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Conservative Judaism ​[Music] ok guys thanks for inviting me I'm going to talk about how to integrate some of the stuff into a college-level capstone course I took it and I think 14 I can't remember what year was that took it in 14 I work in a community college I wanted to figure out a way to integrate this end so we now have two separate courses one of them is a capstone course we're gonna take all the cat in within the category and then we utilize this stuff that's why i'm going to show you now we've since create another course that is a no prerequisite anybody can take it and it more closely mirrors what we did at the at the thing so the cash ton of course little different so my goal was to get college students interested so there's three different ways that you think of sex drugs and rock and roll i'm not going to talk about sex or drugs so I figured durometer whole is a great way to get him interested right so that's that's the logic behind it the drafting 251 class was an existing class that curriculum it was a product design class and so what we wanted to do was say okay instead of designing any product you want instead of a shoe or or whatever happens we're going to do a guitar nobody bought that if they love that they're fine with it so we want to develop this into a campus of course it was an elective course we went ahead and rearranged the curriculum made a capstone course it was in the fourth semester of their time at the Community College and so they already had all their cafe 2d CAD they have parametric modeling they done all those different engineering type classes and so this was a way of integrating all that information together and we wanted to do steam principles I love Timothy I said you wanted to put on the slide the stuff there and make it big so I do the same thing so exercise geez technology he is engineering a is art and it is mass so we included all those in that because you have all those little pieces of the puzzle it's also a great way to sell the administration course layout this particular course 16 week semester like you know most everybody else has we do four weeks at the beginning which is conceptual design research things like that 10 weeks of prozac corruption two weeks of documentation at the end we'll talk about that but we only do about one week research that's where they research the history of electric guitars howick how that came into being what they are for some of them they already have a lot of knowledge in that some of them have no idea I don't who said it before but a fair amount of our guitars I think become wall hangers there's a lot of students that are in the cat program that aren't guitar plays now there's some of it are and they tend to make different styles guitar just kind of neat to see that the styles vary whether your guitar player or not but a lot of them are going to be wall hangers that's why some of the guitarist see back there are crazy looking I think I have to get played that much but that's they do so conceptual design one week design development two weeks we're go for some of these perfection there and in documentation so research in that portion they research the history of electric guitar they use a library the internet again it will have to class carries for weeks they move pretty quick on this but I found if you give students a we could do the project they'll do the project you'll get the exact same product in a four week segment if you give them four weeks it'll be the exact same product so i have no problem speeding that up and make them go quick they develop a presentation on their findings the beauty about this is if they if i get 10 students in class and they go all go out and you didn't research they they get access to everybody else's research when they do the presentation and so they can see all the other research everybody else is done so it kind of magnifies that research product which is wonderful one of the things i asked them to do is hypothesized future to guitar developments that way they can kind of say okay i've done the research on the history here's where electric guitar started here's where we went through it here's where we're at right now what what's coming next you know they get some crazy things but allows them to kind of think outside the box and think what could i do or what could i integrate into my guitar then maybe nobody's seen yet conceptual design so 10 20 this is a thing i do i actually took this from the architecture curriculum they have to do 10 designs in 20 minutes they have two minutes each boom boom boom boom boom and what I give them is this this thing right here and all the different of the guitar design is that coming from the same program and I put them all on one thing and those are when I print that out those are really really likes they can see him they have a guide but they attend printout and this is by hand right so there are ten copies of this and they have to do one design on that in one minute and then you do the side here or the front there and then they have two men that set the clock is that okay max go and they you ten design is 20 minutes

what you'll find is that students at the very beginning what do I put down what do I draw what do I draw what do I draw on I said I'm greatness guys you better get something on there and so then after the first one the next one comes easier the next one comes easier the next one comes by the time i get the fifth one they think oh I don't get enough time and they're doing all this stuff and they get some pretty cool things they may not use any of but it's ok cuz it's got their mind thicket and all of a sudden they go through all these different designs that that maybe they hadn't done it before they lose their inhibitions about hosting ideas pretty quickly which is beautiful and again they have to present all those are the other students and so then they start seeing each other there's this cross-pollination of ideas it's wonderful so they have picked three cons of designs you cannot be an existing sign you cannot copy it so you have to cope with something original I don't I don't care what it is it has to be ballistics so the body the headstock the fretboard and controls all have to be the same right so if we're an architecture it's like not making an entrance you know for a strip mall on a house you know everything needs to be cohesive as we completely holistic and then design presentations this is an opportunity for design criticism keep- is only a two-week process I'm inviting professional guitar player designers and fabricators to jury this just to say okay it's full work this won't keep my normally free we at this point but but this way they get a good idea yeah that's that's neat looking but you'll never be able to play it you know and then they get they can make that decision that some of them still go forward here's an example of them in one of the class periods they were working on a dry erase board I think or make it look like an airplane at that never went anywhere but they were doing all kinds of things here's examples of them work on driver he's working on a mechanism for guitar that actually dig it bill which is kind of neat she wanted to stand up like a golf bag read set down the lights pop out and and she did an 82 year old him great Hungarian grandma beautiful she did it excellent out design development slept one design develop it needs to be an original idea and knees have a dab of complexity that's a little bit subjective that is the instructor i can say yogis have added oka plus complexity you can't just do something very simple you make them create a phone model so this links the candidate in real-world sizes i think i have a picture that right there i make i use this cheap phone right we go buy cheap home but a lot of times what happens is you get lost in CAD all of a sudden have a guitar that's like this big you get one that's like this big this little tiny thing and so by by making them megaphone model they can do that they also the beauty that is I we have hot wire cutters and we make them cut away at that phone really quickly making starts it'll if I sculpted this no big deal just take the hot wire cutter and if it took too much bad put some glue put it back on now we don't use that we don't ski in it or do anything but they can use that as a guide okay that's good that's bad right um fluid design changes allows them to move really really quickly hypocrite means manufacturing aspects so they have to start thinking about what are you going to CNC machine what are you going to cut edge inlay and what are you going to 3d print one semester I required to do all three I haven't done that sense but one semester I did require them to get the laser cut something you have to 3d something and you had a C&C obviously the body so that was kind of a given I haven't done that since but a lot of students still do quite a few things but the 3d printing was that you always need something that's three frame so here's an example from the early designs for this guitar I like this because they had a holistic design they wanted an egg shape and then expand out that egg the student was interested in a video game I'm not gamer so I don't really know what the video game was there's some video game where this is in the video game so if anybody knows that is this student was obviously interested in hunting at the first okay so design development so they have a go ahead and take the 3d CAD model further standard components are already modeled we already have the standard components model in Sketchup an inventor and solidworks and working on modeling two min rhino as well they have to create the assemblage so they're not modeling the components that come out of the box we already have those model there's no point that I want you to concentrate on the things that are unique to you locate hardware early or nama considerations make sure you're not going to kill yourself like that guitar scale length they do the mathematical calculations the France the same thing you guys been talking about already full development in the meshing in 3d renderings they have to do some some rendered images from cat some kind of rendered image and so you'll see that we have components these are the sketchup components but we model a bunch of those we don't have like some repository where all these are thrown in there all right now anyway everybody has them that would be good economy it's coming good I think it's excellent go this was a custom one we wanted the integrated an onboard amp we went ahead and created a box for it and we 3d printed the box out it has on/off switch we took the battery compartment put it in there that was an example that here some of the students working on some of our 3d designs here's some of those are going through their different models of good play guitars and then some of the documentation see the renderings and then we go through the production right developing cam file s dlg.code and we use all those different processes and then we use some obviously to use traditional techniques as well we have a nice job to give you all that this actually are older cnc this is an example of a very warped are she wanted to look like fluid and it very much did when she was done this is

the gear tart affect their different things he laser cut out like a floral design on their ashton in there still look kind of even the finished me off of this one we were doing the handiwork there this is the 3d printed facehugger there I mean it's our second sidemen okay here's an example of our lasers we use the laser to end ladies and we went in and laser doubt the path for the metal first put the metal dust in the Santa sino cruet and then we stand that off and we came back into the the flowers primed for finishing oh you apply the finishing car so then we got all the lesson on the other kids own reactions and things like that things will work together more work together so oil finish paralyzed multi-layer designs water transfers we got a hydrographics tanks to some some guitars to be transferred if you have a film that you want to apply swirl did you want to fold lesson in chemistry and we finalized finished buffing here's an example that one is you want to look like liquids used a chroma sniffed paint and so actually turn the guitar let's gold or purple or red or whatever it doesn't look it looks like a blob of oil floating in the air examples of different that one ski murdered a cow they're like heavy metal and things like that because I want this to look impressive I think he's got it buddy it was interesting this is after buffing all that guitar notes back there this student actually had that background where he knew how to do like automotive finishing and stuff and so he had a background that so this was obviously much at a much higher level from a finishing standpoint some are other guitars okay so uh cinnamon showers and wiring electrical principles we go for the function of pick up grounding integrated amplifier we go ahead and make them do that that way they have that fire the guitars go on an initiation and tuning of course here's examples of some of the wiring things I do a lot of my students for some reason end up doing they want to put LEDs in it and things like that so these are LEDs on the right hand side this is a TL wire that you just put a charge to and it's lights apple and you cut it to whatever length you want they're here they're in stating it they get pretty happy when they get to this point it was like they put a lot of work in keep mind we still got a couple weeks left in the semester at this point so what we do for the last two weeks is we finalize the categories there's always change has that happened during production safe to go back there cad drawings and say here's the things we change ready we photographic projects we've teamed with the advanced photography class the advanced photography class takes our guitars to at the two week mark towards the end semester while they're finalizing cad drawings the advanced photography classes using that as their final project for the semester and they do tons of photographs so the students that built guitar end up getting 100 photographs of their guitar with different lighting and different positions close-up detail views full views all that kind stuff and it works for both classes right the photography class gets a cool subject matter and we get a lot of really great pictures they required named air guitar and develop final package which includes all the stuff some research documentation CAD drawings categories construction images the photography class images in any additional information so they have a nice packet on here's the design i did and here's how i did it i have a nice packet on the ears the design they did it adheres on how they did it and then we get some pretty cool images you know when people take pic that tarp freaking gorgeous it's amazing these images look a lot better here than they do up there and stop strings but um then we displayed its are so I tell my students you go through all this process and you do get to take a guitar home next semester we keep up for the semester after they build them and we display them on campus so we have it and we now have it was temporary but now it's permanent there are guitar hangers on the wall and one of the stairwells and the math-science building and the stairwell is in the big open area and it's kind of freestanding so you can't touch the wall so we put the guitar banners on those walls guitars hang on the wall you'll see them here in a second and nobody can touch them you can't get to them are you throw things at them if you wanted to they hang there for an entire semester sometimes we'll hang them at local music stores and things like that this has been awesome for media coverage absolutely awesome which there's nothing that gets your administration happier with you funding you and giving you a class that if they get coverage good positive coverage of the media this is perfect for it works great it's great for recruiting as well so I'll taking the high schools and recruit students from high schools I get more students in the program I get more students my free records of the classes which means I get more money here's example the local music store they were hanging up here's example in the wall so I'm standing on the stairwell taking pictures so you can't get to them but you can see him really really well of course I'm a plaque up there say hey you want to take this class go ahead and scan this code of a Titan with class perfect and that's worked very well thank you for listening to me and then there's a couple guitars nine seconds to spare [Music] [Music] New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR).


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