Pro Arb December 2021/January 2022

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Business booms at BeEchwood

Catch up with arborist MD Simon Rotherham Cover.indd 1

Stay on the right side of the law

Tree disputes could land you in hot water

DeceMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022


Fuelwood is our ‘Meet the Supplier’ Grow your business with firewood processing kit

Battling for bats and trees Stop the Chop’s victory for people power

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Dec eMB ER 2021

/JA NUA RY 202



DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022 • Volume 8 • Issue 06 Business booms at BeEchwood

Catch up with arboris MD Simon Rotherh t am Cover.indd


Stay on the right side of the

law Tree disputes could you in hot waterland

Fuelwood is our ‘Meet the Suppl ier’ Grow your business firewood process with ing kit

Battling for bats and trees

Stop the Chop’s victory for people power



rees can be at the heart of some thorny disputes between neighbours, so if you’re called on to fell or do work, then make sure you know where the land – and law - lies. Meanwhile, the UK’s house building boom continues apace even if developers are sometimes too hasty when engaging arborists to clear land. This can result in court action if protected trees are removed or there is damage to wildlife eyond eing fined, the negative impact on your reputation can be hard to repair, so check out the article on page 10 for guidance. Meanwhile, many arborists have a strong interest in conservation matters and if there is wrongdoing, it’s notable that local people

ALL ENQUIRIES Tel: 01903 777 570 Eljays44 Ltd 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA EDITORIAL Features editor – Rachel Gordon Head of content – Nina Mason Senior subeditor – Katrina Roy Subeditor – Sam Seaton ADVERTISING Business development manager – Jamie Wilkinson Head of sales – Jessica McCabe

are increasingly prepared to whistleblow or campaign if they want trees or wild animals such as bats saved. The article on page 22 shows what happened when Newark conservation group, Stop the Chop, launched a battle to save one of their town’s few green spaces. Currently, a shortage of people with the right skills continue to blight the sector. Our interview on page 14 with Simon Rotherham of Beechwood Trees shows how it’s possible to tac le this head on his firm has launched its own academy to ensure high quality training for all employees and bringing on new starters who want a progressive career path. Good kit can also be labour saving and Simon has invested heavily in equipment,

Horticulture Careers – Daniel Riley PRODUCTION Design – Kara Thomas, Kirsty Turek Printed by Pensord Press Ltd Published by ©Eljays44 Ltd CIRCULATION Subscription enquiries: Pro Arb is published four times per year by Eljays44 Ltd. The 2022 subscription price is £95. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex, BN16 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be


which has allowed his firm to e pand and ta e on larger contracts. In this issue, we also have pages of tempting kit to suit a variety of budgets and needs and our business section contains plenty of practical advice. We hope you enjoy the issue, send compliments of the season, and look forward to catching up in 2022.

reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts.

Every week we send out ‘Pro Arb: The Tuesday Recap’, in which we highlight the most popular news stories from the last week. If you aren’t subscribed to The Tuesday Recap but would like to be, please email Millie Genner at

MANAGEMENT Managing director – Jim Wilkinson Editorial director – Lisa Wilkinson Business development manager – Jamie Wilkinson FOLLOW US ONLINE Follow us on Twitter @ProArbmagazine Like us on Facebook Proarbmagazine Connect to our LinkedIn group Pro Arb UK

If you would like to send us press releases to post online and potentially feature in The Tuesday Recap, please email

For careers in arboriculture and horticulture go to Cover image ©Kärcher


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news 6 > News

Carefully curated updates for professionals in arb

10 > News extra – keep it legal

Whether working with property developers or if there are neighbour disputes, arborists need basic legal awareness

14 > Interview

The managing director of Beechwood Trees and Landscapes on his rise to success

17 > Dr Glynn Percival – pests and diseases



The dangers of de-icing salts are outlined along with advice on protection

32 > Top tips – Towing

Timberwolf provides advice on how to tow like a pro

33 > Boots – made for working

Recent launches from Haix, Outwear and Stihl provide protection and comfort

34 > Sharpen up – Carr’s billington

Chainsaw sharpener and tree trimming pole kits

36 > Hedge trimmers – making the cut Environmentally friendly cordless options

37 > Product DNA – EGO

The rand’s first top handle attery model delivers petrol-beating performance

18 > Uncovering the history of arb 38 > Kärcher – German engineering for trees Dr Mark Johnston’s new book

features 20 > Dr Duncan Slater’s Casebook Find out about the weird and wonderful world of odd outgrowths



25 > Community FOrests

43 > Recruitment


46 > Apprenticeships

et on oard with the oom in firewood machinery and boost your business

Contents.indd 5

Makita’s new battery launches


How locals in Newark took on their local authority to save trees and bats

27 > Meet the Supplier – FUELWOOD


40 > Radios – get your groove on

22 > success for ‘Stop the chop’

The important role of community forests and how they are enefitting local areas


The new range aimed at arborists and landscapers

30 > Wood chippers – on the right track

GreenMech’s tracked EVO model

Explaining the rules around transporting work byproducts

n inhouse effort can ring results when it comes to tac ling staff shortages

Clarity on funding rules is provided by our expert on the topic, Dee Vickers

47 > managing Omicron

Step up measures to protect your people and cope with the new COVID-19 variant

50 > Little Interviews

Meet the people who work in arb

Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022


14/12/2021 16:13



A STROLL DOWN MEMORY LANE The advertisement dates from 1970 and is featured in a new book, The Tree Experts: A History of Professional Arboriculture in Britain’ by Dr Mark Johnston. It was a campaign by the then trade body, the Association of British Tree Surgeons and Arborists , and appeared in The Sun newspaper – its message about needing to appoint those with training and ualifications though remains as relevant as ever. See page 18 for more. The-Tree-Experts-A-History-ofProfessional-Arboriculture-in-Britain


FÖRST GAINS HVO DIESEL CHIPPERS APPROVAL Wood chipper manufacturer Först has announced that its diesel models fitted with Doosan engines are now approved for use with HVO fuel, following a period of testing and consulting. O hydrotreated vegeta le oil is a paraffinic diesel fuel that offers a significant reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions. It is available from most fuel wholesalers and eliminates up to of net O as well as significantly reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx), particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. Först’s senior engineer, Gary Wheelband, said: “We’re extremely pleased to enable Först customers to switch to a more environmentally friendly fuel option without the need for any additional investment in fuel storage or infrastructure, and with no compromise on the performance our woodchippers are known

REWILDING MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY ONE MAN AND HIS DOG Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has congratulated a British man who has completed a 5,000 epic trek across Canada with his dog to raise funds for rewilding in his native Scotland. Musician Michael Yellowlees, 32, from Perthshire, Scotland, walked for nine months from the shores of the acific Ocean to Newfoundland, accompanied by his Alaskan husky dog, Luna for the charity Trees for Life. “My best wishes on the completion of your incredible walk across Canada, Michael!” wrote the Canadian prime minister. “Michael chose Canada for this mission due to the many Scots who left their homeland generations ago, settled here, and contri uted significantly to the fabric of our country.” Michael has raised $50,000 for the Scottish rewilding charity Trees for Life. He said: “It has been emotional. The huge population of


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Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

for The enefits of O aren’t ust related to sustainability – it can be bulk stored, is cheaper than pump fuel and has a much longer shelf life than diesel or petrol.” The Först machines approved for use with HVO fuel are the ST6D42 and ST8D55 in the wheeled woodchipper range and the TR6D42, TR8D55 and the XR8D in the tracked woodchipper line up.

people of Scottish descent in Canada is partly a consequence of the Highland Clearances, which were accompanied by ecological destruction. Canada is a beautiful land with an a undance wildlife This ourney has een about raising awareness and funds to help restore the cottish ighlands to a ourishing ecosystem as part of our contribution to tackling climate change and biodiversity loss.” michaelandlunarewild


14/12/2021 13:00


TREES ON SHOW AT SUSSEX GALLERY n e hi ition to cele rate the eauty of trees was recently held at the tar rewery art gallery in ewes, ast usse num er of local artists too part, with their wor depicting trees in reality and in the imagination, as well as their importance in the limate hange era The show also included a living tiny forest consisting of saplings loaned y avid and enny aunders who run o wood orestry which supplies wood and tim er to visual arts and theatre organisers, universities and individual artists


The Tree how was conceived y environmental ournalist ohn May wor ing with the tar rewery allery’s owner eeta edersen

GREENMECH LOOKS AHEAD TO 2022 ood chipper manufacturer reenMech recently welcomed the media to cele rate the end of a successful year’s trading, which saw the usiness perform e ceptionally well despite supply chain challenges and the ongoing impact of the pandemic The company showcased its range at a arwic shire hotel it is head uartered in the country and discussed its future plans The usiness onathan Turner has also overcome and Martin ucas any difficulties posed y re it through having ranches in rance and ermany Managing director onathan Turner, sales director Martin ucas, mar eting manager teve ir and national sales manager eter agguley covered trading from a range of aspects including further e pansion of its O range in with new fi ed and trac ed variants, an enhanced focus on digital, meeting tage Martin ucas compliance and


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eter agguley how it continued trading throughout much of the pandemic, apart from a si wee closure The company will continue to focus diesel and petrol engine wood chippers, ecause at present, electric technology only allows for around two hours of performance, which is impractical owever, it elieves that hydrogen power could e the way of the future The company also confirmed it was committed to its dealer networ in the and its overseas order oo was uoyant, with particular growth in pain, ussia and the ar ast ead more a out reenMech on page

A tree surgeon from Scotland has een fined , after a year old employee suffered serious in uries ecause of a chainsaw accident elf employed ominic i as uale, trading as Treetops Tree urgeons, was using a chainsaw to fell trees at a domestic property and remove ranches, while his employee collected the sections The young employee failed to notice that a ranch was still attached to the tree and his hand was in ured y the chainsaw, eing pulled into the lade e suffered a partial amputation of his inde finger and deep lacerations to his dominant hand, and has since needed multiple operations over a three year period i as uale was then su ect to an investigation and prosecution y a lasgow court It was found he had failed to ensure chainsaw operators maintained safe wor ing distances from other employees, to prevent them coming into contact with the lade In addition, employees were not ade uately trained or supervised when carrying out wor with chainsaws e pleaded guilty to reaching ection of ealth and afety at or etc ct inspector im oss said This incident was entirely preventa le the ris s from wor ing with chainsaws are well nown mployers have a responsi ility to devise safe methods of wor ing and to provide their employees with the appropriate information, instruction and training This case particularly highlights the importance of protecting young wor ers who may e less familiar with ris s in the wor place will not hesitate to ta e appropriate enforcement action, especially when young people are put at ris

Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022


14/12/2021 13:02




harity the ational Trust, must fell at least , trees that are affected y ash die ac at a cost of some m, among other rising pest and disease threats. sh die ac is using up its resources, with costs up from m last year it is e pected that of the ’s ash trees will e lost in the ne t to years The National Trust also warned that there could be a “catastrophic” rise in tree diseases because of climate change. In addition to ash die ac , the charity said tens of thousands of larch trees were being felled because of the fungal pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. This is rampant in the a e istrict, where it is predicted some of larch in woodland could e lost It added further threats to trees were posed by Phytophthora pluvialis and a new outbreak of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle as found in south-east England. Phytophthora pluvialis was discovered last month in an area of ornwall the first time the disease has been found in Europe and it has

Premium distributor Outwear has announced that the Protos Integral helmet – a fully integrated safety model - is now available in a new neon yellow shell colour. The hi-viz shade is poised to be a hit with those arborists working when light could be reduced. Managing director Andrew Hunter said: “This revolutionary design maximises safety and comfort and means arborists can stand out even more.” It is now available from Outwear’s UK stockists.

since been found too in Devon and Cumbria. Although it has not yet been found on National Trust land, e perts are concerned it will impact western hemloc , ouglas fir and several pine species. The charity added its focus is now to build “woodlands of the future” that are resilient to climate change, including using species from warmer climates that are less likely to be affected y disease This could e y replacing ash trees with walnut. There are also fears about an outbreak of ylella, an incura le plant disease that can cause serious stress and death in over species including oa , cherries, hollies and walnuts. It has not yet been spotted in the UK but there have been major out rea s elsewhere in urope, with olive groves destroyed. If pests and diseases were not enough, the National Trust said its trees had also been adly affected y the storms, such as rwen and arra, which have hit the country




damaging land where rare hazel dormice were living following a case at Portsmouth Crown Court. A tree surgeon was also hit with a smaller fine of , and censured Luxury homes specialist Knightsgate has admitted to uprooting trees in wanwic , ampshire, even though it admitted nowing the protected species were living there. They ruled the developer should pay a , fine and a confiscation order of , Police attended the site when they were alerted by Fareham Borough Council after it was noted that large clearance machines were being used. This was despite the fact an ecology report had shown the dormice were living there. There followed an investigation by the Hampshire Constabulary Country Watch Team. According to the Crown Prosecution Service:


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Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

“The company allowed the land to be cleared by heavy machinery even though they had received an environmental consultant’s report which made it clear the protected species were on site.

“That was at least a reckless act on their part by failing properly to give instructions to the contractor.” Meanwhile, tree surgeon ames olph, of pham was fined , with in costs and a victim services surcharge it was revealed he had also admitted a similar offence last year PC Lynn Owen said: “Dormice are a rare and protected species which we are very fortunate to have breeding in Hampshire. Their population has been decreasing dramatically in the UK over the last century and caused a devastating blow to the animals. We are pleased this case has now concluded and I hope it acts as a warning to anyone that operates in a manner that puts our vulnerable wildlife at risk – they will be dealt with robustly.”


14/12/2021 12:59

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rborists need to exercise caution if they have doubts about a particular o arning ells may start ringing if it appears that two neighbours are in dispute over a tree or if you elieve a tree may have protected status. Take a step back and try to spea to oth sets of neigh ours or ma e your own checks on a tree’s status. Preventative action could well prevent damage to your firm’s reputation or even a prosecution ou may well have seen images of the heffield tree that ordered two properties and was cut in half because of a row between neighbours. Going viral One neighbour was fond of the conifer and elieved a careful trim was sufficient while the other ecame angry ecause of nesting pigeons that led to droppings on his driveway. They too matters into their own hands, by having half of the tree cut away by a tree surgeon and images of the disfigured tree then went viral. ut, while many saw this as an e ample of tree mutilation and a petty dispute, the tree


Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

Neighbour Disputes.indd 10

surgeon was within the law because the work occurred only on one side of the boundary and the tree was not protected. It could be that you have concerns about where the boundary lies. If so, the property owner can find out the information from the Land Registry if they no longer have the documents and they can also o tain these

Preventative action could well prevent damage to your firm’s reputation or even a prosecution for their neighbour. If the answer is still unclear, a surveyor should be called on. In a few cases, a tree may e on the boundary line between two properties and so would be jointly owned by both parties. In these instances, both sets of neighbours need to e in agreement a out any wor Meanwhile, y the time a tree ecomes the focus of a serious disagreement, the

relationship between the neighbours has probably broken down. So, if you are called in, be very wary about getting caught up in the dispute. What about overhanging branches? These can be cut back if the work can be done without trespassing onto the neighbouring property – and if you stick to working within the boundary. It is also permissi le to clim into the tree to underta e the work, again so long as it does not require going into the neighbour’s garden. If you have een as ed to trim the tree to the boundary, then that’s all that you should do. You should also check that the client has taken every possible step to get the owner to solve the pro lem themselves If the tree owner asks you to stop work, then you are entitled to refuse, provided that you do not trespass onto their land and that you limit your work to your client’s side of the tree. ermission is not re uired if the wor constitutes ‘abating a nuisance’ but should be taken if you need access to the neighbour’s land In terms of the prunings, these must not be thrown into the neighbour’s garden, but they can e offered to them It is your client’s duty to deal with these and so if you take


14/12/2021 12:48


Protected trees matter Outside of neighbour disputes, carrying out work on a protected tree could have serious repercussions for an arborist. In February, Bracknell Forest Council in Berkshire prosecuted two homeowners and a tree surgeon for illegally cutting down a protected tree, fining them almost , Calibra Tree Surgeons caused severe damage to a Norway maple tree at a property that was protected by a Tree Preservation Order and councillor John Harrison said: “This court case highlights the importance the council attaches to protected trees which carry high amenity value, and that we will seek, where appropriate, to prosecute in cases of wilful breaches of tree preservation orders.” So, what can you do without permission, and what can’t you do? Trees may be protected because they are within a Conservation Area or because they are included in a Tree Preservation Order. With a Conservation Area, ‘protected’ means you need to give the local planning authority at least six weeks advance notice of your intention to carry out tree work. This

gives them time to mull over what you want to do and, if they object, to serve a Tree Preservation Order. If the authority is happy with what you propose then, after six weeks you can start. You may receive a letter from them saying you can proceed and if this does not arrive, then

The law surrounding tree work can be complex and arborists should always be prepared to seek out more information before they agree to take work on check the website to see what information is given under your application reference number. Under a Tree Preservation Order, the local planning authority will want to be able to have some control over what work is being carried out and will impose conditions that must be adhered to. The need for replacements The standard condition is the work must be done to a good standard and another is that

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them away, you should build the cost of this into your quote. Clearly, it is always going to be better if relations between neighbours are cordial and there is good communication. In some cases, neighbours will also share the costs of tree work.

a replacement tree must be planted for every tree that has been allowed to be felled. A tree may be protected in its own right and referred to as an individual tree, or it may be one of a group that is collectively protected, or it may be in a woodland or an area. So ho do ou d out if a tree is i a o ser atio rea or is u der a ree reser atio rder You may be able to check online, but there is a chance the information is out of date, so you can simply contact your local planning service and as a tree officer It is always going to be worth checking, because it is a criminal offence to carry out wor on a protected tree without the necessary permission. The law surrounding tree work can be complex and arborists should always be prepared to seek out more information before they agree to take work on. Remember too that the ildlife and ountryside ct means that it is an offence to destroy at roosts and wild bird nests that are being built or are in use. This means you may need to let some clients know that you are unable to do particular work depending on the time of year. Taking a responsible attitude can prevent problems occurring and it is also important to ensure you take out quality insurance in the unlikely event of experiencing a liability claim. Jonathan Hazell is an arboricultural consultant.


Neighbour Disputes.indd 11

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oventry’s eechwood Trees and andscapes is thriving The company offers a range of services including tree care, grounds maintenance, machinery hire and vegetation clearance It has also ust launched an academy to train its people and ring on new recruits ith an impressive client list, including the local council, eechwood is nown for its professionalism imon’s interest in trees stemmed from a o he too on as a teenager during the summer holidays for a gardening company I en oyed the physical side and eing outdoors so loo ed into this as a career, he shares fter leaving school, he enrolled on a two year ational iploma course in Tree Management and r oriculture course at arwic shire ollege Early days This included an wee wor placement with ontinental andscapes in irmingham, where he wor ed on local authority highway and par trees The company later offered him a full time position once he’d gained certification from college imon also continued with study, ta ing further industry and usiness courses ou never seem to stop learning in this industry all trees are different, and all sites change, so it’s very dynamic, he says In , imon decided to set up his own usiness I ust wanted to go out and deliver high uality tree wor y doing so we gained recognition as a professional company, as we were doing things properly and safely rom this, we e perienced pretty rapid growth over the first


Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

Interview.indd 14

three to five years of usiness and have shown sustaina le growth year on year ever since eechwood has a mi of commercial and residential clients imon says e’re luc y in that we have the e pertise and e uipment

imon otherham

You never seem to stop learning in this industry; all trees are different, and all sites change, so it’s very dynamic

resources to underta e any type of ar o e will underta e wor for anyone that has a tree and needs help or advice on it The term contracts we have provide us with security, cash ow and continual wor , ut we also en oy either the large site clearance pro ects to get our teeth into with our specialist it or the careful pruning of a large and prestigious amenity tree Overcoming challenges The arrival of the pandemic in the in early created much uncertainty and imon e plains the iggest dilemma was Ma ing the right decisions to eep our staff safe There were a lot of un nowns and not much specific advice on what to do ome companies were closing their doors, while others were splitting the wor force or completely furloughing their staff e communicated with our employees, with regular consultations and got feed ac from them on how they felt e adds It was unanimous that teams wanted to continue wor ing, so we had to follow government guidelines to facilitate this, while eeping them safe e had a few hurdles, such as logistics and additional vehicles re uired to eep social distances Overall, we couldn’t fault the support from all our employees, and everyone handled the stressful times incredi ly well The usiness performed well and in the latter part of the pandemic, there was a huge increase in en uiries and wor load e had more in the pipeline than we’ve ever had in all the years of trading


14/12/2021 12:05

NEWS Academy launch Finding new team members is a challenge and there are skills shortages throughout the country, so Beechwood recently set up its own academy. “Due to the increase in work and the amount of infrastructure, there’s a shortage of s illed staff availa le at the moment e’ve always een very proactive in ensuring continued development of our employees at all levels, ut this is the right time to develop the training and bring more of it in-house. We’ll be providing training and providing a progressive career path.” He explains that the academy will initially be aimed at direct employees and later rolled out to other arborists and contractors. “Firstly, we’ll e offering training and development over a set time for completely un ualified trainees that are entering the industry. This will involve the asic ualifications, such as first aid, site safety, woodchipper use and they will then progress into chainsaw and aerial work.

the biggest obstacle for anyone wanting to get into arboriculture is finding out the process of getting training and employment. We have had a very good response to our new opportunities “Secondly, our existing employees will have a clearer development plan, as generally once an ar orist gains certification up to use of the chainsaw in a tree, the training plan slows down. We want this to continue with more advanced tic ets such as large tree felling and rigging operations, with a lifelong learning plan.” Simon continues to explain: “I think the biggest obstacle for anyone wanting to get into ar oriculture is finding out the process of getting training and employment. We have had a very good response to our new


Interview.indd 15

eechwood’s impressive new altra T

tractor, fitted with esla crane

opportunities, so I think it’s down to the employers to promote potential roles to the local community either via local press or social media channels.” e emphasises that his team have played a big part in Beechwood’s growth: “It would be impossible for us to operate without our ama ing team e’ve o viously had people come and go over the last years, ut many have een very loyal and contri uted to the company’s progress, right from the early days through to where we are today, and my thanks go out to them. e’ve also developed many young apprentices over this time, and it ma es us very proud to see them on a site using their skills – they’re all part of the journey.” Impressive kit In terms of it, eechwood has invested heavily and as Simon says: “We often joke about the fantastic e uipment we have today, as when I started out on the tools, we had very little money and only basic kit. At the beginning we didn’t even have a chipper, so I cut up ranches on the ac of a transit van we now have a eet of seven new rst tow ehind machines, tracked chippers, a large BANDIT, plus a Heizohack whole tree chipper, so things are a little different!

The ei ohac is used to convert waste wood from sites into biomass for fuel, which can then be sold on to other businesses.” He explains this can also be useful when tendering as it has environmental enefits and eechwood also offers play ar , kindling, logs and wood chip for sale. Although Simon is no longer operating machinery, he does have a soft spot for a new ac uisition, a altra T tractor that’s fitted with a Kesla crane. “It’s a fantastic piece of kit and looks the business when it pulls up on site.” ife is usy for imon and switching off is never easy when you own a usiness I love my o and everyday we face new e citing challenges, which is a real buzz. I do manage to fit in other interests though, I’m een on fitness, so I get to the gym five or si times a week and cycle as much as I can.” e also loves to spend time with his family and supporting their interests. His wife is a keen rider who owns competition horses, while his young son has just started to play rugby. “I’m there cheering him on from the side lines on Sunday mornings and we also enjoy long walks with our Labrador.” So, what’s next for Beechwood? He hints at some e citing plans, ut adds a fish with a closed mouth never gets caught so it seems it’s very much a case of watch this space

Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022 15

14/12/2021 12:06

© 2021 - Petzl - Matt Pycroft / Coldhouse © 2021 COllective - Petzl - Matt Pycroft /


Being effective in your daily work as an arborist means mastering advanced techniques and having the best equipment to efficiently move around and position yourself in the trees. Here's Waldo Etherington in his element at Stourhead Arboretum in Wiltshire.

Being effective in your daily work as an arborist means mastering advanced techniques and having the best equipment to efficiently move around and position yourself in the trees. Here's Waldo Etherington in his element at Stourhead Arboretum in Wiltshire.

Tree care solution includes a ZIGZAG PLUS mechanical Prusik, a CHICANE auxiliary braking device and a 11.6 mm FLOW low stretch kernmantel rope.

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14/12/2021 09:52


A toxic


P E ST & DISEASE wat c h



e-icing salts in the form of sodium chloride (NaCl) are used widely throughout the UK in order to keep roads free from ice and snow and so ensure public safety. However, NaCl can be a major chemical pollutant in urban landscapes, resulting in substantial tree and shrub deaths. Salt damage occurs via direct toxicity of the chloride ion resulting in a reduction in leaf chlorophyll concentration and photosynthetic performance, breakdown of leaf structure at the cellular level, necrosis, bud failure and twig and branch dieback. Sodium (Na+) tends to damage soil structure by competition with other cation e change sites causing nutrient deficiency symptoms and increased soil pH. Most at risk Evergreen species are highly susceptible to salt damage as air orne salt from traffic settles on the foliage resulting in leaf burn. Likewise, young spring growth is particularly susceptible to salt damage which has now become a major problem due to ever increasing late frosts experienced in the UK. Indeed, de-icing salts are estimated to be directly responsible for the deaths of more than one million trees annually in Europe alone. With increases in traffic volume and the e pansion of road networks throughout the UK, the quantity of salt used for de-icing operations has increased correspondingly. What does salt damage look like? Wilting and burning leaves is the most common symptom, while significant drooping, especially at the top of a tree, often indicates soil damage.


Glynn Percival.indd 17

This is because salt inhibits water absorption by the roots and, as such, the symptoms can be similar to those for trees experiencing drought. alt spray from vehicle traffic usually occurs on the lower part of the tree, facing the street. Damaged trees also tend to have thinner leaves and ush later in the Excess salt damage on conifers spring. Other symptoms include stunted growth of foliage, browning of foliage, thinning de-icing salts have been applied to dilute the of branch tips, defoliation and dead branches. salt to a low soil concentration can also help. A number of studies have shown the application of sugar in response to salt damage can e eneficial too ugars counteract the osmotic stress exerted by de-icing salts and can also be used by the plant as a direct substrate for growth. Calcium based fertilisers such as gypsum (calcium sulphate) have been shown to be very effective at remediating salt damage The calcium in gypsum displaces sodium from cation exchange sites in soil whereby the displaced sodium ion combines with sulphate to form sodium sulphate, that in turn is highly soluble and rapidly leached from the soil. Protecting plants from salt damage Use of calcium sulphate has been shown Damage is hard to prevent. However, when to reduce salt damage by 40-60%. Nitrogen selecting trees and shrubs to plant near based fertilisers can also alleviate, to some driveways and roads, consider salt-tolerant e tent, the deleterious effect of salinity on plants species like birch, oak or juniper. The RHS also by encouraging fresh new growth. Likewise, has more examples and provides information the use of potassium fertilisers has been shown on its website, where it details plants for to e an efficient method of preventing sodium coastal areas: stress in many plants as plant roots places/coastal-areas. uptake potassium at the expense of sodium. You can also apply a woodchip mulch layer around the base of your tree or shrub. Mulches Dr Glynn Percival is a plant physiologist/ work primarily by forming a barrier between technical support specialist at Bartlett Tree salt spray, splash or runoff and the soil surface Research Laboratory. Keeping trees well-watered before and after

de-icing salts are estimated to be directly responsible for the deaths of more than 1,000,000 trees annually in Europe alone

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newly published book will prove a fascinating read for those who take pride in working as an arborist and who want to understand how the sector has developed to where it is today. The author, Dr Mark Johnston MBE, FArborA (Hon), FCIHort, FICFor, is a highly ualified independent scholar in arboriculture, landscape and urban forestry, based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Tree Experts: A History of Professional Arboriculture in Britain is a chronological record that is brimming with historical references and is the first oo to tell the story of ritish tree care workers from the Romans to the present day. It also highlights in uences from continental Europe and North America that have helped to shape British arboriculture over the centuries.


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Mark interviewed many experts, with nearly 70 specialists contributing to the work. hen I first egan researching and writing about the history of urban trees and arboriculture, back in 2011, I realised there was little that had been published on these topics. Furthermore, there was precious little that focused specifically on the history of professional arboriculture, about the people who have cared for our amenity trees over the centuries,” he comments. Mark has long been interested in historical aspects of arboriculture ever since working on the ‘tree gang’ at Kew Gardens in 1982. He’s worked in urban and rural arboriculture and in the early 70s, moved from Portobello Road area of West London to begin a new life in rural Wales. “The only people who would give me a job were the Forestry Commission. I thought I’d work for them for a few weeks until a ‘proper’ job came along. But working with trees and the people I met doing this really changed my life.” The book shows there has long been a commitment to raising standards and educating the public about the need for professionalism and he believes this is an improving picture. “This is changing, and a huge amount of progress has been made in the time that I’ve been in the arboricultural industry. Of course, though, we still have a long way to go.” One ongoing de ate the difference between the titles ‘tree surgeon’ and ‘arborist’ – is also covered: “They’re not actually the

same thing as the debate in the 60s and 70s. While tree surgeons tend to focus on tree care, usually on mature trees, arborists/arboriculturists can cover all aspect of arboriculture such as propagation, selection, planting, etc.” The book details a wide range of working environments, including tree officers at local authorities and as Mark says: “The government’s austerity agenda over the past 10 years has had a hugely negative impact on the arboricultural industry. Our professional organisations need to take the lead in defending their members’ interests and jobs.” However, he adds: “These challenging environmental times do offer some real opportunities. The growing awareness that trees are vital to our health and welfare, not least in an urban environment, should mean that arborists/ arboriculturists and their unique expertise will be in even greater demand in the future.” Overall, Mark says he wants people in the industry “to be proud of who they are and what they do – and to realise that they follow in a very long line of professional tree experts.”

READ ALL ABOUT IT The book is published by Oxbow Books and can be purchased direct from the publisher or outlets such as Amazon and eBay. The Arboricultural Association has the book in its online bookshop – the publisher’s RRP is £55 but the AA bookshop is selling it for £47. Products/The-Tree-Experts-A-Historyof-Professional-Arboriculture-in-Britain


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Dr Duncan Slater’s Casebook



xternal growths on trees are fascinating; you can lump most of these together as ‘burls’, as they do in the US, while in the UK, we separate them as burrs, crown galls, sphaeroblasts and witches’ brooms. Although these outgrowths are mostly unexplored by science, we have examples

where the causes of these weird growth forms are known. Mostly, they are caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses – so, collectively, we could consider them to be ‘woody galls’ – a gall being an abnormal growth in a plant due to the presence of another organism. But there may be other explanations for their occurrence.

Burrs Burrs are growths on the trunk of a tree originating from clusters of buds that grow to form foliage-bearing shoots, and the area of the burr typically expands in size as it grows further buds and twigs, until it eventually dies, becoming a ‘spent burr’. The wood of burrs is much prized by furniture makers and turners, ecause of the interesting figures there are in the wood grain formed in these growths. isit a roadleaf woodland and you will find only some tree species exhibit burrs – and some more than others. One cannot be certain

if a virus or other microbe is involved – it would e difficult to determine this even with a test, as the wood of trees contains many microbial species by default. It is also possible a local imbalance in plant hormones, such as auxins, can give rise to these clusters of uds without the in uence of a microbe. Given the wood of burrs is soughtafter, there is probably money to be made if someone could determine the cause of burrs on oak trees, for example, and then inject more oak trees so that more burrs could be created.


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Crown Galls The image shows a fantastically large crown gall I found on an oak in Keswick, Cumbria this year. In contrast to burrs, these large (and often distorted) growths are not associated with clusters of buds nor foliage growth. They are sometimes referred to as ‘tumours’, but they do not cause ill-health to their host trees directly, so I do not recommend using that term. The mostreported causal agent for crown galls is a bacterium, Rhizobium radiobacter (synonym Agrobacterium tumefaciens); however, although this microbe is known to cause crown galls in woody plants, it is highly unlikely to be the only microbe capable of this feature. Infection occurs either by entry of the gall-causing organism through the bark’s lenticels, or due to wounding. From personal experience, crown galls seem more common on trees growing in damp areas or near waterbodies – wet and humid conditions probably enhance the survival of the bacterial blobs that are known to cause these infections.


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FEATURES Sphaeroblasts Small, typically rounded growths on stems have been termed ‘sphaeroblasts’ in some books (such as Strouts and Winter, Diagnosis of Ill-health in Trees. Research for Amenity Trees 2000). Having pulled a few of these off from trees myself, it is easy to observe that they are generated from a close-set cluster of buds, which were initially vegetative buds, but foliage growth ceases and then only layers of rounded secondary growth occur, to build up these ball-like structures. Again, they serve no known purpose for the tree – and may be caused by wounding and tissue colonisation by a microbe. Witches’ Brooms Witches’ brooms are a cluster of twigs coming from a hemisphere or sphere of wood, making them much like a burr. However, they tend to be distinct structures emanating from one point, rather than spreading as a patch on the branch or stem, as burrs do. Many causal agents of witches’ brooms are known, in part because the growths from witches’ brooms can be used to create dwarf conifers and other unusual growth forms, if propagated. The image shows the well-known witches’ brooms that form on our native birch trees – caused by the yeast fungus Taphrina betulina. Note this infection can cause burr-like growths on the stem of the birch trees, and not just clusters of brooms on the branches as shown.

Lessons learnt Although we are not yet certain of the origins of most of these external growth forms, we can determine interlinking features between some of them. For example, when Taphrina betulina infects the main stem of a birch tree, we might be tempted to call that growth ‘a burr’, rather than a witch’s broom. Likewise, most sphaeroblasts seem to originate from a cluster of buds that could have potentially formed ‘a burr’ on the tree’s stem, but they ceased to produce foliage at an early stage. All three of these growths (burrs, witches’ brooms and sphaeroblasts) have the same origin: an abnormal cluster of buds formed close together on a branch or stem – a form of ‘hyperplasia’. Hyperplasia occurs when growth hormones are altered – and that alteration can occur due to the presence of an infection. In the case of the birch’s witch’s broom, we know the causal agent – for many other bud clusters, we are not able to say whether they are occurring because of plant hormone imbalances or they are galls. Overall, they represent a spectrum of growth forms rather than being entirely distinct from each other. However, crown galls do not originate from a cluster of buds and solely consist of secondary growth (xylem/wood) – so crown galls are of a different il As none of these external growths are associated with tree death or decline in tree health, there’s no need to worry about them when found. This also probably helps to explain the paucity of research into their origins. As there is little economic interest in them, aside from their use in carving, there has been no real incentive to research their origins. Dr Duncan Slater is senior lecturer in arboriculture at Myerscough College, Lancashire. He is also a co-ordinator of Arbor Day UK – an action group that seeks to put new trees and woodlands back into the landscape.


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‘Stop the Chop’



inally, a group of ancient sycamore trees that house bats are safe from destruction because the local council has voted for their long-term protection, purchased the land and cancelled development plans. A local conservation group, Protect Newark’s reen paces, ran a highly effective campaign, known as Stop the Chop, that involved widespread publicity, social media petitioning and local action such as a candlelit vigil. The trees are in Newark Library Garden, one of the few community green spaces in the Nottinghamshire town, and they were due to be felled to make way for a car park extension. Local authority Newark and Sherwood District Council was committed to the development in a deal that meant paying landowner Datch


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Properties £30k a year for 25 years, after an initial two-year, rent-free period. However, Datch Properties told the council that, alternatively, it would accept £600k to buy the land. This was deemed too high a price and so the local authority decided to go ahead with the car park extension. There was only a change of heart because of the campaign and the developer dropped its price for the land to £450k. This has been accepted and means the development could be stopped. What did Stop the Chop involve? Once Newark residents realised the community space was under threat, they started to mobilise. They wanted to ensure the space remained as a green oasis for local people

and also to protect bats. This was a disputed issue, as an independent survey by St George’s Trust, had detected 108 bat calls in 40 minutes. However, a council representative had claimed there was no evidence of bat presence. It is understood that no ecological survey, a legal requirement, was carried out. This had been a key sticking point in the battle, since all bat species and their roosts are legally protected, and it is a is criminal offence to damage or destroy a place used y bats for breeding or resting even if bats are not occupying the roost at the time. The Stop the Chop campaign also included: • Organising an online petition that had more than 6,000 signatures, demanding the trees be saved.


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• Securing local and national media coverage including on the BBC and The Mirror. • Holding a candlelit vigil and picnic under the trees to bring the community together. A key organiser was Emma Oldham, who said: “The people of Newark are the true heroes in this story. I’ve never seen anything like it. Tremendous generosity, unity, passion and awareness now ripples through the community of Newark. This positive turnaround couldn’t have happened without it. “As a community group we’ve spent so much time, blood, sweat and tears and sleepless nights over these trees. It’s good to see all this community action has actually paved the way for a sustainable future.”


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Tremendous generosity, unity, passion and awareness now ripples through the community of Newark. This positive turnaround couldn’t have happened without it Alongside Emma were the so-called Fab Four – Ali Carter, 53, Darrell Pointing, 76, Pamela Ball, 60, and Wendy Patterson, 64.

The Fab Four had spent hours protecting the trees, including overnight in freezing conditions and were also prepared to chain themselves to the trees, if necessary. They were supported by other local people who guarded the trees round the clock to stop the work starting. Naturalist Chris Packham and author Matt Haig, who grew up in Newark, also gave their support. A dramatic climax Matters came to a head on 11 November – Remembrance Day – when council workers began fencing in over 50 campaigners gathered in the gardens. The peaceful protestors were surrounded by 6ft metal fence panels and warned they would be arrested if they did not leave the site. However, the Fab Four refused

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FEATURES to budge. Supporters passed them blankets, hot water bottles and drinks over the barricades. Local MP Robert Jenrick also turned up and Wendy Patterson told him: “The trees and garden are hours, possibly minutes, away from destruction. All we have left are our bodies so we stand in the way of this going ahead and will continue to do so. We are ordinary people with no power who are doing the right thing.” Although the MP said he had no authority to in uence local planning decisions, his presence helped raise more awareness. Meanwhile on 12 November, councilappointed tree surgeons turned up at the site with chainsaws to start the felling. Just before they were due to get going, Keith Girling, the deputy leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council, arrived on the scene and announced the work should halt. He told protestors about the deal with the landowner and that the land could return to the people of Newark. There was delight from supporters and the Fab Four had in particular shown how local people can bring change. Pamela Ball said: “My young grandchildren and all the other children will now be able to continue using one of our last remaining town centre green spaces. This garden could have a real purpose now and continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.” Wendy Patterson said of her night in the protest compound: “I spent a lot of time

looking at the trees through that night and felt imminent grief at what seemed to be their last hours of life when they should have decades if not hundreds of years of life to do their job for the planet.”

I believe in democracy. I believe in the right to protest peacefully. Campaigners have demonstrated that they feel that strongly about it and we’ve responded to that And Darrell Pointing added: “I was very ill with bowel cancer seven years ago and, lying in my hospital bed I promised myself that if I survived, I would campaign to improve the environment for my children and grandchildren. That is why I stayed with the trees.” Ali Carter concluded: “I ask the council to save our Library Garden as their contribution to tackling the climate emergency.” Many in the campaign believed that Newark and Sherwood needed to do more to improve


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its track record – it ranks 12th from the bottom out of 350 councils on environmental issues. It is also only just above London in the amount of green space it provides residents with. What is more, there was frustration that the council had failed to conduct a public consultation on the development.

However, councillor Girling said: “I believe in democracy. I believe in the right to protest peacefully. Campaigners have demonstrated that they feel that strongly about it and we’ve responded to that.” So, Stop the Chop has shown that trees and nature are worth fighting for and the latest news on the saga is that an independent filmma er is now producing a documentary about the campaign, to ensure the story of this historic victory for trees, bats and people lives on.


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ALL TOGETHER NOW COMMUNITY FORESTS, IN AND AROUND SOME OF THE COUNTRY’S LARGEST TOWNS AND FORESTS, HAVE NEVER BEEN SO IMPORTANT the aim is to create a further 5,000ha of new woodland along a mile stretch The area has deprivation and only woodland cover elow the national average and is part of the levelling up’ agenda

Mar ury hutterstoc com


ommunity forests have been around for some 30 years and are a collaboration between local authorities and various supporting organisations who bring transformative enefits for local people Currently, many are undergoing expansion with the Government committed to trebling tree planting rates by the end of this Parliament as part of the ngland Trees ction lan More than £750m is to be spent by 2025 on peat restoration, woodland creation and management Last month, a new community forest for Cumbria was announced, with thousands of trees being planted along the county’s west coast It will cover around ha initially, ut

Where are England’s Community Forests? he orest of arsto ale This is a forest in the making for edfordshire, covering s uare miles etween edford and Milton eynes or more than years, the orest of Marston Vale Trust has been engaging communities and the public and private sectors to plant trees and deliver accessible woodlands and green spaces

he erse orest This network of woodlands and green spaces across Cheshire and Merseyside is one of the leading environmental regeneration initiatives in the orth est Through community and partnership working, it has planted over nine million trees he reat ester ommu it orest This stretches from the North Wessex Downs to the River Thames and covers s uare miles The forest is now in its th year, with windon at its heart It is a partnership between public, private and voluntary sectors to deliver environmental, economic and social regeneration he ree ood ommu it orest Based in west Nottinghamshire, this covers m2, with the aim of supporting and facilitating tree and woodland establishment for local people and economy It overlaps herwood orest in the north east and round to tten orough in the south west


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it of rees City of Trees is a movement that aims to transform the landscape and quality of life for people across Greater Manchester, and works with the public, private and third sector. Its projects include Citizen Forester, a practical way for people play their part in planting and looking after trees.

oods HEYwoods aims to improve the urban, rural and industrial landscapes of Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire, based on trees and woodland. Project partners for HEYWoods include Government agencies, private companies, environmental charities, community organisations and both local authorities.

orest of o rust The Forest of Avon Trust was established in 2008 for Bristol and Avon, as a charity that works with partners across Bristol and Avon to engage and involve people in their local woodlands, improve the management of existing woodlands and get many more trees planted. orest of ercia This is a community interest company, with the forest covering taffordshire and the West Midlands. Its focus is to use the natural environment to educate, improve health and wellbeing and encourage everyone to use the outdoors.


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he hite ose orest The community forest for Leeds and North and West Yorkshire works in partnership with local authorities, landowners, businesses and communities. Millions of trees are being planted to manage ood ris , reduce climate change and create jobs. l mouth a d South e o ommu it orest The Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest will stretch from the heart of the city to the edge of the moor, encompassing 1,900ha of land to form a mosaic of different forest ha itats

hames hase ommu it orest The forest covers 40m2 in Brentwood, Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Thurrock and Essex. It was launched in 1990 and created a far greener environment for the 650,000 people who live in the area.

orth ast ommu it orest The forest for Newcastle, Gateshead, North and South Tyneside, Sunderland and Durham has aims to plant up to 500ha of trees by 2025, with a goal to increase canopy cover across the north east to 30% by 2050.


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meet the




emand for wood, both in the domestic and commercial markets, continues to soar and business is also booming at uelwood, the forestry and firewood machinery specialists. Fuelwood, which was established in 1996, distributes a range of global brands including Heizohack, FTG Moheda, FTG Mowi, Blacks, JAKE, Gros, AMR, Lucas Mill, Japa and Uniforest as well as its own range of UK-manufactured products including Splitta, Transaw, Kindlet and Kindlet Pro, bagging equipment, Log Cleana and Fuelwood Factory. Technical sales and

marketing manager Danny Shepard explains that it is not just forestry companies who are buying specialist kit – increasingly, arborists want a share of the action too. “Many say they are busier than ever and they want to invest in their businesses,” he comments. “There’s been huge growth in the use of wood for fuels in the domestic sector linked to the vast increase of wood burners in homes, while chips can also be sold as biomass. It makes sense for arborists to be part of the renewables sector and is now an area more arborists are taking seriously and from our perspective, this can be seen by increasing sales of larger equipment.”

It makes sense for arborists to be part of the renewables sector and is now an area more arborists are taking seriously There’s no doubt that investing in state of the art kit – providing it is appropriate for the usiness can set an ar orist firm apart

AMR log splitter


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from the rest and can also assist with winning tenders. “Arborists are saying that bigger machinery is also labour saving – they want to e as efficient as possi le and heavy duty kit means they can use less people and do a lot more s we’re well aware, it’s not easy to recruit s illed la our and there is a national shortage.” If an ar orist is short of space at their wor premises, then there are going to be limitations and selling the odd bag of indling won’t earn a fortune owever, for those with a good size yard that allows space for rotation and storage, as well as being committed to quality, then this can be a valuable business sideline, while if a heavy duty chipper is owned, then

It’s about understanding what is going to work for your business and we’re on hand to ensure they can choose the right kit iomass and wood pellets will provide a steady additional income. Danny joined the family-owned business six years ago and finds it a dynamic and rewarding wor environment e’s noted that ar orists

are increasingly making considered decisions and many are undergoing e pansion It’s about understanding what is going to work for your usiness and we’re on hand to ensure they can choose the right kit.” Fuelwood is always keen for arborists to test out e uipment and anny is a regular at events where kit can be demonstrated, even though this has been curtailed because of the pandemic owever, uelwood also holds open days at its arwic head uarters and the business also has a strong dealer network, where ar orists can enefit from personal service and e pert advice There’s nothing like a live demonstration where tree surgeons can decide if something is right for them, and we always enjoy getting together,” he says.

TAKE A CLOSER LOOK Just some of the Fuelwood equipment that can take an arborist to the next level


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lac splitter


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Made in Bavaria, this coveted range covers compact drum models to those that are crane fed and aimed at producing iomass These machines provide awless operation and the option to operate on reduced fuel consumption mode.


A leading brand for heavy duty professional log splitters and automatic saws and manufactured in rance nown for relia ility and ro ustness


High performance range that is manufactured in inland for professional firewood processing and offering a range of diverse accessories. The 315, for e ample, is fitted with a log freed and splitting mechanism that minimises pusher movements, and is a compact and mobile unit.


Splitta 400

Takes round logs up 40cm in diameter and converts them into split firewood or kindling at rates of over 12 cubic metres of solid timber automatically. The size of firewood or indling can e set to etween 15mm to 120mm.

Black Splitter

A German brand that manufactures hydraulic wood splitting attachments of various si es that are designed to fit e cavators sed for producing firewood, wood fuel, iomass harvesting, land clearing and landscaping.

AMR log splitter

Kindlet and Kindlet Pro

These convert tim er off cuts, pallet waste and round logs into indling and the machine is fully guarded to ensure operator safety.

Rottabagga and Rottabagga Pro

These are used with the indlet and indlet pro systems, allowing nets of logs to e filled automatically this means means no more time wasted manually filling


Meet the supplier.indd 29

Splitta 400

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14/12/2021 13:36


n o s f o c u ippers h c d o o w



reenMech has announced the launch of the EVO 205D SURE-Trak, which follows on from the road-tow version from earlier this year. According to the manufacturer, the new 8” EVO 205D combines even more aggressive chipping performance with unrivalled climbing ability. GreenMech’s SURE-Trak system allows each track to be raised or lowered independently on the move, ensuring the machine maintains a horizontal position when climbing or descending slopes. The 205D SURE-Trak provides up to 540mm of ground clearance, excellent manoeuvrability for the operator and high levels of stability when traversing uneven ground, while ensuring protection of the machine components and engine lubrication. A 50hp Stage V Compliant Kubota Diesel engine means the latest model in the EVO series delivers strong processing power, with hori ontal rollers and a si lade heavy duty ywheel, which makes light work of brash and timber. Further, a new ‘Smart Sense’ controller provides no-stress overload protection to ensure optimum chipping performance, while a console switch ensures the machine is either tracking or chipping, so minimising the risk of any accidental operation. As is also the case with the 19-28 SURETrak model, the new EVO 205D SURE-Trak comes with a range of factory fitted optional extras to allow the operator to tailor the final specification of the machine to fit their requirements. The range of additional options for this model are a winch, lighting tower, recovery kit, remote control as well as fitted tool o es As with the rest of the range, it comes with a three-year parts and labour warranty and can be made purchased with a range of finance options availa le through reenMech Finance if required. GreenMech has also announced that there will be more models to follow in the EVO 205 range, including Tra and fi ed trac ed variants, expected to be available in 2022.

30 Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

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GreenMech refreshes website GreenMech’s full range of chippers can now be seen on its upgraded website. This now offers improved navigation as well as providing comprehensive, technical guides on the products and services, along with general industry advice. The website now has an uncluttered design, improved functionality and streamlined content. The site also features a new product filter allowing visitors to specify their re uirements by type, preferred fuel, capacity and/or towing limits to narrow the range down to a number of options. There is also now more downloadable content with product datasheets, operator manuals and servicing and technical videos which can be easily viewed and saved. For dealers, there are improved resources available to provide support and boost product marketing. The new site is also fully mobile/tablet friendly.


14/12/2021 12:00

Stanley Chainsaw Advert 186 x 118mm.pdf
















Advert template.indd 7

PETROL GARDEN TOOL RANGE Every STANLEY® Tool is created to help you work better, smarter & faster. From the trimmer that lets you cut grass accurately, to the chainsaw with low weight and low emissions we create tools that help you to be the best. The new engine line delivers more power with much less fuel consumption and a much cleaner combustion. Due to the new and patented JetForce3 engine on the new STANLEY® range.

14/12/2021 10:01




here may be more vehicles being towed on the road in the future due to a law change. Drivers who took their test after 1 January 1997 will now be able to tow a trailer of up to 3,500kg Maximum Allowable Mass (MAM) without taking an additional test. It is expected the change will be introduced before the end of 2021 to free up more space for HGV tests. This should in turn mean more lorry drivers and so a reduction of the country’s supply chain pro lems Many arborists will be towing a sub-750kg wood chipper and so the law change will not apply. But some who tow larger machines may now be able to do so without a test. Timberwolf wants all towing arborists to be as knowledgeable and safety conscious as possible, so check out the following 10 tips.


Take training The DVSA is understood to be developing a voluntary training scheme; however, if new to towing or you want to learn more, there are already many towing courses available.


Inspect before towing on the road Inspect the wood chipper and trailer thoroughly and include lights, indicators, tyres and the overall condition of the trailer or chassis. The hitch, jockey wheel, breakaway cable, and any ramps and latches should work well, be properly maintained, and be securely stowed before towing. Also, ensure the correct number plate is securely attached and visible.


Be aware of weights Whilst you will be able to tow up to 3,500kg MAM, you will need to check the towing limits of your vehicle. This can be found on the chassis plate, in the vehicle handbook, and on the V5C registration document.


Ensure strong connections Wood chippers and trailers over 750kg need their own over-run brakes and a breakaway cable, so ensure these

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Top ten tips Timberwolf.indd 32



are functioning well. In trailers and wood chippers below 750kg without over-run brakes, a securing cable or chain must e fitted and looped over the tow ball of the vehicle, and check the tow hitch is firmly latched into the hitch fitting Ma e sure you now how your particular towing set up works and that all latches and fastenings are in good condition and secure and that the jockey wheel is lifted and stowed securely.


Reverse tracked wood chippers onto the trailer Make sure the feed funnel is pointed towards the rear to create less wind resistance during towing for a more stable drive and better fuel economy.


Watch your speed Speed limits up to 50mph apply as for cars, but in 60mph zones, the limit when towing is 50mph and in 70mph zones the limit is mph Towing affects stopping distance, so give yourself and others plenty of space.


Avoid the third lane On carriageways with three or more lanes, such as motorways, you are prohibited from using outer most lane if towing.


Watch out for speed bumps In ur an areas, watch out for traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, trailed equipment can be damaged or become unstable if you go over these too fast.


Be wary of overtaking If you need to overtake, be aware of the weight and length of the wood chipper or trailer you are towing. This could significantly reduce your vehicle’s acceleration and you will need more space. Plan your manoeuvres ahead and drive smoothly to avoid instability.


Unload onto level ground if possible nload the wood chipper on a firm, level surface if possible. Road tow wood chippers can remain attached to the towing vehicle when in use. Should the wood chipper need to be positioned away from the towing vehicle, apply the handbrake or wheel chocks and lower the oc ey wheel to ta e the weight off the towing vehicle. On a slope, apply the handbrake on the trailer and place chocks under the wheels of both the trailer and towing vehicle. Once unloaded, ensure these extra safety measures are removed prior to moving off


14/12/2021 11:50





Outwear Outwear distributes a number of premium and exclusive brands from across Europe and suited to the outdoors, whether for working or leisure. These include the Woolpower, Crispi, Sasta, Pfanner and Protos. Crispi’s Forst GTX boots from Italy are strong and supportive while being lightweight and comfortable and have proven to be a massive success among the arborist community. Outwear has regularly experienced sell-outs and has had a waiting list in place. The boots, which are made of Gore-Tex and Vibram, feature Class 2 chainsaw protection and they weigh under 1kg – size 9, for example, weigh 930g. Sizes range from 5.5 to 12.

Stihl tihl has updated its safety oots, which now offer improved comfort The boots are breathable and protect those working outdoors, although are not suited to chainsaw use. They offer an updated steel toe to comply with the safety standard of footwear EN ISO 20345:2011, with additional features such as anti-static protection, puncture protection, oil, fuel and water resistance, energy absorption in the heel and mid heel penetration resistance. They also have additional ankle support, a replaceable insole and steel cap protection that can resist a 200-joule impact, assuring the user's safety while operating e uipment In addition, they now have re ective material and strips on both sides, enabling greater visibility when working. The boots also provide excellent grip on uneven soils and a rough profile sole, allowing easy completion of outdoor jobs – sizes range from 5.5 to 13.


Boots.indd 33

Haix Founded over 70 years ago, Haix is a specialist in arboriculture, forestry and outdoor work, and continues to manufacture all its footwear in Europe. Its range for arborists is focused on the Protector Forest 2.1 and the Protector Ultra 2.0. The Protector Forest 2.1 provides Class 2 cut protection. This ensures those operating chainsaws and cutting tools up to 24m/s can be assured of safety when undertaking felling and clearing tasks. The protective toe cap provides added defence from stubs and falling objects. The boot has a Gore-Tex performance inner lining that is waterproof, abrasion-proof and breathable, to provide enhanced climate comfort in all weather conditions. The Vibram/PU sole offers a sure grip when the ground is slippery, while ensuring strong impact absorption and allowing correct heel-to-toe movement. The Protector Ultra 2.0 is designed with waterproof and breathable Gore-Tex materials and a highly stable Vibram sole. The boots supply wearers with exceptional grip in all weathers, including when it is freezing. They also provide the security of Class 2 cut protection, while a closefitting sleeve encases the foot to prevent sawdust and dirt entering the oot and to avoid any chafing

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14/12/2021 11:21



Vallore V|OAK automatic chainsaw sharpener Swiss precision tool specialists Vallore’s automated chainsaw sharpener aims to save working time and boost chain longevity. It reduces the time spent on manually sharpening a chainsaw from 15 minutes to one minute – this equates to a saving of £7,450 a year, when sharpening 40 chainsaws a week. The sharpener is eing mar eted as a first of its ind and a revolutionary product, which is specifically designed by technicians in workshops. Neil Thomas, commercial manager, Carr’s Billington Safety, says: The O is a cost effective, highly efficient tool for the essential task of chainsaw sharpening. We have demo units available for workshops to trial for two weeks, without any obligation, and you will be providing full training. "The compact unit only takes 10 minutes to programme, however, as with all new technology, operatives of the machine will need time to familiarise with the settings. But, in essence, customers can start to see a significant return on their investment after si months of using the V|OAK.” He points out that the V|OAK costs £3,800 however, when the operative time is taken into account, the savings become apparent. In addition, customers will enefit from increased consistency, with chains lasting longer as there are no sparks or heat created by the machine, unlike those when using a grinding wheel. The training supplied shows how to program the machine, which involves selecting the chain that needs sharpening, the sharpening angle required and adjustments to the settings suitable for the specific chain, including the sharpening pressure and file diameter Once set up is complete, the machine gets to work and throughout the sharpening process it indicates the number of links remaining and allows the user to adjust the sharpening pressure.

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carr billin 's gton

Jameson Tree Trimming Pole Kits Jameson Tree Trimming Pole Kits are aimed at arborists, landscapers and telecommunication line workers. ameson made its first fi erglass pole in 1956 and the tool rapidly became a favourite with professionals There is an e tensive line of poles BL Series in the range which can be suited to a number of tree care tasks as well as line clearance and ariel construction and Carr’s Billington Safety has 10 complete kits available, comprising poles and accessories, including: • JE Series – non-conductive composite ferrules enhance dielectric strength from top-to-bottom, improving user safety while performing tree trimming and line-clearance around overhead utility lines. Each pole is individually JEC Series tested to foot for five minutes The foam core protects against moisture and debris. • JEC-Series Foam Core CompositLock Poles, Pole Saw 1.75” Big Mouth Pruner Kit. • JEC-Series Foam Core CompositLock™ Poles, Pole Saw 1.25” Pruner Kit. eries these are atch tested to foot for five minutes, highly durable and lightweight. • BL-Series Lightweight Hollow Core Tree Trimming Kits. • BLC-Series Hollow Core CompositLock Tree Trimming Kit. • LS Series – these poles have not been LS Series dielectric tested and are suitable for light duty landscaping by professionals and homeowners. • LS-Series Hollow Core Landscaping Tree Trimming Kits – three kits to choose from.


14/12/2021 15:55







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UK distributor of TREE-JACK. Tested by FISA for safe felling of trees with Ash dieback

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14/12/2021 10:07




e m im r t e g d he




Makita’s piece of Eden

Stihl has updated its HSA 94 R and HSA 94 T hedge trimmers, which now offer professional users reduced vi ration and sound levels, in addition to a new EC motor and the ability to connect to Stihl's new Smart Connector 2 A. The new EC motor features embedded magnets, leading to improved durability. This also has an automatic motor rotation reversal feature, meaning the blades can be released if they become jammed, preventing blade damage and downtime. The HSA 94 R delivers a lower blade speed for cutting thicker growth and managing tougher hedges, while the HSA 94 T offers a faster lade speed more suited to trimming ornamental hedges neatly and efficiently to leave a tidy finish oth tools feature three blade speed settings; up to 3,200rpm on the R version and 5,000rpm on the T version. The hedge trimmers also provide high levels of operator comfort, as both models include rotating multi-function control handles for side and top cutting that are quick and easy to adjust, allowing for improved user comfort and reduced wrist strain when working for long durations. With a low weight of 3.9kg for the T version and 4.1kg for the R version, the hedge trimmer is well balanced, allowing for easy handling and operation. In addition, both hedge trimmers have a loop handle with an inner switch that prevents one handed operation and improves safety levels. Stihl's AP batteries and AR backpack batteries can power both tools, and both trimmers will be ready for use with Stihl's Smart Connector 2 A, plugging directly into the machine's control unit where data can be transmitted to any smartphone or ta let within range via luetooth More information on Stihl’s Smart Connector 2 A coming soon.

Makita’s range of cordless tools are in use at the Eden Project for maintenance and development on a site that has high environmental standards. The Eden Project, an educational charity and visitor attraction, is well known for its bubble-like Mediterranean biome and rainforest biome that house many exotic plants and trees. As well as the biomes, the Eden Project team maintains over 20 acres of outdoor gardens and over 140 acres of nursery grounds, parking areas, woodlands and wild ower fields According to Robin Lock, head of living landscapes at the Eden Project: “We’re dedicated to using sustainable methods, which is why we wanted to update our tool kit with more environmentally friendly alternatives. With Makita’s expertise and wide range of high-quality machinery and construction tools, we are able to complete day-to-day maintenance tas s in a safer, uieter and more efficient way “With battery-powered machines there’s no need for the team to transport petrol around site and no emissions are produced, which is key. What’s more, the machines also produce lower vibration levels so the team can comfortably and safely use the machines daily and for extended periods. With no fuel or power leads to worry about, the machines can also be used when visitors are on site – and the low noise levels mean disruption is kept to a minimum.” The tools include Makita’s DUH601RT LXT 18V hedge trimmer to ensure the hundreds of metres of hedge remain neatly trimmed back. The model features a five position rotating rear handle so operators can easily adjust the angle of the machine to make the work easier and safer. It also includes Makita’s triple-edged asymmetric blade design. In addition, both top and bottom blades have sharpened edges and the whole system is double reciprocating to reduce vibration.

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14/12/2021 11:40



HAS LANDED THIS TOP-HANDLE BATTERY-POWERED CHAINSAW IS BEST IN CLASS – AN INDUSTRY FIRST FOR THE BRAND Advanced battery with long run times The lightweight, reduced profile h attery allows up to cuts on a single charge The chainsaw is powered y O’s rc ithium battery technology and the tool’s brushless motor is quiet, smooth and free of emissions. With a fast charger (included with the kit), operators can rely on equipment being ready when they are.



Lightweight and ergonomic design • Improves safety when working at height and a unique chain-brake system combines mechanical and electronic technology to reduce risk of injury in the event of kickback.

Petrol-beating performance The chainsaw the first top handle from O offers a com ination of power, torque and chain speed. It was developed in conjunction with arborists and can be used in demanding weather conditions and environments. It is designed for professional users only and features a 30cm blade and 20m/s chains speed.

Improved usability • It features indicators for battery and oil levels which alert users when a re-charge or top-up is required. The chainsaw’s battery is also mounted on the accompanying holster, rather than on the tool itself. Ta ing weight off the tool, this improves ergonomics and optimises its power-to-weight ratio for reliable and safe performance, without the need for additional cords, with the power cable integrated directly into the safety strop.


Product DNA Ego.indd 37


PROFESSIONAL-X TOP HANDLE CHAINSAW Available as bare tool or kit • The chainsaw is available as a bare tool (RRP £429) and as a kit, complete with 4Ah battery and fast charger (RRP £599). For more information, visit

Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022 37

14/12/2021 11:48




f you primarily think of Kärcher as being a provider of pressure washers, then it’s time to think again. The family company that was established more than 80 years ago launched a range aimed at the professional sector earlier this year and has been establishing a UK dealer network to offer sales and servicing The Kärcher Outdoor Power Equipment range allows professionals to work ergonomically and comfortably with low noise and zero emissions – it is also versatile as the batteries can be switched to other products as required. The range features a chainsaw, hedge-trimmer, leaf blower and leaf blower backpack, brush cutter, multi-tool, lawnmower, pole hedge trimmer and a pole chainsaw. All products use the Kärcher Battery Universe system which not only works across the professional landscape range, but also the battery-powered cleaning products from the manufacturer enefits include a waterproof battery pack and a real time LC-display of charge level, remaining running and charge times,


device temperature and battery health. It also features an automatic storage mode, which protects the battery while it is being stored. Meanwhile, the temperature management system means that cell warming is reduced so that the battery does not need to switch off during exacting tasks. The battery cover is also made from polyamide which offers shoc resistance and mechanical robustness.

HT 650/36 Bp hedge trimmer ore benefits of the products particularly suited to the arb sector include Chainsaw CS 400/36 Bp Suited to clearing storm damage, small forestry tasks or jobs in parks and inner-city areas. The chainsaw is well balanced and has minimal vibration along with no exhaust fumes and low operating and maintenance costs. RRP: £299.99

CS 400/36 Bp battery chainsaw

LB 930/36 Bp leaf blower Leaf Blower LB 930/36 Bp Clears leaves and debris at speed, including in hard-to-reach areas. Well suited to use in locations that are noise sensitive. RRP: £249.99 Leaf Blower LB 1060/36 Bp This backpack leaf blower is the most powerful and quietest machine in its class. Suited to wearing for extended periods, the spring-loaded blower has practically no vibration. With a high air speed and throughput, it is ideal for clearing loud areas. RRP: £399.99 Hedge Trimmer HT 650/36 Bp Features a laser-cut, two-sided, diamondground blade, this light tool is handy for shaping and cutting back hedges and bushes and includes a dual cutting speed and anti-lock braking system. A rotatable grip means both side of a hedge can be cut to minimise joint strain. RRP: £299.99

38 Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

Karcher.indd 38


14/12/2021 13:11


focus on


MT HT 550/36 pole Brush Cutter BCU 260/36 Bp hedge trimmer attachment A convenient and simple to operate tool to tackle stubborn vegetation and with an individually adjustable ergonomic two-hand grip. It can also operate as a lawn trimmer with the appropriate accessories. Multi-tool MT HT 550/36 £292.99 An interchangeable attachment for the MT 36 Bp battery powered multi tool. This pole hedge Multi-tool CS 250/36 trimmer provides accurate results for tall hedges This interchangeable attachment is used and can also be used close to the ground. with the MT 36 multi tool to become a pole£184.99 mounted pruner with compact design and providing safe and precise tree care, including Multi-tool MT 36 Bp in hard-to-reach areas. This drive unit can have a number MT CS 250/36 £156.99 of different ends mounted onto it, pole-mounted pruners from pole hedge trimmers to pole pruners, allowing a variety of tasks from one machine. £220.99


Karcher.indd 39

LT 380/36 Bp batterypowered lawn trimmer

BCU 260/36 Bp strimmer

BB 1060/36 Bp backpack leaf blower

Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022 39

14/12/2021 13:12




here’s no doubt that music can boost your mood and an academic study even found that playing a fast tempo track can boost productivity. But, whether its news, sport or music playing which appeals, Makita’s new radios are well suited to being used outdoors and in challenging conditions. What is more, advanced battery technology also means that batteries can be used in the radio and other compatible tools for ease and efficiency further advance is the M can e used to charge Makita’s LXT and CXT batteries for added on site capability.

MR007GZ02 DAB/DAB+ Job Site Radio This model is the first in Ma ita’s line up to offer attery charging, when powered y the mains using an adaptor It provides dual power functionality and professionals can simply switch batteries to power their tools and accessories on site, as well as keeping batteries charged across the working day to ma imise effectiveness The M can also wirelessly connect to mobile devices within a range of metres via luetooth and it features two USB output ports for charging mobile phones. To ensure that it can withstand harsh conditions when being used outdoors, the M is dust and shower proof and is I rated It has een designed with elastomer umpers and metal pipes for added durability. The swivel mount, soft bend antenna also minimises breakage and damage. hen powered using a h T attery, the M will run for over hours and so play all day long. For those wanting refreshment, whether back at home or if they are still on site, this model also comes with a uilt in ottle opener

40 Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

Makita radio.indd 40

DMR301 Bluetooth DAB/DAB+ Job Site Radio This model is the first in Ma ita’s line up to offer battery charging, when powered by the mains using an adaptor It provides dual power functionality and professionals can simply switch batteries to power their tools and accessories on site, as well as keeping batteries charged across the wor ing day to ma imise effectiveness The M can also wirelessly connect to mo ile devices within a range of metres via luetooth and it features two USB output ports for charging mobile phones. To ensure that it can withstand harsh conditions when being used outdoors, the M is dust and shower proof and is I rated It has been designed with elastomer bumpers and metal pipes for added durability. The swivel mount, soft bend antenna also minimises breakage and damage. hen powered using a h T attery, the M will run for over hours and so play all day long. For those wanting refreshment, whether back at home or if they are still on site, this model also comes with a uilt in bottle opener. o d out more isit ma itau com


14/12/2021 14:40

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Waste Carrier Licences:



ore arborists are reporting that they are being asked to show their waste carrier licences when taking woodchip, off cuts and shavings as well as other wor related y products to their local tip ome have even found that if they do not produce their licence, then they are turned away and so are una le to dump their waste This is part of a drive eing encouraged y the nvironment gency and local authorities, to ensure that companies follow the rules on waste disposal Overall, an increasingly tough line is eing ta en on environment matters, such as on y tipping, where more prosecutions are eing rought, along with naming and shaming the guilty necdotally, it’s nown that some in the tree wor sector have, to date, simply not othered to register for a aste arriers icence erhaps they are a long esta lished firm and failed to notice that the regulations changed in 2014, making registration a necessity. Others, if they are as ed at their local authority tip for


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Waste Carriers.indd 42

their licence, may simply claim to have left it at home ou may have got away with this in the past, ut the chances are you won’t now o, is it worth it when you could ris a fine

Anyone who transports waste of any kind is legally required to register as a waste carrier – even if it is only small amounts and is a natural product Who needs a waste carrier licence? nyone who transports waste of any ind is legally re uired to register as a waste carrier even if it is only small amounts and is a natural product r orists fit into the ower Tier’ category of waste carriers and there is no charge for their licence Meanwhile the pper Tier’ category refers to uilding and demolition waste, which is more ha ardous, and re uires a licence fee of to e paid The pper Tier licence needs to e renewed every three years, at a cost of , while the ower Tier licence does not need to be renewed. If you fail to register for a licence, the nvironment gency can levy fines up to ,

which is more likely to be aimed at those transporting ha ardous waste, ut any fine will e unwelcome news and would show your usiness lac s professionalism urther, should you e involved in an accident, your insurer may chec that you hold a licence at worst, your insurance could then e invalidated if you do not ower Tier licences ta e only a few minutes to apply for online and once you are sucesssfully registered, your usiness appears on the pu lic register This is good news for those tendering for contracts as clients may want to chec you are compliant and a local authority will almost certainly want to ensure your company is registered ven domestic clients may want to now where you are ta ing the waste following the completion of wor , and if you can confirm that it will e properly recycled Once you are registered, you are assigned a waste carrier licence num er that can e searched for on the nvironment gency’s search waste carriers’ directory growing num er of ar orists also now provide details of their aste arrier icence on their we sites it is a ust one part of showing that you are running a usiness that ta es its responsi ilities seriously in terms of dealing waste products if you are not registered, then put this on your do list’ and you’ll e stic ing to the rules ind out more at


14/12/2021 11:54





any ar orist firms are finding it tough to ring on new team mem ers as they see to cope with ooming wor levels hereas having a good reputation and word of mouth was once enough to lead to a steady stream of applicants, now, far more effort and often investment is needed If your company has vacancies, then the chances are your rivals will too o, for the est candidates, they can afford to e choosy as it’s a uyer’s mar et s an employer, you need to stand out from the crowd There are no uic fi es as if you fail to deliver, then new recruits won’t stay and your reputation will suffer ou may need to ta e a root and ranch approach to what you currently offer ome tried and tested measures to oost recruitment include

e ie

hat s o offer

It can be challenging to deal with labour shortages, particularly if you’ve previously had no problems in bringing new people on board. But, employers are needing to raise their game – you may need to check what others provide and see where you can improve on these. Clearly, this will need to be a longer term strategy and raising pay should not be the sole factor – employees also want to feel valued in other ways. his can include through benefits and being given the opportunity to have their say, such as in regular meetings where they can put forward ideas as well as bonding at company social events. These do not need to be costly – an early breakfast or curry night can make people feel appreciated. Employers also need to be honest with themselves – so take an objective view and ask yourself why someone would want to work for you. It could be you need to eat some humble pie if you can see weaknesses in the current job proposition and also be more exible. his could include, for example, allowing some part-time working or to ensure those with ability have a clear path to promotion.

Build your brand

You may be already be highly professional in what you do, but looking the part also matters. Strong branding on company vehicles and smart staff uniforms may already be in place, but if not, they can get you noticed, as can actions such as sponsoring a local sports team or charity event. This can also be an area where having positive reviews from customers are important – those considering a change of employer are likely to take these into account.


Recruitment Strategy.indd 43

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14/12/2021 12:15


Set up a staff referral scheme

Some companies offer a bonus if an existing employee recommends someone new. This can work well, but be aware, there can also be a downside. If an employee recommends a friend, there can be ill-feeling if you choose not to take them on or if the appointment fails to work out. As the manager in charge, you should always ensure there is some separation so that you can make di cult decisions if re uired.

Allow candidates to apply directly via your website Link up with local colleges

Local colleges will be keen to form relationships with quality employers. This could be to talk about apprenticeships or opportunities for work experience. Such connections could work on both sides as while tutors may be able to put forward candidates, you may also choose to use their courses for ongoing training.

Prospective employees may well check out the company website of any business they plan to apply to. So, this should act as a reminder to ensure your company’s website is an excellent ‘shop window’ and that you have a dedicated page that says what vacancies exist, explaining what you offer in terms of training, prospects and benefits and inviting them to submit their CVs via a direct link.

Use social media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn can all help with your ‘we’re hiring’ message. Have clear posts saying what ob is on offer and any relevant information about your business. If your team members regularly use Instagram, for example, and show off the firm in a good light, then you can point candidates to this and also make reference to positive factors such as the variety of work and company culture. Make sure your company logo is used and you are likely to gain a better hit rate if you post details about jobs individually.


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Refresh your interview process

You may previously have conducted quick interviews and gone, at least in part, on gut instinct. However, allowing more time could ensure you can better explain what’s on offer, have more time for questions and convince good candidates to join. You may want to ensure a senior member of your team is part of the interview process and this can be particularly helpful if they are someone who has been promoted internally and can talk about opportunities.

Look after your subbies

Sub-contracted staff may be being called on more if you have permanent vacancies. Your customers may well not see any differentiation in terms of their status, they will simply be representing your company. But, do you offer them training if they work for you regularly, do you allow them to borrow PPE if necessary and also ensure they feel part of the team? They may be self-employed, but some may be interested in a permanent role if it’s a great offer and they know you have high standards as an employer.

Take advice if needed

Running a business does not make you an HR expert. However, you may find it helpful to take some advice on recruitment processes such as job descriptions, inductions and appraisals. You may want to talk to local consultants that specialise in working with SMEs to see if they can work with your firm, either on a permanent or an ad hoc basis. Having a relationship could not only help with recruitment matters, but also other issues such as holidays, disciplinary issues and setting up an improved benefits package.


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14/12/2021 12:12


Apprenticeships –



training provider needs to take an individual’s prior learning into account when calculating the price of an apprenticeship – and this also has implications for the ar orist who offers them employment. Funding rules surrounding apprenticeships are confusing – the guidelines run to a 122-pages – but there is one underpinning rule. That is, to ensure public funds are spent appropriately and this rule concerns the Total Negotiated Price (TNP) for an apprenticeship. Each apprenticeship falls within one of several funding bands from £2,500 to £27,000. This is the maximum amount that the ESFA will provide for an apprenticeship delivery. A training provider has the right to charge more, but the employer must make up the difference etween the funding and ma imum and the TNP. This could occur when an arb employer requests that their apprentice also completes additional training; a rigging course, for example. The price of this can be added to the TNP but would not be funded by the ESFA. A training provider can also charge less than the funding band maximum, and would be expected to do so, when an apprentice already exhibits relevant recognised prior learning. During the apprenticeship sign-up process, the training provider will interview the applicant

and complete, among other things, a Skills Scan. This is to understand what level the applicant is already at, with regard to the knowledge, skills and behaviours required of the apprenticeship. This step is a two-way discussion as we find that individuals will either lac confidence in their current a ilities and

A training provider needs to take an individual’s prior learning into account when calculating the price of an apprenticeship under-estimate their level, or the opposite. Whatever the outcome, unless the applicant has no prior experience or relevant skills, there will almost certainly be a reduction in the TNP. One way of assessing the level of prior attainment is to use previously achieved certificates of competence o If an applicant already holds their chainsaw cross cutting and maintenance o , the T is reduced as this ticket is a funded part of the

arborist apprenticeship and would not need delivering within the programme. A levy employer taking on an apprentice that will complete the Level 2 Arborist apprenticeship could save a few hundred pounds on the £15,000 maximum funding allowed, due to the outcome from the Skills Scan and prior learning. For non-levy employers, the picture is slightly different, although there are still savings to be made. Non-levy employers (the bulk of the arboriculture industry) would enter into a co-investment model of funding. Here, the Government pays 95% of the TNP, with the employer being invoiced for the remaining 5%. Although, if the employer takes on an apprentice aged 16-18, even that 5% is waived as the Government pays the whole cost. Non-levy employers that need to pay the 5% will only enefit from of the savings made in the TNP, which may only amount to a few tens of pounds. Nonetheless, there are savings to be had. Whether you are a levy payer who pays the full amount of the TNP, or a non-levy payer employing a 19+ apprentice and just paying the 5% co-investment, you can discuss the price with your apprenticeship training provider. They should be able to justify, and itemise, the charge of each apprenticeship component. t ingston Maurward ollege, we include the results of the Skills Scan and the itemised charge within the ommitment tatement that the employer, the apprentice and we, sign. This way, the employers we work with are clear a out charges and our ustification for them Dee Vickers is head of apprenticeships at Kingston Maurward College, Dorset. She used to run arborist apprenticeships at a previous college and provided forestry and arboriculture training and assessment services via her training company. Dee is also on the apprenticeship trailblazer sub-group for arboriculture.


Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

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14/12/2021 11:28





any arborists continue to report welcome surging levels of business, including with storm clear up work. But, there is another highly unwelcome surge that is affecting the country and is imposing work restrictions – the new Omicron variant of COVID-19. Currently, there is a race to try and ensure everyone over 18 has access to a booster a , with healthcare staff eing diverted from other areas of the NHS to enable this. More restrictions are on the cards and those who are able to do so have been told to work from home. In addition, many are now more cautious about going out for meals and entertainment. But, as an employer in a sector that is largely engaged in outdoor work are you li ely to e affected and will Omicron have any impact on your business? It seems that the more which can be done to slow down the progress of Omicron, the better. If your staff can stay healthy and you show customers you are taking the threat seriously, will also engender confidence in your firm Measures to consider include:

Allow your people to be vaccinated responsi le employer will encourage their staff to get their jabs – this protects them against more serious disease and provides reassurance to colleagues and customers. There is currently


Covid.indd 47

pressure on booking online appointments so if team members wish to attend walk-in centres, they should be allowed to do this. Have a ready supply of masks and sanitiser Make sure you have an abundance of masks and sanitiser available for all. Although many have their own, some may forget, particularly if they have changed their PPE or left for work early in the morning. Make sure masks and sanitiser are kept in shared transport and when talking to colleagues and customers. Take additional care outdoors COVID-19 is seen as far more transmissible when indoors, however Omicron appears to be spreading fast and it is bypassing those who have had the usual two vaccinations. Taking more effort to e distanced and wearing mas s should become the norm. As an employer you may be able to have team members in the same groupings that may provide extra protection, as can staggering break times. Increase ventilation if indoors and clean more frequently Keep windows open if meeting indoors or consider holding meetings outdoors if this is possible. You should also clean more frequently and this includes inside vehicles as well as ensuring PPE is cleaned along with all equipment and tools.

Test if you can Presently, there are severe shortages of lateral ow tests that can e ordered online, which means is creating difficulties for those who want to test themselves regularly. You can check via the NHS test and trace site where test kits are available, such as from local pharmacies. Anyone who does test positive must self-isolate as should their contacts for 10 days. Reduce contact and socialising No one wants to be prevented from going out and attending social events, but in the current situation, you may want to remind employees we face many unknowns. It could be that this variant is less severe than the previous Delta variant, and although highly infectious, there will be limited harm. However, if this is not the case and vast numbers end up in hospital, then the repercussions of this could be severe. Another highly damaging lockdown is the last thing anyone wants and it appears this is unlikely. However, this new variant does appear alarming which is why everyone is expected to do their bit. Fortunately, arborists are well used to ensuring safety is the absolute priority. This new variant – and any others that come in the future – needs to be managed and so now is the time to do everything in your power to protect your people.

Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022 47

14/12/2021 16:03


For full details on all jobs, please go to

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Fresh Horticultural Careers’ client seeks a team-leading arborist. You must have excellent timekeeping skills and work to a high standard. ased in sher, urrey, the client offers domestic and commercial wor It operates in Surrey, South London and Reading. Duties include felling, planting and pruning. Applicants must have experience with MEWPs, tracked chippers and tracked stump grinders.

Distinct Landscapes is looking for a fully skilled landscape gardener. It constructs gardens for mainly private home owners in and around Walton-on-Thames. Applicants should have a minimum of 10 years’ experience, a full clean UK driving license and their own transport, be able to understand and set out designs and plans, and be passionate about landscaping. The company is also looking for labourers.

For more details, please go to

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S&D LANDSCAPES LTD Location: Yorkshire

The candidate would be responsible for grounds maintenance operations. This includes managing service delivery, pricing, expanding the service and client base and helping with management of health and safety compliance. Applicants should have industry experience and experience managing multiple teams. They should have organisation and planning skills and strong attention to detail.


TILHILL Location: Kent

Tilhill specialises in woodland creation and management, timber harvesting and buying, and landscaping. It has vacancies for a senior contracts manager and a contracts manager, who will be responsible for delivering a high-quality soft and hard landscaping contracting service.

For more details, please go to

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Reporting to assistant operations manager, you will work alongside and supervising operatives on new sites providing grass cutting, strimming, shrub and border maintenance, hedge cutting and more. The candidate must ensure tasks are completed to the required standard and machinery is in good order and properly used.

The successful candidate will be responsible for building relationships with customers and generating new ones. They will process orders and identify the right product for the customer’s needs. They will also analyse the market by tracking sales, highlighting customer needs, as well as potential for new products and services.

For more details, please go to

For more details, please go to




GERALD DAVIES LTD Location: Nationwide, Glamorgan

Opportunity for a manager who is passionate about the industry and wants a career with an award-winning commercial landscape contractor. Having been established for 37 years, the company operates in the landscape and environmental sector. It is looking for an experienced project manager to deliver commercial hard and soft landscape contracts ualifications are not essential ut would e of advantage For more details, please go to


Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

Hort Careers.indd 48


THE GARDEN COMPANY LTD Location: Hertfordshire

The role includes preparing and progressing estimates for residential and commercial landscaping schemes They will manage profit and loss for projects and source hard landscaping materials and plants. egree level ualification plus five years’ e perience is re uired For more details, please go to


14/12/2021 15:53

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14/12/2021 10:18


little interviews What’s your current role and what does it involve? I’m owner of a tree care business, which involves the day-to-day running of the business as well as still being on site and climbing. What’s the best part of your job? My favourite part is pruning or removing deadwood in mature trees – particularly when working at historic sites where it’s an honour to climb and look after amazing specimens.


What are your thoughts on the arborist sector – does it need to be better promoted as a career option? efinitely, ut it needs promoting as a professional and an intelligent career choice. Too many people think that anyone can cut trees, but in order to be a skilful operator and understand about tree biology, it takes a lot of mental and physical ability. If this was

What’s your current role and what does it involve? I’m national sales manager, which means to be on hand to help any GreenMech dealer or customer with their needs and communicate these accordingly. What’s the best part of your job? It’s meeting different people and going to different places, understanding their needs and overcoming issues. A glass of wine after work is a close second!



Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022

little interviews.indd 50

What are your thoughts on the arborist sector – does it need to be better promoted as a career option? The ar sector has many different aspects of work, so is a broad church and should be promoted as a worthy career option with ualifications availa le at many levels Tree people’ should be promoted in the same

seen as a professional job, then everything would increase as a result – skill level of employees, pay from customers and wages. Do you have a favourite outdoor space? My local beach – funnily enough where there are no trees. Are you ‘greener’ than you used to be? If so, how? Most businesses seem to be making a conscious effort to reduce unnecessary waste and their carbon footprint. As a tree care business owner, there are obvious areas that we can’t avoid, but I’ve always had a conscious mind to reduce waste where possible and update machinery for those that are more fuel economic. What three words sum you up? Hard working, passionate and light-hearted.

manner as orgi’ plum ers or other s illed, accredited trades. Do you have a favourite outdoor space? Recently, Bradgate Park near Leicester has become my favourite – it is a fantastic parkland and deer ark with history, ruins, views and trees. Following that, it would be the beer garden at Hall roft Tap! Are you ‘greener’ than you used to be? If so, how? I have always tried to e green’ with recycling, etc., but I do drive a lot and I am also partial to a foreign holiday – neither of which would get a thumbs up from Greta. What three words sum you up? Happy, helpful and honest.


14/12/2021 14:03


What’s your current role and what does it involve? I’ve been at Makita for over 25 years, and have progressed from area sales manager to my current role as business development manager for outdoor power equipment (OPE). My main focus is developing Makita’s OPE range and identifying new market opportunities, whilst establishing and building relationships with new and existing customers. What’s the best part of your job? It has to be speaking to customers about Makita’s product range and helping professionals to make sure that they always have the right tool for the job.



What are your thoughts on the arborist sector – does it need to be better promoted as a career option? The industry should do more to specifically advocate the completion of professional

training and safety. It is also vital that the industry does more to educate end customers on how to ensure they are employing a professional arborist who can carry out work correctly and safely. Do you have a favourite outdoor space? My top three favourites are Scotland, the Lake District and Northumberland. Are you ‘greener’ than you used to be? If so, how? Most definitely! Over recent years, I’ve swapped out petrol engine machines for Makita cordless garden machinery products that are safer for me and the environment as they emit zero emissions. I also have a hybrid car and where possible, opt for public transport. What three words sum you up? Driven, conscientious and approachable.

What’s your current role and what does it involve? I’m volunteer curator for Plant Heritage and Brighton and Hove City Council. I left the volunteer official status in the city council in order to get more leverage on certain subjects in Dutch Elm Disease control and to avoid going through the bureaucratic procedures to get things done more urgently.

the local authority’s arb team – many of them are now over 50 and we need replacements when they retire.

What’s the best part of your job? I’m involved in maintaining an ‘accession list’ of 1,303 elms for the National Elm Collection, as a permanent record. I’ve had signs erected, appeared on TV, radio and in local papers, and hold meetings for the city council.

Are you ‘greener’ than you used to be? If so, how? I’ve always been green and stride to improve on this by reducing water usage and material waste. I don’t drive but walk almost everywhere, despite some health issues. I improve on this wherever possible. I also support the works of both David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg.

What are your thoughts on the arborist sector – does it need to be better promoted as a career option? The arborist sector here does need more young staff and I’ve had this discussion with

Do you have a favourite outdoor space? My favourite outdoor space is mainly woodland, especially around Stanmer Park – Brighton and Hove’s largest open space parkland.

What three words sum you up? Determined, natural and caring.



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Pro Arb | December 2021/January 2022 51

14/12/2021 14:04



The latest additions to the STIHL AP System are our most powerful yet. The HTA 135 telescopic pole pruner is perfect for removing dead wood, pruning branches and for cutting back fruit trees in noise sensitive areas. And thanks to its reinforced telescopic shaft, you’ll be able to take on any challenge.

“No matter the height of the job, with the HTA 135 I know I can work safely from the ground and prune with precision in any environment. Plus the quiet motor, low-vibration and light weight of the tool makes it a pleasure to work with.” – Marcel Kickert, horticulturist and landscaper


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14/12/2021 10:21

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