12 minute read

Partner Directory CONTINUED


Richard Bonk

Offering a balance of evidence based and intuitive arts

Richard Bonk, M.Ed. has 30+ years experience in health and wellness as a counselor, educator, researcher and currently works as a behavioral specialist supporting mental health and independently as a meditation facilitator, intuitive consultant, workshop leader and visionary artist. With a special interest in the mind-body connection, he utilizes techniques such as creativity, hypnosis, dream-work, floatation, nature immersion, yoga and meditation, and is a NCGR certified Astrologer.

Email: rbonk@usiwireless.com Website: richardbonk.com

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Ryan Evans

Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology

A Certified Master Level Astrologer, Ryan practices an integrative approach to Astrology combining imagery, past life analysis, and healthy encouragement of choice and free-will. As an Organic Flower Farmer of 20 years, he aligns his engagement and practice of Astrology with the observed and experienced lessons and teachings of the Natural World and her rhythms.

Email: flowerman1111@yahoo.com Phone: 608-632-0750

Website: ryanevansastrology.com Location: Viroqua, WI

Starcodes & Heartcodes

Astrology, Heart-Centered Readings

Ceremonialist, counselor, intuitive, and astrologer for 40 years, creator of the Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck, author of the weekly Starcodes column, Moon Wisdom, Everyday Palmistry, and several children’s books. As an ordained interfaith minister and Druid grade member of OBOD, she brings her spiritual search to her work. She has an active global practice via phone and Zoom.

Email: starcodes.heartcodes@gmail.com

Phone: 914-315-5001

Website: roanrobbins.com Location: Ronan, MT


Grahm Wibstad of Heart-Centered Channeling Spirit Guide Readings

As a channeler, Grahm can connect with past loved ones and pets, although he specializes in communicating with spirit guides—loving souls that offer their wisdom, support, and direction. Your spirit guides will share how to best move forward in your life. They often offer career and relationships guidance, but nothing is off-limits, and all questions are welcome. Grahm offers sessions via Zoom and free mini-reading events on his Facebook page.

Email: grahm@heartcenteredchanneling.com

Phone: 507-272-8149

Hope Healing

Website: heartcenteredchanneling.com

Spiritual Medium-Messages from Divine Spiritual Medium, Intuitive with the innate ability to Channel Messages from Divine with Compassion and Care. She is a Trauma Transformational Guide assisting you to Release Pain and Suffering from Forms of Abuse, Loss of a Loved one, Relationships Physical, Mental, Emotional, Sexual Abuse, which can cause Grief, Shame, Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Loss of your Life Force. Kimberly’s Gentle Approach can take your from Pain to Peace to Rebalance your Life so you can Live the Life you deserve.

Email: HopeHealing4u@gmail.com Website: hopehealing.me

Intuitive Jewelry

Christie Umboh, owner of Holistic Arts

Crystals, Clearing Products, Jewelry, Gifts

Intuitive jewelry artist and wellness professional, with an array of jewelry, crystals and clearing products for the soul. Christie is a Reiki master and Guided Meditation Therapist, and has worked with Echo Bodine for years to create jewelry infused with love and light. She combines numerology and crystals to make personalized jewelry. Christie has teamed up with The Edge to create videos of new products in the metaphysical community.

Email: christie@holisticarts.net Phone: 651-705-6110

Website: holisticarts.net Location: Eagan, MN

Moxie Malas

Intuitive Jewelry, Workshops, Retreats

Crystal energy and aromatherapy jewelry created as a wearable affirmation of the energy within. Each piece is handmade in MN with genuine stones and crystals with its own story to tell. We have our Moxie Monthly Bracelet Club that comes with unique bracelet, loose crystal and intention practice each month. At Moxie Malas we take people beyond the bracelet with workshops and retreats to support personal discovery, transformation, and empowerment.

Email: info@moxiemalas.com Phone: 651-808-7378

Location: 7406 Central Ave NE Fridley, MN 55432 Website: moxiemalas.com


Alison James

Professional Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive

Voted the best by WCCO, CBS, TCT and MSP. Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. Alison James is one of the finest professionals and most referred names by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful healer. She is the genuine real deal!

Website: alisonjames.us Location: Worldwide


Medium, Seer, Remote Viewer

Jenny Lee is a multidimensional internationally recognized medium, author and remote viewer who channels what Spirit says in a very natural way. She does not use tools of any kind when she completes readings and depends solely on her Spirit Guides and the spiritual energy around us to gain information. She believes that Spirit talks to each and every one of us, but most of us don’t know how to listen for it.

Email: Jenn@JennysSight.net Phone: 406-850-0613

Website: jennyssight.net Location: Fargo, ND

Rebecca Krogen

Psychic Medium, Celtic Shaman, Paranormal Investigator

Rebecca is an international psychic medium, Celtic shaman & paranormal investigator. She offers clearings, psychic/mediumship reading, shamanic healings & more. With over 50 years experience she can use her gifts to help you on your journey as well as help you understand the influences in your life that shape your soul path. Her guides and angels assist her in helping you communicate with passed loved ones to seek guidance and closure.

Email: rjkrogen@gmail.com Phone: 218-532-2607 Facebook: Facebook.com/rjkrogen Site: rebeccakrogen.com Loc: Fargo, ND

Cindy Lehman

Soul Readings, Beginning & Advanced Psychic Development Classes

Private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. Offers beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. Teaches others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul.

Email: cindy@cindylehman.com Mobile: 612-669-1861

W ebsite: cindylehman.com

Carol Margaret Lowell

Medium, Psychic, Ghost Communicator, Intuitive Hands-on Healer, Teacher, Mentor and Lecturer

As a medium, I communicate directly with the spirit of the deceased. A mediumship session allows you to understand the truth about death. It isn’t the end. It is just a transition to a different state of being.

I am a Reiki Master, trained in Level 4 Healing Touch, and certified in 5-PATH™ Hypnotherapy and 7th Path™ SelfHypnosis. I am also a Ghost and Energy Clearing Specialist working with Angels and Guides, Intuitive Energy Healer, and trained Past Life Regression Facilitator.

Email: carol@carolmargaret.com Phone: 612-840-3562

Website: carolmargaret.com

Nicole Intuitive Medium

Medium, Intuitive, Mentor, Health & Wellness

Hi, I’m Nicole. I’m an evidential medium, intuitive and mentor. I offer mediumship readings; where I connect with a loved one of yours in spirit, and then bring forth healing messages. I also offer intuitive readings; to help gain clarity within your daily life concerns, relationships, career, are just a few examples. I also teach a variety of classes; psychic/intuitive development, mediumship development, and mediumship next level circles.

Email: linde.nicole@gmail.com

Location: Wayzata, MN

Psychic Medium John Readings, Mentoring, Healing and Unsolved Cold Cases

Website: nicoleintuitive.com

John is an Intuitive Psychic Medium, Mentor, Speaker and Unsolved Cold Case Specialist. He relies on Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience and Clairvoyance while connecting with the other side. He links up with Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters.

Email: john@nymediumjohn.com Phone: 917-881-6708

Website: nymediumjohn.com

Heather Schepman –Energy


Teacher, Reiki, Intuitive Medium

Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and crystal healer. I will hold space to support your energetic healing. I offer private in person or distant soul readings to connect with your soul, and Reiki with crystal healing to support your healing. I also teach Usui Reiki and a Psychic Foundations course where you can explore your psychic abilities, and learn how to manage your energy. All questions welcome.

Email: heather.schepman@outlook.com Phone: 651-440-8703

Website: heatherschepman.com Location: St. Louis Park, MN

Jurema Silva

Brazilian Soul Healer, Transformational Speaker, Spiritual Leader & Mentor

Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who has been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Jurema is one of the most celebrated spiritual leaders in the upper Midwest. A session with Jurema is transformative, uplifting and breathtaking. Schedule your session for an Intuitive Readings/Spiritual Counseling or Distant Guided Brazilian Healing today.

Email: jurema@juremasilva.com

Website: JuremaSilva.com

Phone: 320-260-7305

Transforming Your Phoenix Healer, Life Coach, Clearings of Negative Energy and Entities

Pinpoints the core issues that hinder your progress and hold you back in life. She helps with self-actualization of Who You Are, strengthening your spiritual gifts and growth. Nancy helps you overcome and heal limiting beliefs and self doubt, and guide you through your healing process. This includes healing issues connected to past lives, ancestral issues, within yourself and your environment that need resolving for full Clarity and optimal spiritual growth.

Email: healing.with.nancy15@gmail.com

Phone: 715-928-3098

Site: transformingyourphoenix.com Location: Baldwin, WI

Kelly Wagner, owner You’ve Got Kelly

Intuitive Counseling, Marketing and Business Coaching

As a knower and seer, Kelly has learned to use her unique tool set in new ways. Kelly is fascinated by discovering and understanding her client’s “Why?” Kelly is able to assist with both past and present issues – whether its energetic healing of their ancestry, current relationships, business/ marketing strategy, or planning their next step. She dials in and see an illuminated “Yellow Brick Road” that shows Kelly the path her clients should follow to fulfill their goals and live their optimal life.

Email: youvegotkelly@gmail.com

Phone: 612-251-6666

Website: youvegotkelly.com Location: Eden Prairie, MN

Angela Zabel LLC Teacher, Coach, Medium

Angela has connected to those on the other side her entire life. People who passed and those from other realms, here to support us. Healing energy, messages from those that passed and information to help you on your journey, are shared with compassion. Offering online and in person private and group sessions, personal and spiritual growth coaching, classes and retreats at angelazabel.com.

Email: angelazabelllc@gmail.com Website: angelazabel.com

Tarot Readers

Group Tarot with Kate Mura

Your quirky alternative to team building. Whether you want to shake up your current culture, sit more deeply into co-creating a b.e.s.t. world, strategically plan a bit differently, or just have a fun alternative to a Zoom happy hour, Group Tarot is a surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, teams, and other collectives to interact in an uplifting, engaging way.

Individual readings and coaching sessions, also offered. Visit the Group Tarot FB page at Facebook.com/KateMuraTarot

Email: kate@grouptarot.com Phone: 503-298-6972

Website: grouptarot.com Location: Portland, OR


Intuitive Bookkeeping

Willow Green, Green Bookkeeping & Financial LLC

I am an intuitive bookkeeper working to find small business owners as many ways as possible to save money, and be prepared at tax time! I help any small business with all of their bookkeeping, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and sales tax filing needs, specializing in e-commerce. Mention the Edge, and receive 50% off of all back work when you sign on for monthly recurring bookkeeping service!

Email: willow@greenbooksandfinance.com Website: greenbooksandfinance.com


AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Radio & Podcasts

AM950 is the only Progressive Talk Radio station in Minnesota. We strive to provide the best progressive programming available. We feature national talkers Thom Hartmann, Stephanie Miller, Amy Goodman, David Pakman and Brad Friedman. We are also dedicated to local programming that creates a community forum for important Minnesota Progressive issues like Native Roots Radio. Email: Chad@am950radio.com Phone: 952-946-8885 Site: am950radio.com 11320 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Everyday Women’s Network

Subscription-based Global Streaming and Video on Demand (VOD) TV Network that provides a platform for women to view a vast variety of content relevant to their everyday lives. The platform enables our channel partners and content providers to reach their audience by broadcasting (including live streaming) their content using the latest streaming technology. Our goal is to inspire, empower, educate and support women of the world to live their best life and through each subscription, EWN contributes to several UN Sustainable development goals.

Email: info@tonilontis.com Location: Brisbane, Australia Website: everydaywomensnetwork.tv

Professional Services

Bergh Consulting

Strategy, Branding, Website Creation, WordPress Care Plans, Ongoing Support

Bergh Consulting supports businesses and organizations in creating a digital foundation including strategy, branding, and website design and development.

We take pride in a simplified processes to get you online joyfully. We focus on the details so you can focus on what you love. Our favorite clients are ones who are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference in the world.

Email: michele@berghconsulting.com Web: berghconsulting.com

Wild Horse Recording

Full Service Audiobook Production

Do you need an audiobook but dont know where to start? Our Full Service audiobook production allows you to continue doing what you do best, while our team of production managers and professional narrators create your audiobook that you will be proud of. You will get: project management, your choice of narrator to fit your desired style and performance, voice over for opening and closing credits, editing, mixing, mastering, file formatting, uploading to a distributors.

Email: wildhorserecording@gmail.com Phone: 651-269-9199 Website: wildhorserecording.com Location: Stillwater, MN

Galaxy Media and Management

Need publicity for your business or book? Want to get your book published by a legacy publisher? Check out Galaxy Media & Management. More than 20 years helping authors get published and their books into the hands of readers. Excellent reputation. For more information go to galaxymediamanagement.com

Email: galaxymediagirl@gmail.com Phone: 310-429-6885

Site: galaxymediamanagement.com Location: Los Angeles, CA

Sgarlat Publicity

Sara Sgarlat works with authors — established as well as unknown — to create innovative and highly effective campaigns. Before starting on her own in 2009, she was Director of Publicity for many years at Hampton Roads Publishing Company (major regional house responsible for titles such as the series of Conversations with God books, and Marketing Director at Rivanna Health Publications.

Email: sgarlatpublicity@comcast.net Phone: 434-245-2272

Website: sgarlatpublicity.com Location: Charlottesville, VA

Retail Stores

Awakenings... Gifts & Guidance for the Soul Metaphysical Store

The area’s premier metaphysical store and learning space. Located in the heart of Longfellow neighborhood of South Minneapolis, on Minnehaha Avenue. We offer a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. Let our friendly staff guide you to hand curated selections of crystals, singing bowls, and one of the largest selections of in-stock oracle, affirmation and tarot decks.

Email: info@awakeningsmn.com Phone: 612-656-9007

Location: 4165 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406

Website: awakeningsmn.com

Dream in Jasper

Small Town Crystal Boutique

Dream in Jasper is a small woman-owned crystal, and metaphysical shop offering a safe space to shop for, and learn about crystals. We also Carry a variety of jewelry, incense, oils, books, candles and more with many of our items being made by local artists and creators.

Email: Dreaminjaspers@gmail.com Phone: 651-491-8011

Location: 107 N Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011

Website: facebook.com/Dreaminjasper

Midwest Witchery & Healing LLC

Being a nurse combining holistic, homeopathic remedies for your wellness, along with using majick as a Witch, Jodi Jacobson creates unique medicine. Using organic and ethically sourced components, Jodi hand creates her products during proper moon phases to ensure the most potent beneficial energies whatever your needs. Practicing witchcraft over 40 years, Midwest Witchery and Healing can help you with your spiritual needs. This is a safe environment for all on their own unique path.

Email: midwestwitchery@gmail.com Location: Stillwater, MN

Website: midwestwitcheryhealing.com

Market yourself in our 3 neighborhood newspapers.


We are dedicated to free paper delivery to homes. We go right to people at their front steps, and reach 150,000 people in St. Paul and Minneapolis.

We are for profit and for a purpose –and we don’t sacrifice one for the other.

As a media company, we work to highlight issues, solve real, meaningful problems, and repair existing social systems.

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Now is the time to slow down and spend more time with you so that you can explore the greater aspects of who you are being. Remember 2023 is asking you to know thy self by investing more time looking in the mirror, by looking deeply into your eyes. This is important because your eyes are the windows to your soul. Your soul is the source, the core of who you are. The Greek philosopher and wise master Aristotle (384BC-322BC) is quoted saying “Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom”. When you know who you are, you can begin to accept and love yourself.

It's highly likely you’ve never asked yourself “Who am I?” This might seem like a silly question because you have an identity, you have a name, you have a birth certificate, you most likely have a drivers license and or a passport verifying who you are. You have proof! So why ask this silly question? These forms of identification prove who you are as a person. However, the good stuff happens when you ask the deeper self-awareness question “Who am I?”. Now is when you begin to look for a deeper understanding to learn more about you. That’s when your Love Thy Self adventure begins!

When you begin to explore your inner awareness journey of knowing who you are, you will soon realize how extremely powerful and a little unbelievable it can be. A good way to explore your inner knowing of who you are is to journal your experiences and stories. The key here is to explore in a trusting, non-judgmental way, with the main aim of striving towards self-awareness. Only by understanding the forces, choices, and motivations that got you to where you are today and how you feel about that, will you be able to see more clearly what you want to create next. This new perception of who you are is bringing you to the crossroads where you get to decide if you are ready to explore deeper.

Like all new intimate relationships, you need to see the complete picture and accept what you are learning. While on your adventure to learn more