY or Garden Centres!) on all the provisions you need to maintain your garden, as well as friendly advice from experienced gardeners. We sell everything from bamboo canes to bonemeal, potting compost to potash to rooting powder. The Trading Hut is open every Sunday from 10am until noon.

Check out our website to find out more about our trips for members to the RHS and other national gardens of interest and other socials events that we host throughout the year.

St George’s Day shop window displays

Town Mayor, Cllr Nigel Avey, presented certificates to the winner and runner-up of the best St George’s Day shop window display in Epping High Street. The winner was Abbotts Estate Agents and the runner-up was Haven House. Colin McDaniels, Senior Branch Manager of Abbotts said: ‘I’m passionate about my town and what we do and I’m proud of our country. We will be doing this every year.’ Haven House manager, Maggie Micallef and Carol Levine who looks after their window displays, said: ‘We are absolutely chuffed, we love Epping High Street. Everyone comments on our window. It’s always a real team effort’. Thank you to everyone who took part and dressed their window in red and white.

Epping Society views and update

The Epping Society is a voluntary, community organisation working to conserve and improve the character and amenities of our lovely market town. Over the last 4 or 5 months, we have been very heavily engaged with the consultations for Epping Forest District Council’s Local Plan. This Local Plan will determine how our town and the district develop and change over the next 15 years and beyond. It is largely driven by a demand for more new housing, right across the country. The Local Plan is currently at the stage of being inspected by Ms Louise Phillips MA MSc MRTPI, appointed by the Government to carry out an independent examination. She is holding a lengthy series of Hearings in the EFDC offices to question the Plan and determine whether it is “sound”, or if not, how might it be modified to reach that standard. Further Hearings are in June (11-12) and these are open to the public; you can watch live and past sessions on webcasts (at Epping Society members have tried hard to read all the many documents on the EFDC website and to express the views in those Hearings we feel the community would want the Inspector to hear. Many of these points came from the public meeting we held on 15 January 2018, attended by nearly 200 residents. We are raising concerns and questions on matters such as the planning process, infrastructure, services, traffic, transport, air pollution, Metropolitan Green Belt encroachment (our District is 92.4% MGB), employment, impact on the Forest, new housing numbers and design and also the locations of the proposed new developments. Epping Society is always open to your advice, opinions, support and help in our work on the Local Plan – it may be a unique opportunity to influence the future of our town and community. If you want to join in with this crucial debate, or maybe help us, please contact Our Facebook page is: EppingSociety/ We expect to be present at the Town Show (7 July), where we would be delighted to meet you, to give you more information, and to find out what you think.

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Epping Town Councillors 2019-2023

Epping Town Council elections were held on 2nd May 2019 and a new Town Council has been elected. The entire Town Council is elected once every four years. Members in green were previous town councillors. Results are as follows: HEMNALL WARD Town Councillor Jon Whitehouse Town Councillor Cherry McCredie Town Councillor Nigel Avey Town Councillor Barbara Scruton Christine Burgess Mari-Louise Whitbread Town Councillor Dawn Baird Peter Murray Inez Collier Barry Johns

ST JOHNS WARD Ingrid Black Richard Griffiths Town Councillor Hugh Pegrum John Duffell Town Councillor Michael Wright Town Councillor Grahame Scruton Simon Baker Town Councillor John Smith Simon Bullough

Liberal Democrat Liberal Democrat Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour None specified

1147 1137 641 563 559 536 504 502 358 212

19% 18% 10% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 6% 3%

Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Not elected Not elected Not elected Not elected

Liberal Democrat Liberal Democrat Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Labour

879 818 744 685 684 675 673 646 386

14% 13% 12% 11% 11% 11% 11% 10% 6%

Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Elected Not elected Not elected Not elected

Cllr Anthony Church, Cllr Les Burrows and Cllr Miss Holly Whitbread stood down as Town Councillors. Cllr Les Burrows and Cllr Miss Holly Whitbread are still District Councillors.

Contact details for councillors can be found on the back of this magazine and on Epping Town Council’s website.

Epping in Bloom

SAVE THE DATES: Sat 8th & Sun 9th June: 9am - 4pm

The Epping in Bloom garden volunteers will be hosting their first scarecrow festival this year. Please come along to support this community event. Many local people, businesses and societies are taking part. Come along anytime during the weekend to collect a scarecrow trail map, £1 per person from Market Garden Terrace the community garden next to M&S. You can vote for your favourite scarecrow; the winner will win a trophy. There will be a variety of growing educational zones set up in the garden and lots of ideas to help inspire you to make the most of your garden or outdoor space for the summer growing season ahead. For more details about the festival, email Victoria:


During the past four years we all feel very proud that we have engaged with over 1,550 school children who have entered our competitions. We have been able to show children how fruit and vegetables grow naturally using organic growing techniques and companion planting. Educating the children is very important to us and we have enjoyed showing them just how easy it is to grow their own and to teach them where their food is coming from. Since we formed, we have won several silver gilt awards from Anglia in Bloom for the community garden and floral displays around the town and Epping train station. We have encouraged recycling and inspired lots of residents to create draught tolerant garden planted features in their own gardens. We couldn’t have done all this without the amazing support we have received from our local sponsors and residents. All our sponsors have plaques on display in the community garden and on the Tower Road green. We are only a small team of volunteers and we have so many great exciting ideas still to come but we need more help. We would like to encourage more regular volunteers to come forward to offer help, especially during the summer months, even if you can only spare just one hour a week. No garden experience needed. Email: or pop along any Friday to Market Garden Terrace during our garden meeting day at 10am. By Victoria Robertson

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8 TALK ABOUT EPPING Epping Forest Brass Band

Epping Forest Band

Fresh from our success at the Southern Counties Regional Brass Band Contest, where we came in SECOND PLACE and won a chance to perform at the National Finals in September, the band have the following FREE CONCERTS for you to add to your diaries: PRESIDENT’S CONCERT 2019 - Saturday 1st June A night of entertainment taking a trip though the ages of musical theatre. The band will be playing all your favourite hits from the shows, from age old classics, to modern day ! MUSICALS THROUGH THE AGES ! Saturday 1st June foot-tappers. You’ll be humming all evening! FREE CONCERT. Bring your own food and 7:30pm wine. There will be a raffle in aid of band funds and a retiring collection. Our bandroom in Epping Hall, St John’s Rd. Epping is in desperate need of refurbishment. Concert starts at 7:30pm in Epping Hall, BRING THE FAMILY St Johns Road, Epping. For more information and details of our programme of free BRING YOUR OWN FOOD & DRINK concerts go to PROMS ON THE GREEN 2019 - Sunday 4th August EPPING EE What is better on a glorious Summer afternoon than FR FOREST BAND sitting on the grass listening to the music of a brass band? Well you can do just that on Sunday 4th August T H E G R E E N O N starting at 3pm. Epping Forest Band will be presenting their annual Proms On The Green concert on the green outside the Civic Offices in the High Street, Epping. Just come along with your friends and family, and your deck chair and prepare to listen to the band. Wave a OUTSIDE THE COUNCIL OFFICES - EPPING HIGH STREET flag while you join in with Proms favourites like Rule 3PM TO 5PM Brittania and Land of Hope and Glory. See you there. S U N D A Y For more information and details of our programme of free concerts go to: 4th AUGUST


FREE CONCERT with RAFFLE & retiring collection in aid of band funds



đ?„ž your local brass band đ?„ž presents đ?„ž




Epping Rotary Club: Service Above Self award

Every year, the Rotary Club of Epping presents a ‘Service Above Self’ award to someone who lives or works in the Epping area, and who has given extraordinary service to the local community over a period of time. Our 2019 Award went to Richard Ford, who volunteers for the Adult Learning Disabilities Project at Voluntary Action Epping Forest. Richard has been the project minibus driver for the last six years, but his support goes much wider than that. He collects the group two days each week and helps with organising their activities on an allotment project at Parsonage Court in Loughton and a conservation project at Grange Farm, Chigwell. He offers practical help and advice, he’s kind and understanding, with a wonderful sense of humour. Nothing is too much trouble for Richard. He is also a Churchwarden at Greensted Church, Ongar, and he often supports parishioners, friends and neighbours with any help they need. Epping Rotary Club had a Charity Golf Day in aid of St Clare’s Hospice on 23 May. This event sells out every year and raises over ÂŁ12,000 for the Hospice. We also have Youth Makes Art from 5-8 July in St John’s Church. Young people from all across the District showcase their artistic works in a public exhibition. Awards are judged and presented by a panel chaired by renowned artist Sue Kreitzmann. Anyone who is interested in the work of Rotary is welcome to attend a Rotary lunch, held every Tuesday lunchtime at Restobistro on the High Street. Just come along.

Photographs: President Brian Dadd with Richard Ford (top). ‘Golden Crocodile’ by Beau Hunt, one of the award winners from a previous Youth Makes Art exhibition (bottom).

Epping Chorus: Music at St John’s

Epping Chorus will be performing its Summer Concert at St John’s Church, Epping, CM16 5DN, on Saturday, 6th July at 7.30pm. It will be a mixed programme ranging from songs by Andrew Lloyd Webber, through to sacred music by Bruckner, Faure and Rachmaninov. There will also be some Gospel Choruses as well as music from that most English of composers, Ralph Vaughan Williams. The choir is locally based and rehearses on Friday evenings at the Roman Catholic Church Hall. Anyone wishing to join the choir or for more information generally can visit their website As usual, Epping Chorus, formerly known as “ECCA�, will be under the leadership of their Music Director, Simon Winters. The concert is free and refreshments will be available.

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Theydon Garnon Scouts -


by Jacqui Mortimer

Scouts and Explorers took part in the annual 24 hour survival competition known as the Brass Monkey Challenge on 2nd February. Scouts and Explorer Scouts from all over the Royal Forest Scout District, stretching from Buckhurst Hill to Moreton & Fyfield, took part. Over 150 young people attended Thriftwood Scout Camp Site in Brentwood. Here they had to build their own shelters and cook meals over an open fire whilst making camp gadgets from natural materials. Along with this they were set tasks such as First Aid scenarios, problem solving and a Scout Knowledge check. The 1st Theydon Garnon Scout team, led by Oliver Worrall and consisting of Mia Roberts, Gavriel Sher and Aaron Connolly came an impressive 3rd place showing great skill and determination. Their scout leader, Jacqui Mortimer, said “The scouts all love this event, even though the night time temperatures often plunge to below zero. Every year they put their all into the weeks of training prior to this event with the older scouts helping to train the younger ones and it really pays off. I’m very proud of all our scouts who took part and, as always, they were a joy to be with. Thanks also to Beaver leader Luke Worrall, Scout assistant leader Jay Vyas and Group Scout Leader Richard Mortimer for the time and effort they put into helping to train the scouts.”

Cubs to the rescue

1st Theydon Garnon Cubs flew into action when they heard the call from The Friends of Swaines Green Conservation Group that they were in desperate need of bird nesting boxes. The cubs, under the guidance of their leaders John Castleman and Chris Gurry, built 12 boxes. On being presented with the nesting boxes, Roger Emmens, the Group’s resident bird expert, thanked the cubs for making them and said: “These will last many years and be a great asset to the birds in the area. It is lovely to meet such community spirited young people and The Friends of Swaines Green are very grateful to you.” The boxes are now in situ at Swaines Green (which is 22 acres of protected land behind Lower Swaines in Epping) and are awaiting their new owners.

AbFabFit Club - Ladies only: Health & Wellness centre

Just over a year ago, AbFabFit Club founder Jaine Alderson turned a vision into reality by opening up a facility in Thornwood. The aim of the Club is to offer ladies, generally between 30 and 65, a safe and undaunting place to train to get fitter and stronger and embark on a healthier lifestyle with the support of coaches and other like-minded ladies. Movement and lifting weights are embedded into the programming to stave off the effects of age related degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis. From humble beginnings, AbFabFit have helped hundreds of ladies go through an initial 8 week transformation programme and progress to making the gym and healthy food choices a part of their lifestyles, many making strong friendships and gaining confidence in themselves. “It’s truly inspirational watching my ladies blossom as they reach whatever goal they have set themselves and aspire to reach new goals with the support and encouragement of the other members. We have created a very special place that our ladies look forward to coming to and actually have fun - who’d have thought that.” If you’re interested in finding out more about AbFabFit Club then you can call or message us on 07796 956116, email us at or visit our website:

ADULT CRAFT WORKSHOPS Contact Victoria Robertson, Community Engagement Officer, on 01992 564732 or email: Tues 11th June, 7-9pm, BBQ & party garnish carving, £15 Tues 10th Sept, 7-9pm, Crochet workshop, £12 Tues 8th Oct, 7-9pm, Soup making & tasting workshop, £12 Tues 12th Nov, 7-9pm, Victorian book craft decorations, £12 Tues 10th Dec, 7-9pm, Christmas wreath and floral table arrangement workshop, £15

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If any of your details have changed, please let us know. TIMES OFTEN CHANGE, PLEASE CHECK FIRST.

EPPING HALL Mon: Tai Chi, 10.30am-12.30pm. Children’s Drama. 3.30pm-6pm (term time). Rock Choir, 7.15pm-9.45pm. Tues: Ceroc Dance Classes, 7.15pm-10.30pm. Weds: Sing & Sign, 10am-11.30am. Moo Music, 10am-12pm. Junior Karate Classes, 4pm-6pm (term time), Senior Karate Classes, 7.30pm-9pm. (2nd Weds in month), Epping WI Meeting, 2pm-4pm. Fri: Weight Watchers, 9.30am-11am. Yoga Hatha, 9.45am-11.15am. One or two Weds per month: Sound Meditation, 8pm-9.15pm.

JACK SILLEY PAVILION Mon: Baby Ballet, (term time), 9.15am-11.45am. Jo Jingles, (term time), 9.45am-11.45am. Dance Classes, 4pm-6.15pm. Tues: Pre-School Dance Classes, 1pm-3pm. Voluntary Action Craft Group, 1.30pm-4.15pm. Weds: (Autumn & Spring), WEA Lectures, 10am-12. Art Classes, (term time), 10am-12. Baby Ballet, (term time), 12.45pm-4.15pm. Thurs: Hartbeeps, (term time), 9.30am-2pm. Fri: U3A Painting Session, 10am-12. Children’s Dance Classes, (term time), 3.45pm-6.15pm. Sat: Dancing school, 9.30am-1pm. Every Sat & Mon: 1.30pm: Petanque (Boules), Stonards Hill. Peter Lumb: 01992 571744.

OTHER VENUES • Mon: 10am-12: Market day coffee at St John’s Church. 7.45pm-9pm, Epping Bell Ringers, St John’s Church. 10am12. Essex Savers Credit Union, Epping Library. • 1st Mon of the month: Epping Art Society, 7.30pm-10pm, Pelly Court, Hemnall St (Art practical). • 2nd Mon of the month: (not Jan & Aug, 1st Mon Dec), West Essex Flower Club, Thornwood Village Hall, 1.45pm. • Tues: 7pm-8.30pm, Theydon Garnon Scouts, The Scout Headquarters, Fluxs Lane, Epping CM16 7PE. (Not after bank hol), 7.30pm, Rotary Club of Epping Forest, The Garnon Bushes, Coopersale. • 1st Tues of month: Lindsey Ladies, The United Reform Church, Lindsey Street, Epping, 1.30pm. • 2nd Tues of month: 2-4pm, Epping Stroke Club, United Reformed Church Hall, Lindsey Street. • 1st & 3rd Tues of every month: Theydon Jazz Club, Thornwood Common Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane, CM16 6NB. 8-10.30pm. £10. Live traditional bands. Members £8 (some discounts). Car park/accessible/refreshments. • Weds: 11am-3pm, Parkinsons UK, Harlow & District. David Livingstone Club, Potter Street. CM17 9AE 6pm-7.30pm, Theydon Garnon Beaver Scouts, The Scout Headquarters, Fluxs Lane, Epping, CM16 7PE. 5.30pm & 7.30pm, Slimming World, Epping Methodist Church Hall, 119 High Street, Epping. • 1st Weds of the month (except Jan second Weds & no meeting Aug) The Arts Society West Essex, 10.50am-12noon, coffee from 10.00am, Theydon Bois Village Hall. Membership 01992 574197; Visitors 01992 570251. • 2nd Wed of the month: Epping Art Society, 8pm-10pm, Pelly Court, Hemnall St (Art appreciation). • 3rd Weds of the month: Craft group, St Johns Church (eg sewing, dressmaking, 2-4pm, free. Email: • Thurs: 11am-1pm in Epping, Ikebana Study Group (flower arranging), Martine Gracey, 01992 571839. 11.15am. TappyToes. Age 20 months to 4 yrs. Brambles, St Johns Road. 2pm-4pm, Pelly Court, Hemnall St, Evergreen Club. • Fri: 7.30pm-9.30pm, Epping Eagle Explorers, (Scouts address above). • Sat: 10am-12: Coffee mornings, Epping Methodist Church Hall. • Weds, Thurs, Sat & Sun: West Essex Ramblers, various walks. Sorry, no dogs. Monthly • Every 3rd Sun: 10am: Copped Hall Guided Tours. • Monthly every 2nd Sun: Conservation Day, Friends of Swaines Green. 10.30am, Lower Swaines recreation ground • Fri, once a month: 1pm-3pm ProActive, St Margaret’s Hospital. • Epping Railway Circle; once a month, Theydon Bois Village Hall.


Mon: Epping Riders Country & Western: 8pm - 11pm, 01992-575748. • Tues: Baby Sensory Classes, 10am - 3.30pm, Jen, 07986 870634 •Tues: Funky Voices choir, 7.45pm - 9.45pm, 07834 765473 • 2nd Weds of the month (Except June - 3rd Wed & Dec - 1st Wed): Probus Club of Epping Luncheon, 12pm - 3pm, 01992 560381. Every Thursday: Tai Chi and Chi Kung: 7pm-8.30pm. Contact: 07590 986677

Probus Club

Craft Group

eg sewing, dressmaking, with like-minded people. 2-4pm, third Wednesdays of the month; St John’s Church, no charge. Contact:

Epping Chorus

Every Friday Evening, 8.00pm until 9.30pm at the Roman Catholic Hall: For Epping Chorus rehearsals contact:

Sat 29th June 2019, St John’s Church, Epping: 7:30pm Felicitas presents: Petite Messe Solennelle ~ Gioachino Rossini. Rossini’s ever-popular (but neither short nor solemn!) setting of the Mass for voices, piano and harmonium. Tickets: £10 available in advance via Ticketsource (£12 on the door). Children & full-time students under 25: FREE (

Meets monthly at the Lindsey Street Community Association, Frampton Road, Epping, for lunch followed by an invited speaker. Retired or semi retired men interested in joining, please contact Club Secretary, Mr Hilary Dodd, on 01992 560381.

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Email: Tel: 01992 564556

30th July, 13th August, 27th August Tel: 01992 564269


Tel: 07815 947351

Neighbourhood Action Panel Information Card: Scamming

“Scamming has become a scourge that we all have to be aware of and the Neighbourhood Action Panel (NAP) decided that its latest advice document should address the issue. It is hoped that readers will find it helpful.” Mike Compton, Chairman. Please cut out the card and keep. This is our 13th information document relating to keeping Epping safe and secure. The District Neighbourhood Watch Committee recently received advice on scams from the Essex County Council Trading Standards team and this has been forwarded to the Neighbourhood Action Panel. In view of its importance, our 13th information document is repeating that advice for all of our readers.

Neighbourhood Action Panel Information Card 13: Scamming

Essex County Council Trading Standards are encouraging residents and their families to become Scam aware. Unfortunately, increasing numbers of people are becoming victim to a variety of scams that tend to target the elderly and vulnerable. Over 50% of over 65’s will be targeted for some type of scam and Trading Standards have examples of people who have lost thousands. Common scams include mass marketing/postal scams, telephone investment frauds, doorstep/rogue trading scams, impersonation of banks and a number of online scams. The best protection against scams is to be aware of the types of scams and tactics that the scammers use to persuade victims to part with their money. Essex Trading Standards is busy promoting Friends Against Scams – a National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team initiative, which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering communities to “Take a Stand Against Scams”. Anybody can join Friends Against Scams and make a difference in their own way. For more information or to become a Friend Against Scams visit: https:/ If you have been a victim of a scam then you can report it to Trading Standards and receive further advice from the Citizens Advice Service on 03454 040506 or report it to Action Fraud on 0300 1232040. The document from Essex Trading Standards is reproduced here in its entirety.

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2019-2023 Members - Hemnall Ward Cllr N Avey Cllr Mrs C Burgess Cllr Mrs C McCredie Cllr Mrs B Scruton Cllr Mrs M-L Whitbread Cllr J Whitehouse 07831 501598 01992 572333 01992 561875

Cllr Mrs I Black Cllr J Duffell

01992 577073 07847 357493 07917 841823 01992 572173 07926 516097

Members - St John’s Ward Cllr R Griffiths

Cllr H Pegrum Cllr G Scruton Cllr M Wright

Cllr N Avey, Cllr Mrs C McCredie and Cllr Jon Whitehouse are also District Councillors. Other Local Representatives EFDC & ECC Cllr Chris Whitbread (01992 573557) EFDC Cllr Les Burrows (01992 572003) EFDC Cllr Holly Whitbread (07508180426) EFDC Cllr Janet Whitehouse (01992 812503) MP: Dame Eleanor Laing MP (020 8508 6608)

talk about epping deadlines

Articles for the next edition of Talk About Epping must be submitted before 26 July 2019 (Autumn issue) and 11 October 2019 (Winter issue). Submissions should be sent to Epping Town Council via email: clearly marked ‘Talk About Epping’. Please send in copy on a word document (200-300 words max). Please attach pictures as separate jpegs (not inserted into the word document). The editor may amend copy appropriately.

invitations for the mayor

If you are organising an event which you would like the Mayor or a representative of the Town Council to attend, please email: marked Invitation for the Mayor or tel: 01992 579444. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor attend many different events over the year to support our local groups, businesses and organisations.

For more stories, visit our website: or follow us on twitter: @eppingtown

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019

11 Planning 11 COUNCIL 25 Planning

9 Planning 9 COUNCIL 23 Planning

6 Planning 6 COUNCIL 20 Planning

10 Planning 10 COUNCIL 24 Planning

19.30 20.15 19.30

19.30 20.15 19.30

19.30 20.15 19.30

19.30 20.15 19.30


epping town council responsibilities

Bury Lane Cemetery Halls: Monday Charter Market Epping Hall, St Johns Rd Christmas Market Jack Silley Pavilion, Recreation Grounds: Stonards Hill Stonards Hill Allotments: Ivy Chimneys Lower Bury Lane Lower Swaines Meadow Road Frampton Road Town Show Parklands, Coopersale Continental Markets Brook Road Bakers Lane Toilets Talk About Epping (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) Consultee on Planning Epping Town Council’s Planning Committee consider every planning & TPO (tree protection order) application in Epping and give their views to Epping Forest District Council, who are the local planning authority.

French Market Saturday 13th July Epping High Street

Come and enjoy some delicious continental merchandise.

Please keep your great articles coming in. High resolution cover pictures also welcome for consideration.

Talk About Epping Advertising If you’d like a full page advert in Talk About Epping, please contact us for details on: marked ‘TAE Adverts’. TALK ABOUT EPPING is published by EPPING TOWN COUNCIL Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex, CM16 5JU Tel: 01992 579444 Fax: 01992 579446 email:

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