1 minute read


Change is joyful, I'm not a lover of static. Living in a field is never boring (well for me it isn't!) It's in constant change. The transition from winter to spring starts with the change in sound.

The sound of winter is crunchy, crisp and sharp, with long periods of silence Spring is windy breezes, unfurling buds and birds in song, and crunching turns to rustle of grass The longer days, more sunlight and the glass warming to the spring sun

A favourite season - I do say that about them all, though!

Monty is still injured; sadly, he had another accident and is having his other leg operated on after tumbling down the garden slope and damaging his back and leg. The slow recovery is going to take us to summer I have bought him a dog trailer for the bike and a dog bag carrier so I can take him a little further Plus, he's got a playpen to be safe outside enjoying the spring weather

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