Amazon Case Study

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From a small online bookstore to a global e-commerce marketplace and technology giant, Amazon's journey has been one of constant innovation and evolution

Main Competitor

CompanyName Industry Amazon E-commerce marketplace Founder FoundingYear Je Bezos 1994
Walmart Ebay Alibaba



Massive selection of products competitive pricing exceptional customer service


Expansion into new markets and product categories

Weaknesses ��

Criticism for its treatment of employees and impact on local businesses


Competition from other e-commerce marketplaces and brick-and-mortar retailers, as well as potential changes in regulations or taxation


ShortFounding Story

In a garage in Seattle, Je Bezos started selling books online with the dream of oering customers the convenience of browsing and purchasing from the comfort of their own homes After expanding into other product categories, Amazon became the go-to online retailer for shoppers worldwide

Problem Solved ByAmazon

Providing customers with an online platform to purchase anything they need from anywhere in the world, without having to leave their homes

Brand Positioning

Amazon positions itself as the go-to destination for anything customers need, providing convenience, accessibility, and competitive pricing

Business Model

An online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers, with Amazon also acting as a retailer for some products

Revenue Model

Commission-based revenue model for third-party sellers and retail sales for Amazon-owned products


Anyone who wants to purchase products conveniently from the comfort of their own home, regardless of age or phase of life


A vast range of products across multiple categories including electronics, clothing, home goods, beauty products, and more

BestSelling Products onAmazon

A vast range of products across multiple categories including electronics, clothing, home goods, beauty products, and more.

Amazon USP

With its massive selection of products, competitive pricing, and lightning-fast delivery options, Amazon oers customers a seamless and convenient shopping experience that is second to none

HowAmazon Becomes Successful?

Amazon's focus on providing an exceptional customer experience and constantly innovating to meet the changing needs of its customers has been a key factor in its success

WhatYou Can Learn FromThem?

By putting the customer rst and constantly innovating to improve their experience, businesses can achieve massive success and revolutionize their industries

Behindthe Scene

Amazon Web Services (AWS), which provides cloud computing and other services to businesses worldwide

LessonsAmazon Learned

The importance of putting the customer rst, constantly innovating to meet their needs, and being mindful of the impact a business can have on its employees and communities

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