Discover Skiathos

Page 141

ÁñéóôåñÜ: 23.8.1944, ç ðüëç êáßãåôáé áðü ôá óôñáôåýìáôá êáôï÷Þò. (Añ÷. ×ñ. ×åéìþíá)

Left photo: 23.8.1944, the city burned by the occupation forces.

ÊÜôù:ÓêçíÝò ôçò êáèçìåñéíÞò æùÞò ôùí Óêéáèéôþí. ¼ëç ìÝñá óôç äïõëåéÜ, áêüìç êáé ôá ðáéäéÜ, ìåôÜ ôï ó÷ïëåéü ìÜèáéíáí ìéá ôÝ÷íç. Ïé ðáñÝåò ìáæåýïíôáí óôïõò êáöåíÝäåò, åíþ ôçí ÊõñéáêÞ åß÷å ìðÜëá. Ï “Ðáíóêéáèéáêüò”, êáé ôá “Èáëáóóïðïýëéá”, Þôáí ïé ïìÜäåò ôçò ÓêéÜèïõ.

Below photos: Scenes of the daily life of the inhabitants of Skiathos. All day at work; even children, after school, used to learn a craft. The groups were gathered at the coffeehouses, while there was football on Sundays.



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