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American Academy McAllister Institute ​presentation sharing my honest experience just outline will not be going over today first off I want to explain you what autism is and obviously this is a lay audience so I don't expect you to have any biases the room today I'll go over my presentation process what my plans are for the future thanks and acknowledgments to those who have been so helpful to me for the cause of this problem and then supply the box that I have all my presentations so first off what is autism autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interactions difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communication for pedicle restrictive behaviors and although not all mystic individuals have them in many cases sensory issues some examples often a stereotype and an accurate one of that is that autistic individuals lack the ability to have to make eye contact with others they often have gazes which zoom around the room and don't focus on human eyes then inappropriate or nonverbal and non-existent verbal responses often autistic individuals myself August not included have difficulty with have difficulty in either communicate with others or are often known for the lack of facial expression recognition so the inability to tell that somewhat an angry face for a happy face or a sad face looks like did not it unable to distinguish between these faces and being unable to respond appropriately to people's emotional speech and interpretation so presumably an Asperger's syndrome which thank you for is the habit of taking that habit but the tendency to take things very literally so an example for my own personal experience is having an English paper that needed to be three to five pages I had been three physical pages and was docked for marks because I had to make it run now there wasn't three pages worth of text there were three physical pages to my mind I had completed the assignment to hurricane's requirements to my teachers mind she did not disagree she did not agree that was fun so how would I want to start the project why do I want to go over autism itself so to begin my project what I wanted to do how I wanted to start my project was okay I want to present about autism how do I do that well I could just go and talk to people or I could get help for misreport caucus respond and ask who should I talk to would there be anyone interested in talking and he recommended malt which on the next slide you'll see happen that stands for if I remember correctly the main autism leadership team and they're based as I understand it at Woodside Elementary School then I wanted to get in touch with past and text unfortunately I was only able to get in touch with one mostly because of time of straighten because it was difficult to find people's emails um and so I did end up talking with her about my experience in the elementary school level and then I said about reading researching autism itself mine research came to full burst I essentially dealt with myself into the internet and looked through a variety of sources first off I started with Wikipedia just Wikipedia being not so much a great thing for saying English papers because your teacher won't accept that as a source but as a good way of getting a foundation knowledge of what autism is as I have it sometimes my perceptions are off from what box isn't true behaves as it is a spectrum autism spectrum and then I went over specifically autistic from websites such as autism society which is society which promotes autistic awareness and so groups and activities and such to help artistic individuals both children and adults move through the social construct and then wrong plan which is actually made by autistic individuals for autistic individuals as a forum to discuss topics and issues and then I read essays by autism activists I watched TED talks about what autism is and from a scientific perspective looking through the scientific literature literacy on what jeans would we find about autism coding genes on in what parts of the brain are usually affected by autism what is the characteristic of an autistic brain my second part was a more personal size again I wanted to talk to pass that task see I don't really remember a lot of my childhood so I asked my past that text what was I like what difficulties then talking of course to multi pens within main hardship oh good I got like oh and communicating with them to see what grooves might be interested in hearing me talk and wanted to my help really then relatives parents of course but others in the community who have grown up with me again and then others with autism which is actually a point will be operating out later so then presented I had two major groups of presenting over the course of a year first I presented to a parent group parent and social worker group part of the rest by mult itself at Woodside Elementary and then my second was for support staff which I actually gave over there the that was the room the Spanish room specifically then I gave the presentation end and that was to support staff such as bus

drivers waitstaff at the cafeteria and then so uh social workers and attacks and I didn't really take pictures of the actual venues in and of themselves because it didn't feel appropriate but this is what the room looked like this wasn't the name of the presentation but one of the few difficulties before I continue I must admit that I don't really have challenges to discuss because everything went wonderfully I was asked by mold to give my first presentation and asked by the school to give my second presentation I never had to really put myself out there of course knowing I was asked by others to give my various presentations so the most crucial component of my capstone wasn't really challenged however going late in the evening after a full day of school and talking to people for two hours about autism was a little tiring and so the crowd was composed of parents and specifically social workers and so my focus was on really what strategy that I had developed over the years to really give an appearance of being quote unquote normal the more technical term by the way would be neurotypical that is the less offensive way of saying that someone is either autistic which would be neuro atypical or gone autistic that's why I discussed what strategies I have developed for instance and this is just an example some of them are difficult to fertilise them you couldn't even sort of a name death but the way I could learn to make eye contact whenever I'm looking at someone I look into their right because that as I learned on a Nova documentary actually is how unique humans express emotion this is our emotional side of our face and if you are actually to sort of splice to face down the mill say have two mirrors to be able to look at right left sides you would see that this is the more expressive part of the face and it was actually in research of dogs they found up to one of the reasons that this is totally I thought about life but I just learned it anyone can come the dogs seem so sort of human-like anthropomorphize and able to communicate because they are the only other animal that uses that trick and looks at the right side of the face when communicating and so being not intuitively understanding of that I took the tip from the dogs and now I can make eye contact and then I developed many other strategies and had a lot of parents ask me quite a lot of personal questions and one of the things that I'm very happy to do about this is because I'm very open about this people do know that I am autistic and it's not something that I want hi for myself which is something we'll get to later my second presentation was actually about two presentations which was during maybe staff development day for social workers and support staff and I had to wake up early for that it was on Friday I wanted to sleep in but no I didn't get to sleep and I had to go talk about autism which I am perfectly okay with but I had to wake up at 6 o'clock that it's not fun I was tired anyway I took that audience a lot of that support staff wasn't really familiar with what autism was and they were coming to learn about what it was so I focused more on a what autism is and be how one can deal with it in the school environment for instance in the parent discussion a lot of that discussion was in the home that was talking about how I went through things in the community and in the home environment that isn't appropriate for support staff to really be knowing about and help them anyway so I discussed primarily how I had done in the social level at the elementary middle and high school levels and then beyond the course and so I focused on the Megan and my experiences in this first now the reception to be perfectly honest has been wonderful I have had wonderful parent interactions with many parents who have come up with me and said that they understood their autistic nephew or their autistic child or their artistic parent really so much more after seeing my presentation I watched the staff even those who hadn't even come to my presentations came up to me and thanked me for what I had done because other staff and he heard about it and her very good things about it after it and everything it really did get the voice and my words out into the public and I was very thankful to that and so I have had numerous give me a couple email me and sending me messages on facebook and I actually just yesterday I got the letter from state senator Linda Baker thanking me for putting my story out there so the reception really has been phenomenal and I could be more thankful for one of my future plans then well I have been asked by the superintendent of schools but to be the keynote speaker for the opening of the school this point and I consider that a great honor and I look forward greatly to being able to present I was hoping I'd continue attending conference it's one of I hadn't mentioned this before but one of my first things that I did for my presentation was go to the conference's and sort of the meetings that Malt had for parents and share my story and that was how I was for some buddies my first presentation and so I plan on not only continuing to involve myself in the community I will be going to bone college in the fall so I'm still in this community and I would still have to be active in school and then I will have mentoring opportunities specifically there is one autistic child who's currently at a private school who I will be helping integrate into the school system and into the public school system over the course of the rest of the year he will be a freshman in the fall and you may see him in some of your classes so please be nice to it like that and then I have passed those that Walt for living the opportunity to perhaps mentor students with autism because that is something that I would very much like to do to give a role model to children who really have something like that so before I get to my final thoughts I want to give thanks to mr. Pooler caucus who has been my mentor and incredibly helpful in setting these things up and sort of guiding me through the process and really introducing me to this world of autistic activism

and helping children with autism that I could not have done my math so thank you I would also like to thank you Jihu is my contact person's involved and then all among themselves for being so helpful in getting in contact with parents and other social workers my head texts in the past of which I have had many who have helped me to grow and learn as a human being emotionally I'm sorry so mr. Woodside my advisor for being a supportive role model for the past four years and indulging my absolute love of science and my parents of course for being so loving they can figure that out so for being so loving and allowing me to grow into the person that I have now and so that's a final thought I would like to go over why present on autism an interesting question to answer at the end of your slideshow of course when I was seven my parents didn't think that I would ever live out of the house independently not because they doubted me or my abilities for my ability to grow that because things were so difficult for me in terms of social interaction and dealing with the world around me that they never thought I could really be independent and now I'm here and I was going to vote in the fall arguably one of the best schools in the nation living there and meeting students like me and challenging myself in that environment my reasons for presenting were twofold one to educate to parents social workers adults who have do not have autism about what autism is and the difficulties that autistic students go through my second reason was for autistic students themselves because until the left until last year I hadn't met someone really face to face and discussed with them knowing that they had autism an autistic person I went through a majority of my life feeling that I was very much alone not only because my social difficulties isolated me from the community but because there was no one I could point to and say they are like me and so I wanted to be that person for at least one child to look at and say they are like me my hope is that no child makes me eat feel ashamed for who they are because of autism was my identity the me can be theirs there are many opportunities for both students to interact with those in the so I'm hoping that maybe even by open I care to interact with autistic students in the community through that school so that was one of the reason to go there I have considered versus I'm not sure vent autism reset for instance I've done a lot of research on autism like autism spectrum in terms of science the science guy has some of you may know but I do not feel that that will really be a career right I am a math guy I plan on being a math major trip over because that is truly my passion and well I still have to plan on being involved in terms of activism I don't think that it really might be a career if that may change though one of the reasons I'm again I'm going to voting is because if the math thing doesn't work out I have options well I just didn't know if you had so if they had you know if they approached you to I've only call them specifically you realize that your life is turning around yes actually it's that very specific moment um if anyone who doesn't want to be good a little person here but it was when I was probably 14 or 15 it was the spring of my freshman year now there's a sleepover with your friends what happened was after over the course of my life I had felt as though I was very different from others my dad watch lot of side cries to life I got to watch a lot of Star Trek let's say and I always sympathize with those characters who weren't human because my I felt that my characteristics again I didn't know anyone else with autism my characteristics were so like I didn't existed but I had never my characteristics were so different from others that I worried in my little eight-year-old way that what if I'm not what if I am so different from others that I literally not the same species and that worried servant grew inside me as the years went on and it was at that moment when I sort of because a lot of autistic individuals learn how to interact with others through things like media and I had worried that I was just sort of coffee in the same grief anyone those data from Star Trek instead of actually understanding emotion I was simply copying but at that sleepover in an area in an environment that you can't watch on TV and you can never learn about beforehand I really like think they were talking about the difficulties that they had had over the course of their lives and things that I thought were truly horrible and I felt genuine emotion for it and I realized that I could not be copying this emotion so it must be genuine I must be human and suddenly everything occurred with rush the government said okay and I belong it so really bad that transformation happened in freshman year high school oh yeah that's a very good question um I get from a lot of people that especially save my grandparents that oh you don't even seem like you have which I don't take it as an insult or anything but I can still sort of yield the mental adaptation because like my brain is still autistic and I know what it's like to feel intestine and it's actually something that I can kind of turn off it along and say I don't want to interact with someone you can sort of turn on the autism blinders and then suddenly I seem to be socially impaired toward this one person oh but I it it is something that I am still somewhat conscious up but I can go through my day without oh yeah SUNY Community Colleges.


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