2 minute read

Magical Ayahuasca


Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest grows a sacred vine famous for its magical powers. The vine is known as Ayahuasca, a Quechua word that means rope of death. Ayahuasca is a plant-based drink made from the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub along with the stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. This drink is an entrance into a mystical realm for spiritual enlightenment, healing, and knowledge. The Curandero, who serves the drink to treat illness, induce visions, and impart traditional wisdom, is skilled at safely ushering others into a dimension deeply familiar to him.

Many people, including myself, who have drunk this master plant understand that the experience lends itself to positive, long-term, life-altering changes. During my time in communion with the plant, I received all the details and information on creating my multi-year shamanic study program, Spirit Flow, and deep healing, which has helped keep me cancer-free since 2010.

Sitting in a ceremony and drinking Ayahuasca opens up the areas of the brain responsible for feelings, memories, visions, and consciousness. This awakening allows the person to have intensified powerful introspection and problem-solving breakthroughs about life stressors as well as powerful envisioning and strategizing of solutions.

The growth and changes that have happened throughout my time working with Ayahuasca are exceptional. I traveled to Peru after receiving treatment for stage 2 breast cancer and continue to travel back each year. After the cancer fight, I went deeper into my spirituality and found a strong connection to Ayahuasca. I now take individuals on retreats to Peru who crave the experience and desire sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies. This plant is called a doctor because it can heal, a master because it teaches, and a mother for its guidance. Some studies have shown that the main active ingredients in Ayahuasca – DMT and beta-carbolines – exhibit neuroprotective and neurorestorative qualities, making it one of the master healers of our world.

Another remarkable effect of Ayahuasca is the insight and understanding it brings you about your role in this world. Over the last several years, I have worked with the spirit of several plants, but the wisdom of the fleetness of our lives that Ayahuasca instilled in me makes me understand that the present and the now are all we have.

W hat holds you back from experiencing this deep healing? What are your reservations about drinking this master healing plant and going into realms that peel back the truth of who you are? Now is the time to step forward. Now is the time to say yes. Now is the time to learn from the spiritual energy of Ayahuasca. a

Mary Newstrom, PhD, is an internationally known Shamanic Practitioner, founder of Zenith High, and creator of Spirit Flow Shamanic Study Programs. Her studies in Peru have enhanced the skills Mary brings to her training programs and healings. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology and is certified in Health and Wellness Consultation. More about Mary's programs at zenithhigh.com