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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2006/2007

The OghOgh-Ogh ceremony

The day before New Year they organize a parade, ritual and communal pride. Big demons statues called “Ogoh- Ogoh” are venerated and, after the ceremony they are burned. In this day they also represent stories about the Hindu kingdom in the island of Jawa. After muslin domination they were refugees in Bali. All the community participates in this ceremony, children, adults and elderly people. The following day is “Nyepi”, New Year in Bali. This is a very special day for Balinese people. In Nyepi they stay full day at home, going out to the street is forbidden. They don’t speak, don’t use electricity, and the silence is the main target. For tourists it is just permitted to walk inside the hotel, but silence is entirely appreciated. Balinese people have changed a bit with occidental influence, but their culture is still very strong and they maintain most of their traditions. I was there this year and I wanted to tell you about my experience speaking in English all the time! Augusto Bisio, 3ºA Inglés

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We are at 1929! … in Balinese calendar. In Bali they have 2 calendars. One is our occidental calendar and the second is the Balinese version of the Hindu calendar. In it, a year lasts only 210 days.

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