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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de la Cruz


Curso 2013/2014 VE RS



“Los límites de mi lenguaje

son los límites de mi mundo.” Ludwig Wittgenstein

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2013/2014


Another brick in the wall.

La recuperación ha venido y nadie sabe como ha sido.... De manera casi milagrosa ahora todas las instituciones políticas y económicas del país y del orbe nos felicitan y hablan de lo bien que nos empieza a ir todo. Tras la amarga y dura travesía en el desierto, vislumbramos las palmeras del oasis tras ese par de dunas. Con un rápido vistazo hacia atrás contemplamos el reguero de cadáveres que hemos dejado hasta llegar aquí: los recortes en educación, el elevado número de personas desempleadas, la pérdida de poder adquisitivo, los embargos a viviendas y muchos otros derechos adquiridos y todo aquello que configuraba nuestro añorado “estado del bienestar”. El rastro dejado sobre las dunas de este desierto es trágico y desolador. Y ahora ¿qué nos espera en el oasis? ¿habrá agua y dátiles para todos o sólo para los más preparados? Debemos aprender la lección y hacer de la preparación, aprendizaje y reciclaje profesional nuestras mejores armas para combatir en esta incierta batalla de poderes e intereses económicos en la que nos hallamos inmersos. Hagamos pues de las Escuelas oficiales de idiomas un baluarte defensivo, una torre contra la adversidad del desempleo, ayudando en la formación en idiomas de trabajadores que habremos de enviar a las trincheras de Europa y de medio mundo a combatir para poder vivir. Hagamos que nuestras queridas EOI puedan seguir contribuyendo con sus pocos medios pero buenos resultados, como una ladrillo más en ese muro defensivo que debemos ofrecer como cobijo a nuestros ciudadanos. Una defensa basada en la formación, el conocimiento de idiomas y la predisposición a viajar. Seamos pues ese ladrillo más en el muro que aunque modesto por si mismo, ayuda a conferir solidez y estabilidad al muro que está levantando la sociedad para defenderse de los lobos de la economía local.

J. Alberto Hernández Pérez, Director de la EOI de Puerto de la Cruz


Curso 2013/2014

En 1ª persona

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

"Why?" There I was alone in my cell and it was all so unfair. In theory, I had killed my wife during a quarrel three days before while dining at home. All the evidence was against me. I was at the scene of the crime, I had just had a quarrel with her, then I bit her and finally, according my neighbours, I had killed her. I was unable to have an alibi. In fact, I remembered having a violent argument with her due to my poor salary and our evident financial ruin. Even though I was able to hide, I was on drugs, addicted to fruit machines, and moreover, having an affair with another woman. Then it was impossible to deny that it was probably me who had killed her for those reasons. Really, I was an authentic gangster. However, I knew that under no circumstances would I be able to kill a person in spite of my extremely violent and neurotic behavior. Suddenly, I thought about Sara, my lover, and I saw the light of all this. I had met her in a nightclub after a marvelous night of speed and binge drinking. Apart from her knock out beauty, her free lifestyle had caught me. Since that moment we met twice a week. Meanwhile, she liked to pull my leg saying she had a poor cousin whose husband was cheating on her and treating her rudely. "If I were her"- she used to say, "I would pay him back with the same money". Eventually, it all was clear to me. Both of them had arrived at an agreement. First, they put inside my glass a strong narcotic, almost an overdose. Second, they closed the window, making sure our neighbors could hear our screams and shouts. Finally, they phoned the police. Never did the police find the body since nobody was killed that night excepting my life, which became a disaster. That´s all, while I am a convict, they must be enjoying the two hundred million dollars which I had obtained as a drug dealer. Where?... I don´t know. Moisés del Pino Yanes, Avanzado 2.

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2013/2014


BABY SWIMMING: A GREAT EXPERIENCE by Nieves Soledad Morales Diaz. Are you one of those people who think that swimming is not for babies? Well, I am going to explain how is this activity from the point of view of a baby swimming instructor. The first thing to consider is that babies are too young to get the right movements of swimming but they can acquire and develop autonomy in the water. The baby feels secure into the water and outside, it is a way to survive. We cannot forget that we live in an island! This activity has many benefits for babies: it helps the baby to get relaxed, the water stimulates babies and they will be more mature in less time. Moreover it fortifies the immune, respiratory and cardiac system. And the relationship between babies and parents improves. And also the parents will be more confident about their babies´ education. Moreover, baby swimming requires certain special conditions for the swimming pool: It is usually an indoor shallow pool and the temperature of the water should be around 32ºC and the level of chlorination is 0.5-0.6 %. But for adults it is 1%. The classes last 15 minutes, babies cannot stay into the water more time because they start to get cold. They have two classes a week or if their parents want, they can receive intensive classes (From Monday to Friday) during a month. In addition to that, there is a routine in all the classes, the baby enters into the water with his/her parents and greets the teacher. They play for a few minutes with toys while they are listening to music. Then they do the exercise of the day with the teacher and when the class finishes they say goodbye to each other. The baby swimming activity has seven stages: The first one “Playing in the water” the baby comes to the swimming pool with his/her parents (mother or father) and starts playing in the water with many toys and listening to music. Then I give some instructions to his/her parent to wet the baby´s face and head slowly to stimulate the swallowing reflex. Then we meet each other and we play in the water too. The child must be held under his/her arms and just moves his body into the water, but not the head. During this stage it is normal to hear the baby crying if his/her parents are nervous and afraid, so it is very important to give instructions to the parents as to how they should behave in the water. They should be relaxed and confident because the baby notices everything. At the second stage: “Swinging” We repeat all the activities of the first stage. We start with some new instructions, we hold the baby´s underarm and we swing backwards and forwards. The baby is looking at his/her parent and then we change. The parents repeat the exercise and the baby looks at me (teacher). The purpose of this stage is to stimulate the baby´s body and senses.


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2013/2014

In the third stage: “Underwater” We do the same as the second stage at first but then we include one different exercise. We swing the baby three times counting from 1 to 3 and in the third I lift the baby so that he knows he is going to be submerged into the water. The baby is under the water for few seconds. The baby can be submerged because we stimulate the swallowing reflex before. It is normal that babies are crying a lot but when they know they will be submerged they stop crying and do the exercise as well. At the fourth stage: “The aeroplane”, we repeat the previous three stages and include one new exercise. When the baby is floating on his back I stimulate his head with slow movements and for a few seconds the baby floats alone.

The fifth stage: “Turning”. We repeat the other exercises from the fourth stage but now we include a turning movement. We turn the baby so that he/she is floating on his/her back. This exercise is very important because the baby can feel the senses of the movement into the water and he/she realizes that he is floating alone and puts his/her body into the right position (floating). The sixth stage: “Floating alone and paddling”, is a combination of stage 4 and 5 and a new exercise. The baby floats alone and paddles freely. The baby is stimulated by stroking the feet and the clear instructions of the teacher and the parents. The seventh stage: “Jumping”, includes a new exercise, the baby is sitting on the edge of the pool and the teacher helps holding her hands and pulling gently until the baby is into the water. We do the same on a Water mat. This stage is the last one. The baby can jump if he wants to, and floats and swim alone but only on his back until 2 years. Then in the future he could swims like a dog. In this stage the infants enjoy the water and feel very free. The baby is used to swimming and floating and he/she enjoys the water. In my opinion, baby swimming is a very gratifying experience for infants, parents and also for me. It is one of the best early stimulation methods, because in a pleasant and playful atmosphere, it brings important benefits for due to the physical compounds (water, movement, heat) that this activity contains. I enjoy these classes so much because I love babies and water too. I improve as a person and as a baby swimming instructor. Babies cannot speak to us so they express themselves crying, and with their body language. When you notice that the baby is relaxed, or his/her mother tells you that his/her son sleeps very well since she/he started the classes oh, it´s the most rewarding news for me!


Curso 2013/2014


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

Knock from the inside There I was, alone in my cell –and it was all so unfair. I’m going to tell you the story of how I ended up enclosed in here. A couple of months have passed since I started to argue almost daily with my wife. “It’s a usual thing”, people would say to me. But I knew it wasn’t. I knew something was wrong the first time she didn’t come home for two days. I knew she was having an affair but she would still deny it. It all began when we argued about who was doing the dishes that night and she decided to stay in a friend’s till I changed my mind. She returned home after two days, so I thought “who else would, apart from me, stand living with her for two whole days?” That’s how I reached the conclusion that she was having an affair. After that incident, the same thing kept on happening: she was just missing for days and then she arrived and didn’t even talk to me. Furthermore, she had that smile in her face. That fake and annoying smile that got on my nerves every time I saw it. So one day I decided to kill her. Yes, kill her. It’s not that I was mad at her; it’s just that I couldn’t stand how much I had changed due to her unfaithfulness to me. I told her. I told her more than once that I was going to kill her and she just smiled. Yes, she showed me that fake smile of hers once again. So I couldn’t help it: I went to the kitchen, took a knife and stabbed her to death. I took her to the room and left her in the closet. Then, I devoted myself to the cleaning of the carpet. Once it was cleaned, I dropped a bottle of wine on it. Two hours had passed when the police came. They told me that the neighbours had called due to a strange sound coming from my house. I let them take a look inside, so they obviously noticed the wine on the carpet, about which I said it was just wine. When they were going to leave, we heard a noise coming from the bedroom. They decided to go and check, and, when we arrived there, we realized that someone was knocking from the inside of the closet. No! She wasn’t dead! I have never been a jealous person, she made me like this. It’s all her fault and now I have to pay for it. I’m lying on my cell’s bed now, I have nothing to regret. Josefa Teresa Delgado Delgado, Avanzado 2

¡Qué rico!

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2013/2014

Nowadays chocolate cakes with walnuts or almonds inside (best known as “brownies”) are very popular. Personally I love chocolate cakes and all kinds of cakes! So here I give you a recipe that I hope you like! INGREDIENTS: A cup (2 sticks) of butter, at room temperature 2 cups of sugar 3 cups of self-rising flour 4 eggs A cup of milk A teaspoons of vanilla extract 150g of pure powdered cocoa (no sugar added) A jar of Nutella Fondant Colored dyes to dye the fondant Water Preheat oven to 220 degrees. First, grease and flour the cake pan. Using a mixer (electric preferably), beat the butter until it gets fluffy. Then, add the sugar and continue beating (for about 5 minutes). Add the eggs one at a time. Then, add the milk and flour, beating the dough well at all times. Finally, add the cocoa powder and vanilla, and continue beating until it is well blended. Let the dough rest for about 5 minutes and then place it in the mold. Put the cake in the oven and let it bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. While the cake is cooking, dye the fondant with the color that you like. First, put one or two drops on the fondant mass. If we get a different color mix, we have to mix colors. Then, knead well until you get the color you like. When 30 minutes have passed, take the cake out of the oven and cut it in half with a lyre, which is a tool used to cut cakes. Fill the cake with Nutella, and put the Nutella outside too. Now, let’s decorate the cake! We need to stretch well the fondant to decorate with the help of a roller. When it’s well stretched, we carefully place the fondant over the cake and stick well with our hands. With a knife cut the leftovers below. If we want to, we can make some fondant decorations to make the cake look prettier. For example, I made a bow. Ainoa Hernández Lorenzo, Básico 2 B

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2013/2014

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