Lizards Tail's Dardanelle High School

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The Lizards Tail’s —September 25, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1—1

The Lizards Tail’s Welcome back to your school! Inside this issue: Things you need to know


Homecoming activities


Student & Teacher of the


2013 Sand Lizard Football Schedule


About our foreign exchange students


Literacy Board information 5 After School Enrichment information


Last year we had some new construction, next year we will have a whole new wing. This year we have amazing test scorers, and, most importantly, we have you. Every day at DHS is day for you to learn new curricula, hone new strategies for organizing and finding material, and to learn the people skills you are going to need for life after high school. Indeed, high school is all pointed to the day you leave high school and move to the next phase of your life! Nevertheless, live in the present enough to make the most out of every single day this school year. DHS is special for two reasons: you and the teachers! I am blessed to be here with you and those teachers for what will be productive and wonderful school term! Thanks for being at Dardanelle High School. You make my life special. — Mrs. Lawrence

Three Wins for Our Sand Lizards— We are so PROUD of you! Danville Game 42-0 — The Judges Cup Stays Home! Mayflower Game 52-41 Clarksville Game 22-15

Mrs. Lawrence, DHS Principal

The Lizards Tail’s —September 25, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1—2

Key Club: Check it out!

We are going to attempt to organize a Key Club at  DHS. Key Club is the high school version of Kiwanis and is the oldest service club in the nation for  high school students.  One of the largest parts of Key Club nationally is its support of UNICEF. Key Club members govern themselves and choose their own service projects. It builds character, leadership, and caring. Key Club will be open to DHS students 912. There will be nominal dues and mandatory attendance requirements. Membership will require a 2.0 and no major discipline incidents. On Wednesday, September 25th, there will be an informational meeting for interested students during advisory. See Major Yarbrough with any questions you may have.

“Show up early to work and stay late to finish!” - Mr. Hooten

Detention for tardies: detention for disciplinary reason, special study hall is held in room 109 during either lunch. Test C for algebra I and geometry is always on your own time. The test is given on Thursdays before school, during lunch, and after school. Before school it is held in the office. At lunch you will come to the office get a test then go to room 109. ( Bring your lunch) After the school day is over it will be held in the cafeteria. Tutoring in the morning at 7:15 A.M. Afternoon at 3:25 P.M. Upward Bound: Advising will be in the library conference room, each week, during your lunch.( You are to get your lunch and return your lunch things to the cafeteria) Tutoring for Upward Bound will be each Thursday at 3:30 in room 112.

Ms. Hudgeons is the counselor and senior high cheer sponsor here at Dardanelle High School. She is open to talk to anyone at any time, just come find her. Some of the main things she wants the students to know are the scholarship options you have. Some scholarships you can apply for are, Gates Millennium Scholars Program, Scholarships for High School Seniors, and The American Legion. These are just some of the many scholarships you can find on the DHS Scholarship corner on the DHS website. Ms. Hudgeons, DHS Counselor

2013 Homecoming Activities: Homecoming is October 18th, but there are multiple events leading up to homecoming itself. Here is a partial list! Wednesday, September 18th, at 7:40 a.m. in Room 122 the organizational meeting for PowderPuff will took place. The Student Council sponsors this big event. Tug-a-War will take place at the PowderPuff Game. Classes, get your team in shape! Senior football players will be introduced at the PowderPuff Game. Crowning of the Homecoming King will take place at the PowderPuff Game. We will elect this person during a competition the week of September 30th-October 4th. The Student Council will sponsor the King contest. The candidates for king are as follows:  Seniors Steven Green  Junior Tyler Calavitta  Sophomore Chris Kershner  Freshman Nick Kuras The winner is the one who gets most contributions (all money goes to charity). Jugs will be in the lobby on September 30-Oct. 4th. Support your class candidate! Save those pennies.

Teacher and student of the month The student of the month is Jonathan Helms. He is a tenth grader here at Dardanelle who is in Mrs. Wurst’s advisory. While he said he loves. Some activities Jonathan is involved in are band and tae kwon do. He when he grows up he wants to be a wrestler. Some advice he has for the student body is, “Take a deep breath and do your work.” He wishes everyone a happy school year. The teacher of the month is Mr. Hooten. He teaches band here in Dardanelle. In his free time he likes building and riding motorcycles. He also likes bow hunting. Some advice he has to say for the student body is, “ Don’t expect people to take care of you all of your life. Work extremely hard! Show up early for work! Stay late!” He’d also like to add “ Find somebody that needs encouragement everyday and make their day by being nice to them. I’m not talking about your friends. Find somebody you don’t know and make a new friend! YOLO! Make it count!!!”

Tips and Tricks for getting ready for college: College Check List for Juniors Must Do: Take the toughest courses and study. Thus, prepare for ACT  Schedule ACT exam (s).  Take a CPEP class.  Get involved in community service through EAST and/or school organization.  This will allow you legitimate community service hours on your applications.  Provides a network of community leaders who will know you and, perhaps, recommend you on applications.  Begin to research colleges:  Go on-line and really study some institutions. Consider those institutions with good honors programs and/or the best programs of study that meet your intended path of study or intended career.  When you cut it to three or four, contact an actual live person at their admissions office.  Get the person’s name.  Always use this person for questions and advice.  Make a connection!  Check the requirements for admission at each university in which you are interested against your four-year plan and accomplishments. Make a plan to address things you need to add to meet those requirements.  See if the college of your choice offers any scholarships to entering freshmen. Again, check your transcript and credentials against those required and make a plan to meet those requirements. College Check List for Seniors August:  Sign up for ACT if you need a better score. If this is your first ACT, getting the score is absolutely necessary now! If your score is poor, talk with someone in the know about alternate plans.  Get college applications and begin work on them.  When you ask a teacher for a recommendation (or a community

  

member) give them a list of your accomplishments, activities, community service, and goals. After they give you the letter, thank them in a note, E-Mail, or call. Write your essay for applications. You can change it appropriately for the specific college or scholarship, but have it basically written. Get the schedule of scholarship applications.

October:  Visit, with a parent, college nights at ATU and at DHS. Get financial aid information at these visits. Schedule a small number of campus visits.  Go to the FAFSA site ( )and fill out what you can on the application.  Apply for every scholarship for which you are eligible and interested. These will be listed in school bulletins and in advisory in Senior Notebooks. Continue to monitor the Senior Notebooks for updates on scholarships.  Begin collecting required information for the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship available to Arkansas seniors:  Visit Ms. Hudgeons’ Scholarship Corner on the high school web page for continued updates for scholarships.  Follow up on other scholarship deadlines and do not wait until the last minute. January:  Finish FAFSA  Turn in all applications.  Make contact with the college admissions representative to see about your current status at the college (s) in which you are most interested.  February through the end of this school year: Check applications on-line.  Respond at once if you find something in an application needing attention.  Don’t put anything off.  Continue to do this until your applications are fully completed and you hear about your status.

The Lizards Tail’s —September 25, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1—4

Exchange Students at DHS By: Annika Fussbroich Eight students walk around our hallways, in an unknown school, unprepared for what they are about to experience. But this is now their new world; it is their new school. They are exchange students from all over the world, all different in their own ways, and they all get together to spend their time abroad here at DHS. Maybe one of them sits in your class, maybe you’ve talked to them already; perhaps you even became friends. But maybe you didn’t even know that we have so many foreign students in Dardanelle this year, and that’s what this feature is for: To introduce you the foreign exchange students at Dardanelle High School. The variety of countries, culture and lifestyles couldn’t be more interesting and multi-facet: There are students from Brazil, Vietnam, South Korea, Mexico, and Germany. By the way, that’s where I come from. My name is Annika. As you can imagine, we face lots of problems as a new student, especially when from a different country. And everyone has other kinds of things to deal with: Many of the exchange students told me about the challenge they have with the language barrier. Also, most of them can tend to be very shy and suffer under homesickness. I, for myself, had problems with my non-existent self-confidence. Although all these things seem to be overwhelming at first, such an exchange help us to gain or increase skills we still miss. Our English, for example, will be perfect after our stay. But who are these students now? I’ll give you a short introduction: Jose is from Brazil, 16 years old and he stays with Jeremy and Ginger Hughes. He loves to play soccer and since he is trying to play American football, he is the kicker. In Brazil, Jose is an only child, but here in Arkansas, he has a host brother, Max, which is a completely new experience for him. He would like to let everybody know that in Brazil, you speak Portuguese and not Spanish.

Max is an exchange student as well. He is from Germany and is fifteen years old, so he is just a few months younger than Jose. Max full name is Maximilian. In the football team, his position is a linebacker. His number is 33, so maybe you can look for him at the next football game you attend! Mary ( Mariane ) is from Brazil, and is also 15 years old and my host sister. We stay with Martha Farnam, Coach Farnam’s mother. At home, Mary has two sisters; here she just has me. We stay with Martha Farnam, Coach Farnams mother. At the beginning, Mary had big problems with her homesickness. Together, we joined the tennis team where we usually play doubles together. Tim is 15 years old and from Vietnam. He is staying with a young couple and doesn’t have host siblings to which he is not used compared to his home. Tim’s parents decide that he is going to study abroad, but it is in his interest to learn more about the United States. If he is bored, Tim finds a way to entertain himself or sometimes he just calls his parents. Continued on the next page.

The Lizards Tail’s —September 25, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1—5

Exchange Students at DHS Continued from the previous page: Jwon is 15 and from the very other end of the world, South Korea. She likes to do jigsaw puzzle and it is interested in America’s culture. Her parent’s supported her with the idea to become an exchange student. Jiwon was very confused about the short break time we have to change our class room. She is also a member of the tennis team. Alfredo is from Mexico and 17 years old. He is staying with a single dad and just like Jose, he loves to play soccer, and joined our football team as kicker. Alfredo says that Dardanelle is much different than Mexico and he misses his country. One of the problems he had to deal with was putting his room in order. Natalia is like Mary and Jose from Brazil. She is 17 years old is going to stay for 10 months. Because her English is just getting well, she has problems to keep up in some classes. Also she really enjoys being here and experience the American culture. Natalia misses Brazil and her city, which is much bigger than Dardanelle.

My name is Annika,I am 15 years old and this feature about the foreign exchange students is my EAST project work. As you could figure out when reading trough this, Mary is my My name is Annika, I am 15 years old and this feature about the foreign host sister and I stay with Martha Farnam as well. I am a member of the tennis team and I love to read, so the AR books aren’t a curse to me like they are for many other students. At first, I was anxious to meet all these new people, but since I found friends to hang out with, everything has gotten much easier. We all hope to spend an unforgettable time with you here at DHS and are proud to be a Sand Lizard.

Attention DHS Seniors: Horatio Alger Scholarship available: must plan 4 year college and be U.S. citizen. Apply on line: scholarships. Deadline Oct. 25., advisory, October 14th. Each senior advisory needs at least two reps there. Any senior is welcome to come.

The Lizards Tail’s —September 25, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1—6 Page 6

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