Curriculum Training Support Booklet

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INTR OD UC T I O N Teaching and learning is at the core of our support offer at eduthing and this extends into our brand new training and consultancy provision for schools. During and post-pandemic, schools have both a far greater provision for educational technology and access to devices in quantities much larger than pre-pandemic levels. This creates the perfect opportunity to join the dots between education and technology – unleashing and realising the potential teaching and learning opportunities and impact that can be seized with purposeful, embedded use of technology across your setting’s curriculum, combined with effective and on-going staff training and support. We know that purposeful use of technology in education is not the translation of learning activities simply through the introduction of an iPad or a Chromebook, but the transformation of learning activities where pupils can learn at a customised rate of progression, have access to a wide variety of learning resources, responsive in-class support and collaborative learning opportunities. Our training and consultancy provision will support you in extending and advancing your existing use of technology within your setting, maximise the effectiveness of new and emerging technologies, apps, software and hardware and increase the digital proficiency of staff with guidance personalised to your school. All training and consultancy packages are designed and overseen by our Chief Innovation Officer who has a vast experience of working in primary education settings within class teacher, subject leader and Senior Leadership Team roles.

BO OK I N G T R A I N IN G In addition to on-demand sessions that can be booked by schools that we support, we also offer a range of sessions throughout the academic year. The latest and upcoming sessions can always be found by going


C OMPUT ING SUBJE C T LE ADER NE T WORK ME E T INGS Building on the support for subject leaders new to role, the Computing Subject Leaders Network allows for on-going (1 meeting a term) professional development in the role of the subject lead. Sessions are free to join for all staff within schools that we support. Each subject leader network meeting contains the following key discussions: Emerging and new resources for Computing and Educational Technology and their practical application to teaching and learning will be discussed New research and/or official updates & guidance from the Department for Education A particular focus for each session – we have looked at Ofsted deep dives, progressive primary programming and cross-curricular use of Educational Technology in our previous subject meetings Online Safety & Cyber Security Local & National Competitions to raise the profile of Computing This is a great opportunity to network with other local subject leaders and share expertise, ideas and learn from one another across the network. Our meeting dates for the 2023/24 academic year are as follows:

AUTUM N S UBJ E C T L E ADE R N E TWOR K M E E TI N G 1.30pm – 3.00pm Thursday 2nd November

S PR I N G S UBJ E C T L E AD E R N E TWOR K M E E TI N G 1.30pm – 3.00pm Thursday 22nd February

S UM M E R S UBJ E C T L E AD E R N E TWOR K M E E TI N G 1.30pm – 3.00pm Thursday 13th June

For full information including how to book on these sessions, please scan the QR codes for each of the meetings outlined above.





Virtual Reality is without a doubt one of the most exciting and impactful EdTech developments that schools can implement into their teaching and learning. But even Virtual Reality has had advances in the recent years. Through our ClassVR EdTech Loan kit, virtual reality experiences can be integrated across the curriculum, moving away from traditional virtual field trips in Geography and History.

eduthing have a range of technology available for use by schools on a fully managed service.

For example, in Science, VR can transport young learners to ecosystems, outer space, or the human body, enabling them to explore complex scientific concepts with unparalleled depth and engagement. In English, VR offers interactive storytelling experiences that plunge students into the worlds of their favourite books, enhancing reading comprehension and nurturing their creativity. Art and Design lessons can leverage VR as a creative canvas, enabling students to experiment with different artistic mediums and gain inspiration from famous artworks and artists. Evidence shows virtual reality has the tools to push the boundaries of your teaching, and helps students meet their learning goals. ClassVR offers a great way to engage your students and enhance your existing lessons with VR designed specifically for schools.

E X P E RI E NCE Learning through experience can boost knowledge retention by up to 75%.

The ClassVR system provides access to over 1000 VR and AR experiences and elements with structured lesson plans for teachers to help spark the imagination of students. When thoughtfully integrated into the curriculum, VR not only increases student engagement but also cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy. By embracing VR, teachers can provide captivating, memorable, and enriching educational experiences across various subjects to compliment their provision already in place.

BLUE BOTS (6X BLU E BOTS W ITH 1 X D OCKIN G/CHARGI NG SET) Suitable for pupils in EYFS and KS1, BlueBots are programmable floor robots, the perfect place to start for teaching control, whilst giving you as the teacher the ability to wirelessly control it with your tablet. BlueBots can interact with other Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots, record audio to play back to confirm when commands are entered and play audio when Blue-Bot follows commands.

MICROBITS (2 0 X KITS ) Create. Learn. Code. The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that, when programmed, let it interact with you and your world. The new micro:bit with sound adds a built-in microphone and speaker, as well as an extra touch input button and a power button. This is suitable for pupils in KS2.

E N GAGE We only remember 10% of what we read, but can retain 90% of what we experience.

AC H I E VE VR can improve student attainment increasing exam results by up to 20%.

GRE E N S CRE E N IN G (An app will need to be purchased for the school’s iPads however will remain for use by the school after the greenscreen hire) Green screens are used in films to make it look like the actors are driving across the desert, and it’s used on TV to make it look like your local news announcer is standing in front of an animated weather map. It is easy and fun to use green screens in your classroom media creations and is a great technology to bring learning to life across your curriculum.




BOOKABLE ‘ON DE MAND’ T RA I NING We have an extensive - and growing - range of training opportunities for schools to choose from. Training sessions range from 1 to 2 hours dependent on the content and depth of content, which can be matched to your school’s position, knowledge base and professional development requirements. Upon requesting a training session, we will contact you to discuss your requirements in greater detail.

COD E & G O R O B OTS Introduce students in Key Stage 1 to the world of coding and robotics. These small, programmable robots enable learners to develop coding skills in a fun and interactive way. Students write code or commands, often using a simplified visual programming language, to direct the robots to perform tasks such as navigating mazes, following lines, or solving puzzles. This hands-on experience not only teaches coding concepts but also fosters problem-solving and logical thinking.

Training Title*


C RO S S -C U RRIC U L AR The iPad: An Instrument for Inspiration


Expanding Reality: Using VR and AR for Teaching and Learning


Creative Chromebooks: Chromebooks across the Curriculum

R / OS

Getting to Know Your Chromebook


Get Going with Google (Classroom, Drive, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms)

R / OS

Gaining with Google (Sites, My Maps, Earth, Drawings and Jamboard)

R / OS

Getting the most from SMART Notebook Using Lumio (SMART Learning Suite Online) (1:1 Device Schools Only)


Specific Cross-Curricular Units Training (Stated Separately Within This Booklet)

CR U M B L E K I T Bring programming, Science and Design Technology together through the use of the Crumble kit. This kit features a user-friendly, block-based programming environment that makes it accessible to learners of all ages and skill levels. With the Crumble kit, students can create interactive projects, from simple LED displays to more complex robotic systems, by connecting components and writing code.

C O M PU TIN G New to Computing Subject Leadership


Computing Subject Leaders Network (1 meeting per term) F REE F OR AL L EDUTHI NG SCH O O LS


ECTs – Introduction to Teaching Computing (EYFS)

R / OS

ECTs – Introduction to Teaching Computing (KS1 / KS2)

R / OS

Teaching Barefoot: Unplugged Computing in KS1 and KS2


Introduction to CS First (Google) The Microbit Classroom (KS2 Programming)


O N L IN E SAF ETY, SAF EGUARDIN G & DATA PROTEC TION Introduction to Project Evolve Curriculum

R / OS

Be Internet Awesome - Online Safety Curriculum

R / OS

ECTs – Introduction to Online Safety in Schools

R / OS


Online Safety - Staff

R / OS

Suitable for pupils in Key Stage 2 and 3, Kai’s Clan is a collaborative coding platform that encompasses several technologies into an all-in-one learning platform. Robotics, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are more than just current trends, fancy jargons to throw into conversations and disruptive technologies.

Online Safety - Parents

R / OS

Online Safety - Governors

R / OS

Cyber Security Training for Schools (National Cyber Security Centre)

R / OS

Managing a 1:1 Chromebook Device Rollout with Senso - Safeguarding


For school’s on site training, 50% of qualifying staff must be in attendance. If requirements are less than this, training will be offered at the eduthing HQ. ** OS = On Site, R = Remote.








The iPad lets pupils learn at their own pace and communicate, create, and explore in ways they never have before. Teachers will explore Keynote, Pages, GarageBand, iMovie and Swift applications whilst being introduced to the ‘Everyone can Create’ series of supportive guides for unleashing creativity in the classroom through the medium of iPads.

Exploring the 4 key principles that Chromebooks are built upon: ease of use, flexibility, collaboration and security is the perfect way to get to grips with the Chromebook devices within your setting. As well as covering these 4 key areas, we will tour some of the essential built-in components, shortcuts and accessibility features to boost your confidence as a Chromebook user.



Two of the biggest benefits in implementing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality within teaching and learning is the fact that these can give students access to situated/ experiential learning that would not be possible in traditional classroom settings, or that pupils may not ordinarily experience within their childhood or adult life. Staff will explore various VR and AR apps that can be used with pupils of varying ages and across the curriculum of the school.

In this training session we will look at how to ‘Get Going with Google’ and introduce the basics of Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Forms and Classroom all with practical examples of how to embed the use of these tools into both the Computing curriculum and in cross-curricular cases.

Aimed at teachers who are new to leading Computing across a school, this course will provide recent curriculum updates, policy changes, planning, assessment, resources, and tools that can be utilised for effective subject leadership. Coverage will be given to the 3 key areas of the Computing curriculum: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Online Safety will also be covered however a more in-depth look at this crucial area for schools can be found in our specific online safety training courses. Every attendee will be offered a 1-hour consultancy follow up to look at setting specific support.

C R E ATI VE CH RO MEBOOKS: C H ROME BOOKS AC RO SS T H E CU R R I CULUM Prepare pupils for the 21st century integration of digital skills in life and further learning opportunities across your curriculum through embedded and impactful Chromebook use. Chromebooks also offer a range of accessibility and personalisation tools to ensure the inclusive nature of your teaching and learning can not only continue but can be enhanced through the integration of technology.

GA IN ING WIT H GOOGL E ( INT ER M EDIAT E) Building on the ‘Get Going with Google’ training session, in this ‘Gaining with Google’ session the Google Workspace for Education apps will be explored in greater detail with some more complex features from Google Workspace as well as other Google Workspace apps such as Sites, Maps, Earth, Drawings and Jamboard.

GET T ING T H E M OST FR OM SM A RT NOT EB OOK SMART Notebook is a powerful piece of software for delivering lessons as an educator, packed full of engaging and interactive activities that can be embedded directly into the slides. This hands-on session will allow teachers to dive in and test some of these features with classroom examples of how to embed these in your everyday teaching and learning.

U SIN G LU M IO ( SM A RT L EA R NING S UI TE ONL IN E) ( 1:1 DEV ICE SCH OOL S ON LY ) For schools that use SMART Notebook for their lesson delivery, Lumio – formally known as SMART Learning Suite Online – is the perfect companion for delivering active and collaborative learning experiences. Deliver lessons directly to student devices from Google Drive, Microsoft Teams or SMART Notebook files and have student responses appear directly on your teacher machine or SMART board as they are completed.

C O M P UTI N G S UB J E C T LE A D E R S N E TWO R K - F R E E F O R A LL E D UTHI N G S C HO O LS Building on the support for subject leaders new to role, the Computing Subject Leaders Network allows for on-going (1 meeting a term) professional development in the role of the subject lead. Emerging resources will be discussed and their practical applications to the computing curriculum, policy updates and local/national arising opportunities. There will be practical sessions and examples of how everything shown can be embedded into the computing curriculum. This is a great opportunity to network with other local subject leaders and share expertise within the group. Members of the network will also get access to the eduthing computing subject lead forum for on-going support and resource sharing between eduthing schools.

E C TS – I N TR O D UC TI O N TO TE AC HI N G C O M P UTI N G (E Y F S ) This training course, aimed at Early Career Teachers, will introduce the concepts of thinking computationally with practical implementation examples for teachers working with pupils in Nursery or Reception year groups. Training will explore how the foundations for computing are laid within the EYFS and how exploration of computing at this level can be linked in to the wider EYFS curriculum.

E C TS – I N TR O D UC TI O N TO TE AC HI N G C O M P UTI N G (K S 1 / K S 2 ) Within this training course aimed at teachers within Key Stages 1 and 2, we will cover the curriculum for Computing and the 3 strands – computer science, information technology and digital literacy. We will review resources, tools, software, and hardware that are available to use

in the teaching of Computing across years 1-6 and look at practical implementation examples that can be taken away and used in your own practice and ensure that you are confident in your delivery of the primary computing curriculum within your school.

TE AC HI N G B A R E F O OT: UNPLUGGED C O M P UTI N G I N K S 1 AND KS 2 Have you ever considered teaching a computing lesson without any technology? Unplugged and Barefoot sessions will allow you to teach some of the fundamental principles underpinning the teaching and learning of computational thinking from EYFS through to KS2. This session will guide you through how to use the cross-curricular Barefoot resources either as a full Computing session or as a ‘Barefoot Byte’ as a session starter for pupils.

I N TR O D UC TI O N TO CS F I RST (GO O GL E) CS First is Google’s own free platform for supporting the teaching of Computer Science. CS First integrates directly into Google Classroom and makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn. CS First provide the units of work and projects for pupils to complete. The scratch platform is integrated into CS First – meaning no distractions for pupils – and the video tutorials provide step by step guidance for pupils. This course will give a hands-on demonstration of the platform from the pupil and teachers points of view and cover the Google Classroom integration of lessons.

THE M I C R O B I T C LAS S RO O M (K S 2 P R O G R A M M I N G ) Easily manage students’ work when programming the BBC micro:bit. Bring your students together in a single place, review all students’ work live, download a class report of work completed, pause student work and save to resume for a later class. In this session we will look at how to use this online platform as standalone or with integration to Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams, and the array of resources and potential projects available for crosscurricular embedding into your teaching and learning.

E D I TI N G V I D E O W I TH W EVI D EO (W E V I D E O S UB S C R I P TI O N REQ UI RED ) Learn how to utilised the powerful WeVideo editing software (subscription required) to create and edit short videos in groups. Introduce and familiarise pupils with topical editing language whilst developing their skills in capturing, editing and manipulating video in post-production.



ONLI N E SA F E T Y O N LI NE SAFE T Y – IN TR OD U CTI ON TO PROJEC T EVO LV E Built on the Education for a Connected World from the UK Council for Internet Safety, Project Evolve is a set of fantastic age-related lesson resources covering the 330 framework statements for pupils in EYFS through to Year 13. The session will demonstrate the Project Evolve online platform as well as the use of the Knowledge Map system – an interactive way through scenario-based questioning to survey online safety knowledge of pupils within your class.

B E I NTE R NE T AWESO ME – O N LI NE SAFE T Y C URRIC ULUM The Be Internet Awesome curriculum gives educators the tools and methods they need to teach digital safety fundamentals. The materials developed by Google enable educators to bring the most critical teachings into the classroom. Included in the curriculum are lesson plans for the five topics, with activities and worksheets that were designed to complement Interland, an adventure-packaged online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun. Here, kids will help their fellow Internauts combat badly behaved hackers, phishers, oversharers, and bullies by practicing the skills they need to be good digital citizens.

E CTS – I NTR ODUC T IO N TO O N LI NE SAFE T Y IN SC HO OL S Mobile phones, iPads, tablets, computers, and gaming consoles are all a part of the world for young children growing up. As such, keeping children safe online and providing effective online safeguarding is an everdeveloping area for schools. This introductory course aimed at Early Career Teachers will introduce some of the key resources for the teaching of online safety as well as statutory online safety based safeguarding issues as laid out in Keeping Children Safe in Education.

O N LI NE SAFE T Y – STAFF Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021) has more of a focus than ever before on Online Safety reflecting the need for staff that work in schools to be vigilant to the online threats facing young people and for schools to have suitable systems and infrastructures in place to safeguard pupils online. From This is all underpinned by the focus on online safety within the curriculum coverage in Computing and PSHE. This training will refresh staff’s knowledge of online safety, teaching resources and develop effective strategies for effective handling of online safety related issues.


ONL IN E SA F ET Y – PA R ENTS With children becoming increasingly younger when being exposed to technology and the online world, having a secure understanding of both the risks and how to mitigate these is important to safeguard pupils when they are online. This presentation will look at the sort of sites, apps and games that young people are using online; emerging risks and resources to support parents in keeping children safe online.

ONL IN E SA F ET Y – GOV ER NOR S Governors have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and provide them with a safe environment in which to learn. They should ensure staff receive the appropriate online safety training, children are taught about safeguarding and that appropriate filters and monitoring systems are in place to limit children’s exposure to online risks. Our Online Safety training for Governors will equip your governing board with understanding their obligations, give an awareness of emerging threats and issues for schools with regards to online safety and provide resources so that governors can support and challenge the teaching of online safety as well as the filtering and monitoring infrastructures that schools should have in place.

CYB ER SECU R IT Y T R A IN ING F OR SCH OOL S ( N AT IONA L CYBER SECU R IT Y CENT R E) This training package from the National Cyber Security Centre will support staff in improving their school’s cyber resilience and manage some of the key cyber threats facing schools. The training will focus on the emerging ways schools are being targeted, steps to mitigate these and case studies from schools in the UK who have experienced such attacks.

When utilising a 1:1 device rollout in a school, management of these devices in real-time is essential. This session is focused on how Senso can be deployed to give live views from devices within your class as well as a range of control features such as locking and broadcasting screens, opening resources/websites as well as all-important safeguarding monitoring and filtering visual logs.

Cross-Curricular Unit Based Training* 3D CAD

Delivery** R / OS



Puppet Pals





R / OS

Green Screening (KS1/KS2)


Scratch – Game Creation

R / OS

Scratch – Story Telling

R / OS

Interactive Story Telling

R / OS

Machine Learning

R / OS

App Creation

R / OS

Stop Motion Animation Creating Interactive Presentations with Google Earth Podcasting

** OS = On Site, R = Remote.

C USTOM AND BE SPOKE T RAINING AND C ONSULTANCY If you are looking for bespoke training or consultancy that is not listed above, please contact us today with your requirements and we can look at how we can work with you in supporting your needs.




PUPI L WO R K S H O PS A brand new opportunity for the 2023/24 academic year is the inclusion of pupil-facing workshops in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 focusing on Computing, cross-curricular EdTech use and Online Safety assemblies and workshops.





This workshop introduces KS1 learners to the basics of animation. Learning using unplugged (non-digital) tools children will then be supported to create digital animations on tablets. With the addition of green screening boxes, children and their characters will be transported to a different place in their classrooms and begin to understand the technology behind some of their favourite films.

This hands-on workshop uses the tiny programmable computer, the micro:bit, to encourage learners to design solutions in real-world contexts. For Year 3 & 4 learners, this workshop centres on the theme of well-being in which they will design and code a regulation toy for other children. In the Year 5 & 6 workshop pathway, students will be introduced to the more complex programming idea of selection by programming a hand-held game adding layers and levels that will challenge ad engage their user.

CO D E & GO GRUFFALO ADVENT URE In the workshop, KS1 learners will take a stroll with mouse through the deep dark forest encountering mischievous animals along the way. Each time they do, learners must solve a coding problem to outwit the fox, owl and snake using Code & Go Mouse bots. Not only will this introduce KS1 learners to basic programming through physical computing but also encourage the computational thinking skills of logic and algorithmic thinking.

MAGGI E ’S MI SSIO N: AN O NLINE SA F ET Y QU EST ! With many young children accessing the online world younger and younger it is more important than ever to inform our youngest learners on how to stay safe online. This interactive assembly will empower students by introducing them to the skills and awareness they need to keep themselves safe including knowing when to speak to an adult, identifying a trusted adult and being alert to suspicious or unkind online behaviour. Along the way, a facilitator will use costumes, props and instruments to build a staying safe toolkit, with the children’s help, that will be packed away in a rucksack for our friendly eduthing mascot, Maggie.

A I & M AC HI N E LE A R N I N G With the unstoppable rise of AI, this workshop educates learners on the technology behind machine learning. Students will untangle the concept of machine learning with unplugged (non-digital) activities and then create their own machine learning model. Real-world challenges of bias and inaccuracy will be explored ensuring learners are savvy to the strengths and limitations of AI technology.

S E TTI N G SA I L O N LI N E : N AV I GATI N G S O C I A L M E D I A Social Media can be a complex and dividing topic to address while also becoming a larger part of young people’s lives. In this workshop, learners will be encouraged to discuss scenarios relating to social media and will use a simulated social media environment to experiment with their solutions. The facilitator will use digital tools to encourage collaboration and debate around the themes of oversharing, kindness online and the picture perfect façade of social media.

Find out more about our workshop offering by scanning the QR code to watch our LEGO STEM workshop video.



T EA M T E AC H I NG IN COM PU TIN G Team teaching is a collaborative professional development method used in education that involves 2 or more teachers working together to plan, deliver and assess instruction. To best support teachers in either their leading of teaching and learning in Computing, or the use of educational technology across the curriculum, we are proud to offer this opportunity to schools that we support.

Hear and see first hand the impact that our team teaching opportunities can have ​by scanning the QR code to watch our case study video!

A successful team teaching approach, led by our qualified teachers. offers several positive aspects for both teachers and students:

P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E LO P M E N T O P P O RTUN I TI E S : Team teaching provides ongoing opportunities for teachers to learn from each other. They can reflect on their teaching practices and experiment with new methods.

M O D E LI N G C O LLA B O R ATI O N : Team teaching serves as a powerful example of collaboration for students. It demonstrates the importance of working together, resolving conflicts, and valuing diverse perspectives, which are important life skills.

E N HA N C E D S UB J E C T K N OW LE D G E : When teachers collaborate, they can pool their expertise and knowledge in a subject or topic. This can lead to a more thorough understanding of the material being taught.

VA R I E D TE AC HI N G STYL ES : Varied Teaching Styles: Teachers often have unique teaching styles and strengths. Team teaching enables them to complement each other’s strengths and cover each other’s weaknesses. This variety in teaching styles can make lessons more engaging and cater to a wider range of student learning preferences.

I N C R E AS E D E N GAG EM ENT: Increased Engagement: With multiple teachers in the classroom, students may become more engaged and participative. Team teaching can create a more interactive and dynamic learning environment.



R O N R I C HA R D S ONLINE SAFETY CONSULTANT AT THE SOUTH WEST GRID FOR LEARNING Ron’s experience with working for the SWGfL and as a former Head Teacher in the Secondary phase will feed into his session on reviewing the overarching online safety approach including teaching and learning, policies and engagement through the 360Safe Online Safety Review tool and achieving the Online Safety Mark accredited status.

KEEPI N G C H I L D R EN SA FE ON LIN E > O NLIN E SA F E TY CON FEREN CE THURSDAY 1 1 T H JAN UA RY 2 02 4 We know that Online Safety is one of the most important areas for us to be able to support schools in. An increasingly digital world is exposing children to a range of elements online, and we need to be able to effectively support children in both understanding what a normalised online experience actually is, and how to use the internet safely. We are pleased to be hosting our first ever online safety conference on Thursday 11th January 2024, hosted in-person at our HQ in Walton-upon-Thames. We have secured a fantastic array of speakers who will be providing insightful discussions and ideas throughout the day, of which some are detailed below.

L IAM BUG G S CHIEF INNOVATION OFFICER, EDUTHING Opening the conference, Liam will set the scene for the current digital world and online experiences for our young children, drawing on his experience within the education sector, recent research and reports whilst linking in the key themes and challenges from the schools that we work with.

SUE AT KINS PARENTING EXPERT A former deputy head teacher and now parenting expert for organisations like ITV’s This Morning and Disney, Sue’s session will be focused around the important area of parental engagement. Recognising that schools can only form part of the solution in keeping our children safe online, having effective and impactful parental engagement in the area can make all the difference.

N AO M I GA LE EDTECH SPECIALIST, EDUTHING One of the most recent challenges to have developed is Artificial Intelligence. With tools and platforms becoming increasingly more accessible, and many more free to use, AI is permeating across many forms of life. Naomi will discuss the challenges that this poses with consideration to elements such as bias and how AI introduces a new level of ‘fake news’ for children to navigate.

B E V E R LY C LA R K E IT CONSULTANT AND AUTHOR OF THE AVA AND CHIP BOOKS Beverly is a former Secondary Computing Head of Department and now seeks to raise the outcomes for all through understanding of and access to technology. Beverly will be looking at how schools can plan an impactful, and most importantly cross-curricular, Safer Internet Day celebrations, to make Safer Internet Day 2024 the best celebration of online safety seen in schools that we support.

I N TE R E STE D I N ATTE N D I N G? Scan our QR code to visit our booking site and get registered for this fantastic event!


> THURSDAY 11TH JANUARY EVENING WIL L GARDNER CEO OF CHILDNET INTERNATIONAL Childnet are an organisation whose mission it is to work with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. Will’s session will focus on the importance of dialogue, and how we can foster and maintain this for children, as well as bringing in elements of how pupil voice and digital leaders can positively impact the overall pupil-led approach to online safety within schools.

As part of our eduSafe Conference, Sue Atkins will be leading a webinar for parents and carers in schools that we support, around how they can best support their children in conversations around online safety and keeping them safe online. This will be a free-to-access webinar with further details on how parents and carers can access this sent out nearer the time.



CONS U LTA N CY BOOKIN G In addition to our training offer we have a range of consultancy bookings available. Consultancy bookings will include time on-site as well as any additional follow-up meetings and support – on-site or remote as necessary. Within these packages we work more closely with individuals within your settings on specific aims and foci over a longer period of time. Further details regarding each of the consultancies are detailed below.

Consultancy Title


Computing Curriculum Review – Computing Subject Lead


1:1 Technology Coaching


Computing Subject Self Review


Digital Assessment & Evidencing


Deep Dive Readiness Check (Mock Deep Dive)


Technology Across the Curriculum


Online Safety Review


Social Media Strategy Consult


Streamlining SLT and Admin Workflows through Microsoft/Google


Integrating 1:1 Devices


C O M P UTI N G S UB J E C T S E LF R E V I E W Following on from our curriculum review opportunities, this subject self-review will allow you to reflect on the current effectiveness and quality of the Computing provision within your setting and advise on areas to continue to support the teaching and learning of Computing. Areas such as teacher and support staff confidence and professional development, leadership, assessment and evidence and curriculum will be analysed with a full report following the review containing the strengths and any suggested follow up actions, shared with your subject lead(s) and senior leadership team.

D E E P D I V E R E A D I N E S S C HE C K This deep dive readiness check will use the guidance as stated in the Education Inspection Framework to advise on the intent, implementation and impact of the Computing provision within your setting. As part of this readiness check we will interview teachers, senior leadership and pupils, look through evidence of pupil’s attainment and progress within the subject and conduct lesson observations with the subject lead or senior leadership team.

* All consultancy bookings are on site and not available through remote. ** Pricing relevant for schools on the Embrace or Enhance package.

1 :1 TE CH NOLOGY C OAC HING Focusing on driving impactful technology use in schools and following the Google Certified Coach 5 step coaching model, this on-going support over 6 weeks will see 1:1 coaching for a teacher to support their effective and embedded use of technology to improve an aspect of their choosing such as standards, attainment or engagement within the classroom. This consultancy package includes weekly 1:1 meets as well as time reviewing within the class alongside the teacher.

CU RRI CU LU M REVIEW – C OMPUT IN G An opportunity to review and focus specifically on the Computing curriculum within your setting. Within this session, alongside the Computing subject leader(s), progression of skills will be reviewed to ensure they are consistent within each stand of the National Curriculum (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) from EYFS through to KS2. If requested, we will also be able to support in developing and refreshing the curriculum through the discovery of both free and paid units, software, hardware and resources to support learning in all strands of the Computing curriculum.

D IGI TAL AS S ESSMENT & EVIDENC ING Effective assessment feeds into good outcomes for pupils in all subjects. There are many different and effective ways to digitally evidence and assess progress for pupils and this consultancy will cover practical examples of how to build and assess portfolios of pupil’s progress. For Computing specifically, we will explore how to develop assessment of computational thinking across Key Stages 1 and 2. An additional consultancy session can be used to develop and embed an assessment system in line with your school approach and policies.

TE C HN O LO GY AC R O S S THE C UR R I C ULUM The EEF’s 2019 guidance report ‘Using Digital Technology to Improve Learning’ states that in this digital age, the question is no longer whether technology should have a place in the classroom but how technology can be effectively integrated to improve learning. As part of this consultancy, we will work with your setting and personal curriculum to look for opportunities of effective technology use and provide the necessary training and after-support to embed the power of constructive educational technology use into your classrooms.

O N LI N E SA F E TY R E V I E W The online world develops and changes at great speed. New opportunities, challenges and risks are appearing all the time. This can make it difficult for schools to stay up to date with the latest devices, platforms, apps, trends and related threats. An Online Safety Audit will not only review the specific coverage of Online Safety within your Computing / PSHE curriculums but also the measures, systems, policies and procedures that are in place for filtering, monitoring and safeguarding pupils when using technology within your setting.

S O C I A L M E D I A STR ATEGY CO NS ULT We can build a custom strategy suited to existing social media platforms you use, or platforms you would like to use, to boost your presence and interact within your local community, keep parents informed of latest developments/ news and support learning. Hands on training will be provided for those members of staff who will be responsible for utilising the social media platforms.

STR E A M LI N I N G S E N IO R L EA D ERS H I P TE A M A N D A D M I N T EAM WO RKF LOW S THR O UG H O F F I C E 365 / GO O GL E WO R K S PAC E Whether you are using Office 365 or Google Workspace for Education with your senior leadership and administration team, both have great opportunities for both collaboration and streamlining workflows. Within this consultancy sessions we will review your current use of your preferred platform and identify any ways in which workflows could be made more effective or collaborative, in line with your own school’s digital strategy.

I N TE G R ATI N G 1 : 1 D E V I CES Technology has been used for decades to innovate learning in the classroom; from the use of printed materials through to interactive displays and touchscreens. More recently, 1:1 device models have become increasingly more popular within Primary and Secondary settings with engaging and enabling pupils cited as 2 of the key benefactors to a 1:1 device model. In this consultancy we will explore options driven by your teaching and learning requirements and how either an impactful rollout introduction or development of an existing rollout within your setting.

For more information please contact us on the details below 0203 750 9796 5 Walton Lodge, Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. KT12 1BT

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