M E D I A P A C K 2 0 2 5

Produced locally by locals for locals about locals
Ealing, London’s third-largest borough, has long been hailed as the “Queen of the Suburbs ”
This dynamic area is a hub of creativity, home to historic Ealing Studios, and is dotted with vibrant village-like pockets, including Pitshanger Lane, the recent winner of High Street of the Year
With the newly opened Elizabeth Line bringing Ealing even closer to Central London, the borough continues to evolve while maintaining its charm as one of the greenest areas in the capital, with easy access to the M40 and the picturesque Buckinghamshire countryside.
As Ealing grows, so does its thriving local commerce. Independent businesses, shops, and eateries are flourishing, supported by a community of creatives, traders, and professionals that make Ealing a truly unique and vibrant part of London.
In line with our commitment to this community, we ’ ve recently launched the Ealing Living Local Loyalty Card, an initiative designed to encourage residents to shop local and support the independent businesses that define our borough
We are also proud to present Ealing Living Magazine, the borough’s only independent lifestyle publication. Now in its eighth issue, the magazine is published quarterly, complemented by regular micro-articles on our website and regular newsletters to keep our subscribers up-to-date with the latest in Ealing

The ELM Reader


Regular Editorial Content
Boutique C’est Chic
Spotlighting a local, independent store.
Editor’s Picks
Six Local Products.
Jewel in the Crown
Celebrating a pillar of the community.
Community Spotlight
Supporting a charity in Ealing.
Why We Love
Focusing on an area in Ealing.
Top Table
Reviewing restaurants in Ealing.
Health & Beauty Features
Focus on a health and beauty topics with commentary from local experts.
Interiors Features
Focus on an interiors trend with commentary from local experts.
Just Landed
New stores and brands in the area.
Donated by local foodies.
...and much more!

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C o v e r s :
M a r c h , A p r i l & M a y
S u b m i s s i o n D e a d l i n e :
3 r d F e b r u a r y
A d D e a d l i n e :
1 0 t h F e b r u a r y
P r i n t D a t e :
1 7 t h F e b r u a r y
L i v e D a t e :
3 r d M a r c h

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C o v e r s :
J u n e , J u l y &
A u g u s t
S u b m i s s i o n D e a d l i n e :
5 t h M a y
A d D e a d l i n e :
1 2 t h M a y
P r i n t D a t e :
1 9 t h M a y
L i v e D a t e : 2 n d J u n e
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C o v e r s : S e p t e m b e r ,
O c t o b e r & h a l f
N o v e m b e r
S u b m i s s i o n D e a d l i n e :
4 t h A u g u s t
A d D e a d l i n e :
1 1 t h A u g u s t
P r i n t D a t e :
1 8 t h A u g u s t
L i v e D a t e :
1 s t S e p t e m b e r
X M A S / W I N T E R
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C o v e r s : h a l f N o v e m b e r ,
D e c e m b e r , J a n u a r y &
F e b r u a r y
S u b m i s s i o n D e a d l i n e :
2 0 t h O c t o b e r
A d D e a d l i n e :
2 7 t h O c t o b e r
P r i n t D a t e :
3 r d N o v e m b e r
L i v e D a t e :
1 7 t h N o v e m b e r

* Jewel in the Crown is a new full page feature highlighting the work and success of one specific member of the community.

We will now be listing local groups & classes for £25 per entry at the back of every issue. If you’d like to list your group or class please email ealinglivingmagazine@gmail com with the information. Entries should be no more than 75 words including contact details.
Please note payment is due on receipt of invoice.
Please submit your artwork via email as a high resolution JPEG or PNG with a minimum 400 dpi.
Alternatively, we can create your advert for a small fee.

Digital Offerings
Our digital suite offers advertising options to help you to achieve your marketing objectives by speaking to a very specific, highly engaged audience. By presenting your brand across our online destination, you are reaching a local audience that considers Ealing Living Magazine a trusted resource guide.
Take an half page ad in the publication and get a discount on an Instagram + website post (containing hyperlinks)!

Engage with our interactive, local network through a post on Instagram linked to an informative piece on the website

Bag the top post on an ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) newsletter. Your message directly to your audience

Boost your business and connect with the community by partnering with the Ealing Living Local Loyalty Card
This initiative is designed to drive customers straight to your door while keeping Ealing's local economy thriving
Why Partner with Us?
Increase Foot Traffic:
Attract eager local shoppers with exclusive offers that set your business apart
Strengthen Community Ties:
Be part of a movement that puts local businesses at the heart of Ealing
Exclusive Perks:
Gain access to special partner-only deals that enhance your brand’s presence.
What’s in It for You?
Offer a Deal, Attract More Customers: Showcase your business with an exclusive offer.
Join a Powerful Community: Partner with top local businesses to keep Ealing vibrant
Benefit from Targeted Marketing: Enjoy collective marketing that puts your brand in the spotlight.
Ready to join? Contact us at ELMLocalLoyaltyCard@gmail.com and let’s make Ealing thrive together!

Website Article
An article which stays on the Ealing Living website long term and is searchable on Google. This can be a general introduction or can announce news The article remains on the website for as long as you want it to. 500 words and up to 3 images. The article will be linked in Instagram Stories (and then saved under Highlights )
COST : £75 per article
Instagram Showcase
Be part of our regular Instagram showcases - we will dedicate an Instagram post to 4 different Loyalty Card partners. You will get a post, tag and image hosted on our Instagram handle with an engaged audience of 4,000 locals.
COST: £30 per Partner
All of the packages and advertising offers available on the previous pages are available to Ealing Living Loyalty Card Partners at a 10% discount.