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Midlands Zambia Conference


Little lamb-4yrs-light blue

Busy bee-6yrs-yellow


Eager beaver-5yrs-green


Helping hand-9yrs-burgundy




The seminar covers the following topics: • History, Philosophy and Purpose of the Adventurer Club • Understanding the Adventurer • Club uniform• Club Leadership • Club Organization • Club Programming • Adventurer Curriculum • Adventurer Awards • Adventurer Family Network • Resources

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Midlands west Zambia Conference Matero mission district Adventurer Basic Staff Training Course Checklist Current Certification Requirements Adventurer basic staff training course. This certification is not intended to teach the basics of what adventurers learn, but rather those elements of information necessary for any adventurer staff member or member or leader to fulfil his duties. The ABST course is also an option for the club ministry training of master guide and such participants may have a background in adventurers course but it is entirely likely to be a participating member not as a leader Prerequisites 1.

Be at least 16 year-old


Be a Christian who loves Jesus and willing to share this in both word and deed


Intend to be active adventurer staff member or be participating in master guide training

Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ Church ____________________________________________ Contact____________________________________________ Training initiation date________________________________ Seminars 1.

History, philosophy, and purpose of the adventure club Date___________________________instructor________________________________signature__________


Understanding the adventurer Date_________________________instructor________________________________ signature____________


Adventurers’ Uniform


Club leadership


Club organisation


Club programming


Adventurer curriculum


Adventurer family network program


Adventurer awards

Date_________________________instructor_________________________________ signature___________

Date________________________ instructor________________________________ signature____________

Date_______________________ instructor_________________________________ signature____________

Date_______________________ instructor________________________________ _signature___________

Date_______________________ instructor_________________________________ signature___________

Date______________________ instructor ___________________________________signature___________

Date______________________ instructor__________________________________ signature___________ Work Required Create a portfolio that contains handouts and your personal notes and anything that gives proof that you attended the seminars Reviewing Adventurer Official Use Only I have completed a review of the participant’s portfolio and the basic staff training check list and have found him/her to have completed the requirements for this certification

Training completion date_________________________ Name________________________________________ Email_________________________________________ District/Church__________________________________ Contact________________________________________ Signature______________________________________ Field Review Instructions-In the event of a failed review, the reviewing master guide should return the portfolio to the participant along with a written note explaining what additional work or documentation must be completed to receive a pass. Reviewing Master Guide Disclaimer-Completion of this training curriculum does not guarantee the bearers overall qualification to lead nor does it give a guarantee ability, aptitude or placement. It simply marks completion of training curriculum


1. Club organisation Seminars











INSTRUCTORS/sports coordinator/craft coordinator


ADVENTURERS AS A MINISTRY The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways for children. The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist church- sponsored ministry


open to all children ages 4-9, in which the church, home and school join together to help children grow joyfully in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. The Adventurer Club is offered to assist parents in making the development of their child richer and more meaningful. It is the policy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to admit children to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available by the church, regardless of race, gender, handicap, or religion. Difference between pathfinders and adventurers The Adventurer Club has been created so younger children may have a club of their own. The programming and planning for the Adventurer Club should be simple and short, but creative. In some ways the Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs are similar, but the Adventurer program is to be unique in its own way and should be kept separate. One of the Adventurer Club objectives is to provide a meaningful and exciting experience as the children look forward with anticipation to being a Pathfinder in the future. The Pathfinder Club is designed to meet the growing needs of children ages 10-15 by strengthening healthy peer relationships. An adventurer is designed to meet the needs of 4-9 year olds by strengthening their family relationships. It is not intended that we duplicate all the experiences of Pathfindering, but rather that by providing a separate Adventurer Club many needs of the youth aged 6-9 will be met in an exciting and enjoyable way and thus they will be ready to fully enjoy the Pathfinder experience when that time arrives. In many instances parents have children in both clubs and may be involved themselves. Therefore, it may be necessary to operate the Adventurer and Pathfinder club meetings at the same hour and day, but this does not mean that the clubs should be combined. Adventurer club and Adventist youth The church provides three different and distinct programs for the progressive development of its youth. Level 1 - THE ADVENTURER CLUB - A separate club for children ages 4-9, (pre-kindergarten to grade 4). The club has its own uniform and stars , chips & awards, insignia, and class curriculum. Level 2 - THE PATHFINDER CLUB - A separate club specifically designed to foster the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of the 10-15 year old. This club has its own honors, insignia, classes, and a uniform different from that worn by members of the Adventurer Club. Level 3 - The Ambassadors CLUB for those in the 16-21age group. Level 4- THE YOUNG ADULT CLUB for those of 22-31+age group These fourth levels have a common purpose in the salvation of our youth. Their development and operation share a common theology of ministry which is rooted in Scripture and expanded in the Spirit of Prophecy. ORANIZATION Within each club boys and girls are organized into units of four to eight Adventurers with a counselor as their leader. All Adventurers activity revolves around the unit. The Adventurer unit has frequent fellowships periods that are planned by and for the Adventurer unit guided by the counselor and often includes member of the Adventurer’s family.

ADVENTURER CLUB BASICS In this overview of the Adventurer Club, we’ll take a quick look at the mission, curriculum, pledge, law, song , and all the patches your kids can earn as of the club.

ADVENTURER MISSION The mission of the Adventurer Club ministry is to serve an intercultural community of children from prekindergarten through fourth grade and their parents or guardians and assist adventurer families in growing as followers of Jesus.

OBJECTIVE The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways for children. . .                    

To understand adventurers at various age levels To teach adventurers that learning is fun To encourage them to grow mentally, physically, spiritually & socially. To include Jesus in every activity. To develop parental support for the training of children. to improve their understanding of what makes families strong; to discover God's world; to discover their God-given abilities and to learn how to use them to benefit self and serve others; to learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others; to express their love for Jesus in a natural way; to experience the joy and satisfaction of doing things well; To develop a Christ-like character; Providing spiritual, recreational and social instruction. Teaching children about nature and a Creator God. Reaching out to both Adventurers and their parents to strengthen family bonds. Allowing children to learn by example through the leadership of club personnel. Showing children that they are an important part of their church family. Providing groundwork to help children understand Jesus’ love for them. Preparing Adventurers to make a decision for baptism. When children are well grounded in their beliefs at a young age, they are more likely to remain in the church as teens and adults. Demonstrating good health through exercise and hygiene.


 

Teaching the skills of self-discipline and teamwork. Developing Adventurers’ creative talents.

ADVENTURER STARS, CHIPS, & AWARDS STARS, CHIPS, AND AWARDS are fun ways for Adventurers to explore their world, learn skills, and creative. When the requirements are completed, the adventurer receives a patch that is proudly worn on his or her sash. Patches for little lambs are called stars, for eager beaver they are called chips and for busy bees through helping hands they are called awards.

2. Safety, Philosophy & History of Adventurers Seminars A Short History of Adventurers Based on the history provided by Norm Tew in the Master Guide resource Personal and spiritual growth/ a brief history of youth ministry in the South Pacific -April 2010 World History In the year 1930 four Pre-JMV (Junior Missionary Volunteer) classes were developed for 6-9 year old children. These classes were: Busy Bee, Sunbeam, Builder and Helping Hand. The name Pre-JMV’s was renamed ‘Adventurers’ in 1979 -Was created in order to strengthen the parent/child relationship and further the child’s development in spiritual, physical, mental, and social areas. -General conference endorsed ideas of BUSY BEE, SUN-BEAM, BUILDER, & HELPING HAND in 1939. -In 1972 the Washington conference sponsored a club for children called “BEAVERS”, the north eastern conference joined into the children’s club concept by 1975. -1989- a committee met to update the adventurer curriculum, develop awards and write guidelines for adventurer club organization & the logo (badge) was voted in officially. he workbooks for the Pre-JMV (Junior Missionary Volunteer) class were issued by the Missionary Volunteer Department of the Australasian Division. They were identical to the Adventurer Work books later issued by the Youth Department of the South Pacific Division apart from the name and the issuing authority. Copies of these workbooks are on the SPD Adventurer web page. -IN 1990, the adventurer program piloting process began in the North American DIVISION. Australian Adventurers The Adventurer classes took over the pre-JMV manuals until the current manual was issued in October 1992 and revised in October 1993. It was also at this time that the Adventurer Ministry was handed over from the Children’s Ministry department to the Youth department to administer. Secondly, there was an interest in reaching out to local communities to impact them for Christ. http://pathfinders.adventistconnect.org/site_data/86/assets/0025/1420/MG_SPD_History_of_Youth_Ministry_-_Apr_2010.pdf Trivia Research states that the first Club named Adventurers was started in 1966 in Connecticut in the United States Australian Adventurers wear the green scarf instead of the maroon scarf issued by the General Conference because that was the color of the old Pre-JMV scarf. Philosophy of the Adventurer Program Philosophy of Adventurers The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist church- sponsored ministry open to all children ages 4-9, in which the church, home and school join together to help children grow joyfully in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man. The Adventurer Club is offered to assist parents in making the development of their child richer and more meaningful. ‘The church’s greatest resource is our children; therefore, it is imperative that as a church we meet the challenge to provide a program for our children during their early, formative years. We want right habits, thoughts, motives, dispositions, and attitudes to be established. The Wise Man wrote, “Bring up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”Prov. 22:6 (NIV). This is more than a cliché—it is a scientific formula http://gc.bigfoottech.com/Ministries/Adventurers/PhilosophyObjectives/tabid/110/Default.aspx

Philosophy of the Adventurer Program Philosophy Acrostic Christ Helping Real Imagination Stories Time

People Home Inside Listening Outings Safety


Interesting Activity Nature -----

Outdoor Parent/s Handicraft Yes!

Role of Children in the Bible The following is quoted from the Ministers and Elders Handbook for Children’s Ministries, published by the General Conference 2005 “…..Children bring joy and blessings to adults. God provides may benefits to parents through parenting their children. [Num 5:28, Deut 28:4,11] Children need to be taught to develop a relationship with God. One of our greatest challenges is to pass on our beliefs and understanding of God to our children [Exod. 12:26,37; Deut 6:1-7; Prov 22:6] Children are so valuable to God that he commands us to protect them. Parents are to ensure the spiritual and physical safety of their children [1 Sam. 20:42; Ezra 8:21] ……..God enjoys the nature and personality of children and asks adults to learn from them. Scripture identifies attributes such as sincerity, humility, simplicity and trusting as qualities found in children and God treasures these characteristics [Matt 18:3; 19:4; Phil. 2:15] Safety for Adventurers ‘Beware of the Wolf’ Check if audience knows the story of Red Riding Hood if not give outline What do we have to learn from the characters? 1. The Mother –Responsible adults don’t send a child into what seem like a safe place alone 2. The Woods- The people in the church or other environment may seem as safe as an empty wood- don’t believe it 3. The Wolf in the wood- they may appear harmless – they are select. 4. The Grandma- she let someone in to a safe place fooled by how they presented themselves – she didn’t wait to check first 5. The Wolf in grandma’s clothing- they show an interest in the child, providing attention which may be lacking at home, they appear to be safe 6. The Woodcutter- the adult who comes in the nick of time to save the child from the ‘Wolf’- every adult has this responsibility, to be cautious and observant of the child’s reactions and communication. Sadly for many children the ‘Woodcutter’ never comes The Bible talks about ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing coming amongst the flock’, don’t let it be your flock’ Points to remember

screen your volunteers well, wait for six months for anyone unknown to you- it may be worth a call to their previous pastor or church

use the Conference or your own Child Safe policy to set up your standards and make sure everyone knows them

The rule is at least two by two. don’t let your Adventurers go anywhere by themselves

If there is only one child in a class, use a multi-class area or combine classes. avoid the one child to one adult ratio

Ensure all smaller rooms used are visible, either through a window or an open door

Do a reconnoiter first, check the area for potential hazards before your Adventurers find them and they will!  In public areas be especially cautious and enforce the rules of two by two and staying within sight  Use the ‘animals went in two by two’ song for younger children to remember the rule Ask to children to remember the truck sticker, ‘if you can’t see my mirrors I can’t see you’ It is their job to see their Adventurer teacher or leader at all times Make sure all parents know the rules, remember, you are responsible while they are at Adventurer meetings or outings. Our Church has a child safety program called Safe Places. “Each church need to have Safe Places Coordinator”.

3. UNIFORMS SEMINARS Adventurer Uniform Class A The Adventurer Club in Greater in world includes the following classes: Little Lamb, Eager Beaver, Busy bee, Sunbeam, Builder, and Helping Hands. All Adventurers, beginning with Little Lambs to Helping Hands will wear: The shirt/blouse is long sleeve, it is consistent and uniform with the rest of the club. Must be consistent with design, color, pattern specifications of the GC through SID. (Different for ladies in the Master Guide Uniform). Hair must be clean and well groomed, as well as finger nails; they must be neatly cut and natural. The only jewelry items that are accepted with the uniform are: wristwatch, wedding band, or engagement ring. No other jewelry is accepted with the Uniform. Uniformity within each club is very important. Even in the optional items, there must be uniformity within the club; example: if the club wears the sash, everyone in the club must wear it. If the club wears berets, everyone in the club must wear it. The uniform makes the organization real and visible. It becomes emblematic and representative of an ideal, a standard. One of the ways to set up a standard and bring the members of an organization up to that standard is through the uniform. It should stimulate loyalty toward that standard by building morale and binding members into closer fellowship. It also appeals to those not already members to join. The uniform becomes a builder of club spirit. The uniform is always neat and clean. Because the Adventurer Club program is valuable to each member, the uniform will be acquired and worn with enthusiasm.


Uniform should be worn Uniforms should be worn on the following occasions: * At regular Adventurer meetings, when applicable * At special programs (Adventurer Day, Induction, Investiture, etc.) *At Investiture services *At any public gathering when any or all act as: Messengers Ushers Guards of honor Color guards First-aid volunteers *While engaging in missionary activities, such as Ingathering, distributing food baskets, bouquets, literature, or church announcements, band work, such as singing bands and sunshine bands * On occasions as specified by Adventurer staff officers Types of Uniforms 1. The dress uniform for the Adventurer boy and girl Girls Navy blue Pinafore or navy blue skirt Navy blue pleated jumper WHITE blouse (Peter Pan collar shirt-type blouse with short sleeves) Optional: LIGHT BLUE blouse Boys Navy blue pants WHITE shirt (straight shirt with short sleeves and regular collar) Optional: LIGHT BLUE shirt Boys/Girls Black shoes: (publishable, laced type) Navy blue socks: Scarf Adventurer scarf color is BURGUNDY & part of the uniform worn with an Adventurer slide Sash The sash is navy blue and part of the uniform 2. The dress uniform for Adventurer staff Ladies Navy blue skirt White blouse (shirt type blouse with short or long sleeves and regular collar) Navy blue bow tie Optional: Navy Blue Stockings, skin tights color of your skin, or panty-hose Men Navy blue slacks White collared shirt with long sleeves Navy blue tie Optional: Men/Ladies Black shoes: (publishable, laced type ) Black belt: A plain Navy Blue Tie (gentlemen) and a Navy Blue Ascot Tie (ladies) is optional for Adventurers and required for Staff. A Navy Blue Turtleneck (optional) is allowed due to cold weather Scarf The Adventurer scarf with a world logo for staff, instructors and executive committee members,& Adventurer scarf for is without or worldless logo. A scarf is part of the uniform and worn with an Adventurer slide. (Available in child or adult size.) Staff members who are Master Guides may wear their Master Guide scarf, slide, and pin. Sash Sash is navy blue and worn at appropriate times. AY honors are not to be worn on the Adventurer sash; only Adventurer STARS, CHIPS & AWARDS are to be worn on sash. 3. Uniform Insignias - Adventurer Patch -- On right sleeve, 2 1/2" from shoulder - Adventurer World -- On left sleeve, 1 1/2" from shoulder - Crescent -- On right sleeve above Adventurer patch, 1/2" from shoulder - Staff Rank Stripe -- On right sleeve, between Crescent and Adventurer Patch. This will require moving the Adventurer Patch down and additional inch. -Adventurer Class Pins -- On left front pocket placed in ascending order with lowest pin towards center of shirt. -Master Guide Class Stripe -- Above pocket ONLY for Master Guide. Other class stripes (staff) belong only on Pathfinder uniform -Name badge -- Centered over the right pocket, or its equivalent on the Adventurer sash 4. - Adventurer awards Worn on the sash (Master Guide emblem can be worn on the sash.) 5. Field uniform for the Adventurers and staff is a T-shirt and blue jeans. Each club can create its own design for field uniform T-shirt and sweatshirts. A few suggestions for designs on T-shirts are: a. Adventurer logo b. Local club name c. Adventurer and local club logo



ABOUT CHARGES IN ADVENTURERS MINISTRIES Little Lambs & Eager beavers. The integration of little Lambs & eager beaver into Adventurer program is necessary on the basis that it would enhance the concept of family that is central in the ADVENTURER MINISTRY and if would recognize a practice that is already widespread around the world, officially the LITTLE LAMBS & EAGER BEAVER are located in the ADVENTURER MINISTRY ( SZBUC Leadership institute document from SID. PG8)

Classes voted in 2016


The Adventurer program has been created to assist parents in their important responsibilities as a child’s primary teachers and evangelizers. The program aims to strengthen the parent/child relationship and to further the child’s development in spiritual, physical, mental, and social areas. Through the Adventurer Program, the church, home, and school can work together with the parent to develop a mature, happy child. So we have voted to incorporate Little Lambs and Eager Beavers into the Adventurer Curriculum. However, due to the challenges of translating Eager Beaver into some of our languages we have changed the name to Early Birds.

NEW ADVENTURERS’ LOGO AND A NEW ADVENTURERS’ SCARFY. Burgundy is a new color of the Adventurer scurfy. Therefore the change from orange to burgundy will be gradual in Division were orange had been the practice. A new Adventurer logo represents essence of the Adventurers ministry .


We are part of global family a worldwide club: this version should be used leaders and/or to represent the adventurer club as a global institution.

New adventurer logo BLUE= Represent HEAVEN. Blue is the color of the sky and an reminder of the realm. ( loyalty and love ). GREEN= Represent GROWING & BLOOMING where one’s planted. It is representative of Christian life that produces good fruit and finds rest in Christ. BARGUNDY= BURGUNDY (SCARLET) In the Bible represent BLOOD & REDEMPTION. The life of man is in the BLOOD-LEV 17:1 WHITE= ( FINE LINEN ) Presents righteousness because of it’s purity of the color and light. It points to the righteousness He imputes to all who comes to him in faith. SYMBOL of FAMILY= The Adventurer ministry is designed to STRENGTHEN THE FAMILY, a journey where parents and children actively follow Jesus together. SYMBOL of NATURE= The Adventurer ministry recognizes GOD THROUGH HIS CREATION, parents and children engage with nature to learn more about Jesus. SYMBOL of CROSS OF CHRIST= in The adventurer ministry JESUS IS THE CENTER, The cross at the center means that Jesus should be the core of Adventurer’s life. (adventurer brand book. Page 4 & 5 ).

4. ADVENTURER Club leadership seminar LEADERSHIP -TO learn concepts and strategies to experience successful leadership. Club leadership will be selected by the local Church Board or Nominating Committee. They should be baptized and in good standing and of sufficient maturity to serve as mentors and spiritual guides to the members. - The Church elects the Director and Associate Director, while the addition to the above elected leaders, will be chosen by the Executive depending on the size of the club. The term for office is one (1) year. At a district level is called the District Adventurer Area Coordinator; term of office is 2 years.

DUTIES OF CLUB COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1. Director – Member of the Church Board. Most high degree of maturity and may be trusted with proper financial management skills as well as have high degree of interest in the youth of the church. He or she is responsible for all club doings and accountable to the church board. 2. Assistant Director – Elected by the church board or by the nominating committee or Director in consultation with the Pastor of First Elder. Must have same characteristics mentioned above for the Director. 3. Sponsor – Select an Adult such as one (1) of the Elders in the church, give sage advice, encourage its leadership and come to its defense when the need arises. 4. Class Subcommittee Chairperson – He/she is in charge of (a) Master Guide, Youth leadership Award (b) A.Y. Combination Class and other Curriculums - Master Guide is designed for those who want to become Adventurers and pathfinder to get involved in Senior Youth Leadership. 5. Honors Subcommittee Chairperson – is in charge of (a) Vocational Training (b) Hobby Development. These encourage our youth to become self sufficient and provide opportunities for development in the future. 6. Outreach Subcommittee Chairperson - is in charge of (a) Friendship Evangelism (b) Impact Evangelism. The objective is to fulfill the Gospel Commission. 7. Community Service Subcommittee Chairperson – He is in charge presenting Christ to the committee. The main focus of the S.D.A Youth is Salvation and Service. The team will also work in close coordination with the outreach team. 8. Recreational Subcommittee Chairperson – In charge of (a) Camping Events (b) High Adventurer (c) Sports 9. Relationships Subcommittee Chairperson – In charge of (a) Social events/lifestyle (b) Pre-management Seminars. No youth group is complete without a strong social component. Youth need to come together for healthy opportunities to socialize. This team must work closely with the outreach team along these lines. 10. Standard of Excellence Subcommittee Chairperson - In charge of (a) Silver Award (b) Gold Award. These two (2) programs will be almost entirely promoted by the club. Both are designed specifically for this age category. There are activities like those of the Olympian levels. The manuals for those awards may be downloaded form the G.C. Website: youth.gc.adventist.org. 11. INSTRUCTORS are responsible for the curriculum levels from Little lamb through Helping Hand. They may also teach awards. Instructors can come from the church, or you can use specialists from the community. 12. Master Guides Though you do not need to be a Master Guide in order to work with Adventurers, you and your staff are free to work toward this goal. Achieving Master Guide status signifies one has dedicated time to learning more about children and child development. It also shows that one is interested in personal development and learning new skills. If a number of your staff members have not obtained Master Guide status, you could organize a class and encourage everyone to participate.



(A) A LEADER -is a person who leads. It comes from a German word meaning “To make go”. The same root is used for out English word, guidance, way path, track and load. Who then is a leader? (i) He makes things go (ii) He shows the way (iii) He gives guidance (iv) He finds the path (v) He channels resources in the right track (vi) He carries the load - This is what the word leader really means. A Christian Leader must know the way, if he is to guide others in the right path, he himself must be led by the great Master Guide Jesus Christ.

(B) CALLED TO LEAD OTHERS (i) Leaders are “Christ co-workers” (Counsels to Teachers p. 503). (ii) Are helping hands for the Lord (Ibid p. 488). (iii) Representatives of God (Education p. 287).

(C) BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN LEADER (i) Start things and make them succeed. (ii) Find solution to problem – a leader doesn’t see problems but challenges. (iii) Shows the way – has a good idea of what should be done and knows how to do it. (iv) Directs and uses all the talents and resources of the youths. (v) Knows how to delegate responsibilities and authorities.

(D) FIVE BASIC NEEDS OF THE CHRISTAIN LEADER 1. To know Christ as Personal Savior – must cultivate the art of living in the presence of Christ. 2. Must b understanding, empathy and love for youths. 3. Must have sufficient time and capacity need for the task. 4. Must have spiritual and emotional maturity. 5. Must have the ability to make friends, to counsel and communicate.

(E) RESPONSIBILTY OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER (i) Must direct the youth to Christ and strengthen them in the faith. (ii) Must seek to awaken the interest of youths in the affairs of the Church. (iii) Provide opportunities for the youths to live a full, abundant life now.

(F) THE BASES OF CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP What is Leadership? 1. Leadership is influence that one person has on another or a group of individuals to achieve at least similar goals. 2. Leadership is going somewhere and taking people with you. 3. Leadership is getting the important things done, at the right time, with optimum qualities, with the proper investment of resource. 4. Leadership means relationship. 5. Leadership means sharing participation with the leadership process. 6. Leadership means setting goals and getting the job done. 7. Leadership means meeting the basic needs of others. 8. Leadership means clear mutual expectation. 9. Leadership means turning problems into projects. - Influence can be good or evil. For the Christian leader, service to other selfless giving, sets him or her apart as one who is committed to the spiritual welfare and salvation of God’s people. Leadership is not a crown but a cross. The cross restores a relationship between God and man, then man to man relationship. The real essence of leadership is sacrifice.

(G) LEADERSHIP QUALITIES MOST DESIRED BY YOUTHS 1. Understanding (Prov.4:7) without understanding it is impossible to help, guide, or instruct one who is in need. Such leaders are rewarded with an attitude of respect, devotion, love and almost hero worship. 2. Spirituality (Rom. 6:8) a combination of two (2) understanding and spirituality, a most powerful force is placed in motion for the uplifting, healing, reconciliation and spiritual well-being of both the one knowing salvation and the one uncommitted. 3. Knowledge ability (Ecc. 7:12) Youth accept leaders who know where they are going, leaders whose objectives are obtainable and who know how to achieve them.

12 QUALITIES OF A LEADER "He who cooperates with the divine purpose in imparting to the youth a knowledge of God, and molding the character in harmony with His, does a high and noble work. He awakens a desire to reach God's ideal, he presents an education that is as high as heaven and as broad as the universe" (Education, p. 19). 1. Love God supremely. It takes Christian leaders to produce Christian men and women. The Adventurer leader's life is marked by Christcentered living. He or she must model what he or she expects Adventurers to become. 2. Love children sincerely. The only satisfactory motive for serving in the Adventurer Club is love for children. This love will be expressed more in action than by words. The Adventurer notices when an adult gladly shares time, energy and companionship. This love perseveres, even when the children are unappreciative. 3. Serve with enthusiasm. A vibrant, enthusiastic personality is a great asset to the Adventurer leader. Enthusiasm is contagious. Adventurers quickly follow optimistic leadership. The successful leader emphasizes the positive and supports the program with energy. 4. Possess emotional stability. A leader has to learn to master emotions. A leader needs self-discipline, temperance, faith and trust in God, and a sense of responsibility. Outbursts of ill temper, anger, or depression destroy the image of a competent Christian leader. Everyone is human, though, and sometimes leaders react in anger. A Christian leader will learn to apologize and ask forgiveness when he or she fails to exhibit Christian standards. A leader who can admit wrong is much more effective than one who pretends everything is perfect. 5. Enjoy being outdoors. Much of the activity of the Adventurer Club is done outdoors. The


Adventurer leader should enjoy outdoor activities such as camping and hiking and learn the skills required. The leader needs to have something new and fresh to introduce to the club or unit. 6. Know the essential characteristics of children. A successful leader understands the characteristics common to young children. Read current books, make observations, and work in harmony with prevailing trends. 7. Learn a variety of skills. A leader who is versatile and diverse always has something new to introduce to the group. As any good teacher, the leader should be knowledgeable about and prepared for the activities in which he or she leads the Adventurers. The leader should be able to discover the joy of new experiences in the Adventurer Staff Training Course. 8. Develop the ability to organize. Leaders need to be organized. First the leader sets goals and evaluates all the factors needed to reach these goals. Next, the leader outlines definite steps to accomplish these goals. Then, the leader delegates responsibility to as many people as possible. Finally, the leader coordinates what these people do and encourages and facilitates their progress step by step until the objective has been reached. This is organization. 9. Maintain good relations with fellow workers. As a leader, personal relations are exceedingly important. A leader has the responsibility of seeing that the staff is happy and working effectively. Problems among the staff cripple the entire program. The leader models good people skills, being tactful and diplomatic in handling personal problems. A leader must use the principles of love as the basis for everything done. A leader should never show jealousy or partiality in dealing with the staff or with the Adventurers. A leader's job is to facilitate those who are under his or her supervision so that they will do the best job possible. The leader is responsible for training future leaders of the Adventurer Club. 10. Radiate a dignity of presence that assures order. A leader has a commanding (not domineering) personality. This means that he or she has a dignity that commands respect without resorting to other methods. A leader should also be warm and friendly, someone whom an Adventurer can approach comfortably. A leader needs to balance firmness with kindness. 11. Sense of humor. In dealing with children a sense of humor is important. Using humor to handle teasing from Adventurers or to deal with irritating or upsetting incidents will keep things in perspective. 12. Be resourceful and creative. A leader has to be capable of reaching an objective despite various obstacles and difficulties. He or she is resourceful and has alternatives and options ready in an emergency. The leader is creative and determined in accomplishing goals. Personality and Emotional Maturity- leaders who handle pressure in a mature way. (H) MATURE LEADERSHIP i. Know others - Leaders must realize that they are working with imperfect people. ii. know yourself - recognize your own weakness and by the grace of God learn to grow to be like him. iii. Have and Demonstrate interest in others – as a leader always look for good in others. Even the most negative person there is good which can be discovered. iv. Demonstrate genuine Courtesy - True courtesy makes no exception of persons. Christ was courteous even to his persecutors; and his followers must manifest the same spirit (Ministry of Healing p. 489). v. Always be ready to help. vi. Make other feel Comfortable – even those with different views from yours. vii. Know the temperament of others e.g. Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic Melancholy. - The leader must know how to relate with them. viii. Be Tactful - when we deal with others, we should do so with kindness, courtesy and tact. It is better to ask than to tell, to listen than to accuse, to focus on the problem, not the person. (I) CHRIST THE MODEL LEADER 1. He led by his life. His life as an example. He lived what he taught. 2. He was sympathetic and understanding of the needs of others. Those who were afflicted felt as though Christ linked himself with them as a faithful, tender and loving friend. (Desire of Ages pp. 254, 255, Heb. 4:15-16). 3. He was kind and Thoughtful (Eph. 4:32 Ministry of Healing p. 487, Steps to Christ p. 12). “He was never rude, never needlessly spoke a severe word and never gave needless pain to a sensitive soul”. 4. He saw every person as a candidate for Heaven – he saw that sinful man can be transformed into his likeness wen he is transfigured. He saw possible heirs of the kingdom. (Ministry of Healing p.42, 26, 26; John 3:16-17. 5. He had a sense of mission (John 18:37, Luke 2:29. 6. He was humble and Dependent upon his Heavenly Father – he surrounded to the Fathers will and plans for him. He humbled himself to a level of man or a sinner. 7. He gave a pattern for Soul-winning – Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. He showed his sympathy for them, ministered to their needs and won there conference. Then he bade them follow me.

WHAT YOU OUGHT TO KNOW IN LEADERSHIP 1. Do not make people but build them (Gen. 37:19-20). 2. Give a second change or people to lead but don’t stand at Akimbo (Luke 13:7-8). 3. Develop leaders while leading (I kings 19:20). 4. Establish work into divisions and delegate (Exodus 18:17-23). 5. Make decisions in the frame work of the law and policy (Matt. 4:4). 6. Do tasks according to limits (Phil. 4:13; Luke 14:28-34). 7. Consult authority entitled (Romans 13:6-7; Luke 3:6-7). 8. Analyze mistakes and learn from them (Luke 15:18). 9. A handover is virtues or very important (2 Kings 2:13-14). 10. You only retire at death (Joshua 14:10-11; Heb. 7:17).

LEADERSHIP THEORIES 1. Trait Theory – This theory teaches teachers that leaders are born not made. A person is born either with qualities of disqualified for being a leader. (a) Physical Trait – This could include height, weight, physical attractiveness, body shape and appearance. (b) Personality Trait – This include intelligence, self-confidence, dominance, enthusiasm, assertiveness, responsibility, creativity, originality, dependability, critical thinking ability and ability to communicate effectively, e.t.c. NOTE: There are qualities that may make one not to be a leader (1 Samuel 16:7 and 1 Samuel 7:12).


2. CIRCUMSTANCES THEORY – This theory teaches that the leader leads according to circumstances and can be effective in one circumstance, while totally ineffective in another. According to this theory of leadership, the circumstances make (or break) the leader. (Amos 7:14-15). 3. FUNCTION THEORY – This theory teaches that leadership consists of certain behaviors or functions that groups must have performed. These functions are identifiable behaviors that can be learned by any person; all can improve their potential as leaders by learning to perform these key functions more effectively. Function theory opens the doors to all to be able to become a leader.

LEADERSHIP STYLES Other studies have identified three (3) basic leadership styles: 1. Autocratic leadership - The leader makes the decisions (Exodus 5:2). The leader has a high need for control often to the point of being obsessed with it. 2. Laissez-Faire Leadership style - The leader is just in a position by design or by default simply does nothing. This style permits the members to do whatever they want to do. No policies or procedures are established and every one is left alone; no one attempts to influence anyone else (Judges 17:6). 3. Democratic leadership style – The group makes the decisions (Acts 1:15-25). The problem with style it takes more time to get the job done. Autocratic style gets job done faster, the quality and durability of the result is less than under democratic leadership. - Autocratic style is better in given situation and bad in another: e.g. if a house is on fire, the best style is Autocratic not democratic. - In many situations democratic is better.

THE FOUR TEMPERAMENTS They can be grouped into Extroverts (Cholerics and Sanguines) and Introverts (Phelgmatics and Melancholics)

NO. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Choleric Leader, energetic, optimistic, determined, decisive, practical Angry-cruel, proud, sarcastic, domineering, unemotional 2. Sanguine Cheerful, enthusiastic, positive, loves people Emotional, disorganized, undependable, indecisive 3. Phlegmatic Peacemakers, diplomatic, clam, considerate Unmotivated, selfish, stingy, fearful, tease, spectator 4. Melancholy Reflective, gifted, self-disciplined, loyal, sensitive neat and orderly Critical, revengeful, moody, touchy, persecution-prone.

5. UNDERSTANDING THE ADVENTURER AGE CHILDREN SEMINARS-Patience is the key 1.WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? PROVERBS 22:6 (NCV) EPH. 4:6 Train children to live the right way and when they are old, they will not stray from it.

MATTHEW 18:6 – LUKE 17:2 If anyone causes one of these little ones –those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

how they behave THEY LOVE strenuous (eagerly pressing or urgent; zealous; earnest) activities! They LOVE to create new things! They have active imaginations/growing ability to memorize! They have variable attention spans They LOVE hearing stories! They are readily disciplined! They CRAVE (strong desire; longing appetite) new experiences that satisfy! They are CURIOUS about everything!

understanding why they behave that way I am imaginative Average attention span is 1-2 minutes Large assignments discourage them Their energy is not limitless, therefore their initial excitement may cause exhaustion/ crankiness They like work that can turn in play Muscular coordination is still developing, they need practice with smaller muscles-(ex: putting things together/drawing). Memorization comes easily. Boys usually like outdoor activities/wild animal stories Girls typically like stories about children/family experiences/ stories that involve repetition and conversation Children must feel like they have freedom of choice They must be able to move around after remaining still for too long They become irritated and discouraged by failure


How do WE handle them? •Provide






Keep the story moving!

Supply ”jobs” to different adventurers

activity! •Be PATIENT! •Get






out materials •Include



Let them choose an activity

Make 3 changes during club time

regular adventurer program •Make stories VIVID with details that stimulate their minds (ask them to close eyes



themselves in the story)

Never strike/belittle a child, always give private counseing

Reward good behavior

•Don’t make requirements impossible, they will lose interest/don’t ask them to provide details

HOW to teach them 

Tell them to invite others to adventurer club and Sabbath school!

Show them how to use their energy for God by helping and respecting each other!

Lead by example, try your best to display positivity and cheerfulness at all times

Bring Bible and story characters to life! Relate truth to their life by making it personal!

Tell Stories, use visual aids, and ask questions!

Teach children God is pleased by obedience and their trust in him.

Share your own faith and journey with them!

Teach Gods plan of salvation to help Adventurers feel confident in God’s love.

Above all, help them to learn to love God, as their Personal Savior

1.Age level characteristics-little lambs physical 

Learn through play

 

Motor skills

Share when asked

Have short attention spans

bounced ball-walk a straight

Imaginary playmates

Obey rules, but do not understand

line-hop on one foot-kick a

Explore the body

ball-throw overhand

Begin to play with others in

right or wrong   


Run-climb-skip-catch a

Can follow two unrelated simple

Learning to write and draw


Dress themselves but may

May be bossy

Understand danger and may

need some help-can hold a

Change the rules to games

develop fears

pencil, draw a circle and a

Sometimes lie to protect

Experience mood swings, but


tantrum generally don’t last long

Can use safety scissors to


friends or themselves

Can be aggressive but want


Know six to eight colors

Understand concept such as size

cut a line 

and shapes 

Like to do things for themselves


Build block structures with 10 blocks

but reassured when an adult is

Can complete simple 4 to 12 piece puzzles

nearby for help.

2.Age level characteristics – Eager beaver physical     



Can control gross motor skills more

Short attention spans

May not share well

easily the fine motor skill

Learn actively

May appear to be “know-it-alls”

Difficulty controlling large body

Focus on one thing at a time

Competitive and like to win


Need specific directions

Only see their point of view

Struggle to control volume of

Require consistency

Easily embarrassed by criticism


Can confuse reality and fiction

Tantrums to test authority

Can dress themselves with slight

Want to make their own decisions

Love encouragement and rewards


Are literal

Can take themselves to the bathroom- occasionally “accidents” happen

3.Age level characteristics 6-7years physical  



Small muscle coordination is

New intense feelings

Struggling with social acceptance

developing and improving

Deep need for approval from

Extremely competitive

peers/ adults

Needs spotlight

Girl are ahead of boys 

Hard to control behavior

4.age level characteristic 8-9years physical 

Good muscle coordination.

Become impatient with failure

emotional  


Teasing, nicknames, criticism, &

Status within peers important

venting anger

Child decreases dependency on

Developing right vs wrong value



5.age level characteristics 6-7years intellectual 

Intense eagerness to learn

Ask lots of questions

Limited concept of time

Listening skills developing rapidly

spiritual  

Physical development

Needs visuals to help understand

Growth proceeding more slowly

God’s greatness

High activity level can stay still only

Needs specific examples of Jesus

for short period

his/her friend

6.age level characteristics 8-9years intellectual 

Realize that there are other valid

spiritual 

opinions 

Becoming reasoning and thinks

Sense a need for God’s help and

Physical development 

guidance 


A desire to become a member of

Slow-steady growth, muscle developing

Attention span in increases

God’s family

7.age level characteristics 6-7years 14 ADVENTURER STAFF TRAINING COURSE – 1ST TO 3rD /02/2019-EDDIE NGANDU

behavior  

Special need

Teaching tips

Eager to learn, exuberant, restless,


Give opportunity to move around

overactive, easily fatigued

Patience, warmth, praise

Use activities that involve cutting

Learns best thru participation

Wise supervision

Help in developing acceptable

and writing skill


8.age level characteristics 8-9 behavior 

Special need

Careless sometimes, noisy,

praise and encouragement

vary activities

argumentative but also alert,

training in skills, but without

understand skills level


use pictures for illustrations

reading and writing will vary

friendly and interested in people 

Teaching tips













Planning the Adventurer Club Year The Adventurer Club year may correspond with the calendar year or the school year. Check with your conference for their master schedule. Take time before the Adventurer year begins to create your calendar. Schedule a time when you can meet with your staff for several hours to plan events, programs and other activities. Consider planning a weekend retreat so your staff can get to know one another while spending time in prayer and planning. If a weekend retreat isn’t possible, plan at least an afternoon to meet together. When you meet with your staff, consider the following questions: • What do we want to accomplish this year? • How can we meet these goals? • When will each event take place? • Who will be responsible? • How will we communicate with Adventurers, parents, church members, and the community? • How often should the club meet? • How often should the staff meet? • How will we evaluate our programs? Be sure to include the following on your calendar: • Weekly meetings


• Induction • Adventurer Sabbath • Crafts • Conference-sponsored activities • Nature activities • Curriculum requirements • Adventurer Fun Day • Investiture It’s important to include Adventurer awards when planning your calendar. Choose awards, crafts, and activities that will appeal to both boys and girls. Consider who can teach the various classes on your schedule and find outside helpers who can contribute to the Adventurer program. This will keep your staff members from taking on more than they can handle. The church board must approve the Adventurer Club’s annual calendar, including field trips and other off-site activities. This will build support and put the club in a better position to ask for financial considerations when the board develops the annual church budget. The local church board must approve all off-site activities in order for insurance coverage to be effective. Planning for an entire year may seem like a lot of work. However, your time is an investment. Annual planning creates a roadmap for the entire Adventurer year. Your team will work more efficiently when they can see the big picture. Early planning on your part also allows families to plan their schedules around Adventurers and eliminate scheduling conflicts. This will help attendance stay strong throughout the Adventurer Club year.

Recruiting Adventurers During the summer months, your leadership team can visit in the homes of prospective Adventurers. Meet with children and their parents/guardians and tell them about the club and activities. Use this time to build relationships and get to know the families who want to join your club. Four weeks before registration, begin placing announcements in the church bulletin with all the details parents and Adventurers will need. You can also post information on the church bulletin board. Remind parents that their attendance is important because their signature is required on several forms. Send a letter to prospective Adventurers and their parents, encouraging them to join the club. This is a good time to let them know about uniform costs and club dues. Because not all families will be able to afford the cost of uniforms and dues, you could recruit sponsors to help defray expenses. You could also consider purchasing uniforms to rent to Adventurers each year. Recruit Adventurers by: • Visiting prospective Adventurers and their parents at home • Bulletin announcements • Sending letters to prospective Adventurers and their parents • Posting announcements on church bulletin board • Promoting the Adventurer Club on your church website

The Adventurer Year Begins Adventurer Registration The first official event of the Adventurer year is registration. You’ve done lots of legwork; now your recruiting efforts will pay off. Below are several ideas for helping registration run smoothly. Choose a time when you know most people will be able to attend. If you schedule registration for your regularly scheduled meeting time, it will help parents know when they need to drop off their children each week. Adventurer registration can coincide with Pathfinder registration, though you will probably want to pick different locations within the church. Set up a welcome station where you can greet Adventurers and parents and distribute registration materials. From here, Adventurers and parents will need to: • Complete an Adventurer Club Membership Application. (A master copy is included in the Adventurer Club Manual.) • Complete an Adventurer Club Health Record. (A master copy is included in the Adventurer Club Manual.) • Be measured and place a uniform order. Assign someone familiar with taking measurements to this station. • Receive a class level assignment. Provide parents with a calendar of events, at least for the first part of the Adventurer year. The calendar should include weekly meetings, induction, Adventurer Sabbath, field trips, campouts, investiture and any other events. This will help families plan their schedule around Adventurer activities.


Registration is generally held in the fall when the Adventurer year begins. You may need to hold a second registration in January if more children wish to join your club. Adding new Adventurers halfway through the year may be difficult. By joining the club late, they may be behind in their curriculum requirements and may not be ready for Investiture in the spring. Your leadership team will need a plan for late registrations.

Induction Induction is a special ceremony where both new and returning Adventurers are dedicated to the Lord. It should be scheduled three to four weeks following club registration. By waiting few weeks to hold the induction ceremony, Adventurers have time to learn the Adventurer pledge, law and song. Adventurers should wear their dress uniforms for this ceremony. The Induction service may include: • Flag ceremony • Pledge to Zambia flag • Pledge to Christian flag • Pledge to Bible • Adventurer theme song • Adventurer pledge and law • Invocation and welcome • Homily • Recognition of parental responsibility • Dedication prayer • Dedication song

Weekly Meetings The director’s responsibilities include the following: • Arrive early to prepare for the meeting. Unlock the building before staff and Adventurers begin to arrive. • Arrange for a worship speaker each week. It is always advisable to have something prepared in case the planned speaker is not available. • Ensure all units are adequately supervised. If a unit counselor is unable to be present, you will need to step in or delegate someone else to supervise the unit. • Begin meetings on time. • Help Adventurers and staff transition smoothly between activities. • Deal with any discipline problems in a way that won’t alienate the misbehaving Adventurer, but will bring the situation under control. • End meetings on time so both parents and children can stay on schedule. This is especially important if your club meets on school nights.

Investiture The Adventurer year will pass faster than you can imagine. As the weeks and months slip by, the Adventurers will feel a sense of accomplishment as they complete class work and gain new skills through completing awards. With the end of the Adventurer year comes the investiture service. If your church has a Pathfinder Club, you may choose to combine the investiture service for both clubs. This service is a time for recognition of work done well. It is a time for Adventurers to share what they have learned so the church family can recognize their accomplishments. Adventurers will enjoy displaying their finished projects. Elements to include in an investiture service: • Adventurer theme song • Adventurer pledge and law • Special music • Memory work • Practical demonstrations or skits • Parental recognition • Charge • Presentation of Adventurer awards and certificates • Closing song • Closing prayer

Adventurer Investiture Ceremony Outline 17 ADVENTURER STAFF TRAINING COURSE – 1ST TO 3rD /02/2019-EDDIE NGANDU

It is important that this service be conducted in a dignified manner and in a way that will encourage every person to do more for the encouragement and salvation of children. Check with your pastor at the beginning of the Adventurer year to see if you can schedule the Investiture service during the Sabbath morning schedule. The Anchoring in Christ Pin: Is to be given at Investiture for the purpose of recognizing parents/guardians who have regularly participated in the Adventurer Club during the past year. These pins symbolize the parents/guardians commitment to the Adventurer Club, and should be given to each parent/guardian whose child is invested.

Time Allotment Procession ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……...7minutes Flag Bearers: “Onward Christian Soldiers” (children to place flags in holder, then return to group) Parents & Adventurers walk in to music or song of “Jesus Loves the Little Children” (no drums) [Note: If the flags are on the platform, then the Canadian Flag should be on the right of the speaker. If it is on the same level as the congregation, then it should be on the right of the congregation] Opening Exercises …………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5minutes  Singing of Canadian National Anthem (invite the congregation to  stand for the anthem)  Adventurer Pledge  Pledge to the Bible (optional)  Pledge to the Christian Flag (optional) – only if there is a Christian  flag  Adventurer Law  Adventurer Song  Opening Prayer  Welcome BE SEATED – REGULAR WORSHIP BEGINS – (Midday Service) Investiture: (Introduction of conference representative)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…2minutes Memory work of yearly activity done by the Investees……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10minutes Practical demonstrations or skits………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...8minutes Year in review pictures, slide show, video (optional)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5minutes Presentation of Adventurer Awards, certificates, “Anchoring in Christ” pins (by conference representative)…………………………... 10 minutes Parents are invited to stand behind their children facing the congregation……………………………………………………………………………….10minutes Charge to Parents and Adventurers: (by conference representative)………………………………………………………………………………………….…3minutes Dedicatory Prayer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………....2minutes Acknowledgment/Announcement (Club Director)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2minutes Closing Song ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…2minutes Closing Prayer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………....2minutes Recessional ……………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…….2minutes Total Time:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. 70minutes

Guidelines in Giving Achievement Awards The following are the types of certificates, which the Ontario Conference Adventurer Department will issue, if requested (with names submitted) three weeks prior to event:  Adventurer of the Year (Boy) *  Adventurer of the Year (Girl) *  Eager Beaver of the Year (Boy)  Eager Beaver of the Year (Girl)  Little Lamb of the Year (Boy)  Little Lamb of the Year (Girl)  Best in Conduct (Adventurer)  Best in Conduct (Eager Beaver)  Best in Conduct (Little Lamb)  Most Improved Adventurer  Most Improved Eager Beaver  Most Improved Little Lamb  Best in Attendance (Adventurer)  Best in Attendance (Eager Beaver)  Best in Attendance Little Lamb It is optional for the club to present other trophies or medals to the awardees as seen fit, but be aware of the sensitiveness of this age group in presenting awards. Example: If all the children received awards except one, this might negatively affect the one left out. So think of ways to recognize the strength and potential of everyone. When awards are given, parents should accompany their children to receive the award.

Relating to Parents Successful clubs require the participation of every member’s parent/guardian in some capacity. Engaging parents in club activities will strengthen the overall program. If parents are unable to serve as staff members, encourage them to provide transportation for outings, teach an award, host Adventurer parties, etc.


As Adventurer director, make it a point to understand the families of children in your club. What is each child’s home situation? Are their parents or guardians strict disciplinarians or overly permissive? What level of supervision do they expect from the Adventurer staff? How will they evaluate your program? While most Adventurers in your club will probably come from Christian homes, you should also be prepared to minister to children and families from different backgrounds. Demonstrating your genuine interest in each child will help you win parents’ confidence. Below are some recommendations: • Communicate regularly with parents via email, phone, letters, in-person discussion and the Adventurer calendar • Make sure each parent has a clear understanding of the club’s goals • Recognize parental contributions on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis

Finances Before the Adventurer year begins, meet with your staff to plan the annual budget. Your club’s funding will come from several sources. Each Adventurer will contribute annual dues. In addition, the church will provide a portion through the annual church budget. Donations may round out the budget. Include the cost of the following in your budget: • Adventurer awards • Certificates • Craft supplies • Outreach projects • Conference events • Field trips • Conference registration fee • Transportation

Summary Directing an Adventurer Club is a big job that will make a significant impact on children’s lives. Thank you for taking on this important responsibility. May God bless you in this important journey. As you work to bring Adventurers and their families closer to Jesus, remember that God has a plan for you and each of the Adventurers that will be touched by your ministry. Permission Forms For insurance purposes it is essential that the church board approves all outings, and that parents/guardians complete a separate permission form prior to each outing


ADVENTURER CLUB CURRICULUM The Adventurer club curriculum is designed for children in pre-kindergarten through fourth grade. Curriculum requirements for each level are divided into five areas: 1) Basics-adventurers’ pledge, adventurer song, national anthem or recite your country’s pledge of allegiance, adventurers’ law & pray independently. 2) My God- To develop the growing relationship between Adventurer and Christ 3)My Self- To encourage the adventurer to care for and appreciate the individual God created them to be 4)My Family- Helps the Adventurer realize that they are an important part of the family, God gave them and that they have a part in making it a happy productive family. 5)My World- Helps Adventurer encounter God’s WORLD with confidence and compassion. In this TRAINING to instructors/director, there are guides for leaders/instructor of the LITTLE LAMBS , EAGEL BEAVERS, BUSY BEES, SUN BEAMS, BUILDERS AND HELPING HANDS. Each contains interactive, themed lessons that help the children and their parents or guardian complete adventurer requirements and stars , chips, awards


ADVENTURER PLEDGE Because JESUS love me, I will always do my best



“Jesus can help me to be...” 1.BE OBEDIENT: I will obey God’s laws and cheerfully do what my parents and teachers ask me to do. I will obey the laws of my country. 2.BE PURE: My body is the temple of God, so I want to keep it clean. I will not swear, smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs, or do any other thing God says is not good. 3.BE TRUE: I will always tell the truth and never try to deceive–even if I may get in trouble for it. 4.BE KIND: I will look for ways to make other people happy. I will never hurt a person or animal intentionally. I will share my toys too. 5.BE RESPECTFUL: I will be courteous to those whom God put in authority over me (like parents and teachers) and to those who are younger and weaker than me (like little brothers and sisters). I will take good care of other people’s property, even something as small as a borrowed pencil. 6.BE ATTENTIVE: I will listen when someone is talking to me at home, at school, and at church. I will especially listen for God to tell me what to do with my life. 7.BE HELPFUL: I will look for ways to help and not wait to be asked. I can help family at home, teachers and friends at school, and others in my community. I can even help God. 8.BE CHEERFUL: I will not grumble or complain when I don’t get my way or when I have work to do. I will remember that God made me; knowing that makes me happy. 9.BE THOUGHTFUL: I will make courtesy a habit, both in words and actions. I will look for ways to be nice to people. I will not be rude or irritating. 10.BE REVERENT: I will listen carefully to God, His word, and His messengers. I will take good care of my Bible and church property. I will never make fun of holy things.

Zambia national anthem Stand and sing of Zambia, proud and free, Land of work and joy in unity, Victors in the struggle for the right, We've won freedom's fight. All one, strong and free. Africa is our own motherland, Fashion'd with and blessed by God's good hand, Let us all her people join as one, Brothers under the sun. All one, strong and free. One land and one nation is our cry, Dignity and peace 'neath Zambia's sky, Like our noble eagle in its flight, Zambia-praise to thee. All one, strong and free. Praise be to God, Praise be, praise be, praise be, Bless our great nation, Zambia, Zambia, Zambia, Free men we stand Under the flag of our land, Zambia-praise to thee. All one, strong and free

ADVENTURER SONG: We are Adventurers , at home, at school, at play. We are Adventurers we’re learning every day To be honest, kind and true To be like Jesus through and through We are adventurer!


Classes, colors & meaning 1.Little Lamb Little Lambs discover what a joy it can be to obey Jesus. (Light blue)

2.Eager Beaver/Early Birds Eager Beavers explore the love that pours forth from Christ and family. (Green)

3.Busy Bee Busy Bees learn how to stay “bizzzzy” working for Jesus. (Yellow)

4.Sunbeam Sunbeams study courtesy and practice shining for Jesus every day. (Orange)

5.Builder Builders focus on building Christian character and keeping their bodies strong for Jesus (Blue).

6.Helping Hand Helping Hands lend a helping hand in service to Jesus at home, school, and in their community. (Burgundy)

MY GOD 1. LITTLE LAMB-4 YEARS 1. Have someone help you memorize ( psalms 23:1 ) 2. Learn and song about JESUS’ love for you. 3. Read about the story of salvation and talk about God’s relationship with Jesus and us. 4. Make a thankful card, thanking God for something special to you. 5. Memories and repeat the Lord’s prayer. 6. Read a bible story on prayer

2. EAGER BEAVER-5 YEARS (1) Memories and repeat John 3:16 (2) say the fourth commandment: remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (exodus 20:8) (2) Other texts are: (a) Genesis 1:27 (b) Psalms 32:7 or 119:73 (c) Proverbs 3:1 or 20:11 (d) John 14:15 (e) 1 Corinthians 10:31 (f) 1 John 4:7 0r 12 or 19 (3) Read or tell a story about E. G. White. (4) chips to earn  Beavers chip  Bible friends chip  God’s world chip

3. BUSY BEE- 6 YEARS (1) Create a story chart ( showing the order in which these event took place: Creation Sin and sadness begin Jesus cares for me today Jesus comes again Heaven (2) Draw a picture or tell about one of the stories above to show how much Jesus cares for you.

4. SUN BEAM – 7 YEARS (1) Create a story chart showing JESUS Birth Life death (2) Make a mural or tell about one of the stories a above and show someone the joy of being saved by Jesus.

5. BUILDER- 8 YEARS7 1. Create a story chart showing the order in which these stories took place: Paul Martin Luther Ellen White yourself


2. Plan a skit or newspaper story about one of the stories above to show someone how to give one’s life to Jesus.

6. HELPING HAND- 9 YEARS (1) Create a story chart showing the order which these stories took place: Noah Abraham Moses David Daniel. (2) Make a diorama , poem , or song about one of the stories above to show someone how to live for God.



Count numbersLearn colors Brush your teeth Comb hair

2. EAGER BEAVER-5 YEARS 1. Learn to : Tie your shoes Brush your teeth properly Comb / brush your hair Dress yourself . ( for more information see Eagle Beavers work) 2. Learn the following: My full names My mother’s name My father’s name My home address My parents’ phone numbers 3. chips to earn  alphabet fun chip  manners fun chip  know your body chip

3. BUSY BEE- 6 YEARS (i) I’m special To enhance the children’s care and appreciation for the individuals God Created them to be. Make a booklet showing different people who care for you as Jesus would (ii) I can make wise choices Name at least four different feelings games ( feel the value of determining their own happiness and successes by making wise choices in Christ.) (iii) I can care for my body Earn the health specialist Adventurers award.

4. SUN BEAM – 7 YEARS (i) I’m special Make a tracing of yourself. Decorate it with pictures and words which tell good things about yourself (ii) I can make wise choices Play the what-if? game (iii) I can care for my body Earn the fitness fun Adventurer Award.

5. BUILDER- 8 YEARS0 (i) I’m special Put together a scrapbook, poster or collage showing some things you can do to serve God and others. (ii) I can make wise choices Earn the Media Critic Adventurer Award. (iii) I can care for my body EARN the Temperance Award.


(i) I’m special  A. List some special interest and abilities God has given you  B. demonstrate and share your talent by earning one of ADVENTURER AWARDS that allow expressions of personal talent. (ii) I can make wise choices  learn the steps of good decision-making.  B. use them to solve two real-life problems. (iii) I can care for my body  Earn the hygiene Adventurer Award.



1. MEMORIZE THE 5TH COMMANDMENT. GIVE AN EXPLANATION 2.CHOOSE from five of the following activities; do the activity for five working days. Wash, dry the dishes from dishwasher Pickup your toys Hang up your clothes Make your on bed Lead out in worship

2. EAGER BEAVER-5 YEARS 1. Earn the beaver chip    

Say the fifth commandment: “ honor your father & your mother” (exodus 20:12) HELPING AT HOME chip Fire safety chip Pets & toys chip

3. BUSY BEE- 6 YEARS (i) I HAVE A FAMILY Paint or draw a picture showing something you like about each member of your family. (ii) FAMILIES CARE FOR EACH OTHER Discover what the fifth commandment ( exodus 20:12) tells you about families. Act out three ways can honor your family. (iii) MY FAMILY HELPS ME CARE FOR MYSELF Earn the safety specialist adventurer Award

4. SUN BEAM – 7 YEARS (i) I HAVE A FAMILY Ask each member of your family to tell some of their favorite memories. (ii) FAMILIES CARE FOR EACH OTHE Show how Jesus can help you deal with disagreements. Use : Puppets Role playing other (iii) MY FAMILY HELPS ME CARE FOR MYSELF earn the road safety Adventurer Award.

5. BUILDER- 8 YEARS (i) I HAVE A FAMILY share one way your family has changed. Tell how you felt and what you did. Find a story in the bible about a family like yours (ii) FAMILIES CARE FOR EACH OTHE Play the love game (iii) MY FAMILY HELPS ME CARE FOR MYSELF Complete the wise Steward Adventurer Award.

6. HELPING HAND- 9 YEARS (i) I HAVE A FAMILY Make a family flag or banner or collect stories or photographs about your family history. (ii) FAMILIES CARE FOR EACH OTHER Help plan a special family worship night or family outing. (iii) MY FAMILY HELPS ME CARE FOR MYSELF


Earn an Adventurer Award , not previously earned, in one of the following areas: Craft Indoor skills Outdoor skills.

MY WORLD 1. LITTLE LAMB-4 YEARS 1. Memories your country’s pledge of allegiance or national anthem 2. Make and deliver a get well card to a sick person


3. Memorize Genesis 1:1 4. learn the days of creation and what was created in each day

2. EAGER BEAVER-5 YEARS 1. Earn the following beaver chips: Animal homes  Beginning biking  Beginning swimming  Jesus’ star  The playing with friends chip My community friends Fire safety Crayons & makers Animals Birds Gadgets & sand Pets Scavenger hunts Shapes & sizes Sponge art  Stamping fun

3. BUSY BEE- 6 YEARS (i) THE WORLD OF FRIENDSTell how you can be a good friend. Use: Puppets Role-playing Other

(ii) THE WORLD OF OTHER PEOPLE Tell about the work people do in your church. find a way to help.

(iii) THE WORLD OF NATURE Earn the friend of Animals Adventurer award.

4. SUN BEAM – 7 YEARS (i) THE WORLD OF FRIENDS Complete the courtesy Adventurer Award. (ii) THE WORLD OF OTHER PEOPLE Explore your neighborhood. List things that are good and things you could help make better. From your list , choose ways and spend time making your neighborhood better. (iii) THE WORLD OF NATURE Earn the friend of nature ADVENTURER AWARDS


5. BUILDER- 8 YEARS (i) THE WORLD OF FRIENDS Make friends with a person who has a handicap or a person of another culture or generation. Invite that person to a family. 24 ADVENTURER STAFF TRAINING COURSE – 1ST TO 3rD /02/2019-EDDIE NGANDU

(ii) THE WORLD OF OTHER PEOPLE Know and explain your national anthem and flag. Name your country’s capital city and the leader of your country. (iii) THE WORLD OF NATURE Earn an Adventurer Award for nature, not previously earned.

6. HELPING HAND- 9 YEARS (i) THE WORLD OF FRIENDS Earn the caring friend award. (ii) THE WORLD OF OTHER PEOPLE Choose a world culture to study. Find a way to share Jesus’ love with some of the people of that culture. (iii) THE WORLD OF NATURE EARN THE ENVIRONMENTALIST ADVENTURER AWARD.

8. ADVENTURER FAMILY NETWORK PROGRAM- SEMINAR An important part of the Adventurer Club ministry is providing parents and guardians in your church, as well as your community, with a support network. The family network is an international way for the Adventurer club and the church family to provide support and training on parenting topics to parents and guardians THE FAMILY AND ADVENTURER CLUB The Adventurer Club exists for the purpose of supporting parents in the task of raising children for Jesus Christ. It does not seek to take over this responsibility for the parents or to exclude the parents from the activities of the children. For this reason, parents are an integral part of the Adventurer program from the MY FAMILY track in the children's class work to the FAMILY track designed especially for parents. Parents are welcomed and urged to take part in the life of the club. Besides regular parent meetings, they are welcome and valued at club meetings for their companionship, influence, and assistance. Many clubs ask parents to commit themselves to attending and assisting with at least one club meeting per quarter, in addition to the regular parent nights. THE FAMILY AND THE ADVENTURER CLASS WORK The world of the Adventurer-age child is centered around the family. In order to direct children's lives to God, the cooperation of the parents and family must be enlisted wherever possible. Where the Adventurer class work is taught outside of the home, parents should be made aware of the Adventurer program and its goals from the very beginning. A special parents meeting may be held, or letters sent home, to explain the goals and methods of the Adventurer curriculum. The MY FAMILY track, in particular, provides parents with an opportunity to take part in helping their children reach the Adventurer goals. Several letters are provided in the Instructor's Manual to introduce parents to specific parts of the Adventurer curriculum.

PURPOSE To teach successful parenting techniques and thereby receive god’s promised blessing. OBJECTIVE To emphasize the importance of parental accountability, authority, and responsibility of child training. FAMILY NETWORK PROGRAM 

Parental Empowerment

The adventurer family

Adventurer family network meeting


Parental relationship


Community resources


Network program

Adventurer family network as a support system i)




Family involvement


Adventurer family network is…..


Community resources

Parental affirmation i)

Child-parent activities

DISCIPLINE Providing discipline for the Adventurer child is a positive contribution to his happiness and well-being. Discipline is not primarily punishment, but a way of helping the child to learn self-control and caring for others as a disciple of Jesus. • Model the behavior you want • Provide a peaceful, organized room • Be prepared • Set specific expectations • Consistently redirect misbehavior Role of Children in the Bible The following is quoted from the Ministers and Elders Handbook for Children’s Ministries, published by the General Conference 2005 “…..Children bring joy and blessings to adults. God provides may benefits to parents through parenting their children. [Num 5:28, Deut 28:4,11] Children need to be taught to develop a relationship with God. One of our greatest challenges is to pass on our beliefs and understanding of God to our children [Exod. 12:26,37; Deut 6:1-7; Prov 22:6] Children are so valuable to God that he commands us to protect them. Parents are to ensure the spiritual and physical safety of their children [1 Sam. 20:42; Ezra 8:21] ……..God enjoys the nature and personality of children and asks adults to learn from them. Scripture identifies attributes such as sincerity, humility, simplicity and trusting as qualities found in children and God treasures these characteristics [Matt 18:3; 19:4; Phil. 2:15]



Philosophy and Objectives of the Adventurer Awards Each award is designed to be a course of study that introduces a subject. This subject should have practical value and should enhance the lifestyle of the person pursuing the award. Award study should assist the person in his/her development as a well-rounded Christian by directly affecting the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of life. The study of an award should direct the child to a deeper love of the Creator and should increase one’s interest in committing their life in service to God and to the community. Award study is intended to help the child’s spiritual character development. Therefore, every award should be designed to require high standards of excellence by clearly stating in all requirements what tasks are to be accomplished. Fulfilling the requirements should be interesting and fun, while at the same time providing the child with a sense of achievement. Because Adventurer awards are a part of a church-sponsored program, all facets of course study should be in harmony with basic church standards. For this reason award study would normally avoid topics with requirements calling for destruction of plant or animal life as well as types of armed of unarmed defense. Also, subjects should be avoided that could only be studied by a small group of people in a single local area. It is the purpose of all awards to help the child to “increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways for children. . . 1. To develop a Christ-like character; 2. To experience the joy and satisfaction of doing things well; 3. To express their love for Jesus in a natural way; 4. To learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others; 5. To discover their God-given abilities and to learn how to use them to benefit self and serve others; 6. To discover God’s world; 7. To improve their understanding of what makes families strong; 8. To develop parental support for the training of children.

Guidelines for Participating in the Adventurer stars, chips & Award Program 1. Children age 4 - 9 (or in pre-kindergarten to grade 4) are eligible for Adventurer membership. 2. Club activities include Adventurer star awards, chip awards, & Awards, field trips, and regular club meetings. Before joining the club, the Adventurer must agree to participate and cooperate in these activities. 3. Members must be faithful in attendance. Many clubs establish limits on absences and tardinesses, and Adventurers who do not comply with these regulations are asked to withdraw from the club. 4. The parents of the Adventurers must be willing to agree to and cooperate with the regulations and activities of the club, as agreed on the Adventurer Application Blank. At times they may be asked to supply money and time to support their child’s membership. 5. Adventurers should own and regularly wear a complete Adventurer uniform. They must come to meetings and club-sponsored events in full uniform, as advised by the club director. 6. Adventurers are expected to obey all regulations and instructions of the Adventurer staff. 7. Club members must be willing to participate in community service projects and Share Your Faith and Outreach programs. 8. Adventurers must learn and live by the principles of the Adventurer Pledge and Law.


Stars for little lamb Chips for Eagar beaver Awards for busy bees to helping hands

FIVE CATEGORIES 1. Stars for little lamb


 

Spiritual  Bible friends  Little boy Jesus  My friend Jesus Recreation  Music  Healthy me  Numbers  ABCs  Community helpers Nature  Insects  Zoo animals  Wooly lamb Household Arts  Healthy foods  Special helper Arts & Crafts  Colors  Finger play 2. Chips For Eagar beaver

Arts & Crafts  Pets & toys chip  Shapes & sizes  Sponge art  Stamping fun  Crayons & makers Household Arts  Animal homes  Pets  Fire safety  HELPING AT HOME chip  know your body chip Nature  Animals  Beaver  Flowers  Scavenger hunts  Birds Spiritual  Jesus’ star  Bible friends chip  God’s world chip Recreation  Beginning biking  Beginning swimming  Alphabet fun  The playing with friends chip  My community friends  manners fun chip

3. Awards for busy bees to helping hands


Arts & Crafts  Basket Maker  Build and fly  Carpenter  Handicraft  Music maker  My picture book  Postcards  Reporter  Stamping fun art Household Arts  Home Craft  Home Helper  Hygiene  Sewing fun  Gardener  Courtesy  Cooking fun Nature  Trees  Outdoor explorer  Lizards  Ladybugs  Honey  Honeybee  Flowers  Friend of animals  Fish  Feathered friends  Butterfly  astronomer Recreation  Camper  Canoeing  Caring friend  Computer skills  Country fun  Cyclist  First aid helper  Fitness fun  Guide  Gymnast  Health specialist  Horsemanship  Knot tying  Road safety  Safety specialist  Swimmer 1 & 2  Spotter Spiritual  Wise Steward  Temperance  Steps to Jesus  Prayer  Prayer warrior  Rainbow promise  My church  Friend of Jesus  Early Adventist pioneer  Disciples  Bible 1 & 2  Bible royalty





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