Voluntary doulas – supporting parents-to-be

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– supporting parents-to-be

Voluntary doulas Doulas working with the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters are support workers for pregnancy, birth and beyond. The term doula comes from Greek and means female helper or servant. The role of your doula is to support you, and you can discuss any issues relating to pregnancy, family life and the birthing process with them. If you’d like, they can also attend the delivery with you. You can ask your doula to join you during labour even if your partner is planning to be present too. Your doula will always listen to your thoughts and ideas and respect your and your family’s wishes. While doulas are not involved in providing clinical care, they will remain by your side and offer you support throughout. All doulas working with the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters are given full training and also have ongoing supervision meetings once a month.

If you’re interested in our doula service, you can contact the doula coordinator in your area at any time during your pregnancy. We’ll be able to provide you with a doula if your family has additional support needs. You will have the opportunity to discuss your situation in more detail with the coordinator. It’s a good idea to get in touch as early as possible to make sure that a doula will be available for the birth of your child. It’s up to you and your doula to agree where and how often you meet. Usually, people will meet 1–3 times before the birth and a few times after the baby is born. Our doula service is available free of charge in most areas but some charge a EUR 20–50 fee.


Testimonials from fa

– As first timers, everything was new to us, but our doula really knew the score. She was a great support to both of us, always providing lots of comfort and reassurance. She had a great sense of humour too and was always there to hold my hand – tightly – when I needed it. She’s an amazing person. Jaska & Jonna – Love, trust, support, breathing, relaxation, touch, presence, creating a human connection. Doula Linda

If you’d like, your doula can also help you get breastfeeding off to a good start.


Helsingin ensikoti ry, tel. 040 160 4194, doula@helsinginensikoti.fi


Kanta-Hämeen perhetyö ry, tel. 044 730 0910, doula@khperhetyo.fi


Ylä-Savon Ensi- ja turvakotiyhdistys ry, tel. 040 192 0112


Keski-Suomen ensi- ja turvakoti ry, tel. 050 596 5447, jenni.tolvanen@ksetu.fi


Etelä-Pohjanmaan Ensi- ja turvakotiyhdistys ry, tel. 044 977 2022


Kymenlaakson Ensi- ja turvakotiyhdistys ry, tel. 044 321 1035, avopalvelu@kletu.fi


Kuopion Ensikotiyhdistys ry, tel. 044 369 7202, 044 369 7214


Lahden ensi- ja turvakoti ry, tel. 044 777 0292, doula@letk.fi


Etelä-Karjalan perhetyön kehittämisyhdistys ry, tel. 040 776 7548, paivaryhma@ek-perhetyo.fi


Oulun ensi- ja turvakoti ry, tel. 040 744 4300, doula@oetk.fi


Perheidenpaikka ry, tel. 0400 819 841, doulaohjaaja@perheidenpaikka.fi


Lapin ensi- ja turvakoti ry, tel. 0400 814 946, avopalvelu@lapinensijaturvakoti.fi


Tampereen ensi- ja turvakoti ry, tel. 050 405 7946, annantupa@tetuko.fi, tel. 050 405 7947, hervantatupa@tetuko.fi, tel. 050 405 7948, linnainmaatupa@tetuko.fi


Turun ensi- ja turvakoti ry, tel. 0500 967 714, doula@tuentu.fi

Our doulas usually work in Finnish and English. However, please get in touch even if you speak another language as we will always try our best to help you.


If you would like to hire a voluntary doula or are interested in working as a doula yourself:

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