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Scottish Spring

This will be our 3rd Spring here; each one has been warmer than the last. The Glen does have a micro-climate about 3-6 degrees different from the village March 1st is the birdsong switch on, and we will be in full Spring mode by (Equinox) March 20th We then get a little bashing of lousy weather. This Spring is no exception; with a big freeze in early March, then blue skies, and crisp sunny Spring days, it has even been an outdoor sofa fire pit and sofa day a few times Snowdrops appeared at the end of February, and the recurring daffodils unfurling from a long slumber just popped up again. As we start the gardens, I will keep a nature journal to recall the Scottish Spring changes

It has turned upside down. Before I published this edition, Scottish spring was warmer than England's as they got swept up with snow, blizzards and bad storms.

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