Endeavour Magazine March 2018

Page 28



f you thought the cockroach was the

at only 0.05 - 1.2mm, these tiny animals

changed or developed. There are currently

Earth’s hardiest creature, think again!

can survive almost anything, including being

1,018 individual species of tardigrade, each

There is an animal even tougher, far

boiled, frozen, crushed, dried out and even

with slightly different approaches to feeding

smaller and, if you believe it’s possible, even

exposed to the vacuum of space! In fact,

and reproduction. That said, these amazing

stranger looking: the tardigrade, am eight-

fossils of these stubborn tardigrades have

critters have a list of incredible features in

legged micro-animal most commonly found

been found from over 500 million years ago,


in watery environments – however, beyond

suggesting that the species has survived

Tardigrades were first discovered in 1773

that, they show up just about everywhere!

through the planet’s exposure to five mass

by German zoologist and pastor Johann


August Ephraim Goeze. They acquired their

Better known as “moss piglets” and “water bears”, tardigrades are minute but

Of course, surviving for half a billion years

name Tardigrada (“slow stepper”) three

near-indestructible creatures; measuring in

does not mean that tardigrades have never

years later, from Italian biologist Lazzaro

28 | Endeavour Magazine

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