2017 Activity Report

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ENoLL Activity Report 2017 A review of the activities of the European Network of Living Labs for the year 2017


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

President’s Foreword The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) was established in 2006 during the Finnish Presidency of European Union promoting multi-stakeholder and citizen driven innovation, locally as well as internationally. The Helsinki Manifesto stated the aim of the Network in a way, which was is still relevant in 2017: The first phase of the European Network of Living Labs consisted of 20 Living Labs in 15 Member States. It is a cross-regional, cross-national and pre-market network, creating multi-stakeholder co-operation models for public-private-citizen-partnerships (PPCPs). The European Network of Living Labs establishes a European platform for collaborative and co-creative innovation, where the users are involved in and contribute to the innovation process. Living Labs provide a platform and infrastructure for innovation services to SMEs, international corporations, public sector agencies and individual citizens. This systematic and organized approach ensures that common methodologies and tools are developed across Europe that support, stimulate and accelerate the innovation process. The European Network of Living Labs also has a strong regional growth and development impact by facilitating and fostering regional innovation as interlinked with a European innovation system with a global reach.


After the Helsinki Manifesto, the rapidly growing number of European Union funded international Living lab projects as well as the many local Living lab communities indicated a strong need to support the network with a Brussels based hub. Consequently, in 2009 the leading Living labs as legal entities drew up the bylaws for the new non-profit association called ENoLL. Since then, 430+ Living labs all over the world have been labeled by ENoLL. During the past years, the application success rate has been 50% or less . Applicants’ failures have been mainly due to the lack of provided evidence on user engagement. In 2017, ENoLL labeled 13 new adherent members following a strict quality assessment procedure. Next to that, we welcomed two new Innovation Partners. During the past five years, the number ENoLL members fulfilling the membership criteria of the association bylaws has been between 102 and 127. In 2017, the number was 125. Today, researchers claim that Living labs are increasingly accepted as a prominent form of open innovation. It can be said, that the labeled Living labs also represent a plurality of contexts, methods and conceptualizations. Moreover, scholars claim that world’s cities and organizations apply living labs in heterogeneous fields and are rich with various concepts, methodologies, research streams, and tools. During the past years, cities have increasingly applied Living lab approach aiming to reinforce long-term participation and engagement of multiple stakeholders, suggesting various benefits to all stakeholders[i]. [i] Leminen, S., Rajahonka, M., and Westerlund, M. (2017) Towards Third-Generation Living Lab Networks in Cities http://doi.org/10.22215/timreview/1118


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

ENoLL members have long practical experience on cross-pollination of different types of scientific, technological, artistic and practical knowledge. Living Labs have the capacity and needed methods to orchestrate the cross-over innovation and experimentation processes. ENoLL members with direct access to the citizens have plenty to offer and help the European Union establish a connection with them. With scaling-up practice from local to trans-regional and trans-national communities, ENoLL and its members are creating bridges between different stakeholders and give access to simultaneous pilots and co-creation Europe-wide and globally. Effort of the association has been validated when ENoLL received Open Innovation Luminary Award 2016, for best Open Innovation Infrastructure Creation and when the European Commission nominated Tuija Hirvikoski from ENoLL council as a member of the Open Science Policy Platform promoting Commissioner Moedas’ three O’s strategy (Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the world). During 2017, together with the elected ENoLL council members, ENoLL office finalized association’s administrative transition period. Therefore, autumn 2017, the association could again start focusing on the maturity of Living Lab operations creating added value with and for ENoLL members and their clients. To support this work, ENoLL President appointed three Vice-Presidents: Artur Serra (i2Cat), whose mission was to open ENoLL to other types of labs; Anna Ståhlbröst (Botnia Living Lab) who worked on enhancing the research and innovation processes within the Living Labs in Europe; and Wim de Kinderen (City of Einthoven) who focused on the business side and economic impact of Living Labs. In 2017, ENoLL council member Fernando Vilarioño (UAB) successfully steered a joint co-writing process together with likeminded associations, organizations and individual experts aiming to create a roadmap for the future of Europe with the use of Living Labs that is aligned with the 3Os strategy. This process created an open document as an invitation to join The Manifesto for Innovation in Europe emphasizing innovation as human right. In 2017, the associations’ international collaboration also expanded to Japan, Australia, and Korea as ENoLL president was invited to consult local cities and their stakeholders. ENoLL signed a MoU with Future Centre Alliance Japan and its members are looking forward to benefit from increased collaboration also on a global scale. By reading through the next pages, you will see how far has the network progressed since its establishment and how the work of ENoLL members is impactful and wide ranging. Tuija Hirvikoski ENoLL President, elected council member representing Laurea University of Applied Sciences


ENoLL Activity Report 2017


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Contents What we do..........................................................................................................................8 Milestones 2006-2017......................................................................................................9 Highlights of 2017...........................................................................................................12 Strategic achievements...............................................................................................13 Highlighted events.......................................................................................................17 Publications by the ENoLL community.................................................................21 Projects.............................................................................................................................23 OpenLivingLab Days...................................................................................................27 ENoLL outreach................................................................................................................30 ENoLL Team.......................................................................................................................32 ENoLL Council.................................................................................................................33 ENoLL Office...................................................................................................................35 ENoLL Members...............................................................................................................36 Highlights from Members.........................................................................................37 11th wave Members....................................................................................................41 Membership overview................................................................................................42 Contact................................................................................................................................47


What we do

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


What we do The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is a global network of open innovation ecosystems (Living Labs) that places people at the centre of product and service development and innovation. The network and its members provide innovation services for small and medium-sized international companies, the public sector, organisations and citizens.



ENoLL promotes the development of business and industry and the creation of tax revenue and jobs. Through the years ENoLL has labelled 430+ Living Labs from around the world maintained by municipalities, universities, regions and companies acting also as the development and piloting partners. Of these, 125 make up the core for piloting European industry and innovation policy and are involved in in-depth cooperation with regions and the European Commission’s Directorates-General.



The ENoLL network aims at creating pan-European experiments and prototypes for new markets, based on the Digital Single Market. It is an open engagement platform where new business models can be experimented with and developed all based on a quadruple helix approach, creating safety nets for experiments and prototypes with new roles of the public sector as enabler and catalyser. ENoLL can combine European vertical specialisation domains (health, smart cities, creativity, education etc.) with horizontal and territorial specialisation.




ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Milestones 2006-2017

Milestones 2006-2017


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

ENoLL is founded in November 2006 under the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union As a proposed measure to boost European competitiveness ENoLL “establishes a European platform for collaborative and co-creative innovation, where the users are involved in and contribute to the innovation process�

Milestones 2006-2017

The first phase of ENoLL consists of 20 Living Labs in 15 EU member states October 2007 2nd wave has been launched at the Portuguese EU Presidency event in Brussels, Belgium, bringing the total number of ENoLL members to 51

April 2008 Slovenian EU Presidency; ENoLL 3rd Wave call for membership application is launched November 2008 Under the French EU Presidency, ENoLL 3rd wave launch event at ICT2008 event 4th wave of ENoLL members under the Swedish EU Presidency

5th wave under Belgian EU Presidency ENoLL becomes a legal entity headquartered in Brussels

Highlights: - ENoLL globalization and cooperation with FAO, INSME, UNITED, CAISEC - ENoLL Project involvement (PERIPHERIA, SMARTIR EPIC, OPENCITIES) - launch of the 5th membership wave in Ghent 6th wave of ENoLL Members welcoming 46 Living Labs from 15 different countries

ENoLL in 2010: - 188 Living Labs based in EU - 24 Living Labs outside the EU - Startegic cooperation with China and Brazil (formed Brazilian Network of Living Labs)

ENoLL first Summer School in Paris


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Brazilian Network of Living Labs (BNoLL) - EU-Brazil cooperation - Information dissemination and awareness taking place as well as workshops in several Brazilian cities African Network of Living Labs (ANoLL) - 8 African Living Labs in 2011 - Agreement on a task force in charge of an action plan and ensuring a close link between ENoLL and ANoLL - Summer School in Barcelona

Milestones 2006-2017

- ENoLL Office Headquartered in Brussels with one full time staff member - ENoLL PPP policy initiative

Chinese Network of Living Labs (CNoLL) - Workshops held in China in 2010 and 2011 Other cases of globalisation - Korea (workshop held in February) - Australia (Action plan initiated) 7th wave ENoLL members - 25 additional members with an increasing numbers of nonEuropean members -345 labelled ENoLL Living Labs

- ENoLL supports the European Commission initiative on active and healthy aging - Summer School in Helsinki / Espoo

ENoLL together with Manchester City Council organized the 4th ENoLL Summer School in August 2013

8th wave of ENoLL members - 25 new accepted members - 340+ accredited ENOLL Living Labs - ENoLL Summer School - the OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Amsterdam 9th wave of ENoLL Members - 25 new accepted members - OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Istanbul 10th wave of ENoLL members - OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Montreal - 7 new approved EU Projects / 7 successfully concluded EU projects

11th wave of ENoLL Members - OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Krakow - MoU signed with Future Centre Alliance Japan


ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017


ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Strategic Achievements

Strategic Achievements Tightening collaboration with Australian and Korean peers

Expanding Living Lab movement to Croatia: at the Zagreb forum

ENoLL President Tuija Hirvikoski spoke at the Aging Well Conference in Adelaide and visited Ageing Well Living Lab and residential area. She introduced the European concept of Cities as Living Labs at the Korean Daegu Creative City Forum and thus opened new channels for collaboration.

ENoLL Director Zsuzsanna Bodi presented examples on Living Labs that are supporting entrepreneurship in cities while Bror Salmelin who is leading the Open Innovation movement, spoke on the matter of innovative urban ecosystems and how these are linked to Living Labs.

Collaboration with business sector

Joint Hearing on “Cities as Actors of Open Innovation”

A strategic meeting with a car-manufacturing producer Volkswagen took place in October On 28 June, the Joint Hearing on “Cities as 2017 to explore possibilities of collaboration Actors of Open Innovation” took place in and the potential of mobility Living Labs. Brussels. One of the key presentations of the event was delivered by Teemu Santonen and delved into circular economy and Cities Making new connections at the ICT as Living Labs. Such analysis was based on a proposers day tender work carried out by an international team of experts: Laurea University of The networking event centred on European Applied Sciences, The Council of European ICT Research & Innovation with a special Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and ENoLL. focus on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme The study “Cities as Living Labs: Increasing for 2018-20. ENoLL representatives searched the impact of investment in the circular for potential partnerships and applicants economy for sustainable cities” is available via for SynchroniCity project’s Open Call. ENoLL EU Bookshop on http://bookshop.europa.eu. Office also met with new potential partners to explore projects ENoLL members can work on.


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Strategic Achievements

Memorandum of Understanding signed with Future Centre Alliance Japan On August 28, 2017, the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ) (based in Chiyoda-ku, Iidabashi, Tokyo) have signed a partnership agreement with the aim of developing open innovation and better collaboration among businesses, research institutions, universities and public sectors for a better society and economy development.

The agreement seeks and carries out mutually beneficial activities of the two organisations through the following types of activities: a) mutual knowledge sharing and creation activities (Ba/SECI) through webinars and OpenLivingLab Days b) Co-Branding and joint Events

This partnership agreement was approved c) Programs at ENoLL’s general meeting that took place d) collaborative projects, joint transnational during the OpenLivingLab Days 2017 studies, policy papers. conference. The MoU was signed by Tuija Hirvikoski (President of ENoLL) and Noboru Konno (President of FCAJ).

Pictured: ENoLLPresident Tuija Hirvikoski and FCAJ President Noboru Konno signing the MoU


Strategic Achievements

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Open Science Policy Platform Group that advises the European Commission on how to develop open science policy ENoLL President, Tuija Hirvikoski, is a member of the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) Group. The group consists of top level representatives of European stakeholders working in the field of science and research. Members of the OSPP Group are selected by DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission.

In 2016, Tuija Hirvikoski, as President of ENoLL, was nominated as a member of OSPP for a term of 24 months. Her mission is to support the complementary interaction between Open Innovation, Open Science and Open Learning. In 2017, the OSPP Group met twice and adopted two sets of recommendations and a report.

Pictured: ENoLL President and the OSPP group in Berlin with EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas


Strategic Achievements

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Open Science Policy Platform: 2017 Highlights

3rd Meeting of the OSPP during the Open Science Conference in Berlin on 20 March 2017 During the meeting, EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas addressed the OSPP and engaged with the group during a roundtable discussion on Open Access Publishing and the European Open Science Cloud. OSPP members were invited to put forward ideas on how to better connect with citizens on research and innovation policy. Tuija Hirvikoski, on behalf of ENoLL, an organisation that builds bridges between multidisciplinary stakeholders, emphasized the importance of both participatory research and open innovation. Therefore, ENoLL could play a major role while embracing other initiatives sharing same values and goals. Recommendations on Open Science Publishing Adopted by the Open Science Policy Platform on 25 April 2017 Report on the governance and financial schemes for the European Open Science Cloud Adopted by the Open Science Policy Platform in May 2017

4th Meeting OSPP on 13 October 2017 Expert Groups on Rewards and Skills Skills presented their final reports in the OSPP for a first discussion, while the working group on Altmetrics presented their recommendations on Next-Generation metrics which have been adopted by the OSPP. To give continuity to the Open Science movement ENoLL and its members organised various workshops throughout 2017 following the 3Os theme – Open Science, Open Innovation, Open to the World.


Highlighted Events

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Highlighted Events ENoLL Community at the Connected Smart Cities Conference

ENoLL President jury member at the EYIF Inno Apps Challenge

On 12 January, ENoLL joined the Connected Smart Cities conference, not only as a participant and an exhibitor but also as an organiser of the session on Innovation Ecosystems. The session was split into four thematic groups - each led by a Living Lab expert. Representatives of the following Living Labs facilitated the sessions: imec, Eindhoven, Botnia and Basaksehir Living Lab.

Tuija Hirvikoski was one of the jury members at the pan-European competition to develop innovative apps for Smart Cities. The challenge encourages young people to build groundbreaking solutions to improve social inclusion and foster the development of decentralised innovation ecosystems in Europe. It took place on 9 February in Brussels, Belgium.

Bristol as a city-wide test bed for Workshop series “Bridging European digital innovation and living Urban Transformations” In February 2017, ENoLL President Tuija Hirvikoski spoke at the introductory session of the workshop titled “Experimenting with Urban Living Labs (ULLs) beyond Smart CityRegions”. ULLs exemplified by networks such as ENoLL, foreground projects that present active user involvement, real-life settings, multi-stakeholder participation, multimethod approaches and co-creation. As a President of ENoLL, Ms Hirvikoski weighted in on the Urban Living Labs of ENoLL and cocreating methods developed in Living Labs.

At the ‘Creating a city-wide test bed for digital innovation’ workshop hosted by the City of Bristol City Council and the University of Bristol in the capital of Europe, Association Manager of ENoLL has spoken about “Cities as Living Labs and Large Scale experimentations for Digital Innovation” and Bror Salmelin from OISPG about “Ecosystems and value constellations as innovation enablers”.


Highlighted Events

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

ENoLL at Smart City Word Congress, Sofia Innovation Camp Casablanca On 17-18 May the second edition of Smart City Expo Casablanca took place under the motto “Cities by all” as a reference milestone to foster a sustainable and innovative urban management for the development of cities in Morocco and Africa. Juan Bertolin (espaitec Living Lab) spoke at the event on behalf of ENoLL during the session titled “Entrepreneurship and Start-up Ecosystems” elaborating on the role of Living Labs in local ecosystems. Living Lab representatives from Gate 21 and i2cat also shared their experience.

Belgian Living Lab Day On 9 May, the Belgian living lab community together with ENoLL organised the first Belgian Living Lab Day. We have seen interactive workshops and discussions and exchange of knowledge and methodologies during the day. Hosted by Atrium brussels and co-organised by ENoLL, imec, Wallonia e-Health Living Lab and Living Labs in Wallonia the event was a major success and will be repeated. Facebook and LinkedIn communities have been created for those interested in work of Belgian living labs.

Nordic Smart Cities Teemu Santonen spoked at the Noric Smart City event on belahf of ENoLL President. He also presented the publication “Cities as Living Labs increasing the impact of investment in the circular economy” written jointly by ENoLL and Laurea University.

ENoLL President and Association Manager were invited to join the Sofia Innovation Camp in Bulgaria in March 2017 and share their knowledge on creating innovative solutions facilitated by and through Living Labs. At the two-day event they were presented with three city, national and global level challenges with the aim to create a model for citizens, firms, civil servants and researchers to define common challenges, co-create and experiment solutions and create a bottom up policy agenda as a legacy for the next presidency.

Open Innovation 2.0 conference Following the the Sofia Innovation Camp ENoLL President and Association Manager have joined the Cluj Innovation camp and were joined by Council members and ENoLL Office at the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference taking place in June 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. At the conference, Tuija Hirvikoski chaired a session on societal transformation and a discussion table on living labs together with Zsuzsanna Bodi. At the booth area ENoLL presented iSCAPE, EUMACS, SynchroniCity and OrganiCity projects to the visitors who were curious to know more about the role of living labs in society.


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Reveal of the RISE Book: Europe’s future: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World

Highlighted Events

ENoLL active in Geneva during the IoT week

In June 2017, ENoLL Office representatives On 15 May 2017, a high level event with participated at the IoT week to present Commissioner Carlos Moedas was held two projects: SynchroniCity, a large-scale where the new book of the high level expert pilot on urban IoT-enabled services and group of Research, Innovation and Science U4IoT, a support action on co-creation. Policy Experts (RISE) was presented. ENoLL Council Member Joëlle Mastelic from Energy Living Lab joined the discussion on mobility How Living Labs transform cities - discussing mobility changes from a living lab point of view. Energy Living Lab has At the European Week of Regions and Cities been working on a project of autonomous in September 2017 during the session on shuttle busses to test and improve Urban Living Labs, ENoLL President Tuija traffic and fleet-managing algorithms. Hirvikoski (Laurea Living Lab) presented the possibilities Living Labs offer for transforming complex urban challenges and ENoLL President at the Open development through Urban Living Labs.

Innovation & Open Science conference in Barcelona

Tuija Hirvikoski, spoke at the “Open innovation & Open Science” conference organised by Generalitat de Catalunya about the new paradigm of science and open innovation. In the words of Ms Hirvikoski “it was a productive day, learning how the transition from industrial era towards digital citizen centric society takes place. From traditional knowledge transfer towards co-creation, experimentation and open innovation 2.0”.

Responding to the 3Os strategy: a co-creation workshop This unique workshop taking place in October 2017 brought together ENoLL experts and likeminded organisations to create a roadmap for the future of Europe with the use of Living Labs that is aligned with the 3Os strategy. Result of the workshop was preparation of the Manifesto for Innovation in Europe.


Highlighted Events

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Living Labs at the Global Science, Technology & Innovation Conference

Living Labs at the centre of Smart Cities

With Living Labs from Adelaide, Poznan, Taiwan and i2Cat, imec, DigiArt, Laurea Living Lab discussion sessions was held on how Living Labs contribute to Sustainable Development Goals at the GSTIC event in Brussels. ENoLL also had a booth where participants were able to find more information on the network and its activities.

Living Labs are at the centre of Smart Cities as it was seen during the Smart City Expo in Barcelona. ENoLL Office representatives spoke about their role to the delegation of Smart Flanders and promoted SynchroniCity the Open Call for SMEs. SynchroniCity is a project for smart cities looking for IoT solutions improving city life in Europe and beyond.

Pictured: ENoLL representatives at the G-STIC with event organisers



ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Publications by the ENoLL Community TIM review special issue on ‘Innovation in Living Labs’ January and February issues of the acclaimed Technology Innovation Management Review journal are two special issues on the theme of Innovation in Living Labs. The majority of the articles featured in the issues were selected, reviewed, and revised papers presented at the OpenLivingLab Days 2016, held from 23-26 August in Montreal, Canada. Guest editors for the January and February issue are Dimitri Schuurman, Pieter Ballon, Seppo Leminen and Mika Westerlund.

ENoLL Positioning paper/ H2020 midterm evaluation

In April 2017, H2020 Midterm evaluation results were shared with public stakeholders, initiated further discussions between participants and panellist and forecasted some changes the European Economic and Social Committee is planning to put in place for the upcoming 9th Framework Programme. Some numbers as results of the Public Consultation: Close to 3500 responses; Over 300 position papers; Respondents from 69 countries; 78% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with Horizon 2020. ENoLL responded with its own positioning paper, “Digital Participation through Social listing eight ENoLL Living Lab case studies Living Labs” book that serve as examples of ENoLL research and innovation ecosystem (Bird Living Lab, ENoLL President, Tuija Hirvikoski, contributed Botnia Living Lab, Laurea Living Lab, Library to the first edition of the book exploring Living Lab, Guadalinfo SMARTLAB, Başakşehir digital participation and the role of Living Living Lab, imec.livinglabs and eLivingLab). Labs. It was edited by thought leaders from the fields of education, youth studies, librarianship, communication technology, and digital media studies and is positioned as a link to connect these debates.


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Paper: The Mediterranean as an Open Living Lab


Open Innovation Calls Document

ENoLL co-produced together with the This paper results from two seminars entitled OISPG group and Institut Mines Telecom “The Mediterranean as an open living lab” realised a report and selection of Open and jointly organised by the IEMed and Innovation related Calls in H2020 aimed ENoLL with the goal of exploring a region- at ENoLL members and community. wide network of innovation hubs that could generate a Mediterranean way of developing open innovation with its own idiosincracy: Best Living Lab Project Award Winners the Mediterranean as a Living Lab. In December of 2016, the competition for the Best Living Lab Project Award opened. U4IoT Handbook Twenty-two ENoLL Members presented one or more projects they have worked on in Specifically focusing on the topical area 2016 which was then put to voting. Living of Internet of Things has been published. Labs Taiwan received the highest number The handbook explains how the Living Lab of votes for their project “Integration of approach can greatly support the research Wearable Devices and Exercise Management”. and innovation activities in that area. “FRACTALS” of Precision Agriculture Living Lab and “webFitForAll” project of ThessAHALL received the second and third End-user engagement toolkit highest number of votes respectively. Created by ENoLL in the context of U4IoT project aims to guide the researchers and practitioners through the innovation processes, providing tools and methods for co-creation and user-engagement. The toolkit comprises methodologies and tools found across literature and online, put together in a format that follows the different phases along the innovation process, namely: exploration, experimentation and evaluation.



ENoLL Activity Report 2017

3.4 Projects ENoLL as an international non-profit association selectively participates in EUfunded projects that are strategically important and bring benefits to its members. ENoLL acts as an orchestrator with the aim of creating transnational experimentation pilot frameworks. ENoLL’s role in these projects ranges from dissemination to the wider community of Living Lab members, to enduser engagement.

concluded projects


Through the projects ENoLL also facilitates Living Lab trainings with the experts from the network. Through participation in EU projects, ENoLL contibutes to policy recommendations, development of Living Lab handbooks and tools as well as uptake of the Living Lab paradigm in different European cities. In 2017, 2 Projects have concluded while 3 new projects have started.

projects kicked-off in 2017 3

JAM Today



SynchroniCity UNaLab



ENoLL Activity Report 2017



Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions, is a horizontal project promoting the development of social and creative clusters in the Mediterranean region to improve its policy impact in the innovation domain. TALIA will thus capture the insights coming from the most interesting experiences taking place in our territories, to support policy-makers who aim to effectively deploy a Mediterranean Model of creativity and social innovation.

U4IoT (User engagement for Large Scale Pilots on the Internet of Things) combines complementary expertise encompassing social and economic sciences, communication, crowdsourcing, living labs, co-creative workshops, meetups and personal data protection to actively engage end-users and citizens in the large scale pilots. ENoLL Members in the Project: imec.livinglabs, Botnia Living Lab

ENoLL Members in the Project: Consorcio Fernando de Los Rios, France Living Labs (INRIA)



iSCAPE aims to develop and evaluate an integrated strategy for air pollution control in European cities grounded on evidence-based analysis. The project will develop the tools required to obtain an air pollution free/low carob society by addressing air quality and climate change concerns together through the application of new smart and sustainable technologies for integration into urban design and guidelines. The project also aims to set up Living Labs working in the field of air pollution.

EU-MACS (European Market for Climate Services) – project analyses the market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The analysis is grounded in economic and political science theories on how service markets with public and private features can develop, and how innovations may succeed.

Cities in which Living Labs are developed: Bologna (italy), Bottrop, (Norway), Guildford (UK), Hasselt (Belgium), Dublin (Ireland), Vantaa (Finland)



ENoLL Activity Report 2017



Synchronicity opens up a global IoT market where cities and businesses develop shared digital services to improve the lives of citizens and grow local economies. The SynchroniCity consortium brings together 39 partners with worldwide outreach. The project represents the first attempt to deliver a digital single market for IoT-enabled urban services in Europe and beyond – in 8 European cities and more worldwide – connecting 39 partners from 13 countries over 3 continents.

The Urban Nature Labs project will demonstrate innovation nature-based solutions in cities that are facing challenges of climate change and urbanisation. Through the project locally-attuned innovative water management systems will be co-create and demonstrated in the context of an integrated urban ecological approach: the Urban Nature Lab (UNaLab). Smart Santander Living Lab, Brainport Eindhoven, imec.livinglabs.

ENoLL Members in the Project: ENoLL Members in the Project: Forum Virium Helsinki, Manchester Digital Botnia Living Lab, Basaksehir Living Lab, Innovation Living Lab, imec.livinglabs Espaitec, Brainport Eindhoven Cities in the project:

Cities in the project:

Antwerp (Belgium), Carouge (Switzerland), Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Leon (Spain), Manchester (UK), Milan (Italy), Helsinki (Finland), Porto (Portugal)

Basaksehir (Turkey), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Cannes (France), Castellon (Spain), Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Genova (Italy), Hong Kong (China) Stavanger (Norway), Prague (Czech Republic), Tampere (Finland)


ENoLL Activity Report 2017


UNaLab Kick-Off in on 7-8 June Finland

iSCAPE, has been featured in the EU Research & Innovation Magazine as “1 of the 10 breakthroughs to shape EU for the next 60 years”.

JAM Today Workshop hosted at the ENoLL offices on 5 -6 April

INTERREG MED TALIA project: ENoLL and France/Francophonie Living Labs participated at the first Talia two-day conference in Bari

SynchroniCity Project Kick-Off ENoLL supports this 3-year project by leading the marketing and communication activities and supporting the citizen and multi-stakeholder engagement throughout the project from the quadruple helix perspective.

Successful ending of the PELARS project with an exhibition

EU-MACS call for external expertise for Effective members and Innovation Partners

U4IoT Kick-Off with Botnia Living Lab. The kick-off meeting took place on 12-13 January


OpenLivingLab Days 2017

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

3.5 OpenLivingLab Days 2017 Since 2010, OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) has become the annual gathering of the global Living Lab community. A space for public officials, companies, entrepreneurs, academics and innovators to connect and work together: To create new products and services, to set the basis for debate and exploration of theories, and to discuss and process policy recommendations within the practical elements

of open and user-driven innovation. Through interactive panel discussions, hands-on workshops with leading experts and site visits to our local partners, OLLD offers an exclusive networking and knowledge sharing experience. The theme for 2017 was “Multiple Helix Innovation without Boundaries�

OLLD factsheet Edition: 8th Location: Krakow, Poland Local Host: Krakow Technology Park Dates: 29 August - 1 September Number of participants: ~300 Number of workshops: 27 Best paper award: Dropout in Living Lab Field Tests: A Contribution to the Definition and the Taxonomy

Pictured: (left) KTP Director giving a speech to the audience (right) during the opening session of OpenLivingLab Days


OpenLivingLab Days 2017

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

OpenLivingLab Days highlights ENoLL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ) based in Tokyo, Japan. The agreements seeks and carries out mutually beneficial activities for the advancement of social good and economic growth, open innovation and better collaboration among the companies, research organizations, universities, cities and regions and public sector organizations represented by the two organizations.

ENoLL Council accepted a new innovation partner – Vandejong, a creative agency based in Amsterdam.

Veli-Pekka Niitamo award for best research paper was given to Abdolrasoul Habibipour, Annabel Georges, Dimitri Schuurman, Birgitta BergvallWelcoming new Vice Kareborn for their paper Presidents to the ENoLL on “Drop-out in Living Lab executive board. ENoLL Field Tests: A Contribution Council members, Wim to the Definition and the de Kinderen (Brainport Taxonomy”. Eindhoven) and Anna Ståhlbröst (Botnia Living Lab) have been elected as Vice Presidents. They will join Artur Serra (i2CAT) in their new role. The three Vice Presidents support the activities of the ENoLL President Tuija Hirvikoski.

Pictured: Welcome cocktail at the OpenLivingLab Days


OpenLivingLab Days 2017

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Main lessons learnt from OLLD17:

2) Learning Lab consultancy: one-day event hosted by the client at a premise of their • Never neglect the user knowledge choice. The training is built together by the • New mechanisms for co-creation processes ENoLL office and a Living Lab expert from such as Blockchain the network, answering to the needs of the • Service design or design thinking are quite client identified through a pre-consultancy new approaches in Living Labs interview. • Living labs are a vibrant international 3) Learning Lab consultancy: mentoring community programme brings together an expert Living • Living lab’s methodologies aim to create Lab and the client in a one-on-one mentoring different outputs (product, service, business, programme. The client provides a brief upon process, cities), however, they are still which Living Lab experts from the network are forming their applications. The client perceived as a homogenous group may choose an applicant of their choice as a • Living Labs can be seen from many different mentor for the programme. perspectives and might have different meaning for different people • Interaction and idea development and In 2017, there were seven Learning Lab collaboration make OLLD participation and Mentees: ENoLL membership worthwhile.

Learning Lab Launch

1. EPFL (Switzerland) 2. AREA (Italy) 3. Linnaeus University (Sweden) 4. Kamakura Living Lab (Japan)

The ENoLL Learning Lab programme was officially launched at the OpenLivingLab Days in Krakow. The Learning Lab is an offering of training programmes and consultancy services for all stakeholders interested in Living Labs. Attendees in the Learning Lab programme do not require membership at ENoLL.

5. ToBeVerona Living Lab (Italy)

The three types of Learning Lab offerings are:

- understanding what is a Living Lab

6. ARIES Transilvania (Romania) 7. CMTO - Citta Metropolitana di Torino (Italy) The Learning Lab training programme at the OpenLivingLab Days, deisgned by experts from Botnia Living Lab, included the following topics:

1) The Learning Lab programme: the Learning - how to start and sustain a Living Lab Lab programme brings together a “classroom” - methods and tools in a Living Lab project of Learning Lab mentees in learning more about Living Labs. The learning materials - practical work with ENoLL applications include also tailor-made content created in accordance with the current needs and wishes of the mentees. Day 0 – one-day training at OLLD is also included in this package.


ENoLL outreach

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


ENoLL outreach

Social Media: By the end of 2017, ENoLL had:

More than


More than



More than

2760 newsletter subsribers


ENoLL outreach

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

A growing Community: 2017



new adherent members

Learning Lab mentees


new Innovation Partners

Reaching out: ENoLL Members are in regular contact with

Brokering Services for members


25+ open calls & tenders


for experimentation and testing purposes


ENoLL Team

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


ENoLL Team The European Network of Living Labs is composed of the ENoLL Council and the Office. The ENoLL Council provides strategic guidance to the network. It monitors and directs the activities of the Brussels ENoLL

office and the activities of the ENoLL Work Groups, Special Interest Groups and Task forces. The ENoLL Office team is made up of professionals working on business support and development, network management.

Pictured: ENoLL Council and Effective Members joined by like-minded organisations to co-create the Manifesto for Innovation in Europe


ENoLL Council

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


ENoLL Council In 2017, Wojciech Przybylski (President of the Executive Board of this year’s host of OpenLivingLab Days - Krakow Technology Park) was welcomed as a new ENoLL Council member. The candidacy was approved during the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting on 29 May. Anna Ståhlbröst has replaced Marita Holst as Botnia Living Lab Council member.

“As a Vice President of ENoLL I will work to enhance the research and innovation processes within the Living Labs in Europe. My aim is to help transform ENoLL into a vibrant community with all types of people engaged” Anna Ståhlbröst

In 2017 ENoLL also welcomed new Vice Presidents to the ENoLL executive board. ENoLL Council members, Wim de Kinderen (Brainport Eindhoven) and Anna Ståhlbröst (Botnia Living Lab) have been elected as Vice Presidents to support Artur Serra (i2CAT) in their new role. The three Vice Presidents support the activities of the ENoLL President Tuija Hirvikoski.

“ENoLL should be aiming at several target audiences. Namely, Living Labs which are focusing more on social innovation and societal impact as well as economic impact” Wim de Kinderen

“My mission is to open ENoLL to other labs (FabLabs, Maker Communities, Citizen science association) to begin building the vision of “the Lab” Artur Serra


ENoLL Council

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

ENoLL Council Members Tuija Hirvikoski (Laurea UAS) ENoLL President Artur Serra (i2CAT Foundation) Vice President Anna Ståhlbröst (Lulea University of Technology) Vice President Wim de Kinderen (Brainport Eindhoven) Vice President Pieter Ballon (imec.livinglab - previously iMinds) ENoLL Secretary Adam Olszewski (PSNC Poznan) ENoLL Treasurer

Juan Bertolin (Espaitec/eLivingLab) Yilmaz Cakir (Başakşehir Living Lab) Joan Battle (ICUB Barcelona) Paul Fairburn (Coventry University) Jokin Garatea (Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi Gaia) Leena Makela (Tampere University of Applied Sciences) Joelle Mastelic (Energy Living Labs) Ismael Perea (Consorcio Fernando de los Rios) Brigitte Trousse (INRIA/ France Living Labs) Wojciech Przyblski (Krakow Technology Park)


ENoLL Office

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


ENoLL Office Main role of the ENoLL Office is the implementation of the strategy defined by the ENoLL Council and running daily network operations. Main functions and services run by the Office are internal and external brokerage, information relay and community management, policy influencing, visibility and awareness raising, engagement with other networks and alliances, facilitation of partnerships, identification of new funding opportunities and commitment in projects. The ENoLL Office team is led by Association Director Zsuzsanna Bodi, who has previously taken the lead in business development of ENoLL. Network Manager, Paolo Aversano who has worked for ENoLL for a lengthy period of time has stopped working for the association in September 2017. Communications Officer and International Project Developer, Spela Zalokar, has continued in her role. Similarly, Katariina Malmberg – Project Manager continued working at ENoLL, but has taken the role of an External Expert.

2017 also saw many new additions to the ENoLL team: - Ines Vaittinen joined as Project Manager - Leidy Vanessa Enriquez Florez who worked as an intern at ENoLL in 2016, joined as Executive and International Project Assistant, mostly to help ENoLL Director with administrative and financial operations - Galia Mancheva assumed the role of Project Manager for SyncrhoniCity project - Clara Mafe has joined as Junior Project Manager - Continuing the internship programme with ENoLL Member Coventry University, Dora Matok joined the team to continue developing graphic design identity of ENoLL.


ENoLL Members

ENoLL Activity Report 2017





ADHERENT In 2017 there were 18 Effective Members , 4 Innovation Partners and 103 Adherent Members. In total, 125 Members were actively engaged and contributed to activities of the network in 2017.


Since its formation, ENoLL has labelled more than 430 Living Labs. To be labelled an ENoLL Living Lab, the applicants underwent a strict quality review.



During the past five years, the number ENoLL members fulfilling the membership criteria of the association bylaws has been between 102 and 127.




Highlights from Members

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Highlights from Members HEALTH & WELLBEING

Integration of Wearable Devices and The Waiting Room of the Future Personal Health Records for Health Living Lab: Future Self and Design Living Promotion Services Living Lab: Living Labs Taiwan Country: Taiwan


Country: Australia

Swinburne University’s Future Self and Design This project aims to help people access Living Lab was approached to come up with and document their health data through a new waiting room concept – “the Waiting a wearable device to encourage health Room of the Future”. awareness and more proactive participation in health promotion.


CrossCare Project

Living Lab: : Başakşehir Living Lab

Living Lab: LiCalab

Country: Turkey

Country: Belgium

The objective of Healerbit project is to provide a quick solution to people who need to wear orthopedic shoes.

The overall goal of the CrossCare project is to bring healthcare innovations faster to the market. The project gives support to SMEs in Flanders and the Netherlands.

Seniori365.fi Living Lab: Laurea Living Lab


Country: Finland

Living Lab: Thess-AHALL

www.seniori365.fi is a free digital service promoting health, social activities and wellbeing of elderly and their families.

Country: Greece CAPTAIN uses micro projectors to provide a smart home assistant for older adults whenever and wherever it is needed.


Highlights from Members

ENoLL Activity Report 2017





Living Lab: BaĹ&#x;akĹ&#x;ehir Living Lab

Living Lab: Apulian ICT Living lab

Country: Turkey

Country: Italy

ModaSky is a photo and video sharing platform, the first of its kind in Turkey. The platform combines functionalities of video sharing platform such as YouTube and Vimeo with photo sharing platforms.

Through the Innolabs Programme, Puglia Region aims to use the Living Lab approach to experiment with innovative solutions to specific social challenges.

MEDAIA - Open Innovation Platforms of Media Industry

LiveCities, the crowdsourcing platform for open city innovation challenges

Living Lab: TAMK Living Lab

Living Lab: Barcelona Laboratori

Country: Finland

Country: Spain

The objective of the MEDAIA project which ran from 2015-2017 was to develop open innovation in media business and urban innovation context.

The LiveCities platform is an app where people can post challenges or projects they want to work on and connect with people that are interested in contributing either with an idea, resources or their abilities.

ImmersiaTV Living Lab: imec.livinglabs Country: Belgium

Virtual Lifeguard Living Lab: Ocean Living Lab

Country: France This project demonstrates a novel approach for the recording, broadcast and display of Virtual Lifeguard aims to improve aquatic products for rescue through the inclusion of omnidirectional video. organic electronics.

REGIONAL INNOVATION Ocean Heritage Living Lab: Ocean Living Lab

Linky by Makers Living Lab: Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab Country: France

Linky by makerS project explores the development of a user-driven innovation French public electricity Ocean Heritage project fosters the supporting exploitation of the Basque coastal, maritime distribution network (PEDN), which is implementing its smart-meter program Linky. cultural and environmental factors. Country: France


Highlights from Members

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

SMART CITIES & IoT Danish Outdoor Lighting Lab: Lighting the Future of Smart Cities Living Lab: DOLL

Smart Parking Application Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey

PARKTR is a smart parking system. It resolves one of the biggest problems big cities face: The purpose of DOLL Living Lab is to bridge traffic congestion. PARKTR sends the location the gap between technological needs and of empty park spaces closest to the driver via opportunities, to create a neutral basis for smart phone application or electronic boards decision makers and the market where new solution models for smart urban development SUSTAINABILITY & CIRCULAR can be sought, developing collaborations ECONOMY across the value chain. Country: Denmark

KPT Scale Up

OVAM circular economy Living Lab support

Living Lab: Kraków Living Lab

Living Lab: imec.livinglabs

Country: Poland

Country: Belgium

KPT ScaleUp is a 13-week acceleration programme for small companies that are working on Industry 4.0 and Smart City innovations. The main focus of the programme is to support start-ups that have developed at least a prototype of a B2B product.

OVAM engaged with imec.livinglabs to explore the needs and wants of the different sectors and stakeholders and co-design digital tools and platforms to achieve their sustainability goals and ambitions.



Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab

Bird Flyway

Country: Turkey

Living Lab: BIRD Living Lab

The “ROAN” solution, put forward by the startup company Seyisco, aims to increase Citizens Life Quality by improving road safety. This is done by recording road damage and sending it to maintenance planning departments of the municipality.

Country: Spain Bird Flyway is a type of nature tourism. It allows travelers to follow the migratory routes of osprey and the greylag goose from the Iberian Peninsula in Europe to North Africa.


Highlights from Members

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

TECHNOLOGY & DIGITALISATION Workshop on Intelligent Machines: Theory and Applications Living Lab: Sfax Smart City Living Lab Country: Tunisia The Workshop on Intelligent Machines: Theory and Applications (WIMTA’29) Project focuses on theoretical and practical Artificial Intelligence work aiming to creating artificial systems with general intelligence at the human level and ultimately beyond.

Cloud Smart Digital Signage Platform Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey The aim of the Digital Signage Project is to enable public or private companies and agencies to be able to manage their outdoor digital advertisement boards more effectively, for a lower price and faster than when using traditional methods.

GameLab Living Lab: Guadalinfo Country: Spain Guadalinfo aims to spark creativity and new training models as a means to open new innovation tracks for young people through the GameLab project


Living Labs

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Living Labs 11th wave members

A warm welcome to the new 11th wave ENoLL members • Atrium Lab (Belgium)

• Textile and Clothing Lab (Italy)

• Smart Gastronomy Lab (Belgium)

• Madonie Living Lab (Italy)

• China Housing Lab (China)

• UNIS&F Lab (Italy)

• L’Acadie Lab (Canada)

• Genève Lab (Switzerland)

• Healthy ageing & well-being Lab (France)

• Smart City Malaga Enel Living Lab (Spain)

• Smart Factory OWL (Germany)

• Open Lab (Sweden)

• Solar Living Lab (Italy)

Pictured: 11th wave ENoLL Members


Living Labs

ENoLL Activity Report 2017


Membership overview: Adherent Members Adherent members are organisations that represent a Living Lab, which was duly selected according to the ENoLL selection process (also called a ‘Wave’). During this selection process, adherent member applicants provide ENoLL with a motivated application as a Living Lab. If the organisation meets the criteria set by the ENoLL association, adherent membership is granted to the applying organisation. These members are included in the ENoLL communication channels, and have the right to be present and participate in the ENoLL activities. These activities – only open to ENoLL members are: - General Assembly twice a year - Working Groups - Thematic Groups - ENoLL Members Area

Adherent members do not pay any membership fees (only an annual administrative fee), and therefore have no voting rights in the General Assembly. Waves are initiated ad hoc on a yearly basis.


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Membership overview: Innovation Partners Innovation Partners (previously known as Associated Members) are organisations which are involved in the object and activities of the association, but who are not selected according to the ENoLL selections process. These members pay the annual membership fee. They are mainly companies, universities, cities, departments, etc. Through payment of the annual membership fee they get access to the ENoLL member activities, but no voting rights in the General Assembly. They also get full rights to act and represent ENoLL aisbl. They can submit candidatures for the ENoLL elected bodies (and have voting rights if elected): - Council: Chair, Vice-Chairs, Treasurer, Secretariat - Chairs for Working Groups - Chairs Thematic Groups

Living Labs


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Membership overview: Effective Members Adherent members can choose to become Effective members, and have a vote in the organisation and strategic directions of the ENoLL association. Only approved Living Labs can become effective members. They do so by paying the annual fee, and gain the following rights: - Full rights to act, represent and vote at ENoLL aisbl - They can submit candidatures for the ENoLL elected bodies: - Council: Chair, Treasurer, Secretariat - Chairs for Working Groups - Chairs Thematic Groups The General Assembly has all powers allowing the realization of the objects as well as of the activities of the association. All members, effective, associated and adherent are invited to attend the Assembly, however only the effective members have voting rights.

Living Labs


Living Labs

ENoLL Activity Report 2017

ENoLL Effective Members: Barcelona Laboratory (Barcelona, Spain)

imec.LivingLabs (Flanders, Belgium)

Başakşehir Living Lab (Başakşehir, Turkey)

i2CAT Living Labs (Catalonia, Spain)

Bird Living Lab (Basque Country, Spain)

Krakow Living Lab (Krakow Poland)

Botnia Living Lab (Lulea, Sweden)

Laurea Living Labs (Espoo, Finland)

Bristol Living Lab (Bristol, UK)

Living Labs Taiwan (Taiwan)

Coventry Living Lab (Coventry, UK)

TAMK Living Lab (Tampere, Finland)

Eindhoven Living Lab (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) Energy Living Lab (Western Switzerland) espaitec LivingLab (Castellon, Spain) Forum Virium Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) Poznan Living Lab (Poznan, Poland) Guadalinfo Living Lab Network (Andalusia, Spain)


ENoLL Activity Report 2017

Living Labs

Membership Application

ENoLL Yearly Membership Fee

By default, all ENoLL Living Labs are Adherent members, but if an ENoLL Living Lab wishes to upgrade to become an Effective Member, or an organisation wishes to support and participate in ENoLL activities, they provide the ENoLL Office in Brussels with a written application containing:

The yearly fee is for Effective Members and Innovation Partners is â‚Ź5.000 and should be paid at the beginning of each year.

- A copy of the registration as a legal entity - The bylaws of the organisation - A signed proxy for joining ENoLL - The details for the contact person - A list of official representatives who will be mandated to speak on behalf of ENoLL. The ENoLL Council will present these applications to the ENoLL General Assembly, who can then approve them. Once the Application approved, the applying organisation pays the annual fee and thus becomes an Innovation Partner or effective member.

The administrative fee for Adherent Members is an annual payment of â‚Ź 500.


ENoLL Activity Report 2017



Contact Address: Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium Phone number: +32 2 629 16 13 Email: info@enoll.org Website: www.enoll.org Facebook: ENoLL- European Network of Living Labs Twitter: @openlivinglabs Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/enoll/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/enoll-european-network-of-living-labsVimeo: https://vimeo.com/openlivinglabs Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/user/30421819/European-Network-of-Living-Labs SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/openlivinglabs/presentations

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