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Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de la Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

“El destino es el que baraja las cartas, pero nosotros somos los que jugamos.” William Shakespeare

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012


El Titanic somos todos.

Este abril se ha celebrado de forma omnipresente y reverencial el centenario de una de las mayores catástrofes en la historia moderna de nuestra sociedad capitalista: el hundimiento del Titanic. Casi como haciendo un guiño a destino, justo en el aniversario, asistimos al estruendoso choque de la economía española con el iceberg duro, afilado y despiadado de los mercados de valores internacionales. Nuestra prima de riesgo se aferra a una tumbona de primera clase luchando y pataleando por mantenerse a flote mientras las heladas aguas de la Unión europea la agotan y la van hundiendo poco a poco para que sea pasto de los tiburones financieros. Los pasajeros de primera clase, políticos y cómplices empresarios afines al poder, han embarcado y arriado los botes y se alejan hacia aguas seguras, alejadas del enorme torbellino que nuestro Titanic creará en su caída y que podría succionarles, pero no, a ellos no les pasará. Nosotros, los pasajeros de tercera clase, hemos llegado a la inclinada cubierta para descubrir, con horror, que ya no quedan botes y que nuestros salvavidas de corcho poco podrán hacer por mantenernos vivos en aguas congeladas. Es la historia de siempre. Los que viajamos bajo la línea de flotación tenemos muchas menos posibilidades de escapar indemnes. Los de primera y segunda clases siempre encontrarán un puesto seguro en un bote que les aleje del peligro. La historia tiene la extraña y retorcida costumbre de repetirse. Falta por ver cuántos supervivientes dejará este naufragio y, si por una increíble casualidad, esta vez aguantan los remaches y la nave no se va a pique. Agarrémonos fuerte, porque los vigías ya han dado la voz de alarma: el iceberg está justo delante y hemos empezado a maniobrar para esquivarlo... J. Alberto Hernández Pérez, Director de la EOI de Puerto de la Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

Meine Stadt heißt Santa Ursula. Santa Ursula ist eigentlich keine Stadt, es ist ein Dorf mit Hochwald und Strand, gutem Wein und gutem Essen, auch mit schönem Wetter und blauen Himmel!

Santa Ursula liegt im Norden von Teneriffa zwischen la Orotava und La Victoria. Im Zentrum ist das Rathaus und ein Platz mit einem Kleinen Brunnen. Das Kino und die Kirche sind sehr bekannt. Weiter oben von Santa Ursula gibt es einen groβen Hochwald und der ist sehr schön. Am Wochenende sind da viele Leute, viele machen Sport: joggen, Rad fahren, wandern… In Santa Ursula gibt es eine groBe Anzahl von bekannten Restaurants, aber es gibt auch viele “Guachinches”. Dort kann man am billigsten essen und Wein trinken, und sie sind auf der ganzen Insel sehr bekannt. Enrique Martin Toledo, Toledo Básico 2.

Yo opino.

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


English language is a Germanic language that emerged in the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of England And spread to what will become the southeast of Scotland under the influence of the Kingdom of North Umbria. Due to the economic, military, political, scientific, cultural influence The Colonial Britain and the UK from the 18th century via the British Empire and the Unites states of America, mid-20th century English has been spread around the world. English is studied as a second language in all of the countries of the Commonwealth and is one of the official languages of the European Union and many organizations worldwide. It is the third language with more native speakers in the world after Mandarin, Chinese, and Spanish. English word derives from Anglo a large number of English words are built on the Latin roots. Britsh English spreads worldwide with the British Empire and turns into American English spoken in the largest EEUU economic and military power.It has become a major lingua franca nowadays. English can be divided into Old English, Middle English and Early Modern English. Old English: Germanic invaders left the language related to Old Frisian. Middle English: During the 14th and 15thcenturies the Old English added, for example the Great Vowel Shift. The influence of the Norman nobility in the lexical example: pig (cerdo), pork (carne de cerdo), Pig is : German origin and pork is of French origin. Early modern English: it is the oldest form of English today. English is associated with the literary Renaissance language , William Shakespeare, the 16th and 17th century . It is considered the most evolutionary phase. Phonology: the English consists of 25 consonants and 12 vowels. It is the facto language of UK,EEUU,Australian and New Zeeland. It is the official language in : Bahamas, Barbados ,Fiji, Belice, Botsuana, dependences of UK; Dominica, Ghana, Gambia, Guyana, Islas Salomón, Jamaica , Lesoto ,Liberia ,Malawi , Mauricio, Nauru, Nigeria, Papúa, Nueva guinea, Samoa Americana, Santa Lucía, San Cristóbal, y Nieves, Sierra Leona, Suazilandia, Trinidad, Tobago, Granada, San Vicente y los Granadinos, Uganda, Zambia y Zimbawe. It is a coofficial language in: Bangladesh, Brunei, Ireland, Israel, Kenia, Kibiti ,Camerún, Egipto, Namibia, Chagos, Diego Garcia, Islas Marshall, India, Malasia Malta ,Birmania, Filipinas, Pakistán, Puerto Rico ,Seychelles ,Sri Lanka ,Singapur Sudáfrica ,Thailand, Tanzania, Tokelan and Tonga.


Curso 2011/2012


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

An excellent Tour Some days ago, I had the opportunity of being part of a group of students from EOI Puerto de la Cruz which visited the Diario de Avisos newspaper in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a programmed activity within the cultural events of the school. There, we were received very kindly and explained how the production of a newspaper is carried out, as well as the different working areas that collaborate to get a final product. Mr .Roman Delgado Garcia, who is Deputy Director, had a chat with us about the tasks that every single day are carried out by the departments responsible for the processes and how they are closely interrelated in order to edit not only an up-todate but also high quality newspaper. It is worth mentioning that the talk was very professional but without being able to conceal the passion of the director for his job and the intrinsic pride of belonging to a great team. We were also led to an area where the newspaper was formerly made and believe me! It was amazing to see the huge and heavy machinery and at the same time imagine a large number of people with their titanic effort only to achieve the daily edition. In addition, we were warmly welcomed by a Scottish journalist who explained to us the specific section of the newspaper named The Supplement which is published in English under his supervision. He made comments on its purpose and the topics it covers, and what groups or sectors it is aimed to. One of these sectors is English student because with The Supplement we can improve our vocabulary by reading to an authentic material. In conclusion, I think it was a very enriching experience and I just want to thank everyone who made this moment possible. A Student. (Martha Plauchu NA1A)


Curso 2011/2012


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

Meine liebste Jahreszeit ist der Sommer, da ist der Unterricht fertig und ich kann mit meinen Freunden zusammen sein, an den Strand gehen und Wasserball spielen ... auch, weil ich aufs Festland fahre, um meine Großeltern zu sehen und ich habe viele Freunde dort. Ich liebe den Sommer, weil er die Menschen glücklich macht und uns erlaubt , ins Ausland zu reisen, oder wir können uns zu Hause entspannen ... Deshalb ist der Sommer meine liebste Jahreszeit. Alberto, Básico 2

Der Sommer ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit. Im Sommer ist die Temperatur auf Teneriffa gut und es ist sonnig, auch regnet es nicht so viel. Wir können an den Strand gehen und im Meer schwimmen. Außerdem sind die Tage im Sommer länger als im Winter. Wir können in Restaurants essen und auch spazieren gehen. Enrique, Básico 2

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

Meine Lieblingsjahreszeit ist der Sommer. Im Sommer haben wir Schulferien und wir können reisen. Auch haben wir keine Hausaufgaben und ich kann lange schlafen. Jeden Tag gehe ich an den Strand und ich kann meine Freunde treffen. Das Wetter ist in dieser Jahreszeit gut. Außerdem habe ich im Sommer Geburtstag und dann bekomme ich viele Geschenke von meinen Freunden und meiner Familie. Marta , Básico 2 Der Sommer ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit. Das Wetter ist meistens schön und warm, auch sind die Menschen fröhlich, gehen spazieren oder aus, wenn es sonnig ist. Außerdem finde ich die Sommerkleidung schick und schön. In meinem letzten Sommerurlaub bin ich eine Woche auf einen schönen Campingplatz gefahren. Jeden Tag habe ich Tennis gespielt und bin schwimmen gegangen. Einmal habe ich auch eine Radtour gemacht. Es war heiß, aber ein bisschen wolkig. Mein Urlaub war sehr gut. Patricia, Básico 2

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

Meine liebste Jahreszeit ist der Herbst. Es ist eine schöne Jahreszeit und es ist auch noch nicht so kalt. Im November gibt es im Norden von Teneriffa manchmal Nebel und es kann regnen. Wir haben in dieser Zeit den "Los Cacharros" Tag, das ist fantastisch!!! Man trinkt in dieser Zeit neuen Wein und isst Kastanien. Das macht viel Spaß! Aber das Beste im Herbst sind die Blätter, die vom Baum fallen. Sie haben verschiedene Farben und sind sehr schön. Samuel, Básico 2

Meine Lieblingsjahrezeit ist der Winter. Oft hat im Winter der Teide auf Teneriffa Schnee und das ist toll. Dann fahre ich gerne auf den Teide. Die Temperatur kann manchmal etwas kalt sein, aber in Deutschland ist die Temperatur viel kälter als auf Teneriffa. Der Tiefstwert ist ungefähr 100 C. Das Wetter ist sehr gut. Es gibt nicht viel Regen, nur manchmal einen Regenschauer und oft ist es am Morgen sonnig. Außerdem gefällt mir die Winterkleidung sehr: Der Mantel, die Handschuche, die Hüte, die Strümpfe und die Stiefel sowie die Strickjacke. In dieser Jahreszeit haben wir auch viele schöne Ferien, wie Weihnachten und Karneval. Jante , Básico 2 Meine Lieblingsjahreszeit ist der Winter, weil ich die Weihnachtszeit mag. An Weihnachten kann ich mit meiner Familie zusammen sein, denn ich habe keine Schule. Man bekommt auch Geschenke zu Weihnachten. Im Winter ist das Wetter auf Teneriffa nicht so kalt. Wenn man Lust hat, kann man auch zu Hause bleiben une eine heiße Schokolade trinken-hmmm, das ist lecker!!! Außerdem kann man zum Teide fahren, den Schnee sehen und ein paar Stunden wandern, natürlich mit warmer Kleidung und warmen Stiefeln. Auf dem Teide ist es sehr schön, aber im Winter manchmal etwas kalt. Ich mag auch den Winter, weil ich in dieser Jahreszeit Geburtstag habe. Cristina, Básico 2


Curso 2011/2012


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

"Dragonfly. Hi. Palm tree. Noise. Charming. Are you doing well? Silence. Bye. Clare was thinking about an endless succession of words while she was on her way home, words that she probably wouldn’t be able to say. Although she had never recognised that she was shy, she really was so; Clare was different than the other girls. She had always wanted to live in her own kind of perfect world where people only talked about important and interesting topics in order to acquire more knowledge, where arrogant people were mute and fuss didn’t exist. Definitely, a world according to her way of being. Unfortunately, reality wasn’t that way. She remembered her childhood with sadness. She used to see the children playing while she was all alone, but suddenly, everything changed when she met Greg. They were made for each other. Everytime she was with him she didn’t hear her thoughts, they just understood each other without saying a word. “But now it doesn’t matter”, she said to herself, “he’s gone”. He had moved to Italy two years before and she hadn’t known anything about him in all this time. When she arrived home she only heard silence. Then she realized about words’ importance. Clare felt scared and alone. She jumped when the phone finally rang. It was Greg."

Elena NI2

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012


THE ENVIRONMENT. By Pedro Padrón NI1A We often hear expressions such as “The climate change”, “Global warming” or “The greenhouse effect”. Are the same things? Not exactly, but they’re closely related. “THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT” The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process that aids in heating the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Certain atmospheric gases such as, carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane are able to change the energy balance of the planet by absorbing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. Without the greenhouse effect life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be chilly – 18ºC not like the present 15ºC. As energy from the Sun passes through the atmosphere a number of things take place. A portion of the energy, a 30% is reflected to the space: A 5% by the particles in the atmosphere, a 20% by the clouds and a 4% by the Earth’s surface . The other 70% is absorbed. A 19% by the clouds and atmosphere and the remaining 51% reaches the surface. This energy is then used in a number of processes, including the heating of the ground surface; the melting of ice and snow and the evaporation of water; and plants photosynthesis. The heating of the ground by sunlight causes the Earth's surface to become a radiator of energy in the longwave band (sometimes called infrared radiation). This emission of energy is generally directed to space. The majority of the outgoing infrared radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gases. Over 90% of this emission of longwave energy is directed back to the Earth's surface once, again and again, until no more longwave is available for absorption. In the last few centuries, the activities of humans have directly or indirectly caused the concentration of the major greenhouse gases to increase. Some experts estimate that the Earth's average global temperature has already increased by 0.3 to 0.6° Celsius, since the beginning of last century, because of this enhancement. Predictions of future climates

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

indicate that by the middle of this century the Earth's global temperature may be 1 to 3° Celsius high er than today.

intensity of the Earth's greenhouse effect. “THE GLOBAL WARMING” The global warming is the first consequence from the greenhouse effect. A rising global temperatures as illustrate the next figure

“THE CLIMATE CHANGE” The “climate change” includes climate changes affecting rainfall patterns, storms and droughts, growing seasons, humidity, and sea level due to the global warming. Scientists predicted that warming oceans and melting glaciers due to global warming and climate change could cause sea levels to rise 7-23 inches (18-58 cm) by the year 2100. Worldwide, densely populated coastal communities and infrastructure that supports them would be affected (such as city buildings and homes, roads, ports and wastewater treatment plants). Some would be flooded or more vulnerable to storm damage. In flat terrain, the shoreline could move many miles inland. The Scientists have noted many indications of climate change around the world: Retreating mountain glaciers on all continents .Thinning ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic. .Rising sea level – about 6-7 inches in the 20th century. More frequent heavy precipitation and longer droughts over wider areas. Many people are concerned that we are losing time to make a difference. Climate change and its effects may be irreversible. THINGS YOU CAN DO TO REDUCE DE GLOBAL WARMING AND PREVENT THE CLIMATE CHANGE 1.- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 2.- Put a brick, a bottle filled with sand, into your toilet cistern. 3.Take a shower instead of a bath and you will use half as much water. 4.- Don't leave the tap running while you clean your teeth or shave. 5.- Only run your washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load. 6.- Repair dripping taps. 7.- Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning In summer an ideal temperature is about 24ºC and winter 20ºC.

8.- Fix the leaks.

9.- Decrease the hot water

temperature. 10.- Change an efficient Light Bulb. 11.- Drive Less. 12.- Buy Energy- Products. 13.- Use the "Off" Switch. 14.- Plant a Tree. 15.- And finally Encourage Others to Conserve.


The single most important gas is carbon dioxide which accounts for about 55% of the change in the

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


En 1ª persona


Als wir an die Plaza Charco gekommen waren, habe ich sofort eine Bank gefunden, wo ich mich mit Conchita setzen konnte, um alles in der Nähe zu beobachten. Zuerst habe ich das Restaurant la Casona gegenüber erkannt, wo ich schon manhcmal gegessen habe. Die Inhaberin dieses Restaurants ist eine deutsche Frau und da isst man sehr gut. Rechts von unserer Bank, gab es vier groBe Bäume, die viele grüne Blätter hatten, weil vor ungefähr fünf oder sechs Jahre diese Bäume geschnitten wurden; deshalb hatten sie danach für wenige Monate keine Blätter, aber jetzt sind sie wieder sehr grün und schöner als vorher. Hinter uns gab es einen Kinderspielplatz, mit Treppen, und oben, zwei kleine Häuser, davor eine kleine Rutschbahn, die zum Boden hinunterging, aber es gab keine Kinder auf der Rurshbahn, wie ich bemerkt habe. Aber, um die Wahrheit zu sagen, jetzt glaube ich, dass ich nicht genug aufmerksam bin, was die Leute betrifft. Später habe ich gelernt, dass die anderen KursteilnehmererInnen dort auf dem Platz viel mehr interessante Personen gefunden haben als ich! Ich war der Meinung, dass es dort sehr wenige Touristen und Touristinnen gab: vielleicht (so dachte ich) schlafen sie noch im Hotel nach dem Mittagessen. Aber meine Mitschüler und Mitsachülerinnen haben viel mehr beobachtet als ich: für mich war die ineressanteste Person, die sah ich, der Bettler – und ihn haben wir alle gesehen!Sogar habe ich vergessen, mit meiner Kamera auf dem Platz Fotos zu machen! Aber das war für mich ein guter und angenehmer Nachmittag. Tom Jackson 27. März 2012

Curso 2011/2012

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

The beginnings of tourism in the Canary Islands. During the XVI-XVII century the reason to travel to the Canary Islands was mainly to trade, due to two important plantations. On the one hand the sugar cane and on the other hand our famous wine, malvasia canario which was required by the British. Outside the island, exactly in Europe, during the XVI century, the reason to travel were in the first instance for culture, secondly for health and finally for pleasure, fun and leisure. However, I am going to talk about the health reasons. Due to the growth of the cities, new diseases like tuberculosis appeared, so the aristocracy travelled to the springs, currently they are known like Spas. The most important place in that century was SPA in Belgium. In 1815 during the Napoleonic wars, Portugal was the allied of Great Britain, and in Madeira a tourist centre was established for the British citizens and the troops too. Henceforth of wars, the doctors were thinking about the cure of tuberculosis, and they discovered that the best place for that, were the mountains, because the shepherds who lived there did not suffer this illness due to the clear air. For these reason Davos in Sweden was an option as a health resort, but finally Madeira was a well-known one due to its 18-24ºC. Nevertheless, 4 doctors visited Madeira, and they thought in the Canary Islands, because if the islands were further south, they´d have a more optimal temperature. As a consequence, these doctors came to the islands, and measured the temperature of Santa Cruz, Puerto de la Cruz and Las Cañadas del Teide. Las Cañadas was discarded, although it had an ideal temperature, because at night The temperature changed drastically. Nonetheless, El Puerto de la Cruz had good weather, beaches, landscape and fresh vegetation. In 1859, one important doctor visited the island with his daughter who was suffered from tuberculosis. Finally, after six months, she got over fully, and he wrote a book, where it was explained that the island would never be recovering from the crisis of wine and La Cochinilla, a product which was implanted from 1883 to 1880. So, for this reason the tourism, as an economic sector was though as the solution. Puerto de la Cruz, is the first town which became a tourist destination in Tenerife, and in the Canary Islands too.


In the year 1886 we had the first tourists on the Island. However, which were the reasons?


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

At the first, people rented houses for a long period of time; however some houses worked as hotels. The first hotel in the Island was Martinez Hotel. Secondly Marquesa and Monopol Hotels working together. And in 1890 Taoro Hotel was the next hotel to be established.

The people who came to the island, travelled for health problems, and they were called invalid. These people suffered from digestive, bronchial, skin and nervous problems. Until 1950-60 the Canary Islands had had a luxury and health tourism. However, during the dictatorship the motto was “the more tourists to come, the better”. In this period of time, the mass -tourism grows up on the islands, and it was the moment in which the landscape of the island unfortunately changed.

Martianez Beach

Yaiza Quintero González. NA1A


Curso 2011/2012

En 1ª persona

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

Anglizismen In vielen euröpaischen Sprachen sind Anglizismen allgegenwärtig, in Frankreich ist es das Franglais, in Deutschland das Denglisch, und in Spanien das Spanglisch. Das Spanische wurde im Laufe seiner Spracheentwicklung von viele anderen Sprachen beeinflusst. Im 18.Jahrhundert war die französische Sprache die Modesprache Europas, aber ab dem Ende des 19.Jahrhunderts, wurde das Französische allmählich von der englischen Sprache abgelöst und nach dem Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges dominierte Englisch. Die Gründe für die relative schnelle Verbreitung des Englischen in den europäischen Sprachen sind sehr vielschichtig. Heutzutage benutzen wir viele englische Wörter. Wir sagen zum beispeil "Fastfood“, “All inclusive“,“ Stop“... Auch die Tatsache, dass bis heute die meisten Seiten des www. in englischer Sprache verfasst sind, setzt die Sprecher von nicht englischen Muttersprachen häufig einem Kontakt mit der englischen Sprache aus. Hier auf den Kanarischen Inseln finden wir viele Wörter von anderen Ländern. Wir sagen “Guagua“ statt „Autobús“ wie auf der spanischen Halbinsel. Wir haben dieses Wort von Cuba übernommen. Es gibt in Südamerika für die gleichen Wörter verschiedene Bedeutungen. Auch in Chile gibt es Germanismen, die von deutschen Einwanderen eingeführt wurden. Zum Beispiel Kuchen. ABschlieβend würde ich sagen,dass die Sprache sich mit jeder Generation weiter entwickelt. Viele Jugendliche verwenden in Ihrem Sprachgebrauch sehr viele Anglizismen und das kann ein Vorteil oder ein Nachteil sein.

Carmen Lorente, Avanzado 2

En 1ª persona

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

Did you know...? If you are in this flight, it is because you have chosen the best place to go on holiday. What do you expect from this holiday? You will have all of that and more in Tenerife. This island is visited each year by five million tourists and you will know why.

Tenerife is the biggest island of the Canary Islands and the most populated in Spain. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean and it is about 250 km from the African coast. Due to this perfect location, you can find good weather, with an average morning temperature of 20ºC. Summer is the best season to stay in Tenerife because at this time of the year the weather is great and you will be able to do a lot of outdoor activities.

The first important thing you have to know is how to move yourself in the island. The best option, but not the cheapest one, is to hire a car, although you can also find other means of transport like the tram, coaches, buses and cabs. Once you know how to move yourself, you will have to decide where you are going to go to. There are many interesting places to visit, for example, The Orotava Valley, formed by three townships: La Orotava, El Puerto de la Cruz and Los Realejos, distinguished by their characteristic views of El Teide and the north coast; La Laguna, where you can find the University of the island and a very busy night life; Los Gigantes Cliffs and so on. Other important places you can visit are the beaches. They have black or white sand depending on the area you are in. As regards outdoor activities, you can go horse riding in Guamasa, Tacoronte or even in La Laguna, trekking, rock climbing, paragliding, scuba diving, windsurfing and more. And if you enjoy going to theme parks, you have several of them, for example, Siam Park and Pueblo Chico as well as Loro Parque and Oasis del Valle. With the above suggestions you will enjoy your time in Tenerife and at the end of your trip you will realize you chose the best place to go on holiday.

Elena Hernández Bencomo, avanzado 2.


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Russia is a very big country, it will be impossible to see it only in four months. Due to my job as a coach , I travel a lot around the country and I can know the life style here. I am the coach in the Rostov football team. The first thing is obviously the fact that the cold weather limits the activities you can do, especially in winter. The temperature was around 20º below zero in my city, it was nice to see snowing, but when you were looking through your window and you only saw snow, it’s really depressing, believe me. However, it´s a good experience, I like to know new cultures and different people. They are not so different from us. I used to think that The Russian were very serious and not too friendly , but when you get to know them and have a closer relationship with them, your idea change, they are warm and charming people like us.

I live in Rostov , a city situated in the South of Russia, close to the Black Sea, around 140 Km long. It is a new city and there isn´t big monuments or old buildings, but they have a nice river, the Don, which gives the name to the city “Rostov del Don”. The city is the capital of the region, and it has around one million people, it’s not different from other big cities in the world. (Photo 4 and 5) I live in the football club hotel, which is situated inside the big park in the middle of the city. This hotel is a really nice place and I am close to the stadium and the city. In winter going for a walk is virtually impossible. However, from the first days of May a lot of people, especially children ,go there because there are many things to do.


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

(Photo 1) The main street is Puskin’s Avenue, local people usually go for a walk, above all when the sun shines, “never”, it’s a joke because after April the weather changes and the temperature is between 15 and 22º Celsius. (Photo 2) Another good place to go for a walk is the avenue along the river banks .It is really amazing with a lot of trees and places to rest enjoying a good view. In winter the river is totally iced, if you are drinking a whisky, you don’t need to go to the freezer and take ice. You can take it directly from the river, or maybe you don’t need it because your whisky is already frozen. A really exceptional experience for a man from the Canary islands in Russia!.

(Photo 3) The Gorki Park is the place where the old people go to play chess and having a great time , the young are there singing and enjoying the life. I have done six trips till now and I’ve taken some curious pictures of Russia, I hope you enjoy them ! (Photo 4 and 5) Kazan Republic, the Tartar people are from this region. They have a very nice Kremlim. (Photo 6) The people are honest, you can take the newspaper and leave the money in the box. (Photo 7) Are you blind? I don’t know, it depends if I kill someone in the crosswalk maybe. If you know the meaning, you’ll have a gift. Jesús Suárez Santiago NI2A

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

The natural monument “La Montaña de Los Frailes” is in the eastern area of Los Realejos in the north of Tenerife, giving the name “La Montaña” to the small neighbourhood where it is situated. La Montaña de Los Frailes is a small volcanic cone whose eruption dates from 1,430. It is 370 meters high and it has a total surface of 25.7 hectares. It’s a place which you can access on foot easily along a path that begins from the facilities of a restaurant, situated at the base of the mountain. You can climb to the top, at a distance of 1 kilometre, and it will take you approximately 30 minutes. You are going to find there, a small hermitage which is visited by many people each 3rd May on the occasion of the Cross’ Day (Día de la Cruz), to celebrate this day. This place has been a meeting place for the inhabitants of this neighbourhood. I remember in my childhood those Sunday mornings in which my parents, my brothers and I, went to the top of this mountain on excursion, with our backpacks full of illusion to find adventures at every little place. I also remember meeting our friends and neighbours, sharing the lunch, talking, playing... and spending all the day there. It was fantastic, healthy and very funny. The main attraction of this mountain is that you can see all La Orotava Valley from there, since its views are spectacular. This mountain isn’t only a nice, peaceful and wonderful place, although lately its vegetation is scarce because of the drought from last year, but it’s also great to take photos, go trekking... and to enjoy a beautiful dusk. Therefore, it’s a place that you must visit to spend your free time. Teresa de Jesús Rodríguez Hernández Básico 2A

En 1ª persona

Los Frailes Mountain.


Curso 2011/2012

What future can we expect? People look at the universe, at the stars and they wonder: What's going to happen tomorrow? They consult fortune-tellers, astrologers and numerologists and there are so many interpretations, profecies and explanations about the future, but it is still the greatest illusion, the cloud of all clouds. If we want to know the future, the only thing we can do, is wait. It'll come. It's headed our way. We must have patience. If we want to know where we come from and where we are going to, the answer to that is too easy. Next time you want to know where you come from and where you are going, pick up some dirt in your hand and look at it. That’s where you came from and that is where you’re headed to. This is dust, recycled again and again and again and we are a fancy version of that, because we can talk, walk, dance, sing, laugh and do all these wonderful things. But that’s what’s going to happen. And I won’t be the first one, and the second one. It’s happened before, it will happen again and again. The ancient Romans said: „Memento mori“. It means that we must restrain our ego and be more humble when faced with our inevitable mortality and the transitory nature of life. The whole world pesters us through the strings that it has attached to us and tells us about tomorrow: “Tomorrow will be a good day, you can change and your dreams will be fulfilled“ But if we have bought into the idea that tomorrow is so real, that’s not our strength, that’s our weakness. That’s what tomorrow is: the carrot that dangles in front of a donkey. The greatest desire of a human being is to feel in peace, to be comfortable, but the whole world has changed that for us to accomplish what they want to accomplish and we pursue all these false goals like a good position in the society, thirst for power, money, but the only thing that we can take with us is a feeling. It´s the account we must invest in. The life isn´t about our accomplishments, the life isn´t about the future, the life is like a dream. And what can a dream do for you? If you had a nightmare, you will have a depressing feeling and you´ll think about it all day long and wonder: „What meaning is hidden in it?“, but if it was a wonderful dream, you can have a good humour all the day because of the pleasant sensation produced by the dream. The only thing you can take with you from this life is this pleasant sensation extracted from every day of your lifetime. Life isn´t about future. Tomorrow is never going to come, because every time tomorrow starts to come, it becomes today. We're not interested in today, because today is dedicated to tomorrow. Even more than that - today comes in this moment called now. If we pay attention to this moment called now, we will understand what life is all about. Standing on our own two feet, we must do it before we go. So, it is only one thing: What do we know today and what do we know just now? We must begin to accept this moment, this life—that's the doorway to everything. Otherwise, there’s no way we’re going to be able to transform what happens tomorrow.

Ludmila Rodríguez

Mi experiencia

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

In 2001 I went to Barcelona with my school class. When we were there, we visited a lot of places, such as Port Aventura, Montjuic Park, Nou Camp, Tarragona and we could also see some works which Antoni Gaudí had done, and I fell in love with his work. Antoni Gaudí was born on 25 of June in 1852, in Reus (Barcelona). He was always a lonely and ill child, so he began to feel a special attraction for nature and this became something necessary in his life. Although Gaudí had made some architecture works, he wasn’t known until he met Güel. He met Güel when Antoni finished his architecture degre, and Güel became his teacher in the future. After this the architect began to be famous, but his masterpiece, together with La Pedrera and The Park Güel, was La Sagrada Family, where Gaudí had been living when he died, for 40 years. In my opinion, this work is the most important one, but my favourite is La Pedrera, because the walls are like waves, and this was the last work that Gaudí could see. Inmaculada Tibisay Medina Domínguez, básico 2 C


Curso 2011/2012


Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz

Revista de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas del Puerto de La Cruz


Curso 2011/2012

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