The Nu Rho 2016-2017

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The Nu Rho Delta Sigma Pi - Nu Rho Newsletter University of California, Davis 2016 - 2017

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President Senior Vice President Vice President of Pledge Education - Fall 2016 Alpha Psi Class Vice President of Pledge Education - Winter/Spring 2017 Beta Gamma Class Vice President of Professional Activities Vice President of Alumni Relations Vice President of Financial Activities Vice President of Community Service Vice President of Activities Interchapter Liaison Marketing Director Junior Committee Facilitator Creative Director Digital Marketing Chair Chapter Photos Thank you!

Isabel Ma PRESIDENT Fall 2016, Winter/Spring 2017

Being president of a fraternity is an incredibly unique experience. The mix of brotherhood, professionalism, and friendship is a dynamic that can’t be replicated anywhere else. I care deeply about this chapter, not only from an obligatory professional sense, but also because it’s been a space for me to meet some of the most caring and inspirational people. As such, I wanted to ensure that in my last few terms, I would be able to give back something valuable to an organization that gave me so much. As president, one of my main goals is to ensure that every brother would come out of the fraternity equipped with the professional tools they need to succeed and that they would be positioned to have a considerable professional advantage over the average collegiate student. As such, over the past two terms, I’ve introduced or continued a series of initiatives, including workshops, professional guides, and resource portals. I am proud to say that over the years, our brothers have consistently been able to secure high-quality internships, jobs, and experiences. They have delivered high-impact events for our university, and have established our fraternity as a premier purveyor of professional skills and resources. Most importantly, however, over the past three years, I have been able to witness time and time again the continuous and strong bonds that pledging and fraternal experiences generate. All in all, I am so incredibly proud of the brothers in this chapter. Being a brother is demanding and hard work - you are expected to put in a lot of time and effort to deliver the quality of work that is expected of a brother. It is easy to burn out, feel under-appreciated, or feel as if the work you’re doing is negligible in the grand scheme of things. But I’ve seen incredible, measurable growth from so many talented individuals over the years, and I know for a fact that they are going to go far in whatever endeavor they choose to pursue. As the chapter continues to grow and get better, I’m excited to see what’s in store for them, both within the Fraternity and beyond.


A尼娜娜娜尼娜娜娜nna Guan SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Fall 2016 Ever since I went out to Delta Sigma Pi - Nu Rho’s Recruitment Drive two years ago, I wanted to become the Senior Vice President. Recruitment Drive is the biggest event that the Chapter holds, and being the person responsible for putting on this event was an incredible experience. I still have the image of me being over-rehearsed for my speech on the night of Meet The Chapter and fumbling on my introduction (I will never live it down). But I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to represent the Chapter and trusted to plan a week of events that showcased what our organization stands for. I couldn’t have pulled off Recruitment Drive if it weren’t for my amazing Recruitment team and brothers’ unconditional support. And like any Executive Board position, Senior Vice President has its obstacles, but I can say that the most difficult times I encountered as Senior Vice President helped me realize the meaning of leadership, compassion, discipline, and empathy.

Evelyn Wong SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Winter/Spring 2017 This position is great for those that want to learn more about the Human Resources and recruitment side of business. Before stepping into this role, it was definitely an interesting transition going from a smaller role to one of the most important roles in the fraternity. Senior Vice President was a great learning experience for me in particular because it made me be friends with everyone in the organization. The one advice I would give to anyone stepping into this position is that managing people is all about strategy and approach. There is not a single best way to approach someone, especially position holders. There are always a variety of ways to approach someone, an issue, or a conflict within the fraternity. Moreover, it is always important to look past the surface level details and to always dive into the facts to see if they align with the fraternity’s goals and objectives.


Aimee Tram

Timothy Tam



Fall 2016


Anytime anyone asks me to explain my experience as Vice President of Pledge Education, I always say “extremely challenging but extremely rewarding,” especially for the Alpha Psi Class. This position taught me that no amount of preparation could prepare you to work with a group of such diverse students in 9 weeks. Additionally, Tim and I realized how adaptable and quick thinking Pledge Educators need to be to work with pledges. Multiple unexpected occurrences happened, but in the end, they only helped us to grow. Additionally, the Alpha Psi class is quite an interesting group of pledges. They indeed struggled in the beginning, but to see their amazing results as brothers and as young professionals is the reason why I wanted to be a Pledge Educator. Being able to mentor them is something I’ve enjoyed giving back, however, they have also taught me many things and continue to do so. I enjoy these relationships I have fostered with this group of bright individuals, especially seeing how well they work together despite their different career goals and background. As I graduate, I know that these are relationships that I treasure forever and can hopefully continue in mentoring them.

Fall 2016 When the idea of me becoming the Vice President of Pledge Education Assistant was proposed to me, I told myself that I was definitely not ready for this position. Who am I to mentor a group of individuals? What can I even offer to them? Because of these doubtful thoughts, I sat in a living room alone for a few minutes after a couple of Brothers gave me positive reinforcement, I thought myself, when are we, as people, truly ready for something in life. After contemplating, I decided to take a leap of faith, faith in myself that I had the capability to mold these nine incredible individuals into something more. To guide them and motivate them to break through any mental barriers that they might have and to have them push through any perseverance that they might face. It was by no means an easy feat to have them all initiated into the fraternity. This position during Fall 2016 was particularly difficult, but regardless of the bumps, it was a decision that I will never regret. To see each one of your mentees grow as an individual is the greatest reward this position can offer.

Fall 2016 Alpha Psi Initiation



Winter/Spring 2017 Recruitment Week: Pizza Night

Emily Lin ALPHA PSI CLASS Fall 2016 No words can explain how much I appreciate Delta Sigma Pi. I can say that I genuinely enjoyed pledging because I learned something every moment and developed close bonds with my pledge brothers. Through the pledge term and as a brother, Nu Rho Chapter not only helped me develop my professional skills, such as resume writing, networking, and public speaking, but also a new mindset and greater ambition for my professional career. I have gained much more confidence in myself and my work, and I feel more prepared for job application season and post graduation. Even after graduation, we have a vast alumni network that stays connected with current brothers, and they are always very willing to lend a hand. Delta Sigma Pi is something I will forever cherish even after graduation.

Miki Kobayashi ALPHA PSI CLASS Fall 2016 I first came to Recruitment Drive with one of my friends, not knowing what to expect. While I had many plans for my professional future in sustainable real estate development, I did not know what steps to take to get there. Through talking to the brothers, however, I saw that I could learn a lot from them and through the pledging process. Although it was a long and difficult experience, I feel like I truly burgeoned as a professional, especially in my networking and public speaking skills. Although pledging is only temporary, the things I learned is forever. 7

Jin Zhang

Hyun Kang



Winter/Spring 2017 I think unlike other positions, there’s an emotional responsibility within being Vice President of Pledge Education. Ultimately, the focus is on growing drastically different individuals with similar goals, but also understanding that these goals are achieved in different ways. In order to accomplish this successfully, it takes a lot of patience and flexibility. Consequently, these were the areas I grew in. This position was a platform for me to promote future leaders, not through my vision of how they should be but who they wanted to become. I’m personally grateful for the experiences I had and relationships I gained within my pledge term. Hopefully, we were able to instill within the Beta Gamma Class those valuable gifts as well. They were one of the best decisions I’ve made in Nu Rho.


Winter/Spring 2017 Thank you. Two words that have been racing through my mind for the better part of the term. All the past pledge educators have told me that being a mentor is one of the most difficult, yet rewarding position in the Fraternity. And it really was. I can only thank Nu Rho for giving me the chance to be a mentor; thank the Vice President of Pledge Education Jin Zhang for giving me the opportunity to work with her; and thank the Beta Gammas for having the courage to come out to recruitment drive and joining the Fraternity. The Beta Gamma Class has a bright and long future ahead of them and I cannot way to see what more they will accomplish for the Fraternity as they continue their journey as brothers. I hope you enjoy your stay as much as I do.

Winter/Spring 2017 Beta Gamma Initation



Victor Lai BETA GAMMA CLASS Winter/Spring 2017 Pledging was a special time in my life. I learned to trust my pledge brothers and create an everlasting bond with each one. Despite our disagreements, all six of us knew that we would always be there for one another. Personally, I enhanced my public speaking, time management, and interpersonal skills. The pledge program was very difficult, but it was very beneficial. Now that the Beta Gamma Class initiated, I am very excited to work with them and give back to the Fraternity. In addition, I am very confident that the skills I learned from the pledge program will help me out in the future.

Jonathan Cheng BETA GAMMA CLASS Winter/Spring 2017 My pledging experience has been something that I will always remember. This is the first time that I have surrounded myself with like-minded and driven individuals. Throughout pledging, I have gained confidence when speaking in front of an audience and when speaking to a figure of authority. Additionally, pledging has helped me learn interview etiquette, gain resume-writing skills, and improve my email-writing. It has led me to create goals of running for Chancellor, Coordinator of Internal Affairs, and Digital Marketing Chair in the short run. My long term aspiration is to hopefully be President and Vice President of Pledge Education of Delta Sigma Pi.



Fall 2016

This position was the more tiring and gruesome position I have ever had to take on in the fraternity, but the rewards and experience I have taken away from it are once in a lifetime. When in college do you ever get to plan an Internship and Career Fair all by yourself? Only through this position! This role was probably one of my most favorite roles because I love event planning, networking, and helping students develop their professionalism. I got the opportunity to plan not only an Internship and Career Fair, but also a Case Competition with PricewaterhouseCoopers, a resume workshop with Target, and a company tour with Riot HQ. These experiences are probably one of the most memorable and interesting because I got to network with a variety of people and it opened my eyes to all the opportunities out there in business.


Fall 2016 Target Sponsored Resume Workshop


Winter/Spring 2017

Being the Vice President of Professional Activities is the most challenging, yet fruitful experience I have had in Delta Sigma Pi. Through this position, I can hone my professionalism as I was constantly reaching out to different company representatives on behalf of the chapter. Moreover, this position really required me to work closely with the President and other brothers in order to ensure the events ran smoothly. Apart from the Bi Annual Case Competition that we co-organized with Target this term, I have also introduced a new event called the Sales Pitch Challenge, co-organized with AT&T. It gave brothers a glimpse of what a real sales meeting look like. We also learned sale pitch strategies from the AT&T representatives during the sharing session, which will be applicable to real world no matter which industry brothers will be working at. It is rewarding to have brothers to rely on my professional knowledge and have grown professionally throughout the past term. I think this position is a great way to mark my last term in the Fraternity.

Winter/Spring 2017 Target Case Competition Info Session



Fall 2016, Winter/Spring 2017

With over 500 alumni in our chapter’s network, I was compelled to find exciting ways to connect all of our brothers. During my term as Vice President of Alumni Relations, I was able to bring out alumni to various events, from panels to fireside chats to our annual picnic. We also attended a company tour by invitation from a longtime supportive alumnus. Furthermore, every pledge and brother had the opportunity to seek mentorships and get in touch an older brother who could provide both fraternal and professional expertise and advice. Every chapter is built by the ambitious and hardworking people that came before, and I am truly grateful that many of our graduates still take the time to come back or send their kind words. As I am heading down the same path of graduation soon, I am inspired and eager to give back to the chapter the same way.


Winter/Spring 2017 Alumni Picnic

Winter/Spring 2017 Recruitment Week: Alumni Panel



Fall 2016

This position was the first one I held as a brother of Delta Sigma Pi. I learned so much about not only the Fraternity and how it works, but about UC Davis and how events are held on campus as well. The entire experience was interesting, engaging, and insightful as I learned to be a better brother and a better professional as well. I held events with companies ranging from the east coast to the local Davis area and raised over $2,000!


As Vice President of Financial Activities, my main responsibility is to generate funds for the chapter to host professional, community service, financial, and social events. This term, I continued to maintain a good relationship with Sodexo Catering Services to organize fundraising opportunities. In addition, I planned a rose hat fundraiser and several other events that collaborated with community restaurants in raising funds. Throughout this position, I learned the importance of communication and teamwork. Raising funds require a group effort, and it is crucial to be motivating and keeping everyone updated at all times.



As Vice President of Community Service, one of my goals was to introduce the other side of the community to the Chapter. Often times, we are unaware or unexposed to social conditions other than the ones we are used to. This prevents us from understanding a broader social picture, which becomes a deficit in our ability to achieve social welfare for the better of the community. The introduction of various community services to my Chapter enables me to provide my fellow peers the opportunity to become aware of social issues like food insecurity, student homelessness, environmental impacts, etc. I presented on topics like the importance of giving to the community in order to better others and oneself as a whole. From personal experiences, community service and being aware of social issues have inspired me to look at my work, efforts, and decisions in parallel to my long-term happiness.


I believe volunteer work brings people together and makes a positive difference in the community. The biggest challenge I faced was enforcing attendance. Most of the brothers have a part-time job, other extracurricular activities, and internships on top of academic work, so it takes extra work to encourage brothers to come out to community service events. My vision was to strengthen the Davis community through service, which I believe I achieved that with my events like Woodland Tree Planting, Project Linus, Aggie 5K, and Tree Davis. I got to practice project management and time management skills during my time. Overall, I really enjoy servinig as the Vice President of Community Service for the Chapter; not because all the essential skills I learned but also seeing the Chapter making a difference in the Davis community while having fun at the same time. 17


As the Vice President of Activities, I have a responsibility to encourage participation, break class barriers, and foster brotherhood. One approach I take is by having a point system for brothers spending time with each other called Brotos. I decided to place three to four people into a group each week for them to interact, especially if they normally would not. The groups would have variation in class and friend group, and people would earn points by sending me photos, or “Brotos” of pictures with other brothers. Additionally, I planned other social events such as Pizza Night during Recruitment Week, Bowling Night, Welcome Back BBQ, and etc. I hope that my time in this position strengthened the brotherhood of the Fraternity and made it a more fun place. My definition of a successful event is one where everyone attending is enjoying the event, regardless of whether it sticks to the plan exactly.


Jonathan Liu VICE PRESIDENT OF ACTIVITIES Winter/Spring 2017

Brotherhood is an essential trait in my daily life, and because of that, I have been promoting brotherhood within the Fraternity. Delta Sigma Pi is built on brotherhood, as every brother is always there for one another. To continue promoting brotherhood, I have been hosting numerous events to give everyone the opportunity to be together. For example, I hosted Pizza Night, Pledge’s Party, Game Night, and Senior Tea Party. In addition, I hosted “Brosho,” which is an ongoing game I had that incorporated interaction within the Fraternity. As Vice President of Activities, I learned to host events, be adaptable, and manage my time. A challenge I faced was being able to host events that everyone can attend. Everyone has busy schedules, so getting everyone together was definitely one of my biggest challenges. Overall, I can say brotherhood is within the Fraternity and that everyone genuinely cares for one another.



My main job as Interchapter Liaison was to connect our fraternity with other professional organizations on campus. This was accomplished through several social events throughout the term in which we got to meet other members from other professional fraternities. In addition to these small events, I was in charge of coordinating the Bi-Annual Professional Fraternity Games. In this event, I gathered several organizations together to compete in a friendly sports event in which we played basketball, football, and dodgeball. Overall, the position allowed me to network and socialize with others, while gaining some event planning experience.

Megan Hsieh INTERCHAPTER LIAISON Winter/Spring 2017


My role as the Interchapter Liaison was to maintain and develop relationships with PSFC (Professional Sorority & Fraternity Council), other Delta Sigma Pi chapters, and professional organizations on campus. I attended bi-weekly PSFC meeting as a delegate for Delta Sigma Pi and served as the first point of contact for other organizations on campus as well as other Delta Sigma Pi chapters. I made sure that our fraternity was fulfilling our OSFL (Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life) education requirements by planning and bringing in speakers and hosting educational programs for our Chapter. Additionally, I planned social event events such as BPFG (Bi-Annual Professional Fraternity/Sorority Games) with other professional organizations in order to create a stronger bond between professional organizations on campus.


Jessica Ngai MARKETING DIRECTOR Fall 2016

Throughout my time in Delta Sigma Pi, I have seen the chapter grow so much. Whenever summer approaches, I get super excited to hear all the spectacular internships and full-time positions brothers receive. However, one of the most challenging aspects of having such a young chapter is adjusting the chapter to the new brothers. With new brothers, come new views on how the chapter should be run. As the Marketing Director, I managed the marketing team and led the newest rebrand project for the chapter. As the Marketing Associate, I learned and taught the chapter about the various areas of marketing brothers could go towards. Overall, my passion for marketing has strengthened throughout this year.

Daisy Long MARKETING DIRECTOR Winter/Spring 2017

Through our flyering, social media posts, tabling, and the cumulative effort of our brothers, Nu Rho was able to reach thousands of students to promote our events and fraternal brand. Managing and working alongside our Creative Director and Digital Marketing Chairs allowed for a collaborative environment where we were able to input new ideas in terms of branding, design, outreach, and brother involvement. As a result, we were able to reach 10,000 people regarding our Winter/Spring 2017 Recruitment Drive, with over 1,000 views on our event page.


Tyler Bowman JUNIOR COMMITTEE FACILITATOR Winter/Spring 2017

Being Junior Committee Facilitator has been one of the most rewarding positions I’ve held in Delta Sigma Pi. One of my goals for this position was to help new brothers transition more easily into the fraternity after they initiate. Through speaking with each brother through oneon-one meetings, I was able to determine what positions each person would like to take on in the future and help them set a timeline for themselves for the rest of their time at Nu Rho. Because I was Ritual Chair at the same time, I was also able to teach the new brothers about ritual when meeting with them in private. I’m so proud of how far my committee has come and hope that they continue to grow and be successful in their own way.


Mary Serafin CREATIVE DIRECTOR Fall 2016


Through our flyering, social media posts, tabling, and the cumulative effort of our brothers, Nu Rho was able to reach thousands of students to promote our events and fraternal brand. Managing and working alongside our Creative Director and Digital Marketing Chair allowed for a collaborative environment where we were able to input new ideas in terms of branding, design, outreach, and brother involvement. As a result, we were able to reach 10,000 people regarding our Winter/Spring 2017 Recruitment Drive, with over 1,000 views on our event page.

Emily Lin CREATIVE DIRECTOR Winter/Spring 2017

Before I came out to recruitment week, I already saw the mass marketing on social media and campus, and I knew I wanted to learn more. I’ve never been a part of a marketing team that required months of planning in advance as well as months designing the actual graphics. I loved seeing my ideas brought to life and seen across campus. One of my favorite moments was hearing that alumni were very impressed with the new designs and other marketing materials created for this term’s recruitment drive. Overall, I can see this chapter doing great things in the future, and I cannot wait to be a part of more of the future marketing projects.

Envision Success





Working collaboratively with our Creative Director, Brother Mary Serafin, Nu Rho was able to roll out an entirely new branding strategy. We implemented our new logo and look during this term through marketing for events such as our Fall 2016 Recruitment Drive and our PwC Case Competition. As one of the two professional business fraternities on campus, we wanted to distinguish ourselves within this rebranding, and I believe our new aesthetic vastly improved all areas of our marketing, especially on social media.


Megan Hsieh DIGITAL MARKETING CHAIR Winter/Spring 2017

Our marketing team played a vital role during our Recruitment Drive. We reached out to students on campus by actively posting our Facebook event pages on various UC Davis Facebook groups. Additionally, we asked brothers to share our Facebook event pages and write about their experience at the Fraternity on their posts. Our Facebook page is mainly used to update students on what our Fraternity is doing and raise awareness of any events that we are holding. On the other hand, our Instagram is a platform we used to post pictures of the events that we have already hosted and to give our audience an overview of what brothers are doing professionally.

Meryl Cantoria DIGITAL MARKETING CHAIR Winter/Spring 2017

As one of this term’s Digital Marketing Chair, I was in charge of maintaining our online brand awareness through social media. Thus, we have increased participation and number of attendees for our recruitment, professional, and fundraising events. We set up Facebook event pages and created Instagram posts for our audience to see and share. This enabled us to successfully expand our followers base on Instagram and our likes on Facebook as well. To leave a stronger platform for next term’s marketing team, we have created a point system where brothers can earn points for participating in our marketing activities. We hope to see our online marketing activities grow and advance over in the future terms.





The Nu Rho

Delta Sigma Pi - Nu Rho Chapter

Editor: Christine Lee Design and Layout: Emily Lin Historian: Zoey Zhu (Fall 2016), Meryl Cantoria (Winter/Spring 2017)

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