Congratulations to the Cast & Crew! The Lipof Family

Temple Beth Avodah Arts Troupe Presents
Congratulations to the Cast & Crew! The Lipof Family
Temple Beth Avodah Arts Troupe Presents
By L. Frank Baum
With Music and Lyrics by Harold Arlen and E. Y. Harburg
Background Music by Herbert Stothart
Directed by Katie Duff
Musical Direction by John Duff
Produced by Amy Tonkonogy
Choreography by Nicole Kempskie
THE WIZARD OF OZ is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC., concordtheatricals.com
Welcome to Temple Beth Avodah and our 2023 performance of the Wizard of Oz. We are so incredibly pleased to once again be singing and dancing as our community rejoices in the simple pleasures of being together and sharing stories. The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic that rekindles the spirit of family and reminds us that there is “no place like home.” This year, we are proud to bring this production back to our very own home, right here, inside our own Temple Beth Avodah building. Together we’ve transformed our synagogue into a joyous “Land of Oz” for all people to connect, belong, and engage with our TBA community.
Our multi-generational cast of all-TBA members is 38-people strong, ranging from 6-81 years old. Our behind-the-scenes crew represents more than 30 people pulling together to realize our vision. Like all of our productions, this is a community-wide event with a place for everyone – from behind the scenes, on the stage, in the front of house, or in the audience. Participating in this production is our sacred gift -- both from the community and to the community.
I am in awe of the dedication and commitment from our cast and crew to bring our re-telling of the Wizard of Oz to life and, I am confident that you too will enjoy their magic on stage. A special thank you to you, our supportive audience, for being here with us and for helping us continue to make TBA a place of belonging, connectedness, and a home for thriving Jewish life.
With eternal gratitude for your support, there is no place like home. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Amy Tonkonogy Producer & Co-Founder TBA Arts Troupe
Over the Rainbow
Come Out, Come Out
Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead
Yellow Brick Road
If I Only Had a Brain
We’re Off to See the Wizard
If I Only Had a Heart
We’re Off to See the Wizard
Lions, Tigers, and Bears
If I Only Had a Nerve
We’re Off to See the Wizard
Act One Finale
Merry Old Land of Oz
King of the Forest
March of the Winkies
March of the Winkies
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead
Act Two Finale
Dorothy Gale: Sarah Wanger
Hunk/Scarecrow: Josh Baumer
Hickory/Tin Man: Lauren Glickman
Zeke/Cowardly Lion: Bryan Baumer
Aunt Em: Judi Boviard
Uncle Henry: Bruce Blakely
Glinda: Misha Goldfarb
Miss Almira Gulch/Wicked Witch of the West: Anne Kalis
Professor Marvel: Neal Appel
The Wizard of Oz: Stacy Schwartz
Munchkins: Rabbi Keith Stern (Mayor of Munchkinland), Carole Rodenstein (Barrister), Harvey Weiner (City Father #1), Barry Wanger (City Father #2), Ilona Goldfarb (Coroner), Toni Abrams Weintraub, Neal Appel, Steve Ayer, Bruce Blakely, Judi Boviard, Bev Cohen, Emily Dean, Margie Ross Decter, Judy Dorf, Emily Isman, Ron Kos, Beth Kozinn, Lauren Mistretta, Eli Oliver, Stacy Schwartz, Kate Shoolman, Robin Welch
Lollipop Guild: Teddy Granquist, Rebecca Ingerman, Noah Oliver, Zachary Spitzkoff
Lullaby League: Annette Granquist, Simone Gupta, Henrie Joy Isman, Sasha Millen, Selene Millen
Poppies: Toni Abrams Weintraub, Neal Appel, Steve Ayer, Bruce Blakely, Judi Boviard, Bev Cohen, Emily Dean, Margie Ross Decter, Judy Dorf, Ilona Goldfarb, Annette Granquist, Teddy Granquist, Simone Gupta, Rebecca Ingerman, Emily Isman, Henrie Joy Isman, Ron Kos, Beth Kozinn, Sasha Millen, Selene Millen, Lauren Mistretta, Eli Oliver, Noah Oliver, Carole Rodenstein, Stacy Schwartz, Kate Shoolman, Zachary Spitzkoff, Barry Wanger, Harvey Weiner, Robin Welch
Crows: Ilona Goldfarb, Margie Ross Decter, Emily Isman, Robin Welch, Kate Shoolman
Trees: Margie Ross Decter, Judy Dorf, Ilona Goldfarb, Emily Isman, Beth Kozinn, Kate Shoolman, Toni Abrams Weintraub, Robin Welch
Monkeys: Toni Abrams Weintraub (Nikko), Emily Dean, Annette Granquist, Teddy Granquist, Rebecca Ingerman, Henrie Joy Isman, Sasha Millen, Selene Millen, Eli Oliver, Noah Oliver, Zach Spitzkoff, Simone Gupta
Ozians: Susan Glickman (Beautician), Steve Ayer (Barber), Ilona Goldfarb (Hairstylist), Ron Kos (Emerald City Guard), Toni Abrams Weintraub, Neal Appel, Judi Boviard, Bev Cohen, Emily Dean, Margie Ross Decter, Judy Dorf, Emily Isman, Beth Kozinn, Lauren Mistretta, Eli Oliver, Carole Rodenstein, Stacy Schwartz, Kate Shoolman, Harvey Weiner, Robin Welch, Barry Wanger
Winkies: Steve Ayer (General), Neal Appel, Emily Isman, Margie Ross Decter, Ilona Goldfarb, Beth Kozinn, Lauren Mistretta, Carole Rodenstein, Kate Shoolman, Harvey Weiner, Robin Welch, Barry Wanger
Jitterbugs: Toni Abrams Weintraub, Neal Appel, Steve Ayer, Emily Dean, Judy Dorf, Rebecca Ingerman, Emily Isman, Ilona Goldfarb, Misha Goldfarb, Ron Kos, Beth Kozinn, Lauren Mistretta, Carole Rodenstein, Margie Ross Decter, Kate Shoolman, Harvey Weiner, Robin Welch
Sarah Wanger, Dorothy Gale
If you told 7 year old Sarah when she was in TBA’s last production of The Wizard of Oz that she would return to the stage as Dorothy all these years later, she probably would have shrieked in excitement. She is absolutely thrilled to be a part of this production, and cannot thank Danny, Amy, and Katie enough for this incredible opportunity. Having spent the last few years in Philadelphia as a NICU nurse, she is so glad to have followed her own yellow brick road back home. She appreciates the cast and crew for welcoming her with open arms, especially to her dad, Barry, with whom she is delighted to share the stage. Thanks also to all those who helped her run lines, and especially to her roommate Kristen and partner Tony and last but certainly not least: to her spectacular mom, Wendy — this one’s for you.
Josh Baumer, Hunk/Scarecrow
Josh is so happy to be part of another TBA production, after having such a wonderful experience performing in Barnum and Joseph. The Wizard of Oz marks the fifth show in which Josh has been lucky enough to share the stage with his son, Bryan, which is such a gift. Josh wants to thank Amy, Danny, Katie, and the entire TBA Arts Troupe team for making this fantastic opportunity possible. He wants to congratulate the
entire cast and crew on all of their tireless efforts and incredible performances. Finally, Josh wants to thank his amazing wife, Niki, for all of her support and helpful feedback throughout the rehearsal process.
Lauren is thrilled to be performing again with the fabulous Temple Beth Avodah players. Prior TBA credits include Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Barnum, Purimstock, Musical Revue and Fiddler on the Roof. Offstage, she’s mom to Rachel and Daniel, and wife to Jon. At work, she’s an internist in Mass General’s primary care division. She’s proud to be a part of The Wizard of Oz with this wonderful cast. She sends thanks to Danny, Katie, and Amy for the opportunity. With her whole heart, Lauren dedicates her performance to her family and friends.
Bryan is 16 years old and a junior at Newton South High School. He is so excited to perform in his third TBA production, and to share the stage again with his Dad! Bryan’s favorite past roles include Amos in Chicago, Georg in Spring Awakening, and Jack in Newsies. Bryan would like to thank Danny, Amy, Kate, and the entire cast and crew of Wizard of Oz. He would especially like to thank his parents for all of their support and for helping him pursue his passion for theater!
Judi is excited to hit the stage again with TBA Arts Troupe and particularly in this production! It’s her third time in The Wizard of Oz, having played Dorothy at Camp Saginaw when she was 10 and the Tin Man in high school! She is also thrilled to be in her 7th production at TBA, having been most recently in Forbidden Purim and in Joseph. Judi is a preschool teacher at Gan Shelanu, where she feels very lucky to have a job where she gets to sing every day. She would like to send thanks and much love to her two favorite people, her children Jeremy and Hallie, who happen to love The Wizard of Oz as much as she does.
Bruce is excited to be playing the role of Uncle Henry, fulfilling his secret wish to be a farmer. This is his fifth TBA production including Barnum, Joseph, and two Purim shpiels. Despite his theatrical successes, Bruce is not yet ready to give up his day job as director of high school science product development for an educational publisher. He currently serves with an interesting cast of characters on the temple board and executive committee. Bruce and his wife Robin (our stage manager) have been active members of TBA for over 10 years. They enjoy visiting and traveling
with their adult daughters Rachel and Hannah. Bruce is grateful to be working again with Amy and the wonderful cast and crew.
Misha has been participating in TBA performances since the 2nd grade! She is thrilled to be playing Glinda the Good Witch (and a jitterbug) in this production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’. She loves being in shows with her temple friends and especially her mom, Ilona (aka munchkin, crow, tree, jitterbug).
Anne Kalis, Miss Almira Gulch/Wicked Witch of the West
Anne is overjoyed to be performing once again with her fellow TBA Arts Troupers! She has played the lead roles in Diary of Anne Frank and Coyote Ugly for Strollers Theater in Madison, WI. In TBA’s past productions, she was “Tzeitl“ in Fiddler on the Roof, “Charity” in Barnum, and the “Narrator” in Joseph. She has sung in several semi-professional acappella groups and met her husband, Dave, while performing together in a JCC show in Chicago. When she’s not singing or cackling, Anne works as a Hebrew school teacher, B’nai Mitzvah tutor and Jewish Educator. She and Dave are parents to Ben and Talia, along with two Havanese fur babies.
Neal Appel, Professor Marvel/Ensemble
Neal Appel is a TBA theater veteran and also helped write and perform in the TBA Purim shpiels Purimstock and Forbidden Purim. Neal graduated from Michigan State with Master’s degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, and has been a software engineer ever since. He is currently a Consulting Software Engineer at Dassault Systemes, where he has amused co-workers with holiday party tunes such as Steppenwolf’s “Born to Compile”. He lives in Brookline with his wife Barbara, has two daughters, Melissa and Julia, and five grandchildren, Rose, Maya, Lily, Briyah, and Elijah, who will be thrilled to see their names in print. Love you, kids!
Stacy Schwartz, The Wizard of Oz/Ensemble
Stacy grew up at TBA and has taken on many leadership roles and is our past president. She is very excited to add another role to the list... as The Wizard! When Stacy isn’t singing and dancing with her fellow TBA Arts Troupers, she can be found working out at the gym, spending time with her husband Carl and three children, or teaching public speaking in the business school at Boston College. In the classroom, at the Temple, or on stage, Stacy brings her experience and enthusiasm to everything she undertakes!
This is Toni’s third musical production with the TBA Arts Troupe (not including Purim Shpiels). She is thrilled to share the experience with old and new friends in the cast and crew as well as her daughter Alexa, the kid wrangler and prop assistant of Oz. When not rehearsing at TBA, Toni enjoys hiking, obsessively reading, traveling, and going to shows. She thanks and congratulates everyone connected to the Wizard! Toni is especially grateful for the creativity, vision, and patience of Danny and Katie —and always, always, for Amy’s unbelievable enthusiasm, dedication, organization, boundless energy, and love.
Steve is excited to be a member of the TBA Arts Troupe and to be in his fourth TBA musical. This involvement has greatly increased his connection to the Temple. Steve and his daughter Jessica have been members of TBA for close to 20 years. He has been teaching in and around Boston for 25 years and is currently the K-8 Math Coach at the Ferryway School in Malden. He dedicates this performance both to his mom, who took him often to see community theater and who perfected the role of wonderful single parent, and to Jessica, who helped him unearth his voice and who inspires him every day.
Susan is thrilled to be counted among the cast and crew of Oz. Wizard of Oz has always been one of her all-time favorite shows since the days of her childhood. Her claim to fame is that she played the role of the scarecrow in a Camp Pembroke production in 1979. Susan is honored to spend this last season of tenure at the temple in community for keeping Sybil’s legacy alive. When Susan is not on the bimah or scouting out green bling for her role as the Ozian Manicurist, she enjoys spending time with her grown children Elana and Ben and taking long walks with her wonderful husband Jim and cute Goldendoodle Daisy.
Ilona is so excited to participate in her third musical at TBA and is thrilled that as an ensemble cast member she is in so many scenes! By day, Ilona is a high risk obstetrician, a casual car singer, and a HUGE fan of Broadway musicals. By night (and on Sundays), she has loved being part of the cast of the Wizard of Oz with her daughter, Misha (Glinda, Jitterbug). Ilona is grateful to Misha, the best partner in crime, Jeremy the supportive driver, dinner maker, and Jonah, the enthusiastic fan from afar.
This production is a full-circle moment for Ron, whose first foray into musical theater was a middle school production of The Wizard of Oz. After a 30-year hiatus, he returned to the stage in TBA’s 2010 production of Fiddler on the Roof. More recently, he played Tom Thumb in Barnum and Simeon in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He has been a part of the TBA community for almost 15 years.
Keith Stern is no stranger to the Broadway stage. He’s starred in a variety of productions, from Annie to Fiddler to The Wiz. He is also quite proud of his popularity on TikTok with one video closing in on 900,000 views. As mayor of the Munchkin City, in the county of the land of Oz, he continues to explore his thespian ambitions. What’s next? King Lear?
Emily played Zebulun in TBA’s production of Joseph in 2019. She is very excited to be sharing the stage with her daughter Henrie Joy in this year’s Wizard of Oz! Emily is usually busy taking care of her three kids Henrie Joy (8yrs), Samuel (5yrs) and Izzy (3yrs)! When she’s not in rehearsal, Emily enjoys playing tennis & mahjong. Big thank you to husband Mike for holding down the fort during rehearsals!
Carole is so excited to be in the Wizard of Oz. She has been an active member of previous productions as well as in the inter-generational choir and a regular chanting Torah. Carole is currently serving as TBA’s president. Carole is an Enterprise Success Manager at WebPT and an active Zumba instructor. She is married to Mark and they have two beautiful daughters, Marissa and Jocelyn, who are both Midrasha graduates. For Carole, the performances are the true epitome of the TBA community and a chance to bond over music and dance. Carole thanks all of her friends and family for their support, patience and love.
Harvey Weiner has been a TBA member for 40 years and for the twelfth time will be on stage in a TBA production. He was the first TBA President to appear in a TBA production while in office. Harvey is Senior Counsel at Peabody & Arnold LLP in Boston. He was the National Commander for the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. Harvey is married to Linda with whom he shares son Matthew, daughter-in-law Delia, and younger son Jonathan. Linda and Harvey have one granddog, Nellie, one foster granddog, Bonnie, and one “faux” granddog, Monte.
Rebecca Ingerman, Ensemble
Rebecca is an eighth grader at Oak Hill Middle School. She has performed in a previous production of The Wizard of Oz this past summer, at Camp Kaleidoscope. Rebecca has been in previous productions at TBA, and at school she has performed in School House Rock Jr., and Matilda Jr. In addition to theatre, Rebecca enjoys swimming and spending time with her puppy, Tasha!
Sasha Rae Millen, Ensemble
Sasha, a 3rd grader at Memorial Spaulding, discovered her love for theater at summer camp last year. Since then, she has taken drama classes and can’t wait to show off her performing skills in this show! Off stage, Sasha loves gymnastics, sewing, spending time with her family and taking care of her beloved dog, Levi. She is an animal lover and plans to be a vet when she grows up!
Selene Liv Millen, Ensemble
Selene is 6 years old and in 1st grade at Memorial Spaulding. She is so excited and proud to be a part of this show with her big sister, Sasha. Selene loves to build intricate houses with lego, make bracelets and learn about how things are made. Her favorite place to be is at home, wearing comfy PJs, with her family.
Robin Welch, Ensemble
Robin is excited to be “over the rainbow,” performing with the amazing TBA Arts Troupe. This is her second community show; she previously performed in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Robin grew up listening to Broadway show tunes and singing along on family road trips. She also has good memories of performing in elementary and middle school plays. She hopes everyone who comes to see the show walks away humming the music and remembering “there’s no place like home!”
Bev Cohen, Ensemble
Bev has been a very active member of TBA for close to fifty years and has participated in many TBA productions. She is thrilled to be back on the stage in this year’s Wizard of Oz. She especially enjoys making new friends as the cast becomes like a family and notes it is a great honor to have Amy following in her mother’s footsteps. Bev volunteers, participates in book club, and enjoys cooking, and going to the movies. Most importantly she raised loving children who have given her eight wonderful grandchildren and two great-grandsons.
Kate Shoolman, Ensemble
Kate is thrilled to be a part of the cast, and is excited to get back into musical theater after a long time away from the stage. Kate teaches multiple grades in TBA’s religious school, and has enjoyed spending time with fellow community members outside of the classroom. She has had a wonderful experience taking on so many different roles in this production, but (admittedly) cherishes her real-life role of “Auntie Kate” most of all! Many thanks to Danny, Amy, Katie, and the rest of the cast and crew for such an enjoyable experience!
As a former Newton School Committee member and NewTV show host, Margie is no stranger to the spotlight. She got her first taste of the stage performing with the TBA Arts Troupe in its parody Purim shpiel, Purimstock, and in Joseph. Margie loves to ham it up with friends and “laugh the day away” in “Oz!” Caw caw!
Beth Kozinn, Ensemble
Beth Kozinn has been a member of TBA since 2002. Having greatly enjoyed being in temple shows, she is happy to be back performing with the TBA Arts Troupe. Beth is the Director of Operations for Kesher Newton. She enjoys being on the TBA Board, participating in many temple programs, volunteering at Mayyim Hayyim, reading, exercising, and listening to all types of music. Beth lives in Newton with her husband Glenn and daughter Peri.
Barry Wanger, City Father #2/Ensemble
Best and proudly known as the father of the multi-talented Sarah, this is Barry’s third TBA production. He’s convinced he will probably still be practicing his two words of dialogue just before opening night. When not acting (which is always), he’s an author (Arnold Hiatt: Turning Business into a Force for Good), a retired PR executive and journalist, and a former TBA Board member. Barry would like to thank his wife Wendy and daughter Sarah for their encouragement!
Judy Dorf, Ensemble
As a TBA member for 33 years, this is Judy’s 9th TBA musical. With a Master’s in Psychiatric Nursing, Judy retired from Showa Boston as a nurse/counselor and has visited Japan 6 times! She and Marty have two wonderful sons: Ben, married to son-in-law Chris, and Sam, married to daughter-in-law Masha. She also has two fabulous twin grandchildren, Jonah and Lana. Judy loves being part of TBA productions, renewing
and making new friendships and having lots of fun in the process.
Emily Dean, Ensemble
Emily is in the fifth grade at the Baker School in Brookline. Other recent performances include: The Fifth Grade Skit (Shark Tank), The Noontime Show at Creative Arts At Park and TBA’s Purim Shpiel. Emily enjoys baking, creating her own recipes and writing stories. Emily is also an animal lover and never passes up the chance to pet a friendly dog. She is excited to be joining the TBA Arts Troupe for this year’s production!
Lauren Mistretta, Ensemble
Lauren is excited to be participating in her first TBA production! Lauren’s fans have long awaited her return to the stage... ever since her thrilling performance in her third grade production of Free to Be You and Me. Lauren comes from a very musical family, and loves singing and music is one of her favorite things about TBA. This show is especially meaningful as she is joined by her daughter, Emily Dean.
Annette Granquist, Ensemble
Annette has never acted before and she is so excited to be here! She loves the color green, animals, and everyone being kind to each other. She is a second grader at Memorial Spaulding and has the best teacher (in her opinion). She hopes she does well in the play and that everyone else is amazing too.
Teddy Granquist, Ensemble
Teddy is thrilled to be making his debut acting performance. He enjoys the Boston Bruins, outer space, and gaming. He is a fifth grader at Memorial Spaulding and has the best class (in his opinion). He is happy to be in this play and hopes that everyone will do an amazing job!
Eli Oliver, Ensemble
Eli Oliver is an autistic 6th grader at Wayland Middle School who loves the color red. He has been in plays at school and camp. He especially loves music and plays acoustic and electric guitar, clarinet, and most recently, the bassoon. He is in the concert band, jazz band, and is learning to be a songleader at temple and at Eisner camp. Eli has participated in the kids choir and intergenerational choir and is looking forward to being in his first temple play.
Noah Oliver, Ensemble
Noah Oliver is a 3rd grader at Loker School in Wayland. He spent a lot of time on the BAYGL room floor as a baby hanging out at TBA. He enjoys
hip hop and breakdancing including doing the worm. He also likes to do indoor rock climbing. Noah has been in plays at Camp Kaleidoscope and plays the cello and drums. Noah is excited to be in his first temple play and loves the Wizard of Oz.
Zach Spitzkoff, Ensemble
Zach is in 4th grade at Memorial Spaulding. He enjoys Minecraft, reading books, eating hamburgers, playing basketball and soccer. He was on the stage crew for the Little Mermaid play at his overnight camp and is excited for his acting debut as a member of the Lollipop Guild and as a Flying Monkey.
Henrie Joy Isman, Ensemble
This is Henrie Joy’s first ever musical! She is excited to be sharing the stage with her mom, Emily. Henrie Joy is in the second grade at Schechter Boston. She enjoys playing soccer, video games and spending time with her siblings Samuel and Izzy!
Simone Gupta, Ensemble
Simone Libby Gupta is making her stage debut in Wizard of Oz. Simone’s creative mind and her wicked sense of humor make her a rare stage presence. She has had six years of dance instruction, four years piano, and is now a student at Boston’s Wheelock Family Theatre learning how to navigate the stage.
The entire cast and crew wishes to express deep gratitude to Katie & John Duff for their incredible commitment to our production and to our community. You will forever be an important part of our TBA Family. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
Amy Tonkonogy, Producer
Amy is a life-long member of TBA and so incredibly honored to be part of this vibrant, spiritual, and creative community. This is Amy’s 6th musical to produce under the umbrella of the TBA Arts Troupe. Other Troupe credits include Musical Review: A Tribute to Sybil Tonkonogy, Barnum, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Now in its 3rd Season, Amy also produces TBA Now!, a podcast dedicated to connecting and sharing stories from across the the congregation. Professionally, Amy is Director of Creative Media at Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences. Her years of experience developing strategy and creating media have resulted in countless productions to support education, public health, and the arts. Amy’s greatest role in life, however, is auntie to many, mom to Graham, Zac, Jonathan, and Reuben, and Nana-Grandma to Dominic and Christopher, and partner to her husband, Doug.
Katie Duff, Director
Katie has been performing and teaching in the Greater Boston area for over 30 years. She is currently a producer & director for the Children’s Workshops at Priscilla Beach Theatre in Plymouth. Recent MD credits include Hingham Civic Music Theater (Nunsense), The Rivers School, Weston (Zombie Prom), Weymouth HS Vocal Coach (Anything Goes, Little Shop) & The Company Theatre in Norwell (The Hobbit). As an actor, favorite roles include Winnifred in Once Upon A Mattress & Lucy in “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown (both opposite her husband John!), Grace Farrell in Annie & Mama Bear in Shrek. Thank you to the cast & crew for welcoming me and making this such a wonderful experience - it has been an honor to work with all of you! Thank you also to my family for their love & support. “To Oz!”
John Duff, Music & Orchestra Director
John has over thirty years directing public school music ensembles and community theatre groups. A life long fan of the Wizard of Oz, John is proud to be working alongside his lovely wife Katie. Heartfelt thanks go out to the love and support of family and friends over these many years and his newly made friends at TBA. Favorite productions include; Children of Eden, Guys and Dolls, Godspell and Once Upon a Mattress where he starred as Dauntless the Drab opposite Katie as Winifred the Woebegone. May the music we share bring back great childhood memories to one and all!
Nicole is thrilled to be working with Danny, Katie, and the wonderful cast of The Wizard of Oz! She has worked throughout NY and MA with performers of all ages and levels choreographing musicals at Brooklyn Children’s Theater, Merkin Concert Hall, City Center Encores in the Schools, Disney, Arts Connection, Brooklyn Academy of Music, North Shore Music Theater, and Music Theater International. She was the associate choreographer for Theaterworks USA’s Off-Broadway production of Max and Ruby, and choreographer for the national tour.
Robin is excited to be reprising her role as stage manager for the latest TBA production. This is her third show as part of the production crew at TBA, following in her daughter Hannah’s South Stage techie footsteps. Robin is happy to be able to work behind the scenes helping support the cast (especially her husband Bruce), directors, and producer of The Wizard of Oz. In addition to two daughters, Robin has two grand dogs – one of which had her sights set on being Toto in this production!
Alexa is excited to be back at TBA after graduating from the University of Southern California. Alexa, eager to be here, helps in any way that Amy asks, most notably as the kid wrangler. She has loved getting to know all the children and watching the magic of a show come together through their eyes! Rehearsals are even more fun with her mom, Toni, and her extended TBA family. Outside of rehearsals Alexa loves teaching Hebrew school here at TBA, and is excited to take the next step to pursue her passions in sustainability and urban planning. She fills her free time with worldwide travels, adventures with friends, and waterskiing stunts at the lake.
Alison and Jeff are excited to join the TBA Arts Troupe in their second production working behind the scenes. The Tarmys first became involved in props when they created a Willy Wonka candy cart for a 5th grade production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The following year, the couple tackled not one but two palm trees in the Bowen 5th grade production of Peter Pan. When Alison and Jeff are not building/ creating/helping, they enjoy skiing, traveling, and spending time with daughters Hannah and Megan, their minigoldendoodle, Bianca, and their TBA family.
Bunny has been a proud member of TBA for about 26 years. Although she has no acting talent, Bunny got involved in the theatre sewing costumes at Curry College many years ago! Bunny enjoys educating her clients & putting together packages to cover all of their personal insurance needs at Aronson Insurance. She first joined the TBA theater team when Sybil asked her to take the lead on creating and sewing all of the costumes for the first Fiddler on the Roof in 1995. Since then she has overseen costumes for all of the TBA plays over the past 28 years. Bunny would like to send many, many thanks to Lynne Patkin for all of her help and pays tribute to her late mom for teaching her how to sew. Lee was the best mom & teacher, and Bunny loves her to the moon & back.
Lynne and her children Abby and David have been part of the TBA community for over twenty years. Lynne shares her talent and creativity with us as a member of the costume committee. When not at rehearsals, Lynne works in the Cardiac ICU of Boston Children’s Hospital.
This is Carol’s fourth production with TBA as Props Manager. Carol has been an active member of TBA for over 25 years. She enjoys watching a production grow and come together with the talented people of TBA. Carol’s husband Ross has joined the past three productions as an usher and props assistant, and will also join us for these performances. Carol and Ross are the very proud grandparents of Natalie Bea, 5 1/2 years old and Hailey Jean, 2 1/2 years old.
Joyce is thrilled to be part of the prop production crew for the Wizard of Oz. This is the first time she has participated in a TBA production. Joyce’s first appearance on stage was as Queen Esther in the Purim play at Hebrew school. As part of the chorus in high school productions, Joyce was a sailor in South Pacific and a nun in Sound of Music. Currently retired, Joyce is a registered nurse and also holds an MBA from Boston University. She delights in being part of TBA’s multi-generational choir. Joyce enjoys spending time in Newton Highlands with her husband Alan. Hobbies include attending Rabbi Stern’s Torah class, travel, photography, Mah Jongg with friends, and relaxing at her home in New Hampshire.
John Duff, orchestra conductor
Marilyn Whipple, piano
Marnen Laibow-Koser, violin
Justine Popek, oboe and English horn
Mark Bono, flute, clarinet and saxophone
Robbie Marx, trumpet
Arthur Esposito, double bass
Joshua Goldman, percussion
Technical Crew
Audio Director: Patrick Dzierzak, Dramatic Sounds
Lighting Designer: Matthew Brian Cost
Lighting Equipment: High Output
Stage: Dan Farrell, Fall Hill Productions, LLC
Video Production: Path8 Productions
Spotlight Operators: Jon Glickman & Jeremy Goldfarb
Set Design & Construction
Denise Feeney, Set Painting
Niki Baumer, Set Captain
Lee Bardin
Harry Merck
Bruce Blakely
Robin Blakely
Playbill Committee
Eileen Brooks
Bonnie Brodowski
Janice Lipof
Carol Kirson
Costume Committee
Bunny Aronson
Lynne Patkin
Kid Wrangler
Alexa Weintraub
Alison Tarmy, Front House Manager
Ushers and Tickets:
Judi Burten
Jory Cohen
Eliza Danielson
Caren Friedman
Magda Hernandez
Nicole Karp
Deborah Krause
Liv Kronenfeld
Renata Matrosov
Rae Mintz
Ali Newman
Hannah Tarmy
Jeff Tarmy
Megan Tarmy
Wendy Wanger
Linda Weiner
Matthew Welch
Floor Plan and Set-up: Carolyn Snider
Michele Copelotti
Michelle Spitzkoff Jodi Ryan Sandy Carney
Maya Spitzkoff Noah Dean
The cast and crew of The Wizard of Oz wishes to extend a debt of gratitude to Eileen Brooks, who has worked tirelessly to support every aspect of this production. Not only has her creativity and expertise helped to make this experience possible, but she has also made us shine! We also wish to thank the entire Clergy and Staff at TBA: Rabbi Keith Stern, Becky Oliver, Cantorial Soloist Susan Glickman, Doug Ball, Heidi Baker, Rebecca Baizen, Jenna Walker, Willie Spencer, David Li, Iris Sonnenschein, Stacey Gabriel, Gaby Yurrita, and Eva Willard-Bauer. We also extend our gratitude to Carole Rodenstein and the entire Executive Committee of TBA. It really does take a village, and, in this case, a really large family in a very big home.
We are so grateful for Temple Beth Avoda's loyal partnership with Puzzle over the past 12 years. Your continued trust in our services means the world to us As we expand our destinations beyond Israel, we would be honored to host your family and friends in any of our new exciting locations around the world. Thank you for your unwavering support and we look forward to many more years of unforgettable travel experiences together
We proudly support
Congratulations to the Cast and Crew
Ed E. and Judi Zuker Rodgers, Siff and Zuker Families
Managing People's Homes With Pride
We are so proud of you and your cast mates, Zach! Especially The Lollipop Guild!!
Love you so much, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Andy, Brandon, & Jeter
Congratulations, Zach! We’re so excited to see you on stage at TBA!
Love, Mom, Dad & Maya
Congratulations Auntie Em; you always taught us that there’s no place like home! We love you -Jeremy & Hallie
Kate & Anne Wishing you a wonderful performance!
TBA RS Teachers & Staff
So proud of our munchkin
Henrie Joy in your first play!
Love, Mom and Dad
Congrats to the marvelously majestic magical Munchkins and outstandingly opulent Ozians Lauren & Emily, we love you!
-Andy & Noah
Bravo, Beth and all the TBA thespians for a great performance!
Special shout out to my songleader Rebecca Ingerman! Lots of love, From Susan Glickman
Lots of love to the cast and crew of Oz from your loving cantorial soloist Susan Glickman
Lots of love, Mom We welcomewelcomeTeddy and Annette to Munchkin Land!
Simone We will follow you on whatever color road you create! - Love mom, dad and Anika
Harry Merck, Welcome to Boston and Thank you for being our saviour! Looking forward to lots more productions in and around Boston!
XO, Amy T.
Diddy, I’m Absolutely’‘Positivelyexcited to be sharing the stage with you. Love you! ~Sarah
GTB, You are my everything! I love you! Mom
Congrats to the whole cast & crew!
Laura & Jim Marks
Spitzkoff,Michelle Jodi Ryan, & Sandy Carney, You’ve extended our experience and enchanted our audience with the concessionperfectstand!
Best wishes to Selene and Sasha and all the Temple cast!l
Lots of love, the Snyders
Thank you! Amy T.
We are proud of you! We know you will light up the stage like you light up our lives. Love you to pieces, Mema & Jessica
Zach!Congratulations, We love you and we’re so excited to see you in your first MimiLove,show! & Pap
Niki & BruceBaumer,Joshand & Robin Blakely, Thanks for having my back on sets! Your help was greatly appreciated!
XO, Amy T.
Bravo Simone Gupta on your theatrical debut!
Love mom, dad and Anika
Lots of love to the the cutest munchkins from your biggest fan, Tra la la la la … Cantor Susan
Robin Blakely, Thank you for your support and willingness to jump in!
XO, Amy T.
Wishing a magical time in the Emerald City. Congrats to Lauren G. And Beth K. Xo, Robin, Steve and All
Emily - you continue to amaze every day Love, Mike
YourAmy,talent knows xobounds!no Eileen
Amy your talent and commitment never cease to amaze us!
Clergy & Staff
To my Darling Doug, Who makes it ALL possible, I love you. Thank you for all of your support and help with every decision!
Love you, Amy T.
Eli Oliver, Enjoy being a munchkin.
You will be great!
Alexa Weintraub, Is there anything you can’t do? You are simply the best!
Love you, Amy T.
Henrie Joy - I love you so much and you’ve worked so hard!
Love Hazel
Eileen Brooks, You are the real WIZARD OF TBA! Deeply appreciative of everything you do.
XO, Amy T.
Bunny and Lynne, Thank you for creating our rainbow of costumes on stage! It’s just not a show without you!
XO, Amy T.
To Joyce and Carol, We could not have done it without you! Your creative patienceorganizationvision,and is second to none! Thank you for being an important part of our team!
XO, Amy T.
Alison Tarmy, You are by far the best FRONT MANAGERHOUSE there ever was! I’ve loved work- ing with you! Thank you and XO,gratitude!deep Amy T.
Susan, Will you do our nails at the next staff meeting?! Your adoring coworkers
To our President, Carole, thanks for your hard work on and off the stage! - TBA’s Clergy & Staff
Noah Oliver, Have a fun time in the lollypop guild. You will be awesome! Love, Savti & Walter
Jeff Tarmy, thanks for brushing off those tools and lending a hand! Our Scarecrow never looked so good! XO, Amy T.
Thank you to our in-house expert bakers, Emily Dean and Megan Tarmy, for the delicious and creative treats! XO, Amy T.
To our favorite monkeys, Noah & Eli Oliver, We are so proud of you! Love, Savti & Walter
Simone Gupta, Break a leg! Love mom, dad and Anika
Lee you’veBardin,outdone yourself with creativity and vision to help us create the perfect Merry Old Land of Oz! DeepAmygratitude, T.
We’dRabbi, vote for you as Loveanyday!mayor devotedyour
Best of luck to the cast and crew - break a leg! from the Brodowski Family
June 5th - September 1st
9:00am - 1:00pm
*Early Drop off (8:20am-9:00am) & Extended Day (1:00pm-3:00pm) options available