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Sage College of Albany ​hey everybody I so wish I was there with you but I know you're in great hands I know you're having a great time in this webinar and unfortunately I'm traveling so I couldn't be here to do my very favorite session however I will be in the second webinar that your community will be having so if you want to come and be with me face-to-face come on over there and and we can do a little bit of chit chat but in the meantime I thought that what i would do is to record some of the more important pieces and so i'm going to show you a few slides and just talk about some of some of the pieces that i wanted to share with you and then of course your community leaders will lead you in a discussion and and reemphasize the most important parts so i'm excited about all that's going on in the PLP community hub if you haven't had a chance to get in there and get active that's where the action is that's where we need you and what I'm going to do about do now is I'm going to talk a little bit about the project so let me cut off this video so that you can concentrate on the slides and we'll get right to it so the main thing that we're interested in talking about is really looking at this idea of where we've been and where we are now powerful learning practice really is a learning journey it's a transformational kind of process and it's different for each one of us and and that's important for you to know that as you're going through this this really is about you about who you are as a learner about your journey as you're connecting and collaborating and synthesizing information it's also about us the collective us and what we're learning as we collaborate and co construct knowledge both in your pick one groups and also with your team's face to face and then in the large group in the PLP community hub with all the people that are there that are participating in powerful learning practice this year so it's really important that we think about where we've been and then of course where we are now and where we're going now one of the things that we've been trying to do is really structure a lot of what you're going through around certain aspects of what we consider to be solid 21st century teaching and learning goals and we really do use is these standards to help us think through that and one of the ways that we want teams to work together is to take a look at those standards have some powerful conversations around where is the school now where are we going where's our team what kind of vision do we have for our school and that as your team starts to grow and become a true collegial kind of professional learning community then you'll start through a viral p start to be the catalyst that causes that change within your own schools with and with inside your own sphere of influence so this is where we're going we've been spending some time really getting to know the environment getting to know each other we've been mersing ourselves and in different conversations that have been taking place and really starting to think about what does it mean from a 30,000 foot view to be a connected learner now we're going to do is we're really going to start in this next phase of powerful learning practice to really start to focus on becoming a connected learner connected in the PLP community hub and then also connected outside of the hub in the network we're going to also be working really hard at creating a collaborative culture you're going to find that there's going to be some things that we're going to be doing that a really cold construction of ideas where we're going to come together and think deeply and instead of it being individuals it really is going to be focused on your team we want your team to be developing as critical friends the kinds of friends that aren't afraid to have really tough conversations so that means that you guys really need to start to trust each other start to build a culture of trust start to have some of those conversations respectfully push back a little bit and really try to talk deeply and try to make sense of everything that's going on we're also going to be looking at more deeply on how to 21st century as our teaching over the next of probably six to eight ten weeks we're going to be visiting other people's classrooms that are using 21st century teaching and learning techniques really well these are people that are really established and will be having you sign up for those virtual classroom visits we're also going to be doing some lesson plans study around what does it look like when you take an analog lesson plan and then you really think about it from a 21st century perspective we will be using the Chi pack model to help us think about that relationship between content pedagogy and technology the other the next thing that we're going to be looking at is becoming an action researcher and so tonight what I want to do right now is talk a little bit about that piece will be developing our personal learning networks and we're going to try to get you to be even more brave even more bold even more create courageous about sharing you know and

being transparent in the way you share because have powerful learning practice if you've been reading your handbook you know that we believe that by transparently sharing you really are teaching that transparently sharing what you've learned is an excellent way to teach if you will especially in the 21st century environment so what is action research you know I bet some of you out there have actually done action research so what I'd love for you to do is if you have been involved in action research not research as a teacher individually but collaborative action research if you've done that before will you click on the smiley face right now so that we know that you've done that before all right good when I go back and watch I can see how many they have actually been involved in that and and what I'm going to do is I'm going to wait just a moment and give you an opportunity to talk a little bit about your action research experiences who those of you that have had them and I'm going to cut off the recording and pause the recording give you a second to talk about that all right well I hope that you I hope that you had an opportunity to talk about some of your action research experiences and so I thought I would kind of lay the groundwork a little bit about what we mean by action research now the teams and powerful learning practice work together to develop an action research project that really relates to your own particular context your own particular culture so the action research process isn't a onesize-fits-all we won't all be doing the same thing but action research in a nutshell is really where your team is going to examine very systemically systematically and contextually a particular aspect issue problem possibility that you're interested in so it might be that in your school you're really interested in increasing writing scores or it might be that you're really interested in creating a professional development model that will cause shift in the rest of the faculty or it might be that you're we had one group of independent school educators that were interested in looking at what the Harkness table would look like if you made it Harkness two point oh or maybe it's something that you're interested in in terms of something more effective like you want to see what you could do to increase motivation in your students or in the faculty so the bait the assumptions that we base on the action research on that we're going to take you through is that it's collaborative that educators both principals teachers they work on problems that they've identified for themselves so we don't all have the same action research project it's very different and it's based on your passions and your interest we also believe that educators become more effective when they look at their own work and then really analyze it give their own inferences and really decide you know what needs to shift and what needs to change from their own perspective we believe that action research helps educators be in charge of really figuring out what works what doesn't work within our own particular context we also believe that action research isn't done by individuals we think action research is a collaborative approach and we think that administrators and teachers are involved in that and that they all kind of take the same role as they're going through it there isn't like a hierarchy where administrators have some type of role where they kind of lay out what's going to be done but rather everybody truly works collaboratively and that we feel like that that really helps with a distributive leadership model the more that Cole and creates a collaborative culture if you will so those are some of these options that we have about action research all right we also think that sometimes it helps you to understand what action research is if we look at what it's not and so when we say action research if you're thinking oh my gosh our genes can have to write this long paper and we're gonna have to do all this research it's not that you know it's the focus is really on the word action it's not problem since problem solving and the sense that we're really trying to find out what's wrong in other words we go in and we say why aren't these kids writing scores higher it's not that kind of research rather it's trying to figure out how can we improve so you approach it from an appreciative perspective how can we get higher higher writing scores or how can we increase motivation how can we get better at doing something so it's really about gathering knowledge on how to be more effective or to improve something whatever the issue the possibility of the problem that you're looking at also action research isn't really doing research where you find all the information about something and then you from finding all that out you start to apply it to the the situation like evaluation where you do an evaluation of a program and you figure out everything that diagnostically is wrong and then you go back in and everybody changes their behavior so it's not like that and it's really not about why it's more about how how can we change the instruction or how can we create a really dynamic teacher own kind of professional development that's going to get everybody motivated about shifting it's about how do we start to implement technologies effectively or how can I become the kind of language arts teacher that's going to be able to naturally embed 21st century skills but also cause deep learning in my students and in the curriculum so it's really about changing behaviors doing research that's going to allow us to change behaviors and as a result we really find out what's important all right so basically the reason that we're doing the action research is so that each team can apply what they're learning through powerful learning practice and have some coaches that will see you through that and create a legacy project and the legacy project is something that goes on long after this year that you're involved with powerful learning practice so the school teams they're going to have an opportunity to showcase reflect and celebrate your success and share your action research I think at the culminating event you'll take one of

two focuses either going to look at a curricular focus or you're going to look at a PD kind of focus when you do your action research you're also going to have a way that you're going to be very transparent along the way so that other people can follow along and replicate and look at what you're doing if they if they wanted to for instance the Australians that we've just worked with the PLP connect you group they have just gone through and each of the teams created a blog and as they had their meetings they put up their minutes they each reflected on the team blog and so we're going to ask you to do something very similar to that and there'll be more information about that as we get further along in the project you can see here from this diagram it really shows you that you can have individual teacher research collaborative school wider district-wide action research we can take different aspects we're going to be looking at the second column where we're going to do collaborative action research has a team or as several teams so this might be that your team that several classrooms are involved it might even be that several schools are involved if we wanted to have cross team action research projects so that you could find somebody else in the PLP community that's going through this that maybe is interested in what your team is interested in and you could work on something together and the coaches will help you with that so here are the steps involved in the project there's four basic themes that are involved in action research empowerment so the people that are going through are empowered and that you're doing this for yourself you're making the choices you're making the inferences you're deciding how to to revisit this and figure out how to improve it's also one of the themes has to do with participation so it's really about active involvement acquisition of knowledge figuring out how to get better and social change because you're doing it operative Lee and you're working as a team so there's five phases of inquiry identification of the problem that or the possibility and that's we're going to be working on for the next few weeks where I don't want your team they'll hear listen to me I do not want your team to jump in and try to take the project all the way through these next few weeks you know up until after the Christmas break we just want you to meet start to think about your problem go back to where you talked about you're wondering what you wondered start to think about what would be something cool that we can do our action research around that we're really interested in that we're really passionate about that fits for our school or our local context then there's the collection and organization of data so one of the things you do is you go out there and you try to figure out maybe you're going to take a needs assessment or you're going to try to figure out where you are now you're going to gather some data that kind of tells you something about the processor are the the problem or the issue that you're looking at and then you can make some inferences about that data so you interpret the data this tells us we need to do this or that everybody's here or that kids are here maybe you look at writing stores if you're going to look at writing maybe you're gonna look at writing samples you to talk about the kids samples and what they mean maybe you're going to look at portfolios and maybe going to get teachers ask some teacher perceptions do some kind of survey and then you're going to interpret all that data and then you come up with some type of action research project something going to implement based on the data that you think will really give you information about how to improve those writing scores or how to get better then you reflect on what you see and there's lots of examples that we're going to show you so don't worry about if you don't if it's foggy right now and you don't understand and it'll be a real learning process as you go through as well so basically what happens is you come up with the problem the opportunity that you want to address so do you want to look at test scores or the ability to collaborate or morale or increasing tech use so you just want to be specific as possible one of the best ways to do that is the team gets together face-to-face and you just start brainstorming you start throwing out all kinds of different ideas you don't throw anything out at first you don't have to decide that day you really want to give it some thought because you're going to be living with this project for a while and it's going to something that really will become a legacy we have people that have said to us you just won't believe you know where we've gone with this project and we've had all kinds of fantastic things happen to three years down the road after they developed it you idea the issue and you wanted whatever you're going to do you want it to be not a yes/no question it needs to be some type of larger kind of contextual thing that you're looking at and when you decide what your issue is be very concise and meaningful don't don't give jargon you know like don't say students more engaged unless you really talk about what do we mean by engaged okay so you really want to think about is it something that we're interested in is it something that's worth the time is this something that's really going to make us better does it fit our school improvement goals does it fit the culture of our school contextually is it something that makes sense then the next thing that's going to happen is the team is going to kind of divvy it up and you're going to go out and look and see what other people have done who else has addressed this you know go to your could go to the PLP community hub main and ask if anybody else has done this go out to twitter and use the PLP network tag and ask who else has done this ask people in your school or other schools your friends and then we'll get into really thinking about how we're going to propose a solution and you know the evaluation the timeline and the documentation now on purpose i'm not going to go deep into this

you're going to have access to the spread to this slideshare but i don't want to go deep into this yet because we really want to work on the first piece but we're going to and we're in you're going to be assigned a coach connected coach who's going to really help your team think deeply about this will also be having a project workshop i'm going to bring in an author that has rights exclusively on action research who's going to work with teams we're going to work one to one with you so there'll be lots of things that you can do here are some ideas when you're gathering your data in the beginning you know that you all these kinds of things that you can do multiple sources of data is always better because once you look at these different data points then you can do a better interpretation and come up with a better kind of action research piece that you're going to do you know evaluation is really important to one of the things that we really push people to is too ask how will you know that you were successful what would be what would it look like if this came out the way you thought that it was going to come out and you implemented the way you did and then based on the data that you gather afterwards you'll know if you were successful or not and sometimes failure teaches us so much more and helps us be more successful in the long run so it's interesting that some action research projects don't go at all where people thought they were going to go there's also lots of support that you're going to have different ways that we're going to be helping you like I said you'll each even have a coach that's a sign the coaches are coming in in January and they're going to be working with you your community leaders will be doing small group illuminate kinds of things we're meeting with the team leaders and going to be talking to them there'll be a team project group room where you can go and get help there so lots of ways for you to get help so don't worry about you know the needing help and we have a plan in the beginning you're just going to really try to figure out what it is you want to do and start talking to other people and you know really just figure out what is it we wonder about what is it that we are passionate about what is it that we'd like to do and then kind of bounce around the idea do we want to co-create with another team you know is there or do we want to maybe make it a collective action research piece farther than just our team and start making some of those contacts and that's all we want you doing from now until we come back after the Christmas break so I'm gonna close now and see if there's any questions and if there are your community leaders can help you think about those alright so I hope that this has been helpful it's not meant to answer every question about action research we're bringing this to you in bit bite-sized pieces I will be creating an action research room these slides will go up in there so you can go back and look at them there'll be videos about action research will be meeting with you they'll be post that go out but this is really just to kind of lay the project out and let you start thinking about it so I'm going to let you see if you have any questions or anything with your community leader and then we'll come back in just a little bit we're going to talk a little bit about the cheap hat model New York City College of Technology.

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