Josh Voss Story

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No ordinary MILLENNIAL


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The RPM FoundaThe RPM Foundation accelerates the tion accelerates the growth of the next growth of the next generation of autogeneration of automotive restoration motive restoration and preservation and preservation craftsmen through craftsmen through scholarships, formal scholarships, formal training and mentortraining and mentorship. Learn more at ship. Learn more at

Joseph, owner of Classic & Exotic Service in Troy, Joseph, owner of Classic & Exotic Service in Troy, Michigan, led to a cross-country move. Voss was soon Michigan, led to a cross-country move. Voss was soon working on everything from Bentleys to Packards. working on everything from Bentleys to Packards. In December, Voss struck out on his own, and his In December, Voss struck out on his own, and his Cross Action Classics is now open for business in Cross Action Classics is now open for business in White Lake, Michigan. White Lake, Michigan. From farm kid to fabricator at the Midwest’s premier From farm kid to fabricator at the Midwest’s premier restorer of American and European classics, and now an restorer of American and European classics, and now an entrepreneur in a hobby he loves, Voss admits his incredentrepreneur in a hobby he loves, Voss admits his incredible success came without much of a plan. His advice? ible success came without much of a plan. His advice? “If you have a good work ethic and the right “If you have a good work ethic and the right people take notice, things will pay off,” he says. “At people take notice, things will pay off,” he says. “At least, that’s what has worked for me.” least, that’s what has worked for me.”

After hours Josh enjoys workAfter hours Josh enjoys working on the Duesenberg Model ing on the Duesenberg Model J he co-owns with Butch J he co-owns with Butch Kamphausen. Kamphausen.


THE MILLENNIAL Generation (those THE MILLENNIAL Generation (those born between 1981 and 1997) often born between 1981 and 1997) often gets a bad rap for being coddled and gets a bad rap for being coddled and soft. When it comes to cars, studies soft. When it comes to cars, studies say they have less interest in driving, say they have less interest in driving, let alone getting their hands dirty let alone getting their hands dirty under the hood. Not Josh Voss. under the hood. Not Josh Voss. “Growing up on a farm in Washington, “Growing up on a farm in Washington, I got my driver’s license when I was 14,” I got my driver’s license when I was 14,” the 29-year-old says. “My first car was a the 29-year-old says. “My first car was a 1973 Plymouth Valiant that I bought from 1973 Plymouth Valiant that I bought from my grandfather for a dollar.” my grandfather for a dollar.” Even as a boy, Voss gained valuable Even as a boy, Voss gained valuable experience in making old engines run. experience in making old engines run. “My father used to bring home old alter“My father used to bring home old alternators and carburetors that we would renators and carburetors that we would rebuild together around the kitchen table.” build together around the kitchen table.” In keeping the old Valiant on the road, In keeping the old Valiant on the road, Voss rebuilt the carburetor, replaced the Voss rebuilt the carburetor, replaced the valves and ported the intake in addition valves and ported the intake in addition to rebuilding the transmission. He also to rebuilding the transmission. He also developed a love for the process. developed a love for the process. What he didn’t have was a plan for What he didn’t have was a plan for how to earn a living after graduation. how to earn a living after graduation. “In my junior year, 2004, I met Buck “In my junior year, 2004, I met Buck Kamphausen of RM Auctions, after Kamphausen of RM Auctions, after three of my friends and I decided to three of my friends and I decided to restore a 1928 Ford Model A and run it restore a 1928 Ford Model A and run it in the Great Race.” Kamphausen asked in the Great Race.” Kamphausen asked the boys if they would be interested the boys if they would be interested in detailing his car. Something about in detailing his car. Something about Voss’ work stood out. Voss’ work stood out. “I went to work for Buck, who then “I went to work for Buck, who then encouraged me to apply to the RPM encouraged me to apply to the RPM Foundation (then called the Hagerty Foundation (then called the Hagerty Foundation) for a scholarship.” Foundation) for a scholarship.” Voss was accepted and used the Voss was accepted and used the money — $36,000 — to attend Wyomoney — $36,000 — to attend WyoTech in Laramie, Wyoming, an accelerTech in Laramie, Wyoming, an accelerated, year-long associate degree proated, year-long associate degree program. Voss graduated debt-free with a gram. Voss graduated debt-free with a degree in business and a certificate in degree in business and a certificate in Street Rod and Custom Fabrication. Street Rod and Custom Fabrication. While working for Kamphausen, While working for Kamphausen, another chance encounter, with Brian another chance encounter, with Brian HAGERTY.COM HAGERTY.COM

RPM Foundation is an entity of America's Automotive Trust.

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