Atlanta Ballet: "Firebird" February 2022

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AT L A N TA B A L L E T F I R E B I R D S N OW W H I T E F E B R UA RY 2 0 2 2

Atlanta Ballet company dancers. Photo by Kim Kenney.


Firebird. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Atlanta Ballet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Artistic Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Artistic and Production Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Atlanta Ballet Orchestra... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Music Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Supporters.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Snow White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Atlanta Ballet 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Artistic and Production Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


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February 11-13, 2022 at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Gennadi Nedvigin Dr. Rainbow’s Infinity Mirror World Premiere

Music by Miracle Musical Choreography by Darian Kane Costume Design by Chloé Gervais Lighting Design by Ben Rawson

Inherited World Premiere

Music Composed and Performed by Khari Joyner Choreography and Scenic Design by Anderson Souza Costume Design by Susan Carter Lighting Design by Ben Rawson

Fauna World Premiere

Music by Judith Weir, Paul Creston, and Claude Debussy Choreography by Claudia Schreier Costume Design by Abigail Dupree Polston Lighting Design by Ben Rawson

Firebird Music by Igor Stravinsky Choreography by Yuri Possokhov Scenic Design by Yuri Zhukov Costume Design by Sandra Woodall Lighting Design by David Finn Conductor, Jonathan McPhee with the Atlanta Ballet Orchestra Supported by



Rory Hohenstein and Roman Rykine




Erica Alvarado, Jessica Assef, Nadyne Bispo‡, Jacob Bush, Emily Carrico, Michael Caye, Anastasia Cheplyansky‡, Dylan Clinard, Catherine Conley, Georgia Dalton, Thomas Davidoff, Maria José Esquivel‡, Brock Fowler, Brooke Gilliam, Emma Guertin, Sujin Han, Jessica He, Airi Igarashi, Darian Kane, Erik Kim, Benjamin Kuefler, Saho Kumagai, SoJung Lee, Jordan Leeper, Keaton Leier, Guilherme Maciel, Sergio Masero, Juliana Missano, Miguel Angel Montoya, Denys Nedak, Carraig New‡, Jonathan Philbert, Ángel Ramírez‡, Mikaela Lauryn D. Santos, Anderson Souza, Fuki Takahashi, Kelsey Van Tine, Ashley Wegmann, Spencer Wetherington‡ ‡ Denotes Atlanta Ballet apprentice


Santiago Bedoya, Severin Brotschul, Georgie Grace Butler, Ephraim Fowler, Laura Gracia, Reira Ikeda, Avery Jarrard, Nae Kojima, Margaret Kuefler, Lucas Labrador, Emmanuel López, Jason McClung, Stephen Myers, Hui Wen Peng, Evelyn Robinson, Kaitlin Matree Roemer, Samantha Schuermann, Covin Washington

Atlanta Ballet 2 courtesy of Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education

Firebird Costumes and scenery courtesy of San Francisco Ballet Pyrotechnics courtesy of Bob Shelley Lighting Supervisor, Ben Rawson

Scan QR Code to View Casting

Dorothy Moses Alexander- Atlanta Ballet Founder, 1929 - 1960 Robert Barnett- Artistic director Emeritus, 1961- 1994 John McFall – Artisitic Director, 1994 - 2016


814 |leadership leadership 14 | leadership GENNADI NEDVIGIN NEDVIGIN (Artistic (Artistic Director), Director), in inFebruary February2016, 2016,was wasnamed named GENNADI Atlanta Ballet’s fourthartistic artisticdirector director the Company’s then 87-year GENNADI NEDVIGIN (Artistic Director), in February 2016, was named Atlanta Ballet’s fourth ininthe Company’s then 87-year history. Nedvigin, bornartistic Rostov, Russia, began histraining training age Atlanta Nedvigin, Ballet’s fourth director in began the Company’s then 87-year history. born ininRostov, Russia, his atat age 5. 5. AtAt 10,10, he was accepted accepted intothe the BolshoiRussia, BalletAcademy. Academy. Upongraduating, graduating, history. Nedvigin,into born in Rostov, began hisUpon training at age 5. he Athe 10, he was Bolshoi Ballet joined Moscow Renaissance Ballet, asaasoloist, soloist,before before was invited he wasMoscow accepted into the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. Upon graduating, he joined Renaissance Ballet, as hehe was invited toto dance with Le LeJeune Jeune Balletde de France Paris.Inbefore In1997, 1997,while while tour in the joined with Moscow Renaissance Ballet, as in ain soloist, he was invited dance Ballet France Paris. onon tour into the U.S., San Francisco Ballet (SFB) Artistic Director Helgiwhile Tomasson offered dance with Le Jeune Ballet de France inDirector Paris. In Helgi 1997, on tour in the U.S., San Francisco Ballet (SFB) Artistic Tomasson offered Nedvigin soloistcontract. contract. After threeyears, years,he hewas waspromoted promoted to principal U.S., San Francisco Ballet (SFB) Artistic Director Helgi Tomasson Nedvigin aa soloist After three tooffered principal dancer. While atSFB, SFB, Nedvigin won the International Competition’s Erik Nedvigin a soloist contract. After three years, he was Competition’s promoted to principal dancer. While at Nedvigin won the International Erik Bruhn Prize (1999). HeNedvigin hasalso alsoreceived received threeIsadora Isadora Duncan Dance dancer.Prize While at SFB, won the International Competition’s Erik Bruhn (1999). He has three Duncan Dance Bruhn Prize (1999). has alsoAlong received three Isadora Duncan Dance toto Awards (2001, 2010He and 2017). Alongthe the way,Nedvigin Nedvigin was fortunate Awards (2001, 2010 and 2017). way, was fortunate Awards (2001, 2010 and 2017). Along the way, Nedvigin was fortunate to work with many world-renowned choreographers. addition dancing work with many world-renowned choreographers. InInaddition toto hishis dancing work with many also world-renowned choreographers. In addition to his dancing career, Nedvigin classes ballets inin the U.S. career, Nedvigin alsotaught taughtmaster master classesand andstaged staged ballets the U.S. career, Nedvigin also taught master classes and staged ballets in thesat U.S. and abroad before becoming an director. Recently, Nedvigin onon and abroad before becoming anartistic artistic director. Recently, Nedvigin sat and abroad an Competition artistic director. Recently, Nedvigin sat on juried panels at World ininOrlando, International juried panelsbefore atthe thebecoming WorldBallet Ballet Competition Orlando,the the International juried Competition panels at theheld World Ballet Competition inand Orlando, the International Ballet Mississippi, America Ballet Competition heldininJackson, Jackson, Mississippi, andthe theYouth Youth America Ballet Competition held in Jackson, Mississippi, and the Youth Americathe Grand Prix. guidance, Atlanta has established Grand Prix. Under UnderNedvigin’s Nedvigin’s guidance, AtlantaBallet Ballet has established the Grand Prix. Under program, Nedvigin’s guidance, Atlanta Balletperformance has established the Academy training includes a atop-tier Academy training program,which which includes top-tier performance Academy training program, which includes top-tier performance ensemble, Atlanta his commitment toto training forfor thethe ensemble, AtlantaBallet Ballet2,2,representing representing hisa commitment training ensemble, Atlanta Ballet 2, representing next generation of dancers. next generation ofprofessional professional dancers.his commitment to training for the next generation of professional dancers. TOM TOM WEST WEST (Executive (Executive Director) Director) assumed assumed his his role role as as Atlanta AtlantaBallet’s Ballet’s assumed his role as Atlanta Ballet’s TOM WEST (Executive Director) Executive Director at top 2021 Season. West’s career inin Executive Director atthe the topof ofthe the 2021| |2022 2022 Season. West’s career Executive Directorspans at thefor top of the 2021 | years 2022 Season. West’s career in arts management more than 20 leadership roles arts management spans for more than 20 yearsincluding including leadership roles arts management spansCenter for more 20 years including leadership roles at the John for the Arts, Segerstrom at the John F. F. Kennedy Kennedy Center forthan thePerforming Performing Arts,the the Segerstrom at the John F. Kennedy for Film the Arts, the Segerstrom Center for Arts American Institute. actor and theatre Center for the the Arts and andCenter American FilmPerforming Institute.An An actor and theatre Center for Arts and American Institute. An in actor and theatre director by training, West received aaMaster ofofArts administration director bythe training, West receivedFilm Master Arts inarts arts administration director by training, West and received a Master of Arts in arts administration from American University his ininarts management atat the from American University andbegan began hiscareer career arts management the from American and began his career in arts management at the Kennedy Center in he to the asasVice ofof Kennedy CenterUniversity in 1997, 1997,where where herose rose to theserve serve VicePresident President Kennedy Center in 1997, where he rose toprograms the servefor as Vice President of Development, overseeing all Development, overseeing allfundraising fundraising programs forthe theNational National Development, overseeing all fundraising programs for theleading National Symphony Orchestra and Suzanne Ballet, and effort Symphony Orchestra andthe the SuzanneFarrell Farrell Ballet, and leadingthe the effort Symphony Orchestra and the Suzanne Farrell Ballet, andWest leading the effort to fund of Don InIn2007, asas to fund aa remount remount ofBalanchine’s Balanchine’s DonQuixote. Quixote. 2007, Westserved served to fund a remount of Balanchine’s Don Quixote. In 2007, West served as Vice President of Development for the Segerstrom Center for the Arts inin Vice President of Development for the Segerstrom Center for the Arts Vice President of Development for the Segerstrom Center for the AdvanceArts in Costa Mesa, From West asasthe Chief Costa Mesa, California. California. From2010-2021, 2010-2021, Westserved served the Chief CostaOfficer Mesa, California. From 2010-2021, West served as the Chief Advancement for the American Film Institute Los Angeles, he where Advancement Officer for the American FilminInstitute in Loswhere Angeles, ment Officer the for development the American of Film Institute in Los Angeles,bridges where he championed new programs to provide to the he championed the development of new programs to provide bridges to championed theunder-represented development of new programsintoHollywood. provide bridges to the film industry for storytellers West also the film industry for under-represented storytellers in Hollywood. West also film industry forsenior under-represented storytellers Hollywood. West also for served on AFI’s leadership team, shaping in organizational strategy served on AFI’s senior leadership team, shaping organizational strategy for served on AFI’s senior leadership team, shaping organizational strategy for the Institute’s filmmaker training programs and working with major studios the Institute’s filmmaker training programs and working with major studios the Institute’s training programs working major developing on filmmaker targeted diversity initiatives, and as well as its with strategy forstudios developing on targeted diversity initiatives, as well as its strategy for developing the on targeted initiatives, as well as its for weathering COVID-19diversity pandemic. West established thestrategy AFI National weathering the COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic. pandemic.West Westestablished establishedthe the AFINational National weathering the Council in 2011, a community of philanthropists from acrossAFI the United Council in 2011, 2011, aa community community of ofphilanthropists philanthropists fromacross acrossthe theUnited United Councilwho in States serve as champions for excellence infrom the art of film and States serve as champions champions forexcellence excellence theart artofoffilm filmand and States who who serve as for ininthe opportunities for the next generation of great storytellers. opportunities for the the next next generation generationof ofgreat greatstorytellers. storytellers.” opportunities for SHARON STORY (Dean of the Centre for Dance Education) joined of Dance Education) joined SHARON STORY (Dean of the the Centre Centre for Dance Education) joined Atlanta Ballet after(Dean a professional dancefor career that spanned more than 20 Atlanta Ballet aftertenures professional dance career that spanned more than Atlanta Ballet after aa professional dance career that spanned more than 20 years and included with Joffrey Ballet, the School of American Ballet, 20 years and included tenures with Joffrey Ballet, the School of American years of and included tenures with Joffrey Ballet, of American Ballet, Stars New York City Ballet, Atlanta Ballet andthe 10 School years with Boston Ballet. Ballet, Stars of New York City Ballet, Atlanta Ballet and 10 years with Boston Stars of New Yorktenure City Ballet, Atlanta Ballet andtours 10 years Boston Ballet. Her Boston Ballet included international withwith Rudolf Nureyev. In Ballet. Her Boston Ballet tenure included international tours with Rudolf Her Boston Ballet international tours with Rudolf Nureyev. In 1996, along with hertenure role asincluded ballet mistress, Story became dean of Atlanta Ballet Nureyev. In 1996, along with her role as ballet mistress, Story became dean 1996, along with her role as ballet mistress, Story became dean of Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education (Centre), which has grown to become one of the of Atlanta BalletCentre for Dance Education (Centre), which has grown to Centre dance for Dance Education (Centre), has to become one of the largest schools in thedance nation. Thewhich Centre is grown nationally recognized become one of thelargest schools in the nation. The Centre is for its largest dance community schools in the nation.Under The Centre isdirection, nationally recognized for its programs Story’s the CentreUnder achieved nationallyand recognized forinitiatives. its programs and community initiatives. programs and with community initiatives. Under Story’s direction, the achieved accreditation theCentre National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD). She Story’s direction, the achieved accreditation with theCentre National accreditation with the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD). She serves on theof board of directors for NASD. In 2021, Story received Atlanta Association Schools of Dance (NASD). She serves on the board ofBallet’s serves onAlexander the boardAward. ofIndirectors for NASD. In2015 2021, Story received Dorothy SheStory received the Women MakingAtlanta a Mark Ballet’s Award directors for NASD. 2021, received Atlanta Ballet’sDorothy Dorothy Alexander Award. She the 2015 Women aSeries Mark Award from Atlanta Magazine and wasreceived featured inWomen the Arts ATLMaking Legacy 2018. Alexander Award. She received the 2015 Making a Mark Award from Atlanta Magazine and featured ininthe ATL Series 2018. Story is committed to providing noncompetitive atmosphere and access to from Atlanta Magazine andwas wasa featured theArts Arts ATLLegacy Legacy Series Story is committed noncompetitive atmosphere and access dance education thattoisproviding shaped bya the community’s needs,atmosphere is innovative andto 2018.Story is committed to providing a noncompetitive and dance education that is shaped byisthe community’s needs, is innovative and access to education shaped by the thetrademarks community’s needs, Ballet. is inspires thedance commitment and that excellence that are of Atlanta inspires the and commitment and commitment excellence thatand are excellence the trademarks Atlanta innovative inspires the thatofare the Ballet. | @ atlantaballet trademarks of Atlanta Ballet. | @ atlantaballet

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artistic staff

RORY HOHENSTEIN (BalletMaster) Master)was wasborn bornininWashington Washington D.C., HOHENSTEIN (Ballet D.C., where dancing at at the the age age of of 6. 6. Hohenstein Hohenstein furthered furthered his his where he he began began dancing training, from the the age age of of 12, 12, at at the the Kirov Kirov Academy Academy of of Ballet. Ballet. At At 17, 17, he he training, from joined Jeune Ballet Ballet de de France France in in Paris. Paris. In In 2000, 2000, he he joined joined San San joined Le Le Jeune Francisco Ballet as as a a member member of of the the corps, corps, being being promoted promoted to to soloist soloist in in Francisco Ballet 2006. he moved moved to to New New York York joining joining Christopher Christopher Wheeldon’s Wheeldon’s 2006. In In 2008, 2008, he company, Morphoses, performing in its home seasons at New York City company, Morphoses, performing in its home seasons at New York City Center and at Sadler’s Wells in London. He spent a season dancing with Center and at Sadler’s Wells in London. He spent a season dancing with the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company before joining the Joffrey Ballet in the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company beforeartist joining the Joffrey Ballet in 2011, where he continued to be a leading with the company 2011, where continued to be a leading artist with theinclude company through thehe 2018/19 season. Some personal highlights dancing through 2018/19inseason. Some personal highlights include the rolesthe of Romeo Krzysztof Pastor’s Romeo & Juliet, Riff indancing Jerome the roles of Romeo Krzysztof Pastor’s Romeo & Juliet, Riff in Jerome Robbins’ West Side in Story Suite, Levin in Yuri Possokhov’s Anna Karenina Robbins’ WestMcGregor’s Side Story Suite, Levin inThis YuriisPossokhov’s and in Wayne Eden/Eden. Hohenstein’sAnna thirdKarenina season andballet in Wayne McGregor’s This is Hohenstein's third season as master at AtlantaEden/Eden. Ballet. as ballet master at Atlanta Ballet.

ROMAN RYKINE RYKINE (Ballet (BalletMaster) Master)joined joinedAtlanta AtlantaBallet Balletfrom fromCanada’s Canada’s Royal Ballet School School in in 2016. 2016. He He graduated graduated from from the the Rudolph Rudolph Royal Winnipeg Winnipeg Ballet Nureyev Ballet Academy Academy in in his his hometown hometown of of Ufa, Ufa, Russia, Russia, and and he he Nureyev State State Ballet was dancer with with Boston Boston Ballet, Ballet, San San Francisco Francisco Ballet, Ballet, English English was a a principal principal dancer National and the the Bashkir Bashkir State State Opera Opera and and Ballet Ballet Theatre. Theatre. Rykine Rykine National Ballet, Ballet, and won the gold gold medal medal and and first first prize prize at atthe theInternational InternationalBallet BalletCompetition Competition won the in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1993, and the bronze medal at both the in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1993, and the bronze medal at both the International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1994, and the International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1994, and the Rudolph Nureyev International Ballet Competition in Budapest, Hungary, Rudolph Nureyev International Ballet in of Budapest, Hungary, in 1993. He holds the honorary title ofCompetition Artist of Merit the Republic in 1993. holds the honorary title ofDuring Artist of of Rykine the Republic from theHe Government of Ufa, Russia. hisMerit career, toured from the Government Ufa, Russia. DuringStates his career, Rykine toured extensively in Europe, of Asia and the United and was a guest artist extensively Europe, Asia andHe theretired Unitedfrom States wasina2010 guest artist with variousinballet companies. theand stage and with various ballet companies. He retired from the stage in 2010 and began teaching. Rykine was a guest faculty member at the Boston Ballet began teaching. Rykine was a guest faculty member at the Boston 2012. Ballet School before joining the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School in January School before joining the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School in January 2012.

CLAUDIA SCHREIER Fauna) is the Choreographer CLAUDIA SCHREIER (Choreographer, (Choreographer-in-Residence ) is the -in-Residence at Atlanta Ballet, has Ballet choreographed, directed and Choreographer-in-Residence at and Atlanta and has choreographed, produced for produced dance, opera and film across the U.S. and internationally. directed and for dance, opera and film across the U.S. and She has been commissioned by Miami City Ballet, Dance of internationally. She has been commissioned by Miami CityTheatre Ballet, Dance Harlem, Vail Dance Festival, Juilliard Opera, ABT Studio Company Theatre of Harlem, Vail Dance Festival, Juilliard Opera, ABT Studio Company and New York Choreographic Institute and will premiere new works for and New York Choreographic Institute and will premiere a new work for Boston Ballet and MCB this spring. In March 2021, Schreier released Force Boston 2022. In Marchby 2021, Schreier released of Habit, of Habit,Ballet a filmincommissioned Guggenheim Works &Force Process and a film commissioned by Guggenheim & Process co-presented co-presented by Atlanta Ballet. Her Works first work for the and Company, First Imby Atlanta Ballet. Her firstStandout work for the Company,by First Impulse, was pulse, was named a 2019 Performance Pointe Magazine. named a 2019 Standout Performance byCompany, Pointe Magazine. second Her second work commissioned by the PleiadesHer Dances, work commissioned by the Company, Pleiadeson Dances, premiered in premiered in March 2021, and will be featured the May 2022 program. March is 2021, and willthird be featured onfor theAtlanta May 2022 program. Fauna Schreier’s new work Ballet. She hasSchreier’s contributed to programs at the White House, Jazzpremiere at Lincoln Center and the She Kennedy third new work for Atlanta Ballet will in February 2022. has Center, including the Kennedy Honors.Jazz Her at work is theCenter subject of contributed to programs at theCenter White House, Lincoln and two documentaries, recently PBS’s EmmyAward-winning the Kennedy Center, most including the Kennedy Center Honors. Her “Dancing work is on the of Giants” (Capital Region).She is aPBS’s recipient of the Princess the Shoulders subject of two documentaries, most recently Emmy Grace Award, Toulmin Fellowship at the Center for Ballet and the Arts at Award-winning "Dancing on the Shoulders of Giants" (Capital Region). NYU, Prize, of and Suzanne She isLotos a recipient the PrincessFarrell GraceDance Award,Prize. Toulmin Fellowship at the Center for Ballet and the Arts at NYU, Lotos Prize, and Suzanne Farrell Dance Prize. | @atlantaballet

the company company 1018 |the

ERICA ALVARADO Tucson, Arizona

JESSICA ASSEF São Carlos, Brazil

Special thanks to Erica's Pas de Deux Society patron Lynda Bradbury Courts.

NADYNE BISPO‡ Santos Coast of São Paulo, Brazil

JACOB BUSH Minneapolis, Minnesota Special thanks to Jacob’s Pas de Deux Society patrons Dr. Harold J. Brody & Mr. Donald E. Smith.

EMILY CARRICO Lexington, Kentucky

MICHAEL CAYE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


DYLAN CLINARD High Point, North Carolina

CATHERINE CONLEY Chicago, Illinois


THOMAS DAVIDOFF Lincoln, England

MARÍA JOSÉ ESQUIVEL‡ Stamford, Connecticut

BROCK FOWLER Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

BROOKE GILLIAM Boulder, Colorado

EMMA GUERTIN Ontario, Canada

JESSICA HE Rancho Cucamonga, California Special thanks to Jessica’s Pas de Deux Society patrons, Vanessa & Robin Delmer.

SUJIN HAN Seoul, South Korea Special thanks to Sujin’s Pas de Deux Society patron, the Corps de Ballet.


DARIAN KANE Lincoln, California Special thanks to Darian’s Pas de Deux Society patrons, Adrienne & Scott Hardesty.

Visit to learn more about the Company.

ERIK KIM Dallas, Texas

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the company the company

BENJAMIN KUEFLER Stow, Massachusetts

SAHO KUMAGAI Sapporo, Japan

SOJUNG LEE Chungju, South Korea

JORDAN LEEPER Jamestown, New York Special thanks to Jordan’s Pas de Deux Society patrons, Elaine & Erroll Davis.

KEATON LEIER Saskatoon, SK, Canada



JULIANA MISSANO Lloyd Harbor, New York

Special thanks to Sergio’s Pas de Deux Society patron Katherine Scott.


DENYS NEDAK Odessa, Ukraine

CARRAIG NEW‡ Juneau, Alaska

Special thanks to Miguel's Pas de Deux Society patrons, Bonnie & Terry Herron .

ÁNGEL RAMÍREZ‡ Trinidad, Cuba

JONATHAN PHILBERT New York, New York Special thanks to Jonathan's Pas de Deux Society patrons, Kathleen & Kirk Knous .

MIKAELA LAURYN D. SANTOS Manila, Philippines Special thanks to Mikaela’s Pas de Deux Society Patron Danna Sanders.

KELSEY VAN TINE Naples, Florida

ANDERSON SOUZA Santo Ângelo, RS, Brazil

FUKI TAKAHASHI Yokohama, Japan

Special thanks to Anderson’s Pas de Deux Society patron, the Corps de Ballet.

ASHLEY WEGMANN Shamong, New Jersey Special thanks to Ashley’s Pas de Deux Society patron, Ms. Jan P. Beaves .


Atlanta Ballet photos courtesy of Charlie McCullers and Kim Kenney.


artistic & production teams

DARIAN KANE (Choreographer, Dr. Rainbow’s Infinity Mirror) is from Northern California and has been a Company member of Atlanta Ballet for four seasons and began choreographing last year. She has been drawing for as long as she has been dancing, so she imagines her dances as fluid sequences of individual drawings in which any one moment could stand alone. She is influenced by playwright and director Robert Wilson, pop composer Joe Hawley, film composer Danny Elfman, and by film directors Wes Anderson, Tim Burton and Quentin Tarantino. She begins with her classical dance training and builds upon it, imbuing her pieces with the whimsy and quirkiness of her cinematic influences. Her choreography got the attention of Dance Magazine, whose editors selected her as one of “25 to Watch” in 2022, highlighting her contemporary style as “worlds away from her regal classical ballet persona.” CHLOÉ GERVAIS (Costume Designer, Dr. Rainbow’s Infinity Mirror) received her Costume BA in her home country in France. She then completed her MA in Costume Design for Performance at the University of the Arts London. Her university project Héloïse was performed at the Sadlers Wells in collaboration with dancer Michael Barnes. Chloé has enjoyed designing costumes for independent films (Cindy, L’Ambassador, Alpha Pill, Falling Prey, Story of Nothing), performance art (Thesmophoria) publicity (My way from Paris) and theater (L’Auberge des survivants, Jeux d’adultes). Her textile work has been exhibited at “Rivisitando il merletto” at the Burano Lace Museum (Venice) and her digital work at the London Festival of Illustration. ANDERSON SOUZA (Choreographer and Scenic Designer, Inherited) received his training at the Conservatório Brasileiro de Dança under Jorge Teixeira. After graduating, he joined the Cia Brasileira de Ballet in Rio de Janeiro; dancing principal and soloist roles and competing in national and international competitions, including the Beijing International Ballet Competition. Souza traveled with the Company to perform in Colombia, China, Israel and France. In 2013, Anderson joined Gelsey Kirkland Ballet. Under the unique guidance of Kirkland, Anderson matured his artistry and received praise from national critics, including those at The New York Times. Since joining Atlanta Ballet in 2016, he has enjoyed dancing roles in The Nutcracker (by Yuri Possokhov) La Sylphide as Gurn (staged by Johan Kobborg), Sum Stravinsky (by Kiyon Ross), Sandpaper Ballet (by Mark Morris), Tuplet (by Alexander Ekman) and the world premiere of Catch (by Liam Scarlett). This is Anderson’s second time choreographing for the company. The first was during the 2020-2021 season; where he premiered Touchline. Anderson is ecstatic for the opportunity to share this brand-new and very personal piece with Atlanta ballet audiences. KHARI JOYNER (Composer and Performer, Inherited), described by the New York Classical Review as “one of the most exciting young musicians on the classical scene,” has a following both nationally and abroad as a versatile soloist, chamber musician, and ambassador for the arts. He has made numerous guest appearances with orchestras and ensembles across the world, including two recent performances of both Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto in A Minor and Tchaikovsky’s Rococo Variations with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, which received rave reviews. In addition, he has given many cello masterclasses and lectures at notable institutions, most recently at Stetson University and Oberlin Conservatory. Joyner also received a 20172018 career grant from the Leonore Annenberg Fellowship Fund, which nominates and endows a select number of gifted artists with generous funding to further their careers. Joyner has also performed for presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, the latter for which he gave a private performance in the Oval Office. A graduate of Juilliard’s prestigious Doctor of Musical Arts program, he was recently appointed as Assistant Professor of Cello at Baldwin Wallace University, and is also on the cello faculty at Mannes Prep.

artistic & production teams


SUSAN CARTER (Costume Designer, Inherited), an Atlanta native, has been designing and building dance costumes for the past 20 years. She has designed and constructed multiple shows for the Georgia Ballet. Two of her favorite projects for them were Sleeping Beauty and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Also of note were her designs for The International City School of Ballet’s production of Giselle. Susan has also designed costumes for Youth America Grand Prix for soloists and ensembles. Her work has won multiple costuming awards at dance competitions. ABBY DUPREE-POLSTON (Costume Designer, Fauna) is a costume designer and technician who has worked in a variety of genres including opera, theatre, film, and ballet. She received her degree in Fashion Design from SCAD and worked in the fashion industry as a designer for many years before migrating into costume design and technology. She has designed everything from handbags to cycling kits to dance costumes. This will be her second collaboration with Claudia Schreier, after the Atlanta Ballet’s Pleiades Dances in 2021. BEN RAWSON (Lighting Designer, Dr. Rainbow’s Infinity Mirror, Inherited and Fauna) is an Atlanta-based lighting designer for theatre, opera and dance, member USA 829. Theatrical/Opera design work can be seen at The Alliance Theatre, Michigan Opera Theatre, Florida Studio Theatre, Atlanta Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Theatrical Outfit, Actors Express, Aurora Theatre, Atlanta Lyric Theatre, 7 Stages and Synchronicity Theatre. Dance design work includes collaborations with choreographers Ana Maria Lucaciu, Troy Schumacher and Danielle Agami, as well as with Atlanta Ballet, Terminus Modern Ballet Theatre, Fly on a Wall, staibdance, Bluebird Uncaged, Proia Dance Project and Emily Cargill and Dancers. Ben has also worked across the country as an associate and assistant lighting designer for San Diego Opera (CA), The Alliance Theatre (GA), Berkshire Theatre Festival (MA), Atlanta Opera (GA), Utah Opera (UT), Atlanta Ballet (GA) and Playmakers Repertory Company (NC). YURI POSSOKHOV (Choreographer, Firebird) danced for 10 years with the Bolshoi Ballet, performing leading roles in the company’s classical and contemporary repertoire. While performing, Possokhov studied choreography and ballet pedagogyat the State College of Theatrical Arts. He was a principal dancer with the Royal Danish Ballet for two years before joining the San Francisco Ballet (SFB) as a principal dancer in 1994. During his 12 years dancing with SFB, he began choreographing. Upon retirement from dancing, he joined the artistic staff at SFB as choreographer-in-residence. He has choregraphed 14 ballets for SFB ans continues to create new works for the company. Possokhov choreograph for companie worldwide. In 2015, his full-length for the Bolshoi Ballet, A Hero of Our Time, was met with critical acclaim, and the company invited him to stage a full-length ballet based on the life of Rudolf Nureyev that premiered in December 2017. For these two ballets, Possokhov received the prestigious Benois de la Danse Award, established by the International Dance Union. His Anna Karenina, premiered in 2019 as a co-production between Chicago’s Joffrey Ballet and the Australian Ballet. His most recent full-length ballet, The Seagull, premiered with the Bolshoi Ballet in the summer if 2021. Possokhov is a frequent guest with Atlanta Ballet. Learn more at


artistic & production team

YURI ZHUKOV (Scenic Designer, Firebird) began his studies at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia, and danced professionally with Kirov Ballet, San Francisco Ballet and Birmingham Royal Ballet. His choreography has been performed by several European and American dance companies, including Zhukov Dance Theatre, which was founded in 2008 by Yuri Zhukov with Millicent Powers and Sandy Lee. SANDRA WOODALL (Costume Designer, Firebird), visual artist and a leading designer for dance, has designed sets and costumes at San Francisco Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, Norwegian National Ballet, The state Opera Ballet of Austria, Dance Theatre of Harlem, Royal Winnepeg Ballet, Houston Ballet, Hubbard Street Dance Project, Singapore Dance Theatre, National Ballet of Finland and other companies around the world. Woodall’s artwork has been shown in exhibitions at the Wadsworth Atheneum in Connecticut, the San Franscisco Museum of Performance and Design, and at Wearable Art, Hong Kong. Shea has been a Fulbright scholar at Taiwan National University of the Arts and has designed many productions in Taiwan and China, including 2009’s stadium-scale opening fir the Deaf Olympics and the 100th anniversary celebration of Taiwan National Day, Winter Journey by Wan Fang in Beijing and the 2019 premiere in Shanghai of Stan Lai’s 8-hour epic, AGO. DAVID FINN (Lighting Designer, Firebird) began his professional career as a lighting designer at age 16, working for puppeteer Burrr Tillstrom “Kukla, Fran and Ollie.” His design credits for dance include works for such renowned choreographers as Sasha Waltz, Paul Taylor, Twyla Tharp, Merce Cunningham, James Kudelka, Jose Limon, Helgi Tomasson, Liam Scarlett, Yuri Possokhov and Dana Reitz, as well as leading international companies. Finn was the resident lighting designer for Mikhail Baryshnikov’s White Oak Dance Project from 1993 to 2000. His opera work includes projects for the Metropolitan Opera, Royal Opera, Paris Opera, La Scala Milan, Salzburg Festival and many others. Finn has designed the Cirque du Soleil shows ZED in Tokyo, and R.U.N. and Michael Jackson ONE in Las Vegas. Recent projects include the world premieres of The Flying Dutchman for the Metropolitan Opera, The Seagull for the Bolshoi Ballet, and Anna Karenina for the Joffrey Ballet. Upcoming plans include Lohengrin for the Bloshoi Opera & the Metropolitan Opera, Antony & Cleopatra for the San Francisco Opera, and Symphonie MMXX for Sasha Waltz and the Berlin Ballet. JONATHAN MCPHEE (Conductor, Firebird) Is Music Director Emeritus for Boston Ballet after 29 years as music director. Currently Music Director for Lexington Symphony, his recent guest engagements include the New York City Ballet, Houston Ballet and Sarasota Ballet. McPhee has served as conductor for The Royal Ballet, Martha Graham Dance Company, National Ballet of Canada, The Australian Ballet, Den Norske Ballet in Norway and Royal Danish Ballet, among others. During the 2020-2021 season he was artist-in-residence at Boston University. Mr. McPhee’s works as an arranger and composer are published by Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. and Schott Music. His edition of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” and “The Firebird” are the only authorized reduced orchestrations of these works. His adaptation of Wagner’s “Ring Cycle” premiered to rave reviews. Mr. McPhee’s recordings of Tchaikovsky’s “Sleeping Beauty”, Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet”, and Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” with the Boston Ballet Orchestra, are available on iTunes. McPhee received his Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music from the Royal Academy of Music and University of London, and a Bachelor of Music and Master of Music from The Juilliard School.




Jonathan McPhee, Conductor ATLANTA BALLET ORCHESTRA 2021-2022 Ari Pelto, Conductor Henry Cheng, Guest Conductor VIOLIN Lisa Morrison Concertmaster

CONTRABASS Adam Bernstein Principal

TRUMPET Kevin Lyons Principal

Sally Gardner-Wilson Assoc. Concertmaster

Sam Dugo

John Morrison Co-Principal

Linda Pinner Principal Second Adelaide Federici+ Martha Gardner Patti Gouvas Ashley Odom Patrick Ryan Angèle Sherwood-Lawless Lee Taylor Elonia Varfi Rafael Veytsblum Ying Zhuor VIOLA Joli Wu Principal Josiah Coe Shadwa Mussad Kristeen Sorrells

FLUTE Jeanne Carere Principal Kelly Via OBOE Erica Howard Principal Alexandra Shatalova Prior CLARINET Katherine White Principal Greg Collins+ BASSOON Amy Pollard Principal Dan Worley

CELLO Charae Krueger Principal Hilary Glen Mary Kenney Alexis Lee

HORN Jason Eklund Principal Eric Hawkins Amy Trotz Richard Williams

Greg Holland TROMBONE Robb Smith+ Principal William Mann Richard Brady TUBA Don Strand Principal PERCUSSION Mike Cebulski Principal Karen Hunt Jeff Kershner TIMPANI Scott Douglas Principal HARP Nella Rigell Principal PERSONNEL MANAGER Sally Gardner-Wilson * 1-Year Appointment + Leave of Absence

music credits


MUSIC CREDITS Dr. Rainbow’s Infinity Mirror Miracle Musical “Hawaii Part II,” “Intro to Snow,” “White Ball,” “Murders,” “Stranded Lullaby,” “Mind Electric,” “Dream Sweet in Sea Major” Inherited “Intransigence” (based on PetrolMusic, by Khari Joyner). Music composed and performed by Khari Joyner. Fauna Movement I: Judith Weir, Piano Concerto: II: “The Sweet Primroses” Movement II: Paul Creston, Saxophone Sonata, Op. 19: II. “With Tranquility” Movement III: Claude Debussy, Six Épigraphes antiques, L. 131: “Pour invoquer Pan, dieu du vent d’été” Firebird Igor Stravinsky “Firebird Suite” (1945). Used by arrangement with European American Music Distributors Company, U.S. and Canadian agent for Universal/MCA. Publishing, publisher, and copyright owner.


board of trustees

Officers Nancy Field, J.D., Chair Barbara S. Joiner, Vice Chair Kristen Manion Taylor, Vice Chair Juan Carlos Urdaneta, Treasurer Jan Beaves, Secretary Elizabeth Adams, Immediate Past Chair Lynda B. Courts, Chair Emeritus Trustees Emily C. Baker Ron Breakstone Ginny Brewer Chris Carlos Dr. Meria Carstarphen Lynn Cochran-Schroder Cynthia Crain Lavona S. Currie Vanessa Delmer Yelena Epova, CPA Nigel Ferguson Jacqueline Flake Amy Gerome Lindsay R. Hill Joyce Houser, Ph.D Tharon Johnson Kathleen Knous Araya Mesfin, CFP Taylor Meyer, CFA Linda Morris Gennadi Nedvigin* Allen W. Nelson Katherine Scott Pam Wakefield Tom West* Jon S. Wright Advisory Council David M. Barnett Mark R. Bell, D.Phil Harvey Coleman Elaine E. Davis Erroll B. Davis F. Javier Diaz Raoul “Ray” Donato Jorge Fernandez Robert L. Green Vincent Hommeril Susan S. Kettering Allen Maines Santiago Marquez Juan Mejia Eric Robbins Laura Turner Seydel Rebecca Christian Smith Andrew Staunton Anat Sultan-Dadon Kazuyuki Takeuchi Dov Wilker Allen Yee Sonjia Waller Young

Honorary Board Margaret Carton David Crosland Kenneth R. Hey Wade Hooper J. David Hopkins Bill Huber, CPA Michael Jones Sloan Kennedy-Smith Edward Krugman Amanda Shailendra Michelle Sullivan Trustees Emeriti Lynda Courts Lavona Currie Karen Vereb Patti Wallace Lifetime Board Jane Dean Carole Goldberg Joseph Prendergast Deen Day Sanders Corps de Ballet Board Doug Weiss, Chair Kimberlyn Daniel Jane Dean Michelle Edwards Jacqueline Flake Joanne Chesler Gross Marius Hechter Caroline Jeffords Corrie Johnson Amy Nelson Gailen Rosenberg Sharon Silvermintz Dottie Smith Marsha Taylor Preston Wilson, Jr. *Ex-Officio

supporters ANNUAL FUND DONORS Atlanta Ballet gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, corporations, foundations, and government organizations whose generous annual contributions were received during the period of August 1, 2020 – November 30, 2021. If you find that we did not recognize you appropriately, we apologize. For corrections, please contact us at


*Designates donors who also generously contributed to the Back to the Stage Campaign BENEFACTOR $10,000+ Anonymous (5)* Elizabeth & Howell Adams III* James J. Andrews Emily C. Baker* Ms. Jan P. Beaves* Ginny & Charles Brewer* Dr. Harold J. Brody and Mr. Donald E. Smith* Lucy & Henry Bush Chris Carlos & Family* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carlos* Dr. Meria J. Carstarphen & Mr. David Heleniak Mrs. Lynn Cochran-Schroder & Mr. Bill Schroder* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Courts II* Cynthia Crain, Ed. D. & Dwight Lee, Ph.D.* Lavona S. Currie* Elaine & Erroll Davis* Vanessa & Robin Delmer* Yelena Epova Nigel Ferguson* Ms. Nancy Field & Mr. Michael Schulder* Jacqueline Flake & David Dase* Ms. Amy Gerome-Acuff & Mr. Daniel Acuff Adrienne & Scott Hardesty* Bonnie & Terry Herron Beth & Tommy Holder Joyce Houser, Ph.D.* Mr. and Ms. Tharon Johnson Barbara & Eric Joiner* Kathleen & Kirk Knous* Edward Krugman & Jill Pryor* Mariana Laufer* Mr. and Ms. Araya Mesfin Taylor and Brad Meyer* Linda & Don Morris* Allen W. Nelson & Caroline B. Gottschalk Delphine Podsiadlo Ms. Brenna O'Connor* Danna Sanders* Katherine Scott* Mr. William F. Snyder The Rogers Family Foundation, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. Juan Carlos Urdaneta* Pam Wakefield*

VISIONARY $7,500 - $9,999 Deborah Dalton* Mr. Richard Delay & Ms. Francine Dykes* Dr. Leslie & Mrs. Marilyn Kelman* Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Sones INVESTOR $5,000 - $7,499 Mr. Robert J. Barnett* Matthew & Natalie Bernstein Lucinda W. Bunnen* Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Cooper Mr. Tomislav Dizdar Joanne & Alex Gross Mary Grace Herrington & Richard Clark* Kenneth & Colleen Hey Laurie & John Hopkins Doug & Ginger (Brill) Pisik Stephanie & Austin Stephens Sharon Story, Julien & Kim Kenney The Mortimer Family* Karen Vereb & Bud Blanton Pam & Paul Whitacre* AMBASSADOR $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous William & Eve Bishop Suzanne M. Dansby Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Davis* Julie & Paul Hagedorn Gino & Belinda Massafra* Melinda J. McClung* Tonya & Steve Paro Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pelletier Mr. Wade Rakes and Mr. Nicholas Miller* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ratonyi* Stacy Galan Shailendra Debby & Baker Smith Johannah Smith Greer & Alex Taylor* The Tillman Family Irma J. Turnipseed The Yee Family Charitable Fund* Sonia P. Witkowski Allen W. Yee* Mr. Robert A. Yellowlees




ADVOCATE $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (2)* Diana & Miguel Arteche Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Baldwin Dr. Florence C. Barnett* Hope Barrett Patty Slick Beem Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Boltax Lindsay & Evan Borenstein James A. Brennan, M.D. Dr. & Mrs. William Brinkman Sara & Alex Brown Mrs. Helen S. Carlos Lawrence M. Cohen Harvey & Paquita Coleman* Jennifer & Andy Coppa* Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy Mrs. Julie Turner-Davis & Mr. John Davis Cynthia & Mike Davison* Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Donato* Eve Eckardt Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Elkins* Lauren & Rick Elliott* Doug & Florida Ellis* Robert Paul Dean & Robert Epstein Mrs. Susan Fleck Brad Foresythe Elizabeth & Thomas Fowlkes Danny Futrell Sue & Duane Gibbs Christine A. Gilliam* Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Goddard* Richard Goodjoin & Kelvin Davis* Mary Hester* Lisa & Forrest Hibbard Mr. Douglas Hopkins Mr. J. David Hopkins Dr. Lorie Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William C. Humphreys, Jr. Holland & Ceci Johnson* Jean Gatton Jones Mrs. Peter G. Kessenich, Sr. Mrs. Vaughn Linder Allan & Vaneesa Little* Linda L. Lively & James E. Hugh III* Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mangum* Ms. Sandra Noecker Ms. Keisha Z. Noel Sara & Cody Partin* Heather & Bill Preston Gajan & Lila Retnasaba Dr. Robert & Gail Riesenberg*

Mr. Shouky A. Shaheen Lawrence Sharp Dr. & Mrs. Mark Silverstein Anne M. Spratlin Judith Story Mr. & Mrs. James E. Stueve Mr. & Mrs. Perry Taylor Dr. Peter & Mrs. Beverly Thomas* Dr. Kirsten Travers-UyHam & Mr. John J. UyHam Mrs. Dawn Tresh Eric & Chan Voiles* Kristann M. Voyles Harriet H. Warren Betsy Wash Alan & Marcia Watt* Doug Weiss & Chris Casey* Jeffrey & Kathleen Wetherington* Ted & Whitney Woodward Joli Wu & Marius Hechter Mr. Norman Zapien CONTRIBUTOR $500 - $999 Anonymous (3)* Barbara Bastin & Children Suzanne & Rob Boas Mr. & Mrs. Sean Bowen* Kerry Bryan* Sandra & David Burgess* Elizabeth Carlson Cynthia Carns Mr. Michael E. Carroll and Mr. Paul Alberto David Cofrin & Christine Tryba-Cofrin Carol Comstock & Jim Davis Tonya Creekmore Robert Crutchfield* Mrs. and Mr. Heather Davis* Ashleigh Dobrin Mr. Mark du Mas Tricia & Chris Ekholm Cole & Zachary Ferguson-Cogdill Louise B. Franklin Sara Ann Whiteside Fruechtenicht Kathryn & Patrick Gaul Patricia Geis Carol Glover* Mr. and Mrs. John Grieb* Joy Hambrick Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harben* Steve, Susan & Grace Hauser* Helen & Jeff Herbert Michal & Jack Hillman Ms. Katherine Horton


Steffi & Bill Huber James Jowers, Jr. Alison Womack Jowers Kristen Manion Taylor & Jason Taylor Mr. William McClain Gregory McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Meany Mrs. and Mr. Emily Mills* Mary B. Munnell Terri & Stephen Nagler Miho & Gennadi Nedvigin* Donald & Helen O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Perkowitz Deanna & Robert Pham* Silpa Reddy*

Doris Richardson* Robert Riley Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Rosenberg Dr. & Mrs. William M. Scaljon Dr. Barbara Simmons Teena Stern Beth Talbert Lisa Cannon Taylor Roberta Taylor & James Hill* The Estate of Margaret P. McCamish The Kang Family The Peacock Family Ms. Cheryl Venzara




FOUNDATION, CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT DONORS $100,000+ Anonymous* Arrow Exterminators Jones Day Foundation Lettie Pate Evans Foundation PNC The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation The Molly Blank Fund of the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation The Thalia N. Carlos & Chris M. Carlos Foundation The Thalia N. & Michael C. Carlos Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta* The Erroll & Elaine Davis Charitable Gift Foundation Goldman Sachs The Field/Schulder Family Charitable Fund The Home Depot Foundation* The Sara Giles Moore Foundation The Shubert Foundation, Inc. The Zeist Foundation, Inc.* $25,000 - $49,999 AT&T Foundation Bobbie Bailey Foundation City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs Corporate Sports Unlimited, Inc. Fulton County Arts Council Morgan Family Fund Neiman Marcus The Kettering Family Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Aprio Bonnie & Teryll Herron Family Charitable Fund Communities Foundation of Texas Georgia Council for the Arts Goldman Sachs* JBS Foundation Kelin Foundation Livingston Foundation, Inc.* Mark & Evelyn Trammell Foundation Massey Charitable Trust* National Philanthropic Trust* National Endowment for the Arts Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.

Southern Company Gas* The Charles Loridans Foundation, Inc. The Coca-Cola Foundation* The Elster Foundation* The Ray M. & Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation WarnerMedia* $5,000 - $9,999 Atlantic Capital Bank Georgia Dermatology Center Georgia Power Foundation* Hellen Ingram Plummer Charitable Foundation, Inc. Interior Architects John & Mary Franklin Foundation* Nordson Corporation Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund The Dante S. Stephensen Fund The Robert & Polly Dunn Foundation, Inc. TSR Network Services, LLC United Way $2,500 - $4,999 Ayco Charitable Foundation Benevity Causes Fred Taylor Company, Inc. $1,000 - $2,499 Charles Henry Bush Charitable Fund Charles Schwab Creative Planning Foundation* Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund* Goddard Foundation* Hagedorn Family Charitable Fund Lois & Lucy Lampkin Foundation McMaster-Carr Supply Company Network for Good The Roderick Seward, Flossie Radcliffe & Helen M. Galloway Foundation $500 - $999 A Rebel in Prada Bank of America Charitable Foundation Charities Aid Foundation Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Style Design, LLC

Corporate Sports Unlimited, Inc. Fulton County Arts Council Morgan Family Fund Neiman Marcus The Kettering Family Foundation

Goddard Foundation* Hagedorn Family Charitable Fund Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Lois & Lucy Lampkin Foundation Network for Good The Roderick Seward, Flossie Radcliffe & Helen M. Galloway Foundation


$10,000 - $24,999 Aprio Georgia Council for the Arts Goldman Sachs* JBS Foundation Livingston Foundation, Inc.* GIFT CORPORATIONS MarkMATCHING & Evelyn Trammell Foundation National Philanthropic Trust* National ADPEndowment for the Arts Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Comcast Southern Company Gas* SachsFoundation, Inc. The Goldman Charles Loridans The Microsoft Coca-Cola Foundation* The Norfolk Elster Foundation* Southern The Ray M. & Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation, Inc. America The SAP Rogers Family Foundation, Inc.* SunTrust Bank WarnerMedia*


MATCHING GIFT CORPORATIONS ADP Comcast Goldman Sachs Microsoft Norfolk Southern SAPCoca-Cola America Foundation* The SunTrust Bank The Home Depot Foundation The Coca-Cola Foundation* Vanguard The Home Depot Foundation Vanguard WarnerMedia WarnerMedia

Atlanta Ballet is supported in part by the Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA) through

Atlanta Ballet is supported in part by the Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA) through the appropriations of the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. alsoagency, received supportEndowment from its the Georgia General Assembly. GCA also received support from itsGCA partner the National partner agency, the isNational theCommission Arts. Majorunder funding is provided the for the Arts. Major funding providedEndowment by the Fulton for County the guidance of theby Fulton County Arts County Council, and major support is provided by the Mayor’s of Cultural Additional Fulton Commission under the guidance of theOffice Fulton CountyAffairs. Arts Council, and funding hassupport been provided by our by individual donors,Office corporate sponsorsAffairs. and foundations. major is provided the Mayor’s of Cultural Additional funding has

been provided by our individual donors, corporate sponsors and foundations.

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GIFTS IN HONOR & MEMORIAM In Honor of Robert Barnett James J. Andrews

In Honor of Miguel Angel Montoya Dona & William Humphreys

In Honor of Anne Burton Avery James J. Andrews

In Memory of Thespina Mortimer Diane Sarayiotes Filler & Al Verilee Vasilakos Gamal & Gabriel Salem

In Honor of Lynda & Richard W. Courts II Mrs. Vaughn Linder In Honor of Lynda Courts Kathi & Robert Goddard

In Memory of Bob Podsiadlo Delphine Podsiadlo In Memory of Beverly Pounds Dee Ann & Raymond Cobb

In Honor of Lavona S. Currie Lucy & Henry Bush In Memory of Bernadette Datka James Datka & Nora DePalma In Honor of Vanessa Delmer Chris Casey & Doug Weiss In Honor of Darcy & Rachel Denneen Marilyn & Leslie Kelman In Honor of Lauren Elliott James J. Andrews

In Memory of Stanley H. Rose III Lynda Courts In Memory of Edwin Story Sandra & David Burgess Pat Franklin & Mary Moss Sandra Noecker Judith Story In Honor of Sharon Story Lynda Courts In Honor of Doug Weiss Rife Hughey

In Memory of James Honkisz James Honkisz & Catherine Binns In Honor of Kathleen Knous The Roderick Seward, Flossie Ratcliffe and Helen M. Galloway Foundation

THE PAS DE DEUX SOCIETY Members of the Pas de Deux Society have made an extra gift of $5,000 to artistically support an individual dancer. These gifts reflect support for both the 20 | 21 and 21 | 22 seasons. Jan P. Beaves Dr. Harold J. Brody & Mr. Donald E. Smith Atlanta Ballet Corps de Ballet (2 dancers) Lynda Bradbury Courts Elaine & Erroll Davis Vanessa & Robin Delmer

Adrienne & Scott Hardesty Bonnie & Terry Herron Kathleen & Kirk Knous (2 dancers) Danna Sanders Katherine Scott



THE DOROTHY ALEXANDER LEGACY SOCIETY Individuals who have included Atlanta Ballet in their long-term estate plans through bequests and other deferred-giving arrangements. Madeline & Howell Adams, Jr. C.D. Belcher Cynthia Crain Mrs. Lynn Cochran-Schroder Patty & Marc Dash Mrs. Daphne Moore Eitel Melodi Ford Brad Foresythe

Joyce Houser, Ph.D. Mrs. Audrey B. Morgan Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Morgan Elizabeth Morgan Spiegel John K. Palmisano & Stephen A. Williams, III Katherine Scott Marianne Stribling

ATLANTA BALLET IS GRATEFUL TO THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS FOR THEIR IN-KIND SUPPORT Active Production & Design Agave Restaurant Blast Brooks & Black Fine Framing, Inc. Consulate General of Mexico Dior Duxiana Earth’s Nectar Hair Care Georgia Dermatology Center Jada Loveless

JD French & Associates Legendary Events Microsoft Neiman Marcus New York Prime Outfront Media The Atlantan The St. Regis Atlanta Veronica Beard



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Atlantic Capital, The Preferred Bank of Atlanta Ballet Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters, The Official Coffee Provider of Atlanta Ballet Corporate Sports Unlimited, The Official Fitness Partner for Atlanta PARTNERS Ballet ATLANTA BALLETInc., IS GRATEFUL TO THE FOLLOWING Doyle Law, LLC, Immigration Counsel FOR THEIR SUPPORT Jones Day, Attorneys Kim Kenney Photography Atlantic The Preferred Bank of Atlanta Ballet Publix Capital, Super Markets, The Preferred Supermarket of Atlanta Ballet Batdorf & Bronson Roasters, The Official Coffee Provider of Atlanta Ballet Frank A. Sinkoe, Coffee DPM, podiatric medicine Corporate Sports Unlimited, Inc., The Official Fitness Partner for Atlanta Ballet Kara Law, Pepper, internalCounsel medicine, Laurette Medical Group Doyle LLC,MD, Immigration LauraDay, Gandy, MD, internal medicine, Laurette Medical Group Jones Attorneys Kim Kenney Photography Bryn Chafin, LCSW, Brookwood Center for Psychotherapy Publix Super Markets, The Preferred Supermarket of Atlanta Ballet Brandon Nguyen, B-Right Atl Sports Massage Frank A. Sinkoe, DPM, podiatric medicine Dr. Cliff Willimon, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Children’s Kara Pepper, MD, internal medicine, Laurette Medical Group Healthcare of Atlanta Dr. Dominic Carreira, Orthopedic Surgeon, Peachtree Orthopedics Laura Gandy, MD, internalMD, medicine, Laurette Medical Group Nadine Kaslow, Ph.D, ABPP, Psychologist,Surgeon, Emory University of Medicine Dr. Jason Bariteau, MD, Orthopedic Emory School Healthcare Bryn Chafin, LCSW, Brookwood Center for Psychotherapy Dr. Ched Garten II, MD, Paragon Sports Medicine Brandon Nguyen, B-Right Atl Sports Massage Dr.Cliff Rayden Cody, Peachtree SpineChildren’s and Sports Physicians Dr. Willimon, MD,MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Healthcare of Atlanta Dr. Dominic Carreira, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Peachtree Orthopedics Mandy Blackmon, PT, DPT, OCS, physical therapy, Atlatna Dance Medicine Dr. Jason Bariteau, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Emory Healthcare Emma Faulkner, PT, DPT, OCS, physical therapy Dr. Ched Garten II, MD, Paragon Sports Medicine Mark Nimmo, DPT, physical therapy, BenchMark Physical Therapy Dr. Rayden Cody,PT, MD, Peachtree Spine and Sports Physicians Ami Kirollos, PT,PT, DPT, CSCS, physicaltherapy, therapy, One on OneMedicine Physical Therapy Mandy Blackmon, DPT, OCS, physical Atlanta Dance Emma PT,DPT, DPT,CMTPT, OCS, physical therapy, Atlanta Dance Medicine SusanFaulkner, Bush, PT, physical therapy, Harmony Chiropractic Mark Nimmo, PT, DPT, physical therapy, BenchMark Physical Therapy Anzika Tuliva, PT, physical therapy, On-Site Solutions Physical Therapy Ami Kirollos, PT, DPT, CSCS, physical therapy, One on One Physical Therapy Ali Hoegel, DPT, physical Atlanta Atlanta Sport & Spine Physical Therapy Susan Bush, PT, DPT, CMTPT, therapy, physical therapy, Dance Medicine Liz Chesarek, DPT, SCS, physical therapy, Atlanta Dance Medicine Anzika Tuliva, PT,PT, physical therapy, On-Site Solutions Physical Therapy Ali Hoegel,Schessele, DPT, physical Atlanta Sport therapy, & Spine Physical Therapy Maggie PT,therapy, DPT, OCS, physical Druid Hills Physical Therapy Liz Chesarek, PT, DPT, SCS, physical therapy, Atlanta Dance Medicine Lauren Alesch, PT, physical therapy, PT Solutions Maggie Schessele, PT, DPT, OCS, physical therapy, Druid Hills Physical Therapy Val Schonberg, RD, therapy, nutritionPTand dietetics Lauren Alesch, PT, MS, physical Solutions Val Schonberg, MS, RD, nutrition and dietetics Emory Healthcare Courtney Gleason, MD, sports medicine, Courtney Gleason, MD, sports medicine, Emory Healthcare Nova Medical Centers, Occupational Medicine Clinic Nova Medical Centers, Occupational Medicine Clinic American Family Care, Family Practice American Family Care, Family Practice Dr.Hal Hal Silcox, MD; Dr. David Schiff, MD; Reddy, Dr. Ashok MD;Cassinelli, & Dr. Ezequiel Cassinelli, MD, Dr. Silcox, MD; Dr. David Schiff, MD; Dr. Ashok MD; &Reddy, Dr. Ezequiel MD, Peachtree Orthopedics Dr. Howard Krone, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon Peachtree Orthopedics Dr. Dopson, Orthopedics Dr.Thomas Howard Krone,MD, MD,Resurgens Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Stephanie Hsu, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Dr.Christopher Thomas Dopson, MD, Resurgens Orthopedics Dr. Potts, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Dr.Mark Stephanie Hsu, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Dr. Sakr, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Dr. Sexton, Potts, MD, Northside Hospital Hospital Ortho Institute Dr.Alonzo Christopher MD, Northside Ortho Institute Dr. John Andrachuk, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Dr. Mark Sakr, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Smith & Howard, Audit Firm Dr. Alonzo Sexton, MD, Northside Hospital Institute Ryder Truck Rental Systems, Inc., The Official SetOrtho Transporter of Atlanta Ballet Dr. John Andrachuk, MD, Northside Hospital Ortho Institute Epitome Risk Solutions, Inc. Smith & Howard, Audit Firm Ryder Truck Rental Systems, Inc., The Official Set Transporter of Atlanta Ballet Epitome Risk Solutions, Inc.


February 4-6, 2022 at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre ARTISTIC DIRECTOR, Gennadi Nedvigin DEAN OF THE CENTRE FOR DANCE EDUCATION, Sharon Story Choreography by Bruce Wells Costume Design by Atlanta Ballet Costume Shop Lighting Design by Ben Rawson Narration by Amelia Fischer Performed by Atlanta Ballet 2 Atlanta Ballet 2 courtesy of Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education

Featuring Atlanta Ballet Company Artists Centre for Dance Education Faculty Serena Chu, Ashley Gibson, Anna Penny, Abigail Tan-Gamino, Natalya Vyashenko

Supported by


2021 |2022 ATLANTA BALLET 2

Pictured above, left to right: Stephen Myers, Emmanuel López, Evelyn Robinson, Severin Brotschul, Santiago Bedoya, Samantha Schuermann, Kaitlin Matree Roemer, Ephraim Fowler, Nae Kojima, Lucas Labrador, Georgie Grace Butler, Laura Gracia, Avery Jarrard, Covin Washington, Margaret Kuefler, Jason McClung, Reira Ikeda, Hui Wen Peng

Atlanta Ballet 2 dancers are selected from all over the world and represent the artistic vision of Artistic Director Gennadi Nedvigin. These young individuals are dancers who have arrived at a defining point in their transitions to becoming professional dancers. They receive individual classes and coaching from esteemed faculty mentors. The intense level of training, opportunities to rehearse with the Atlanta Ballet company, and the experiences of their own performances help mold the young artists’ awareness of the high expectations demanded of professional company members. Scan QR Code to View Casting

Visit to learn more about Atlanta Ballet 2. Snow White title art by Jade Orlando. Atlanta Ballet 2 photo by Kim Kenney.



SYNOPSIS Once upon a time in midwinter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood. As she sewed she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow. The red on the white looked so beautiful that she thought to herself, “If only I had a child with, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as the wood in this frame.” Soon afterward she had a little daughter who had lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony wood, and they called her little Snow White. But as soon as the child was born, the queen died. A year later, the king took another wife. She was a beautiful woman, but she was proud and arrogant, and she could not stand it if anyone might surpass her in beauty. She had a magic mirror. Every morning she stood before it, looked at herself, and said, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?” To this the mirror answered: “You, my queen, are fairest of all.” Then she was satisfied, for she knew that the mirror spoke the truth. Snow White grew up and became ever more beautiful. When she was a teenager, she was as beautiful as the light of day, even more beautiful than the queen herself. One day, the queen asked her mirror: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?” It answered: “You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow White is a thousand times fairer than you.” From that hour on, whenever the queen looked at Snow White her heart turned over with envy. Then she summoned a huntsman and said to him, “Take Snow White out into the woods. I never want to see her again.” The huntsman obeyed and led Snow White into the enchanted forest. He took out his hunting knife and was about to stab her, but the huntsman could not bring himself to harm her and told her to flee. She ran as far as her feet could carry her, and, just as evening was about to fall, she came across a house. She went inside to rest and fell asleep. After dark, the masters of the house, seven dwarfs, returned home. She looked so peaceful that they decided to let her sleep. The next morning when Snow White woke up, the seven dwarfs startled her, but they were friendly. She told them that her stepmother had tried to kill her, that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run the entire day, finally coming upon their house. The dwarfs said, “You can stay with us and have everything you want.” Every morning the dwarfs went into the mountains looking for ore and gold, so she spent her days alone. The good dwarfs warned her to be wary of the evil queen and to not invite visitors inside the house. So she kept house for them. Now the queen, believing that she was again the most beautiful woman of all, asked her familiar question of the magic mirror. It answered: “You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains with the seven dwarfs, is still a thousand times fairer than you.” This startled the evil queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive.



Atlanta Ballet company dancers. Photo by Kim Kenney.

Then she went into her most secret room and made a poisoned apple. From the outside it was beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who might eat it would die. The evil queen disguised herself as a peasant woman and headed straight to the seven dwarfs’ house. She knocked on the door. Snow White stuck her head out the window and said, “I am not allowed to let anyone in.” “That is all right with me,” answered the peasant woman. “I’ll easily get rid of my apples. Here, I’ll give you one of them.” Snow White stuck her hand out and unknowingly took the poisoned fruit. She barely had a bite in her mouth before she fell to the ground dead. When the dwarfs came home that evening, they found Snow White lying in bed. She was not breathing at all. As they mourned Snow White and prepared her coffin, a young prince passed by their cottage in the woods. He was so taken by her beauty that he fell instantly in love with Snow White. He leaned over and kissed her ruby lips. Magically, breath returned to Snow White’s body, and she awoke as if from a long slumber. The prince told her what had happened and then said, “I love you more than anything else in the world. Come with me to my father’s castle. You shall become my wife.” Snow White loved him too, so she went with him. They then lived happily ever after.


artistic & production team BRUCE WELLS (Choreographer) is an internationally acclaimed choreographer who began his career with George Balanchine’s New York City Ballet. Following this, he was the resident choreographer for Connecticut Ballet, Boston Ballet and Pittsburgh Ballet Theater. In addition, Mr. Wells’ ballets appear in the repertories of The Australian Ballet, Dance Theater of Harlem, Atlanta Ballet, Alberta Ballet, Ballet Idaho, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Ballet Chicago, Milwaukee Ballet, Nashville Ballet, Nevada Dance Theater and Kansas City Ballet. Mr. Wells has taught for the schools of Boston Ballet, Oregon Ballet Theater, City Ballet School of San Francisco, the Vancouver Ballet Society in British Columbia, Jacob’s Pillow, Kansas City Ballet and Pacific Northwest Ballet. ATLANTA BALLET COSTUME SHOP (Costume Designer) is currently comprised of five people: Colleen McGonegle – costume director; Susan Carter – costume technician and construction supervisor; Chloé Gervais – costume technician; Abby Parker – costume technician, shoe, and wardrobe manager; and Abby Dupree Polston – costume technician and patternmaker; Maddie Simmons - costume technician. Collectively they bring over 75 years of costuming experience to Atlanta Ballet, with each person bringing their own unique and valuable skill set. During Gennadi Nedvigin’s tenure with Atlanta Ballet, the costume shop has supervised costumes for 40 ballets for the Company, building 15 of those shows from scratch. Given Nedvigin’s vision to bring new works to Atlanta, the costume shop has also constructed costumes from brand new designs for three to four world premieres a season. Recently the costume shop has designed costumes for Claudia Schreier’s Pleiades Dances, for Bruce Wells’ Atlanta Ballet 2 presents Beauty and the Beast and The Swan Princess, and has been working on new costumes for Paquita this spring. AMELIA FISCHER (Narrator) is a professional actor, director and fight choreographer based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has worked for theatres in Washington, D.C. to Washington state, including seasons with Tennessee Shakespeare Company, Georgia Shakespeare, Virginia Shakespeare Festival, Classical Theatre Company, Shakespeare Walla Walla and Houston Shakespeare Company. Here in Atlanta, Fischer has performed with Theatrical Outfit, Alliance Theatre, Horizon Theatre, Theatre Buford, Essential Theatre and Theatre Emory. As a voiceover artist, she has voiced several anime characters for Sentai Filmworks, including Jibril in “No Game No Life.” Fischer is proud to have earned her M.F.A. from the University of Houston’s Professional Actor Training Program and her B.A. from Coastal Carolina University, and to have trained with the Gainesville Theatre Alliance. BEN RAWSON (Lighting Designer) is an Atlanta-based lighting designer for theatre, opera and dance, member USA 829. Theatrical/Opera design work can be seen at The Alliance Theatre, Michigan Opera Theatre, Florida Studio Theatre, Atlanta Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Theatrical Outfit, Actors Express, Aurora Theatre, Atlanta Lyric Theatre, 7 Stages and Synchronicity Theatre. Dance design work includes collaborations with choreographers Ana Maria Lucaciu, Troy Schumacher and Danielle Agami, as well as with Atlanta Ballet, Terminus Modern Ballet Theatre, Fly on a Wall, staibdance, Bluebird Uncaged, Proia Dance Project and Emily Cargill and Dancers. Ben has also worked across the country as an associate and assistant lighting designer for San Diego Opera (CA), The Alliance Theatre (GA), Berkshire Theatre Festival (MA), Atlanta Opera (GA), Utah Opera (UT), Atlanta Ballet (GA) and Playmakers Repertory Company (NC).

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EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE Tom West, Executive Director Tom West, Executive Director Nathan Jones, Executive Assistant Nathan Jones, Executive Assistant FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Pamela Whitacre, Chief Operating Officer Pamela Whitacre, Chief Operating Officer Thomas Fowlkes, General Manager Hana HanaMiller, Miller,Controller Controller Amani Accounts Payable Payable &&Benefits BenefitsManager Manager Amani Hill, Hill, Accounts Dana Hylton Calabro, Data Services Dana Hylton Calabro,Director, Director, Data Services

ADVANCEMENT ADVANCEMENT Manda Advancement, Manda Wilhite, Wilhite, Senior Senior Director Director of of Advancement, Major Gifts and Board Liaison Major Gifts and Board Liaison Sherren Advancement, Donor SherrenSandy, Sandy,Director Directorofof Advancement, Engagement Donor Engagement Kelly Leadership KellyCriss, Criss,Director DirectorofofAdvancement, Advancement, Gifts Leadership Gifts Francesca FrancescaFrederick, Frederick,Director Directorof ofAdvancement, Advancement, Institutional Gifts Institutional Gifts MARKETING MARKETING&&PUBLIC PUBLICRELATIONS RELATIONS Tricia Officer TriciaEkholm, Ekholm,Chief ChiefMarketing Marketing Officer Allison AllisonKang, Kang,Director DirectorofofPublic PublicRelations Relations Taylor Graphic Designer TaylorGraves, Graves,Interim Interim Graphic Designer Brian Producer BrianWallenberg, Wallenberg,Video VideoContent Content Producer Myredith ofof MyredithMomongan, Momongan,Associate AssociateDirector Director Group Sales Group Sales Toni ToniC. C.Vacinek, Vacinek, Associate Associate Director Director of Marketing Communications Communications Zoey ZoeyFleck, Fleck,Social SocialMedia MediaManager/Graphic Manager/Graphic Designer Designer PATRON PATRONSERVICES SERVICES Lindsay ofof Patron LindsaySmith, Smith,Associate AssociateDirector Director Patron Services Services DesireeHouston, Houston,Patron PatronServices Services Manager Desiree Manager Mallory Hazen, Patron Services Jasmine Martinez, Patron ServicesAssistant Assistant Jasmine Martinez, Patron Services Assistant Josh Reynolds, Patron Services Assistant PRODUCTION Dave Smith, Production Manager & Technical PRODUCTION Director Dave Palms, Smith,Company Production Manager & Technical Sicily Manager Director Nicole Walters, Production Stage Manager SicilyKuipers, Palms, Company Manager Jane Assistant Stage Manager Nicole Walters, Production Stage Manager Jane Kuipers, Assistant Stage Manager COSTUMES Kristin Kelley, Assistant Stage Manager Colleen McGonegle, Costume Director Abby Polston, Draper COSTUMES Susan Carter, Costume Construction Supervisor Colleen McGonegle, Costume Director Abby Parker, Company Shoe Manager/Wardrobe Abby Polston, DraperTechnician Supervisor/Costume SusanGervais, Carter, Costume Chloe Costume Construction Technician Supervisor Abby Parker, Company ShoeTechnician Manager/Wardrobe Maddie Simmons, Costume Supervisor/Costume Ashleigh Dobrin, FinisherTechnician Chloe Gervais, Costume Technician Maddie Simmons, Costume Technician Ashleigh Dobrin, Finisher | @ atlantaballet



CENTRE FOR DANCE EDUCATION CENTRE FOR DANCE EDUCATION Gennadi Nedvigin, Artistic Director Gennadi Nedvigin, Artistic Director Sharon Story, Dean Sharon Story, Dean Kelly Tonina Cooper, Centre Administrative Kelly Tonina Cooper, Centre Administrative Director Director Diane Caroll Sales, Community Partnerships Diane Caroll Sales, Community Partnerships Director Director Kate Gaul, Buckhead Centre Principal Kate Gaul, Buckhead Centre Principal Nicole Adams, Virginia-Highland Centre Principal Nicole Virginia-Highland Centre Principal Ansilla Adams, Bearden, Satellite Manager Ansilla Bearden, Satellite Manager Brittney Flowers, Centre Education Associate Brittney Flowers, Centre Education Associate Faculty FacultyAdams, Alice Balhatchet, Ansilla Nicole Nicole Adams, Alice Balhatchet, Bearden, Shirley Bennett, Haley Ansilla Brink, Darby Bearden, Serena Shirley Bennett, Haley Brink, Darby Burgess, Chu, Harmony Clair, Kelly Burgess, Serena Kameron Chu, Harmony Kelly Tonina Cooper, Davis,Clair, Nardja Tonina Cooper, Kameron Davis,Gibson, Nardjaelel-Shabazz, Kate Gaul, Ashley Nell el-Shabazz, Gaul,Inman, AshleyLaToya Gibson,Princess Nell Heflin Goza,Kate Jennifer Heflin Goza, Jennifer Inman, LaToya Princess Jackson, Aaron James, Malik Jenkins, Jackson, Kraehe, Aaron James, Jenkins, Caroline SergioMalik Masero, Loren Caroline Arneshuia Kraehe, Sergio Masero, McFalls, Nelson, AnnaLoren Penny, McFalls, Robinson, Arneshuia Nelson, AnnaSales, Penny,Roscoe Chantia Diane Caroll Chantia Robinson, Diane Caroll Sales, Roscoe Sales, Erin Smith, Jasmine Stevenson, Abigail Sales, Erin Smith, Jasmine Stevenson, Abigail Tan-Gamino, Grace Thompson, Jennifer Van Tan-Gamino, Grace Thompson, Jennifer Van Meter, Calla Vaughn, Natalya Vyashenko, Meter, Calla Vaughn, Natalya Vyashenko, Martine Weber Martine Weber Accompanists Accompanists Elizabeth Grimes, Aleksandra Korshunova, Elizabeth Yulia Yulia Rice,Grimes, Gretel Aleksandra Rodriguez, Korshunova, Kyla Zollitsch Rice, Kyla Zollitsch Centre Education Associates CentreAustin-Edwards, Education Associates Imani Shannon Geary, Flora Imani Austin-Edwards, Geary, Flora Mangio, Hui-Wen Peng,Shannon Kaitlin Roemer, Jada Russell, Schuermann, EmmaJada Seif Mangio, Samantha Hui-Wen Peng, Kaitlin Roemer, Russell, Samantha Schuermann, Emma Seif Atlanta Ballet Boutique Leslie Campbell Judge, General Manager Atlanta Ballet Boutique Nardja el-Shabazz, Asst.General General Manager, Leslie Campbell Judge, Manager Atlanta Ballet Boutique Nardja el-Shabazz, Asst. General Manager, Atlanta Ballet Boutique

Atlanta Ballet is an American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) Company.

Atlanta Ballet is an American Federation of Musicians (AFM) Company.

Atlanta Ballet is an International Alliance of Theatrical Stage (IATSE) Employees Company.

theaterinformation 34 45| theatreinformation

THEATRE INFORMATION Concessions Concession stands are located in the center of the lobbies All sales are cashless – credit or debit card only Emergency information In the event of an emergency please locate the nearest usher who will direct you to the appropriate exit Elevators Elevators are located on each side of the lobbies on all levels Lost and found Items are turned into the Synovus Box O ce on the day of a performance To inquire about a lost item please call Public Safety at Parking PREPAID PARKING AVAILABLE Cobb Energy Centre o ers prepaid parking for performances On each performance page on the Cobb Energy Centre website there is now a button to purchase parking in advance for Day (credit of parking is still available for on-site or debit card only) There are parking spaces in a four-level deck and more in a surface lot day of park fee

Restrooms Located on house right and house left of all three lobbies Family restrooms are located on house right of all three lobbies Mobility-impaired patrons may use any of our restrooms Smoking Smoking vaping and e-cigarettes are prohibited inside the building Special assistance Persons requiring access assistance are asked to contact the Ticketmaster at for advance arrangements Audio clarification devices are available to our hearingimpaired guests at no charge This is on a first-come first-served basis These are available at the Synovus Box O ce Wheelchairs are available upon request All items require a form of identification to be held until the item is returned

prepay option

COBB ENERGY CENTRE REQUESTS • All patrons regardless of age must have a ticket to be admitted to the performance Please be aware that not all events are suitable for children Infants will not be admitted to adult programs Parents will be asked to remove children who create a disturbance • Please turn o all cellphones before each performance Please limit conversation during the performance • Audio & video recording devices are permitted or restricted at the discretion of the artist(s) • Please unwrap all candies and cough drops before the performance | @ atlantaballet

• This policy applies to The Atlanta Opera and Atlanta Ballet only We know that patrons make every e ort to be on time for events out of respect for the performers and other theatregoers However there are times when tra c or weather problems cause late arrivals Latecomers may watch the beginning of a show on flat-screen TVs in our lobby until the theatre has reopened to allow guests into the auditorium In addition touring companies set the policy for allowing those who arrive past curtain time into the theatre We ask late patrons to wait until the approved time and we reopen the theatre doors Please plan ahead to arrive early and relax before the performance begins

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