Edco Leaving Certificate Paper 1 Higher Level

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Edc o ENGL I SHPAPER1 Agenr ebas ed, pr ac t i c alappr oac h t ot hePaper1Hi gherL evel L eavi ngCer t i fic at eEngl i s hExam

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Edc oEng l i s hPape r1 Agenr ebas ed, pr ac t i c alappr oac ht ot hePaper1Hi gherL ev el L eav i ngCer t i fic at eEngl i s hEx am


andor i gi nalt hi nki ngr equi r edwhent aki ngont hev ar i ousex am wr i t i ngt as ks

•Emphasisisplacedonagenre-basedapproach •Sampleanswersaredesignedtoreflectanachievableyethighstandard Pr es ent sat ar get ed appr oac ht o c ompr ehendi ng ques t i ons AandBwi t hc r os s l i nksmadeov ert he ent i r eEngl i s hc our s e

Sampl eans wer sar epr ovi dedf or s t udent s , annot at edwi t h exami nerc omment sandgui danc e St i mul at i ngt ext exampl esand i mages Al lt extandexam ques t i onsar e c ur r ent , r eflec t i ngt hedynami cand evol vi ngnat ur eoft heL eavi ng Cer t i fic at eEngl i s hc our s e

Ac l earexam f oc us , t hr oughwhi c h s t udent sc anmaxi mi s et hei rexam s uc c es sbyexpos ur et oawi dev ar i et yofpas t exam ques t i ons , exami nerc omment sand mar ki ngs c hemeanal ys i s Af oc usonl anguaget oi mpr ov e under s t andi ngofpunc t uat i on andgr ammar Theaut horGr egKeegani sanex per i enc edL eav i ngCer t i fic at eEngl i s h t eac her , adv i s orandex ami nerwi t hov er2 5y ear s ’ ex per i enc e

Al s oi nc l udesgui del i nesf or appr oac hi ngPaper2

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