Oakton Outlook November 2019

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The start of Oakton’s hockey season and why we should pay more attention

The official newsmagazine of Oakton High School. Find more inside.

all Oakton hockey images (including front cover) courtesy of Sonny Nguonly

CONTENTS courtesy of carolyn v. on unsplash



courtesy of oakton theater Correction: In a story on pg. 12 of our last issue, there was a misprint of Mr. Rupp’s position. He is a Certified Athletic Trainer, not a physician. Thank you Mr. Rupp for all that you do.

The Oakton Outlook is the official school newsmagazine of Oakton High School.

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check us out online: website: oaktonoutlook.com Instagram & Twitter: @oaktonoutlook

An investigative piece by the Editorial Board and contributing staff.

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With grades available online 24-7, students and teachers reveal how SIS affects them. Covered by Isabel Knipping and Shevany Moharir.

An inside look on casting, rehearsals, and costumes for the fall show. Covered by Portia Dai.


What it took for the Nationals to win the Championships, as told by staff writer Jacob Rutzick.

courtesy of amanda vick on unsplash

Fellow students on what they are doing (or not doing) for their Capstone Internship, by Joe Wong.

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An indepth feature on one of this year’s fashion superlative winner, Elaina Howell. A story by Kinsey Clements.

If Instagram’s new like policy is striding towards mental health awareness. Covered by Sara Boddie.

Dear Oakton,

We are so excited to be sharing our second print issue with everyone. From stories on Ryan McElveen leaving office (page 28), the impacts of Facetuning and Photoshopping, and behind-the-scenes of Oakton’s fall play “Wild Oats”, we are featuring a wide variety of current events and student narratives. As this issue falls in the midst of the holiday season we have our own takes of Thanksgiving and Christmas. In effort to indulge in different scopes, narrated is the untold story of child hunger in regards to Thanksgiving (page 21), how other religions celebrate Christmas (page 34), to a review of the new Netflix movie, Let It Snow (page 36). This year, the Outlook is aspiring to reemerge our investigative journalism stories to illuminate the alleys of student culture. So finally, after many class-wide conversations and editor meetings, the editorial board is uncovering the student vaping culture at Oakton. We have all worked hard to get interviews from students, teachers, and administrators to accurately represent the different voices about this controversial topic. Our final product is an investigative editorial on pages 4-9. To honor our platform, we are looking to reach all of the student body. As always, we are accepting written submissions, political cartoons, artwork, and photographs to help fellow students get their voices published as well. We wish everyone a happy holiday season and the rest of December! Stay warm and see you next issue. Best, Emily Bach Sahithi Jammuladaka Ashleigh Tain Editors-in-Chief

illustration by Daniela Reyes

VAPING AT OAKTON courtesy of Martin Saelebakke on Unsplash

5 FEATURE “I vape probably about twice a week with my friends. I was just curious because all of my friends were starting to [vape]. I wish people knew that it’s genuinely not worth it because it’s honestly stupid, and there’s barely anything good about it.” (sophomore, girl) “I vape 4-7 days a week. A lot of my friends were using it, and I thought I would try. I’ve noticed that it helps me calm down and relieve stress.” (senior, girl) “I vape about five times a day, and I mostly do it because of peer pressure. It’s mostly for fun or when people around me are doing it. I really don’t think I am addicted or anything. Honestly, I know so many people in this school that vape, and once you start, it slowly becomes a habit. Once it becomes a habit, giving it up isn’t easy.” (senior, boy) “I vape a couple times a month. I never felt pressured by my friends to do it; I was just curious. Sometimes [I vape] for fun; sometimes I do it as a final source for stress relief. The thing about vaping is it is relatively new, and there is so much that doctors don’t know about it yet. That can be scary to me and plays a major role in the boundaries I set for myself.” (junior, girl) by the oakton outlook editorial board sahithi jammulamadaka payton wozny zoe siamon wendy gao aubrey harrell zoe sauger olivia garrone

“I vape once [a] week or two. I started because my friends did it, and now it’s because of stress from home and school. I don’t think I’m addicted. I know vaping is bad, and I know I shouldn’t do it, but it really helps me relax. I don’t think it’s bad to do every once in a while but it’s not something I want to get addicted to because I know how bad it is.” (freshman, boy)





hile vaping seems to have only gotten popular recently, the first patent for an e-cigarette came out in the 1960s. After many prototypes were made, the first electronic cigarette was made in China, and then was introduced to Europe, and finally, came to the United States in 2006. Since then, many articles were published, listing the supposedly positive effects of vaping, including it being a safer alternative to smoking. Articles claimed that the e-cigarette is rated 100 to 1000 times less dangerous than smoking tobacco cigarettes. This enticed many people to look towards the e-cigarette, and soon, teens became victims too. Over the years, many flavors began to come out for vaping, including fruity and fresh flavors. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, was given permission by former President Barack Obama to regulate the tobacco industry - which included restricting the marketing and flavoring industry. With the easy access the electronic cigarettes, many teens have fallen victim to the enticing and addicting effects of vaping. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has repeatedly advised teens to abstain from vaping, thousands of cases take over the news about the increasing issue of e-cigarettes. With more information about the negative effects of vaping coming out, the Virginia Government has changed the legal minimum age for vaping from 18 to 21 earlier this year. With this law, they hope to make it more difficult for teens to get access to an e-cigarette. A few months ago, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) confirmed that there are around sixteen cases of lung illnesses - which are associated with vaping - in just the state of Virginia. In the United States as a whole, 1,080 lung injury cases associated with the use of an e-cigarette have been reported. The National Institutes of Health have said that the amount of cases of teens vaping has reportedly increased by a little more than 10% from 2017 to 2018, and that the number of kids vaping nicotine has doubled in the past two years.


How significant of an issue is vaping at Oakton? Ms. Landis: This year we’ve seen less [cases] than last year, most likely because the administration is more aware of how to detect vaping and students are more aware of the negative effects. The administration is doing their best to catch up in terms of education as the issues [of vaping] kind of caught them off guard originally. When did you first start seeing this problem? Mr. Grausz: 2 years ago What is the protocol when a teacher finds a student vaping? Mr. Grausz: We are instructed to tell the administration and report the suspect. Ms. Chase-Kang: The security tries to go to all of the bathrooms, and will respond quickly to anything suspicious. Ms. Landis: Officer Estess helps teachers realize what the juuls look like. He sends pictures to the staff about the hottest brands and what they all look like. What steps are being taken to prevent the problem in the future? Ms. Chase-Kang: We utilize the youth survey, and take action based on the numbers and how big of an issue vaping is proven to be at Oakton. As a parent, what precautions do you take? Mr. Grausz: As a parent, trying to prevent kids from vaping, you need to be sharing the real risks and giving them alternatives for when their friends are tempting them. Unfortunately, there is so much nicotine and they’re so much more addictive than cigarettes that just getting angry and punishing the kid might not be enough to get them to stop. How do you determine the consequence of vaping? Ms. Landis: The consequences are clearly outlined in the Students Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R). The students that are caught vaping are required to attend a seminar. The school resource officer, Heather Price, also follows up with students after they’ve been caught vaping.


akton High School is very focused on athletics and academics. Many students are working very hard at practice or in clubs and extracurriculars to succeed; however, there are more than a handful who enjoy hitting a joule. This might just be normal teenage behavior but the effects of vaping can be huge on their athletic and school performance and future health. Vaping has tremendous effects on the body, but they are not all known yet and can be misdiagnosed for other health problems. This confusion leads to many students not realizing the effect vaping truly has on them, so they continue to inhale horrible toxins and damage their respiratory system in ignorance. The most concerning aspect of the vaping epidemic is the potential health effects. “We don’t know what the long term effects will be,” Ms. Paterno-Hardy, Oakton High School’s public health nurse, said. However, the research that has been conducted thus far is concerning. “Studies have shown that especially in youth, it can affect brain development, mood, memory, and impact control. Then there’s the physical damage to your lungs,” said Paterno-Hardy. What is especially alarming is that vaping has been linked to various diseases. According to Yale Medicine, it has caused a new serious lung infection to emerge: E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI). Though the exact cause within e-cigarettes in unknown, vitamin E acetate and THC are the biggest suspects. CDC reports that there have been at least 42 deaths as a result of EVALI in the United States so far. Along with creating a new disease, the vaping epidemic has brought back to the forefront an old one: bronchiolitis obliterans, otherwise known as popcorn lung. According to the American Lung Association, this is caused by diacetyl, a chemical formerly added to popcorn that is now found in cer-

tain e-juice flavors. It causes parts of the lung scar and causes the air passages leading to the lungs to become more narrow, resulting in permanent breathing issues. The respiratory system takes in oxygen from the atmosphere, and uses it to supply organs and tissues in the body and exhales CO2 into the air. When someone puts a foreign substance into their body, such as e-juice, they can develop problems with breathing and taking in the oxygen. The respiratory system plays a key role in creating a strong athlete, especially for endurance sports. In an interview with the athletic trainer at Oakton High School, Mr. Rupp shared, “I have not [caught a student vaping], I know it’s happened.” This is a repeating trend when it comes to vaping. It is widespread and many students take part in it, however they don’t get caught, which leads to only more students inhaling toxic chemicals on the daily. When an athlete is caught, he or she will be suspended from the team for a third of the season, and it will go on the student athlete’s record, practically ruining their chance of being a college athlete. It not only ruins the season for the athlete, but also ruins the relationship between the athlete and the coach, that could potentially make further seasons awkward. After asking twenty anonymous student athletes, almost every single person said they do not experience any problems or effects in their activities that are related to vaping. Although they might not immediately ‘feel’

any effects, that could be because vaping is still so new and there is not enough research to fully understand the full effects of it. Symptoms students should look out for that could hint to a vaping related injury include “coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, acne, eye irritation, intolerance to caffeine with frequent use, seizures with overdose, [and] lung damage,” Paterno-Hardy said. “It is not safer than cigarettes.” Students should figure out the reasons they are drawn to vaping. “If it’s because you think you are under stress or anxiety perhaps seek assistance. There are healthier ways to deal with that before resorting to vape,” said Paterno-Hardy. She explained that teens who vape tend to be more susceptible to future addictive behaviors as well. There are still so many question marks when it comes to the long term effects of vaping. Though the details have yet to be completely revealed, as researchers continue to conduct studies it becomes increasingly clear that vaping in any form is not healthy. Unfortunately, it is an epidemic at Oakton and could be life-threatening for athletes and students who need to maintain a healthy respiratory system in order to prosper. In the words of the athletic trainer Rupp, “[Vaping] is the in thing to do right now, unfortunately.”

If it’s because you think you are under stress or anxiety perhaps seek assistance. There are healthier ways to deal with that before resorting to vape. - Ms. Paterno-Hardy



ince its rapid ascent to popularity in teen culture, vaping has exploded on the adolescent scene and redefined the meaning of recreation for today’s youth. But for many, vaping can be more than just a recreational activity or the occasional puff in the bathroom. It means addiction - a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly prevalent and dangerous for today’s youth. E-cigarettes are more addictive than traditional cigarettes and can contain more nicotine than tobacco products. The following fact illustrates the stark difference and debunks any myths proclaiming that vaping is a safe alternative to smoking: just one Juul pod is equal to the nicotine within 20 cigarettes. Even still, many e-cigarette users are unaware of what it means to be addicted and how it develops. What is an addiction, and what can an addicted user do? The more a user vapes, the more the body becomes accustomed to nicotine, and it becomes increasingly difficult to reach the same “high” feeling created by the first use. When users stop vaping, the nicotine concentration in their bloodstream decreases, causing cravings and physical symptoms that push the user to vape again. After long periods, this cycle of needing more nicotine evolves into an addiction. According to Yale Medicine, adolescents who begin vaping don’t think they will become addicted. However, it is this false belief that encourages experimentation and traps teens in destructive cycles, preventing them from stopping even when they try. Signs of addiction include vaping in amounts more than intended, having a desire to quit but being unable to, and continued use despite awareness of consequences and health risks. For students who think they could be addicted, Oakton High School nurse Ms. Paterno-Hardy says, “Hopefully, you can talk to your parents, and they’ll understand. [Otherwise], talk to an adult. There is a program through FCPS where they have counseling and help. They’re trying to move away from seeing this as punishable - for example, suspending for vaping in the bathroom - and trying to look at it like this is an addiction. We need to get you help.” FCPS further advises students who want to quit to visit their school’s substance abuse prevention specialist (SAPS). Students can contact their school administrators, social workers, counselors, or psychologists for the name of their school’s SAPS. Students can also use Truth Initiative’s free mobile program “This Is Quitting” by texting DITCHJUUL to 88709. The text messaging program uses messages from other teens who have successfully quit e-cigarettes to inspire and motivate addicted users to follow suit. The program also sends evidence-based strategies and tips for quitting and avoiding relapse. It is customized specifically to the user’s age and product usage to tailor recommendations individualized to the program participant. Though difficult to escape once addicted, vaping is not the bottomless hole it’s made out to be, and users who seek help can find it.

I’ve never been addicted, but I know people who have been, and it doesn’t look fun. I’ve seen nicotine addictions put some of the people I care about through some rough times. . . .But for real, don’t vape; a nicotine addiction is awful. Once you get addicted, you don’t even get buzzed anymore.

There is a program through FCPS where they have counseling and help. They’re trying to move away from seeing this as punishable - for example, suspending for vaping in the bathroom - and trying to look at it like this is an addiction. We need to get you help. - Ms. Paterno-Hardy





aping has already been proven to harm a person’s body after prolonged use. However, if a person has already developed an addiction to vaping it can seem impossible to stop, despite being aware of the dangers vaping presents. There are multiple resources available to those suffering from addiction that offer information concerning addiction and nicotine withdrawal. The wide array of possible alternatives and methods to quit vaping is extensive and broad, so only a narrowed down compilation of options will be presented here. Unfortunately, some of these resources are not available to students who are under 18. Please note that the Outlook staff is in no way qualified to offer advice, we are merely presenting our research. Please seek assistance from a trained addiction counselor or physician if you are believe you are struggling with addiction. Nicotine patch Nicotine patches are one of the more common and practical methods to assist in recovering from addiction and withdrawal symptoms. The patch is pretty straightforward, and functions as nicotine replacement therapy. The nicotine patch delivers nicotine through the skin and is beneficial in stopping cravings, as well as making withdrawal symptoms more bearable. Nicotine patches of different brands are available in most stores and pharmacies and require the buyer to be 18 years of age or older. Nicotine free vapes Although there is still much research that still needs to be conducted in regards to the effects of vaping --both nicotine and nicotine-free-- on the body, studies have proven that nicotine-free cigarettes are less likely to cause fewer health risks when compared with vapes that contain nicotine. According to recent studies, nicotine-free vapes are also exceedingly less addictive compared to vapes that contain nicotine, making them an attractive option to many that

are either looking to quit or be more health conscientious. Although nicotine-free vapes are irrefutably the better option when pitted against vapes that contain nicotine and cigarettes, it’s important to note that nicotine-free vapes could still potentially lead to future health risks due to other factors. Other chemicals frequently found in vapes such as propylene glycol and glycerol can cause irritation in a person’s airways and could potentially lead to other consequences science and doctors aren’t yet aware of. Nicotine chewing gum Though some may be skeptical, chewing gum or other similar substances like sunflower seeds and hard candy is legitimately a viable distraction and alternative to vaping. Studies have proven that chewing gum can help reduce the craving to vape or smoke and is especially useful to those going through withdrawal. Any type of gum will suffice, but it’s worth mentioning that nicotine chewing gum specially designed to combat addiction exists. Labeled as a smoking cessation aid, nicotine gum works by providing nicotine to your body to decrease withdrawal symptoms experienced when a person stops smoking or vaping. Multiple brands of nicotine gum exist; the most notable one probably being Nicorette, which has been held in high regards and received high marks from doctors and consumers alike. For more detailed information or additional support, visit teen.smokefree.gov.


OAKTON NEWS VIRGINIA’S NEWFOUND PARTY Virgina broke it’s twenty six year record of being a Republican state - Why? claudia messina | staff writer


For most of United States history, Virginia has been a mainly republican state. This may come as a shock to many residents of suburban northern Virginia, but since it was a southern state during the civil war, many of the more southern residents tend to have a more conservative mindset. Recently, however, Virginia’s democratic vote has outweighed its republican opponents in the state government. A sum total of 1.2 million Virginians casted votes for Democratic state senate candidates on Tuesday, while 892,000 chose Republicans and more than 1.1 million voters supported Democratic candidates for the House of Delegates, while 985,000 chose Republicans, according to the state board of elections. This change in political office was fairly predictable given current events relating to the president, but there are also many other factors that went into

It’s The President One obvious reason for this change, as stated before, is the immoral and impractical behavior of the president. Virginia, specifically northern Virginia, tends to have very modern, logical, and forward opinions when it comes to political and societal issues but throughout his presidency, Trump has proposed several ideas and raised many red flags with

citizens across the country. From his mysterious relation to Russia to his downright rude behavior towards women and policies towards immigrants, Trump has not gained popularity among moderate voters.

Who’s Involved?

Another factor of this change is the people who are voting. Much of Virginia has become severely urbanized, with its major historical cities and vast suburban that surrounds it, Virginia has attracted many immigrants. This diversity leads to a more well rounded public opinion on matters concerning the people and allows for the expansion and deeper understanding of how certain decisions might affect certain groups. Typically, it has been observed that immigrants gravitate towards more democratic candidates because they are believed to have a more immigrant-friendly platform. Although this isn’t always the case, it is still an underlying issue that dictates the votes of many immigrants. The effects of this change won’t become very apparent for several more months, but

What Does This Mean?

when they happen it’ll be a rapid-fire of new policies. Democrats in the state government have ample opportunity for several new gun reform laws, the chance to nearly double Virginia’s minimum wage, and can ground the democratic opinion of many Virginia citizens in the next presidential election. Although the twenty-six-year streak of republican state government has been broken, Virginia is about to face historical reforms, hopefully, all for the better.

courtesy of wikipedia commons


december issue

ok boomer



Addressing a Generational Gap

new catch phrase has become popular. Stemming from TikTok, it has made its way into everyday exchanges, especially those between people of different generations. ‘Ok boomer’ is not a neutral statement as the ‘ok’ might imply. Rather, it is used to lightly (or not so lightly) denounce another person’s perspective as outdated. The baby boomer generation consists of those born between 1946 and 1964, and teens sometimes view these individuals as uncompromising of their old-fashioned values. They can seem stuck in the past, unwilling to embrace the modern society shaped by technology that teens help to define. As U.S. history teacher Mr. Williams points out, many baby boomers actually took part in radical movements in society in their younger days. When their generation was in the limelight, many became hippies, defying standards impressed by older generations. “They were [a] counter-culture movement,” explains Mr. Williams.

To their credit, many boomers are accepting of changes reflected in modern society due to this experience. “I think there’s probably a lot of original boomers that can make this association and that can understand,” says Mr. Williams. “These boomers actually experienced the true or maybe the first time where the younger generation was… challenging the social norms of [the United States].” “I think it’s ironic that you do then have some boomers that don’t understand that we choose to communicate now with technology and don’t embrace that change,” elaborates Mr. Williams. This is what ‘ok boomer’ touches on; an adult might be subject to this comment if they are to act in accordance with the stereotype of a judgemental, old-fashioned boomer questioning modern practices. Importantly, ‘ok boomer’ should not be used to disrespect someone. Mr. Williams sees the popularity of the catch phrase as lending itself to a “teachable moment”. It is very important for all

people to acknowledge the past as well as similar and distinct themes between generations; the practices and values ingrained into daily life in each have varied. They should by no means be recognized as irrelevant or unfounded, especially through the quick comeback of ‘ok boomer’. “I think a lot of times it’s not used maliciously,” Mr. Williams says of the phrase. “Be respectful with it,” he notes. As Mr. Williams also points out, a quote by Muhammad Ali perfectly encompasses the reason for the widespread use of ‘ok boomer’ as well as the frustration sometimes felt by teens who are misunderstood in society by older generations. The quote reads: “the man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life”. It is important to consider a balance between revering the past and embracing current themes, and above all for generations to appreciate wisdom from one another and resist judgement.

haley longfellow | staff writer

12 FLIPPED CLASSROOM: WORTH IT? nour al-kaaby|staff writer

shriya ramanujam|staff writer

The flipped classroom is a modern teaching method that many question when they first stumble upon it. Essentially, a flipped classroom has lots of controversy due to its twist on a regular classroom: instead of taking notes in class, students are assigned to watch videos or podcasts at home with notes on the material.


Students find this beneficial and even claim that their grades have improved from when they learned in a standard classroom environment. Some students and educators argue that the flipped classroom teaches self-discipline and allows students to be more independent with their learning. Ilwat Abdi-Hassan (9) said that the flipped classroom teaching method had a significant impact on her education. “It made me understand the topic more, I feel like flipped classroom explains the material better,” she said. Abdi-Hassan said that a flipped classroom allows her to learn at her


The idea of flipped classroom ‘teaching’ method may seem brilliant at first, but one is quick to discover its many flaws and disadvantages. For starters, there are numerous technological issues that students have to endure, such as computer problems or students forgetting their password. Small problems like these can cause students to miss lessons entirely. For a handful of students, access to the internet is another issue faced. This is a flaw in the not-so

courtesy of the writers own pace and have more freedom in her learning. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education released a research paper which concluded that the flipped classroom style of learning is both beneficial for the students and educators if implemented properly. Some medical educators would even say it is a “preferred method of learning.” Many educators are pro-flipped classrooms because, in class, students are able to have more time for hands-on learning. Whether that is doing labs or solving math problems, researchers believe that hands-on learning is very

beneficial. A critical review published by Springer Open in January of 2017 said that flipped classroom is not only beneficial for learning but has some indirect benefits such as improvement in students’ communication skills, promoting independent learners, and positively changing student study/learning habits. They go on to say that a flipped-classroom approach compared to standard learning improves student’s school performance and at worst does not harm a student’s performance.

brilliant plan of a flipped classroom. Some struggle to find motivation and become a ‘self-starter’. Those who are not being monitored might get easily distracted and not pay attention to the lesson, and as a result, are unable to learn the lesson or anything at all. It doesn’t direct the students’ attention effectively or in the right way. With flipped classroom, students have to spend almost seven hours stuck in a classroom listening to someone lecture

them only to go back home and listen to their computer lecture them. Homework should be a time for practice, and school should be a time for learning. According to many professionals, “flipped classrooms is not a naturally a test-prep form of learning,” meaning that students do not actually learn anything, and in the end do poorly on the tests. For these reasons, flipped classroom is ineffective.


december issue

GERRYMANDERING IN VIRGINIA How a Supreme Court Case caused the “blue wave” to finally sweep over Virginia’s state Legislature Branch


errymandering is the term for when district boundaries are redrawn to help a political party secure more representation in government. There are two main types of gerrymandering, either redrawing district boundaries so that the opposing political party’s voters are spread so thin across districts that they can’t hold a majority (also known as “cracking”). The other method is concentrating all of the political party’s voters in one district to limit the amount of representation they can attain (also known as “packing”). However, gerrymandering can also be based on race, to reduce minorities’ voting power by concentrating them in certain districts (referred to as majority-minority districts). That brings the story to the Virginia senate state election on November 5th, 2019. This election was a blue wave, as now Democrats control both chambers of the General Assembly, the Virginia House of Delegates, and the Senate of Virginia, for the first time since 1994. However, what does this have to do with Gerrymandering? Everything. In fact, Democrats were given the boost needed to finally retake control of both chambers of Virginia’s state legislature due to unconstitutional race-based gerrymandering finally being reversed. The issue started in 2011 when the gerrymandering took place. When the once a decade redistricting was done under a Republican majority. This redistricting packed a large percentage of minority voters into already largely black Democratic districts, with the remaining minority voters being scattered among large majority white Republican districts (or “packing and cracking”). The issue was first brought to light in 2014 when Virginia voters filed a lawsuit which claimed 12 House districts were drawn along racial lines. In 2018, a federal court ruled that the 12 districts were drawn unconstitutionally, and ordered a redraw. In February this year, the federal court approved new district boundaries redrawn by an expert appointed by the court. The result of these events led to the Supreme Court case Virginia House of Delegates v. Bethune-Hill, where the Republican-majority Virginia House of Delegates challenged the decision to redraw district lines. The case was thrown out in a close 5-4 decision on June 17th, 2019.

Finally, after flipping several districts that were redrawn this year as a result of the racial gerrymandering being undone, Democrats won in a landslide after coming so close to claiming both chambers in 2017. Now Democrats will also be in charge of the 2021 redrawing of the districts following the 2020 census. A state constitutional amendment, SJ306, has already passed once in both Virginia legislation chambers to establish a bipartisan committee to oversee redistricting. This committee would consist of 16 members, eight of which would be from legislative members, with the legislative seats being evenly divided between political parties. The other eight seats would go to citizens appointed by a panel of five retired judges. However, to be ratified, this state amendment must pass again in 2020. To get an idea of what democrats may do in the future, and what they should do, Mr.Waxman was interviewed. His opinion was to agree with the courts, and that Virginia is gerrymandered. Mr.Waxman’s thoughts on the Democrats’ plans SJ306 and 2021 redistricting is that their plan for these will become apparent in the near future. As for his thoughts on what he thinks should happen with SJ306, Mr.Waxman thinks that lately the population has become more frustrated with state government and their redistricting, and that Democrats should listen to what the voters want. In the end, as with most political issues, Gerrymandering in Virginia is a complex issue with no one clear answer. These next two years will be important to the future of redistricting in Virginia, and watching these events unfold should be interesting. It is also encouraged to do your own research into this issue, as one article is not enough to understand this topic.

maxwell pfeifle | staff writer



A look into the Oakton Hockey Team veronica preaskorn | staff writer

Practices/ Games Comprised of 20 players, the Oakton Ice Hockey Team practices every Thursday for an hour, starting in September and ending in mid to late February. Practices consist of a variety of things, depending on what problem areas the team has. They do drills centered around skill building, teamwork, and conditioning as well as strategies, game situations, and small area games. All this practice is to prepare for their games, which are every Friday and can be found on the NVSHL website or team Instagram, @oakton_sauce. After the season ends, playoffs begin but are done by early March, at the latest.

Players/ Team Although the team is currently made up of all boys, it’s a co-ed group, and there have been female players in the past. Because it is a club, whoever signs up can play as long as they attend Oakton, so the number of players fluctuates yearly. Currently, the team has eighteen skaters and two goalies. Many senior players graduated last year, which resulted in a generally younger team this year. However, Coach Alexa feels that “there’s a lot of potential with that youth and a lot of opportunity for these guys to continue to grow their game and the sky’s the limit with what they can do.” Both Coby Nguonly (11) and Daniel Job (10) agree that the fans are the best part about being on the team, and Coach Alexa supports this by stating, “I know the boys feed off of [the support].”

Support While the players love the support of their fans, it sometimes feels as if they don’t have a lot of fans compared to other sports teams. While this is most likely due to the fact that the team is not school sponsored, there are also many other factors, such as sports games or other school-sponsored activities. Job says it should be more popular because “[hockey is] one of the most exciting sports.”

courtesy of sonny nguonly



december issue

WHO WILL MAKE THE COLLEGE PLAYOFF? will locklin | staff writer


he rankings for the College Football Playoff are coming out every Tuesday, which means the final rankings are right around the corner. As they stand currently, LSU is number one after defeating then ranked 3rd Alabama in Tuscaloosa. LSU is certainly deserving of the top spot due to their impressive resume, four wins over top 20 opponents and their undefeated record. They have the most explosive offense in the country with Heisman front runner Joe Burrow leading the way. Their talent at key skill positions is impressive with three Alabama is the one team that must rely on other team’s demise to advance into the top four. Since they lost to LSU, who is in their division they cannot reach the SEC Championship game and win a conference title. One of the most important factors to the playoff committee is Conference Championships and without one Alabama’s chances look grim. Their best chance would be for them to defeat Auburn in the Iron Bowl in relatively convincing fashion. The chances of beating Auburn have also taken a hit due to the recent season-ending i jury to star quarterback Tua Tagovailoa. He was their most important player and they do not have a quality backup to bail them out like last year. Even if they do make the playoff, the chances they win the championship without

future NFL wide receivers and Clyde Edwards-Helaire who scored four touchdowns against Alabama. Ohio State is ranked number two and beating their opponents by an average of 44 points. They have the most all-around talented roster in college football. Chase Young is the best defensive player in college football and their secondary is as elite as it gets. The reigning national champions Clemson come in at number three with Trevor Lawrence and Travis Ettienne leading them to a 10-0 record. They are number 3 because of their weak schedule in the

Tua are nearly gone. The winner of the Pac 12 or Big 12 conferences will have a fair chance at earning the 4th spot in the playoff. Right now, Oregon and Utah are on track for a battle in the Pac 12 championship game. Currently, both teams have one loss and the winner of that matchup will be considered as a one-loss conference champion. If the victor is Oregon, then that could set up an interesting debate between Oregon and Alabama. Oregon’s one loss is from Auburn in week one of the season. If Alabama were to beat Auburn especially in convincing fashion, the committee would have to choose between a conference championship with Oregon or a common opponent advantage favoring Alabama. The Big 12 could also make a case for the playoff by sending a one-loss

conference championship. This one loss team could either be Oklahoma or Baylor. This past week they played each other with Oklahoma coming back from down 28-3 in the second quarter to stun Baylor at home. As long as both teams win their remaining conference games they will meet again to determine a possible Big 12 representative in the College Football Playoff. With an important championship weekend and no clear favorite, College Football is poised to take center stage in the sports world for December.

ACC. They have yet to play a top 25 team and probably will not be challenged until the playoff. While the top three teams most likely have a spot in the playoffs locked up, the next three teams ranked 4-6 still have some work to do. At number four, Georgia has big wins over Notre Dame, Florida, and Auburn but one terrible loss to a 4-6 South Carolina team in Athens, Georgia. However, if they beat LSU in the SEC Championship game they will without a doubt be one of the four teams selected.

courtesy of flickr

courtesy of pixabay

16 MLB OFFSEASON PREVIEW max dolinh| staff writer


he MLB season is over. Pitchers and catchers don’t report until February. Players with expiring contracts are now free agents. Now is the time for the GMs to shine, and for the players to take a well-deserved break. A year from now, we’ll look back at this offseason and praise the moves that certain teams made to turn themselves around, or even win a championship. With a free agent class filled with stars and more anticipated to be available in trade talks, what will this year’s offseason hold? (below)Madison Bumgarner image courtesy: mercury news

(below) Nationals celebrating World Series win

image courtesy of wikipedia

This year’s free agent class is loaded with impact players in every aspect. From superstars such as Gerrit Cole and Anthony Rendon to the outfield bats of Nick Castellanos and Marcell Ozuna, there are a multitude of players that could be game-changers to the lucky teams that sign them. The most notable of the bunch are obviously Cole and the Nats’ two stars, but not every team will be willing to shell out the money for their high price tags. Instead, teams that are looking for an impact starter for a more reasonable price could opt for Zack Wheeler or Madison Bumgarner. As for an alternative to Rendon, Josh Donaldson is an obvious candidate, but Mike Moustakas is also a solid choice with his power and ability to play multiple infield positions. While it might take until February for the top names to sign, expect the catching market to move quickly. With top prize Yasmani Grandal already having inked a 4-year, $73 million deal with the White Sox, other teams should scramble to fill their catching position. Watch out for Robinson Chirinos and Stephen Vogt to possibly follow Grandal and sign early. As for a team to look out for: Atlanta. Despite their embarrassing exit from the NLDS, the Braves still hold one of the most complete rosters in the league, and adding a couple of key-pieces to their young core could make them World Series favorites.

With the amount of stars that have the potential to be traded, this year’s offseason is shaping up to be one of the most eventful in recent years. The name being tossed around the most is Mookie Betts. The star outfielder has unquestionably solified himself one of the game’s top 10 players, but many doubt the Red Sox willingness to pay him when he becomes a free agent next winter. The team has expressed a desire to remain under the luxury tax, and Betts will almost certainly warrant a record-setting contract upwards of $300 million. However, it’s very likely that the 2018 AL MVP will test the open market in a year, so teams will be reluctant to trade for essentially a one year rental. A more appealing trade target could be Indians’ shortstop Francisco Lindor. Lindor, still 26, is great both in the box and in the field with two years of team control left. The Indians had a deceptive 93-win season in which they missed the playoffs due to their non-competitive division. So if the front office accepts that the team’s window is closing, they could trade their electric shortstop to a contender for a massive haul. (below) Mookie Betts

image courtesy of wikipedia

After being a contender for the better part of the decade, the Nationals finally won the World Series. Now, their once young phenoms Anthony Rendon and Stephen Strasburg, are 29 and 31 respectively and free agents. Strasburg opted out of the final 4 years and $100M of his contract to capitalize on his value following his amazing postseason performance. In addition, Howie Kendrick, the NLCS MVP and one of the team’s most reliable hitters, is also a free agent and 36. Many members of the Nats’ championship run were veterans well into their 30s, so they might struggle to compete in the following years despite the emergence of Juan Soto and Victor Robles. General manager Mike Rizzo will need to find a way to fill the many holes on the team that have opened as a result of players possibly declining and contracts expiring, setting the stage for a very busy winter for the champions.


december issue

A LOOK BACK ON THE NATS 2019 jacob rutzick l staff writer


The Nats had a rocky road that ended in glory. But what really happened for the 2019 Nats?

orld Series Champs. World Series Champs. It hardly seems real even as I write it two weeks after game 7. The Nats finally won it all. Something that, as a fan, I never thought I would see in my lifetime. They won in Houston and came back to a city in celebration. But things weren’t all sunshine and rainbows in the Nation’s Capital this season. Most people have heard that the Nats were 19-31 after 50 games this year, but it was worse than that. The Nats, by most experts, were the favorite to win the NL East, and their slow start really began to feel like the end of an era. The Nats have been the third best regular season team since 2012, and after Harper left and the slow start it felt like a rebuild was in order. Nats fans were in disarray, and were calling for the heads of Rizzo, Martinez, and every other front office staff member. Slowly but surely the Nats began to turn the year around, and finally got the trophy they had been waiting for. So what happened.

courtesy ofwikipedia Their a lot of different reasons for why that happened. Trea Turner, Anthony Rendon, and Juan Soto all missed some time in the first fifty games. It’s hard to win when your three best hitters are not in the lineup. The Nats bullpen is another glaring problem in the beginning of the year. An ERA near 7 is never good. That combined with Sean Doolittle, the all-star closer, getting injured after attempting to personally carry the bullpen really hindered the nats late inning pitching. There are a lot of other little reasons such as, Brian Dozier and Yan Gomes’ cold starts at the plate. Or the team attempting to find its identity in the new post-Harper era in D.C.But after all of this why were that Nats able to turn it around. Gergardo Parra was signed in early May, and he gave the team a needed boost of energy and swung a pretty good bat for the Nats. His grand slam against the Dodgers was one of the biggest hits of the year.

courtesy of wikipedia Trea Turner returned to the lineup on the 17nth of May, and finally the Nats had a healthy lineup. Scherzer, Strasburg, and the newly acquired Corbin were pitching well but turned things up to another level. Also Annibal Sanchez started to pitch extremely well post all-star break. A healthy lineup, a new mentality, and some great managing by Dave Martinez began to turn things around. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for the Nationals after this turn around. Even though the Nats played at a 108 win pace for the remainder of the season the Nats had their struggles. The September schedule was a major challenge for the Nats as the post season wasn’t assured. Most people know about the insane comeback against the Mets, but most people don’t know about the Nats struggles. The future world series champs lost 11 of their next 20 games. The Nats seemed as if they might miss the playoffs as they only had a 0.5 game lead on either of the wild card spots. Then the Nats turned it around again and won their last eight games of the year to secure a postseason berth. The Postseason was more of the same: an unstoppable emotional rollercoaster. This year just felt different than others. It was as if the baseball gods were with us instead of against us. The wild card game and Soto’s huge eighth inning single proved that perhaps the curses of the past were gone. Beating the dodgers in the division series felt more like an exorcism than a postseason series. From then on, it felt like there was something brewing in DC. Adin Yager, 12, said “Once we beat the Dodgers it just felt different… like a weight had been lifted.” The bloopers seemed to fall in, and the close plays went for the Nats and not against them. Everything seemed to go right all the way until the last out of game 7. And when the smoke settled the Nats were finally the last team standing.

18 WHAT TO DO IF YOU DON’T MAKE YOUR WINTER SPORTS TEAM Tips for dealing with defeat

alexandra martschenko|staff writer

Trying out for a sport is always a nerve wracking experience and if you don’t make the team it can seem like all your efforts were for nothing. It’s hard not to get discouraged but not making your winter sport is NOT the end of the world! Here is a list of what to do if you don’t end up making your winter sports team:


Don’t lash out against the coach or other people who made the team. It’s not their fault. No spot on the team was guaranteed and everyone else worked just as hard as you did to try and make the team. The coach is just trying to do his best to make the best possible team based on the information he gets at tryouts.


Realize that it’s not the end of the world. Even if you’re a senior and this is your last chance to make the team in high school it doesn’t mean that you can’t follow your sport into college or to a recreational team in the future. It didn’t work out this time but that doesn’t mean it wont work out in the future. If you’re an underclassman you still have plenty of opportunities to practice a little bit more and try again next year.


Ask to be a manager. Sports teams are almost always looking for people to help out through managing the team and doing the behind the scenes work. Whether you’re taking down splits or filling up water bottles, being a manager still gives you the opportunity to be a part of the team. Managers are still able to go to all of the competitions or events with the team and are fully immersed in the sport. Just in a different way.


Join a new sport or club. There are so many opportunities to stay active or involved beyond your sport of choice. Many clubs sports don’t make cuts and are always willing to have people join and support the team. Reach out to some of your friends in other clubs and see if there’s any way that you can get involved.


Try again next year. Learn from your mistakes, take defeat in stride, and do it all over again. You learn more from your failures than you do from your wins and this if just one little set back in a lifetime of successes. Use this as a source of motivation for your athletics or for anything else that you are passionate about. Defeat is just part of the path to success.



OBSISED WITH STUDENTVUE? With grades available 24-7, are students becoming too invested in checking their grades?


n the past couple of years, FCPS has grown to promote 21st-century learning. A big part of this has to do with accessibility. In the 2016-2017 school year, the county opened up its grade book, StudentVUE/SIS, to allow access for students. In StudentVUE, middle and high school students are able to see their grades as its put in by teachers, as well as their attendance. If they are late for a class, it will show on SIS. It’s also accessible to parents and can be downloaded as an app. Pros of SIS Students and teachers have the same general idea of the positive aspects of Student View. They say that it could because you can keep track of their grades. According to Elena Alli (9), “one of the pros in my mind is that it shows your average grade.“ According to ninth grade English teacher Ms. Birnie, “SIS is a great resource for students to keep track of their grades, progress, and missing assignments.” Another positive of having the grade book accessible at all times according to Oakton student Reva Nair (11), is “I can easily see what I get on an assignment or assessment and how it affects my grade in the class.” This seems useful for anyone who would like to know right away what they need to work on for that particular class without waiting until the end of the quarter to find out. Cons of SIS According to Carly Odom (10), “Cons are that people can get

isabel knipping|staff writer shevany moharir|staff writer

caught up in it and unhealthily obsess over it.” Ms. Birnie said, “students who do not check SIS regularly may end up finding out they have multiple missing assignments and it is often too late to do anything about it.” The amount of times students check SIS differs. Elena Alli said, “I don’t check SIS a lot. I check about every other day or when I meet a teacher just put in a grade.” While Carly Odom says, ”I check SIS about 3 times a day.” When Ms. Birnie was asked how many times she thinks students should check their grades, she said, ”I think students should check SIS every day. Taking five minutes to check on your grades to make sure you are not missing anything can go a long way. Teachers are not perfect as well, so it’s important for students to check their grades to be sure everything was entered correctly.” 1th grade Oakton student Sindhoora Rangavajjula says “It makes me a little sad when I don’t get the grade I wish I had, and I tend to obsess over it.” This makes an interesting point on how the constant access to grades can add an unnecessary amount of stress to a student. Parents Checking SIS Parents check at different rates as well. According to Elena Alli, “my mom has SIS and she checks it a lot.” Carly Odom, however, says “[her] parents don’t check SIS directly, but they do check the progress report emails.

Oakton students were asked to fill out a survey about SIS. The following data is based on 79 responses.


december issue


What defines these issues, and what are their effects on the local community?


s families prepare their holiday meals and worry about the abundance of food that they bought, it can be hard to imagine that 38.1 million families in the U.S. live in poverty. Although this is a decline compared to poverty rates of previous years, this still means that one out of every six American children go hungry on a consistent basis. These children are classified as “food insecure,” meaning that oftentimes, they are unsure of where their next meal is coming from. For some of these children, the only meal that they can count on having is the school lunch. Fairfax County Public Schools is one of the wealthiest school districts in the country, but even so, 26.9 percent of students have free or reduced meal plans. Many of these students live in poverty. Poverty is characterized by multiple physical and psychological stressors, including educational attainment and financial security. Rates of poverty in the United States do not affect minorities equally. Amongst racial and ethnicity groups, African-Americans experience the highest rate of poverty at 27.4 percent. The poverty rate amongst Hispanics follows at 26.6 percent, compared to those who identify as white at 9.9 percent. The poverty rate of people

with disabilities remains two times the national average, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. These discrepancies in socioeconomic status impact pursuit of higher education, and access to healthcare and food. There are many negative consequenc-

courtesy of wikimedia commons

es of not receiving adequate nutrition, especially with regard to school performance. Studies from the American Psychological Association provide proof of mental and behavioral effects. These include depression, anxiety, and withdrawal from classroom activities. Without access to proper nutrition, students lack the energy to participate in class and are more likely to not pay attention and fall asleep during the school day. An anonymous tenth-grade member of National Charity League, a non-profit community service organization, was asked for her views on poverty in Northern Virginia. The student regularly vol-

unteers at local food pantries as one way to give to those in need. She said, “I think there is a common misbelief that Northern Virginia is full of high-class people who do not have to worry about where their next meal is going to come from. In reality, there are many families in our area who deal with hunger and need help.” Students simply need to become more aware of where to look, as there are many places where their help is appreciated. Many local churches and other places of worship offer food pantries, and are always looking for donations and volunteers. One resource is the Oakton Pantry, which provides food and resources for Oakton students and their families who cannot afford these necessities. Students in need can discreetly “shop” for food to bring home to their families for after-school care. Recently, the Pantry has been collecting donations of Thanksgiving food to provide to seventy Oakton families. In addition, the Pantry will host a holiday gift drive in December. This will provide holiday gifts to students, along with some groceries for winter break.

lindsay greenspan | staff writer



America is going crazy over the return of one of its beloved institutions.

kartik mukalla | staff writer


hen Popeyes released their chicken sandwich on August 12, 2019, it triggered a nationwide craze. People were scrambling to get their hands on the sandwich, quickly eschewing Chick-fil-A’s alternative and showing up at odd hours in order to get it quicker. I admit that I was one of them. Actors, celebrities, news anchors and everyone else were lining up just to get a bite. Chick-fil-a and Popeyes even engaged in a bit of a social media feud over their sandwiches, which only served to boost the popularity of the latter. Then, at the height of their popularity, Popeye’s chicken sandwiches disappeared. Suddenly, people engaged in acts of desperation, reselling sandwiches at thousands of dollars and even robbing Popeye’s locations. When the chicken sandwich came roar-

“I am a lifelong vegetarian. At least I was, before I ate 5 chicken sandwiches in a week.” -Anonymous, Junior

ing back on November 2nd, it became a cultural touchstone. After being kicked in the eye during a game, Houston Texans

courtesy of popeyes and mike mozart quarterback Deshaun Watson claimed that the sandwich had medicinal powers and made his busted eye better. Serena Williams celebrated her two year anniversary by trying one for the first time. A vid-

“I don’t really believe the hype. It’s just a chicken sandwich, how different could it be?” -Mr. Williams, APUSH teacher

eo of a prison inmate sneaking one into his cell went viral. The previous disappearance of the sandwich did not go forgotten by consumers, who made sure to not take it for granted. They wanted the sandwich so bad, they started killing each other over it. One man was reportedly stabbed to death in Baltimore over it, a woman in Los Angeles drove her car into a storefront for it, and one employee was even arrested for brawling with unruly customers in Tennessee. Additionally, several employees and customers were arrested in Milwaukee for inciting a brawl. With all these crazy incidents over a simple chicken

sandwich, I had to ask, “Is it really worth killing someone over?” So, I did the logical thing and went around Oakton, asking people what they thought about it. One guy claimed, “I am a lifelong vegetarian and I’ve eaten this sandwich at least 5 times.” Mr. Williams, APUSH teacher and noted chicken skeptic, said, “I don’t really believe the hype. It’s a chicken sandwich. How different could it be?” Some people, like Rella Gammon and Hanan Elhaddar, claimed that the sandwich was “disgusting” and that Chick-fil-A was better. Meanwhile, others were in love with the sandwich. Thomas Forbang, noted pizza enthusiast, claimed that it was “fire.” Andy Jang claimed that “At first I didn’t believe the hype and propaganda, but then I had it and I was swept off of my feet because of how good it was.” In conclusion, opinions about the Popeyes chicken sandwich in this area are thoroughly mixed. People here are either completely indifferent to it or completely enamored with it. In my opinion, it’s better than Chick-Fil-A’s, but not good enough to commit a crime over. For now, however, the debate rages on.


december issue

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG ANNOUNCES RUN FOR PRESIDENCY? Is he the candidate moderates have been waiting for?


courtesy of wikipedia

he democratic field for president just became even larger with former mayor of New York City and billionaire Michael Bloomberg announce his entrance into the presidential race. Bloomberg, one of the world’s richest men is looking to capitalize upon Joe Biden’s recent ineffectual debate performances and appeal to more moderate voters having difficulty adopting Warren and Sanders’ progressive platforms. Bloomberg’s rise to the profilic billionaire and philantropist he is today began when he first worked for Salomon Brothers, a Wall Street investment bank, after his graduation from Harvard University. Following his tenure there, Bloomberg tried his hand at entrepreneurship and started his own company, Bloomberg L.P. It is safe to say that attempt was a rousing success; the company, centered around the production of computers that stored financial information, led Michael Bloomberg to amass incredible wealth. He then shifted his interests toward philanthropy, donating millions to the medical industry and educational efforts. In fact, Bloomberg recently donated nearly $1.8 billion to Johns Hopkins University, his undergraduate alma mater (the biggest philanthropic transaction ever).

ben abrahams | staff writer Despite the successes of his early entrepreneurial career, Bloomberg has experiened his fair share of setbacks. Over the last few decades, various alleged stories of him making lewd comments about women have surfaced, with no shortage of evidence to back them up. There are accounts of him stating that would “go to the library instead of Bloomindale’s” if they wanted their intellectual significance to be acknowledge. At the very least, Bloomberg will shed some light on the double standard set by the president, one who has managed to ward off a plethora of credible sexual assualt allegations himself. Not only have 25 women accused of sexual assault, but a bombshell tape of him bragging about his influence over women and his ability touch them innapropriately was released in October of 2016, only for it to be astonishingly dismissed as “locker room talk.” Only time will tell whether the American people will embrace his ingenuity and somehow move past his innapropriate past conduct, or whether they will focus their attention on those statements and reject him.




An inside look at how the show was brought to life: the casting process, rehearsals, and costumes

portia dai | staff writer

courtesy of oakton theater

left: carson cullen as kliegle right: daniel driessen as leako


his year’s fall show, Wild Oats was set in the Wild West and began with the journey of two close friends, Harry Thunder and Jack Rover. Harry recently became a West Point dropout and his father is trying to convince him to marry his cousin. No one knows where Harry is, but his father’s friend sees Jack and believes Jack to be Harry. Jack is brought to the aforementioned cousin, Kate, and falls in love with her. When Jack’s mother comes to town she reveals that Harry and Jack share a father and the two of them are brothers. Their story comes to an end with Jack marrying Kate and Harry marrying Kate’s servant. Through finding the perfect cast, spending endless hours rehearsing, and period costumes, this is what it took to bring this story to life on the stage. Abby Cortez (11), a student director, says that the casting process began as soon as school did. By the end of the first week, the shows for the year were selected, and the auditions began. The student directors were first chosen after which they worked closely with Ms. Gelinas and Ms. Powell to pick out the scenes they want to see the actors do. From the initial round of audi-

vivian lemons as kate thunder tions, a callback list was formed based on their performances and the actors are sent new scenes to read for. The process repeats two to three times before it is determined who fits the character the best. Cortez says the hardest part about casting is giving the character personality. She says that many of the characters don’t have a cut-out personality, so the actors must form their own perception and characteristics for them, which is hard to achieve when actors are not yet familiar with the script. The key is to figure out who is going to make the best and most distinct character choices. It is also important for directors to consider how the actors interact with each other and if they are compatible. This comes as a challenge because an actor for the lead role may have been cast, but the supporting roles must continue to be casted to see who would work best with the lead actor. After the cast has been finalized, attention shifts to rehearsals. Rehearsals begin in class, then after school rehearsals are added as the performance date nears. These rehearsals typically last from three in the afternoon to six, but may run longer depending on if actors are rehearsing in costume for the day. During longer week-

max branciforte as harry thunder end rehearsals that can last until eight or nine o’clock, many performers will leave to eat dinner then return to continue rehearsing. To fine-tune scenes, actors will rehearse “problem scenes”—scenes that needed to be worked on from previous rehearsals— before doing a full runthrough of the show. They are then given notes at the end of the run-through if they don’t have time to stop between the scenes. Additionally, tech week rehearsals begin near the end of the rehearsal process, introducing props, sound, lights to truly bring the production to life. One of the most important aspects of the show is costumes. Cortez says, “[It] is thought about much earlier than you may think.” The tech team is responsible for costumes and begin to think about costumes before there’s even a finalized cast. After casting, measurements of the actors are taken. Costumes must be meticulously put together to bring the audience into the staged world, and must be given even more attention especially if the production is not set in modern-day society. Through a lot of hard work, Oakton’s drama department made Wild Oats a magnificent show!


december issue


This year Oakton students and staff had a google form selection system in order to nominate seniors for this years senior superlatives that will be featured in the yearbook.


enior superlatives, as many highschool students are aware of, is the nomination of a senior for an arbitrary “title,” such as best bromance. At Oakton highschool, the voting for senior superlatives began near the end of October and the winners were decided in early November. The chosen seniors were voted on by students in the senior class, and will be showcased in the yearbook. The senior superlative titles that will be mentioned in Oakton’s yearbook include best dressed, best bromance, most likely to work at Oakton, most likely to be on Broadway, most likely to become social media famous, and most likely to be a reality TV star. Being nominated and chosen for a senior superlative this year became a bit of a competition among the students. Although some students were randomly nominated without trying, some had to put in work in order to claim the title. An interview with the senior chosen “Best Dressed” explains her process:

kinsey clements | staff writer What caused you to be interested in becoming chosen for a Senior Superlative? Elaina Howell: I always wanted to be nominated for a senior superlative. It was always on my mind for a goal in my high school career, I’m pretty shy and less outgoing than others, I knew that me liking fashion I could successfully pursue my goal of being best dressed. What did you do in order to ensure your nomination as best dressed? Elaina Howell: I legitimately dressed up nice in my own style every day and pre picked out my clothes a week ahead, on the weekends, to ensure that I would dress nice everyday. Were you ever worried that you wouldn’t win the senior superlative?

all of their individual styles because they all dress differently. I also admire all of the people who ran because they had the same interests that I had. So, yes I was scared of the competition, but I knew whoever would win deserved it. Did your desire to win a senior superlative arise this year, or previously? Elaina Howell: Since sophomore year I’ve wanted to win best dressed for senior superlatives. I feel accomplished because I have achieved a goal that makes me happy. Being able to take a look into the thought process of a senior superlative will hopefully spark a sense of curiosity to take a look into the yearbook and congratulate all the worthy winners!

Elaina Howell: I personally knew the people that ran against me and I loved

courtesy of elaina howell

26 ORIGIN OF THE NOBEL PRIZE Answering the commonly asked questions about the Nobel Prize grace park|staff writer


nnually, on December 10 in Stockholm, Sweden, all six Nobel Prizes (except the Nobel Peace Prize awarded in Oslo, Norway) is awarded. Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist who has 355 different patents, including dynamite, established five nobel prizes in 1985. The award is given to those who contributed academically to the development of human civilization every year in accordance with a will written in 1895 by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel.

Why did Nobel made the Nobel Prize? According to https://www.history. com/this-day-in-history/first-nobel-prizes-awarded, the increase in military use of dynamite made him feel uncomfortable. Then, when his brother Ludwig Nobel died, a French newspaper mistakenly published an obituary of Alfred Nobel. In his early obituary, Alfred Nobel was called the “Merchant of Death.” This motivated Alfred Nobel to establish the Nobel Prize. He left behind 94 percent of his legacy, or 32 million Swedish krona (3.4 million euros or 4.4 million dollars), to establish the Nobel Prize. Although Nobel offered no public reason for his creation of the prizes, it is widely believed that he had a lot of moral regret over the increasingly lethal uses of his inventions in war. What are the categories of the Nobel Prize? Six Nobel Prizes are awarded each year, one in each of the following categories: literature, physics, chemistry, peace, economics, and physiology & medicine. According to https://www. britannica.com/topic/Nobel-Prize,

at first, Nobel established five Nobel Prizes. The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace and Physiology or Medicine were first awarded in 1901.

courtesy of wikipedia The prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards available in their respective fields. Then, in 1968, Sveriges Riksbank, Sweden’s central bank, established and award commonly called the Nobel Prize in Economics, the formal name of Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. So, nowadays, there are 6 categories of the No-

bel Prize.

Nomination of the Nobel Prize According to www.nobelprize.org, each year, thousands of members of academies, scientists, university professors, previous Nobel Prize laureates and all others are asked to suggest candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year. Prize proposals must be submitted to the Nobel Committees on or before January 31 of the award year. Then, each institution handles their decisions for a few months. Finally, on December, they announce the laureates. Not all the Nobel Prizes candidates are selected by the same institution. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Lastly, the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee awards the Nobel Peace Prize.


november issue

ADJUSTING TO YOUR FIRST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL ethan heard | staff writer Adjusting to highschool as a freshman can be confusing and hard. Finding a balance between your academics and other things like social events and sports can be hard but is essential. Going into a new environment with whole school full of people you don’t know can be hard. Understanding that involvement is important is one of the first steps to getting used to your new highschool. Getting involved in after school or extra curricular activities can help you meet new people in your class and with upperclassmen. Building healthy relationships is important for being comfortable and feeling good about being at school. Trying to juggle friends, school, sports, etc. is a very hard thing to be able to do. It will help you through the rest of school and in life. Understanding that building relationships and focusing on sports isn’t the most important thing, but it’s your education. You are at school to learn and although it may seem like your social life is very important. It doesn’t mean much in the big picture. The workload handed to you in highschool can be very stressful and overwhelming. Doing homework may not seem as important as tests or projects but it still affects your grade. Doing homework and classwork is very important because it keeps your grade up when you fail to exceed at the big projects or tests. Another key part of doing well in everyday classes is getting enough sleep. Most highschools start early and depending on where you live, you may have to take a bus or drive to school, forcing you to wake even earlier than you already have to. Being responsible about your sleep schedule can make a big difference on how you work and your motivation to do work during the day. Same goes with hydration and eating healthy. Having a positive attitude going into a new school can also help a lot. Try to be outgoing and unique. First impressions matter, changing your opinion with someone is not easy to do and having people like you is important. Being friendly to new people can change a lot in terms of your social status.

28 INTERVIEWING RYAN MCELVEEN: legendary figure exits office with the THE END OF AN ERA FCPS conclusion of the recent election ­____________________________________


hortly after Ryan McElveen’s loss at the local election for school board chairman, I was granted the opportunity to chat with the FCPS legend about his time in office, his aspirations for the future, and the impact he has had on the FCPS community. Widely respected for his student-friendly approach to his job and an affinity for announcing snowdays, McElveen’s leaving came as a surprise to many students at Oakton. Me: What did you love most about your time in office? Ryan: The School Board is the most local elected office, and it has the most direct impact on people’s lives. I have been so lucky to have the opportunity to make —hopefully! — a positive difference in the lives of students and staff. In all the initiatives that I have undertaken—including championing healthier school food, protections for the transgender community, later high school start times, dress code changes, curriculum internationalization, menstrual hygiene product provision, gun violence prevention, human trafficking and sexual misconduct prevention, renewable energy installation and civic engagement—I have always had our students and staff foremost in mind. The thing I have loved most is meeting our incredible students and staff, learning from them and working on their behalf. Me: What made you want to run for a higher position? Ryan: Having seen firsthand the impact of budget cuts at the local and state level, I ran for Fairfax County Chairman in large part to support FCPS at a higher level. When I lost, I was devastated because I had let down so many people who had believed in me, not least of whom my friends and colleagues in FCPS. After having spent the better part of my School Board tenure telling students to be resilient and to stand up when they are knocked down, I had to give myself the same advice. At the end of the day, you don’t need to hold an elected office to make a difference in the world. In fact, my limited time in public office has showed me that community advocates (and student advocates!) often deserve far more praise than elected officials, because they are the ones who, through their advocacy, hold those in power to account and inspire real change. Me: Now that the election’s over, what are you looking forward to for the future? Ryan: The truth is that I’m completely exhausted—mentally,


physically and emotionally, and I feel like I’ve been run over by a school bus. After spending the past eight years working essentially 24/7 on behalf of others (especially on snow days!), I’m blessed to now have an opportunity to recharge and focus on my family. We live in a society—and a region—that is so focused on achieving at high levels that it wears you out. I experienced that as a student in FCPS, and now I’ve experienced it as an adult. In fact, stress is what made me lose my hair as a high school student. I know how difficult it is for our students every day to live with that intense pressure to fit in and get into the best colleges. I’m hopeful that all of us can learn to slow down and appreciate our lives and our surroundings, because our time to make an impact on earth is limited, and we won’t be here forever. Me: What are your plans, if any, for continued public service? Ryan: It’s hard to know what the future holds—I was the youngest person ever elected to the School Board, and now I’ll be the youngest to retire! Of all the things I have done on the School Board, I’m probably most proud of launching the School Board Student Leadership Program and my annual Student Innovation and Advocacy workshops, which have helped involve students in policy making more than ever before. Going forward, I hope to continue my efforts to internationalize Fairfax County by launching a student global leadership program that will prepare our next generation of leaders to take on the local and global challenges they face, including climate change, food insecurity and the growing divide between rich and poor. Me: You’ve been a huge influence on the students of FCPS, high schoolers especially. What do you want students to remember you for as you leave office?

Ryan: I hope that students will remember me for empowering them. I would leave them with this message: Your voice matters, and when you speak up, you are far more powerful than you can imagine. I can only hope that I have brought a fraction of the joy to your lives that you have brought to mine. You continue to inspire me every day, and I will always be cheering you on from the sidelines.

courtesy of twitter

charlie williams | staff writer



december issue

PRETTY PRIVILEGE: HOW DOES IT EXIST? ashleigh tain | editor-in-chief sameeha khan | staff writer


Interpreting beauty as another chronicle of privilege courtesy of unsplash

ur society deems beauty as a source of power and privilege. Like a currency, our appearances function as public property, up to the interpretation of others. Many of whom we consider beautiful are unaware of the privileges they retain until they no longer receive them. Only then is pretty privilege truly grasped as an innate advantage.

research has revealed that beauty does unlock special advantage, especially in the workplace. In situations where two people are competing for a job and are seemingly equal in intelligence and competence, the prevailer is often the more attractive one. Further, people who are more attractive earn higher salaries, are more likely to be promoted, or treated more professionally.

Unlike a majority of thought, beauty has been proven to be quantifiable, according to mathematician George David Birkhoff. Birkhoff originally created his formula to measure the attractiveness of a work of art, relying on complexity and symmetry. He stated that if something is complex, it is at its most appealing when it its unsymmetrical, but simplicity yearns for symmetry. In his research, Birkhoff was criticized for his subjectivity, but sensitivity to symmetry, it seems, is ingrained within human behavior.

Within the United States, dating preferences often reflect “real life norms,” as systematic discrimination feeds into subconscious choice. Familiarity is directly indicative of preference, for standards of attractiveness are upheld through exposure of culturally presented ideals. Unfortunately, people who do not present conventionally attractive features (according to a white majority) or heteronormative gender expressionmay not recieve the same pretty priviledges given to others. This of course excludes preferences within individual communities, as many studies have shown Americans tend to marry within their own race.

Many studies have shown that asymmetrical faces are reflections of individual variation in development, as the slightest deviation in gene expression can lead to asymmetrical features. In opposition to popular belief, symmetry does not always indicate health, but cross culturally, symmetrical faces are considered to be more attractive. The face-centered social interactions demanded by the human brain exhibits how closely symmetry is considered in the pursuit of companionship. In this context, a whole study has launched in dedication to the societal effects of physical attractiveness, known as pulchronomics. Such

Beauty, however, in today’s age is often predicated by cosmetics and health. In a society where beauty is mainstream and seemingly attainable, many are desperate to invest in it. According to a study done by SkinStore, of the 3,000 women that were surveyed, the average woman spends $300,000 during their lifetime on makeup and skincare products. That is, some external treatment on facial appearances. The cost of beauty, however, isn’t limited to just makeup and skincare products but designer clothing, cosmetic surgery, specialized diets

and workout routines to maintain a figure. This is attainable, but it’s financial complexity creates a stark advantage for those able to afford it. There is no real remedy for going without the privilege of being innately attractive and it is important to not dwell in self pity over uncontrollable standards. Privilege exists in every aspect of society and by acknowledging that beauty is in the eye of the beholder allows humankind to move on from superficial judgements of attractiveness, instead allowing for the betterment of character and personality. In the end, what will ultimately triumph is the longevity of morals and intelligence over facial complexity.



What is it? Why go there? rt school. To the average person, it is a bit of an anomaly. Contrary to popular belief, it is not where all artistic loners go to make their angsty paintings or where the eccentric go to be...well...more eccentric (although it doesn’t mean they don’t exist). Art school encompasses all different types of people who have a love for the fine arts. It requires students who are dedicated and motivated and are willing to spend hours in a cramped studio space. The workload is intensive with an average of 40+ hours of homework per week in addition to long classes. It also has a much higher price tag as a majority are private. So you may ask: why would anyone want to go to one? Well, in addition to name recognition, art schools have the largest amount of resources if you’re looking for a career in art. Art Foundation Year The art foundation year is prevalent in nearly all art schools. It takes place over the course of 2 semesters, where all freshmen are required to take all the same classes not necessarily related to the specific major they applied for. It is a school’s way to introduce students to different mediums with classes ranging from sculpture to animation to traditional drawing classes. Not only does it

Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, RI) Odds are, even if you know nothing about art schools, you’ve probably heard of RISD. Known as the Harvard of art schools, it is the best in the country. Unique traits: RISD offers a dual-degree program with Brown University (yes, the Ivy League), their next-door neighbor. This means you could earn a degree at both universities in 5 years. It is extremely competitive to get in, and applicants must be strong both academically and artistically, but wow that would look amazing on a future resume. PORTFOLIO: In addition to 12-20 pieces, RISD requires applicants to do an additional “RISD Assignment.” The prompt changes every year. In the past, three words were given and applicants

build up different skill sets, it also allows for undecided majors to test the waters in all the possibilities at school. It can also surprise students who come into art school with a path in mind but find out through art foundation that their passion lies elsewhere. What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a collection of one’s artwork that showcases the breadth of their work. Every art school will require one to apply—but each is looking for something slightly different. While some schools look for more meaning behind your art (conceptual pieces), others look at a student’s abilities more (technical pieces). It can seem overwhelming if you’re first beginning to research, and nearly every college will tell you the same line: “Just show us what you love!” My personal advice is to try to have many pieces that are both strong technically and conceptually, and have a few solely technical pieces also ready for use for those schools that prefer those types of pieces. I also recommend starting your portfolio early but don’t use works that are more than 2 years old by the time you are applying. Explore different mediums that you aren’t comfortable with and even if they aren’t amazing, it is great to show your willingness to learn!

had to use it as inspiration for a piece. For the applicants of the class of 2020, the assignment was to “[b]egin by observing a phenomenon or choosing an object in the natural world. Create a visual reaction to this object or phenomenon. [...] Then, make a transformation to or modification of your first response.” Personal advice: Make sure your technical skills are strong. Although your chances are much stronger if you are also creatively-driven, RISD tends to focus more on technique since they want everyone admitted to be able to handle their foundation year. I recommend watching “RISD Accepted Portfolio”(s) to get a strong sense of what they look for. Maryland Institute College of Art (Baltimore, MA) As the oldest accredited art school, MICA has some great name recognition in the industry. It is also a short one-hour ride away, making it great if one is looking for an art

school that doesn’t stray too far from home. Unique traits: MICA has some of the largest study abroad programs for any art school. They have students visiting everywhere from Turkey to Italy to Japan. MICA also has partnerships with many other schools in the Baltimore area, including Johns Hopkins University. Students are able to take one class a semester at any of the partnering schools without separate application. Portfolio: Only include finished pieces (i.e not sketches or evidence of progress) in your portfolio. MICA representatives review submitted portfolios for admission on a rubric that caters towards completely finished pieces, so including those pictures of in-progress pieces or sketchbook will only hurt your chances.


december issue

Parsons School of Design (New York, NY) First rising to prominence through Project Runway, Parsons was named the #1 best art and design school in the US in 2018 by QS World University Rankings. Located in the heart of New York City, Parsons students are at home in one of the greatest cities in the world. Parsons also specifically emphasizes sustainability, providing a classroom environment that tries to get students involved with the area around outside of school. Unique traits: Parsons is part of The New School as one of its subdivisions. Its other divisions include Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School for Social Research, the Schools of Public Engagement, and the College of Performing Arts. What this means for students is that they are able to take classes interchangeably between these schools—perfect for design students who are also looking for classes outside of the art school curriculum. Portfolio: Parsons is a school that emphasizes knowing more about the individual. Each piece should tell the reviewers something about the artist. Parsons requires 8-12 images and require something called the “Parsons Challenge.” It requires prospective students to create a piece inspired by another one of their other portfolio images, and then write an essay explaining the process. Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY) (Manhattan, NY) (Utica, NY) The Pratt Institute, with three locations (Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Utica NY), ranks among the top art and design schools in the world. New York City gives Pratt students an incomparable learning environ-

ment of diversity and rich culture that can top fashion design programs in the world. influence their minds and work. SAIC has the largest school-museum campus in the country as well, providing ample Unique traits: Uniquely, Pratt offers a pro- opportunity for students to present their gram through their extension campus in work to the public. Utica, PrattMWP. Through the program, students can spend their first two years in Portfolio: SAIC requires 10-15 of your very Utica, then seamlessly relocate to Pratt’s best and most recent work. They accept main campus in Brooklyn without the need work created across media, or focused enfor reapplication. This is a great option for tirely in one medium. SAIC requires appliapplicants hoping to save money in the pro- cants to submit an Artist’s Statement, which cess of getting their art degree. is a short essay simply explaining who you are and about your art-making. Portfolio: For most majors, Pratt requires anywhere from 12-20 pieces of your very California Institute of the Arts & Techbest and most recent work, of which 3-5 nology (Santa Clarita, CA) should be observational pieces. Examples of The California Institute of the Arts and observational work include landscape, still- Technology (otherwise known as CalArts) life, self-portrait, figure drawings, and inte- is ranked as America’s top college for art rior spaces. They recommend your portfolio students by Newsweek. CalArts proclaims to consist of a variety of media. to bring out creative talent unlike any other university in its renown as a ‘game-changer’ School of the Art Institute of Chicago in the education of professional artist. (Chicago, IL) SAIC is one of the largest accredited inde- Unique traits: CalArts offers individualized pendent schools of art and design in the faculty mentoring, which helps students on United States, ranking high in many ma- their path to become the best artists they jors and disciplines. Located in the bustling can be. Finally, Founded by Walt Disney, midwestern megalopolis of Chicago, SAIC Disney frequently recruits employees from gives a unique opportunity to its students CalArts upon graduation. to study their art form in conjunction with a liberal studies curriculum, so as to help Portfolio: Each major at CalArts has differthe modern artist better connect their work ent specific requirements for portfolio, but with society. what can be said for all disciplines is that admissions is looking for personal work giving Unique traits: SAIC has an interdisciplinary a sense of who you are as an artist, rather curriculum, with no letter grades (with a than academic work. pass/fail system), allowing students to focus less on their stats and more on their learning. SAIC is one of the top graphic design schools in the United States and among the

What it is, how to get in, and where to start courtney te | editorial board emily richardson | editorial board


34 NOT JUST CHRISTIANS AT CHRISTMAS Digging deeper into Christmas for non-Christians sitota mesfin | staff-writer


hile Christmas may not seem very close, it is actually only about a month away. To jump into the season, many people have already started to set up decorations and buy gifts. With all of the hustle and bustle, it is easy to forget that while Christmas is a federal holiday, it is still technically a Christian holiday. Does that mean only Christians celebrate this holiday? Not at all. According to the Pew Research Center, 81% of non-Christians in the United States commemorate Christmas. To dig into this topic a few non-Christians at Oakton talk about their Christmases. “Not all Muslims believe in celebrating Christmas, but my family believes that it is something we should do. In Islam, we are taught to respect all the religions of God. Our prophet would always push being good to other religions and showing them appreciation and acceptance. So, we wish our Christian friends a Merry Christmas with gifts. In addition, we light candles and have a Christmas party with our family and close friends.” -Anonymous(9) “We don’t go to church, but we do set up a Christmas tree, open gifts, celebrate with neighbors and friends, and go to any Christmas parties. It is definitely more hanging out with family and exchanging gifts than anything religious.” -Anonymous (10) “I’m Hindu. My parents give us presents, but it’s not really religious because we don’t practice Christianity.” -Anonymous (9) “While we don’t go to church and do all the religious parts to it, my family still decorates our house with lights, puts up a tree, exchanges gifts, and invite friends and family over.” -Anonymous (12)

courtesy of flickr

While many non-Christians still enjoy the activities of the holiday, such as exchanging gifts and putting up a tree, those who do not share some very interesting stories. “It’s a normal day for my family. However, when I was younger I felt really bad that I did not celebrate Christmas. After I tell people that I did not hang up a tree, or exchange gifts, or meet up with friends and family, they would be shocked and even question me. Although it is a Christian holiday, people expect everyone to be celebrating it, even if it is not apart of our religion. It pressured me to a point where I would lie about if I celebrated it, just to keep off the questioning. Nowadays, I am much more confident in myself, but I know younger me just wanted to fit in with everyone else. I know a lot of people in America are Christian, and I know it is a fun holiday to celebrate, in which I have no problem with. I just wish it wasn’t thought of as something everybody does. It may not seem important, but it is important to me.” -Anonymous (9) Is Christmas is such a celebrated hol-

iday because people feel pressured too? Another girl gave a similar answer. “Normally, Hanukkah is around Christmas time, so we celebrate that holiday by lighting the menorah and playing dreidel. We don’t do anything specifically for Christmas day and I would never celebrate it. However, I have no problem when other people celebrating it because I see how much joy and happiness it brings them. Yet, while I’m happy for the people those people who do Christmas, people constantly saying Merry Christmas, just expecting that everyone celebrates it, makes me feel weird at times that I do not. At points it even makes me feel pressured.” -Anonymous (9) While most non-Christians celebrate Christmas, they celebrate the cultural aspect, not the religious aspect. However, those who do not share a similar feeling of uncomfortableness and social pressure. Christmas is such a widespread holiday that it would be hard to avoid, with the sales, decorations, and many parties that celebrate it. Along with that, it is a federal holiday that allows a day off school/work. With such a big presence, it is no wonder so many people celebrate Christmas.


december issue

SENIOR INTERNSHIP: SHOULD YOU DO IT? joe wong | staff writer

Students at Oakton discuss reasons why they’re interested in doing the Senior Intership. The senior internship is a program that allows students to complete their school year two weeks earlier in order to gain a better understanding of what the career that they plan to pursue is like in the real world. These internships would include students either shadowing someone and get an idea of that person’s perspective or work. A couple seniors discuss what interships they’re interested in and why.

“I’m not quite sure on where I’d like to intern, but I do know I’d like to do something with film. Probably in DC” Tyler Chapman. “I’ve been trying to look at shadowing oppertunities and find one within the medical field. Shadowing let’s you see have hands-on experiences and increases your interest in the career or alters what you want to do” Rohan Nanduri. “I plan to intern at the World Bank with my dad’s friend who’s the country officer for Ghana and Barbados. This allows me to get a better extent of of the poverty levels in Ghana specifically because I did a project sophomore year that involved learning more about the lack of education oppertunities and that inspired me to do this” Kalina Boshkovska.

“I want to be an aerospace engineer and I interned for NASA over the summer and would like to do it again” Klaire Danoff. “I do not know exactly what I want to do for the intership right now, but I would love for it to be along the lines of cyber security. I’m interested in waht they do and would like to see it in a different perspective” Bradford Williams. “I was thinking something around genetics because I’ve been really interested in it for the past four years and I’d like to see it in a lab setting. I’ve seen Jennifer Doudna’s work who works in California and if the internship allows me, I’d like to fly over and work with her if of course she let’s me” Isabella Ordonez





The new Netflix movie that is getting people excited for the holidays!

tring up some Christmas lights and make a cup of hot chocolate, because the holidays are approaching and the Netflix movies are streaming in. Netflix annually makes a deal of releasing a variety of Christmas movies, and this year is no exception. Some previous movies to name are The Christmas Prince, The Holiday Chronicles, The Princess Switch, and The Holiday Calendar. Netflix has been giving Disney and Hallmark competition as of late in terms of viewership due to the fact that the frequent release of movies has attracted thousands of viewers to their Netflix accounts. Netflix’s new movie Let it Snow signals the new wave of Christmas movies that will be delighting screens this year. Actors such as Kiernan Shipka from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Anna Akana, a popular YouTuber, and Mitchell Hope from Descendants star in the charming movie, telling the three different

stories of teenagers in a snowstorm. Love, friendships, and misunderstandings drive the plot of the movie, and the storylines are relatable to many teenagers. The cast consists of a boy pining for his best friend, a girl with a sick mother, and a boy who wants to throw a party but has strict parents. The movie represents a variety of diverse characters with different problems that teens worldwide can connect to and touches on important topics such as the LGBTQ community and religion. Abba Kodiaga(10)says, They definitely hit the mark with the diversity of people. They represented all types of people from the LGBTQ community and by having one of their lead actors be black. It also addresses the struggles of being a high school student, with topics stirring from relationships and having to deal with family issues. It was a very enjoyable movie with lessons included that

remind you that to be yourself is ultimately the best and you should surround yourself with people who make you feel loved and appreciated. Along with the heartfelt plot, the soundtrack is on Spotify and could put anyone in the Holiday mood. Shamik Moore’s song, First Christmas, plays continuously throughout the movie and ties the plot together. Many Netflix Christmas movies have been branded as “cheesy”, but the well-acted scenes, strong story, and winter setting set Let it Snow apart. This movie is perfect to watch with friends during the Holiday season and has enough of a mix of comedy and seriousness to put it as one of Netflix’s best Christmas movies this year.

holland cogan|staff writer



Will Google’s fourth flagship change the playing field for the phone industry

he Apple iPhone has been the standard for the phone industry since its introduction in 2007, when the transition from a flip phone to a smartphone required an Apple product. Since then, the market has expanded to include more manufacturers that offer many of the same specifications. However, customers’ opinions have stayed homogeneous. The iPhone has been put on a pedestal for its simplistic branding and its legacy as the phone that everyone buys. The luxury pricing of the iPhone is no deterrent to even the poorest people because of Apple’s brand loyalty and the system that is created within iMessage communication. Android manufacturers generally offer a lower price for the same or better specifications than the iPhone. Google, however, is attempting to match the iPhone’s prices

simply because customers attach a price to quality. The recent price bump from earlier models of the Google Pixel shows that customers believe their gadget is worth breaking their Apple loyalty to purchase an Android. The most basic iPhone 11 costs $700, while the baseline Pixel costs $800. Google believes their product is so superior that they feel confident charging $100 more than the iPhone. The reason the majority of people buy iPhones is linked to the fact that they were first to the smartphone industry - they have the iMessage ecosystem that connects other iPhone users seamlessly, and they have become the leader in smartphone trends. The luxury price of the iPhone shows it’s worth in the market and puts it on the pedestal so that it seems to be the only quality option for consumers.

Google owns the Android software and has given it to hundreds of manufacturers to implement in their phones. With the Pixel line however, Google controls the hardware and software for their device. This makes the Pixel the ideal Android because it is produced in the way the manufacturer intended it. Top of the line features comparable to iPhone and a more customizable software moves the Pixel up the ladder despite the price bump. iMessage and that Apple brand loyalty will continue to draw consumers to the iPhone but the slick new design of the Pixel and the branding Google is pushing via television ads is forcing some buyers to the Android side.

brendan bellingham | staff writer


december issue


An anti-hate satire set in World War 2 for the whole family!


et in Germany during World War II, the movie Jojo Rabbit explores the story of how a 10 year-old nazi-fanatic, Jojo, discovers a Jewish girl hidden in his house and learns to follow his heart, rather than the anti-semetic teachings in his head. While most boys his age are training to become part of Hitler’s army, Jojo accidentally injures himself after stealing a grenade to try and prove his self-worth to the commander, and becomes unable to walk properly and participate in the war. Jojo laments his complaints to his mother, Rosie, who reassures Jojo that there’s more to life than war and hatred. Internally discontent but unwilling to further his mother’s and own longing for his war-borne father, Jojo accepts his new monotonous life. Although Jojo is going through an internal life struggle, he discovers Elsa. Simultaneously terrified and fascinated by the Jewish girl, Jojo conspires with his imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler, and resolves to learn more about Jewish culture to write a book on how to recognize and catch a Jew. As time goes on and the uncertainty of German victory in the war increases, Jojo develops feelings for Elsa and frequently finds himself in contention with the Nazi principles he was taught in the form of his imaginary friend Hitler and his heart. His conflict grows stronger when Elsa narrowly escapes death

elene lipartiani | staff writer

by pretending to be his long lost sister, before finally being pushed to its limits by his mother’s hanging and his narrow escape from death when the Allies won the war. Finally, Jojo listens to his heart and accepts Elsa wholeheartedly, which allows him to help Elsa escape and marvel at the new bright world in front of her. Jojo Rabbit creates a comedic and satirical movie about an extremely sensitive topic, while still conveying a meaningful story about acceptance and love. Jojo Rabbit doesn’t promote antisemitism, but shows audiences the power of accepting each other despite our differences through Jojo and Elsa’s friendship, and the power of love in setting both our own hearts, and others free. Ann Bisset, a jewish freshman that saw the movie after all the buzz also agrees with this sentiment. Ann says it was “hilarious!” and that she doesn’t understand how people could get offended over it when “it’s so funny”. Overall, Jojo Rabbit is a fantastic movie that doesn’t deserve to be discredited just because it covers a sensitive topic matter. Rather, Jojo Rabbit serves as proof that other aspiring screenwriters and people shouldn’t be afraid to tell a story about delicate topic matters, because how they write and convey it matters far more than what the subject itself is.

courtesy of fox/ringer illustration

38 DISCONNECT BETWEEN NETFLIX SHOWS AND FILM INDUSTRY Oakton students opinions on Netflix changing content katie le | staff writer lizzie thompson | staff writer


etflix is changing quickly and shows from many TV networks are being taken off and replaced by Netflix Originals. Netflix Originals are shows and movies produced by Netflix and streamed exclusively by them. While a vast majority of this streaming service is filled up by their own shows, there are still some shows from other film industries. Although, there are not as many as before and, to some, not as many “good” shows left on Netflix to watch. The disconnect between Netflix and the film industry is making their customers confused, and some unhappy. When asked to take a poll about this content change, streamers of Netflix had mixed reviews of this new change. A sophomore at Oakton said that their favorite show on Netflix that has been removed is Pretty Little Liars, and that they do not like the direction Netflix is taking. When asked if that person liked Netflix originals, they said ‘[they] feel like Netflix has some really good movies and shows that everyone loved to watch, but they took them off’.

Courtesy of Tom Warren A junior at oakton said their favorite movie on Netflix that has been taken off is The Shining, and they do like the direction Netflix is taking. However, this person said that Netflix “pushes to promote their shows” even though some of their shows “aren’t good”. Another junior at oakton wrote that their favorite show was The Boondocks and that they don’t like the direction Netflix is taking. This person said they don’t like the Netflix originals because “[they] feel like rushed ideas that really do not have a lot of thought put into them, and are just targeting one demographic”. A different sophomore said their favorite show on Netflix was Archer and that they do not like the direction Netflix is taking. The sophomore said that although they do like the Netflix originals, “[she] does not like how they take off good shows and movies to make room for their originals”. Overall, most students said that they didn’t like the direction that Netflix was taking, though a small number of students said that they did. However, almost everyone who was asked about wheth-

er or not they liked the new direction of Netflix agreed that they didn’t like that Netflix’s original content was taking space from old shows on the platform, which are what got them onto Netflix in the first place. At the end of the day, students agree that the good shows and movies that are being replaced by these are better than the Originals and should not have been taken off. Netflix was a streaming service that showed lots of shows and movies from many TV networks, but now they are moving in a direction where there are more streams of their own network. These changes could cost Netflix their audience and influence that they have gained over the TV industry. The only thing that could bring some of these viewers back to Netflix would be them returning to their original business plan that made everyone love Netflix, and made it so popular in the first place.


How hiding like counts will affect infleuncers, celebrities, and teenagers differently


very day, 95 million photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram, and 4.2 billion likes are distributed. In July, Instagram proposed the idea of banning other followers from viewing the amount of likes one has. This policy is already being tested in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Brazil, and is soon to be established in the U.S. Instagram is taking this action in order to protect mental health and prevent competition. Instead of a constant battle of who can get more likes, Instagram is trying to promote the sharing of pictures without fear of judgement. So what are the benefits? In order to create a “less pressurised environment,” Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, stated at a conference earlier this year. The Royal Society for Public Health singled out Instagram as the platform most likely to have the largest negative effect on young people’s health and wellbeing in a 2017 study. While the app scored highly in terms of promoting self-expression and self-identity, it is also recognized

as having negative implications for anxiety, depression and the fear of missing out (FoMO). Instagram policy director, Mia Garlick hopes

week cuz they removing the likes. Hmmmm what should I get into now? Think of all the time I’ll have with my new life.” Her tweet resulting in an debate about the bendetriments of the new

“...this test will remove the pressure of how many likes a post will receive, so ongoing efits and/or you can focus on sharing policy. the things you love.” Nicki Minaj isn’t the only Some Australian influencers de- celebrity weighing in on nounced the policy. Jem Wolfie, a food and fitness influencer from the matter. Perth with 2.7 million followers, complained on a rublic radio that Instagram had “taken away a critical tool.” She was immediately pounded with jibes from across social media to ‘get a real job.’ However, for her and many others, Instagram is a real job. Many influencers and companies use Instagram to sell products or gain followers for their business or program. The possible change could also mean that influencer content must become higher quality in order to remain successful, since users won’t be able to rely on the amount of likes their posts are receiving when a brand considers working with them. Marketers will still be able to look at an influencer’s follower count, but that metric doesn’t mean much in the way of showing how engaged a user’s audience is. Not only are influencers affected, but celebrities, artists, and actors are also opposed to the idea. Rapper Nicki Minaj, who has over 108 million followers on the platform, threatened to quit Instagram. She tweeted: “I’m not posting on IG this

Kim Kardashian West recently tweeted about the discussion, although with a different viewpoint. “As far as mental health… I think taking the likes away and taking the aspect away from it will be very beneficial to people,” she stated, while considering her kids and other children/teens who use Instagram. Although she does recognize the damage it could cause to influencers and celebrities, she’s willing to take the step and experiment a new method to protect mental health. Whether or not you’re ready for it, the new like policy is soon to be enforced in the U.S. From influencers to children, artists to meme accounts, the new approach will affect everyone in a different manner. If everything goes accordingly, young users on the platform will enjoy a less pressurized sharing environment, while influencers continue to prosper with higher quality content.

sara boddie | staff writer

“Dogs make life so much better.” - Mr. Flowers

“I had to walk so VSCO girls could run.” - Jacob A., 11

“When Muhammad started Islam at the age of 40, that really gave me hope as a middle aged 33-year-old man.” - Mr. Krizel

“With Facebook stickers, the English language is useless!” - Lawrence Zhu, 12

memorable moments: “Falafel has too many letters. If you think about it, the word only needs Flafl!” - Morgan Pham, 12

“‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’ - Wayne Gretzky’ - Michael Scott” - Coby Nguonly, 11 “I love me some American Doritos!” - Thu Pham., 12

“You can’t go up in life but you can go down.” - Mr. McCulla

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