Independent Executive Media Pack

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ndependent Executive is a unique proposition. It’s a focused publication for a focused audience, a management agenda magazine, with relevant and useful information covering the whole role of the independent bursar. EDITORIAL IS NEVER SOLD, IT’S WRITTEN FOR THE AUDIENCE AND NOT THE SECTOR SUPPLIERS. We make no apologies for that, as the more people that read it the more beneficial it is to everyone. The role of school business manager is all-encompassing and at EdExec, the editorial is equally diverse, covering all aspects of the multifaceted profession. Independent schools are an important and complex area and in line with our company ethos of focused reading for focused audiences, deserve full recognition with a title of its own. Independent bursars face different challenges to those in the state sector, and they don’t have the support of state funding, Academies are new and evolving and such can really benefit from up to date news, analysis and information about their sector as it happens. INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS ARE BUSINESSES, THEY ARE MORE EXPOSED TO ECONOMIC CHANGES. As a result they must have a more strategic outlook; with “best practice” and “best value” being their watch words. Fee-paying school bursars are well established in their roles; this in-depth, strategic approach is valuable to bursars with busy roles and growing remits. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KNOWING WHO YOU NEED TO REACH, AND REACHING THEM EFFECTIVELY , and at Independent Executive, we ensure our on-target and meaningful editorial delivers a captive audience to our advertising partners. Association with this publication in front of this captive audience is a crucial marketing vehicle for reaching the independent sector. This makes your marketing spend work harder, by not only hitting the relevant people, but ensuring it’s placed within a framework that is extremely effective.

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