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A newsletter for you, the college student who wants to learn how to do everything better, easier or cheaper


How to become a restaurant manager


How to know if graduate school is the right choice


How to study effectively

How to become a restaurant manager Article by: Armelia Baldwin

Acquiring a job at a restaurant is a typical way for college students to earn some extra cash while in school. Additionally, becoming a manager at a restaurant can equip students with better communication, development and leadership skills. Restaurants tend to have numerous managers who oversee different parts of the restaurant such as a kitchen manager and service manager. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities for you to explore. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Texas Roadhouse manager Haven Canon handing over a To-go order to

Continued on p. 2

employee Mikayla Fitts. Photographed by: Armelia Baldwin Both the content for this newsletter and the design are created by students enrolled in COMM 3310 Copy Editing and Design in the School of Communication at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina during the Spring and Fall semesters under the direction of course instructor Barbara Bullington. We welcome suggestions for article ideas for future issues. Thank you to Armelia Baldwin for designing and editing this issue. For inquiries, please email

Texas Roadhouse manager Haven Cannon checking to-go parking lot on ipad. Photographed by: Armelia Baldwin

Becoming a restaurant manager Continued from p. 1

Apply for entry-level job When becoming a restaurant manager, it is important to know the restaurant inside and out. This may include menu items, food preparations and restaurant policies. Starting as a server or hostess is a great way to familiarize yourself with how your restaurant operates. Be sure to ask questions and be eager to take on additional responsibility. By doing so, you are showing that you are committed and interested in the business’s success. “You need to show some type of work ethic and it is important to show that you are a leader that others can follow,” said Haven Cannon, a manager at Texas Roadhouse in Greenville, North Carolina.

Always be available and ready to work It is not uncommon for managers to work long shifts and be scheduled frequently. When employees call out, it is often the manager’s responsibility to find someone to cover the shift or pick up the slack themselves. According to Deloitte, 75% of companies struggle with overwhelmed employees. It is vital to show your current managerial staff that you are dependable. This also builds trust, which will assist you later when presenting the idea of a promotion. Furthermore, this gives you more opportunities to learn and become familiar with the nuances of the business. For example, a customer may enter the restaurant and ask about a special annual promotion that you are unfamiliar with. 2


This would be a great time to ask your managerial staff about the promotion so that you can adequately answer future inquiries. Hunter Copenhaver, a service manager at Texas Roadhouse in Greenville, North Carolina, says, “As a manager and employee you are always

Managing statistics:

Success managers decrease tu rates b



of managers are engaged in their jobs.


Companies that hire managers based on talent receive a


increase in profit

learning new skills, and it is important to be willing to adapt to change over time.”

Mastering these tasks will show growth and your skill set to manage multiple tasks.

Maintaining a good relationship with your coworkers is equally as important as learning new skills. Teamwork is essential in any organization and restaurants are a great avenue to sharpen your collaboration skills. Building a good rapport with your co-workers will also show that you are personable and easy to communicate with. You can build a good rapport with your co-workers by covering shifts, assisting in routine tasks or conversating with them about similar interest.

During this time, you may also acquire certifications such as a food handlers’ card or alcohol server’s card. Make sure you are taking note of each certification and training course you receive. When the selection process begins, restaurants tend to look for those who are the most knowledgeable and cross-trained.

Work your way up to mid-level positions

Be sure to communicate your interest for a managerial position. Ask your general manager for a meeting and be prepared to present all your certifications, training and staff referrals. Your general manager may take on your proposal or give you further instructions on improving in areas that you may struggle with.

Communicate interest with general manager

As you continue to develop your hospitality skills, you may be presented with the opportunity to work a mid-level position. In a restaurant this may include responsibilities such as opening or closing, handling customer complaints or training new employees.

“When selecting a new manager we often look for current employees who take the initiative and present the idea first. It makes my job a little easier as I become aware of who wants the opportunity to take on more responsibility, and become a leader,” says Copenhaver.

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source: com/workplace/236594/ report-separates-greatmanagers-rest.aspx

Texas Roadhouse in Greenville, North Carolina. Photographed by: Armelia Baldwin


How to know if graduate school is the right choice for you Article by: Samantha Dolan

The education levels of Americans are constantly rising. According to the United States Census Bureau, 13.1% of U.S. college undergraduates continue their education to earn an advanced degree. To stay competitive in today’s job market, an advanced degree may be something to consider. Here are some tips to decide if a graduate program is right for you.

Outside sign of Ragsdale Hall at East Carolina Uni

Determine which degrees are required Do your research. Depending on your prospects, an advanced degree might be a requirement. Certain career paths require or highly recommend an advanced degree. Find out the requirements for your desired job market. Is it a must-have for your future? The Interim Graduate Program Director for the School of Communication at East Carolina University, Keith Richards, recommended looking into the future when thinking about a graduate program. Richards said, “Look at your career trajectory. Where do you want to be in five or ten years, and will this degree help you to achieve that?”

Return on investment

ECU student Samantha Dolan viewing graduate school information online. Photographed by: Samantha Dolan



Assistant Dean of Graduate Admissions and Enrollment Management at East Carolina University Heidi Terry suggested all students who are considering graduate school do a returnon-investment exercise: For a true understanding of the financial benefits of a graduate program, compare potential salary levels to corresponding degree levels. Then research the related cost of graduate school.



iversity in Greenville, North Carolina . Photographed by: Samantha Dolan

Related costs include tuition and other living expenses. Keep in mind the opportunity cost of being a full-time student rather than starting your full-time career straight after undergraduate school. Terry advised you can find information on sites such as the U.S. Department of Labor.

pay for their higher education. Research companies you are interested in and their terms and conditions for tuition remission. You might be required to work at a company for a specified amount of time before eligibility, meaning you may want to wait to apply for graduate school.

Tuition remission benefits

Terry recommended asking yourself, “Is the timing right for you? It can be very individualized if someone already has an offer to work someplace.”

Does your employer offer tuition benefits for graduate programs? Most companies will help graduate students

What to expect

Average American salaries by degree level 2010-2018

There are several key differences between undergraduate and graduate school. Terry described undergraduate students as consumers of information versus graduate students as producers of information. Coursework in graduate school is more specific to a certain field of study. The class sizes in graduate school are smaller and more intimate, allowing for a more individualized learning experience. Graduate school allows you to work alongside your professors and conduct your own research. Richards said graduate school, “gives you an opportunity to work on some skills that are highly transferable like writing and reading, and being able to distill information and process it and think at a higher level.”

Undergraduate students still unsure about what to do after graduation cam reach out to their university’s Salary differences of Americans based off degree level. Source: career service center. Graphic by: Samantha Dolan


How to study effectively Article by: Rachel Foster

Throughout high school, I did fairly well in all of my classes. I had figured out the study methods that I needed to succeed early on. However, when I got to college, I realized that classes were structured differently. It took some time to figure out how to study effectively. Not only do students have to adjust to a slightly different class style, but we are entering a whole new phase of life. College is a time when many teens and young adults are living independently for the first time. With that, comes more independence, which means learning how to get up and attend class each day, manage time wisely, keep organized, and learn solid study habits. As I adjusted to the advanced level courses and the college lifestyle, I began to figure out the study methods that were effective.

In-class studying One of the most basic yet important actions that comes with the studying process, is attending class every day. This might seem simple, however, sometimes when students transition to college and get used to the new lifestyle, they can fall into irresponsible study habits. Choosing to attend class daily has many benefits and can keep students on the right track to success. “Faculty want students to succeed and showing how much you care will benefit students tremendously,” says East Carolina’ School of Communication Academic Advisor Daniel Wiseman. When present in class, students have the opportunity to get to know their professors, ask



Will Foster, an ECU student, studying Photographed by: Rachel Foster

questions, and get extra help if needed. Gianna Lanciani, a faculty member at the Pirate Academic Success Cente at ECU, says, “Being an advocate for yourself and your learning is pretty selfexplanatory, but you have to want to want to do well.

“Finding out who you are as a student as soon as you can will mean a ton in overall student success.”

A student study area in Joyner Library in Greenville, North Carolina. Photographed by: Samantha Dolan

Time management Learning to manage my time was a skill that took time to achieve. When I first got to college, I wasn’t exactly sure how to prioritize my time. However, within the first couple weeks, I was able to stick to a schedule and map out my time. “Setting a routine and a standard for your studying is going to make test-taking far less stressful. You’re going to be more motivated to learn, and you’ll find that you are better prepared for the class,” says Lanciani. Learning to manage my time meant going into a quiet room to work on my homework, instead of watching television or talking to my roommates. Dedicating a certain amount of time out of each day to focus on school work has caused me to keep up with all of my classes and my overall performance to improve. A lot of students have a busy schedule, between a full-time load of classes, a job, other extracurricular activities and hobbies. Because of other obligations, they often feel like they have no time left to study, which can essentially lead to not studying at all. This is what causes many to fall behind.

Mapping out the week or creating a daily to-do list can be a great technique to stay on track and manage time wisely and effectively.

Planning Using a planner is one of the main things that has kept me organized and prepared in college. Without some sort of way to keep up with dates and obligations, it can get overwhelming and students can likely miss something.

College can be overwhelming but with the right study methods, students have the ability to stay on track and be successful in their classes and future endeavors. “Finding out who you are as a student as soon as you can will mean a ton in overall student success,” says Wiseman.

“It is easy (for us ALL) to get tied up with other things and to have things slip off our radar. It’s important to remember. Do things like purchasing a weekly planner to help organize your thoughts and time,” says Wiseman. Whether it’s a planner, a notebook, an online calendar, or any other organization method, keeping organized can help students stay on track, which enhances study habits and performance in class.


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