Tips for Organizing Successful Onsite Housing Training Workshops

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Tips for Organizing Successful Onsite Housing Training Workshops

The pandemic situation continues to pose challenges to training and organizers trying out new ways of implementation. alongside fully digital implementations, training events and hybrid teaching offer alternatives to organizing wholeness. what exactly is a hybrid all about and how can hybrid encounters be made successful. Many times organizations just schedule training and then they don't do anything to ensure its success. the results will be predictable: some property managers will take the advantage of the opportunity to learn, but the vast majority don’t get as much as they could experience with an onsite housing training workshops. When it comes to teaching employees new skills, keeping them up-todate on HUD rules and regulations, or simply conducting training to streamline the processes for better results, a hands-on interactive workshop with the help of experts might be the kind of event format that you need. There are some tips given below to do make training workshops successful Prepare well Digitalization mode one-to-one is often not the most workable option. with online meetings, good preparation over a common digital platform ensures the starting point for a successful event. preparations may include, revising practical instructions, technical preparation, forming into groups and presenting oneself, discussing the participants' expectations and wishes, presenting questions or exploring the content itself, e.g. by means of video lectures or other material.

Remote participants The ways of participation applied in face-to-face encounters, such as flip charts, whiteboards, sticky notes, and hand-up voting, need to be put aside. However, inclusion should not be reduced; instead, this should be done digitally. Voting, brainstorming, reflecting, task submissions, and questions can be easily implemented via mobilephone or laptops, regardless of whether a person joined in from the classroom or remotely. When the same work platform is used for both the encounter work itself and preparation, the platform will also be familiar to everyone in advance, and logging in will be easy. Enable informal encounters The undeniable strength of face-to-face encounters is in the generation of informal conversations during breaks and natural opportunities for networking. with a little planning and effort, these opportunities can also be made available to Digi participants. for example, small digital discussion groups can be organized around informal themes or questions, the event can be organized to have free-form and voluntary “digital sequels”, which are, however, stated in the program, and networking can also be continued at a different time over a digital platform. as a facilitator, it is important to ask the right questions. it is a good idea to plan in advance whether the participants could be involved in brainstorming, for example, the themes of future meetings or finding new partners, or whether they might be keen to share tips related to the theme or in seeking and giving peer support. Work in pairs and small groups Pair chats and group work are part of the toolkit of most facilitators and they provide participants with opportunities for active participation in the teammates. in the case of hybrid encounters, group work need not be forgotten. Modern-day digital tools enable opportunities for small group work and their use is actually more effortless than one might imagine. So, divide the F2F participants into groups of their own and

form network participants into the required number of small groups. ask the groups to compile their ideas on the same platform, e.g. in text format, images, or even as videos. In this way, everyone's ideas will be documented at the same time and the discussion can continue even after the encounter. Generally, equip your employees with training programs with the help of an expert team who have a deep understanding of the overarching and geographic-specific considerations to provide property managers and landlords with exceptional customer service. leveraging training program for housing provides property managers with the insights and skills required to offer a better and more complete service than their competitors.

Contact Us E3 Housing Solutions Address: 2600 Wilshire Blvd, 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90057 Phone- (844) 729-7944 Website-

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