1 minute read


Board Games

We love Scrabble and Yahtzee in our house, our go-to games nights. My Scrabble board is a prized possession from my adored Grandma, her original 1950s board in its original box. I used to go on domino rallies with her as a child and loved them! The impact of connecting at this level is we share our fun side, competitiveness, ability to self-manage, and the simple connection we create by being in play

Make a space

Fortunately, we have a dedicated game space, yet we used a tray before this So have your games in one place, cupboard, drawer, stacked. I love it when you see packs of cards and game boxes, and even now, hotels are creating game spaces which I love. We also have our dining table that turns into our ping pong table too!


Just give it a go. Feeling uncomfortable playing scrabble because you can't spell, think backgammon or chess is for others? Start with a mutual thing you like, words, numbers, monopoly, drawing games. Discomfort or concern is soon diminished when you start to play.

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