Holmes Chapel October 2020

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Special dates for the young & old… Late last year I wrote a series of articles on dating for the over 60’s. The Covid epidemic (and my own personal success of finding my future husband) put an end to that subject. However, now I am part of a pair, I started to think of unique places to go for dinner or overnight stays in the surrounding area, particularly as my other half isn’t from this part of the country. So starts a new series, special dates for old and young alike. If you want to share your own hidden gems, please email me on cheshiregreatdates@gmail.com I’m actually going on a narrow boat holiday this week, which makes me think this would be one of the more unusual dates. In Cheshire a couple can rent a narrow boat for the weekend from as little as £390, or 3 days midweek for the same price. Hiring companies make sure you can handle the boat confidently and take you through at least one lock. The good thing about canals is the abundance of pubs and restaurants alongside the towpath and there’s no bigger buzz than mooring up in the middle of Chester. Of course, taking another couple with you, you share the driving and locks, and laughs! A weekend for four can start at £420, but high season is considerably higher, so carefully choose dates. There is a refundable deposit to consider, as well as fuel costs, but this is the only time most of us can use red diesel legally! If you love the thrill of driving a super car this would not be your kind of getaway, as maximum speed on the canals in the UK is 4mph, but there are no traffic lights, usually no queues and amazing romantic nights. Is this one for you to consider? Remember to send me a message, telling me if I converted you to trying a narrowboat getaway, or giving me other suggestions cheshiregreatdates@gmail.com Thanks for reading Diane xxx To advertise call 01270 765619 or visit www.tedmags.co.uk

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