Dealer Support January 2022 issue

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January 2022

Issue 317


inspiring success

SECRETS OF OUR SUCCESS Highlights from our 2021 interviews with industry figureheads

CATERING FOR DEMAND How to diversify into the catering supplies sector

KNOW YOUR CUSOMER Ensuring you are suppling the most effective equipment

W ! E

N AN EASIER WAY TO SHIP HAS ARRIVED All you need is Scotch® Flex & Seal Shipping Roll and a pair of scissors - No tape needed. CUT



Grey to Grey

Conforms to the shape of your item.

Cushion to protect a wide range of sizes and shapes.

Sticks securely to itself, not to your items.



It’s finally a new year! It would be an understatement to say 2021 was a difficult year, and I’m sure I can speak for us all when I say I’m glad to see the back of it. Although 2022 has got off to a shaky start with numbers of COVID cases still high, I think there are still reasons to stay optimistic and hope that this year won’t be as hard as 2020 and 2021. There will be many challenges on the road ahead, but the industry has already shown how adaptable and resilient it can be when met with difficult times. Despite the hardships 2021 brought, there was also much to celebrate. In our NEWS EXTRA section, we look back to the BOSS Industry 2021 awards and shine a light on the worthy winners who received accolades. From BOSS to OS, we explore how you can hire new talent this year and ensure they stick around to see the year out. A new year is a time for fresh starts, and one of the best ways to start anew is to declutter and get rid of any unneeded mess that has accumulated over the year. PFU (EMEA)’s new offer can help you with this by using technology to declutter your office. After a two-year hiatus, this year is also the year that Steve Harrop makes his return to the office supplies sector. Steve gives his forthright views on the current state of the industry and what it needs to do to continue to grow. We also have plenty more expert advice as we take the best bits from the industry figureheads who spoke to us in 2021 to unlock the secrets to their success. Could 2022 be the year you diversify into new product areas? We explore why catering supplies could be a good option. Compatibles are a great solution to save money lost due to the pandemic, so how can you sell these to your customers? Talking of customers, we discuss why it is imperative during a time of changing rules and guidance that you know how and where your customers are currently working in order to provide the most effective equipment and supplies for them. As always, don’t forget to chat to us on Twitter and let us know your thoughts and opinions: @dealersupport. January 2022

Issue 317

inspiring success

SECRETS OF OUR SUCCESS Highlights from our 2021 interviews with industry figureheads

CATERING FOR DEMAND How to diversify into the catering supplies sector

KNOW YOUR CUSOMER Ensuring you are suppling the most effective equipment

Ellie Potter Acting editor


CREATIVE TEAM Amanda Lancaster


DIRECTOR Vicki Baloch

HEAD OF SALES Matthew Moore All email addresses are formatted

Dealer Support is the leading monthly publication for dealers in the business supplies industry. It provides information on the industry (both in the UK and overseas), information for and about the UK’s independent dealers, as well as information and advice on running a small business. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the publishers. Copyright of all the material published remains with Intelligent Media Solutions Limited. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, copied, stored in an electronic retrieval or transmitted, save with written permission or in accordance with provision of the copyright designs and patent act of 1988. Printed in the UK by Buxton Press Annual subscriptions are available at a cost of £68.00 for UK and overseas by surface mail, £90.00 for airmail. Subscription enquiries should be sent to the address opposite

Intelligent Media Solutions We Work Building, 115 Mare Street, London, E8 4RU Tel: 0203 794 8555 Fax: 0203 794 8554 Email: Web:

INDUSTRY NEWS AND INSIGHT Make sure your team are up to speed with the latest industry developments Sign them up now at |



The latest news and views from the industry


The winners of the BOSS Industry Awards


Recruiting and retaining new talent



How PFU (EMEA)’s latest offer could help declutter your office


Steve Harrop on his return to the office supplies sector

DEALER SUCCESS 20 SECRETS OF OUR SUCCESS Highlights from our 2021 interviews with industry figureheads




How to diversify into the catering supplies sector


Ensuring you are suppling the most effective equipment

32 COMPATIBLE OPTIONS What benefits should you be emphasising?


Take a break and enjoy some lighthearted fun

32 “Innovation into new product areas has given us a real hunger; if we can do it with PPE, we can do it with things like tools or technology products too.”



The good Father talks about the joys of January


Strengthening customer relationships



THE MONTH THAT WAS Exertis ‘Raises the Game’ to inspire industry change Exertis has become a pledge partner as part of the Raise the Game initiative. Raise the Game is a collaborative pledge to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in the games industry by creating

Quills Group acquires Control Office Supplies

cultures where everyone belongs, voices are heard, and ideas can thrive. The pledge is a holistic driven initiative, managed and facilitated by UKIE. To become a partner, Exertis has

Quills Group has acquired Control Office Supplies in a deal which sees

pledged to make meaningful change within

employees of the latter move across to Quills to ensure a smooth transition

the business to improve equality, diversity

and continuity for customers.

and inclusion. This involves committing to

Quills’ MD, Andy Efstathiou, has known the directors of Control Office

introducing a new activity, or to continuing

Supplies for more than 15 years and was delighted to reach an agreement to

to work on initiatives already in place to

acquire the business. The deal means that Control Office Supplies’ customers

improve diversity and inclusion (D&I).

will be able to utilise Quills’ service offering, which includes a live chat service,

Initiatives introduced by Exertis include

larger customer services team, dedicated specials department and additional

a dedicated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

workplace services including facilities management, cleaning and hygiene,

Team (EDIT). The committee is focused on

waste management, recycling, shredding, print, copier and printer solutions,

collating diversity information beyond age

branded gifts and workwear.

and gender, improving recruitment and

“Control Office Supplies and Quills share the same customer-focused

induction practices through a D&I lens and

attitude, as well as common platforms in online technology, national distribution

driving education by building on celebration

network and many of the same suppliers,” said Andy. “Our aim is to provide

and awareness days with third party

a seamless transition where customers will continue to use the Control Office


webstore, have access to the same staff and then, [later this] year, we will look to migrate customers onto our Quills webstore, which uses the same software. “I’m delighted to welcome the Control Office Supplies employees who

EDIT was set up as a grassroots group of allies who champion inclusion across the business. The team has executive

have joined us as part of the growing Quills family, and I look forward to our

sponsorship from two board members:

journey ahead.”

Vishal Chhatralia, chief digital officer, and Jo

Control Office Supplies directors Matt and Christy said: “We have known Quills for many years, and we are confident that they will continue to provide the high

Lawrence, UK HR director. Other initiatives include providing

service level and personal approach of Control Office Supplies. With many of the

managers with a D&I toolkit and are

Control staff joining Quills we are pleased we can continue existing relationships

committed to delivering a demonstrable

with our clients. Along with the additional services and solutions we can now offer

contribution towards diversity representation

under Quills, we feel this is a positive opportunity for the future.”

within their area of the business.

[06] JANUARY 2022


Two awards in two weeks for Stationery Supplies


Brother delivers carbon neutral recycling centre Brother has achieved carbon neutral status for its recycling and environment technology centre in North Wales as the business commits to reaching netzero carbon emissions globally by 2050. The site at Ruabon, which recycles used toner cartridges returned by Brother customers from across Europe, uses 100% green-certified electricity to power the plant and a fleet of electric vehicles. Globally, Brother recycles

Nemo Office Club member, Stationery Supplies, in Marple and Wilmslow,

more than 2.6 million toner cartridges

scooped two awards in two weeks recently, claiming the Independent

every year.

Retailer of the Year award at the BOSS Awards, adding to the Best Non-

The centre was certified by

Specialist Independent Retailer of Greetings Cards North award picked

The Carbon Trust, which includes a

up at the Retas.

calculation on the site’s scope 1 and

The BOSS Awards recognised the efforts business owner Sarah Laker

2 emissions determined by direct and

made to offer a COVID-19 safe environments over the past 20 months,

indirect emissions from energy

demonstrating an ability to ‘bounce back’ and having a positive influence

sources and emissions associated

within the community. The judges were impressed by the way that Sarah

with vehicle use.

had campaigned for high street retailers on Radios 2, 4 and 5Live, as

Brother has offset the remaining

well as on BBC and ITV News and in the Mail on Sunday, in addition to

173 tonnes of CO2e (FY2020) produced

supporting her community.

annually through the purchase

“To me retail is about being part of a community,” Sarah explained. “If

of carbon credits to support the

our local community is prospering, and supportive of each other, that will

development of renewable energy

rub off on local businesses as well. I have always had a wonderful social

projects in Kenya, Ghana, Indonesia

media following and I used that over the pandemic to promote activity,

and India. These projects include

with live walkabouts the shop and highlighting actions taken to ensure the

supplying clean energy for people

safety of our customers. I also shaved my head during lockdown to raise

with no access to electricity, providing

£7,500 for a local charity; that created huge amounts of interest in the shop

820,000 insulated fuel-efficient stoves

and our role in the community!”

to help feed families and reduce

In addition to being proactive in the community of Marple, where she

deforestation, and making affordable

produces a Marple calendar that has raised more than £400 for charity,

water filters to increase access to

Sarah chose the pandemic and lockdown as a good time to open a second

safe water.

shop in neighbouring Wilmslow. “It seemed too good an opportunity to

Additionally, the business also

miss. It gave me the opportunity to replicate what had been achieved

donates to rainforest charity, CoolEarth,

in Marple. The timing could have been better, but I have had fantastic

for every cartridge it receives, which are

support from my suppliers and Nemo Office Club – so far, so good, as the

100% reused or recycled.

Stationery Supplies brand and reputation continues to expand in the area.” JANUARY 2022 [07]




BOSS Industry Award winners crowned At the end of last year BOSS crowned its 2021 award winners... he BOSS Industry Awards took place


on November 25, 2021, welcoming

twenties, jazz-inspired, modern classics. “We couldn’t be prouder to announce our 2021 BOSS

more than 400 guests on the evening

Award Winners,” said BOSS CEO, Amy Hutchinson. “It felt extra

to the Kimpton Clocktower Hotel, in

special this year to gather over 400 in the industry together at the

Manchester - a stunning venue steeped

stunning Kimpton Clocktower Hotel in Manchester to celebrate

in history with Victorian architecture.

individuals, teams and businesses that have excelled by doing

The awards recognise and celebrate those in the UK office

things differently, and making a positive contribution to our sector.

products industry who demonstrate excellence, individually or

Thank you to our fantastic sponsors, supporters, judges and those

through the success of their teams and businesses. In all, 21

who took the time to enter. Congratulations to the winners!”

winners were crowned, and the charity was also delighted to award 11 Future Fund Grants.

BOSS Business Supplies charity chair, Graeme Chapman MBE, added: “I would like to thank everyone who bought a

Guests were entertained by author, radio and TV presenter,

raffle ticket and made a bid in the auction to help us reach a

actor, columnist and screenwriter Danny Wallace, and they then

magnificent £9,000 - but it didn’t end there. The MD of Brother,

danced into the early hours at the after party to music from the

Phil Jones MBE, offered to match the auction total, making our

roaring 20s, led by Vintage Swing Thing, who performed a mix of

new grand total £12,000, a record amount in recent years!”

The BOSS Industry Awards 2021 Winners were: BRAND MANUFACTURER

Stationery Supplies

Kristian Danielson – BIC




Lindsay Bower – Office Friendly

Graeme Chapman MBE

Fellowes Ltd



“When I began my OP career


Fellowes Ltd – LX


with Acco in 1967, I could


Series shredders

Office Power

not imagine receiving such a

Ashley Burke – EVO Ireland



prestigious Award from my peers




in our industry,” said Graeme.

3M UK Ltd – Re-imagine

EVO Group Projects Team


“I am absolutely delighted to

the Workplace


Cosmos Solutions

receive this rare honour, knowing




that several giants in our industry


Rebecca Brook –

Simon Webb, Office Friendly

have held it before me. I still

Lyreco UK & Ireland Ltd

VOW Wholesale

Jennifer Jones, Banner

haven’t come down from the high


Jessica Byers – Avery UK

Mark Thompson, Staples UK

that I felt on [receiving the award]



Ralph Shingfield, Hamelin

particularly having continued to




receive so many messages of



James Marten, Hamelin Brands

congratulations and support.”

[08] JANUARY 2022
















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Where’s the talent? Recruiting and retaining young people is a challenge for the office supplies sector, but there are ways to bring in new talent and ensure they stay for the long-term


or Mike James, attracting, training,

member, they are valued, mentored, motivated

motivating and retaining young

and see career progression. Prima also never forget

people in the office supplies sector

that, most importantly, everyone should enjoy

has been a passion for many years.

working for the company.”

“In 40 plus years at Esselte and

Mike adds that the Worshipful Company of

Wiles Greenworld we employed many talented young

Stationers has, in recent years, supported members

people. I regret that so few stayed,” he says.

with advice on apprenticeship schemes and how

This has been a problem for many OS companies

to utilise the apprenticeship levy. “We are currently

over the years, and recruiting young people, especially

working with leading companies in the workplace

with competition from a myriad of other sectors, can

supplies channel OS companies and are confident of

be difficult. “In more recent years, at Prima, we have a

achieving the same positive results that we have seen

superb record of employing, developing and retaining

in the packaging and newspaper sectors,” he says.

young talent, with current MD Ian Buckley being a great

“Also, sometimes us ‘elder statesman’ of the industry

example,” Mike continues. “This has been achieved

need to take more pride in our sector. It’s a great

by utilising apprenticeship schemes, together with

industry that has continued to reinvent itself over 600+

identifying talent in the local community.

years - and has offered us a great living with a lot of

“We also ensure that, once they become a team

[10] JANUARY 2022

fun along the way!”



APPRENTICESHIPS Apprenticeships are increasingly seen as an important route into the industry for young people, as Karly Lattimore, managing director of BOSS Federation explains. “Apprenticeships are massively important,”

Apprentices bring new ideas, skills and mindsets to their workforces

she says. “Businesses are really looking at bringing new talent into the workforce currently, whether that is because of an ageing workforce, the skills gap, or postpandemic fatigue and losing staff - but apprenticeships


are really on the up at the moment.”

For those not thinking about the apprenticeship

Karly points out that an apprenticeship is now seen

route, Adam Gadenne, a specialist recruiter for the OS

as a credible alternative to a university degree by young

industry with Knight Street, advises businesses looking

people, and is something dealers should consider

to attract and retain talented young people to think

investing in. “An apprenticeship is an investment from the

about the language used in recruitment drives.

employer in the young person,” she says. “They get the

“Employees of a younger generation generally

qualification - and that’s investment from the employer

have a limited affinity with traditional stationery

through the apprenticeship levy and wages - it’s a step on

products,” he says. “However, the term ‘office supplies’

the career ladder, rather than just a job.”

has radically evolved over the past five years with the

It does pay off in terms of loyalty from the young

introduction of many new categories, together with

person too, Karly says. “Looking at the data we have

innovative new marketing tools and technologies to

from the past couple of years, we had about 650

bring these products and services to market.

people who had been on one of our programmes;

“To compete in a highly competitive, candidate-

96% that complete an apprenticeship stay with the

driven, job market, in my opinion the industry needs

same employer, and most go on to get pay rises and

to place greater emphasis on the more modern-

promotions, so it is the start of a career.

sounding classification of ‘business supplies’ which,

“Employers tell us that apprentices bring new

with further explanation, will come across to your

ideas, skills and mindsets to their workforces. It is really

typical 18-30-year-old as potentially a more ‘sexy’ and

encouraging; apprenticeships are getting the exposure

exciting industry to be involved in.”

they have needed for a long time.” Karly adds that employers are also using

Adam adds that there are plenty of more experienced people who can also do a great job; many of his recent

apprenticeships to upskill existing staff. “They might

placements have involved candidates from outside

have someone who has progressed over some years,

the industry, with the majority joining a business on a

and knows the business, but doesn’t necessarily have the

medium- or long-term basis, and often advancing within.

leadership skills,” she says. “We have seen people put on apprenticeships in work for management, supervisor or


senior leadership to give them the theoretical knowledge

Other companies, like Spectrum, have come up with

to go with their practical skills.”

their own solutions to recruitment issues. Frustrated JANUARY 2022 [11]



by a steady stream of recruits that didn’t meet the company’s high standards for selling, the company decided to ‘grow their own’ salespeople and set up the Spectrum Campus to deliver bespoke training, as managing director Rob Cavill explains.

No-one wants to work in a miserable environment

“We came up with the idea in 2018 because we had had some success with talented individuals who had come through the door without any preconceived ideas of selling; we were able to train them into the way we

are now taking on two more cohorts to start the training

wanted them to work,” he says. “So we came up with

programme in September, with six places on offer at its

this idea of formalising it, and creating a professional

Hull office, and a further six at its Newcastle base.

selling skills programme. “This is led by our head of learning and development,


Jane Harper, who was head of L&D at Canon UK. She

Recruitment is often only half the battle – retaining talented

has devised a curriculum that we see as a real alternative

employees is also important. “The whole employee

to university or apprenticeship for a sixth form leaver, or

experience is now a critical factor; employers should strive

graduate, to look at as a viable option for a career.”

to make the workplace a professional, friendly, dynamic,

Rob says that, when Spectrum advertised the course,

flexible - and generally a great place to be, not just from a

they had more than 200 applications for the six places on

financial perspective but also from a personal development

offer. After a rigorous process, which included interviews

perspective – for example, regular appraisals, training,

and psychometric testing, six candidates were chosen.

career mapping, inclusion etc,” Adam says.

While the course was designed to last a year, the first

“During the past 18 months other factors have come

cohort took 18 months, due to COVID. “They spent a

into play, such as remote or hybrid working. Employees

lot of time in the classroom, and we had a lot of third-

also expect much more - better technology to support

party guidance – our bank, accountants, lawyers, leasing

flexible working, policies which support wellbeing, diversity

companies came and taught these youngsters what it is

and inclusion and an environmentally conscious culture.

like in the world of business rather than ‘Here’s a printer; go and flog it’. It’s a scientific approach to selling.” Rob adds that four young people from the programme

“No-one wants to work in a miserable environment; motivate your employees with regular incentives, team events and reward and celebrate success – whether it’s

were given permanent roles in the sales team in May

the delivery driver who is prepared to climb the extra

2021. They now have their own sales targets but are

flight of stairs, or the salesperson who’s smashed their

still mentored by senior colleagues. “The results of the

target – make your employees feel valued.

programme were beyond our dreams as four made the grade and are now financially contributing.” Spectrum

[12] JANUARY 2022

“As contented, highly motivated individuals, they will be less inclined to engage with recruiters like me.”

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Using easy technology to declutter the office PFU (EMEA)’s latest offer – buy a scanner and get a shredder free – is ideal for businesses that are looking to take steps to digitalise their office and declutter it without compromising on security.



(EMEA) can help businesses to declutter

afterwards. As more businesses take

has become

for a small cost. Until the end of March,

advantage of the efficiencies it will bring,

something of a

all customers that purchase a ScanSnap

other businesses will need to do likewise

fashion recently

iX1600 or ScanSnap iX1400 can claim a

to ensure they are not left behind.

– from making

free Fellowes Powershred LX45 Cross-

stars of people

Cut Shredder.

such as Marie Kondo to primetime TV

These complimentary products can

ABOUT THE PRODUCTS The ScanSnap iX1600 and iX1400 are

shows such as BBC1’s Sort Your Life Out

help to declutter any workspace – in

designed to make life easier for users,

– and it is just as important in the office

the office or at home – and increase

and create a smarter way to work from

as it is the home.

efficiency. All documents can be

home. From one-touch scanning to

scanned and then converted to digital

advanced features for small teams,

let documentation build up, be filed

documents and stored securely on

these personal scanners make it easy

haphazardly or not managed properly

computers or in the cloud. Then,

for users to improve productivity,

– many businesses, especially growing

documents that are no longer

whether their priority is simplicity or

SMEs, are extremely busy with staff

needed can be securely disposed of

high performance.

juggling multiple responsibilities. But this

through shredding.

It is all too easy for workplaces to

can mean that, when needed, important

They are also perfect for those

With a speed of 40 pages per minute, the ScanSnap iX1600 gives time

paperwork is not to hand – and panic

looking to digitalise their office

back to its users by automating essential

ensues, for example managing tax returns.

workings. All three products are very

tasks through predefined profile and

simple to use, with one-touch

task buttons on a 4.3-inch colour

there are many technological solutions

But it doesn’t have to be that way,

operation, perfect whether you are a

coded LCD touchscreen. With one

that can help to declutter offices and

tech novice or expert.

touch, this model automatically scans,

keep everything that is needed secure

Many businesses are looking to

on cloud-based servers, and ensure old

digitalise to improve their efficiency – as

different document types (documents,

documents are destroyed securely.

it saves time in processing documents,

receipts, business cards and photos)

storing them and retrieving them

and save them each to a preferred

Indeed, the latest offer from PFU

[14] JANUARY 2022

recognises and classifies up to four



for up to six minutes, with only a 20-minute cool-down needed afterwards

The Powershred comes with a patented safety lock that disables the shredder and prevents accidental activation

and has a 17L bin with lift off head. It also shreds staples, paper clips and credit cards. Finally, for added safety protection the Powershred comes with a patented safety lock that disables the shredder and prevents accidental activation – perfect for those using it in a home office

destination including the cloud. It is Wi-Fi

users need not worry about

enabled, which means the device can scan

scanning small or different types

anywhere with a wireless network.

of documents separately.

Alternatively, the ScanSnap

In addition, ScanSnap Home software

where children or pets may encounter it. FOR DEALERS For dealers, the ScanSnap range is

iX1400 offers advanced yet accessible

is included as standard with the iX1600

perfect for those looking to move into

technology that anyone can use. The

and iX1400, enabling users to easily

selling more hardware-based products

iX1400 one button device offers the

manage, draft, edit and use scanned

in addition to core office products.

easiest way to scan, save and share at

data. Documents can be automatically

40 pages per minute. Users just need

recognised and grouped according to

such as copy blocks, banners,

to press the blue button to scan, then

document type, while folders, tags and

product flash, end user facing email

select from the Quick Menu what they

keywords mean users can search and find

etc from PFU’s PRM. Click the link

want to do next – whether that’s creating

information quickly and easily.

here to access it or join [partner.

searchable PDFs, or editable files in

Meanwhile Fellowes’ Powershred

Dealers can download assets

applications they know and use, such

LX45 Cross-Cut Shredder is ideal for use


as Word, PowerPoint or Excel. USB

in the home and office. It shreds eight

Imaging_rewards] and update your

connection means the iX1400 is ready

sheets per pass into 4x37mm cross-cut

website and inform your customers.

to scan quickly with no complex settings

particles (DIN Level P-4), which means

to configure. Specialist features like the

that it cannot be put back together. The for

receipt guide make scanning easy, and

Powershred LX45 can shred continuously

ideas on wider marketing.

You can also contact

iX1400 Fellowes Powershred LX45

iX1600 JANUARY 2022 [15]



Back in the game STEVE HARROP has recently returned to the office supplies sector with Nectere after a two-year hiatus, and the industry veteran has some forthright views on the industry and what it needs to do to continue to grow


his year Steve Harrop celebrates 40

Nectere’s Paul Musgrave contacted Steve with the

years in the office supplies sector

opportunity to join the business, it was too good to

but far from thinking of retiring, he

turn down. “There was someone moving on and

has been tempted back into the

they wanted someone to come in and get involved

industry with a new role as head of

with suppliers; I had the right experience and depth

commercial at Nectere. Latterly, Steve has been undertaking consultancy

of knowledge. “I wanted a role I could enjoy. I am at that stage of

roles in the sector, and enjoyed a six-month stint as

my life where I want to work with a dynamic team and

commercial director of where

a group of people that are focused, but also have a bit

he aimed to generate more support and interest in

of fun. I didn’t want to finish without one last job in the

the retail sector and the high street. However, when

sector – indeed, some other people said I had one big

[16] JANUARY 2022



I want to work with a dynamic team and a group of people that are focused

project left in me, and Nectere is a great company to

Steve adds that he sees dealers have been thinking

work for in terms of what they can deliver in support,

– perhaps for the first time – about how to maximise the

marketing and strategically.”

value from each customer and sell new and different products to them. “They are looking at their customer


base to see what they are and aren’t selling to them,” he

Of course, since Steve originally left the sector, there

says. “The industry was involved in GAP analysis 20-30

has been a pandemic; however, he has been impressed

years ago but, because the traditional office products

with the resilience of businesses in the sector since

business was rolling along, it wasn’t for everyone. In

then. “The sector has coped better than I thought

the past 18 months every business that wants to stay in

it would,” he says. “But, regardless of conditions –

business has needed to look at all aspects of what their

which have been massively tough – good businesses

customers need and what they can supply to them.

are good businesses, and they will always adapt and

“Selling shouldn’t be limited by what you think you

respond to what is going on in the environment around

can or can’t sell; you need to get into areas that your

them. If you have a business that is lacking a direction,

customers want. It’s been financially tough for a number

it is going to be problematic anyway.

of businesses but, if you keep your customers happy, and

“The pandemic has also allowed businesses to

address what they need, on the whole you will succeed.”

rethink what they need to do. There is a sense of urgency – that to get through this they need to do


different things, work in different ways, sell new things

In addition to the ongoing challenges of the pandemic

and move into different markets. There are lots of

there are many other issues to concern dealers, such

good businesses in our industry that are proving not

as supply chain problems, spikes in fuel and materials

just resilient but, in some cases, doing some fantastic

costs, and Brexit, to name just a few. “Some people

things that are different.”

might call it a perfect storm,” says Steve. “But the UK JANUARY 2022 [17]



and world economy are all facing the same issues. Every industry sector is facing the same challenges so, when you talk to your customers or suppliers, you are having the same conversations, and it means that we are all in it together - and will get through it together, because

There isn’t anything today that can’t be supplied

people need products and want good suppliers. “If you work with your customers, and try to create a solution to their problems, you will work your way through

areas and take that business. Find a source of supply –

these challenges. We live in an era of constant turmoil

there isn’t anything today that can’t be supplied; it just

and flux; I think we have to accept that and be adaptable,

has to be at the right price.

open-minded and prepared to go to places we’re not comfortable with, particularly on the supply side. “I have always taken the view that you should sit

“Sectors such as clothing and medical supplies – do you need to be a specialist to take an order for masks and gloves? No, they are supplies, you don’t have to

down with your customers and ask questions, such as

demonstrate them; you just have to get them

‘Where does your furniture come from?’ because they

delivered on time, in one piece, and for the right

might not know you that sell furniture. Often, business

price. Then you can create a good customer with the

supplies companies sit right at the top in terms of

potential to spend in other areas. Nectere has done

service delivery. If that is the case, that needs to be

this, and been adaptable and versatile, and sought to

used to their benefit. Ask your customers who their

understand what the market wants.

suppliers are that are not giving them good service, or have let them down on deliveries, then target those

[18] JANUARY 2022

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o ur s f o uc s t e

Over the past 12 months, a selection of dealers have shared some of the secrets of their success in the pages of DEALER SUPPORT – here is a selection of what was said

[20] JANUARY 2022

ss ce

Sec r



hile 2021 was another

profiled various businesses that have been

testing year for

successful through the pandemic. Over

businesses in every

the following pages, we highlight some of

sector thanks to the

the practical words of wisdom they have

ongoing effects of the

shared with us.

COVID-19 pandemic, Britain’s new trading

A common theme that emerged was the

relationship with the EU following Brexit

importance of diversification and, as the past

and many other factors, many OS companies

18 months have shown, dealers can be very

found ways to be successful.

nimble and innovative. “That’s one of the

Over the course of 2021, Dealer Support

benefits of the dealer market – we can hear


about an idea on Monday and by Tuesday we have bought the products and are selling it!” says Martin Shaw, managing director of D3 Office Group. “We don’t have to wait to manage these areas; we can innovate extremely quickly.


last employer that you can give account

If we can do it with PPE, we can do it with things like tools or technology

“Innovation into new product areas has

managers the best products, and best prices to sell at but, if they are not confident with a product, they will stay away from discussing it, or offering the option to their customer. We understand that, in order to allow dealers to start supplying restaurants,

given us a real hunger; if we can do it with

hotels, contract caterers etc., they need to

PPE, we can do it with things like tools or

be able to give the customer x amount back

be in a position where they have a hygiene

technology products too.”

depending on what they are giving us – and

specialist to fall back on.”

Martin intends to expand D3’s product

that means our new price is better than

offering further in the coming months –

our competitor. Plus, it’s less hassle for the


and knows that others in the sector are

customer because they get rid of all their old

Moving towards sustainable solutions is

doing similar.

furniture in one go to one person.”

another way dealers are finding success.

Others have gone down alternative routes

There is a large market for the pre-loved

Office Plus has moved towards providing

to expand their market. Chrisbeon doesn’t

furniture too, and many people come to the

more environmentally sustainable products

just deal in new furniture, it also sells used

showroom to view it, according to Richard.

in recent years, with its own sustainable

furniture – what the company calls ‘pre-loved’

“We get quite a few people from start-ups; if

initiative, ‘Forever Future’. Mick Millar from

– in its showroom. The company sources

they have a little office, and just want a couple

Office Plus said this was done through the

its pre-loved stock through part exchange;

of chairs, desks and filing cabinets, it’s perfect.”

offices of its buying group Integra, “but from

when a customer orders new office furniture

Providing all the back-up and

pressure from ourselves.”

Chrisbeon will offer to take the old desks,

information needed is also important, as

The primary objectives of Forever

chairs etc. in part exchange.

Des Stevenson from Everything Hygiene

Future is to reduce the company’s carbon

explained: “Everything Hygiene focused

footprint and help to make positive social

projects,” managing director Richard Hughes

on becoming a dealer wholesaler with PPE,

change, he adds.

explains. “Where we might be up against

hygiene and janitorial supplies.

“It enables us to win a lot of new furniture

someone else quoting for the job, we might

“I learned very quickly with my

“Sustainability is right at the head of our marketing mission and many clients insist JANUARY 2022 [21]


on full consideration of these issues when trading,” he says. “It is still a point of slight disappointment that many clients who talk an environmental game often fall at the final hurdle when they hear the price!” That said, Nick Munton from DEOS Group adds that there is increasing interest

head of digital solutions - and another six

There is increasing interest in sustainability, especially among younger people

in sustainability, especially among younger

people into that team - which gears us up for growth,” says Rob Cavill, managing director of Spectrum. The digital side of Spectrum is thriving, and the print side is still growing too. “Print will bounce back in terms of volumes as people migrate back to the office.” To this

people. “If I walk into an appointment and…

lights, whatever - but, when they realise that

end, Spectrum has recruited several local

I see someone 30-ish, I know it will be top of

even something as mundane as copiers and

young people and put them through the

their agenda.

printers can have quite a dramatic impact on

company’s training programme, Spectrum

the environment, they are interested.”

Campus. “We are investing in youth to grow

“More businesses have CSR and environmental policies, and they are looking

our own sales professionals,” says Rob.

to improve their own operations where they


can; lessening their environmental impact

A proactive approach has also often paid

right. Gary Williams from Think Business

and carbon neutral printing has worked well

dividends. Spectrum has invested in its

Supplies is a big believer in getting on the

for us in that way.”

team over the past 18 months, despite the

‘phone and – when conditions allow –

effects of COVID. “While most businesses

visiting customers to develop long-lasting

in the future, Nick reckons. “In our industry

have been scaling back, and doing what

relationships with them.

people thought how could they help? They

they can to protect the business, we have

think it’s all about changing packaging, LED

taken a front-foot approach, recruiting a

It is only going to get more important

[22] JANUARY 2022

But it is also about doing the basics

“Customers don’t ring you, and they have so much choice now, with the likes of

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Amazon. As a small dealer, we can’t afford to rely on our customers looking at our website; we have to proactively talk to them about the products and services we offer. “We do some e-marketing, but I always get people to chase that up. We are always on

Langstane Press’ managing director, Colin

We are always on the ‘phone talking to customers about our products

the ‘phone talking to customers about our

more achievable objective if you look to sell more to an existing customer than find new ones,” he says. “We have a good reputation, and that allows us to significantly convert more of those

products and services. “Smaller dealers don’t beat the big boys

Campbell, adds: “Growth is a far

opportunities into sales, rather than if companies weren’t getting back to customers

you have to introduce yourself to a new

on price all the time – although we are

for up to two-to-three days, but our customers

customer who has never met you before.

competitive; we offer a personal service to

don’t have that,” he explains. “We brought our

“A lot of our growth has been built on

our customers. We make sure they speak

staff back as soon as we could, and we have

this principle… and, if you do decide to sell

to the right account manager who has been

had customers comment ‘You came back to

more of a new category or product line, those

with them for years and will go out to

us really quickly. We have been dealing with

customers are more likely to add these lines to

them and deal with everything for them.

someone else who has taken hours or days

what they buy from you already.

Some of the bigger players chop and change

to come back to us,’ so we won business on

account managers and put customers

the back of that. We have gone back to basics

relationships with customers, allied to high

through to a call centre.”

– trying to get as much business as possible

service levels and a willingness to get what they

out of existing customers as it is an easy sell

want, when they want it,” he says. “It’s

because you already have that relationship.”

as simple as that – it’s not rocket science.”

Greg Colehan from ASK Office Supplies agrees: “[During COVID] I saw some

[24] JANUARY 2022

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Catering for demand Office supplies businesses have been diversifying their product range for many years now - and catering supplies is a sector that could provide good opportunities to increase sales


ike many people who

through the corporate account rather than

supplies, Andrew says. “Some of them are

run office supplies

via credit card transactions.”

quite tight, others are much higher.”

businesses, Andrew

A fair number of The Office Works’

Andrew concedes that this sector may

Hudson, managing

customers are London-based offices, and

not work for every dealer – it is more likely

director of The Office

many are now spending more on catering

to be a success for dealers that operate in

Works, recognised some time ago that

supplies than ever before, as tastes change

large cities where there are numerous large

diversification into new markets was the

and there is more emphasis on having food

office complexes that can put in enough

way to increase profitability, and one of the

in the office rather than going out.

orders. “In terms of volume of extra

sectors he went into was catering supplies.

Going into this sector has meant

business, it is good, but you have the right

Andrew has had to find new suppliers in

type of client base,” he explains. “I suspect

into it because we wanted to offer clients a

some cases, such as specialist wholesalers

most typical office supplies dealers don’t

solution to everything they need for their

that sell the sorts of healthy snacks being

have companies that are going to spend

office,” he says. “We have found that some

requested by customers. “Given a little bit

thousands each month on catering products

clients are looking to consolidate their

of research it is not difficult to find these on

– some spend more on catering with us

supply chain and don’t want the problems

the internet,” says Andrew. “Then it’s about

than office supplies.”

of buying online or from supermarkets.

finding a supplier you can trust, and buying

Consolidating purchases through one

as far up the supply chain as possible.” In

Andrew adds. “The core of what we

trusted supplier is better for them as it goes

terms of margins, they are similar to office

supply, as an industry, is in decline, so it is

The reason, he says, was simple. “We got

[26] JANUARY 2022

Such diversification is imperative,


imperative that you sell other things. For us,

- there has been great product development

the biggest area of growth is other product

in recent years. With diversity policies,

ranges, whether that is catering or other

employers don’t want employees to have to

niche products and services we offer. You

ask for vegan or gluten-free alternatives and

have to be proactive, and supply customers

just provide them as standard.”

what they want. You also need the right

Changes in working practices also

relationships with customers to sell them

present opportunities for dealers, Debbie

the full solution.”

adds. With more employees working at


They aren’t catering products - but they are products used by caterers

home, some employers are incentivising CHANGING DEMANDS

people to come into the office for meetings

and the like,” she says. “That whole food

Debbie Nice, business development director

by putting on buffets, and offering premium

packaging area lends itself to an office

at VOW Wholesale, agrees. She says that,

coffees, rather than just instant.

supplier. Office suppliers generally

while wholesalers and many dealers have

Hybrid working also means that meetings

supply a bit of catering, a bit of packaging

had an element of food and drink sales –

do not always take place in the office;

- and that falls in the middle. Till rolls,

stocking brands like Nestle, Cadbury and

increasingly they are also being held in cafés

as well, are often purchased by catering

Haribo, as well as providing sugar and

and hotels – and this presents opportunities

establishments; often, non-catering

milk supplies – for years, demands from

for dealers too, says Debbie. “We have seen

products such as these can open the door

customers are changing and dealers need to

some success in room supplies for hotels –

into catering environments.

cater for this. “In the past 10 years we have

things like sachets of coffee and tea - and we

“We also sell a lot of products that are

seen a massive rise in supplying products

are looking at options for what we can supply

used for displaying menus and signage. If

like office kitchen supplies – microwaves,

to more upmarket hotels, such as room

we were opening a door with a catering

toasters, kettles, etc. – and supplies for coffee

supplies, soap for washrooms - those sorts

establishment, a dealer would most likely do

machines, such as coffee beans,” she says.

of areas,” she says.

it with products they use for cleaning – be it

Another high growth area is healthy

dishwashing or tabletop cleaning; they aren’t

and/or specialist snacks – products that have


catering products, but they are products

low sugar or salt content, or are vegan or

Debbie believes that dealers should also look

used by caterers. Cleaning supplies is a

gluten free, such as oat milk. “This area of

at supplying products to catering companies

massive focus for catering companies now, as

healthy/low sugar/salt is growing, veganism

themselves. “There are a range of options

is protective clothing such as masks, gloves,

is here to stay, and there will be a move back

dealers can stock, such as food labelling and

aprons and hair covers.

to these values next year,” says Debbie. “The

food packaging – environmental solutions

vegan products available are really nice now

for that for takeaway carriers, pizza boxes

“Catering is a wide sector and there is a big opportunity there for dealers.” JANUARY 2022 [27]



Know your customer: part one Employees work in more places than ever before – and it is important that dealers know how their customers’ employees work so they can provide the most effective equipment and supplies for them

he COVID-19

at ExaClair, notes, this has helped to drive

pandemic has

demand for products and furniture that

caused the way

not only takes up smaller office space, but

prepared to pay more for sustainably conscious

people work to

also facilitates more ergonomic working

products, which also correlates well with

change dramatically

environments, as employees seek more

the growing evidence that creating biophilic

in the past couple

adaptable equipment that can be easily

working environments can enable companies

of years, with employers becoming far more

transportable and aesthetically pleasing,

to encourage individual employee wellbeing,

responsive to staff working with greater

without losing out on functionality.

creativity and, ultimately, their productivity.


flexibly, especially in relation to having a more nomadic working lifestyle. These changes look set to become

However, not all businesses work flexibly,

personal development. “It’s reported that 62% of Gen Z are

With this in mind, dealers should collaborate

and it is important for dealers to have a

with their customers in offering more effective,

close relationship with their customers, so

bespoke solutions that fulfil the needs of this

permanent, whether COVID social

that they know how their employees’ work.

growing consumer segment.

distancing restrictions are in place or not.

“Building a long-lasting partnership with

A recent Ipsos survey indicates that 23% of

customers is crucial when seeking to build

suit the modern nomadic style of working,

adults now work from home more often than

trust and stimulate future growth,” he says.

dealers can present key products to their

they did prior to the pandemic. In addition,

“With Generation Z members [those born

customers that can be integrated within

a survey by the Office for National Statistics

between 1997 and 2012] expected to make up

their employees’ working environment,

last year found that 85% of UK working

27% of the workforce by 2025, we are starting

wherever that might be. Not only is it

individuals favour a hybrid approach, with a

to experience a larger shift of focus towards

important to be able to provide lightweight,

mix of home and office working.

businesses investing in flexible working and

portable products, there is also an increasing

the nurturing of their employees’

demand to supply items that, additionally,

As Lawrence Savage, marketing manager

[28] JANUARY 2022

“By offering more adaptable products that

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fulfil extra multifunctional aspects too. This includes products that may offer wireless ‘phone or tablet-charging features, as well as interchangeable module components that can be ergonomically adjusted to suit the individual users’ requirements and work surroundings.”


“and IT leads are calling on channel partners

Employees will expect the same level of amenities at home as they enjoy in the office

to step in and provide new, needs-based assessments to assist them as they overhaul their approach to technology deployment in order to help kit out remote workers. “Employees will expect the same level of amenities at home as they enjoy in the office as flexible working finds itself as the default

Elisabete Wells, ACCO’s UK marketing

option. Where print is concerned, they need

director, agrees that it is essential for

a compact device that can provide business-

dealers to build close relationships with

present them in a way that is relevant to the

grade reliability, security and print speeds

customers - including helping to connect

customer across all their communication

- that’s why we launched our Mini Business

manufacturers and customers. “This role is

vehicles – printed or digital.

range of A4 inkjet printers six months ago.

essential for ensuring that the right products

“Dealers need to approach selling as

The models have a small footprint, but also

are delivered into the hands of the right end

problem solving. Strong communication and

have speeds of up to 20 images per minute,

user,” she says. “As resellers are the main

relationships with the customer can help

and come with extensive, in-box supplies

point of contact for the end user, they play a

dealers determine the best way to package

and two-sided printing to provide workers

crucial part in recommending and offering

their offering and how to cross-sell.”

with the quality they need.


home use with strong connectivity options.

are either having to set up two different

The widespread shift to hybrid working also

IT leads told us, in our latest research,

workspaces or tote their supplies back and forth

brings opportunities to supply small office

that their top priority when investing in

between locations. Tuning into the unique

and home office technology to firms and

technology is to improve connectivity amid

needs of this change in customers’ working

individuals, adds Russell Brown, head of

the shift to hybrid working.”

habits presents a major opportunity for resellers

sales – SOHO business unit at Brother UK.

solutions to their customers’ pain points. “As we settle into hybrid models customers

to offer up more compact and lightweight

“Dealers also need to supply devices for

“Only 13% of IT decision-makers expect

He adds that new models can be operated by an app, which allows users to

versions of office products for home or office

all staff in their businesses to return to the

send a file to print from anywhere, and to

use that can be easily transported. Beyond

office full-time beyond the next two years,

easily share and review scanned documents

offering the right products, resellers need to

according to our latest research,” he says,

with their co-workers remotely.

[30] JANUARY 2022

inspiring success

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Compatible options Many businesses are looking to save money as they continue their recovery from the effects of the pandemic, and compatibles are an option to achieve this – so what are the benefits that dealers should emphasise to customers?


or many offices,

have become increasingly more reliable and


printer consumables

IP safe, and their previous bad reputation for

There can also be an environmental benefit

are a major cost – and

poor quality and unreliability has, thankfully,

to using compatibles, says Nick. “New build

one that is rising

ebbed, leaving a truer picture of a more fit-for-

compatibles (NBCs) are increasingly using

again as many people

purpose, reliable yet cost-effective, option in a

environmentally-friendly components, do

have returned to the

more professional supply chain environment.

not suffer from supply of empties concerns

office in recent months. With some companies

“Obviously, we still come across

and are increasingly being produced on

still trying to recover from the effects of

reluctance to trust an unbranded product,

automated production lines, which regulates

COVID-19 lockdowns, all costs are being

which is why we also supply branded options,

quality. Furthermore, they do not suffer from

scrutinised, which means they may consider

albeit at a higher price point to our core

permissible repair and original geographical

compatible options rather than OEM products

product, but they still do offer savings

placement on markets doctrines that can be

– and dealers have a crucial role in advising on

against the OEM.”

contested by OEMs in IP infringement cases.

the best course of action to take. “As a specialist distributor in aftermarket

CTS sells five product types, which

CTS’ NBCs have their own design around

include genuine supplies, aftermarket

registered patents, keeping retailers and

printer consumables we are often asked for the

branded supplies, CTS’ own remanufactured

distributors safe.”

best product option by our trade customers,”

products and compatible plain box products.

says Nick Brooks, commercial manager of CTS

“Our most economical option is our plain box

remains its own plain box remanufactured or

Toner Supplies. “Over the years, compatibles

compatible version,” explains Nick.

compatible options. “Generally, the differences

[32] JANUARY 2022

Nick adds that CTS’ core business



between these products is less to do with quality, and more to do with the perception of a greener product, plus the school of thought that a higher price on a remanufactured must equate to a better product. “However, there are shades of grey here to consider. What are the reasons why remanufactured are more expensive, and are they the only way to ensure sustainability?

This positivity is what the end user deserves, and what the dealer can deliver

In terms of cost, the market is guided by the availability of empty cores – hence newer models start high and tend to come down

performance of the products is backed

in price over time – and, of course, there is

up by a no quibble warranty.

the collection and return cycle to factories.

Choice is also important because the

Consider the carbon footprint of getting

buying and decision-making processes of

these cores back to factories that are often

end users and dealers can be very different.

located outside of the UK.”

“A ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach of offering

However, with NBCs, CTS recycles all

highly priced OEM products can be at odds

its compatibles, as it does with OEM and

with this,” he says. “Economic factors should

remanufactured. “The difference being that

be considered, and most categories should

compatibles are not reused as full casings -

offer choice across pricing tiers such as

rather the plastics, metals and residual toner

entry level, mid-range and premium priced

powders are all professionally extracted and

products, or just two of those three tiers.

repurposed in a host of different products from plastic bins to tar.” “CTS produce zero landfill on all

“Having already made a significant outlay on the printer, to then expect continued expensive consumables just to fuel the printer

cartridges returned – be they OEM,

should not be a given. As some OEMs don’t

remanufactured or compatible – with, on

offer the breadth of green/eco products, or

average, 98% going into reused or repurposed

cannot enforce threats of warranty withdrawal

products and two percent being incinerated

if end users use compatibles, choice

and recovered into energy.” Many other

should always win. If choice is in anyway

manufacturers are engaged in similar work

misunderstood here, look no further than

as the drive to become more environmentally

Amazon on how to deliver the best possible

sustainable gathers ever more momentum.

solutions to a customer base.” Peter notes that compatibles are not


always ‘generic alternatives’ as, in many

Peter Cowan, procurement director at Data

same resource. “When the markets are

Direct, points out that compatibles is all

in a state of change, with different office

about offering choice to customers and

trends, global logistics issues, etc, the greater

providing them with the right product, in the

the choice offered by dealers - backed

right place, at the right price. “This choice

by a trusted distributor - ensures greater

is based on providing the leading products

versatility in delivery and service options.

cases, OEMs source the product from the

in the category with the confidence that the

“This positivity is what the end

end user and dealer resellers can trust them,”

user deserves, and what the dealer can

he says, adding that this confidence in the

deliver,” he says. JANUARY 2022 [33]



LIVE IT Life hack Want a dazzling bathroom mirror? First, make a cup of tea (really). Allow a mug of black tea to cool before transferring it into a spray bottle. Spray the tea onto your bathroom mirrors and clean them with a cloth. The tannic acids found in tea cut through grease and dirt easily. Use a clean cloth to dry and buff the mirror until it shines.

A helping hand


An anonymous donor has saved a family from eviction after they fell in to rent arrears, BBC News has reported. Charlotte and Anthony Smith spoke to the BBC in November when they owed more than £600 in rent arrears, and were under threat of losing their home. Someone who


saw the story offered to clear the debt, saying they had been helped in the past and wanted to pay it forward. Mrs Smith, from Wolverhampton, said: “In this day and age, for somebody to pay off even just half, or a little bit, it is just so nice. Thank you is not really enough.” Thanks to the kindness of the stranger they are now in the position of being able to move to a more suitable home and know they have


a roof over their heads, they said.

Quote of the month “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu

[34] JANUARY 2022




Did you know?

The world’s oldest wooden wheel has been around for more than 5,000 years. It was found in 2002, approximately 12 miles south of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, and is now housed in the city’s museum. Radiocarbon dating was used to determine the wheel’s age, which is somewhere between 5,100 and 5,350 years old.

A new habitat has been created for one of the UK’s rarest reptiles, the sand lizard, after a five-year conservation effort to restore heathland, BBC News has reported. Forty-one sites in the South Downs National Park in Hampshire and Sussex have been restored as part of the Heathlands Reunited initiative. The national park said the need was

PUB QUIZ 1. Which country is Brie cheese originally from? 2. In what film franchise would you find the character Katniss Everdeen? 3. What year was the company Heinz established? 4. What is the capital of Iceland? 5. Who came second in the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2019? Answers: 1. France 2. The Hunger Games 3. 1869 4. Reykjavík 5. Netherlands

Returning rare reptiles

‘profound’ as less than one percent of heathland remained; endangered species, like the natterjack toad, have also been able to return. A

Knock me down with a feather

spokesperson for the national park

Strange requests

said heathlands were man-made and

As reported by Sky News, Travelodge has revealed its

“only exist because our ancestors

strangest requests from guests at some of its hotels this year -

used them to dig peat for fuel, harvest heather and graze animals, unwittingly

including asking where the Welsh Rarebit lives and arranging afternoon tea with pandas. Another asked what time they can see the snake on the Snake Pass in Derbyshire, the UK hospitality company said, and one guest

creating a unique mosaic of habitats

in York asked a member of staff to sing in the next room to check he had a

which many plants and animals now

quiet room. In St Austell’s Travelodge, a guest requested a room with a south-

can’t survive without.” They said what

facing window because he required sunlight to charge his aura first thing in

heathland had remained was “very fragmented, leaving animals and

the morning and, proving Britons love their pets, staff at Newcastle Quayside Travelodge were left shocked when a customer asked for a children’s paddling pool so their pet fish could have a spacious bed for the night.

plants vulnerable to extinction.” JANUARY 2022 [35]



Bringing hope, peace and unity to the good brethren of business supplies The good Father ponders whether to give client Christmas presents in March, and basks in the joys of January


hat do priests and

coming up to Christmas and, “We

existence but December wasn’t helped by

Christmas trees

don’t really need anything as the

the fact that we still don’t know how many

have in common?

office is winding down.”

people are in offices. Just when it looked

“Both their balls are just ornamental!”

Everyone in the office becomes

like everyone was going back to ordering

emotionally drained by the time the

all of their supplies a new office supplies

holidays come, which leads to more

killing variant appears (and I don’t mean

It’s just awkward and corny as far as

alcohol, more hangovers, and even more

the contract stationers) and puts us back to

I’m concerned!

money being spent. I’m thinking of

square one! I know that some people have

giving out presents in March from now

been able to make money from PPE but,

period for me - not that my testicles are

on; I mean, it makes more sense for the

in our village, absolutely everybody now

purely ornamental; I mean I don’t need

business, surely? We’re making more

sells it and seem to be able to get supplies

to go into detail, but they serve other

money at that time, and customers aren’t

and prices much better than ourselves.

purposes you know!

receiving any presents from anyone else;

I mean what’s funny about that?

But it does sum up the Christmas

Due to December, January can be a

Lots of industries have been affected

it’s a win-win... or is it? Probably not,

by the virus, but it seems that office

miserable time in our industry. We spend

actually, because the same customers won’t

supplies don’t really get mentioned too

more money in December than any other

remember the March presents but they’ll

much, and could do with a little more

month of the year, mainly on presents for

probably remember that they didn’t get a

publicity. A letter is available from

customers who act as if they are expected,

box of biscuits in December.

BOSS Federation, and it might be a

rather than enthusiastically welcomed, and who give very little in return because it’s

[36] JANUARY 2022

I’m sorry if I’m being a bit miserable and adding to your, already bleak, January

good idea to send it to our local MP I’ll have to tell Mrs O’Reilly.


Strengthening customer relationships EMMA DAVIES-CAROLAN, director of marketing, EMEA & APAC at ECI Software Solutions, discusses how you can level-up your customer service


Emma Davies-Carolan, director of marketing, EMEA & APAC at ECI Software Solutions

ver the past

that 30-40% of customers will continue

multiple touchpoints - with the vast

few years we’ve

to switch brands until they find one

majority now preferring to interact

seen businesses

able to deliver the level of service they

digitally. In fact, according to a recent

investing more in

expect. Without investing in new

McKinsey study, up to 80% of customer

new technologies

technology, businesses risk losing key

interactions are now digital - and those

designed to help them better

contracts to firms able to offer five-star

still reliant on face-to-face or telephone

understand their customers and

customer service, 24 hours a day, seven

communication may struggle to retain

maintain strong working relationships.

days a week. It’s important, therefore,

customers long-term.

As we head into a new year, here are

that your team can access the most

some key considerations for those

up-to-date and relevant information for


looking to take their customer service

each customer in a timely manner, to

By investing in a customer relationship

to the next level.

prevent customer dissatisfaction.

management system you can gain a


With records all stored digitally, this

better understanding of your customer


becomes much less of a challenge. Sales

data which, over time, can help you

Having worked with businesses of

teams are also able to browse customer

better anticipate changing requirements,

all sizes across the office products

profiles and order histories to identify

as well as enabling you to track every

industry, we’ve been focused on helping

where products and services could be

interaction or piece of feedback.

our customers to continue delivering

upsold. This has been a growing focus

excellent service at a reasonable price -

for many businesses, especially as

analytics, and up-to-date reports, you

despite many experiencing significant

they’ve expanded into new markets.

and your team will be able to identify a

shipping delays and price rises throughout 2021. One Forbes article recently found

While managing your own records

Armed with a rich pool of business

wealth of new business opportunities, as

and data is key, you also need to be

well as keeping clients up-to-date with

able to log customer interactions across

new services or offers. JANUARY 2022 [37]


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