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Wallpaper Ceilings

I love wallpaper, my go-to brand is Woodchip & Magnolia for quality and ease of putting up, and they also resize murals to fit Anyway, now I've said that the wallpaper in this room is B&Q Fresco! Wallpaper ceilings are my go-to. I have the Pink Room with a cloud wallpaper ceiling When you think of all the rooms in our homes, it's the one place we are looking at the ceiling! My only other comment is I nearly got divorced (literally) attempting it myself and got our regular decorator Tony in as I lost it. Totally doing it! I always say give it a go, though. It transforms a room.


We once got asked by a young couple what advice we would give them, and Dave and I both said in unison buy the best bed you can afford- they did, and we are going to their wedding soon, so maybe our advice worked? Your bed is essential; believe me, it can create physical and emotional issues if you don't sleep properly. Our bed in this room is an Emperor European style as we bought it in Mallorca and it's a beaut. If you can't afford a full bed, our go-to rescue is a much cheaper option of a top-of-the-range topper and can transform a bed too. Next is bed linen. I love linen (and do have some). However, I dont love the price and usually go for crisp cotton I go to TK Maxx for ours as you can get some real bargains- buy it when you see it, not when you need it! Final advice on beds always gets a divan; no slats here.

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