Discover Skiathos

Page 20



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Kurt Russell & Goldie Hawn Ðéóôïß óôï ñáíôåâïý ôïõò, ôï ×ïëõãïõíôéáíü æåõãÜñé âñÝèçêå ãéá ìéá áêüìç öïñÜ óôï áãáðçìÝíï ôïõò íçóß. Åðß ìéá ïëüêëçñç 10åôßá Ýñ÷ïíôáé ôá êáëïêáßñéá óôç ÓêéÜèï ïé äýï çèïðïéïß êáé äéáìÝíïõí óå âßëá óôéò Á÷ëáäéÝò. ÁãáðçìÝíïé ôïõò ðñïïñéóìïß üëåò ïé ðáñáëßåò ôçò ÓêéÜèïõ ðïõ åðéóêÝðôïíôáé ìå ôï öïõóêùôü ôá÷ýðëïü ôïõò, áëëÜ êáé üëá ôá åóôéáôüñéá, áöïý åßíáé ëÜôñåéò ôçò åëëçíéêÞò êáé ìåóïãåéáêÞò êïõæßíáò (ï Kurt ìÜëéóôá ðáñáêïëïõèåß êáé ìáèÞìáôá ìáãåéñéêÞò). Ïé äýï “ðñåóâåõôÝò” ôïõ íçóéïý, ìüíï êáëÜ ëüãéá Ý÷ïõí íá ðïõí óôçí ÁìåñéêÞ ãéá ôçí öéëïîåíßá êáé ôçí áãÜðç ôùí êáôïßêùí ôçò ÓêéÜèïõ êáé ïé äåýôåñïé âÝâáéá ôïõò ôï áíôáðïäßäïõí üðïõ êáé íá ôïõò óõíáíôÞóïõí. Óôï twitter ç Goldie Hawn Ýãñáøå ... "åßíáé ðéï óçìáíôéêü íá áãáðéÝóáé áðü ôï íá Ý÷åéò äßêéï. Ìå ðïëëÞ áãÜðç áðü ôçí ÅëëÜäá". Loyal to their appointment, the Hollywood couple Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn came once again to their favorite island. The two actors have been visiting Skiathos during the summer for a whole decade and they stay in a villa in Achladies. Their favorite destinations are all the beaches of Skiathos, which they visit with their inflatable speedboat, as well as all the restaurants, since they are Greek and Mediterranean cuisine lovers (and Kurt also attends cooking lessons). The two "ambassadors" of the island have only good things to say in America about the hospitality and the love of the inhabitants of Skiathos, and of course the latter return the favor whenever they meet them. Goldie Hawn wrote on twitter … "it is more important to be loved than to be right. With much love from Greece".


ÊÜèå ÷ñüíï ôï íçóß ôïõ ÐáðáäéáìÜíôç êáé ïé ðáíÝìïñöåò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ ãßíïíôáé êáôáöýãéï ãéá ôïõò ðïëõÜó÷ïëïõò... rich and famous. Ï êáôÜëïãïò ìå ôïõò äéÜóçìïõò ðïõ Ý÷ïõí åðéóêåöôåß ôï íçóß åßíáé ìáêñýò. ÊÜðïéïé ìÝíïõí óå ðïëõôåëÞ îåíïäï÷åßá, Üëëïé íïéêéÜæïõí âßëåò, êáé êÜðïéïé âëÝðïõí ôç ÓêéÜèï áðü ôéò õðåñðïëõôåëåßò èáëáìçãïýò ôïõò. Óáí “êïéíïß èíçôïß”, ðáßæïõí ôÝííéò, êáé âüëåú, êÜíïõí éððáóßá, ìáèáßíïõí ìáãåéñéêÞ êáé âÝâáéá äåí ðáñáëåßðïõí íá êÜíïõí ôéò âüëôåò ôïõò óôçí ðüëç ìå “óõíïäåßá” Þ ìç, áíôáðïäßäïíôáò ôéò öéëïöñïíÞóåéò êáôïßêùí êáé åðéóêåðôþí ðïõ ôïõò áíáãíùñßæïõí. Óßãïõñá ðÜíôùò öåýãïíôáò ëÝíå ôçí ßäéá öñÜóç: We ‘ll come back! AÐÏ ÔÏÍ ÃÉÁÍÍÇ ÁÐÏÓÔÏËÉÄÇ

Every year the island of Papadiamantis and its beautiful beaches become a shelter for the very busy… rich and famous. The list of the famous people who have visited the island is long. Some of them stay at luxurious hotels, while others rent villas, and some see Skiathos from their opulent yachts. Like “common mortals”, they play tennis and volleyball, they ride horses, they take cooking lessons, and, of course, they do not omit to walk in the town with escort or not, returning the compliments of the inhabitants and the visitors who recognize them. In any case, they all say the same phrase when they leave: We'll come back!

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