1 minute read


The keeping room is our morning room, decorated with the delightful green lick paint and my truly favourite wallpaper brand, woodchip and magnolia Floresta It is a glorious room The sun rises and moves through it the whole day and total of 270º views of the Glen too It's our morning coffee and chat room

The office had been based in the centre of the house through winter, warmer, cosier, and altogether a wonderful place to work, yet as we moved into the brighter days, it felt best to follow nature's cycle The move began We ended up with the domino effect of one room becoming many new spring rooms! The library, the office, the dining room, and the games room changed! Watch now watch the video here of the room walk

We moved the smaller coffee table out and the big Mallorca monastery door table in We removed a sofa and opened the space with the 2 leather belt chairs (Soho home) The area felt much lighter, adding even more fresh greenery, and we haven't moved from here since! Our clients love the change, too, as they also experience the complete joy of the Glen on video calls.

Play is a part of life we can lose. We choose to remember it. Games nights are simple, cheap, fun and can stop you binge watching tv!

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