Vol 40 No. 47, Wednesday May 4th, 2011

Page 4




Fifty-two nights and half-a-day in the hospital: My experience


Donald gets trumped


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Part Nine It is not unusual for complications to occur during operations, particularly spinal operations. In a book entitled, “The Better Way Back From Chronic Back and Leg Pain,” Dr. Luiz Pimenta discussed potential complications. “Spine surgeries carry inherent risks and potential complications, which should be discussed between the patient and the surgeon… Complications vary in severity, including the possibility of death, and can result from surgery in general (e.g., infection or bleeding requiring transfusion), from the approach to the pathology (e.g., re-operation required for malpositioned hardware or inadequate decompression) and medical related issues (e.g., due to other co-morbidities such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, use of steroids, and/or smoking). “Complications can also manifest later in the postoperative period, which may require additional procedures (e.g., delayed wound healing, infection, migration or failure of the implants, fracture or settling of the bone, failed fusion.)” Dr. Pimenta went on to discuss the point I have been making. He stated, “It is important to reiterate that planning for spine surgery should include detailed discussions between the patient and the surgeon concerning potential complications associated with current spine surgery treatment options.” After reading the above possibilities of complications during and after the surgery, it is no wonder that fear prevents many from the operation table, or from even seeing a doctor. LESSON #4: Let me take the liberty to urge, with all of the emphases

who do not have the touch repeatedly jab the needle in the arm or hand in the search for the right vein. Each jab of the needle creates a sharp pain that seems to go through the entire body. To contract an infection makes the pain almost unbearable. The IV sites are usually changed every 2-3 days to guard against infection. When I started getting the Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), another pathway other than the mouth, stomach, and Gastrointestinal System of which nutrition is provided, the IV site was enlarged and needed maintenance more frequently. Since I was not able to swallow, the nutrition had to go through the stomach feeding tube. … to be continued. ** Join Reverend Daughtry in Jersey City for the weekly Thursday Evening Educational, Cultural, and Empowerment Forum from 6pm-8pm for an evening of information, inspiration, and challenge at 315 Forrest Street (Ground Floor), corner of MLK, Jr. Drive. For more info, contact The National Community Action Alliance at (201) 716-1585. ** Listen to Reverend Daughtry on the weekly radio program which airs Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. on New York City’s WWRL-AM, dial 1600. ** NEED QUALITY CHILD CARE? Call the Alonzo A. Daughtry Memorial Daycare Center located at: 460 Atlantic Avenue (corner of Atlantic and Nevins) 718-5961993 333 Second Street (between 4th & 5th Avenues) in Park Slope 718-499-2066 Immediate openings are available in a state-of-the-art center.

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that I can command, search all healing alternative methods. If they do not succeed, see a medical doctor. If there must be an operation, proceed with a serious conversation with your supporters and the doctor, and with deep prayers. I do not hesitate to encourage medical help coupled with divine help. The hands of the doctors should be moved by the hand of God. I believe what the Bible says. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much. (James 5:16)” In addition, it certainly gives a peace of mind and a belief that “… we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).” When Dr. McIntosh and I finished our conversation, my mind raced back to my stay in the hospital. My situation was far more serious than I had realized. My esophagus was paralyzed which meant that if I tried to swallow food, there was the possibility it may go down the trachea and into my lungs. There was also the possibility of foodstuffs seeping to other parts of my body via the fistula. In addition, I contracted an infection in the esophagus. I remember how I used to constantly expectorate (spitting up mucus). It was very embarrassing. I didn’t know which was worst: the annoying inconvenience of keeping a cup near, or the embarrassment of having to keep saying, “Pardon me,” as I turned my head downward to spit. In addition to the operation, I had to be concerned about my lungs, esophagus, and two infections (in my esophagus and the IV). (The intravenous fluid included glucose (sugar), vitamins, sodium and potassium, and other nutrients.) The insertion of the needle for the IV is a painful experience. The right kind of vein needs to be found. Not everyone has the touch to insert the needle. Those

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