The Resident August 2010

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No.48 17 AUG-16 SEPT 2010 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006





Manilva Vendimia Chiringuito Ramos

Right on the beach, in front of La Noria, Sabinillas Open daily from 10.30 am - early hours of the morning

Fresh fish, seafood, fast food & children’s menu Sunbeds & Umbrellas available for hire



Specialists in Fresh Fish & Seafood Specialists in Paella C/Marques de Larios 8 Sabinillas For Reservations call: 952 890 216


Manilva Grape Festival




The Resident -

Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.


Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán Ronald Rosenfeld Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris

Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Distasa

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As an Englishman I’m well aware of the tendency of my fellow Brits to open a conversation with a reference to the weather, and for many years I believed that it was a peculiarity of my nationality. That was until I came to Spain where the weather is just as popular a topic as in the UK, and this year there certainly has been a lot to talk about, what with the long summer last year which suddenly turned in mid December to the wettest winter, followed by a late Spring and a summer dominated by easterly winds with just the occasional westerly to scorch the lungs. It makes you wonder what the rest of the year has in store, so better stock up on suncream, umbrellas, snowshoes just in case. It has been a pretty uneventful summer so far, apart from the recent visit by Michelle Obama, and the circus that ensued. Whilst we shouldn’t underestimate the valuable publicity garnered by the Costa del Sol, I am sure I’m not the only one who found the fawning, particularly by local politicians from far and wide, a little embarassing, particularly as it was a private holiday and not a state visit. Mind you we must remember we’re leading up to local elections next May so expect plenty more of the same. In the media we are constantly reminded not to judge things by their appearance, and I was reminded of this fact late last year on a visit to the UK. Accompanying me was my 14 year-old son, his first time back in the UK in ten years, having been brought up in Sabinillas where, although not crime free, you can let your kids have a wide area in which roam safely. Whilst visiting Birmingham we were seeking out a particularly well recommended Balti curry house when we chance upon a group of ‘hoodies’ in a particularly seedy, poorly lit area. Taking this opportunity to impart a little street wisdom to my lad I warned him of all the signs to look out for, not to make eye contact, etc., and whilst we were on the opposite side of the road, three of the delinquents broke off from the pack and began to shadow us. Whilst ready for anything I watched the youths as they split up and sneaked up the paths of three adjoining houses, puzzled I ignored all the lessons I was trying to pass on to my son, and slowed down to observe. After a few seconds stood at their respective front doors one of them shouted NOW! as they each rang the doorbell before turning round and fleeing up the road. Well so much for a valuable lesson in life in the urban jungle as the three ‘gangstas from da hood’ turned out to be just three kids playing the time-honoured game of ‘knock-up-ginger’, just like we, our parents, and their parents before them. Maybe there’s hope yet.

AGENDA - DIARY 25.08.2010 Verbena de San Luis - Sabinillas San Luis Day Party 4-5.09.2010 Vendimia - Manilva Grape Festival 6.09.2010 Fiesta Local - Manilva Local Holiday 6-12.09.2010 XI Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol - Estepona XI Costa del Sol Fantasy Film Week 19.09.2010 XX Feria Canina de ADANA 20th ADANA Dog Show - Estepona

Como buen inglés que soy sé que mis colegas británicos tienen la tendencia a hablar sobre el tiempo atmosférico, y durante muchos años he creído que eso era una particularidad de mi nacionalidad. Así pensé hasta que llegué a España donde hablar del tiempo es tan tópico como en el Reino Unido, y este año si que hemos hablado de él, empezando con el largo verano del año pasado que de repente a mitad de Diciembre fue el invierno más lluvioso, seguido de una primavera tardía y un verano dominado por vientos de levante con algunos días de poniente que abrasaba nuestros pulmones. Te hace pensar en lo que nos tendrá preparado el resto del año, así pues es mejor que tengamos a mano cremas solares, sombrillas y zapatos para la nieve en caso de necesitarlos. Hasta ahora hemos tenido un verano tranquilo y sin incidencias, aparte de la reciente visita de Michelle Obama, y el circo mediático. Mientras, no deberíamos subestimar el valor publicitario obtenido para la Costa del Sol, estoy seguro que no soy el único en pensar en lo adulador, particularmente por parte de algunos políticos locales, un poco embarazoso tratándose de unas vacaciones privadas y no una visita de estado. Teniendo en mente que debemos recordar que se aproximan nuevas elecciones locales el próximo mes de Mayo, esperad más de lo mismo. En los medios de comunicación tenemos constantemente que recordar que no se puede juzgar por las apariencias, tal y como me acordé a final del año pasado en una visita a Reino Unido acompañado de mi hijo de 14 años, su primera vez después de diez años fuera, habiéndose educado en Sabinillas, donde y aunque no estamos exentos de delitos, todavía se puede dejar a nuestros niños vagar con seguridad en amplias zonas. Mientras visitábamos Birmingham tratábamos de encontrar un sitio recomendado de comida india cuando nos topamos con un grupo de niñatos de aspecto desaseados en una zona poca alumbrada. Aprovechando esta oportunidad para impartir un poco de sabiduría de la calle a mi hijo, le advertí de que no los mirase, y que los ignorara, etc. Y mientras estábamos en el otro lado de la acera, tres de los delincuentes se separaron del grupo y nos siguieron. Preparado para cualquier cosa miré a los jóvenes separarse y acercarse sigilosamente por un camino común entre casas, ignorando todas las lecciones que estaba intentando transmitir a mi hijo, aflojé el paso y observé. Después de unos pocos segundos delante de sus respectivas puertas de entrada, uno de ellos gritó: ¡AHORA! Y cada uno llamó al timbre de las casas saliendo posteriormente corriendo. Bien una valiosa lección en la vida dentro de la jungla urbana, tan solo eran niños jugando a llamar a timbres y salir corriendo, justo lo que nosotros, nuestros padres y sus padres habían hecho antes. Quizás haya esperanza todavía.

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Manilva Life Business Directory Manilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over five and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars. Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the official English language website for the area, and enjoys first page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Manilva Life has a range of very attractive advertising options for local businesses. Visit Manilva Life now at and stay in touch with your community!

San Roque

The Resident -


La Parroquia se llenó con ocasión de la Misa por el alma del ex alcalde Francisco Jiménez

Hundreds turn out for former mayor’s funeral

La Parroquia de Santa María Coronada se ha llenado durante la Misa por el alma de Francisco Jiménez, ex alcalde de San Roque y un referente para el municipio, especialmente en el terreno cultural. Numerosos amigos han querido acompañar a los familiares de Jiménez en una emotiva ceremonia donde se recordó su calidad humana y la estima que despertaba en todos. Los miembros de la Corporación municipal, con el alcalde Fernando Palma a la cabeza, rindieron homenaje al anterior regidor, que descansaba en el interior de un féretro cubierto con la bandera de San Roque. Francisco Jiménez falleció en la tarde de domingo, 15 de Agosto en su domicilio de la céntrica calle Málaga. Paco Jiménez, como era conocido en la ciudad, era, pese a su edad, una persona muy activa, muy relacionada con el mundo de la cultura, y dirigía el taller de Teatro de la Universidad Popular.

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of Francisco Jiménez, former mayor of San Roque, who died last weekend. Many friends accompanied by family and members of the local government attended the emotional ceremony in the Parroquia de Santa María Coronada church. Francisco Jimenez died on the evening of Sunday, August 15 at his home in central Malaga. Paco Jimenez, as he was known in the city, was despite his age very active on the local cultural scene, and directed the People’s University Theatre Workshop. Francisco Pérez Jiménez was born in San Roque on October 5, 1927, and was well known for the work he did in the town, and was proud to be a Sanroqueño. He was Mayor of San Roque between the years of 1969 and 1979, and amongst his many achievements was the commencement of the Municipal Theatre, construction of the justice courts, and the Instituto José Cadalso.

Francisco Jiménez Pérez, nació en San Roque el 5 de octubre de 1927, ha sido un vecino conocido por sus obras, y un sanroqueño de los que han llevado con orgullo su naturaleza de ciudadano de

Un equipo de la televisión pública italiana filma en San Roque uno de sus programas Un equipo de la televisión pública italiana RAI filmó parte de uno de sus programas turísticos en la ciudad de San Roque. Durante la pasada semana un grupo de profesionales de la RAI grabó imágenes en la Plaza de Armas, parroquia Santa María la Coronada, capilla de Nuestra Señora de la Visitación y Palacio de los Gobernadores, así como la plaza de toros y calles típicas del casco histórico. El equipo grabó también imágenes de playas, partidos de golf y polo, puerto

deportivo de Sotogrande y deportes náuticos. Como la estancia de tres días del equipo de tres personas de la RAI en San Roque coincidió con el inicio de la Feria Real y el Festival Flamenco ofrecido en la plaza de Toros, garbaron también estos eventos. El concejal de Turismo, Antonio Calero, ha destacado “la importancia de que nuestro municipio sea conocido en países con miles de potenciales turistas, como el caso de Italia”.

esta histórica localidad. Entre 1969 y 1979 fue alcalde de la Ciudad, y entre sus logros están el inicio de las obras del Teatro Municipal, la construcción de los juzgados y del Instituto José Cadalso.

Protección Civil lleva a 17 abuelos de la Residencia Municipal a pasar un rato en la playa de Guadarranque

Un total de 17 abuelos de la Residencia Municipal de Mayores han podido disfrutar hoy, miércoles, de un día de playa gracias a Protección Civil de San Roque, que se ha encargado de trasladarlos hasta la playa de Guadarranque desde el asilo, así como de montar una carpa para protegerlos del sol, atenderlos y velar por su seguridad en la orilla y en el agua, a donde han podido acceder a bordo de sillas flotantes. Se da la circunstancia de que para algunos ancianos era la primera vez que pisaban la arena de la playa. El coordinador local de Protección Civil, Antonio Delgado, explicó que

Italian TV films in San Roque A team from Italy’s RAI television channel was in San Roque recently filming footage for one of its holiday programmes. During the past week filmmakers have been shooting in the town’s Plaza de Armas, Santa María la Coronada church, the Nuestra Señora de la Visitación chapel and the Palacio de los Gobernadores, along with the bullring and a number of typical streets in the old town. The team

also visited a number of beaches, golf and polo matches, Sotogrande port, etc. Their three day visit also coincided with the town’s Royal Fair ad Flamenco Festival. Councillor for Tourism, Antonio Calero stressed “the importance to our municipality of exposure in countries with thousands of potential visitors such as is the case in Italy”.

“estamos para ayudar, y cuando me propusieron esta idea desde el asilo, me encantó. Para lograr este día de playa se ha pedido la ayuda de varios departamentos municipales, y además hemos contado con la colaboración del mismo personal del asilo”. Manuela Pascual, directora de la Residencia Municipal de Mayores, indicó que “está siendo una gran experiencia para los abuelos, que ya se encantaron cuando conocieron la idea. Quiero dar las gracias a Protección Civil, porque lo han organizado todo de manera fenomenal, y estamos muy a gusto”.

Civil Protection take 17 senior citizens to spend some time on the beach A total of 17 residents from San Roque’s Municipal Senior Citizens’ Home enjoyed a day on the beach last Wednesday thanks to members of the Civil Protection Brigade who took them to Playa Guadarranque. The group enjoyed the chance to soak up a little sun and to paddle in the sea with the help of the lifeguards, whose numbers had been increased to take account of the

visit. Manuela Pascual, director of the Municipal Senior Citizens’ Home, said that “It had been a great experience for the residents, who loved the idea from the day it was proposed. I want to say big thank you to the Civil Protection for making the day possible”.



The Resident -


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 C/. Miguel Delibes - Edif. Sabina Playa 3 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)

Justine & Phil (formerly of Sisters)

La Policía Nacional libera a un ciudadano que secuestrado durante 8 días en Manilva Agentes de la Policía Nacional han liberado a un ciudadano, de nacionalidad polaca y 39 años, que permaneció durante ocho días secuestrado en un chalet ubicado en la localidad malagueña de Manilva donde, además, fue torturado. Según declaró la víctima en el momento de su liberación, el motivo del rapto fue el pago de una importante cantidad de dinero que debía a los ahora arrestados. La investigación policial se inició gracias a la denuncia del agregado de Interior de España en la Embajada de Varsovia (Polonia), quien informó de que la Oficina Central de Investigación de la Policía Polaca le había comunicado que una persona de nacionalidad polaca podría estar detenida ilegalmente y sufriendo graves agresiones. Inmediatamente agentes especializados de la Sección de Secuestros y Extorsiones, con el apoyo del GRECO de Campo de Gibraltar, activaron el protocolo establecido e iniciaron una ardua

investigación que les condujo a las provincias de Málaga y Cádiz. En la madrugada del 24 de julio los agentes logran ubicar exactamente la vivienda donde permanecía secuestrada la víctima. Sobre las 03:00 horas de la madrugada, especialistas del Grupo Operativo Especial de Seguridad (GOES) de la Jefatura Superior de Policía de Andalucía Occidental asaltan la vivienda ubicada en un chalet de Punta Chullera en Manilva (Málaga). En la operación son detenidas cuatro personas, un ciudadano alemán y otros tres de origen polaco, a quienes se les imputan delitos de secuestro, lesiones, falsificación documental y contra la salud pública. En el registro de la vivienda se intervino más de 4 kilos de hachís, 6.900 euros en efectivo, 3 ordenadores personales, teléfonos móviles, documentación falsa y material para atar y amordazar al secuestrado.

Have now taken over

La Bodega del Genal where they will be serving both homecooked Spanish Tapas and an English menu. Come and visit us on the Paseo Maritimo in Sabinillas by the Statue

Reservations: 672 398 895

Police free kidnapped Pole in raid on a house in Manilva A raid by National Police officers on a property in the La Paloma area of Manilva led to the release of a 39 year old Polish man and the arrest of one German and three Polish nationals. Police also seized a number of mobile phones and computers, along with more than 4 kilos of hashish and 6,900 euros in cash. The man had been held for eight days, apparently in connection with a debt

owed to the captors who were demanding 20,000 euros for his release. The raid on Saturday, 24th July, which was carried out by specialist officers from the National Police’s Kidnap and Extortion Section (UDEV), along with the GRECO organised crime squad and the Special Security Task Force (GOES), had been the result of information received by the Spanish Embassy in Warsaw.


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Verbena de San Luis de Sabinillas El 25 de Agosto y en honor a su Patrón San Luis, la Barriada de Sabinillas celebra cada año sus fiestas. El mar se convierte en un escenario especial y magnífico en esta conmemoración local. Concursos deportivos, música y bailes invaden de alegría el pueblo durante estos días. 8.00 Alegres dianas y pasacalles con lanzamiento de cohetes, acompañados por la Banda Municipal de Música de Manilva. 1130 Concursos y juegos infantiles en la Plaza Vicente Espinel a cargo de un grupo de animación con regalos para los ganadores de los diferentes concursos. Por la tarde Santa Mis Rociera en honor a Nuestro Patron cantada por el Coro Parroquial de San Luis. A continuación

GRATIS hasta 15 de Septiembre FREE until the 15th of September

Edificio Bali, Planta 1, No. 8, Sabinillas

Bar - Cafetería

saldra en procesion por las calles de Sabinillas acompañado por la Banda Municipal de Música. 22:00 Música y baile en la Plaza Vicente Espinel.


TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES DESAYUNOS Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva

Tel: 951 273 647 Email:

San Luis festival This fiesta on Wednesday, 25th August, 2009 celebrates San Luis the Patron Saint of Sabinillas. The day kicks off in traditional fashion at 8.00 am with rockets and a parade by the Town Band through the streets of Sabinillas. At 11.30 am the children’s activities begin in Plaza Vicente Espinel organised by the children’s entertainers group.

In the afternoon there is a Mass in honour of the patron accompanied by the Church Choir. After which the Saint’s statue is taken in procession through the streets of the village accompanied by the town band. Music and dancing in the Plaza Vicente Espinel from 10.00 pm until the early hours of the morning.

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Manilva Delegacion de Extranjeros

Dentro de las actividades que la Delegación de Residentes Extranjeros ha organizado durante el periodo estival, cabe destacar los conciertos que se han llevado a cabo en el monumento de El Castillo de la Duquesa, entre ellos, el día 17 de Julio, se ofreció a los residentes y visitantes, un paso por los años 40 de la historia de Gran Bretaña, interpretado por varios cantantes a través de la música y con el atuendo de la época, el espectáculo ofrecido por David Honour, organizador del evento, fue de una gran calidad y tuvo una gran aceptación entre los asistentes. Posteriormente, el día 24 de Julio tuvimos el placer de contar con el concierto ofrecido por Stephen Lloyd Morgan, organizado por Nick Holland y con la presencia de la gran Orquesta de Marbella,

dirigida por Ian Green, así como otros invitados especiales del mundo de la música. La asistencia a este gran evento estaba garantizada, con un público ya acostumbrado a su profesionalidad. Durante la mañana del Domingo 8 de Agosto, 40 golfistas se encontraron en el San Roque Club de Golf, en un Torneo llamado Company Challenge. Dio comienzo a las 10.15 am. Un evento organizado por Stewart Heath, propietario del Leisure Lounge, del Puerto de la Duquesa y patrocinado por alrededor de diez comercios de la zona de Sabinillas, Puerto de la Duquesa y Gibraltar. Los premios se entregaron sobre las 20.00h. de ese mismo día en un entorno sin igual, como es el Monumento del Castillo de la Duquesa, durante una

The Resident -

Cena Gala y amenizado con música en vivo. Contamos con la asistencia de la Alcaldesa, Antonia Muñoz y del concejal

Programas Actividades de Verano/Otoño Los días 18 y 19 de Agosto, los más pequeños acompañados de los mayores podrán disfrutar de actividades varias al aire libre en la plaza Vicente Espinel. Este acto será organizado por la Iglesia Evangélica Esperanza de vida de Manilva y dará comienzo a partir de las 20:00h. Durante estos dos días podremos disfrutar de teatros, talleres varios, castillos hinchables, música y mucho más.

Cine de Verano

Desde el día 26 al día 30 de Agosto, a partir de las 22.00h. tendremos la oportunidad de disfrutar de cine de verano en el monumento de El Castillo, con una gran pantalla y a un precio popular de 3€ la entrada para todos los públicos. Las películas se emitirán en versión original

con subtítulos en español y viceversa. Esta semana del cine está organizada por Michael Thomas Ford en colaboración con la Delegación de extranjeros residentes. También se dispondrá de refrescos y palomitas.

La cartelera es: 26 Agosto Furia de Titanes (2010) 27 Agosto ¿Y Dónde está la Princesa? – Encantada 28 Agosto Avatar 29 Agosto Buscando a Nemo 30 Agosto La Niñera Mágica y el Big Bang

Avance para el Otoño 24 de Septiembre Presentación programa de Otoño y Día de la tapa Se presentarán las actividades y eventos que se van a realizar a lo largo del trimestre. Posteriormente conoceremos uno de los rincones más interesante de Sabinillas, como es el bar “Lo de Andrés”, con unas tapas exquisitas y en un ambiente agradable. Primera tapa y bebida gratis. A las 13:30 horas. En el bar “Lo de Andrés” situado en la plaza Vicente Espinel. Solicita tu ticket en la oficina de la delegación de Extranjeros residentes.

Viaje a Granada, Visita a la Alhambra


El nombre Alhambra tiene sus orígenes en una palabra árabe que significa “castillo rojo o bermellón”, debido quizás al tono de color de las torres y muros que rodean completamente la colina de La Sabica, que bajo la luz de las estrellas es de color plateado, pero bajo la luz del sol adquiere un tono dorado. Aunque existe una explicación más poética, narrada por los cronistas musulmanes que hablan de la construcción de la Alhambra “bajo la luz de las antorchas”. Creada originalmente con propósitos militares, la Alhambra era una alcazaba (fortín), un alcázar (palacio)

La Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, informa que: Con motivo de las próximas elecciones locales, que se celebrarán el próximo mes de Mayo de 2011, para aquellas personas que deseen ejercer su derecho al voto, deben reunir los siguientes requisitos: 1. Estar empadronados en el municipio de Manilva (Manilva, Sabinillas y El Castillo, así como urbanizaciones de la localidad) 2. Solicitar la inscripción en el censo electoral, en la propia oficina del Padrón, sita en C/ Pío Baroja, Nº5, Local 2 en Sabinillas. 3. En caso de ya haber votado con anterioridad en cualquier municipio de España, no será necesario solicitar este derecho, ya que lo adquiere la primera vez y es para siempre. Como punto aclarativo para las personas con nacionalidad Noruega, ellos podrán votar siempre que tengan la residencia, NIE, en vigor y más de dos años de empadronamiento, también tendrán que solicitar el derecho al voto. Si alguna persona interesada en saber su situación personal, si está correctamente en el censo, empadronado, etc. Tiene que dirigirse personalmente con su identificación, pasaporte, DNI, NIE, en vigor, a la oficina del Padrón. Durante los meses sucesivos daremos una información más amplia, con fechas limites para revisiones o cualquier otra aclaración pertinente.

y una pequeña medina (ciudad), todo al mismo tiempo. Este triple carácter nos ayuda a comprender las numerosas características de éste monumento. Día : Finales de Octubre (pendiente confirmar fechas) Precio: 40€ Incluye: Autobús de ida y vuelta. Desayuno en el camino. Entrada y visita guiada a la Alambra. Almuerzo y tarde libres. Plazo de inscripción hasta el 30 de Septiembre. Debido a que es una excursión muy solicitada sólo se permitirá inscribirse a empadronados en Manilva.

delegado de extranjeros, Diego Urieta, y la asistencia de más de un centenar de personas.

Clases de Español para extranjeros e Inglés A partir del próximo 1 de Septiembre y hasta el 30 del mismo mes se inicia el período de matrícula para las clases de español para extranjeros así como las de Inglés. Todos aquellos interesados podrán recoger su impreso de inscripción en la oficina de la delegación de extranjeros.

Citas con el Concejal de Extranjeros Residentes Queremos informar que durante el mes de Agosto no se harán citas los Miércoles con el Concejal, se reanudará a partir de Septiembre.

Oficina Delegación de Extranjeros

Lugar: Monumento del Castillo,Castillo de la Duquesa. Horario:de 8:00 a 15:00 de Lunes a viernes Tlf. 952893548. Móvil: 663.96.96.36 e-mail: Puerto de la Duquesa - Oficina de Turismo: Horario: de 15:00 a 20:30 de Lunes a Viernes. 10:00 a 14:00 los Sábados Te esperamos para resolver cualquier duda.Trasládanos tus sugerencias. Toda la actualidad de Manilva en inglés : noticias, eventos, actividades,etc. En televisión Manilva Sábados 19:00h. Domingos 12:00h y 19:00h Web de interés:,

The Resident -

Manilva Foreigners Department


A look back at the last month Among the many activities organised by the Manilva Foreign Residents Department over the summer, there have been a number of concerts at the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa including on July 17 a flash back to the music, films and fashions of the 40’s and wartime Britain. Organised by David Honour and Trevor Brooks in collaboration with the Foreigners Department everyone enjoyed this quality event. The following week music lovers were treated to a concert by Stephen Lloyd Morgan, accompanied by the Marbella Concert Orchestra directed by Ian Green, with supporting artists Julie-Anne Hunter, Rebecca Tate, Christian Fa, the Unity Gospel Singers, and 80’s popstar

Yazz. Organised by Nick Holland the sell-out audience enjoyed a fabulous evening of classical and modern music. On Sunday, 8 August San Roque Golf Club was the venue for the Company Challenge Golf Tournament, and event organised by Stewart Heath from the Leisure Lounge in Puerto de la Duquesa and sponsored by a number of businesses from Sabinillas, Duquesa and Gibraltar. The award ceremony was held that evening at a Gala Dinner held in the Castle and attended by the Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, and Councillor for Foreign Residents, Diego Urieta, along with some one hundred guests.

Programme of Summer and Autumn activities Cine in the Castle


Coming up this autumn

From 26 to 30 August starting at 10 pm there will be the opportunity to enjoy a number of popular films on a giant screen set up in the delightful setting of the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa. The films will be screened in their original language with Spanish subtitles or in Spanish with English subtitles and the entrance is just 3 euros per person. The event is organised by Michael Thomas Ford, in collaboration with the Foreign Residents Department:

26 August - Clash of the Titans (2010) 27 August - Enchanted 28 August - Avatar 29 August - Finding Nemo 30 August - Nanny Mcfee and the Big Bang

Once again Manilva’s Foreigners Department is putting together a programme of activities for the autumn months, which includes:

Spanish and English lessons

Meetings with the Councillor

Enrolment is being invited for this years programme of language courses, namely - Spanish for Foreigners as well as English classes. All those interested should put their names down at the Foreign Residents office between 1 and 30 September

The programme of meetings between the Councillor for Foreign Residents, Diego Urieta, and various local individuals and groups will resume in September.

The musical spectacular ‘Moulin Rouge’ scheduled for 28 August has had to be rescheduled for a date in the future due to commitments by the musical group. Alternative entertainment will be organised for this date.

24 September At 1.30 pm there will be a presentation of the events and activities for the autumn months followed by an opportunity to socialise and sample the wide range of tradtional tapas at the popular ‘Lo de Andrés’ situated the Plaza Vicente Espinel in Sabinillas. The first tapa and drink is free subject to presentation of your ticket which can be obtained from the Foreign Residents Department’s office in the Castle.

For up to date information of all events and activities organised by the Manilva Foreign Residents Department Visit

Information - Your right to vote With the next May’s local elections beginning to loom, the Manilva Town Hall’s Foreign Residents Department would like to inform those persons wishing to vote must fulfill the following requirements: 1. You must be an EU citizen (or Norwegian) and be registered (empadronados) in the municipality of Manilva (Manilva, Sabinillas, Castillo de la Duquesa, and the various urbanisations within the municipal boundaries). 2. To register to vote visit the Padron Office in the Teniente de Alcaldia/Tourist Office, Calle Pío Baroja in Sabinillas. 3. If you have voted previously anywhere in Spain, you are automatically registered to vote. Norwegian nationals may register to vote providing they have residencia, NIE, and have been on the Padron for a minimum of 2 years. To check your personal status regarding voting you can visit the Padron Office with your passport/DNI/NIE and ask them to check for you. During the coming months we will provide more information on the forthcoming elections.

Trip to Granada and the Alhambra

Foreign Residents office

Granada, a city of charm and mystery, was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Moorish legacy includes the Alhambra and Generalife Gardens - explore beyond the beautiful Moorish architecture to learn the history of one of the most visited attractions in the world. The trip will take place towards the end of October (date to be confirmed) and will

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or Chris Olsen 663 969 636 email extranjeros@ayto-manilva. com You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist

cost 40 euros per person, which includes: Return coach travel, breakfast en route, entrance and guided tour of the Alhambra, followed by lunch and free time during the afternoon. Bookings will be taken up to 30 September and, due to the popularity of this trip, will only be open to those on the Manilva register (Padron).

Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.30 to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Sally Russell and Chris Olsen on Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 12 noon and 7 pm. Visit or www.manilvalife. com for more information.



The Resident -

Manilva formará parte de un proyecto piloto nacional para la gestión telemática de sus propiedades Manilva formará parte de un proyecto piloto en el marco nacional que permitirá a sus vecinos consultar a través de internet y mediante una clave, el expediente catastral de cada uno de sus inmuebles, para poder revisar la situación de su vivienda y todos los datos que figuran asociados a la misma. Así se desprende de la reunión mantenida por la alcaldesa, Antonia Muñoz, el concejal de Hacienda, Diego Díaz, y otros miembros del equipo de gobierno, con el gerente del catastro en la provincia y también representante del Patronato Provincial de Málaga, celebrada este mes. Según apuntaba la regidora manilveña, los ciudadanos comenzarán a recibir en sus domicilios las cartas con su clave secreta para acceder a esta información

a partir del próximo mes de septiembre. La alcaldesa, también destacó que este encuentro ha servido para abordar la culminación de los trabajos preliminares de la revisión catastral que se lleva a cabo en Manilva, esfuerzo que, a su juicio, redundará de manera positiva durante los próximos años en la economía municipal.

New scheme allows online consultation of property details Manilva will be part of a national project which will allow residents to consult the cadastral records for their personal properties in order to review the status of that property and any data referring to it. The local authorities have announced that Manilva property owners, resident

in the municipality should expect to receive a letter during September with a personal password and details of how to access this information. This is especially useful given the recent completion of the preliminary revision of the cadastral values currently being carried out in Manilva.

Clubhouse Steakhouse Restaurant 20% Discount on all Take Away Menu Open from 4 pm every evening Saturday from 2 pm Sunday from 1 pm Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre Tel.: 951 276 727

Monday Night is Quiz Night

- 8.30 pm Tremendous fun for serious quizzers and duffers alike

Tuesday Night Early Bird Specials

Kids eat Free Menu (Monday to Friday) Easy Parking


Air Conditioning


Cool Terrace


WiFi Zone


Next to Duquesa Golf Hotel on Roundabout Above Eroski Store

Friday is BBQ night on the Cool Terrace Steak - Chicken - Ribs

Saturday is Cabaret Night

2 Courses - Served from 5pm to 8pm - 10.00 euros

Wednesdays is Golf Outing Day

Daniela Caballero

A fun day out for Ladies and Gents playing different courses every week. Licensed Golf Tour Operator Golf Green Fees - Accommodation - Luxury Coach Hire - Transport Call Tom on 646 420 547

Singing your favourites from 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Thursdays is Tapas Night

Roast Beef - Turkey - Pork + Vegetables, Potatoes, etc. Includes Homemade Dessert 1.00pm to 7.00pm - 12.50 euros

A Selection of Tapas including Bottle of House Wine - 19 euros

Sunday Roast

The Resident -

El Consistorio sacará a concesión 150 plazas de aparcamiento El Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha acordado en comisión de gobierno sacar en concesión 150 plazas del aparcamiento público de la calle Doctor Alvarez Leiva. Cabe recordar, que esta opción se lleva manejando desde la inauguración del parking, pero ha sido ahora, cuando el actual equipo de gobierno ha decidido llevar a cabo esta acción que supondrá para muchos vecinos, tener un lugar donde poder aparcar el coche sin ningún tipo de problema y a un precio asequible. Las concesiones se realizarán por un plazo de 75 años y el precio medio de las plazas será de 9.000 €.

Las bases administrativas se publicarán en breve en el Boletín Oficial de la Provincia y se pondrán a disposición del público. En estas se primará especialmente a los residentes en el término municipal de Manilva. Además según ha informado la alcaldesa, Antonia Muñoz, se está negociando con diversas Entidades Bancarias la financiación de la operación con los particulares ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de un préstamo tanto hipotecario como personal con una duración superior a los 10 años.


Cafe & Restaurant NOW OPEN “We have now moved to the square behind the Taxi Rank” Come and enjoy your old favourites, along with some new dishes for you to try.

Town Hall offers 150 parking places Manilva Town Council has set up a commission to offer for sale 150 parking places in the public car park in Calle Doctor Alvarez Leiva, Manilva. Places are being offered on a 75 year lease with an average price of 9,000 euros, and the

terms will be published shortly in the Official Provincial Bulleting (BOP). Priority will go to residents of Manilva and the council are negotiating with a number of banks to make financial packages available for the purchase.


Open 6 days a week Serving Breakfast & Light Meals from 10 am until 2.30 pm Early Bird Special from 7 pm to 7.30 pm Evening Dinner from 7 pm to 10 pm CLOSED MONDAYS

Plaza Vicente Espinel, Sabinillas Call 617 616 622


50% 50%



The Resident -

La Vendimia de Manilva Manilva celebra su anual Vendimia durante la primera semana de Septiembre. Junto con la Anarquía y la zona de los Montes de Málaga, Manilva es uno de los centros importantes en la producción de la uva Moscatel, dando las famosas “Pasas de Málaga” y el vino seco y dulce de Málaga. Hay viñas en Manilva que datan desde el siglo XVI y cada año, durante la primera semana de Septiembre, Manilva celebra su anual Fiesta de la Vendimia. Esta fiesta se celebró por primera vez a principio de los años ´60, convirtiéndose así de importante en el calendario local y recibiendo la visita de personas de toda la región. Sábado, 4 de Septiembre Por la tarde se celebrará una Misa en

honor a Nuestra Señora de los Dolores con la actuación del Coro en la Iglesia de Santa Ana. Después se llevará a La Virgen desde la Iglesia a la Calle Mar, donde se le ofrenderán las uvas, y habrá un concurso por el mejor racimo de uvas. A las 10.00 de la noche música y baile hasta la madrugada en la Calle Mar de Manilva. Domingo, 5 de Septiembre. Inauguración de la Feria de Día con música y baile amenizado con los grupos “A Compás” y “Latidos”, con comida y bebidas por la tarde y noche. Sobre las 5 de la tarde tendremos el paseo de caballos, seguido a las 7 de la tarde por la ceremonia de la uva y probar el mejor mosto de la temporada.

Manilva grape festival Manilva celebrates its annual Vendimia - harvest festival on the first weekend in September. Along with the Axarquia and the Montes de Malaga areas, Manilva is an important centre for the production of the Moscatel grape which, when dried on the local hillsides, provides the world famous ‘Pasas de Malaga’, the Malaga raisin, as well as a range of wines from dry to the sweet ‘Malaga’ wine. There have been vineyards in Manilva since the 16th Century and every year, on the first weekend in September, Manilva celebrates its annual grape harvest. This festival was founded in the early ‘60s and has become an important part of the local calendar, drawing in visitors from all across the region. Saturday, 4th September In the afternoon there will be a Mass in honour of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

and a performance by the church choir in the Iglesia Santa Ana. Afterwards the Virgen will be borne from the church to the stage in Calle Mar where she will be presented with an offering of grapes, after which the competition for the best bunch of grapes takes place. 10.00 pm Music and dancing into the early hours in Manilva’s Calle Mar. Sunday, 5th September Midday sees the inauguration of the Day Feria with music, dancing and plenty of food and drink throughout the afternoon and evening. Later in the afternoon at a around 5 pm there is a procession of riders through the streets, followed by at around 7 pm the ceremonial first treading of the grapes and a chance to sample the first ‘mosto’ grape juice of the season.

Summer Madness Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00 to 14.30 & 17:00 to 19.00 Saturday 10.00 to 14.00

Special Offers - New Stock Arriving Daily Best Prices on the Coast - Visit our Shop Shop online on our new look website NOW online

The Medsports online Fishing Tackle Store has been set up to provide fishing tackle and accessories to customers in Spain and worldwide. Our many years’ hands on fishing experience helps us to select the best products for our store. We hope that they will suit your fishing style and your budget and we are regularly updating our product catalogue. We offer a friendly, reliable service and an excellent range of products. Our online ordering and payment is 100% secure, and we aim to dispatch orders on the same or next working day. We have designed our site to make it as easy as possible to find and buy the products you want. However, we always appreciate constructive feedback about the site or our line of products. You can email us direct at La Tienda Medsports articulos de pesca dispone de todo tipo de articulos para distribuir en España y el resto del mundo. Durante muchos años de pesca y experiencias hemos podido ayudar a nuestros clientes a seleccionar los mejores productos de nuestra tienda. Constantemente cambiamos nuestros productos a estilos de pesca diferentes y también los ponemos en la web-site. Nosotros ofrecemos un gran servicio de nuestros productos. Nuestros pedidos online son 100% seguros, ya que realizamos los pedidos al siguiente día laborable de recibir los e-mails. Hemos diseñado un espacio para hacer más facil la compra de los productos que usted quiere. Siempre apreciamos la opinion de mejora en nuestra pagina y de la línea de productos, puede realizar su opinion directamente a: info@

New Products arriving daily. We can arrange fishing trips to the local lakes & rivers


The Resident -


Casares firmará un convenio con la cantera de la Utrera En la misma sesión plenaria también se ha sometido a votación un convenio de patrocinio entre el Ayuntamiento de Casares y la Sociedad general de Canteras, que tiene la explotación de la Sierra de la Utrera. El convenio que ha sido aprobado con los votos de IU y PSOE, PP se ha abstenido, va a tener ventajas económicas y medioambientales para el municipio y sus vecinos, ha explicado el concejal de Medio Ambiente, Pedro González. Por un lado, va a suponer la reducción del perímetro de actuación de la cantera, la protección de la Cueva del Duque, la zona cercana a los Baños de la Hedionda, el canuto de la Utrera y la renuncia de la cantera a la explotación de la Utrera 2, al otro lado del canuto, para la que la empresa tiene 30 años de concesión. Además se va a trasladar toda la maquinaria de la cantera a la zona del interior de la producción bruta, lo que podría suponer alrededor de 150.000 euros anuales, además de aportaciones misma y se van a adecentar los exteriores. áridos para obras municipales. Para la inversión de esta cuantía se creará una 1,5% de la explotación comisión de seguimiento, aunque en el convenio Las ventajas económicas supondrán que el se especifica que se destinarán a: Actuaciones para Ayuntamiento de Casares va a recibir a partir el Fomento del Deporte, para el Medio Ambiente, del próximo año un 1,5% de los beneficios de la Actividades Sociales y Culturales, crear fondo para

Ayudas y Becas en centros docentes y culturales, Fomento del Empleo Local, financiar actividades sociales y culturales, a cualquier otro tipo de actuación relacionado con actividades que redunden en beneficio de colectivos integrados dentro del término municipal de Casares, y de modo genérico, llevar a cabo cuantas actuaciones sean conducentes al mejor logro de sus fines. Por lo que queda de este año el Consistorio va a recibir 70.000 euros además de los áridos necesarios que según explicó el concejal de Medio Ambiente, Pepe Carrasco van a serivir para mejorar los caminos In a recent general council session the local authorities in All quarrying machinery is to be moved into the interior of rurales del municipio.

Casares signs agreement with quarry company Casares voted in favour of an agreement with Sociedad General de Canteras, who hold the concession for the quarry at Sierra Utrera, just behind Manilva. The agreement which was voted for by IU and PSOE councillors, with the PP abstaining, will have both economic and environmental benefits for both Casares and its neighbours according to Councillor for the environment, Pedro González. The agreement calls for a reduction in the exploited area, protection of the Cueva del Duque cave system, the area around the La Hedionda Roman Baths, the El Canuto de la Utrera gorge, as well as the area on the opposite side of the gorge to the present operations, rescinding a 30 year concession.

the area and the exterior tidied up. 1.5% of gross profit

Economic benefits include a contribution next year of 1.5% of gross profits from the quarry, which is anticipated to generate some 150,000 euros for Casares Town Hall’s municipal coffers to be used for Sports Development, Environment, Social and Cultural Activities, Grants and Scholarships for schools and cultural activities, and contributions to various groups within the municipality of Casares. For the remainder of this year the income from this levy is anticipated to be in the region of 70,000 euros which will be used to improve rural roads in the area.

Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares Nuestra biblioteca de verano del Ayuntamiento de Casares está realizando un gran trabajo en la playa, especialmente con los niños, vienen a la caseta octogonal en manadas tan pronto como subimos las persianas. “The Resident” nos ha proporcionado amablemente, con su periódico bilingüe para los padres y madres que pueden llevarse gratis junto con cuentas cortos. Hay multitud de diferentes folletos de Casares y el Secadero para leer en la biblioteca, así como gran variedad de materias de lectura bien almacenados. Hemos finalizado el torneo de Petanca en el que Juan Quiroz y su esposa Rosario fueron los justos ganadores.

La final del torneo de Ping Pong femenino la ganó Elaine Bunn, la final masculina se decidió en la muerte súbita cuando un formidable John Hammond se impuso a un combativo Ron Bunn. Nuestra bien planeada cena de “Fish and Chips” que suministró “Marlow’s” estaba muy caliente y fantástica. Fuimos 45 comensales acomodados en la sala del club, un par de bailes ayudó a hacer la digestión. Esta fue la primera, pero seguro que no la última, si tenemos en cuenta la multitud de comentarios positivos. Para cualquier consulta sobre le Club o sus actividades, por favor contacte: maria.hammond@ o 952 892 030.

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares The Casares Town Hall’s library on the beach project which is operated by volunteers from the club is proving a great success with both children and adults, with hordes of readers descending on the hut as soon as the shutters go up. There is a wide selection of reading material, such as books, magazines and newspapers including of course, The Resident newspaper, along with information leaflets and brochures about the area. The beach library will continue to operate into the early part of September. Congratulations go to Juan Quiros and his wife Rosario who were outright winners of the club’s recent petanca competition.

Other sporting champions are Elaine Bunn, who won the Ladies’ Table Tennis final, whilst husband Ron Bunn just lost out to the formidable John Hammond in a tie break for the Men’s Final. Another great success was the ‘Fish & Chip’ supper held in the club room. Forty-five members enjoyed piping hot fish and chips supplied by Marlows, with a dance or two after dinner to help the digestion. This was a very popular event which will no doubt be repeated. For information regarding the club and its activities then please contact or 952 892 030.

“THE DIARY” and For your Business & Service needs

Tel: 656 476 887

Casares Bridge Club Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday at 6.45 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort.

For more details call Paul on 952 89 01 99 or 699 026 129.

Promote your Society or Event by sending the information to


Información Information

The Resident -

RUN FOR MOORE Saturday 11th September 2010 at 9.15am You are all invited to run, walk, roller skate or cycle. Setting off from the main statue in Sabinillas at 9.15am. We are all getting together to raise as much money as possible. Any donations will be greatly appreciated and go to this worthwhile cause. We want to make this event even bigger and better than last year. Last year we raised 1,686 euros.

The Bobby Moore Fund raises money for bowel cancer research in memory of Bobby Moore who died from the disease. Charity Registration No. 1089464

If you want to take part or make a donation please contact Dave Hewitt on 677 129 727.

Restaurant & Lounge Opening Hours: Traditional Sunday Lunch is now being served from 1 pm - 3 courses just €16.95 Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED

JustLike Like Mammaused used to akeit it Just Mamma tom make Tal y como Mamá silía hacerlo

Wednesdays & Thursdays Open at 6pm for A’La Carte and Snack Menu available. Kids Menu 8.95 for 2 courses including a soft drink, bouncy castle & pool table available

Thursdays: Open for Menu del Dia from 1pm BOOKINGS ONLY Fridays: Open at 6pm. A’La Carte and Snack Menu Saturdays: Live Entertainment incl 3-course meal (See Page 19 for entertainment programme) FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 952 892 690 or 664 442 629 or email us at or visit the website Located on the Rio Manilva Road, 4km from the Lidl roundabout, Sabinillas. 2 km past the Fairground/Market

anúnciese con the resident - advertise with the resident Tlf. 952 936 198

Guía de Empresas

The Resident -


TEL 673374876 OR 673374875 - EMAIL

Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers - Courier Service Tel. 952 89 30 96 - 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82


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anúnciese con the resident - advertise with the resident Tlf. 952 936 198




The Resident -

XI Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol - Estepona El cine Albéniz acogerá por primera vez de forma paralela a Estepona la undécima edición de la Semana de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol que se celebrará del 8 al 11 de septiembre y donde podrán verse interesantes propuestas de este consolidado certamen internacional. Además, homenajeará al fallecido director,

Lunes 6 Septiembre, 20:30 h. JACK TAYLOR - Unicornio de Honor Jack Taylor (nacido como George Brown Randall) llegó a esta dimensión el 21 de octubre de 1936. Alto, y bien parecido, con un rostro delgado, fino bigote y aire distinguido, Taylor comenzó su carrera a comienzos de los 50 actuando en un episodio de “The Jack Benny Show”, en el que aparecía Marilyn Monroe. Jack también tuvo papeles en series de televisión como “Sheena, Queen of the Jungle” y “Captain David Grief ”. PAUL NASCHY - Premio Especial del Jurado Paul Naschy (Jacinto Molina de nombre real) nació el 06 de septiembre de 1934 y desde muy pequeño demostró una gran afición por todas las artes plásticas y como no por el cine. Su vocación nació el día que colándose en una sala del Madrid de los años 40 visionó “Frankenstein y el hombre lobo” (Roy William Neill 1943), desde entonces Su afición por el séptimo arte fue en aumento hasta nuestros días. Dentro del ámbito cinematográfico lo ha sido todo, actor, guionista, director y productor. Su carrera empezó en 1966 en las ramas de dirección y producción a las órdenes de directores como Pedro Lazaga o Manuel Mur Oti pero antes de lanzarse a su vocación, Naschy tuvo tiempo de cursar bachillerato superior en Madrid, la carrera de ciencias exactas e iniciar la carrera de arquitectura.

Viernes 10 Septiembre, 20:30 h. ALASKA - Waldemar Daninsky Olvido Gara Jova llega a Madrid en 1973, con diez años recién cumplidos. Apenas un par de años después comienza a interesarse por las pulsaciones alternativas de la cultura reflejadas en los movimientos musicales de la época. Tras publicar en los fanzines de la “prensa marginal madrileña” ya con el nombre de Alaska, en 1977, con catorce años, forma junto a otros amigos su primer grupo, Kaka de Luxe, donde ejerce de guitarrista durante sólo diez meses. Sábado 11 de Septiembre a las 21:00 h JUAN JOSÉ RYP - Unicornio al Mejor Dibujante de Cómics Juan José RYP (Juan José Rodríguez Prieto), algecireño, nacido 1971 y dibujante de historietas. Probablemente dos características marquen su carrera y definan su estilo: las chicas (Centenares de personajes femeninos se vieron retratados por su lápiz) y el detalle casi obsesivo con el que llena cada una de las viñetas. 12 de Septiembre a las 21:00 h. CONCIERTO ORQUESTA SINFÓNICA PROVINCIAL DE MÁLAGA La Orquesta Sinfónica Provincial de Málaga, bajo la batuta de Francisco de Gálvez, hará un recorrido por algunas de las partituras más memorables que para el cine de corte épico y fantástico han compuesto creadores de la talla de John Williams, de quien se interpretará una amplia selección de piezas que harán las delicias del público aficionado al cine de género. Entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

PROGRAMA 2010 PROGRAMME Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Estepona 6 Sept. 21:00 h BITCH SLAP (The Epic Extended Cut) EEUU/US. 2009 | 132 min. | Dir: Rick Jacobson 7 Sept. 21:30 h DARK HOUSE EEUU/US. 2010 | 90 min. | Dir: Darin Scott. 23:30 h RECORTADAS Argentina. 2009 | 90 min. | Dir: Sebastián De Caro 8 Sept. 21:00 h RAMPAGE Canadá / Alemania. 2009 | 95 min. | Dir: Uwe Boll 9 Sept. 23:30 h NUNCA MÁS ASISTAS A ESTE TIPO DE FIESTAS Argentina. 2009 | 80 min. | Dir: Paulo Soria, Pablo Parés y Hernán Sáez 10 Sept. 21:00 h REYKJAVIK WHALE WATCHING MASSACRE Islandia/Iceland. 2010 | 90 min. | Dir: Júlíus Kemp 23:00 h

XI Costa del Sol Fantasy Film Week - Estepona Estepona celebrates the XI Costa del Sol Fantasy Film Week - Estepona next month with an extensive programme of events, activities and film screenings. We’ve published a list of screenings, etc. which are correct at the time of going to press but check out our website for the latest up-to-the-minute news for the festival. Once again most of the activities take place in Estepona’s Palacio de Congresos with free entrance. Most of the films are screened in their original version with Spanish subtitles where required. Monday 6 September, 8.30 pm. JACK TAYLOR - Unicorn of Honour Jack Taylor was born as George Brown Randall on October 21, 1936. Tall, slim and handsome, with a lean face, a pencil thin mustache, and a distinguished air about him, Taylor began his acting career in the early 50s on “The Jack Benny Show,” in which he co-starred with Marilyn Monroe. Jack also had roles on the TV shows “Sheena, Queen of the Jungle” and “Adventures of Captain Grief.” He then went to Mexico and acted in a few stage plays. Taylor subsequently appeared in such Mexican horror pictures as “The Curse of Nostradamus” and “The Monsters Demolisher.” In addition, he worked for reigning master Mexican horror directors Frederico Curiel and Alphonso Corona Blake. Jack next moved to Spain in the early 60s. PAUL NASCHY - Special Jury Prize Paul Naschy reigns supreme as the true king of Spanish horror cinema. He often cited seeing Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943) in a theatre at age eleven as a seminal inspirational experience (his later movies would be filled with references to it). In 1967 Paul wrote the script for Frankenstein’s Bloody Terror (1968). He was forced out of necessity to play the lead role of tormented werewolf Waldermar Daninsky after Lon Chaney, Jr. turned it down. He reprised this character in over a dozen subsequent sequels. Naschy’s portrayals of the anguished and sympathetic werewolf Daninsky became his signature part and consolidated his enduring cult status as

a bona-fide horror icon. Paul was for many years a director of the Estepona film festival and sadly Paul Naschy died last year of pancreatic cancer just months after a street in Estepona was named after him. Friday 10 September, 8.30 pm. ALASKA - Waldemar Daninsky Award Alaska (born Olvido Gara Jova, born in Mexico City) is a Spanish - Mexican singer, dj, and TV personality famous in Spain and Latin America. She was one of the main characters in the so called Movida, the cultural movement following the Franco dictatorship in Spain. This movement in which music, arts, cinema and fashion erupted and collided to confirm the actual society Spain had become under Franco. She has participated since the last part of the seventies in several groups of different success: Kaka de Luxe 1977, Alaska y los Pegamoides 1980, Alaska y Dinarama 1983 and since 1989 the duet Fangoria. She is also one of Spain’s main gay icons. Saturday 11 September, 9.00 pm JUAN JOSÉ RYP - Unicorn for Best Comic Artist Juan Jose Ryp is a Spanish comic book artist born in Algeciras and known, among other things, for his work on Black Summer with Warren Ellis. In Spain he contributed to erotic comics anthology magazines. After a long run of working at Avatar, In 2010 he got work at Marvel Comics on Vengeance of the Moon Knight, and it was announced that he’d be the artist on a new Wolverine series, Wolverine: The Best There Is along with writer Charlie Huston. Sunday 12 September, 9.00 pm Concert by the Province of Malaga Symphony Orchestra The Malaga Provincial Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Francisco de Gálvez, will perform some of the most memorable scores of the fantasy and horror genre from the best film score composers such as John Williams, which will prove a treat for the film fans in the audience.

MUST LOVE DEAD Alemania. 2010 | 90 min. | Dir: Andreas Schaap Sala 1. Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Estepona 10 Sept. 23:30 h LA HERENCIA VALDEMAR España. 2010 | 104 min. | Dir: José Luis Alemán Sala 2. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 7 Sept. 20:00 h LATIDOS DE PÁNICO España. 1983 | 92 min. | Dir: Paul Naschy 8 Sept. 20:00 h EL ULTIMO KAMIKAZE España. 1984 | 89 min. | Dir: Paul Naschy 9 Sept. 20:00 h LA BESTIA Y LA ESPADA MÁGICA España, Japón. 1983 | 90 min. | Dir: Paul Naschy 10 Sept. 20:00 h ROJO SANGRE España. 2004 | 90 min. | Dir: Christian Molina Sala 1. Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Estepona 10 Sept. 23:30 h LA HERENCIA VALDEMAR España. 2010 | 104 min. | Dirección: José Luis Alemán


The Resident -

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona imparte un “Taller de Yoga” destinado a mujeres El Ayuntamiento de Estepona informa que el próximo mes de septiembre dará inicio un taller gratuito de Yoga, incluido en el “Programa para la promoción, reinserción, igualdad y colectivos de especial vulnerabilidad desde la perspectiva de género”, subvencionado con cargo al Fondo Estatal para el Empleo y Sostenibilidad Local de 2010. Dicho taller está destinado a 20 mujeres residentes en Estepona, y tiene como objetivo favorecer entre la población femenina en general, cuyo hacer diario se caracteriza por unas jornadas sobrecargadas por el trabajo dentro y fuera de casa, el cuidado de familiares, etc..., el

conocimiento de las técnicas propias del yoga, como la relajación, para propiciar condiciones de vida más saludables. El taller se impartirá de septiembre a diciembre, a razón de una sesión de una hora por semana, e incluye dos sesiones de un módulo de Igualdad. Las interesadas pueden formalizar su inscripción hasta el 3 de septiembre en la delegación municipal de la Mujer, sita en la Avda. de España, 88, de 8:00 a 14:30 horas. Para más información, las interesadas pueden dirigirse o llamar al teléfono de la Delegación de la Mujer, 952 80 47 04.

Yoga classes for women Estepona’s Women’s Department is offering a free yoga workshop beginning next month as part of a development programme subsidised by the State Employment and Local Sustainibility Fund. The workshop is open to 20 women resident in Estepona and is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle among the female population which today suffers an ever increasing

workload both within and outside the home environment. Enrolment is open until 3 September with the classes consisting of one hour a week from September until December. For more information or to enrol visit the delegación municipal de la Mujer, in Avda. de España, 88, from 8 am to 2.30 pm or call 952 804 704.

Mercadillo Voluntario de la Plataforma para la Promoción del Voluntariado de Estepona El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación de Bienestar Social, informa que la Plataforma para la Promoción del Voluntariado de Estepona (PVEST), y diversos colectivos sociales de Estepona y Manilva celebrarán el próximo viernes, 20 de agosto, un “Mercadillo Voluntario” en el Paseo Marítimo, a la altura de los juegos infantiles, de 20:00 a 24:00 horas. Además de ofrecer información sobre la labor que realizan cada una de las asociaciones, los stands participantes expondrán, para su venta, productos de elaboración propia, de modo que los visitantes conozcan un poco mejor la labor que las asociaciones llevan a cabo y el evento sirva de convivencia entre asociaciones. El mercadillo está organizado por la Plataforma para la Promoción del Voluntariado de Estepona, PVEST, y CREA “Sierra Bermeja” (Centro de Recursos de Asociaciones), en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Estepona, y está subvencionado por la Consejería de Gobernación y Justicia de la Junta de Andalucía, Dirección General de Voluntariado y Participación. Participarán las siguientes asociaciones:

CÁRITAS GRUPO PASE, Paz, Amor, Solidaridad y Esperanza EM ONCE CRUZ ROJA ADANA, Asociación por los derechos de los Animales Abandonados A.R. Estepona, Asociación de Alcohólicos Rehabilitados de Estepona Asociación de Mujeres Peñas Blancas APSE, Asociación de Parkinson Sol de Estepona APANE, Asociación de Padres de Alumnos con Necesidades Educativas Especiales AFIMES, Asociación de Enfermos de Fibromialgia, Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica, Linfedema de Estepona AFA Estepona, Asociación de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer de Estepona) ASDI-ES, Asociación de Discapacitados de Estepona Fundación PHAROS PVEST, Plataforma para la Promoción del Voluntariado de Estepona Más información: PVEST, Centro SocioCultural “Entre Todos” Telf/fax: 951 965 089

Volunteers ‘Market’ The Platform for the Promotion of Voluntary Groups in Estepona (PEVST) along with various voluntary associations from Estepona and Manilva have organised a ‘Volunteers Market’ to be held by the children’s playground on Estepona’s Paseo Maritimo on Fiday 20 August from 8 pm to midnight. The various organisations will have stands where the public can find out more information about their work and activities as well as purchase items made by the volunteers. The event will also enable the different organisations to get together and share information as well as socialise. For more information contact PVEST on 951 965 089.

Among the organisations participating are: CÁRITAS; GRUPO PASE; EM; ONCE; CRUZ ROJA (Red Cross); ADANA, Association for the Rights of Abandoned Animal; A.R. Estepona, Estepona Association for Rehabilitated Alcoholics; Peñas Blancas Womens Association; APSE, Estepona Parkinsons Association; APANE, Association of Parents of Students with Special Needs; AFIMES, Estepona Association of Fibromialgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; AFA Estepona, Association of Families of Alzheimers Sufferers; ASDI-ES, Estepona Disabled Association; PHAROS Foundation; and PVEST.


XX Feria Canina de ADANA El popular “concurso de chuchos” celebrará en septiembre su vigésimo aniversario con un evento muy especial. Sólo dos años después de la fundación de la protectora de animales ADANA, tuvo lugar en Estepona la primera feria canina para perros, conocida popularmente como el “concurso de chuchos”, ya que se trata de una competición abierta a perros mestizos y de todo tipo, en la que se combinan las pruebas para animales adiestrados con otras más sencillas. Con la llegada este año de su vigésima edición, ADANA celebrará una feria muy especial el domingo 19 de septiembre en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona. Habrá cinco categorías de competición de obediencia, cinco de agilidad y otras diez para otras competiciones variadas, incluyendo aquellas para perros que nunca antes hayan participado en una competición y también para cachorros. La feria contará con un buen número de puestos en los que se podrán adquirir productos para mascotas, así como un bar y un puesto de comidas y café. Por primera vez, será un espacio cubierto el escenario para la feria, que en las pasadas 19 ediciones se celebró al aire libre. “Es fantástico que por primera vez no

tengamos que estar pendientes del tiempo o de los incendios forestales”, comentó David McNally, que dirige la organización del evento. “A lo largo de estos años, la organización de la feria se ha visto afectada por lluvias torrenciales, temperaturas extremas demasiado altas para los perros o, el año pasado, un incendio en el lugar donde se celebraba la feria solo unos días antes del evento.” Este año, los principales protagonistas de la feria serán los niños y sus perros: los más pequeños tendrán la oportunidad de mostrar el talento y las habilidades de sus mascotas. También está prevista una exhibición de perros-policía que crecieron o pasaron por ADANA. La XX Feria Canina de ADANA abrirá sus puertas a las 10 de la mañana, para que los asistentes tengan tiempo de inscribir a sus perros en las diferentes competiciones, que comenzarán a las 11 en punto. La entrada a la feria costará 5€ para adultos, aunque los niños que vayan acompañados entrarán gratis. La inscripción en competiciones cuesta 4€, y puede realizarse ya rellenando el formulario que puede encontrarse en clínicas veterinarias o en la página web de ADANA:

20th ADANA Dog Show Only two years after the foundation of ADANA, the animal rescue charity, the first dog show for mixed breeds and other dogs was staged in Estepona. This year the show reaches 20 and plans a very special event. On Sunday 19 September the 20th show will be staged in the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona for the first time. There will be 5 obedience classes, 5 agility classes and 10 variety and novelty classes. A wide selection of commercial stalls will offer all sorts of pet related and other goodies. There will also be a cafe and a bar. “It is wonderful not to have to worry about the weather or forest fires this year”, said David McNally, the show organiser. “Over the years we have had to deal with biblical rains which washed away the access roads, torrid heat which was too much for the dogs and last year we had the forest fire on the site just a few days before the show.” The main focus for this year is children and their dogs. So there are several opportunities for junior handlers to show off their skills. We hope to have a demonstration

of mainly ex ADANA dogs who now work for the police and armed services. The doors open at 10am for registration and judging starts at 11.00 on the dot. Admission is 5 € for adults but accompanied children get in free. Entry to classes is 4€. Entry forms are available from vets and on the web site

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.


Información Information

Working in Spain British Consulate Pension, Benefit & Healthcare Team If you are working in Spain: You should have a social security number and speak with your employer about paying national insurance contributions if you are not yet doing so. If you are self employed: You need to register with the TGSS as an autonomo and pay contributions directly to them. Register by completing form TA-521 Paying national insurance contributions if you are working in Spain is important. Doing so builds up your entitlement to a pension and certain benefits. Also, as Spain operates a contributions-based healthcare system, paying social security contributions will ensure you, and any dependants, are covered for medical treatment. If you are working in Spain, you are subject to Spanish social security legislation.

Top 5 tips for workers: •

If you are working in Spain, you should apply in writing for any pension or benefit through the Spanish authorities. Make sure you mention on your benefit application any previous work you have done in other EEA countries (including the UK) and any dependants you have this may increase your entitlement. If you have worked a combined total of 15 years in Spain and any other EEA country, you may be entitled to a Spanish state pension. Contributing as autonomo does not give you entitlement to unemployment benefit although if you sign-on for a year you may be entitled to a benefit called ‘Renta Activa de Inserción’.

If you are autonomo, it is essential you inform the TGSS when you stop work to avoid building up a debt to social security. Spanish pension/benefits information – or

What is the TGSS? The Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) is the organisation in Spain responsible for registering employers and workers and collecting national insurance contributions. The equivalent in the UK would be HM Revenue and Customs. If you are working in Spain, whether as an employee or as self employed, you should be registered with the TGSS. The services they provide include: • Registering and de-registering employers and workers on the social security system. • Assigning social security numbers. • Managing the collection of social security contributions. • Providing social security contribution records, the ‘vida laboral’. You can request this by telephone (901 50 20 50) or via the social security website www. You can contact the British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare team at: Apto. de Correos 360 29080 Malaga Or: Tel: (+34) 95 235 2300 Fax: (+34) 95 235 9211 E-mail:

The Resident -

Costa Advice Bureau Home owners note the hidden dangers in your rental contract Many rental contracts are drawn up by persons who may not be aware of the law relating to these documents. Some home owners are lulled into a false sense of security by the premise that by drawing up a contract for five or eleven months they are protected by law. This is not the case. After the date of the termination of the contract, the occupant will not have to vacate the premises unless it can be proved that they are owners of another estate in Spain. These tenants will be able to stay in the property for a period of up to five years. The landlord will not be able to take action to regain possession of their home unless the tenant fails to pay the rent. Check that your contract complies with Spanish law and always seek advice before signing tenancy agreements.

Harassment on the roads is to be made an offence At long last action is being taken against those irresponsible drivers who tailgate a vehicle forcing the driver in front to accelerate. This is to include road users who use insulting gestures. Both could end up in jail for their reckless attitude. The prosecutor and road safety coordinator, Bartolomé Vargas will instruct the police

to pursue these persons who endanger the lives of others. Drivers or those who witness this form of harassment are being encouraged to denounce the offender to the authorities. The prosecutor further explained that is some cases the courts will proceed to seize the vehicle of an offender as from next December when this law comes into force with the reform of the Penal Code. The state attorney general has yet to issue an order with specific instructions. Vargas has stated that vehicles will only be forfeited in the most serious cases. An example would be in the case of a repeat offender. It has been suggested that the confiscated vehicles be sold and the money used to compensate the victims Harassment is now considered to be a widespread form of violence on Spanish roads. According to the prosecutor, these attitudes put other drivers under such extreme pressure that can cause the victim to lose control of the vehicle. Therefore, if the offense creates a real danger, the antagonistic driver can be charged for the crime of reckless driving, which is punishable by up to two years in prison.

Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821

Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Alexandra Burke


Exposiciones Exhibitions

+ Diversity, Jamie Archer, & Scarletz Puerto Banus, 20 August, 2010

“De Lo Corpóreo y Evanescente” STOA GALLERY - Edificio Puertosol, Puerto de Estepona

2008 X Factor winner Alexandra Burke will top the bill at the Rockin Marbella concert on 20 August 2010 at the Puerto Banus bull ring (Plaza de Toros). And as if that is not enough the X Factor finalist from 2009 Jamie ‘Afro’ Archer who stunned the audience at the live auditions with his version of the rock classic Sex on Fire will also be performing. In addition ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ winners Diversity, Who edged Susan Boyle into second place, will be performing and wowing the crowds with their unique and breathtaking street dance routines. Finally the brand new girl group who are set to become the next big thing, The Scarletz will be opening this music event with their quirky and addictive style of singing. Some of the UK’s hottest new talent is set to rock Marbella in an evening of total entertainment on 20 August 2010. Tickets 50 euros from El Corte Ingles, Box Office - Puerto Banus Plaza de Toros, or Ticket Roadshow call Judith 677 851 864. More information can be found at or check out the Facebook page at RockinMarbella

Miguel Poveda, figura emergente del flamenco y la copla, actuará en la Plaza de Toros de San Roque, donde presentará el espectáculo “Coplas del Querer 2010”, con el que está cosechando gran éxito de crítica y público en todo el mundo. Singer Miguel Poveda, rising star in the world of popular flamenco, will be performing live at San Roque’s Plaza de Toros on Saturday 21 August at 10 pm.

Tel: 951 318 426. Fax: 952 798 284. Email: Web: www. Horario/Opening hours: Lunes- viernes/Monday-Fridays: 11.00-14.30 / 17.00-20.30 Sábados y domingos (sólo previa cita telefónica): 11.00-14.30 Saturdays and Sundays (by telephone appointment only): 11.00-14.30

all your printing & advertising requirements under one roof in Spanish & English

printed & embroidered t-shirts general printing - web design publicidad - imprenta - diseño web camisetas - rotulación - copistería 25 Agosto de 20.00 h Los Jardines del Rosario, Ctra Casares

NOCHE DE HIP HOP K.N.K., Ajierro112 y DIAKO Entrada gratuita / Free entry

C/. Mijas, Edf. Sabinillas Playa, 6, 29692 Sabinillas, Manilva, Málaga Tel: 952 936 198 - -


Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Estepona - Conciertos de la temporada veraniega Domingo, 22 y 29 de agosto de 2010, 20:30 h. En el Recinto Musical Navarro Mollor situado en la vistosa Plaza del Reloj de Estepona, la Banda Municipal de Música, dirigida por José Antonio López Camacho, interpretará el Concierto de la Temporada Veraniega.

Estepona Summer concerts Sunday 22 and 29 August from 8 pm the Estepona Town Band, directed by José Antonio López Camacho, continue their programme of summer concerts in the bandstand in Estepona’s Plaza del Reloj.

Cine de Verano en la playa La Rada de Estepona El próximo jueves dará continuar en la playa de la Rada un ciclo de Cine de Verano gratuito y para todos los públicos, organizado por la delegación municipal de Playas. La pantalla se instalará a la altura del Parque Infantil del Paseo Marítimo y las

proyecciones que se relacionan tendrán lugar a las 22:15 horas: Jueves 19: Celda 211 Jueves 26: Up

Estepona Cinema on the Beach Estepona’s Cinema on the Beach continues this Thursday on the La Rada beach the cycle of free screenings which began at the beginning of August. The screen is located by the children’s playground on the Paseo Maritimo with screenings beginning at 10.15 pm. The programme for the rest of August is: Thursday 19 - Celda 211 Thursday 26 - Up

5 Sept 21:30h Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos, Estepona 18 euros (15 en preventa)

Veladas de baile en verano Parque El Calvario, Estepona

Después de 25 años en los que Anthony Blake nos ha hecho vivir experiencias asombrosas, vuelve con un nuevo concepto del mentalismo para mostrárnoslo “MÁS CERCA”. El espectáculo es un recorrido por las diferentes facetas del mentalismo y en

las que Anthony Blake nos demuestras su maestría: Telepatía, Predicciones, Telequinesia, Premoniciones, Videncia… Todo un mundo de experiencias personales en las que el espectador participará en todo momento viviendo situaciones sorprendentes.

As a prefix to this year’s Estepona Horror and Fantasy Film Festival, psychic entertainer and illusionist Anthony Blake will present his show Más Cerca, a journey through the different facets of mentality in which Anthony Blake shows his mastery of telepathy,

predictions, telekinesis, premonitions, clairvoyance. A world of personal experience in which viewers participate in live situations in which Blake discovers your past and your future, your identity, your tastes, your desires and ambitions.

GRAND CHARITY FURNITURE SALE Hundreds of bargains from only €5 Free entrance - All welcome, Saturday 11th September 10.00 - 19.00 hrs. jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010, a partir de las 21:30 h. se presenta en el Parque de El Calvario de Estepona, una fantástica actuación a cargo del Grupo de Baile Clásico Español de la Delegación de Cultura dirigido por la profesora Eva Alarcón y del Grupo de Baile Moderno dirigido por la profesora Laura Perea. Miércoles, 25 de agosto, a partir de las 21:30 h. se presenta en el Parque de El Calvario, una fantástica actuación a cargo de los Grupos de Bailes Clásico España de la Delegación de Cultura, dirigidos por las profesoras Lourdes Barrientos y Lourdes Bazán.

Summer Dance Nights El Calvario Park, Estepona Estepona’s Culture Department presents a programme of summer evening dance spectaculars in the El Calvario Park in the town centre. Thursday 19 August from 9.30 pm Performance by the Classical Spanish Dance Group directed by Eva Alarcón followed by the Modern Dance Group directed by Laura Perea. Wednesday 25 August from 9.30 pm Performance of the Classical Spanish Dance Group directed by Lourdes Barrientos and Lourdes Bazán.

Pasaje del Peñoncillo, Manilva. Organized by

Asociación Niños Necesitados. Musicians, groups or singers - Send us details of your forthcoming gigs, and if we have room we’ll publish them here.

Músicos, grupos o cantantes – mándanos losdatos de sus eventos y si tenemos sito dentro de estas páginas los publicaremos.

Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Rio Manilva Road, Sabinillas-Manilva

17 de Septiembre a las 21:00 h. Palacio de Congresos, Estepona

Musical “MOULIN ROUGE” Interpretado por los Alumnos del IES Mar de Alboran 17th September at 9 pm. Palacio de Congresos, Estepona

Musical Show “MOULIN ROUGE” By the Students of Mar de Alboran High School

TEATRO CERVANTES Ramos Marín, s/n, Málaga Venta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00

19 or call 952 892 690 Entertainment for August/September at Armstrongs Saturday 21st August ARMSTRONGS SUMMER BALL Cava & Canape reception, 4 course meal, Armstrongs live band. €40 per head Saturday 28th August Frankie B – Soul & Motown Evening including 3 course meal. €35 per head Saturday 4th September Soul and Motown Band The Costadelics includes 3 course meal. €38 per head

Saturday 11th September The Raw! The new talent of this fabulous duo have already wowed guests at Armstrongs once and are back by popular demand! €35 per head including 3 course meal. Saturday 18th September Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin show with special guests (Tom Jones, Michale Buble). €38 per head including 3 course meal. Saturday 25th September Abba Tribute. €35 per head including 3 course meal

Exposición de Pintura

“By the Face” a Evaristo Jesús Sala de Exposiciones de la Delegación de Juventud Del 19 al 30 de agosto, de 8:00 a 14:30 h y de 16:30 a 22:00 h

CIRQUE ÉLOIZE - NEBBIA 23, 24, 25, 26 Sept

Painting Exhibition “By the Face” by Evaristo Jesús Exhibition Rooom of the Delegación de Juventud From 19 to 30 August, from 8am to 2.30 pm and from 4.30 to 10 pma 22:00 h

“Dusty” adds a second date

En 2001, un encuentro entre Cirque Éloize y Daniele Finzi Pasca sentó las bases del proyecto La trilogía del cielo en los que el mundo de la acrobacia y la poética circense del

primero se encuentran con el universo onírico y nostálgico y los personajes profundamente humanos de los espectáculos del segundo.

Positioned at the heart of the renewal of circus arts, Cirque Éloize has been creating moving performances filled with magic since 1993. Continually striving for artistic perfection, it is oneof the leaders in contemporary circus arts. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, Cirque Éloize expresses its innovative nature through theatricality

and humanity, and combines circus arts with music, dance and theatre in a pathbreaking and original manner. With seven original productions to its credit, Cirque Éloize has presented almost 4,000 performances in 375 cities over 30 countries.

Entradas/ Tickets

Dusty Springfield & Friends, Cher and Tina Turner, are back in Concert at the Roman Oasis, Manilva on Thursday and Friday 9th and 10th September 2010 – raising funds for Animal in Need, La Linea. Due to an incredible demand for tickets the organisers have added a second date with Katie and Friends now also performing on Thursday, 9th September. Performed by Katy Setterfield: winner of BBC1’s ‘The One & Only’ and following on from the sell out concert last year Katy is returning again with her incredible onewoman show to help raise much needed funds for Animal in Need, La Linea. The winner of BBC1’s prime-time show ‘The One And Only’ with her awardwinning portrayal of Dusty Springfield returns to Spain for a show packed with classic Dusty hits – including You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, Son Of A Preacher Man, I Only Want To Be With You. These special performance at The Roman Oasis, Manilva will also feature Katy’s own equally brilliant impersonations of Cher & Tina Turner. After Katy’s universally acclaimed first solo tour and with her recent performing experience including tours and residencies in America and throughout Europe, a stunning evening is again assured. So come and enjoy an outstanding night of music, non-stop fun and nostalgia with one of the UK’s most popular and impressive singers.

Tickets available now at €50 and the price includes welcome Cava, entertainment throughout the evening, The Famous Roman Oasis Banquet, Dessert and a half bottle of wine per person. For more information or to book tickets, please telephone Ian on 664 362 068. Numbers are limited and last year’s event sold out quickly with this year’s event being even more popular, so to avoid disappointment please book early.


The Resident -

Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast

Princesa Kristina €180,000

1 bed apartment with views to Duquesa Golf from its private terrace. Centrally located to both Duquesa Marina and Sabinillas. The apartment is traditional and can be enhanced by slight renovations. 1

3 bed, 2 bath apartment boasts exceptionally large internal space. Spacious bedrooms, a very large lounge and a generous kitchen. The property is furnished to a very high standard and is being sold fully furnished. 2


Casares Costa

Casares Costa

We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.



Pueblo Mexicano €75,000




3 bed, 3 bath townhouse in small community of only 8 houses. Communal pool and gardens and enjoy a superb outlook onto Duquesa Golf. Private garden to the rear. Features include fireplace, 2 off road parking spaces.

3 bed, 3 bath penthouse apartment in Paraiso de la Bahia overlooks the Eucalyptus trees in the green zone and is very private. Spacious living room, bedrooms and kitchen. The beach and golf courses are within a 10 minute walk from the apartment. 4

Casares Costa

Bahia de Casares




Penthouse also available for €130,000 This 2 bed ground floor apartment in Casares del Sol has easy access to all pool and garden areas. The property has a large bright living room with marble flooring throughout. Sky TV and telephone lines are also available within this community. The master bedroom has an ensuite bathroom, the second bedroom is a twin. Located in a quiet area of the development which makes this property very attractive. Casares del Sol is located on the Casares coast minutes from the beach close to Finca Cortesin golf and has wonderful spacious gardens, several pools and underground parking. Property offered €165,000 below the original purchase price as well as unfurnished. 5


Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse in Casares Costa. Fully equipped kitchen, large living room, private garden ,terrace and solarium. The price includes the parking place. The urbanization has mature gardens and swimming pool. 6

Manilva Gardens €135,000


Brand new 3 bed, 2 bath town house, near to Casares beach. Large terrace with wonderful views, fireplace, and equipped kitchen. The urbanization also has swimming pool and garden area. It is situated only a few minutes drive from the beach and village of Sabinillas. 7

Casares Playa

€165,000 Lovely duplex penthouse in the centre of Sabinillas. The property is very well located just steps from the paseo marítimo and close to all the ammenities. It has 2 large bedrooms with built-in-wardrobes, 2 bathrooms, large living/ dining room and terrace. The urbanization has mature gardens and swimming pool.


Lovely spacious 2 bed, 2 bath apartment near to the Duquesa Golf and the Duquesa Marina. Ample living-dining room which leads out to the private terrace, and a spacious fully-fitted kitchen. Communal swimming pool, gardens and ample parking. 8

This beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath penthouse apartment, has three large terraces with fabulous views of sea and mountains. There are two communal pools, gardens and childrens play area on the complex. Easy access of local amenities. 9

These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can find many more on our website at For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 952 936 198



The Resident -

Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

This month celebrates some of the world’s best known ‘First Ladies’ past, present and future. Simply name them.

Respuestas en página 26.




Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26

Nivel Medio Medium







Difícil Hard







The Resident -

Vets Corner ahora el dueño está obligado - por ley a elegir entre un régimen de tratamiento prescrito por su veterinario y llevado a cabo completamente por usted como propietario registrado, o someter a su mascota a la eutanasia, o sea sacrificarlo. Esta enfermedad parasitaria, transmitida por una mosca puede morder a los seres humanos contaigiando a nosotros como a otros perros, los perros son las animales preferidas. Para más información consultar con su veterinario, esta enfermedad se conoce en la Biblia como el boton de Aleppo , por lo que ha sabido de ello por mucho tiempo. Desde el 29 de abril de 2010 todos los perros , gatos y hurones, deben tener un pasaporte al de mascotas, los que ya están en posesión de otro tipo de libro registro de la vacunación no tiene que adquirir el pasaporte. También hay un libro especial que se emite por su veterinario para los propietarios de mascotas exóticas, entre ellas Psiticine aves (loros, aves parecidas a los loros como periquitos ) y los Cochinos Vietnamitas, en la cual los tratamientos requeridos también serán documentados. Junto con estas nuevas ordenanzas de la Junta de Andalucía, ellos piden a cualquier persona que sea testigo de cualquier tipo de crueldad, abuso o maltrato de los animales, se pongan en contacto con su policía local o guardia civil, la Guardia Civil - División SEPRONA para denunciar tales actos . Si no se toman medidas inicialmente enviar una copia de la queja a la Junta de Andalucía. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387

New rabies vaccination laws in Andalucia The Junta de Andalucia has recently changed the laws regarding pets and rabies vaccination. This new law which requires that all dogs, cats, and ferrets be vaccinated annually - not every two years as had been the case for all pets not kept for hunting, which had already been required to be vaccinated annually against rabies. All animals not yet vaccinated against rabies, from three months of age on, must be vaccinated, revaccinated thirty days later and given annual boosters against rabies. These pets are also required to be identified through the use of a microchip. A microchip is a numbered electronic device the size of a grain of rice, which is implanted through the use of an injection under the skin, similiar to how a vaccination is administered. A record of this microchip number and rabies vaccination will be annotated in the official vaccination record book, or Pets Passport as recognised by the European Union, it will also be registered with the central pets registry (RAIA). These new regulations also include other stipulations. All pets, (dogs, cats, and ferrets) must be treated annually against Echinococcus, a type of internal parasite. This should be included in the regular worming treatments recommended by your Veterinarian, living in this area it should be done every 3 months and noted at least annually in the Passport. If your dog has been diagnosed as having Leishmaniasis, Sand-Fly Fever, you are now obliged - by law - to choose between,


International Club of Estepona

Nuevas leyes de vacunación de rabia en Andalucía La Junta de Andalucía ha cambiado recientemente las leyes sobre animales domésticos y la vacunación contra la rabia. Esta nueva ley que obliga a todos los perros , gatos y hurones sean vacunados cada año - no cada dos años que había sido el caso para todas las mascotas menos los mantenidos para la caza, que han tenido que ser vacunados anualmente contra la rabia. Todos los animales aún no vacunados contra la rabia, de tres meses de edad debe ser vacunado, revacunados treinta días después y dados refuerzos anuales contra la rabia. Estas mascotas también deben ser identificados mediante el uso de un microchip. Un microchip es un dispositivo de identificación electrónico del tamaño de un grano de arroz , que se implanta a través de la utilización de una inyección bajo la piel, similar a cómo se administra una vacuna . Un registro de este número de microchip y la vacuna antirrábica será anotado en la cartilla sanitaria, registro oficial de vacunación, o pasaporte de animales de compañía, reconocido por la Unión Europea, también será inscrito en el registro central de animales de compañía ( RAIA ) . En el nuevo reglamento también incluye otros disposiciones. Todas las mascotas ( perros , gatos y hurones ) deben ser tratados anualmente contra Echinococcus , un tipo de parásito interno . Esto debe ser incluido en los tratamientos de desparasitación periódica recomendado por su veterinario, los que viven en este ámbito, deben hacerse cada 3 meses y anotado al menos una vez al año en el pasaporte . Si su perro ha sido diagnosticado con leishmaniosis , fiebre de la mosca de arena,

Información Information

a treatment regime, prescribed by your Veterinarian and carried out completely by you, as the registered owner, or to have your pet Euthanised. This parasitic disease, transmitted by a biting fly may be contaigous to humans as well as other dogs, however, dogs are the preferred carriers. For more information check with your Veterinarian. This disease is referred to in the Bible as Aleppos’ Button, so it has been around for awhile! As of 29 April 2010 all dogs, cats, and ferrets, must have an up-to-date Pet Passport, those already in possession of another type of vaccination record book do not have to acquire the passport. There is also a special book which is issued by your Veterinarian for the owners of exotic pets, including Psiticine Birds (Parrots, parrot-like birds including Parakeets) and Pot-bellied/Vietnamese Pigs, wherein required vaccinations and treatments will likewise be documented. In conjunction with these new ordinances the Andalucian Government wants to urge anyone who is a witness to any kind of cruelty, abuse or mistreatment of animals to contact their local police or civil guard, Guardia Civil - SEPRONA Division- to report such acts. If nothing is done initially send a copy of the complaint to the Junta de Andalucia. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387

The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more. Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch. Special events for August/September Saturday 21st August – Live Music & American Supper

Wednesday 8th September – Ladies & Gents Lunches Saturday 11th September – Last Night of the Proms at Clubhouse Monday 13th September – Scottish Dancing, new event Mondays weekly 2.30 Monday 13th September – Film Night, new monthly event Saturday 18th September – It’s Party Time Franks Big Eight Oh! Saturday 25th September – Welcome Back Party ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

Estepona Floral Art Club The Estepona Floral Art Club will not meet August, so the next demonstration will be held at The Benavista Country Club, Benavista, on Tuesday, 21st September 2010, where the club will be welcoming Dulcie Lofting, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The Estepona Floral Art Club is always pleased to welcome visitors at each month’s demonstrations, so for further information on the above or any future events, contact the Chairman, Marilyn Pemberton on Tel: 952 928 197 Alternatively go to the webpage on www. and click on the link Estepona Floral Art Club.

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING? There is a cost free solution

Call the Helpline 600 379 110

Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Golf Competition

Age Concern Shop Summer Closure The Age Concern charity shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona has been closed to allow the volunteers a break and also to re-stock with Autumn goodies! The shop will re-open on Wednesday 1st September at 10.00 and normal opening hours will be resumed. They are 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Saturday inclusive. Why not come along then and pick up a new Autumn wardrobe. The volunteers on duty will look forward to welcoming you. Age Concern would also appreciate more donations – particularly bric-a-brac – call 951 318 234 if you can provide any, or drop it off at the shop.

The date for the Second Age Concern golf tournament has been changed to Sunday 19th September. The venue is Estepona Golf and the tournament will be a Stableford 2 ball, better ball with longest drives and nearest the pin competitions. The cost is 60€ per player which includes a buggy and lunch. The shotgun start is at 09.00. To register contact Richard Wood on 952913174 as soon as possible. This a fun day of golf in support of a very worthy cause – a charity dedicated to helping older people on the Costa del Sol, your support will be appreciated. Sponsors are also sought as are donations of raffle prizes – if you can help in either of those please contact Richard.

Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at


InformaciĂłn Information





Intensive Spanish courses for small groups; 10, 15 & 20 hrs/week. ELE courses aimed at foreign residents, and visitors of all ages. EFE courses aimed at professionals with speFiÀF needs, eg. business, health, tourism, -with limited time available.


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The Resident -


ÂĄMĂĄlaga C.F. y Hamilton Academical F.C. recaudan 20.700â‚Ź por Cudeca!

El 28 de Julio, se celebrĂł el partido solidario a beneficio de la FundaciĂłn Cudeca entre el MĂĄlaga C.F. y el Hamilton Academical F.C. en el Polideportivo Municipal de Arroyo de la Miel. Gracias a la ayuda del Ayuntamiento de BenalmĂĄdena y su Patronato de Deportes, el MĂĄlaga C.F., el Hamilton Academic F.C., el Polideportivo Municipal de Arroyo de la Miel, el Colegio de Ă rbitros, ProtecciĂłn Civil, Cruz Roja, la Policia Nacional y Local, otros muchos colaboradores y el pĂşblico asistente, conseguimos recaudar 20.700â‚Ź, que se destinarĂĄn a salvar la Unidad de Ingresos de su grave situaciĂłn econĂłmica y prevenir la posibilidad de su cierre a final de aĂąo. Con esta recaudaciĂłn solidaria Cudeca podrĂĄ atender a 1 paciente en la Unidad de Ingresos del centro durante 74 dĂ­as. Actualmente no podemos hacer frente al coste de la Unidad de Ingresos, donde cuidamos a los pacientes con situaciones muy difĂ­ciles y urgentes. La respuesta de la comunidad a este evento deportivo solidario superĂł las expectativas previstas, todo un hecho sin precedentes que provocĂł que se concentrasen a las puertas del Polideportivo muchas mĂĄs de las 1.350 personas que el recinto podĂ­a acoger por normas de seguridad. Desde Cudeca queremos agradecer a todas las personas que acudieron en ayuda a Cudeca, y les animamos de todo corazĂłn a que continĂşen ayudĂĄndonos a seguir aĂąadiendo vida a los dĂ­as de los pacientes que nos necesitan y que atendemos de manera gratuita.

Målaga C.F. and Hamilton Academical F.C. match raises 20.700₏ for Cudeca! On 28th July, a charity football match was held in aid of Cudeca between Malaga C.F. and Hamilton Academical F.C. at the Municipal Sports Centre in Arroyo de la Miel. Thanks to the support of the Benalmadena Town Hall and its Sports Council, Målaga C.F, Hamilton Academical F.C., the association of Referees, Civil Protection, Red Cross, National and Local Police, other many volunteers and the public, Cudeca managed to raise an impressive 20.700₏, which will help to save the In-Patient Unit from its severe financial situation and prevent the possibility of its closure at the end of the year. With these funds, Cudeca can care for a patient in the InPatient Unit of the centre for 74 days. They are currently unable to meet the expenses of this unit, where they take care of patients in the most difficult and urgent of circumstances. The community’s response to this sporting event exceeded expectations, with an unprecedented concentration of supporters turning up at the entrance gates, with only a safety capacity of 1.350. Cudeca wish to thank all the people who came along to support charity, and wholeheartedly encourages the community to continue helping them to give life to the days of patients who need their cost-free care.

Mensaje de verano de SOS MĂŠdicos 24HS, Director MĂŠdico, Dr. Harry Forcillo Mensaje de verano de SOS MĂŠdicos 24HS, Director MĂŠdico, Dr. Harry Forcillo: Nosotros en SOS MĂŠdicos 24HS nos gustarĂ­a mandarle un mensaje de buena fortuna, algĂşn consejo de ayuda y tambiĂŠn unas palabras de precauciĂłn, para ayudarle a disfrutar de un tiempo saludable y agradable. La tan esperada temporada estival nos hace evocar el descanso y el relax. Todos nos lo merecemos, Âżverdad? LlegĂł el momento de no estar tan pendientes del reloj, de dar a los mĂşsculos un renovado vigor, y permitir que la mente se extravĂ­e entre las hojas de un libro de ficciĂłn o con una buena pelĂ­cula. Ha llegado la hora de caminar por la paya, zambullirnos en la piscina o el mar, escalar una colina o dar extensos paseos en la bicicleta. Y recuerde, el descanso es tan necesario para el organismo como la actividad laboral que nos permite vivir y mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, para tener vidas mĂĄs saludables. Claro que como todas las estaciones, el verano viene de la mano de algunos problemillas que, como agentes de la salud, tenemos la obligaciĂłn de destacar y advertir. El mar, por ejemplo, nos depara sorpresas. Tengamos cuidado con las MEDUSAS, que al simple contacto con la piel humana liberan poderosas e irritantes toxinas que producen dolor y escozor insoportables. ÂĄPor favor, evĂ­tenlos! En la playa pisar un ERIZO DE MAR harĂĄ que en nuestros pies se incrusten dolorosas espinas, las cuales harĂĄn que debamos concurrir al mĂŠdico. ÂĄPor favor, estad lejos de ellos! Otra contingencia que nos depara el mar son los accidentes por inmersiĂłn y su mĂĄxima tragedia: la asfixia por inmersiĂłn o ahogamiento. Cuidemos sobre todo a los niĂąos; que no se alejen demasiado de la costa y siempre estĂŠn protegidos por salvavidas de caucho. ÂĄCUIDADO CON EL SOL! El Sol, tan benĂŠfico y e imprescindible para la vida, puede provocar severas quemaduras que nos pueden arruinar las vacaciones. Es por ello que siempre debamos estar protegidos con cremas solares para no vernos agredidos por el inefable Febo. Tampoco olvidemos la acciĂłn cancerĂ­gena de los rayos ultravioletas, y que estos tienen efecto acumulativo. La alimentaciĂłn durante el verano nos expone a

gastroenteritis e infecciones del tracto intestinal, (producto de la ingesta de comidas en dudoso estado de conservación). Preferir siempre los alimentos frescos, tratando de evitar las mahonesas o helados cuya cadena de frío no sea del todo confiable. Es necesario UNA BUENA HIDRATACION DEL CUERPO. Recordad que el 60% del organismo humano estå compuesto de agua, por lo que debemos ingerir mucho líquido durante el día, preferentemente soluciones isotónicas. TambiÊn el verano no expone a caídas, heridas cortantes, torceduras o esguinces y una multitud de problemas que los mÊdicos vemos a diario en la consulta. ¥Así que una vez mås, hay que estar un poco mås atentos! Desearía acabar deseåndoles que viva este verano a su måximo y deseo que disfrute del descanso en la compaùía de sus familias y amigos. ¥ I recuerden, SOS MÊdicos 24HS estån aquí para protegerle todo el aó, porque tú y tu familia nos importa! Para mås información, por favor llåmenos durante el horario de oficina a +34 951 27 72 70 o visítenos en nuestra oficina en Manilva, o mire nuestra pågina web para mås detalles. ¥QUE TENGAN UN VERANO MARAVILLOSO! Dr. Haroldo Miguel Forcillo Medical Director SOS MÊdicos 24HS

Summer message from SOS Medicos 24HS Medical Director, Dr. Harry Forcillo We at SOS MĂŠdicos 24 HS would like to send out a message of good fortune, some helpful advice and also a few words of caution, to help you to enjoy a healthy and pleasurable time. The much awaited, summer period gives us the opportunity to enjoy some rest and relaxation. We all deserve it, right? It’s a time not to be watching the clock, but to reinvigorate the muscles and allow the mind to get lost in the pages of a novel or a good film. It’s also a time to walk on the beach, to dive in the swimming pool or sea, to climb a hill or go for long rides on a bike. And remember, rest is as necessary for the body as working activity, and that it allows us to improve our quality of life and indeed, to live healthier lives. Of course, as all seasons, summer comes hand in hand with some small problems, that, as medical experts, we have the obligation to point out and make timely warnings about. For example, the sea has some surprises in store for us. We have to be careful with the JELLYFISH that at a simple contact with the human skin release powerful and irritating toxins that produce unbearable pain and a burning sensation. Please avoid them! On the beach, stepping on a SEA URCHIN will embed painful spines in our feet, which will oblige us to have to go and see the doctor. Please keep away from them! Another danger from the sea is accidents through immersion and in extreme cases, its maximum tragedy – suffocation through immersion, or drowning! We especially have to look after the kids, so they don´t go too far from the coast and that they are always protected by life jackets. And for the adults, it is advised that the limited danger areas with buoys placed by the marine

authorities of civil protection are respected. BE CAREFUL ALSO WITH THE SUN! The Sun is so beneficial and essential for life and can provoke severe burning that can ruin our holidays. For this reason we must always be protected with sun lotion so we won´t be assaulted by the ineffable Phoebus. And, please don’t forget the carcinogenic action of the ultraviolet rays, and that they have a cumulative effect. The alimentation in the summer exposes us to gastroenteritis and infections of the digestive tract, (the product of the digestion of food in a doubtful state of conservation.) Always have a preference for fresh products, trying to avoid fresh made mayonnaise and ice cream that hasn´t been kept in a reliable cooling system. It is also very necessary to have GOOD BODY HYDRATION. Remember that 60% of the human body is made of water, and for this reason we have to drink lots of liquid during the day, preferably isotonic solutions. Also summer makes us vulnerable to falls, sharp injuries, twisting or sprains and a multitude of problems that us doctors see every day at consultations. So, once again, please take that extra bit of care! I would like to finish and wish you to live the summer at its fullest and hope you´ll enjoy a rest in the company of your families and friends. And remember, SOS MĂŠdicos 24HS are here to protect you all year round, because we care about you and your family! For more information please call us during office hours at +34 951 27 72 70 to visit our office in Manilva, or have a look at for more details.

Información Information

The Resident -


Marlows Marlows have been established for nearly two years at the Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre, close to Puerto Duquesa in Manilva. During those two years they have built up a reputation for serving the best fish and chips, either to take away or eat in at their comfortable and spacious restaurant. They are proud of the fact that they offer their customers excellent value for money and quality. Marlows have over fifty years experience in the frying trade and Steven Marlow, the owner and head fryer, has over thirty-two years experience. You’ll always be assured of a great quality meal when you visit Marlows. Alongside their standard menu they have three excellent special offers:

2 course Lunch midweek, including a drink for 8.50€ Sunday Roast Lunch for 8.75€ Fish and Chips to Take Away for 5.50€ Opening Times are: Mon – Sat: Lunch 1 pm – 3.45 pm Evenings 6 pm – 10 pm Sun – 1 pm 8 pm Tel. 951 276 728

Restaurante urante MARYMAR R Horario: 12.00 a 16:30 y 18:30 a 23:30 Opening times: 12.00 -4.30pm & 6.30pm - 11.30pm Domingo/Sunday: 12.00 - 18.00 Lunes/Monday: Cerrado/Closed

Especialidad enn Pescado Frito y comida sin gluten luten

Sabinillas, Manilva Puerto de la Duquesa tel/fax:952 891 313 tel/fax:952 892 470 (Opposite Lidls) (Marina Car Park) Estepona tel/fax: 952 885 745 (Km 167, Front Line)

Paseo Maritimo Sabinillas Málaga

Tel. 952 89 02 71


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El cava es un vino espumoso elaborado por el método tradicional principalmente en la región del Penedés (Cataluña), especialmente en la localidad de Sant Sadurní d’Anoia. También se elabora cava con denominación de origen en otros puntos de España, además de en Cataluña, como en Requena (Valencia), Haro y Grávalos (La Rioja) o Mendavia (Navarra), Extremadura (comarcas de La Plata y Los Barros), Aragón y en Aranda de Duero (Burgos). Según consta en el libro “De l’Aiguardent al Cava” de Josep Colomé Ferrer editado con la colaboración de la Generalitast de Catalunya y el Consejo regulador del Cava, por la editorial El 3 de vui: El cava se comenzó a producir a partir de las

investigaciones de Luis Justo Villanueva en el Instituto Agrícola Catalán de San Isidro que defendió el método champañés (méthode champenoise). En 1887 llegó la plaga de la filoxera al Penedés arruinando los cultivos de uva. Esto, conllevó una renovación de las variedades utilizadas, con la introducción de cepas blancas de calidad autóctonas, en sustitución de variedades negras. Esta sustitución facilitó el desarrollo del cava ya que adquirió personalidad propia. El 1972, ante el conflicto con Francia por la denominación protegida champán, se constituyó el Consejo Regulador de los Vinos Espumosos que lanzó la marca Cava recogiendo el nombre común ya utilizado de vino de cava.

Cava is a Spanish sparkling wine made in the traditional method of the French sparkling wine Champagne. The definition of Cava is Vino Espumoso de Calidad Producido en una Región Determinada (VECPRD). It originated in the Catalonia region at the Codorníu Winery in the late 19th century. The wine was originally known as Champaña until Spanish producers officially adopted the term “Cava” (cellar) in 1970 in reference to the underground cellars in which the wines ferment and age in the bottle. The early Cava industry was nurtured by the phylloxera epidemic of the late 19th that caused the destruction and uprooting of vineyards planted with red grape varieties. Inspired by the success of Champagne, Codorníu and others encouraged vineyard owners to replant with white grape varieties like Macabeo, Parellada and Xarel·lo to use

for sparkling wine production. These grapes are still the primary grapes of Cava today though some producers are experimenting with the use of the Champagne wine grapes of Chardonnay and Pinot noir. For most of existence, the production of Cava was not regulated to a particular region of DO but rather to the grapes and method of production. Upon Spain’s acceptance into the European Union in 1986, efforts were undertaken to designate specific areas for Cava production. Today use of the term “Cava” is restricted to production around select municipalities in Catalonia, Aragon, Castile and León, Valencia, Extremadura, Navarra, Basque Country and Rioja. Around 95% of Spain’s total Cava production is from Catalonia with the village of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia being home to many of Spain’s largest production houses.


En la Residencia de las Palabras

The Resident -

Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions

Baños en La Playa


ompe o abre el cielo un crepúsculo de gaviotas. Las familias han estado en la playa. El sol ha ofrecido su perfume de luz como una fuente que arde y al atardecer se marcha; es por eso que las gaviotas desde el cielo con alas de arena, iluminadas, bordean la vieja torre y la inmensa roca que está cercana a la orilla, y que algunas veces se viste con las olas al antojo de las mareas. Todos están... Allí los hombres, como pausas de agua, como barcos del tiempo. Todos celebran el cumpleaños del mar. Hay un mar rebelde que se desintegra en hojas azules porque un árbol dormido despertó en el otoño a un amor imposible y pleno del pirata... Mas, hay un mar no viejo, no anciano, un mar sin tiempo, sin barrera de carne o materia de sazón. Este mar tiene las virtudes de la paz; es sereno, sus olas dejan jugar siempre a los niños en la orilla: (una mano en la arena en el hoyo del sueño) y canta tibia en la superficie, y abajo las raíces del mar refrescan para que la arena húmeda se pegue en las manos; y los niños en traje de baño confíen saltar el montículo, casi una duna que han elaborado, antes que se deshaga, una duna o preñado de playa. En este mar del que hablo, nadan hombres y mujeres, pendientes del día claro y la noche azul; este mar enjuga con algas de sal los cuerpos; y nadar allí es como volar, es verter el duelo del

Fácil Easy pecho por las manos. También hay un mar de noche extendida, dormido para siempre, que se quedó en la gloria del perfume de la dama de noche, y que no supo andar en el amanecer porque unas huellas dolían realmente. El mar, el que nace ahora y después, el único mar, el que está vivo en los ojos: y allí se baña un mundo, abierto con el aire cada casa de iris, el corazón besado de corrientes al nadar el universo junto a nosotros. Abrigado de agua el ojo resbala, reconoce a esos familiares,

a esos amigos (un mar de amigos en las faldas del agua) que comparten la playa y saben que el color del cielo ahora ha cambiado –el atardecer lo rompe...–, y la arena es un telón de espuma ligera, dorada y suave, de huellas que ceden a las gaviotas su estancia.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Cuando la luna es celeste” 28 de Agosto de 1.995

Nivel Medio Medium

Difícil Hard

Aguacero en Julio


a lluvia cae, no pregunta a la tierra porque hoy es la dueña de los cielos: no le interesa si al verano le preocupa que se derrame un aguacero. Algunos veraneantes no podrán ir a la playa... “Sí –dice Pepe, el campesino–. Sí que irán, porque estos son nublados de verano, y, después, hará más calor, ¡ya verás a la tarde!” Sale el hijo de un veraneante a la calle y canta: “¡Que llueva, que llueva....!” “No, no, no –le dice la madre–, que no llueva, que no llueva, porque oh, uff, oh, no podremos ir a la playa, la playa...” Pero la lluvia cae amable, ligera, y cala el corazón de la tierra, y el pueblo siente en sus calles el fresco chaparrón de estas aguas que en julio han venido a bendecir los tejados de las casas. Y aunque muchos se quejan, el mundo de la lluvia no comprende porqué lo hacen, y en su manera infantil de querer humedecer el alma del pueblo

se da cuenta de que ha desorientado el proyecto de muchos que hoy tendrán que cambiar sus actividades: tal vez verán televisión o leerán sentados cómodamente en casa, mientras un ventilador despeja el calor y la humedad e intenta distraerlos; o mirarán desde sus ventanas cómo llueve suavemente... Y dice uno: “La naturaleza es sabia, si llueve, no es a gusto de todos...” Y dice otro: “¿Es que sin agua se puede vivir?” Y otro: “Aunque no estamos a finales de julio, algo de daño le hace esta lluvia a la vid. ¿O no? ¡Qué sé yo!... ¡Es buena para la atmósfera. Existen tantas enfermedades...!” La suave lluvia sigue cayendo. Hay nubes que despiertan. Es casi mediodía, y como si desearan seguir derramándose, toman la forma de una oscura mansión en el cielo, cada nube unida toma aspecto de un mundo

pleno: el mundo de la lluvia hoy cayendo moderadamente en el pueblo.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Cuando la luna es celeste” O8 de Julio de 1.995

Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers

1 Jackie Kennedy,

Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas -Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información Teléfono: 606 602 558 (Coopere con nosotros)

2 Michelle Obama, 3 Letizia Ortiz, 4 Nancy Reagan, 5 Hilary Clinton, 6 Raisa Gorbachev, 7 Carla Bruni Sarkozy, 8 Eva Braun, 9 Cherie Blair, 10 Samantha Cameron, 11 Betty Ford (hic!), 12 Imelda Marcos, 13 Eva Peron, 14 Queen Sofia, 15 Winnie Mandela.

Información Information

The Resident -


Spanish Inherintances Taxes – Chapter I The Murder in Whirligig Lane Inheritances taxes are something that all families will have to deal with. Unfortunately, sooner or later our relatives will die and the taxman will be waiting for us. It is convenient to be informed to try to avoid or minimize these taxes. There are many controversies about Spanish inheritances taxes. Too many people providing professional Tax opinions and suggesting magical ways to avoid inheritance taxes (company structures, fictitious mortgages, etc) without having the proper qualifications. Taxman is not stupid and you must be careful about these “magical ways to avoid taxes “which can be at the end a big problem. I will try to point out in 3 chapters a summary of main answers and clarifications on Spanish Inheritance Taxes. These answers and comments come from inheritances cases and the enquiries and questions I have received from hundred of clients in over 10 years of professional experience. Laws which rule inheritance Everybody must know that Laws which rule the Inheritance and estates are the ones of the nationality of the individual. Should you are Spanish; your inheritance will be rule according the Spanish Law. Should you are British; Laws applicable to your

inheritance will be the British ones. This rule is in reference to the legal way to distribute your assets, rights of relatives, etc. but not in reference the Inheritance taxes to be paid in Spain. Should you have any assets in Spain (real estate, car, bank account, shares, etc), they will be distributed according to your wishes and national law, but you would have to pay Inheritances taxes in Spain, but not in your own country. Importance of making a Spanish will Should you are the owner of any assets in Spain (real estate property, bank account, etc), it is recommendable making a Spanish will, despite the fact that making made a will does not affect to the amount of inheritance taxes to be paid nor to the legal rights of your relatives to inherit your assets. Not having a will does not mean that you assets will to the Government but to your relatives. Everybody must know that. Therefore the main reason for making a Spanish will is to save time, money and worries to your relatives when you passed away. The solicitor of your heirs will also be very happy that you have made a Will because it will facilitate legal inheritance paperwork’s. Having a Spanish will makes things easier (your wishes are clearly

stated in writing and nobody can discuss them avoiding disputes between relatives), cheaper (as there are many expenses when translating documents on states from other countries), and quicker (Inheritance taxes must be paid within 6 months from the date of the death). Spanish wills make easier all Legal & Tax paperwork’s. Spanish Wills must be signed in front of a Public Notary and the cost of making it is approximately 70 Euros. We recommend everybody doing it. In next 2 chapters (to be published in next 2 months) we will comment these other issues: Importance of tax residence in Spain. There are no magical ways to avoid inheritance taxes. Special family circunstances ( people not married, homosexual, parnerts, etc) How much are the inheritance taxes? Scale of inheritance rates in Andalucia. Example of inheritance case. What you must do a person owning any asset in Spain. Manilva Solicitors Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Senior Partner Tel 952 901 225 Fax 952 901 226 E-mail:

New novel by Mary Chiappe and Sam Benady

Local author Mary Chiappe has recently launched the first in a series of detective novels, written together with childhood friend Sam Benady, the books feature the amateur detective Giovanni Bresciano, and the first in the series, ‘The Murder in Whirligig Lane’ sees our hero solving the murder of a beautiful Spanish refugee in a yellow fever ridden Gibraltar of 1813. Gibraltarian Mary Chiappe retired to Manilva after teaching English and Drama for 40 years in Spain, England and Gibraltar and has written a number of books, including ‘The Grapes of Warmth’ and ‘Cabbages and Kings’ as well as being a regular columnist in the Gibraltar Chronicle. Co-author Sam Benady, retired eight years ago as Consultant Paediatrician at St. Bernard’s Hospital, and since then has devoted himself to researching the history of Gibraltar, and helping to protect its heritage. Sam has written a number of books on the history of Gibraltar as well as novels including ‘The Keys of the City’ and a couple of short stories bringing Sherlock Holmes to Gibraltar. Describing the writing process, Mary and Sam take it in turns to write the first chapter, after which

the other will check and tweak until every chapter becomes a blend of both authors’ work. With Sam providing the historical accuracy and Mary providing the emotional narrative, the whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts. The pair are currently working on the fourth in the series, with the second hitting the bookshelves at the end of this year. ‘The Murder in Whirligig Lane’ is published by Calpe Press and is available at The English Bookshop, Sabinillas; Longmans Bookshop, Estepona; and the Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre.

has been moving away from the Eurozone and the UK to the USA where doubts about their ability to manage their difficulties are gathering moss and the $ has lost ground against the euro and the £. Good news if you are interested in going to the USA for your holiday. More difficult for the First Lady who has recently holidayed here as her $ did not go quite so far. This part of Spain has received a lot of media attention of late with the investment in Malaga Football Club and discussions around substantial further investment and the visit of the Royal Family from Saudi all great news for us and long overdue. What will your pound mean to you

in the short term expect to see rates between €1.20 and €1.23 So if you are looking to gain the most for your money why not contact Moneycorp the foreign exchange specialist who can take care of all your money transfers to and from Spain; however small or large. Their experts make the process quick, easy and highly cost-effective. For more information on how Moneycorp can help get you more currency than from your bank contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol office on +34 951 319 700 or email michael.campbell@ Always quote The Resident.

European Banking System / Stress Test

£€ How many times of late have you switched on your radio, television or simply read in the papers about “Stress Tests”? It has almost become, or seems so of late, the new financial Buzz Phrase. The European Banking System has recently undergone its stress tests and maybe surprisingly in some quarters has come out with a very satisfactory result, although the results were supposed to be kept secret until the official announcement there was no surprise with the names of the Banks that did not pass the test. However even in Europe we were behind the Chinese who undertook their review back in May where it had a greater impact than was intended. Some prudent bankers felt it necessary to be cautious and wrote down property values on their books by 60% even thought the official figures showed 30% the result

being a sell off in bank and the real estate sector shares. Fortunately within the Eurozone the market did not seem that bothered and the results from the ECB testing did not have any major impact upon the £ to euro exchange rate. Thankfully there was also good news from Greece at last who it seems are toeing the line with their Budget Rebalancing Act and both the International Monetary Fund and The European Central Bank representatives who completed their visit to Athens declared themselves satisfied with Greece’s recent “ impressive progress”. This meant that Greece was able to drawdown a further 9 billion euros from the bailout fund. I would happily show them my financial plans if they are prepared to offer me similar!! All this meant that the euro did not lose ground and the range during the last couple of weeks has been between €1.175 to €1.21. The recent review of the economy within the Eurozone saw interest rates being held by The ECB for a 15th month in a row reflecting certain optimism about the prospects of growth, heres the negative whilst showing some doubt about the speed of

recovery. The UK however managed to beat the 15 months by holding rates for a staggering 18th consecutive month with good news coming out of the UK seeing Factory orders at its highest for 2 years, GDP recording a stronger 2nd quarter performance and UK retailers talking about stronger growth in the coming month. Maybe at last people are finding the ability to spend again. All sounds very good until you hear questions being asked about the state of the UK housing market and the recent result showing a drop in UK mortgage approvals still you cant win them all. So for the present the focus


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Deportes Sport

12 Horas de Fútbol Sala Estepona El sábado día 4 de septiembre del presente año, se va a celebrar en las pistas deportivas municipales, una nueva edición de las 12 horas de fútbol sala. Las categorías convocadas son: Juvenil: Nacidos en los años 1992, 93, 94 y (95 último año cadete). Senior: Nacidos en el año 1991 y anteriores (además 1992 último año juvenil). Veteranos “A”: 35 años en adelante. Veteranos “B”: 40 años en adelante. Las inscripciones se pueden realizar en nuestras oficinas del Polideportivo del Carmen, hasta el próximo jueves día 26 de agosto, en horario de 9 a 14 horas. La hoja de inscripción se podrá retirar en el Departamento de Competiciones de la Delegación Municipal de Deportes o se podrá descargar desde la página web El sorteo tendrá lugar el lunes día 30 de agosto a las 12:00 horas en el salón de actos sito en el Polideportivo del Carmen.

Será requisito imprescindible para poder participar, el tener tramitada la TARJETA DEPORTIVA.

12 hour Indoor Football Tournament On Saturday 4 September Estepona’s Sports Department presents the latest edition of the 12 hour Indoor Football Tournament. Competed in the following categories: Junior: Those born in the years 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995. Seniors: Those born in 1991 and before. Veterans ‘A’: 35 years and over. Veterans ‘B’: 40 years and over. Enrolments should be made at the Sports

Department Offices at the El Carmen Sports Centre until 26 August, between 9 am and 2 pm. Enrolment forms can be obtained from the Sports Department or downloaded from the website www. The draw will take place on 30 August at noon in the El Carmen Sports Centre. Those wishing to participate should hold the Tarjeta Deportiva (Sports Card).

The Resident -

El Estepona sigue preparándose para el inicio de Liga en Segunda División B El Estepona sigue preparándose para el comienzo de competición en el Grupo IV de Segunda División B, que tendrá lugar el próximo 29 de agosto en la localidad murciana de Caravaca de la Cruz, frente al Caravaca C.F. En la noche del miércoles disputó el séptimo encuentro de pretemporada en el estadio Nuevo Mirador de Algeciras, frente el equipo representante de esta localidad gaditana que venció por 1-0. El gol llegó en un buen remate de cabeza de Chapi, en el minuto 72 de partido, tras un lanzamiento de falta desde la izquierda. Antes de comenzar el partido se guardó un minuto de silencio por el fallecimiento de la abuela materna de Xabier, que al igual que el técnico José Luis Burgueña no estuvieron en el encuentro, dirigiendo al conjunto esteponero el técnico José Luis Moncayo. El Estepona comenzó el partido con Ávila, Ibón Díez, Jonathan, Carlos Arias, Pecas, Durán, Ryan, José Carlos, Eloy, Chupi e Igna. También jugaron Efrén, Raúl Gaitán, Rios, Juanma, Cristian Leroy, Pedro, José, Boga, Ángelo y Rubén. Curro y Rubén Cruz no participaron en el encuentro, con molestias musculares y entrenaron antes. Presentación oficial el 21 de agosto El último encuentro preparatorio antes del debut liguero tendrá lugar el sábado 21 frente a Los Barrios, también a las nueve de la noche y tras la presentación oficial de todos los equipos de la Unión Estepona C.F., que dará comienzo a las ocho y media de la tarde en el Muñoz Pérez.

Además de descuentos los abonados tendrán asesoramiento jurídico gratuito En los próximos días se presentará oficialmente la campaña de abonados de la Unión Estepona Club de Fútbol para la próxima temporada 2010/2011, pero desde 15 de julio ya estarán a la venta en los polideportivos Santo Tomás de Aquino y de Cancelada. Entre las ventajas y descuentos que recibirán los abonados tendrán un primer asesoramiento jurídico gratuito y descuento sobre las acciones sean judiciales ó extrajudiciales que se inicien a través del nuevo departamento jurídico del club esteponero. Precios En tribuna los precios oscilarán entre los 120 euros para general, 90 para jubilados y señoras y 70 para jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los 12 a 18 años. En preferencia el precio de general será de 100 euros, para jubilados y señoras 70 y joven 50; y por último en fondo el precio general es de 80 euros, 50 para jubilados y señoras y 30 para jóvenes. Además habrá carnet de empresa y para comercios colaboradores de 200 euros, que no pagarán en ningún partido día del club ni amistoso. Esta temporada habrá dos jornadas de Día del Club y descuentos para los desempleados y para los que hagan a un mínimo de cinco abonados. Además de un diez por ciento de descuento en los bares del estadio Francisco Muñoz Pérez, Municipal San Fernando y polideportivo de Cancelada.

Estepona prepare for the new season U Estepona CF’s preparations for the coming season in Group 4 of Second Division B, which begins in earnest on 29 August away to the Murcian team of Caravaca CF, have been fruitful with a number of friendlies and tournaments which have brought together both the old guard along with the new signings in preparation for the months ahead. Official presentation Following the last of the pre-season’s friendlies on Saturday 21 August against Los Barrios there will be an official presentation of all the teams in the Union Estepona CF stable which will begin at 8.30 pm at the Estadio Muñoz Pérez stadium. Season tickets The season ticket campaign is now under wya for the 2010/11 season with a number of discounts and special offers available to subscribers including free legal consultations, etc. Prices: Tribuna - General 120€; Pensioners and Women 90€; children aged 12 to 18 70€. Preferencia - General 100€; Pensioners and Women 70€; children aged 12 to 18 50€. Fondo - General 80€; Pensioners and Women 50€; children aged 12 to 18 30€. There is also a ‘Business Card’ for commercial sponsors of 200€ which

allows free entry to all league matches and friendlies. This season there will be two ‘Club Days’ as well as discounts for the unemployed and those who purchase a minimum of five season tickets. Along with all of this season ticket holders are also entitled to 10% discount in the bars in the Francisco Muñoz Pérez Stadium, San Fernando Municipal Stadium and the Cancelada Sports Centre. Season tickets can be purchased at the office in the Francisco Muñoz Pérez Stadium between 6.30 and 9.30 pm weekdays.

Deportes Sport

The Resident -

XX Trofeo Club Deportivo Cultural Estadio-Ciudad de Estepona de fútbol sala

El viernes 27 de agosto se celebrará el XX Trofeo Club Deportivo Cultural EstadioCiudad de Estepona de fútbol sala, uno de los eventos deportivos de mayor antigüedad de la localidad, que se celebrará el viernes,

27 de agosto, en el Pabellón de La Lobilla. Este triangular de fútbol sala que está organizado por el Club Deportivo Cultural Estadio y la Delegación de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Estepona, lo disputarán

el Coinsur Coineña (Primera Nacional A), el Manilva F.S. (Primera Nacional B) y una de selección de jugadores del C.D.C. Estadio en su etapa de Primera Nacional B. El equipo de Coín, que participará por segundo año consecutivo en esta competición, logró de una forma brillante la pasada temporada el ascenso de categoría tras quedar como campeón del grupo 18 de la Primera Nacional B. El otro conjunto elegido por la organización para participar en esta torneo ha sido el Manilva F.S., también en reconocimiento a su gran temporada, situándose como el único equipo de la Costa del Sol en categoría nacional de fútbol sala. El triangular lo cerrará una selección del Club Deportivo Cultural Estadio formada por jugadores de la etapa del club en Provincial y Nacional B (años 05/07), que defenderán el título conseguido en la pasada edición del XIX Torneo ante la U.D. Coineña y Vejer F.S. Hay que recordar, que en esta tradicional competición que se celebra desde hace veinte años han participado equipos del prestigio del Interviú Boomerang, El Pozo Murcia, Benfica y F.C. Barcelona, entre otros, y que lo han convertido en el Torneo de pretemporada de mayor renombre en el fútbol sala nacional.

XX Estepona CDC Estadio Indoor Football Trophy The latest edition of one of Estepona’s longest running sporting tournaments will be held on Friday 27 August with the celebration of the XX Trofeo Club Deportivo Cultural Estadio-Ciudad de Estepona indoor football tournament. This triangular competition will be disputed between top flight teams from Coin, Manilva and Estepona, namely: Coinsur Coineña (National Premier League A), el Manilva F.S. (National Premier League B) and a C.D.C. Estadio selection from their time in National Premier League B. The Coin team compete for a second year in the competition having had a great season rising to League after finishing top of group 18 of League B. Manilva also had the best of seasons gaining promition ot League B, the only team from the Costa del Sol to play indoor football at national level. The final team in the triangle is a selection of players from C.D.C. Estadio who played during the 2005-2007 seasons when the team competed in the National Premier League B, and who will defend their title as winners of last year’s competition against Coineña and Vejer FS. Previous editions of this tournament have included teams from Interviú Boomerang, El Pozo Murcia, Benfica and F.C. Barcelona making it one of the major pre-season tournaments in the National Indoor Football calendar.

XIII Triatlón “Villa de Estepona” 2010

Estepona Semana del Tenis 2010

El próximo 22 de agosto se va a celebrar en nuestra localidad el XIII Triatlón “Villa de Estepona” 2010, está organizado por el Club Triatlón Tiburones de Estepona y la Federación Andaluza de Triatlón (Delegación Malagueña) y cuenta con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de Estepona y BigSur Events. Después de varios años en los que no se ha celebrado esta competición, vuelve una las más conocidas pruebas del triatlón andaluz, puesto que ya son trece las ediciones que se celebrarán. En esta ocasión se van a realizar el triatlón en modalidad sprint, y puesto que la prueba será la penúltima del calendario andaluz antes del Campeonato de España (28/8/10- S. Juan de los Terreros, Almería), se prevé participen más de 200 triatletas. La

La Delegación de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Estepona informa de la celebración de una nueva edición de la Semana del Tenis 2010, que como viene siendo habitual tendrá lugar en la localidad del 24 al 27 de Agosto. El plazo de inscripción para este torneo finalizará el próximo Jueves 19 de Agosto y el coste será de un euro por jugador. El Torneo se disputará en los polideportivos municipales de Sto. Tomás y La Viña, en

competición comenzará a las 09:00 horas y constaría de 750 metros de natación en la Playa de la Rada, 20 Kilómetros en bicicleta en un circuito urbano con salida desde la Avda. San Lorenzo y recorrido por la Avda. Juan Carlos I y Avda. Martín Méndez (subida la Polígono Industrial), finalizando con 5 Km. de carrera a pie por el paseo marítimo Pedro Manrique. En la página web de la Federación Andaluza de Triatlón ( pueden realizarse las inscripciones hasta el 20 de agosto a las 13:00. Tanto en esta página con en la de la Delegación de Deportes (www.esteponadeportes. es) pueden consultarse el díptico de la prueba con la información general y sobre inscripciones, así como los planos de la competición y otras informaciones.


las categorías que comprenden desde benjamín a seniors y en las modalidades de individuales y dobles. Al finalizar la competición se entregarán trofeos a los finalistas y medallas a los participantes de las categorias de menor edad. Los horarios de los encuentros se publicarán en la pagina web de la Delegación de Deportes y se podrán consultar también vía teléfono en el nº 952 80 24 44 de 9 a 14.00 horas.

XIII Estepona Triathlon The thirteenth edition of the Estepona Triathlon will be contested in the town on Sunday 22 August. Organised by the Club Triatlón Tiburones de Estepona and the Andalucia Triathlon Federation (Malaga Delegation) in collaboration with the Estepona Town Hall and BigSur Events. The event returns to Estepona after a number of years absence and will take the form os a sprint trial, and being the penultimate event in the Andalucian calendar before the Spanish Championship in Almeria at the end of the month, it is anticipated that some 200 triathletes will take part in the event. The competition begins at 9 am with a 750 m swim off the La Rada beach; then a 20 km cycle on a circuit through the town; finishing with a 5 km run on the Paseo Maritimo. Full details and entry forms can be found on the Federation’s website www. - or on the Estepona Sport’s Department’s website at www.

Estepona Tennis Week 2010 Estepona’s Sports Department has announced the latest edition of the town’s Tennis Week to be held from 24 to 27 August. Entries are invited up until Thursday 19 August with an entry fee of 1 euro per player. Tournament matches will be held at Sto.

Tomas and the La Viña sports facilities with competitions in a number of categories both singles and doubles. Match details and times will be published on or you can contact 952 802 444 from 9 am to 2 pm.


Salud Health

A Healthier Life

The Resident -

to the pool ledge, straighten your legs behind you, now kick furiously, making a big splash, do this for 10 seconds, take a quick breather and repeat as many times as you can, aim for 10 times. This works your heart and lungs and all the muscles between shoulders and toes.

‘Swimming is a brilliant form of exercise’

JoJo France and Claudia Norris Welcome to the new Health, Nutrition and Fitness Column! A combination of good healthy eating and sweaty exercise can help the body address many health concerns. Personal Trainer JoJo France and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris have teamed up to offer practical advice on one health concern each month. This month we’re looking at high blood pressure. 1 in 4 people worldwide have high blood pressure which can lead to strokes, heart attacks and other serious illnesses – most of us do not know we have it and this is why it is known as “The Silent Killer”

The Personal Trainer Regular exercise strengthens your heart so it can pump more blood around your body with less effort. This reduces the force on your arteries, lowering blood pressure. When we talk about ‘regular exercise’ people always think gym, running or something predictable, but exercise can be many things. The experts recommend 30-40 minutes medium intensity workouts every day, but what is considered ‘medium intensity’? The body works best when it gets a little hot and sweaty, so anything that makes your heart beat little quicker so that your skin starts to perspire is good for you. Medium intensity is when you can still speak but you are a little out of breath, not so much as you begin to pant out loud (or swear out loud) but not so easy that you can tell a story for 20 minutes either. As a fitness expert, I always recommend the use of a heart rate monitor to achieve for your optimum workout. These are available cheaply at most sports shops for around 20 euros. Aim to workout at around 80% of your maximum heart rate. To work out your heart rate, take 220 and subtract your age - this is 100% maximum. Now take off 20% and that will give you your goal. It may take some time for you to be able to reach your 80% goal, but aim to get closer to it on every workout. For some people the thought of hitting the gym for half an

hour every day is unimaginable. The good news is you don’t have too! Here in Spain we are lucky with our weather and most of us have access to either a pool or the sea, so here are some suggestions that can be called exercise but at the same time are fun and quite easy to do. Your 30-40 mins doesn’t have to be taken at the same time, so you could split your ‘workouts’ in to 2 x20 min sections. Some of my favorites include: Power walking in the waves - Don’t go deep (ankle depth is perfect) walk at a brisk pace, swing your arms and squeeze your bum, walk 10 mins in one direction and turn around and walk back. Great for heart lungs, legs and bum. Messing around in the pool - Swimming is a brilliant exercise, but even non-swimmers can have fun in the pool, hold on

Bat and Ball - This is such an easy game to play and can be played anywhere; in the pool, on the beach even in the lounge. It’s great for co-ordination and can get the heart pumping. Maybe make your next BBQ an activity day, make up teams and play bat and ball and enjoy some pool activities too! Exercise should be a way of life and not a chore. Try and find something that makes you feel good afterwards, and remember to drink plenty of water, before during and after your workout. JOJO FRANCE, Personal Trainer Mobile: 687 030 047 Email:

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The Nutritional Therapist When a client comes to me with high blood pressure, the aspects of that person’s diet I’m most interested with are: salt; fruit and veg; alcohol, caffeinated tea and coffee; whether they choose white bread and white rice options over wholegrains; saturated fats versus good fats from oily fish and nuts and seeds; and hydration levels. If a client is overweight I will help them lose weight as this can reverse blood pressure problems. For this first article on high blood pressure, I’m going to focus on salt: why it’s bad for blood pressure, how to understand

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198 Spanish food labels regarding salt, and easy ways to cut down on salt. Too much salt causes your body to retain more water, and the increased water in blood vessels increases blood pressure. It also puts more pressure on your kidneys which are responsible for excreting salt from your body. Recent research has found that some people are more sensitive to salt than others and as a result, are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure. The Mayo Clinic estimates that 26 percent of Americans with normal blood pressure and 58 percent of those with high blood pressure are salt sensitive. Dramatically cutting down salt in your diet has been proven to lower blood pressure. Living in Spain it can be difficult to work out how much salt you are consuming as the labelling is not always clear. ‘Sal’ means salt and the UK government recommends not more that 6g a day (about a teaspoon). Many food labels give quantities in ‘sodio’ (sodium) rather than ‘sal’. The technical term for salt is sodium chloride. Sodium makes up approximately 40% of salt. Multiply sodium by 2.5 to find out salt level. Even then, many food labels don’t specify how much sodio or sal is in the food.

‘Too much salt in your diet increases your blood pressure’ Reducing your salt intake doesn’t have to be difficult. For example, you could swap your normal tinned tuna for a ‘bajo en sal’ (low in salt) version which is sold in many of the big supermarkets. Alternatively, simply rinsing your tuna in water before adding to food can remove some of the salt content. Doing the same with tinned vegetables, bottled pulses and olives can also help. It almost goes without saying that you will need to stop adding salt to cooking and at the table. Instead of salt, flavour foods with garlic, chilli, ginger, and herbs. This might seem difficult at first but your tastebuds will

quickly adjust. Try to avoid foods which are naturally high in salt such as bacon, Spanish hams, cheese, and anchovies. Replace salted nuts with unsalted varieties. Become aware of how much hidden salt is in foods by reading the food labels. Foods to look out for in particular are breakfast cereals, bread products, stock cubes, soups, sauces like ketchup, mustard and soy sauce. When you start reading the food labels, you will see the huge differences in salt content say for different breakfast cereals and you’ll be surprised by how some simple swaps can reduce your overall daily salt intake. To see a menu plan for a reduced salt diet visit www. CLAUDIA NORRIS Nutritional Therapist - MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH) Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC) Email: Mobile: 671 142 960 Web: If you are concerned that you may have high blood pressure or an unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to it, you may want to visit one of our free juice mornings in La Duquesa or Sotogrande. We’ll be offering blood pressure checks and JoJo and Claudia will be on hand to give advice on exercise and nutrition. There will be a juice morning in the very near future so please call JoJo on 687 030 047 to book your place. Before making any major changes to your lifestyle or if you have any major concerns, please check with your doctor first.

anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198

Classifieds Administrators • AMMEX, Sabinillas. Specialists in community administration 952 890 704

Building & Maintenance • Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248 • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515 • Roller Shutter Repairs (Persianas) - Same day service, 7 days a week. Also conversion to motorised and new installations with security format. Tel: 681 177 568

Auto • Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www. • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066

Professional • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619. Classified lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @18% (minimum of 10 words). Boxed classifieds are charged at 10 euros + IVA for a 80 mm x 46 mm box. To place your advert drop into The Resident office in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or call 952 936 198. For more information

Have a day out with The Resident WORK WANTED General Maintenance Carpentry - Painting Tel. 627 633 735 All types of work considered

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents • Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.

Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63


Mortgage & Financial Services • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

Property management • LMK Management Luxury apartment rentals and property management 952 890 513 • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Management Tel. 678 962 588 on advertising see our website at Deadline: Classified adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on the 12th of the month. The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take place. The Resident reserves the right

featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.


Every Tuesday (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! Adults: Normal price 39€ Resident price 35€. Children: Normal price 30€ Resident price 26€

Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€

advertise in Ronda by Train (return by coach) Gibraltar - a choice of trips: the resident Tel.952 936 198 Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Holiday Accommodation

• Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561

Mijas Water Park

• Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www. for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

• Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a

Ocio y Deportes Sport & Leisure • Sun Coast Marine Yacht School - RYA Motor cruiser and powerboat instruction 952 804 597 www.suncoastmarine.

Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant - Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Náutica Marine • Atlas Marine, Puerto Duquesa - Boat sales, mortgages, insurance, maintenance 952 890 553 www.

Informática Computers • CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta. com to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary. The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.

train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.


Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€


Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 83€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 79€ Children: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 50€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€

Dolphin boat trip and shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 61€ Children: Normal price 48€ The Resident price 45€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.

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