The Edge Magazine #347 Feb/March 2023

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FEB/MARCH 2023 NO. 347 The Year of the Rabbit • Unusual Natural Health Remedies • The Cosmic Giggle • Poison or Medicine?

On the cover: Sarvavid Vairocana


Featured Topic: Walking the Path of Higher Consciousness


Poison or Medicine?

The Year of the Rabbit

Getting Started with Supplements

Do What You LOVE

Two Unusual Natural Health Remedies: Diatomaceous Earth & Borax

By SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT


From the Editor

Embracing the Unknown













Edge Partner Directory

Body/mind/spirit resources

Love Thy Self

Magical Ayahuasca

This isn't Our Story; This is Their Story

The Cosmic Giggle

Paganicon Returns!

Books We're Reading Right Now, Oracle & Tarot Deck Reviews

Scan this code with your phone to view more examples of Thangkas, Sacred Icons and Soul Paintings by Holly Stone. 2 4 5 6 7 9






THE EDGE MAGAZINE 8625 Coachmans Lane, Eden Prairie, MN 55347

ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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The curiosity and exploration of higher consciousness are driving forces for us at The Edge. Read on as we ask trusted peers about their journeys walking the path of


What Does Higher Consciousness Mean to Me?

Higher consciousness is a term we're hearing more frequently. Whatever meaning you attach to it, it's sure to be a positive one!

I look at higher consciousness as a perception and feeling state above the current, normal human one. This state occurs when you're operating more from your higher self's perceptions and feelings than your brain's worries and attachment to the past.

Your higher self can be thought of as your spirit, which never dies. The part of you that knows everything about you and all your lifetimes past, present, and future. Your higher self has a vast viewpoint on how each of your lifetimes fits with your current one, creating a giant puzzle that helps you understand yourself through the lens of these many experiences and learnings. Your higher self's expansive viewpoint enables you to navigate your life more easily and move into inner and outer freedom!

Higher consciousness also means transforming the lower realms, which I think of as Dimensions 1–4. Humanity has been hovering around Dimensions 3–4, the highest of

the lower realms, which means we're very polarized here and have a lot of divisiveness.

Living in higher consciousness, which is where we're headed, means existing in the middle realms. The middle realms begin with Dimension 6, as Dimension 5 is the birth canal into 6. Anything in Dimension 6 or above will be more aligned with unity, consciousness, freedom, and love, that state where we want the best for everyone. We recognize that there's no competition because we each have our own gifts and talents and a unique plan to use them.

Higher consciousness is a choice. So, let's join hands and move into higher consciousness together. We are the ones we've been waiting for! a

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and r ecognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded School for Higher Consciousness, where Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school's workshops at

Raise your Consciousness Through the Power of Your Breath

Higher consciousness often refers to a heightened state of awareness and understanding. It is commonly associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment, but it can also simply refer to a more expanded, open way of thinking and being in the world. Breath is one of the most useful and available tools we have to help raise our level of conscious awareness and find happiness.

When we can hold a higher state of consciousness, we gain a new perspective. We can let go of the past and easily shift out of judgment and into compassion. We are able to respond versus react and can appreciate the present moment…no matter what is going on inside or around us.

Trapped emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs separate us from Source and restrict our access to higher levels of consciousness. Breathwork can help us clear our blocks, re-align with Source, and tap into the universal flow of energy surrounding us, allowing our soul to anchor more fully into our body.

We start to know what the soul knows, and we begin to live from a higher level of conscious awareness.

Conscious, connected breathing helps us take in and hold more of the high vibrational light frequencies currently coming onto the planet from the sun. Light is information. When we can hold and integrate this light into our cells, we raise our frequency, and our consciousness grows.

We are in an intense phase of individual and global transformation. Humanity is making a critical evolutionary leap in consciousness that both urges and inspires us to let go, connect to our divinity, and trust in the process.

Conscious breathwork offers us a fast-track approach to higher consciousness and a new way of being in the world. How do we do this... Just B-R-E-A-T-H-E! a

Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh, is a nationally recognized Breath Facilitator, Teacher and Coach who offers private Soul Breathing™ sessions and coaching in St. Paul and group classes and seminars throughout the Twin Cities and beyond. She offers a unique path toward personal transformation, optimum health and wellness through conscious breathwork. For s ession and class info visit or call 651-442-4623.

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2 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine

Gain Perspective with a Connection to Higher Consciousness

Understandably, many want to achieve a connection to their Higher Consciousness. It's an admirable goal and one that will likely have a significant impact on your life. But, of course, one can only imagine what it might be like to be connected to the Source while in human form.

When I think about this further, I'm curious about the real purpose of wanting or trying to connect to a Higher Consciousness. After all, we did come to this place to be human beings, to have an Earth-bound, dualistic, fraught with challenges, full of both joy and suffering human experience.

One could argue that your human experience is to know what it's like to connect to Higher Consciousness. Remember that you came from this, and you will return to this when your journey is over. Spending time and effort on connecting will be a huge distraction to the beauty of the human experience right here, right now.

The value of knowing about Higher Consciousness as a human has limits, but it is worth exploring. As humans, we are often caught up in the human experience that can lead down the path of much suffering. It is good to understand that you are not your human body but rather something much grander and infinite. This knowing may help you with your perspective as a human, and perhaps allow you to be free and interested in the experience as it is happening.

Being able to shift your perspective of who you really are and incorporate that within your human experience is really the best-case scenario. You can still live your life, but you can also be an observer, see the joy in how things connect, be curious about it, and then experience the next thing. a

Dwight J. Raatz has spent over 30 years of his professional career in information technology and business management software. He also identifies as a highly sensitive person (HSP), an intuitive empath, and trained in multiple forms of alternative healing modalities. Dwight is an author, personal guide, and consultant. He specializes in helping people on their path to truly knowing themselves and coaching them in achieving their goals for life and business. Connect wth Dwight at, 612-269-6578 and

Get a free guide to your soul purpose and gifts as a Lightworker at: Your Soul Is Calling! Discover your soul purpose & awaken your intuitive gifts so you can fully embrace your powerful light! Akashic Record Readings Angel Healing and Messages Certified Intuitive Life Coaching
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Poison or Medicine?

Throughout history, different herbs have been utilized in different ways. Some are used to create beauty, some for-seasoning foods, some for medicine, and some even to poison others.

Let's look at belladonna, also known as the devil's berry or deadly nightshade. Belladonna contains tropane alkaloids in its foliage and berries that are extremely toxic if ingested. What happens if you consume them? You would be very miserable.

Vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, delirium, hallucinations, increased heart rate, convulsions, slow breathing, and eventually death are only a few symptoms one could endure.

Armies would use it during the Middle Ages to contaminate their enemy's food reserves. During the Renaissance, women would make eye drops from the berries juice to cause the eye to dilate to create a seductive appearance, which was certainly not a safe practice.

Have you ever heard of "witch's flying ointment?" This use for belladonna was well-known in European witchcraft and is now making a comeback in modern-day witchcraft. Witch's flying ointment is a salve rubbed on the skin to use in ritual workings. The cream, once absorbed, can cause hallucinogenic effects. Many witches use it to help with astral travel, open psychic awareness, and meditation. Belladonna, mugwort, and other ingredients are used to make this powerful salve. I would not recommend doing this as it can be very dangerous.

Despite Belladonna's negative properties, it has many wonderful medicinal uses. Have you ever gotten seasick or car sick? What about suffering from nausea and vomiting after surgery? Your doctor likely prescribed you a scopolamine patch. Did it make you feel better? Its purpose is to stop nausea. The chemicals in this little patch are derived from belladonna.

Atropine is a common cardiac medication to help increase a heart rate that's too slow. It is a first-line defense medication given during cardiac arrest when performing ACLS (advanced cardiac life support). It is used during surgery to decrease saliva and fluid in the respiratory tract. Again, a vital medication used to save lives everyday was extracted from belladonna.

Now let's look at the stunning poppy flower. You have seen it in the movie The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy runs through the field of flowers and falls asleep. You may have even heard the saying, "milk of the poppy." Let's dive into this infamous herb of destruction and relief.

When the unripe seed capsule of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, is cut, it produces a milky fluid, which, when dried up, is known as opium. Opium is used to create pain medications like morphine, codeine, heroin, and oxycodone.

Opium was commonly given to patients in Europe for pain by doctors in the 1600s. When morphine was created in 1803, it was considered a miracle drug for pain. Codeine is another pain medication that can also help suppress a nasty cough. At some point, you've likely used cough syrup with codeine.

These opioids work by interrupting and shutting off pain signals in the brain. However, when you take frequent or high doses of these medications, it may also suppress your breathing.

Even though these medications can help with severe pain, unfortunately, these drugs are very addictive and can destroy one's life. Do you remember hearing the stories of opium dens? These were very popular establishments in the 19th century where people could smoke opium or take it intravenously. Many were run by Chinese mobsters who supplied the opium.

Over time we have seen an increase in opioid addictions and deaths associated with these drugs. This epidemic doesn't just affect the person that becomes addicted. It reaches into the family and can destroy it too. As you can see, this beautiful flower has been destructive over time. Yet without it, painful medical procedures would be harder to endure.

These are just a few examples of poisonous plants and herbs that have been used as medicines to help instead of harm. Never use these or other toxic herbs on your own. Instead, seek the guidance of medical professionals.a

JODI JACOBSON, owner of Midwest Witchery and Healing, uses organic and ethically sourced components, as well as hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Jodi can help you with your spiritual needs. Find out more by visiting

4 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine

The Year of the Rabbit

Higher Consciousness Hops Forward

The Chinese Solar New Year is celebrated on February 4th (the Lunar New Year is January 22nd), and with it is the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. After having roared through the current Year of the Tiger, this should be a welcome relief. Experts on the upcoming Rabbit year predict a much quieter time.

The Chinese system cycles through 12 animals year-byyear, each animal bringing with it an aspect of its innate nature. It goes without saying that each year we experience both the good and challenging aspects of their respective tendencies – the protective Dog, the mischievous Monkey, the tender Pig, etc. This year, we have the sweet Rabbit.

If you think about rabbits, it doesn’t take much to imagine what kind of energy the Rabbit will bring. The Rabbit is sensitive, introspective, peaceful, and intuitive. Despite the fact they will chew down the best of plants and flowers, there is no argument that they are attractive and compelling.

Along with the annual animal, there is always a pairing with one of the 5 Chinese Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). This year the Rabbit is teamed up with Water, in its yin or recessive form. Yin Water is like a stream or a quiet brook – no crashing waves. So, again a peaceful, reflective element.

After the last few years of turmoil, the possibility of a tranquil span of time is welcome. Although there are no promises that there still won’t be disagreements, environmental issues, financial turmoil, or war (although some experts have predicted that the war in Ukraine will come to an end), an overall blanket of hope and enrichment will be infused into our lives. One could say the universe will be taking on a higher consciousness, supporting and encouraging us to do so as well.

So, the upcoming Year of the Rabbit is setting us up to explore and embrace higher consciousness. This process is often achieved through meditation and self-inquiry. If you’ve thought about a meditation practice, there will be a lot of support for you to begin doing so. Or if you’ve pondered the idea of getting to the root of an issue, again, there is lots of support for this in the Year of the Rabbit.

L et your space also support you in making these shifts. Be thoughtful in creating a meditation area that draws you in, where you feel safe, where it’s private, and where you can examine your fears and worries. Make an effort to find the right corner or room or chair that signals to you that this is where you can be open to higher wisdom. The energy to do so will be coming in universally this year – take advantage of it.

B eing thoughtful, peace-filled, and introspective aligns us with the energy of the Yin Water-Rabbit. Reflecting on this intention will help us hippity-hop forward in our lives and help others to do likewise. a

Carole J. Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a space that is remarkable. Let Carole help you find the soul, or essence, of your home or office u sing both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. Experience what it means to have a space that quietly and steadily supports and shelters you. Get started by scheduling your consultation at

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Getting Started with Supplements

Welcome to our new column!

Join us as we explore the benefits of vitamins, supplements and more following the guidance of subject matter experts.

It is hard to believe that we have moved into a space where our soil no longer provides the nutrients our bodies need to thrive and survive. Therefore, The Edge will take a proactive position on this matter and offer a column on wellness information so you know why it is essential to take supplements today.

Did you know that about 90% of people are deficient in vitamin D3? Vitamin D is a powerful supplement our body needs to survive and thrive. If your vitamin D3 levels are optimal, it helps lessens the chance of nearly 40 severe illnesses.

Another 82% of individuals are low in magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical responses. Magnesium helps energy production, normal nerve and muscle function, maintain a steady heartbeat, and regulate healthy glucose levels in the body. If your magnesium is low, it can contribute to a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Do Work You


To me, love is energy, flowing energy that can fill many areas of our lives. How can we integrate love into our jobs, businesses, and side hustles? For many, this idea may feel like a foreign language. It's unfamiliar and hard to comprehend because of conditioning that tells us work should be hard, boring, and unpleasant.

But what if you thought about work as something to be enjoyed rather than endured? What if you did work you love? Believe me; I am not just preaching here. Like many, I used to work 80 hours a week. To me, seeing the sunset was a luxury. I traveled a lot and didn't have too much time for boredom. I realized I was trained to be this way.

One day I decided to quit my job and start my entrepreneurial journey. Little did I know I was also creating my spiritual journey to reconnect with myself and inspire others.

So how did I start? I started with many single steps. The single step that changed my life was creating a PowerPoint presentation with everything I loved. I realized I had no space for my passions because of my 80-hour work schedule. After creating the list of what I love, I did the following steps:

1) Made a commitment to myself

2) Creat ed space

3) Showed up

In many ways, this is how you integrate love into your work. You first identify what you love without censoring, without trying to box it or name it or put a business plan to it. It's

Those looking for improved gut health must consider probiotics and take a digestive enzyme. If you're having problems and are trying to figure out what to do, you may be a perfect candidate to start supplementing. Regularly reading this column can give you information that could change your life.

Picking the right supplements also matters. It would be best if you look for vitamins that are whole food, non-GMO, and from a reputable source. Although the ones sold readily at box stores look appealing and cost less, they typically are made from something other than quality ingredients.

For example, they might include harmful substances like heavy metals and other toxins. Another issue with generic vitamins is that they may have a different amount of the vitamin than advertised in each serving. So don't substitute quality with quantity. You will pay one way or another. a

TERESA COVER, is a Certified Natural Health Professional and natural health specialist that works for her clients to achieve optimal health. The body has a fantastic innate ability to heal itself, provided you give it what it needs. Start your journey to a better and healthier lifestyle. Contact Teresa at 651-GET-WELL and

what you love in its rawest form. Then you commit to putting time into what you love, put it in your calendar, and do it!

For me, it started with a jewelry class that ignited my creativity. I loved creating and crafting. I committed, prepaid the course, booked it on my calendar, and showed up. This is also the process that I followed for more complex tasks like writing three books, learning from entrepreneurship, coaching clients, consulting, and facilitating classes. It all started with my love for writing and knowing I had a story to tell. I committed to writing weekly until I was finished with the book. I learned from my successes and mistakes in entrepreneurship, and now I teach others.

Ask yourself: What do I love? How can I make a commitment, even if it means starting small? I think many people lose themselves in the million-dollar idea that they can't get off the ground, and their fear of failure doesn't allow them to start small. It's important to keep in mind that aligned action is what gets you to the big idea, not investors because they usually invest when your business is already off the ground.

I leave you with this quote from the singer Marc Anthony: "If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life." a

VIRGINIA NAVA HIEGER, is the author of "Your Unique Gift: Finding Life’s Unique Gift Proposition" and "Meaningful Freedom: Finding Freedom Through Wholeness" , two new books aimed at empowering people on a journey of self-discovery, authenticity, wholeness and personal freedom. You may contact her at and

6 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine


Diatomaceous Earth & Borax

I’ve been deeply studying various aspects of natural medicine for just a little over 14-years and energy medicine practices for over 2 decades. I have to say there are quite a few odd and unusual remedies that are used, often with some pretty amazing results when called for. One of the most interesting I would say is probably from Ayurvedic Medicine and bathing in or getting a massage with cow urine. Another one is what some of my clients have dubbed “Dirt Water” or utilizing Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE). The other one I find fascinating is Borax, a common household cleaner. All of the “Unusual Natural Health Remedies” I’ll be talking about are ones I’ve personally tried, so sadly we’re not going to be going in-depth about the cow urine, that might have to be on next year’s docket.

With both of these, DE and Borax, you will want to do your own research as when called for and used appropriately, are amazing. DE is commonly known as a natural insecticide but in branches of natural medicine is sometimes used for hair, skin, nail, joint/bone health as well as detoxing. DE is a negatively charged material, and when ingested starts working very quickly drawing to it positively charged items like bacterias, protozoa, pesticides, heavy metals, fungus/mold, chopping up parasites and killing them, and more. A common application is utilizing 1 teaspoon mixed with a large glass of water and drinking on an empty stomach. It is done for 10-days on, then 10-days off. With the on days, you’ll want to make sure to be drinking a fair amount of water. Another application which is said to

be good for helping to remineralize the teeth and helping guard against plaque buildup (the bacteria that causes plaque buildup, periodontal and gum disease is positively charged) is by taking 1 tablespoon mixed with a small amount of water, enough to swish (don’t gargle) comfortably (make sure not to breath this in while mixing) for about 30-seconds, then brush your teeth as normal.

Borax, composed of Sodium, Boron, Oxygen and Hydrogen, is commonly known as a general household cleaner. Borax has been said to be beneficial for a wide range of things like collagen production and general skin health, bone health like in osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, Candida overgrowth, mold/fungus issues, ringworm, tinea versicolor, Lupus, calcium deposits, periodontal disease and so much more. Additionally, Boron helps to support DHEA production, which declines as we age. One Folk Medicine remedy for general health and wellbeing is taking a small amount of Borax (⅛ tsp for biological females and ¼ tsp for biological males) combined with a small amount of boiling hot water, shake, then after dissolved add more water to get to 1 liter of water and sip throughout the afternoon. If you’re not feeling adventurous doing this internally, you can add 2 to 4 teaspoons in your bath water and soak for 20+ minutes.

A s always, do your own research before trying anything. If you have any “Unusual” Natural Health Remedies you’d like us to talk about, please reach out and let us know. We do have most of the year already filled up with some pretty amazing natural remedies, but I do enjoy find out and trying new things, if called for. a

SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT, owner of Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, has over two decades of experience and continual training in holistic mind-body, energy healing, and non-verbal health systems. For a consultation contact SchaOn at 612-217-4325 and

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Greetings readers and welcome to a milestone for The Edge Magazine! With this issue we celebrate our one-year anniversary of returning to print. When Kelly and I acquired The Edge in the spring of 2021, we knew we wanted to take it in new directions, including a greater online presence, more interviews and The Being Curious Show with Kelly and Brian. While our heads were filled with big ideas, we also knew the magazine was a cornerstone for our community and needed to return.

Returning to print had some big obstacles. How do we reach a more modern audience, while staying true to what Gary and Insiah Beckman started? How do we deal with the instability caused by the covid lockdowns?

We felt deep in our souls that we would be successful if we worked hard enough. Today, Kelly and I can take a moment to step back to be proud of our progress and appreciate the support we've received along the way.

Are you loving what we're doing? The greatest gift you could give is to support those who support us. Contact our advertisers and purchase their products and services. Tell them "We found you in The Edge!"

About the cover artist: Holly Stone and Sarvavid Vairocana

Sarvavid Vairocana is considered the Primordial Buddha, the Supreme Transcendent Buddha, the All-Knowing Buddha. He is shown as a white figure with four faces, seated in padmasana, the full lotus posture. His hands are in the dhyana mudra of meditation. He is the personification of enlightenment and a higher manifestation of the Buddha Shakyamuni, the Buddha of our world and time. The painting of Sarvavid Vairocana displayed on our cover is just one of many sophisticated and stunning works of art created by artist and soul painter Holly Stone.

After years of studying, painting, and teaching in the traditional western style of art (landscapes, portraits, plein aire painting, cityscapes, abstracts) Holly found herself increasingly drawn to study and depiction of traditional art in older sacred traditions. In 2005, pursuing a lifelong feeling of connection to Tibetan culture, she went to India and lived in the Tibetan community in Dharamsala, working in an art program with Tibetan refugee children.

Her initial exposure to the vast array of Tibetan sacred art, primarily thangkas, piqued her interest and led her to further explore this tradition. In 2017 she moved to India and studied with Tibetan Thangka Master Locho in his studio in Dharamsala. While learning to paint these traditional Tibetan Buddhist artworks, she studied many of the detailed techniques, meanings, and symbols used in thousands of years of tradition.

Holly also specializes in soul paintings – one of a kind paintings she creates for clients after reading their energy system, aura and light body. They depict each person's unique energy field and personal energy expression. View Holly's portfolio, learn more about her process, request a custom soul painting and more at Shop collections of her art for sale on Pixels and Fine Art America

Scan this code to read an in-depth article about Holly Stone's studies and processes in creating traditional, sacred Tibetan art.

From the editor )
8 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine

Embracing the Unknown

We are entering an era of unknown possibilities where we can create something totally new! As the old template from the past breaks apart, we are invited to sit in the void of the unknown. Once the unknown possibilities are integrated within us, we can understand what this energy is about and adjust to something totally different.

You may have noticed a lot of intense energies coming in creating tension and even discomfort. Your body is being guided to let go of your past stresses, worries and tensions, to prepare your body to read the information you are being upgraded to understand.

You may feel an excitement for something new that you can’t verbally describe but feels profound and important. You will discover what this is in its perfect timing.

One part of the new is realizing we are breaking out of the karmic cycle that has kept us repeating the same issues and patterns over and over again. Humanity has done enough transformational work to create a critical mass shift to break through this stuck cycle . We can now move into something above the current human consciousness. Something more aligned with higher consciousness or unity consciousness that many call ascension.

This in itself is exciting but what does higher consciousness look like in physical terms? That’s the part we’re in the process of co-creating through us staying in the energies of the unknown.

To help yourself with this co-creation process, imagine yourself floating in an unknown energy where anything is possible. Ask to be taken there by your Higher Self with your optimal spirit guides assisting you. Ask that anything that doesn’t fit the new era of unity consciousness is moved out. Ask the unknown energies to support your body in doing so.

You may feel like you’re breaking apart as the old leaves you. Let yourself feel the breaking up of the old you. Ask that your body is fully supported as you break out of the old issues, patterns, beliefs, memories, emotions and behaviors not serving you.

As you go out into the world, remind your body that it doesn’t need to engage in the old drama and problems around you in the old, reactive way. Ask to see things through new eyes. If you find this isn’t happening, invite in the unknown energies to be with you as you move through your daily life. This will remind your body to disengage with the old way of interacting with people and your environment so that new ways of seeing, feeling and engaging in life can come through.

If you feel you’re being tested through more difficult experiences, ask that your most Divine Self comes in to take over using these unknown energies. Ask for a peak experience or big awakening to align you with this unknown way of operating in your life. Don’t expect perfection since that’s not what this is about or even realistic. Be gentle and loving towards yourself since that’s part of the new era as well.

You may spend days or even weeks inviting in this unknown energy to support you entering a totally new inner and outer reality. This is okay and in fact normal since big changes require timing. It doesn’t make sense to go to the airport a day or two before your big trip. It’s better to go on the correct day. Same goes with this new era unfolding within you. There’s a timing element to it’s unfolding.

You’ll know when you’re making progress since you will feel more peaceful and more accepting of yourself and this temporary world you are living in. You’ll experience more loving kindness for yourself and trust that you and others are completing whatever they came in to do to free one’s self up. Even if it doesn’t make logical sense to you.

Changing yourself automatically changes everything around you since you’re seeing things through a new lens and finding new ways to connect with others. Enough of us doing this important work creates a new reality since we’re all interconnected. Let’s join hands and do this transformational work together! We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for! a

MAUREEN HIGG i NS, MA. Maureen owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops. You may also experience them through her audios available at

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Edge Partner Directory body/mind/spirit resources

The Edge staff is dedicated to bringing our readership together with their optimal healers, teachers and practitioners. In keeping with that mission, we proudly announce our incredible all-new online Partner Directory platform. See The Edge difference at!



Everett & Charlie Art Gallery

Minnesota Artists Gallery

A Linden Hills art gallery where art meets experience, Everett & Charlie features original art from only Minnesota artists Voted

“Minnesota’s Best Art Gallery” by readers of Star Tribune in 2021 and 2022. Gallery includes paintings, screenprinting, photography, pottery, glass, jewelry, textiles and leather, sculpture and woodwork. Offers a calendar of openings, trunk shows, workshops, demos and music. Available for private events.

Email: Phone: 612-444-8706 Location: 2720 W 43rd St. #103, Minneapolis, MN 55410 Website:


Creators Space

Community Center, Event Destination

Community Creativity Center and Coffee House sparking and cultivating the Creative Spirit. We provide the space and tools for anyone and everyone to Think, Explore and Create, organically building a diverse community working together to ignite personal enlightenment and growth along with positive change and impact for our community.

Email: Phone: 651-340-6736

Web: Location: 218 7th Street E, St. Paul, MN


Spirit United Interfaith Church

Sundays 10:30am, In person and via Zoom

When Spirit calls you to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be... We are Spirit United. We’re a spiritually diverse community that honors personal and planetary awakening. Children welcome. We welcome you to Sunday Services, 10:30am in-person in Little Canada and via Zoom. Get the Zoom link at

Email: Phone: 612-378-3602

Website: Location: Holistic Gateway, 11 Little Canada Road E, Little Canada, MN 55117



Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

BodyLabUSA’s goal is to bring awareness and education to everyone about the benefits of alternative healing to help our bodies emotionally, spiritually, and or physically. We offer events throughout Minnesota currently, with more states coming soon. We offer a mediumship gallery event and educational sessions throughout the day. Our first 25 guests receive a free gift bag!

Email: Phone: 715-292-2625

Facebook: Website: Location: Minnesota



Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness Fairs

Word Count: 70 word max. description

Location: Online updated each month print updated bi-monthly (6 editions/year)

Included: Photo/image/logo, website, contact info, social media

Rooted Holistic Healing and Wellness fairs are held throughout Wisconsin in many communities to bring hope and healing to those in need. At our fairs you can expect to find a multitude of vendors offering products and services as well as Gallery events and guest speakers. Come and join us for a day full of education, healing, shopping, and much more!

Email: Phone: 715-832-2775

Website: Location: Wisconsin

Souls Of Spirit Expos

Our purpose is to create community awareness of spirituality by bringing together vendors who share their modalities of healing, journeys & awareness with communities to assist in uplifting humanity and awakening to the reality that we are souls having a human experience. Each expo includes a Gallery event and guest speakers. Join us at events in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana.

Email: Phone: 701-721-2801

Website: Location: North Dakota



American Academy of Health and Wellness Acupuncture School

Would you like to start the New Year with a Healthy Body, Mind and Great Spirit ? We are here for you! American Academy of Health and Wellness offers you and your loved ones many affordable holistic care options, including acupuncture, cupping (guasha), acupressure/ massage, and TuiNa massage.

Email: Phone: 651-493-3622 Website:

Location: 2233 Hamline Ave N #432, Roseville, MN 55113

Peng Roden Her

Licensed Acupuncturist, Medical Intuitive, Master of Qigong

As a medical intuitive, Peng Roden Her has the ability to sense the physical, and mental/emotional ailments of his patients

– he combines these gifts to treat both the symptom and the source. He has strong passion for teaching and demonstrating the mind-body connection through breath and movement and was a featured expert in Taking Charge of your Health, a program put together by the University of Minnesota: Center for Spirituality and Healing and the Life Science Foundation.

Email: Phone: 612-708-0753

Website: Location: Bloomington, MN


Light of the Soul, Inc.

Akashic Records, Crystals

Light of the Soul, Inc. is a spiritual center founded by Jeanne Crescenzo empowering Soul Conscious Living through spiritual healing services, training, and crystals from Mother Earth in store and online. Jeanne is an Akashic Medium, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, QHHT practitioner, Theta Healer, and creator of the Galactic Soul Keys Oracle. When we remember who we truly are we can create a beautiful world.


Phone: 651-214-6560

Website: Location: Little Canada, MN

Amber Maier, Soul Alignment Coach

Akashic Records, Angel Healing, Intuitive Coaching, Thetahealing, Reiki Master, Teacher Amber has passion for helping you discover your soul purpose, awaken your unique gifts, and move past your blocks so you can fully embrace your power and purpose. Amber uses a unique blend of intuitive coaching with guidance and healing from your Akashic Records, Angels and soul to help you take powerful steps forward on your soul path and quantum leaps in your personal healing and vision for your life.

Email: Phone: 952-220-5428


The Akasha

Akashic Records Readings

Akashic Records readings connect you to your Higher Soul in a vibrational dimension. It helps you look at your current life in a soul perspective. It also helps you understand your current life patterns, how to break them and heal from them. Reading sessions are guided by your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones in a loving and safe environment.

Email: Phone: 626-863-7971

Website: Location: Whittier, CA


Purely Natural Healing

Craniosacral Therapy, Somato

Emotional Release, Chinese Medicine

For those who are ready to heal, we together can move you out of the pain and shift your energy into what you are truly here to do. Every session is focused on what is going on at that time. From womb to a walker. Barb has studied and worked in both Eastern and Western Medicine for over twenty-two years.

Come for the HEALTH of it!

Call: 715-441-5905

Now serving you from two locations: 93 Little Canada Rd W, Suite 100, Little Canada MN 55117 and 111 Maple St N, Turtle Lake WI 54889

us at and place your listing!
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Carpe Diem CBD

CBD Manufacturer & Distributor

Our Minnesota Grown, unique farm-to-shelf products enrich the mind and body so you can Seize the Day in complete wellness. We understand and are empathetic to those who cannot live life to the fullest. Therefore, our team is dedicated to solving the growing challenges that affect the mind and body. Seize The Day with us! Promo Code: Edge15 for 15% off your next order.

Email: Phone: 612-599-6906

Website: Location: Minneapolis, MN


Dr. Marcia Krueger, DC

Innate Ability Chiropractic Care

Dr Marcia helps people of all ages, sizes and abilities achieve or maintain optimal health, mobility and balance. Marcia supports your body's innate ability to heal itself. Educates and inspires active participation in your health and well-being.

Email: Location: Chaska, MN Phone: 952-746-5199 Website:


Jill Goux, The Energy Renovator & Intuitive House Whisperer

Master Dowser, Transformational Coach, Intuitive Energy Practitioner, Channel and Spiritual Teacher

Jill Goux has been sharing her wisdom, gifts and natural talents since 1995. Her diverse ‘energetic toolbox’ has helped thousands of people understand, manage, & shift their energy to create a life they truly desire. Join her on a conscious journey across the country as she connects a crystal grid to expand heart energy to raise the vibration. This ‘Trip the Light Tour’ connects powerful souls towards a common goal of expansion, illumination & enlightenment.

Email: Phone: 612-423-6360

Website: Location: Minneapolis, MN


Ethereal Reunions

Past Life Regression/ Quantum Resonance Crystal Healing Bed

Past Life Regression and Healing sessions, Reiki and Distance Reiki energy healing, Reiki classes, Reunion sessions with Medium Katri Sipila, and one on one Healing Guidance! Our newest offering is the Quantum Resonance Crystal Healing Bed… fashioned after ancient Lemurian design! It assists the body in its innate ability to heal itself using seven types of energy transmission including scalar waves.


Phone: 218-310-0951

Website: Location: 205 W. 2nd Street Suite #445 Duluth, MN 55802

Maureen Higgins, MA, Wings of Freedom

Energetically Healing Audios, Private Sessions, Workshops

Want to feel lighter and happier and create a life filled with meaning? Help your mind, emotions and body let go of the past including outdated beliefs, memories and emotions with individualized energy healing!

I’ve created a number of energetic healing techniques you can access through audios and sessions. Learn how to develop your own mastery through a number of energetic healing workshops!

Email: Phone: 651-665-0104

Location: St. Paul, MN Websites:,

Kalila Healing Arts

Energetic Healing, Coaching

Kalila Healing Arts mission is to empower you for optimal mind.body. spirit wellness. We offer Energetic Allergy Healing sessions, distance Reiki, classes, special events, online courses, and more. Stacy Edland, founder of Kalila Healing Arts, is an Energetic Allergy Healing practitioner, Reiki master, certified EFT Tapping practitioner, certified life coach, and has a master's degree in education.

Email: Site:

Jodi Knott – Your Wellness Journey

Craniosacral/Dynamic Body Balancing, Reiki

Practitioner, Essential Oil Coach, Tarot, Distance Healing

Our bodies have an amazing ability to stay healthy, and heal quickly, when we are in balance. With disease, there is an imbalance within the body, mind, or emotional body. Each session is curtailed to what you need; by working with you and your energy I clear, balance, and process issues so your body can function optimally! With love and light, I am here to support you on Your Wellness Journey!


Website: Location: Shoreview, MN

True Quantum Holistic Energetic Healing, Dowsing

Vanessa and Andrew have been

True Quantum Healing practitioners for over 4 years. Their alternative healing sessions have yielded positive outcomes with many issues such as trauma/ptsd, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, soul retrieval, past life karmic clearings, soulmate/twin flame partnership healings, entity attachments, abduction issues, mind control de-programming assistance, energy weapon detox or removal assistance, removal of and protection from magical intrusions, ascension issues, bloodline healing, DNA healing, blood disorders, respiratory disorders and much more. They also offer spiritual guidance and TQH training sessions.

Email: Phone: 423-445-0077


Yoga, Ayurveda & Energy

Medicine with Elizabeth Sullivan

Multi Dimensional/Universe Energy Work

Whole Being Wellness is an integrative, personalized approach to health and your full potential in human form.


Mystic Geek Spiritual Connection Mentor, Tarot Expert, Energy Worker

Jessica Karels made it her personal mission to empower people who are caught up in the hustle of life to tap into their inner wisdom so they can confidently handle any of life’s obstacles and help heal the world. Certified in Usui Reiki, Evolved Neuro-linguistic Programming, Transformational Coaching, and Quantum Time Release, she uses a variety of spiritual and everyday tools to facilitate individual growth and transformation.

Email: Website:

Annette Rugolo

Environmental Healing

Annette Rugolo is an Author, Global Teacher, Speaker, Environmental Healer and Soul Guidance Facilitator. With almost 20 years of experience, she provides tools of transformation that support those looking for lasting change.

Email: Phone: 612-394-3736

Website: Location: Chaska, MN 55328


Savoie, Charvinity LLC

Medium, Divination, Paranormal Investigator

Certified Usui Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher. Intuitive Medium and Divination Reader offering services and a wide range of metaphysical and paranormal classes. I also provide a wide selection of hand-crafted products including hand-crafted divination tools on my website. My passions are being an Empath mentor and Paranormal Medium.

Email: Phone: 763-772-5591

Website: Location: Anoka, MN

Soul Path Energy

A Soul Guided Approach to Healing

Healing is remembering the truth that you are a powerful being who is light, love, joy, peace, and presence, and feeling whole once again. My reiki, intuitive energy, and soul path guidance services can help you remember that truth. Are you looking for a holistic approach to your health or simply want to feel restored and rebalanced? I strive to create healing pathways for my clients, empowering them to feel whole and live better and healthier lives.

Email: Phone: 612-250-8769

Website: Location: St. Paul, MN

Everything is energy. Becoming more skillful and managing our energy is vital to our well-being. Our energy patterns affect our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Healing ourselves is one of the greatest journeys we can take as humans and multi-dimensional, multi-universe beings.


Phone: 651-270-0660

Website: Location: St. Paul, MN


Terrain Health LLC, Dr. Robin Rose

Integrative, Functional, Precision Healthcare Terrain Health and Dr. Robin Rose are leading the biomedical revolution in functional and precision healthcare, utilizing advanced testing and next generation technology that target the human gut microbiome, and understand its links to overall health, immunity and disease through its interconnectedness with the other systems in your body. You are the center of your health journey, We study root cause analysis, and treat people not signs and symptoms.


Phone: 203-900-4416

Website: Location: 38C Grove Street, 2nd Floor Ridgefield, CT 06877

Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN, Beyond Chiropractic

Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, QNRT, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Detox Programs and Energetic Healing

Dr. Erika Way empowers her patients to transform their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so they can manifest their optimal path. By combining the tools of Chiropractic Care, Functional Medicine, QNRT and Energetic Healing, Dr. Erika helps her patients transform the physical, emotional and energetic blocks that keep patients feeling stuck. Once you have the tools for your "health tool box" you can become the master of your own health.


Phone: 651-288-1988

Website: Location: 7300 Hudson Blvd North, Suite 210, Oakdale, MN 55128

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Dr. Erika Way, DC, DCBCN, Beyond Chiropractic Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, QNRT, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Detox Programs and Energetic Healing

Dr. Erika Way empowers her patients to transform their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies so they can manifest their optimal path. By combining the tools of Chiropractic Care, Functional Medicine, QNRT and Energetic Healing, Dr. Erika helps her patients transform the physical, emotional and energetic blocks that keep patients feeling stuck. Once you have the tools for your "health tool box" you can become the master of your own health.

Email: Phone: 651-288-1988

Website: Location: 7300 Hudson Blvd North, Suite 210, Oakdale, MN 55128


Carolyn Vinup of Gateways to Brilliance

Experience Transformational Ceremonies that Awaken Your Higher Consciousness and Expand Your Inner Light

Carolyn Vinup has been practicing and teaching Sacred Sound Healing, Feng Shui and Creating Sacred Space Ceremonies for over 20 years. Carolyn guides spiritual seekers through Sound Healing Experiences, Spiritual Blessings, Transformative Ceremonies and Attunements that awaken your higher consciousness and expand your inner light. Come experience the beauty, tranquility, warmth, and wisdom of the Sacred Sound Chamber. Carolyn's Sacred Sound experiences and workshops are immersive, interactive, inspirational, and consciousness raising.



OM Center of Healing

Sound & Light Healing Therapy

Mobile: 612-325-5162

Emily Fossum, MA, LPCC, owner of Earth & Sky Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy, EMDR Therapy

I am a psychotherapist with a passion for helping you connect to your soul’s truth and open your heart wider. Heartbreak, depression, traumatic stress, grief, and never feeling good enough are some reasons that your heart may have closed. I use intuitive listening and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy to assist in removing unseen emotional, energetic, and mental blocks to a happy heart. I believe that a broken heart is a heart that is calling to be broken open.

Email: Phone: 612-547-9589

Website: Location: Minneapolis, MN


Holly Busse

Reiki Master/Teacher, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Spring Forest Qigong

Certified Practice Group Leader

I believe people want to feel healthier and less stressed. But it can be confusing where to start. I offer in-person and distant reiki sessions, in-person and Zoom reiki classes, and in-person and online stress reduction training. I have experience with speaking and teaching engagements sharing my personal journey with stress and anxiety. Keep it simple. Be gentle with yourself.

Email: Website:

Location: Chanhassen, MN

Peggy Edman, Willow Pond Healing

Reiki, Qigong and Pet Bodywork

Feel relaxed, harmonious, and balanced in your body and mind. I am a Reiki healer and Master/Teacher, with 15 years experience.

Reiki helps you feel better on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Your pet can join you on your healing journey. I am a Certified Canine Massage Therapist, with 20 years experience. Give your animal companion the gift of wellness.

Email: Ph: 612-804-8005


Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh

Heal the body, clear stuck patterns & deepen your Soul connection through conscious breathwork. With over two decades of experience in holistic health and many years as a licensed pharmacist, Terri offers a variety of holistic sessions: Soul Breathing™, Soul Coaching, Supplement & Nutrition guidance, BEMER therapy, Pranic Healing & Reiki. Use breath to optimize your health, raise your vibration and transform your life.


651-442-4623 St. Paul, MN



The Center Within

Transformational Intuitive Certified Coach

Is NOW the time to step fully into your authentic empowered self? Michele supports clients with intentions to live in alignment with their soul’s divine blueprint and inner wisdom personally and professionally. Michele’s guidance as an intuitive coach and spiritual teacher for over 25 years accelerates and amplifies your natural process of removing blocks and what no longer serves while clarifying your next steps as you ignite your full potential.


Phone: 612-465-9775

Location: 8120 Penn Ave S Suite 500B Bloomington, MN 55431 Website:

The Harmonic Egg® is a resonant chamber, utilizing sound and light, to deliver positive, life-changing results. It delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a variety of health issues. Experience relief from anxiety, difficult emotional issues, injuries and pain, spiritual dissonance, mental and developmental disorders, and illness.

Email: Phone: 651-363-3539

Website: Location: 2334 University Avenue W, Suite 150 St. Paul, MN 55114


Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness, SchaOn

Blodgett, CCP, BTAT

Naturopathy (Traditional & Esoteric)

Over two decades of experience and continual training in holistic mind-body, energy healing, and non-verbal health systems including Esogetics/Colorpuncture, Ayurveda, Complex Homeopathy, Brainspotting. SchaOn is your go-to practitioner for helping resolve old traumas or new health concerns. Get more out of life and start feeling vibrant again – Schedule your Free Initial Mini-Consultation now!


Phone: 612-217-4325

Location: 93 Little Canada Rd W, Suite 100, Little Canada, MN Website:

Website: Location: 11417 NW Hanson Boulevard, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN 55433

Pinnacle Divine Holistic Services

Master Reiki, Iridology, Feng Shui, Mixed Media Art

Pinnacle Divine Holistic Services provide Master Reiki, Certified Iridologist and Holistic Nutrition and Feng Shui consulting services. Mixed media artist Michelle Ressler is developing a set of Celestial Connections healing cards, which will be available soon.


Phone: 763-443-9732 Website:

Location: 1440 85th Ave. NE Suite A, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432

Falina Stammer, P.M.T, R.S, founder of Balanced Elements Reiki Training & Bodywork LLC

Professional Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Sound Healing & Aromatherapy Student

Falina Stammer has over 20 years of experience and is the founder of Balanced Elements Reiki Training & Bodywork LLC. She blends many modalities to give you what your Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit need. A free 15 minute consultation is available Specialties: Massage/Reiki, Hypno-reiki meditation (exclusive) Sound Healing, Reiki Training (adults and youth 9-15)

Email: Phone: 612-991-8309


Jeannine Kim, MODERN MYSTIC Intuitive Healer, Psychic, Medium, 5D Astrologer, Teacher, H.H.P., Yogi 22 years of Multidimensional Healing work with clients worldwide. Take your SPIRITUAL JOURNEY-WORK to the next level with grounded, practical wholeSelf tools and high-frequency, intuitive insight. Together we will dis-cover and clear the Shamanic Root of your trauma from within the deep soul shadows… those which stem from beyond this lifetime, yet create the themes playing out in your life today. All you have come to realize through your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional & Physical bodies, will be integrated fully, recalibrating the foundation of your current dynamics… in all areas of your life.

Email: Phone: 505-699-8008

Website: Location: Santa Fe, NM

Change Your Limiting Beliefs – Linda Minnick

Working with Your Subconscious

Feeling stuck? Attracting the same thing over and over again? Working but not getting anywhere? Are you ready to move forward? PSYCH-K is a proven method to change the subconscious and limiting beliefs that keep from moving forward. It’s fast, easy and effective.


Phone: 678-641-7005

Website: Location: Roswell, GA

Sandy & Dale PocernichdoTERRA, Healthy Life Coaching, LLC

Sandy & Dale Pocernich are Platinum doTERRA Wellness Advocates and have been part of the doTERRA family since 2013. Our goal is to help you replace everyday toxins with natural products. We will educate and support you on what products and oils are meant for you in your journey to better health and a toxic free lifestyle. Contact us to start your natural journey. Find free weekly classes on our Facebook page:

Email: Phone: 715-832-2775 Sites:,

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Virginia Nava Hieger

Personal Empowerment & Transformation

Virginia Nava Hieger is an unconventional coach and consultant. She assists people to live aligned with their highest purpose and greatest potential. Virginia’s process is unique because she combines her expertise in strategy and marketing with her empathetic style of transformation. Virginia guides people on the path of creating their optimal lives and fulfilling their highest capabilities. VIP 1-1 sessions are available.


Phone: 404-388-2657 Website:

Pat Sheveland, Healing Family Grief

Grief Coach Certification Training

Healing Family Grief provides certification training through The Confident Grief Coach School. Through this extensive training, learn key concepts of coaching specifically designed for working with the bereaved to help them create lives filled with peace and purpose. Course approved by International Coaching Federation for 34 CCEs.

Email: Phone: 952-210-3767

Website: Location: Chaska, MN

Dwight Raatz, Raatz Life

Coaching & Consulting

Intuitive Life Guidance

I provide coaching for individuals and small business owners looking for clarity in their life and/or business. Clarity and focus are foundational aspects allowing a person to truly know themselves and their goals. I utilize intuitive and experiential skills to help you outline the steps to create executable plans to achieve your goals and improve life flow.


Phone: 612-269-6578 Site:

Location: 417 Rucks Farm Rd Delano, MN 55328

Shannon Walbran

Intuitive Guide, Psychic Coach, Author

Are you at a crossroads? Need help from your angels? Schedule a 1-hour Zoom, phone, or in-person session to ask about your ten toughest personal and professional problems. You’ll receive immediate, detailed, step-by-step practical advice. Certified intuitive life coach, practicing since 2003. Download your free 100 Questions book at

Email: Site:

Location: St. Paul, MN and Johannesburg, South Africa


Leslee Wegleitner

Transformative Messenger, Spiritual Guide

Leslee Wegleitner combines Human Design and her unique Light Language called Fields and Harmonics of Sacred Light™ to support clients through transformative change. Human Design provides strategies to know oneself beyond the mind. Light Language as a vibrational expression shifts energy to frequencies beyond human limitations. Combining these tools, Leslee’s clients are able to understand and expand their relationship with Self as well as relationships with others while living their own Divine guided moments.

Email: Phone: 651-260-5622



Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist

Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? Over twenty years of experience.

Email: Phone: 651-649-1952

Website: Location: Mendota Heights, MN

Casey Constant

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Connect with your Higher Self and spiritual team through hypnosis in order to find the meaning and healing for the physical, mental and energetic ailments in your life. Weight, pain, anxiety etc. are all signs that there is a deeper message awaiting from your subconscious. QHHT allows the line of communication to your higher divine consciousness to be easily accessed to receive instantaneous healing and guidance from them!

Email: Website:

Loc: 5898 Omaha Avenue North, Suite #2, Stillwater, MN 55082


Greywind Raven Intuitive Guide, Past Lives & Contracts

Lisa Howard provides energy services using methods, including past life resolutions, soul contract modification, releasing trapped emotions and heart walls. These methods provide solutions to issues impacting your current lifetime. Also, providing psychic training and spiritual growth workshops. Over ten years of training and certifications.



Christopher Gunlock, M.H.S.

Christopher offers harm reduction resources and services for those journeying with entheogens/psychedelics. plugs you in to coaching, classes, sitters/guides, discussion groups, and legal ceremonies with traditional medicines (not offering illegal substances or medical treatment). Reach out to learn about psychedelic safety, find a supportive community, and make the most of your psychedelic experiences.

Email: Location: Various Studios at Creators Space 218 7th St E, MN St. Paul Website:


Eagle Spirit Collective

Non-profit 508(1)(C)(A) organization that celebrates our connection to the Divine Creator through sacred medicine ceremonies, self-exploration, and shadow work. We build relationships through monthly integration meetings, group meditations, spiritual mentoring, and other fellowship events.

Email: Phone: 651-504-2493

Website: Location: Stillwater, MN


Mary Newstrom, Zenith High

Shamanic Teacher & Mentor, Shamanic Healings, Spiritual Wellness Coaching, Cacao

Ceremonies & Shamanic Cacao Cleanse

Internationally known Shamanic Practitioner and creator of Spirit Flow

Shamanic Study Programs, Mary has studied with shamanic teachers in the U.S. and with the Shipibo Shamans living in the Amazon basin of Peru, enhancing the skills Mary brings to her training and healings. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology and is certified in Health and Wellness Consultation.


Phone: 952-913-5574

Website: Location: St. Louis Park, MN



Michele Jacobson, PhD

Carole Hyder

Helping people create a dream-aligned space

Carole Hyder can help you create a space that you love, a space where you thrive, where you always want to be – a place that is remarkable. Let Carole help you determine the soul of your home or office using both traditional and modern Feng Shui principles. You will discover not only how to reflect who you are now but also lead you toward your dreams.

Email: Phone: 612-823-5093

Website: Location: Saint Paul, MN

Email: Phone: 320-395-9893

Website: Location: Winsted, MN

Dr. Janaka Hanvey, Lighthouse Therapies

Past Life Regression Therapy

Lighthouse Therapies provides past lives regression services. Objectives are for clients to learn how a past life or series of past lives experiences affect current relationship issues, phobias, addictions, talents, themes, as well as provide insight into how past life trauma can relate to current life trauma. Another frequent occurrence is discovering spirit guides that inspire and protect one through many lives.

Email: Phone: 651-271-2460

Website: Location: Forest Lake, MN

As a lifelong Intuitive, Michele has been gifted with skills as an intuitive, psychic, mystic, healer, medium, animal communicator and knowledgeable in all things faerie, including Faerie Teas. She has a PhD in Developmental Psychology focusing on areas of understanding personal development. Located in the Twin Cities area with in person or phone sessions available. Visit her website and learn more about all her services.


Phone: 612-554-0061 Website:

Lisa’s Energy Healing, LLC

Animal Communicator, Akashic Readings, Medium, Healer, Life Coach

I’m a Life Coach, Animal Communicator, Akashic Records Reader, Medium, Gallery Speaker, Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Master. I teach how to read Akashic Records, Healing through the Akashic Records and Animal Communication. My spiritual journey began in 2009 when I took my first Reiki class. I’ve appeared at over 80 expos in the last three years and have been on national television. I’ve coached thousands of people through reading’s and healing sessions. I offer online, in-person and private parties.

Email: Phone: 630-334-3118

Website: Location: Friendship, WI visit

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Partner Directory CONTINUED


Richard Bonk

Offering a balance of evidence based and intuitive arts

Richard Bonk, M.Ed. has 30+ years experience in health and wellness as a counselor, educator, researcher and currently works as a behavioral specialist supporting mental health and independently as a meditation facilitator, intuitive consultant, workshop leader and visionary artist. With a special interest in the mind-body connection, he utilizes techniques such as creativity, hypnosis, dream-work, floatation, nature immersion, yoga and meditation, and is a NCGR certified Astrologer.

Email: Website:

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Ryan Evans

Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology

A Certified Master Level Astrologer, Ryan practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an Organic Flower Farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms.

Email: Phone: 608-632-0750

Website: Location: Viroqua, WI

Starcodes & Heartcodes

Astrology, Heart-Centered Readings

Ceremonialist, counselor, intuitive, and astrologer for 40 years, creator of the Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck, author of the weekly Starcodes column, Moon Wisdom, Everyday Palmistry, and several children’s books. As an ordained interfaith minister and Druid grade member of OBOD, she brings her spiritual search to her work. She has an active global practice via phone and Zoom.


Phone: 914-315-5001

Website: Location: Ronan, MT


Grahm Wibstad of Heart-Centered Channeling Spirit Guide Readings

As a channeler, Grahm can connect with past loved ones and pets, although he specializes in communicating with spirit guides—loving souls that offer their wisdom, support, and direction. Your spirit guides will share how to best move forward in your life. They often offer career and relationships guidance, but nothing is off-limits, and all questions are welcome. Grahm offers sessions via Zoom and free mini-reading events on his Facebook page.


Phone: 507-272-8149

Hope Healing


Spiritual Medium-Messages from Divine Spiritual Medium, Intuitive with the innate ability to Channel Messages from Divine with Compassion and Care. She is a Trauma Transformational Guide assisting you to Release Pain and Suffering from Forms of Abuse, Loss of a Loved one, Relationships Physical, Mental, Emotional, Sexual Abuse, which can cause Grief, Shame, Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of your Life Force. Kimberly’s Gentle Approach can take your from Pain to Peace to Rebalance your Life so you can Live the Life you deserve.

Email: Website:


Christie Umboh, owner of Holistic Arts

Crystals, Clearing Products, Jewelry, Gifts

Intuitive jewelry artist and wellness professional, with an array of jewelry, crystals and clearing products for the soul. Christie is a Reiki master and Guided Meditation Therapist, and has worked with Echo Bodine for years to create jewelry infused with love and light. She combines numerology and crystals to make personalized jewelry. Christie has teamed up with The Edge to create videos of new products in the metaphysical community.

Email: Phone: 651-705-6110

Website: Location: Eagan, MN

Moxie Malas

Intuitive Jewelry, Workshops, Retreats

Crystal energy and aromatherapy jewelry created as a wearable affirmation of the energy within. Each piece is handmade in MN with genuine stones and crystals with its own story to tell. We have our Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club that comes with unique bracelet, loose crystal and intention practice each month. At Moxie Malas we take people beyond the bracelet with workshops and retreats to support personal discovery, transformation, and empowerment.

Email: Phone: 651-808-7378

Location: 7406 Central Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 Website:


Alison James

Professional Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive

Voted the best by WCCO, CBS, TCT and MSP. Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. Alison James is one of the finest professionals and most referred names by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful healer. She is the genuine real deal!

Website: Location: Worldwide


Medium, Seer, Remote Viewer

Jenny Lee is a multidimensional internationally recognized medium, author and remote viewer who channels what Spirit says in a very natural way. She does not use tools of any kind when she completes readings and depends solely on her Spirit Guides and the spiritual energy around us to gain information. She believes that Spirit talks to each and every one of us, but most of us don’t know how to listen for it.

Email: Phone: 406-850-0613

Website: Location: Fargo, ND

Rebecca Krogen

Psychic Medium, Celtic Shaman, Paranormal Investigator

Rebecca is an international psychic medium, Celtic shaman & paranormal investigator. She offers clearings, psychic/mediumship reading, shamanic healings & more. With over 50 years experience she can use her gifts to help you on your journey as well as help you understand the influences in your life that shape your soul path. Her guides and angels assist her in helping you communicate with passed loved ones to seek guidance and closure.

Email: Phone: 218-532-2607 Facebook: Site: Loc: Fargo, ND

Cindy Lehman

Soul Readings, Beginning & Advanced Psychic Development Classes

Private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. Offers beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. Teaches others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul.

Email: Mobile: 612-669-1861

W ebsite:

Carol Margaret Lowell

Medium, Psychic, Ghost Communicator, Intuitive Hands-on Healer, Teacher, Mentor and Lecturer

As a medium, I communicate directly with the spirit of the deceased. A mediumship session allows you to understand the truth about death. It isn’t the end. It is just a transition to a different state of being.

I am a Reiki Master, trained in Level 4 Healing Touch, and certified in 5-PATH™ Hypnotherapy and 7th Path™ SelfHypnosis. I am also a Ghost and Energy Clearing Specialist working with Angels and Guides, Intuitive Energy Healer, and trained Past Life Regression Facilitator.

Email: Phone: 612-840-3562


Nicole Intuitive Medium

Medium, Intuitive, Mentor, Health & Wellness

Hi, I’m Nicole. I’m an evidential medium, intuitive and mentor. I offer mediumship readings; where I connect with a loved one of yours in spirit, and then bring forth healing messages. I also offer intuitive readings; to help gain clarity within your daily life concerns, relationships, career, are just a few examples. I also teach a variety of classes; psychic/intuitive development, mediumship development, and mediumship next level circles.


Location: Wayzata, MN

Psychic Medium John Readings, Mentoring, Healing and Unsolved Cold Cases


John is an Intuitive Psychic Medium, Mentor, Speaker and Unsolved Cold Case Specialist. He relies on Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience and Clairvoyance while connecting with the other side. He links up with Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters.

Email: Phone: 917-881-6708


Heather Schepman –Energy


Teacher, Reiki, Intuitive Medium

Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and crystal healer. I will hold space to support your energetic healing. I offer private in person or distant soul readings to connect with your soul, and Reiki with crystal healing to support your healing. I also teach Usui Reiki and a Psychic Foundations course where you can explore your psychic abilities, and learn how to manage your energy. All questions welcome.

Email: Phone: 651-440-8703

Website: Location: St. Louis Park, MN

14 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine

Jurema Silva

Brazilian Soul Healer, Transformational Speaker, Spiritual Leader & Mentor

Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who has been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Jurema is one of the most celebrated spiritual leaders in the upper Midwest. A session with Jurema is transformative, uplifting and breathtaking. Schedule your session for an Intuitive Readings/Spiritual Counseling or Distant Guided Brazilian Healing today.



Phone: 320-260-7305

Transforming Your Phoenix Healer, Life Coach, Clearings of Negative Energy and Entities

Pinpoints the core issues that hinder your progress and hold you back in life. She helps with self-actualization of Who You Are, strengthening your spiritual gifts and growth. Nancy helps you overcome and heal limiting beliefs and self doubt, and guide you through your healing process. This includes healing issues connected to past lives, ancestral issues, within yourself and your environment that need resolving for full Clarity and optimal spiritual growth.


Phone: 715-928-3098

Site: Location: Baldwin, WI

Kelly Wagner, owner You’ve Got Kelly

Intuitive Counseling, Marketing and Business Coaching

As a knower and seer, Kelly has learned to use her unique tool set in new ways. Kelly is fascinated by discovering and understanding her client’s “Why?” Kelly is able to assist with both past and present issues – whether its energetic healing of their ancestry, current relationships, business/ marketing strategy, or planning their next step. She dials in and see an illuminated “Yellow Brick Road” that shows Kelly the path her clients should follow to fulfill their goals and live their optimal life.


Phone: 612-251-6666

Website: Location: Eden Prairie, MN

Angela Zabel LLC Teacher, Coach, Medium

Angela has connected to those on the other side her entire life. People who passed and those from other realms, here to support us. Healing energy, messages from those that passed and information to help you on your journey, are shared with compassion. Offering online and in person private and group sessions, personal and spiritual growth coaching, classes and retreats at

Email: Website:


Group Tarot with Kate Mura

Your quirky alternative to team building. Whether you want to shake up your current culture, sit more deeply into co-creating a b.e.s.t. world, strategically plan a bit differently, or just have a fun alternative to a Zoom happy hour, Group Tarot is a surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, teams, and other collectives to interact in an uplifting, engaging way.

Individual readings and coaching sessions, also offered. Visit the Group Tarot FB page at

Email: Phone: 503-298-6972

Website: Location: Portland, OR



Willow Green, Green Bookkeeping & Financial LLC

I am an intuitive bookkeeper working to find small business owners as many ways as possible to save money, and be prepared at tax time! I help any small business with all of their bookkeeping, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and sales tax filing needs, specializing in e-commerce. Mention the Edge, and receive 50% off of all back work when you sign on for monthly recurring bookkeeping service!

Email: Website:


AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Radio & Podcasts

AM950 is the only Progressive Talk Radio station in Minnesota. We strive to provide the best progressive programming available. We feature national talkers Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller, Amy Goodman, David Pakman and Brad Friedman. We are also dedicated to local programming that creates a community forum for important Minnesota Progressive issues like Native Roots Radio. Email: Phone: 952-946-8885 Site: 11320 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Everyday Women’s Network

Subscription-based Global Streaming and Video on Demand (VOD) TV Network that provides a platform for women to view a vast variety of content relevant to their everyday lives. The platform enables our channel partners and content providers to reach their audience by broadcasting (including live streaming) their content using the latest streaming technology. Our goal is to inspire, empower, educate and support women of the world to live their best life and through each subscription, EWN contributes to several UN Sustainable development goals.

Email: Location: Brisbane, Australia Website:


Bergh Consulting

Strategy, Branding, Website Creation, WordPress Care Plans, Ongoing Support

Bergh Consulting supports businesses and organizations in creating a digital foundation including strategy, branding, and website design and development.

We take pride in a simplified processes to get you online joyfully. We focus on the details so you can focus on what you love. Our favorite clients are ones who are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference in the world.

Email: Web:

Wild Horse Recording

Full Service Audiobook Production

Do you need an audiobook but dont know where to start? Our Full Service audiobook production allows you to continue doing what you do best, while our team of production managers and professional narrators create your audiobook that you will be proud of. You will get: project management, your choice of narrator to fit your desired style and performance, voice over for opening and closing credits, editing, mixing, mastering, file formatting, uploading to a distributors.

Email: Phone: 651-269-9199 Website: Location: Stillwater, MN

Galaxy Media and Management

Need publicity for your business or book? Want to get your book published by a legacy publisher? Check out Galaxy Media & Management. More than 20 years helping authors get published and their books into the hands of readers. Excellent reputation. For more information go to

Email: Phone: 310-429-6885

Site: Location: Los Angeles, CA

Sgarlat Publicity

Sara Sgarlat works with authors — established as well as unknown — to create innovative and highly effective campaigns. Before starting on her own in 2009, she was Director of Publicity for many years at Hampton Roads Publishing Company (major regional house responsible for titles such as the series of Conversations with God books, and Marketing Director at Rivanna Health Publications.

Email: Phone: 434-245-2272

Website: Location: Charlottesville, VA


Awakenings... Gifts & Guidance for the Soul Metaphysical Store

The area’s premier metaphysical store and learning space. Located in the heart of Longfellow neighborhood of South Minneapolis, on Minnehaha Avenue. We offer a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Let our friendly staff guide you to hand curated selections of crystals, singing bowls, and one of the largest selections of in-stock oracle, affirmation and tarot decks.

Email: Phone: 612-656-9007

Location: 4165 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406


Dream in Jasper

Small Town Crystal Boutique

Dream in Jasper is a small woman-owned crystal, and metaphysical shop offering a safe space to shop for, and learn about crystals. We also Carry a variety of jewelry, incense, oils, books, candles and more with many of our items being made by local artists and creators.

Email: Phone: 651-491-8011

Location: 107 N Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011


Midwest Witchery & Healing LLC

Being a nurse combining holistic, homeopathic remedies for your wellness, along with using majick as a Witch, Jodi Jacobson creates unique medicine. Using organic and ethically sourced components, Jodi hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Midwest Witchery and Healing can help you with your spiritual needs. This is a safe environment for all on their own unique path.

Email: Location: Stillwater, MN


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Love is the most common topic in tarot, and Elliot Adam takes the fear out of romance questions. He helps you in not only finding a partner, but also in healing and improving current relationships.

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1-877-NEW-WRLD and request a catalog New Worlds of Mind, Body, & Spirit Since 1901 Tarot in Love 16 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine
From Elliot Adam

Now is the time to slow down and spend more time with you so that you can explore the greater aspects of who you are being. Remember 2023 is asking you to know thy self by investing more time looking in the mirror, by looking deeply into your eyes. This is important because your eyes are the windows to your soul. Your soul is the source, the core of who you are. The Greek philosopher and wise master Aristotle (384BC-322BC) is quoted saying “Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom”. When you know who you are, you can begin to accept and love yourself.

It's highly likely you’ve never asked yourself “Who am I?” This might seem like a silly question because you have an identity, you have a name, you have a birth certificate, you most likely have a drivers license and or a passport verifying who you are. You have proof! So why ask this silly question? These forms of identification prove who you are as a person. However, the good stuff happens when you ask the deeper self-awareness question “Who am I?”. Now is when you begin to look for a deeper understanding to learn more about you. That’s when your Love Thy Self adventure begins!

When you begin to explore your inner awareness journey of knowing who you are, you will soon realize how extremely powerful and a little unbelievable it can be. A good way to explore your inner knowing of who you are is to journal your experiences and stories. The key here is to explore in a trusting, non-judgmental way, with the main aim of striving towards self-awareness. Only by understanding the forces, choices, and motivations that got you to where you are today and how you feel about that, will you be able to see more clearly what you want to create next. This new perception of who you are is bringing you to the crossroads where you get to decide if you are ready to explore deeper.

Like all new intimate relationships, you need to see the complete picture and accept what you are learning. While on your adventure to learn more

Love Thy Self

about who you are, I suggest you have compassion for all the experiences and events that brought you to this point in time. Compassion to accept and appreciate who you are is vital on your journey so that you can begin to love yourself.

Love thy self or self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. It’s time to let go of that old pattern.

Februar y vibrates to the 2-vibrational energy which encourages togetherness, companionship, partnership, and romance. Valentine’s day on the 14th reminds us to show appreciation, gratitude, and to express love to people in our life that mean a lot to us. So, this year when you buy candy and flowers to show appreciation for the people you love, be sure to purchase a box of treats along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for yourself. Note to self, 2023 February’s vibrational energy is encouraging you to Love Thy Self! a

WES HAMILTON, MASTER NUMEROLOGIST brings a blend of extensive practical experience and extraordinary mystical know-how to his work. As a Master Numerologist, clients throughout the world seek his guidance and insight regarding important decisions. His expertise has been honed over 40+ years and thousands of clients to deliver amazing results. Connect with Wes at 612-308-2962 or and visit

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Magical Ayahuasca

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest grows a sacred vine famous for its magical powers. The vine is known as Ayahuasca, a Quechua word that means rope of death. Ayahuasca is a plant-based drink made from the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub along with the stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. This drink is an entrance into a mystical realm for spiritual enlightenment, healing, and knowledge. The Curandero, who serves the drink to treat illness, induce visions, and impart traditional wisdom, is skilled at safely ushering others into a dimension deeply familiar to him.

Many people, including myself, who have drunk this master plant understand that the experience lends itself to positive, long-term, life-altering changes. During my time in communion with the plant, I received all the details and information on creating my multi-year shamanic study program, Spirit Flow, and deep healing, which has helped keep me cancer-free since 2010.

Sitting in a ceremony and drinking Ayahuasca opens up the areas of the brain responsible for feelings, memories, visions, and consciousness. This awakening allows the person to have intensified powerful introspection and problem-solving breakthroughs about life stressors as well as powerful envisioning and strategizing of solutions.

The growth and changes that have happened throughout my time working with Ayahuasca are exceptional. I traveled to Peru after receiving treatment for stage 2 breast cancer and continue to travel back each year. After the cancer fight, I went deeper into my spirituality and found a strong connection to Ayahuasca. I now take individuals on retreats to Peru who crave the experience and desire sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies. This plant is called a doctor because it can heal, a master because it teaches, and a mother for its guidance. Some studies have shown that the main active ingredients in Ayahuasca – DMT and beta-carbolines – exhibit neuroprotective and neurorestorative qualities, making it one of the master healers of our world.

Another remarkable effect of Ayahuasca is the insight and understanding it brings you about your role in this world. Over the last several years, I have worked with the spirit of several plants, but the wisdom of the fleetness of our lives that Ayahuasca instilled in me makes me understand that the present and the now are all we have.

W hat holds you back from experiencing this deep healing? What are your reservations about drinking this master healing plant and going into realms that peel back the truth of who you are? Now is the time to step forward. Now is the time to say yes. Now is the time to learn from the spiritual energy of Ayahuasca. a

Mary Newstrom, PhD, is an internationally known Shamanic Practitioner, founder of Zenith High, and creator of Spirit Flow Shamanic Study Programs. Her studies in Peru have enhanced the skills Mary brings to her training programs and healings. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology and is certified in Health and Wellness Consultation. More about Mary's programs at

18 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine

THIS IS THEIR STORY. This isn't our story;

Do you believe we have a calling? Have you been called? What have you been called to do? Was it something so big that it changed your life? Was it something you were called to do on a smaller level yet provided great satisfaction? In a magazine about all these talented people who share so much of themselves, I am sure many (if not all) have been called. I know I have been called.

I never thought I would be a paranormal investigator, let alone one that uses mediumship skills to communicate with spirits and help them crossover. When I decided to get into the field, it was all about the equipment, and the idea of mediumship was not even a thought. Don't get me wrong. I believed but did not think I had any spirit communication gifts, such as mediumship. However, when I finally took the plunge and started to work in this field on my own, a transformation took place.

On this occasion, I did a very quick run through the Old St. Walburga Cemetery in Hassan, MN, which is not far from where I live. It was a hot July day, and several things happened that made it clear to me then that I could help spirits. I felt them all around me.

The cemetery dates back to the 1860s, and there were a lot of children's graves. After I did my "investigation" of the cemetery, which was nothing more than me using the spirit box to see if anyone would talk to me, I sat in my car outside the cemetery. I looked to my left past the driver's side window, and in front of the mirror, there appeared to be an anomaly of something the size of a child with a human form. It was there for a split second, but I jumped and hit my head on the car's ceiling. I believe a child's spirit wanted to reach out to me.

Starting that night and literally for the next six months, I dreamt about being a paranormal investigator—every night. In my dreams, I was in haunted locations, but nothing was creepy. I was helping people. The spirits and the living. I never felt so optimistic!

These dreams were partly how I came up with my motto in the paranormal: "This isn't our story; this is their story." The other reason I came up with this motto is that I see too many paranormal investigators that want to insert themselves into the narrative. Remember, it's not about us!

So if you want to become a paranormal investigator or even a medium, you should ask yourself about THE reason you want to work in this field. Is it a desire for fame, which is selfish, or to provide a service? I help clients when they need help with spirit interaction. I help spirits in many ways, including crossing them over. I answered the call. I hope you do, too! a

GREG BAKUN is a seasoned Paranormal Investigator, Intuitive and ITC Specialist. Greg bridges the gap between the metaphysical and paranormal by bringing together Mediums and Paranormal Investigators to help each other validate communication, share information and promote respectful investigations. Greg is the host on the popular radio show “GhostBox Radio” Live every Sunday at 4:06pm CST on AM950 Radio in the Twin Cities and streamed on iTunes and Spotify. Sunday nights at 10 CST, Greg runs GhostBox Live on Facebook, a live spirit box session where viewers can connect with their loved ones who have passed.

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The Cosmic *Giggle*

Do you ever witness those moments of shame in your life? When you do something – you don't want to do, or know is not in your best interest and then you feel badly about it afterward? I know I have and do. And I also know through my own journey and healing process that change is possible and the cycle time with shame can stop.

The cosmic giggle is that shame often leads to more shame. It is what has kept each of us both programmable by the heavier issues on our planet and controlled by others – whether it is through our ancestry, religion, education, government. It is shame that keeps us stuck, small, and pulls us away from our Self.

We do something we didn't want to do. We feel shame – which includes that embarrassed, bad feeling within. This feeling amplifies and as it grows in the shadows, it leads us back into the action we are trying to lift, and the cycle continues. Unless it is interrupted. I found I am able to bring a balm to the shame cycle through identifying my actions, feelings and thoughts and why that action/feeling state is there.


1. Get curious about the experience – that creates the thought that leads to the feeling that leads to the emotion, that propels the action that feeds the next cycle of experience-thought-feeling-emotion-action-experience state. Journal it. Trace it back through the cycle to what you are conscious of and what you are not.

2. Bring awareness to your cycle. By doing so you will interrupt the above shame cycle sooner. When you notice the thought you may say aha I see and can change this. Or perhaps you notice the emotion? Whatever part of the cycle you note, how can you create a pause long enough to choose something different?

3. Bring compassion to the process. We do not need to replace shame with further shame when we start to witness our cycle time. Compassion and love will bring with it healing and shift us into freedom instead of into a deeper wound. So take the ingredients of curiosity, awareness and compassion and change your cycle time. Get free and return to your Self and the light and potential within and around you. Want support? Reach out. Connection is a powerful antidote to shame.

Elizabeth Sullivan, founder of Soma Soul Sovereignty, trains practitioners and clients in the art of Self-Healing on their pathways to Self-Realization. She is a certified Yoga Therapist specializing in Somatics, Ayurveda, and energy medicine. Find her class schedule and more at

8 W. 66th St Richfield Hub Center Shopping Center (corner of 66th & Nicollet) Alison James, Amber Maier, Andrea Aydt, Angi Jara, Bobby Blanz, Rev. Carl, Christie Umboh, Don Marlette, Edie Dull, Elizabeth Wolfe, Fernando Tellez, Gail Glover, Jeff Tyler, Vicki Green, Wes Hamilton, Jodie Harvala, Julie Seiler, Kim Eisen, Kris Harper, Lisa Sheflet, Logan Richman, Mary Newstrom, Nikki Bodine, Rebecca Ann, Rev. Pamela Marko, Bobby Sullivan, Matt Hankerson, Valerie Celene AND MORE... We're Getting the Band Back together! Our Regular Vendors are Back! GRAND OPENING Saturday FEB 18th 10-5pm AURAPALOOZAEchoBodine's Classes, Events & Workshops Enchanted Boutique is part of the NEW Center! Every Third Saturday of Each Month!
20 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine

Paganicon Returns!

The Midwest's Largest Indoor Pagan Conference back by popular demand

Paganicon is a 3-day Pagan conference being held March 17-19, 2023 in Plymouth, Minnesota. Paganicon is organized by Twin Cities Pagan Pride (TCPP) and a host of volunteers to provide an educational and social venue for Pagans, Wiccans, Heathens, Druids and people of other folk, craft, indigenous or magickal traditions. Join workshops and panel discussions on a multitude of Pagan related topics from very knowledgeable speakers from all over the US, Canada, and Europe. You will learn something new, find sources of inspiration and share in discussion with likeminded folk.

Workshops range from very basic information to more advanced practices and theory. You will be able to participate in many rituals that are happening throughout the weekend. We include in our ritual lineup an opening ritual that serves as a bonding moment for our community regardless of tradition and a way to delve into a magical and intentional mindset for the rest of the weekend. The schedule for the workshops and rituals are posted on our web site. Paganicon's 2023 theme is Metamorphosis: Rebirth of a Community. Many people who enjoy attending in costume for the Friday Night Concert and Equinox Masquerade Ball held on Saturday Night will use our theme for inspiration.

TCPP and a handful of Pagan community groups will be hosting party rooms throughout the weekend that provide a welcoming social space for all our conference attendees. They are the perfect place to hang out and make new friends. One of the more unique features of Paganicon is the Third Offering “temporary gallery”, which was created to showcase fine arts and crafts made by Pagan and Polytheistic artists, within the context of their own culture. Artists from all over the U.S. will be displaying and selling all types of visual media. The Art Gallery is free and open to the public. The Paganicon Vendor room is an integral part of the Paganicon experience! You will be able to shop pagan-oriented wares from local craft persons as well as those from outside the Twin Cities area. The vendor room is open to the public and does not require a conference badge to visit and shop.

Our Healing and Divinations Rooms also offers services to the public that do not require registration. Professionals Healers will be there

to offer energy, sound, and crystal healing services as well as Reiki. The Readers will be offering different types of divination services from tarot cards to tea leaves. There is an online scheduling app available so that you can book your appointment in advance if you wish. In addition, there will be a Meditation Room available if you need some peace, quiet and some time away from people to reflect. It will have several comfortable chairs with minimal lighting and white noise. There is no charge to use the meditation room.

Guests of Honor this year include Witch, teacher, writer and healing practitioner Christopher Penczak, founder of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and system of magickal training. Andras Corban-Arthen, founder and spiritual director of the EarthSpirit Community and president of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions. Coming all the way from Wales is Kristoffer Hughes, Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order and the award-winning author. Kristoffer is also a part time Welsh language television actor and presenter.

Entertainment at the Friday Night Concert are festival favorites Sharon Knight and Winter. Opening the Equinox Masquerade Ball will be The Mechanist & The Star Goddess, a dynamic music & dance project with Tempest, Nathaniel Johnstone, and Davis Petterson. The party continues with the amazing local band Open Investigation with their fusion of 60’s to 70’s style Classic Rock and Blues with Folk-Rock harmonies, gutsy vocals, and a Psychedelic backbone.

If you’ve never been to Paganicon, it’s an experience you will never forget! Full weekend and single-day passes are available. Find the full schedule, featured entertainment, registration and more at a

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Metamorphosis is the theme for this year's magickal gathering



Scan this code or view our reading list at to purchase these books and card decks.

The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness

Understanding Reiki Basics A Coloring Book

A note from the author: My goal when creating this book was to simply help kids understand the basics of their emotions and energy to give space to feel understood. As I was finishing my Reiki Master Training, I understood how important it is to open up the lines of communication with my own kids, how to help them understand their feelings and how they matter, and how to be respectful to others. The book is filled with 37 pages of illustrations of people, animals, nature, chakras, boundaries, and the list goes on!

An adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen – we create them! Developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. Author Mark Mincolla, PhD, shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.

Shamanic Dreaming: Connecting with Your Inner Visionary

This shamanic guide shows you how to access our creative potential to shape a strong vision for ourselves and others, connecting intimately to the world around with the support of seen and unseen realms. Earth whispering practices prepare for shamanic visioning by expanding the senses; we open up to different dimensions and initiate a conscious relationship with nature, myth, and archetype through the creativity wheel.

The Holy Wild Grimoire: A Heathen Handbook of Magick, Spells, and Verses

"As a mom of two highly intuitive children, I couldn't think of a better way to introduce these reiki concepts and symbols. The moment I showed this imaginative book to my daughter, she scooped it up and ran to her room to get started coloring."

This grimoire – a book of magick, spells, ceremonies, journaling exercises, recipes, and incantations – is an invitation to be Witch and bewitch. You will reflect and reshape your story, beholding your life’s poetry and wielding a mythic intelligence. Danielle Dulsky guides you to see through the lens of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether, and to call upon age-old archetypes. You will become a rebel queen, hooded seer, and wild king. Rising above the ecological disaster, political gridlock, and disease of the overculture, you will become a word-witch, writing your world whole again, howling with power, and singing songs of a new world reborn.

22 | FEB/MARCH 2023 • the edge magazine


The Burnout Antidote: A Spiritual Guide to Empowerment for Empaths, Over-givers, and Highly Sensitive People

Use your body as an instrument for accelerated transformation and growth with this powerful guide to overcoming burnout. Anne Bérubé, PhD, helps you access your innate capacity to heal and shows you that your burnout can become a gateway to embodied wisdom and vitality. Gain access to limitless spiritual energy. With this book, you can tune in to your natural gifts and recover from burnout.

A Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: The Art of Transforming the Tragic into Magic

Bestselling author, hypnotherapist, and dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden shares her four-step OGLE process in a humorous self-help memoir. Kelly teaches us how to shift our perspectives on tragedy and helps us look for the magic that can shine within some of our darkness moments. Using this book as your guide, you to will find your way back to your inner heaven, even when all hell is breaking loose.

Sacred Spaces Volume 2: Subtle Shifts for Mind, Body, and Home Transformation

A powerful group of expert authors, lead by Colleen Avis, share their stories and master teachings in this second volume of Sacred Spaces. You’ll take your journey to the next level with moments of inspiration, learning, growth, perspective, strategy, and practices that shift your energy and the way you live, mind, body, and soul. Waking up to what’s possible is easy when you have a team of passionate and skilled professionals to guide you. Enjoy every step on the path!



Gain insight into the hidden forces at play in our lives with this 64-card deck and guidebook from Rosemarie Anderson . This oracle deck features mythic symbols from the ancient Celtic ways of knowing. Cards feature symbols representing goddesses, gods, cauldrons, faeries, animals, trees, and other figures to express the Celtic way of “carving” reality from darkness rather than light. Guidebook explores the Celtic meaning and mythic background for each card.

This 34 piece oracle card deck created by Randi Hoyt has beautiful gold foiled backs and gloss finish. Each card features an illustration from Randi's series Women of the Earth , including a few new additions, with symbolic words and messages. This deck reflects the connection between women and nature. Our connection to nature is powerful and each card represents a part of the Earth.

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Publicize your upcoming classes, expos, and other events on our new Community Calendar platform! It's the fast and efficient way to promote your event to an audience ready for holistic and spiritual exploration.


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Breathe in the Chinese New Year

This in-person Soul Breathing work/play shop will take you into your creative process as we use the energies of the Chinese New Year and the power of breath to set your intentions in motion. Create a template for your 2023 and use the power of breath to bring it into form. 10:00am - 2:30 pm via Zoom. Fee: $144. Contact Terri at 651-442-4623 or if you want to attend.

Intuitive Development II

Deepen your intuition with this 7-week workshop. In-person and online via Zoom. Learn advanced intuitive skills that prepare you for working with yourself, family and clients. Saturday Feb 4, 2023 10:00am – 2:00pm and Wednesdays

Feb 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 2023 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Price: $475 plus $25 for the manual. To Register: Call Nancy Randen at 715-928-3098 or email

February Full Moon Meditation

Join Annette Rugalo in a monthly Full Moon journey to the sacred city of Shamballa! Shamballa is a Sanskrit word that means ‘place of peace’ or ‘peace of silence’. The energy of the Full Moon assists us in expanding and heightening this peace, not only for ourselves but for humanity. 7pm - 8pm. Register at

The Being Curious Show

Listen Sundays 2-3pm on AM950 the Progressive Voice of America. The Being Curious Show with Kelly and Brian is about creating discussions that curiously connect Teachers and Seekers on a wide range of topics. Hear episodes and subscribe to listen with your favorite app at Email if you're interested in being interviewed or sponsoring an episode.



Echo Bodine's Aurapalooza is returning at a new location! Contact or visit for event and vendor details.

Feb 18th and March 18th 10am-5pm CST

8 W. 66th Street in Richfield, MN

BodyLabUSA Holistic Healing Fairs

Enjoy a fantastic day full of amazing vendors that may include psychics, mediums, energy healers, essential oils, massage therapists, crystals, stones, jewelry, spiritual resources, tarot cards and more! 4 speakers included with $5 Entry. Group gallery events for $25-30. Contact Michael Schramke at 715-292-2625 and visit

Saturday Feb 18, 10am-5pm CST

Oak Glen Golf Course

1599 McKusick Road N. Stillwater, MN 55082

Saturday March 4, 10am-5pm CST

Winona State University Kryzsko

Ballroom & Solarium

250 W. Howard St. Winona, MN 55987

Saturday March 18, 10am-5pm CST

Courtyard By Marriott

1080 28th Ave S. Moorhead, MN 56560

Saturday March 25, 10am-5pm CST

Rosemount Community Center

13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068



Word Count: 70 word max. description

Location: Online updated each month print updat ed bi-monthly (6 editions/y ear)

Included: Event photo/logo, dates/times, site, contact info, social media

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New Episodes of Edge Talk Radio

Teacher, coach and medium Angela Zabel brings decades of experiences and learnings, and an expansive new list of special guests! Listen to new episodes the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm CST. More about Angela's coaching, classes and retreats at Browse previous shows at

Charvinity LIVE every Tuesday

Join the Paranormal Network for LIVE readings, sales, and more. Each week we will chat about topics from both the metaphysical and the paranormal. FREE 7-8pm CST every Tuesday night in 2022 online via Facebook Live. Join at:

Psychic Development

Beginning/Foundation Classes

Learn to manage your energy consciously and effectively! This class is about coming home to your highest self and reclaiming who you are with understanding and compassion. Nine-month class begins Feb 22, 2023, and meets Wednesdays 7-9pm CST via Zoom. 36 sessions at $45 each. Visit or contact and 612-669-1861 for more info.

Virtual Sacred Journey to England

Conscious Mothering Virtual Class

Do you have a child in your life that you'd like to understand at a deeper level? Are you ready to see your child at their soul level? Learn to parent more consciously and deepen your connection with your child. Wednesdays Feb 8-22, 2023, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Tickets are $148. Register at

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Join a sacred journey to England with other kindred spirits as we remember and reclaim our special connections to sacred locations. We will visit the four power centers that will provide you with the opportunity to expand your light, raise your vibration, and connect with deep memories of these places. Feb 25 10:00am - 4:00pm. Registration: $128. Purchase tickets at


Higher Octave Living Series

We are, individually and collectively, experiencing waves of higher frequencies. How are you navigating them? Would the support of spiritual and energetic practices be useful? Saturdays Feb 18 - May 13 10:30am - 12:00pm. $120 for all four sessions. Email for more info. Register at

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Build A Thriving Group Coaching Practice And Business

This series will prepare you to design, market, and deliver your group coaching offering. Join via Zoom. Choose either afternoon sessions 1pm-3pm or evenings 6pm-8pm. Course begins with self-study Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023. Live Sessions start Feb 28 and continue March 14, 28, April 11, 25, 2023. Learn more at

Be the Light Healing & Psychic Expo

Hosted by Carol Lowell's Aligning Waves Energy Centers. Featured speakers and workshop info at Contact Carol at and 612-840-3562.

Saturday Feb 11, March 11, Studio TimeOut Building 6001 Lyndale Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55419

Maria Shaw's Winter Cosmic Convention & Psychic Fair

Event schedule and vendors at Direct questions to

Saturday-Sunday Feb 25-26 10am-5pm CST

Marriott Minneapolis Airport Hotel (across from MOA) 2020 American Blvd E, Bloomington, MN 55425

Paganicon 2023

We offer workshops, panels, discussions, social space, music, vendors, and more. We provide an educational and social venue for Pagans, Wiccans, Heathens, Druids and people of other folk, craft, indigenous or magickal traditions. Full schedule and registration

Friday-Sunday March 17-19

Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West 3131 Campus Dr, Plymouth, MN 55441

Rooted Holistic Healing & Wellness

Explore everything spiritual, holistic and wellness related. We will have a variety of vendors which may include Psychic, Readings, Energy Healers, Essential Oils, Crystals and more. $5 entry plus $25 mediumship galleries. Contact Sandy Pocernich at 715-832-2775 or visit

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March Full Moon Meditation

Join Annette Rugalo in a monthly Full Moon journey to the sacred city of Shamballa! Shamballa is a Sanskrit word that means ‘place of peace’ or ‘peace of silence’. The energy of the Full Moon assists us in expanding and heightening this peace, not only for ourselves but for humanity. 7pm - 8pm. Register at

Creating Sacred Space

Clear and set energies of protection around your home, office, or property using two Star of David energetic grid techniques. Thursday March 16, 2022 10:00am - 2:00pm CST. St Paul, MN or via Zoom. $175 plus $50 for manual. Register

Rooted continued

Saturday Feb 11, 10am-5pm CST

UW Eau Claire Davies Center 77 Roosevelt Ave. Eau Claire, WI 54701

Saturday Feb 18, 10am-5pm CST

Flat Creek Lodge, 10290 WI-27, Hayward, WI 54843

Saturday Feb 25, 10am-5pm CST

Comfort Inn & Suite

N6295 Holiday Dr. Black River Falls, WI 54615

Saturday March 4, 10am-5pm CST

Stevens Point Elks Lodge #641

1132 Clark St. Stevens Point, WI 54481

Saturday March 11, 10am-5pm CST

Brookfield Conference Center

325 S. Moorland Rd. Brookfield, WI 53005

Saturday March 25, 10am-5pm CST

Green Bay Elks Lodge #259

3195 S. Ridge Rd. Green Bay, WI 54304

Sunday March 26 11am-4pm CST

Marshfield Eagles Club #624

1104 S. Oak Ave. Marshfield, WI 54449

Saturday April 1, 10am-5pm CST

Hudson Middle School 1300 Carmichael Rd. Hudson, WI 54016

Spring Equinox Psychic & Holistic Gatherings

Presented by Spirit Communications & Co. Experience psychics, readers, free classes, jewelry, stones and gifts. Get in touch at or

Saturday March 25, 11am-4pm CST

Soul and Synergy Psychic and Wellness Fairs

Join us for a day of healing! Vendors will include tarot/oracle card readers, mediums, psychics, reiki energy healers, shamans and reflexology. Vendors selling crystals, stones, candles, jewelry, incense, and more. $5 entry fee. Contact Terry Flick at 715-598-7002 and

Full Meta Para Promotions event schedule and more available at

Saturday Feb 4, 10am-5pm CST

Grand Rapids Eagles Club

1776 S Pokegama Ave. Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Saturday Feb 18 10am-5pm CST

Elks Lodge, 1132 Clark St. Stevens Point, WI 54481

Saturday March 18, 10am-5pm CST

AmericInn Ashland

3009 Lake Shore Dr E. Ashland, WI 54806

Saturday March 25, 10am-5pm CST

McLeod County Fair Grounds

840 Century Ave SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350

Souls of Spirit Expos

Amazing vendors will include energy healers, spirituality resources, palm and card readers, health professionals, intuitives, crystals, reiki, psychics, mediums, handmade products and more! 4 speakers included with $5 Entry. Group gallery event for $25. Visit or contact

Saturday April 1 10am-5pm CST

AmVets Post #9, 2402 Railroad Ave. Bismarck, ND 58501

Community Calendar classes, workshops, events
us at and place your listing!
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