Japanese Restaurant News March 2024

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06 Pointers for Selling Japanese Sake 日本酒を売るためのポイント

07 California Sake Challenge 197: Seasonal Sake

–Part 4: Cloudy sake released in spring 酒豪大陸 197:季節の日本酒④春のにごり酒


08 What is the stage mashing process used to brew sake?


09 Tokyo Jizake Strolling / Year-end sales event 東京地酒散歩 / 年末販売会

10 Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America - Part 2: Reading the sake label米国酒焼酎蒸留酒研究所 その2:日本酒のラベルを読む

11 Restaurants added nearly 300k jobs during 2023

2023年外食産業は約30万人の雇用を創出 -外食産業全体の雇用者数はパンデミック前の数値を 上回ったが、2024年の労働力拡大にはまだ余裕-

12 Top Japanese mixologists developed special cocktails to introduce shochu flavors 日米最高峰のミクソロジストがスペシャルカクテルを 開発し焼酎の魅力を伝授 ―ロサンゼルスの人気バー9店舗でミレニアル世代を対象 に焼酎カクテルを提供する焼酎イベントを開催―

15 “Export Support Platform” support base launched in Houston, Texas

-To promote import and spur widespread popularization of the Japanese food culture テキサス州ヒューストンに「輸出支援プラットフォー ム」支援拠点発足


16 RAMEN: TOP LISTING ON “2024’s What’s Hot Forecast” by the National Restaurant Association ラーメン:「2024年の注目トレンド予測」で 上位にランクイン

18 JETRO Los Angeles Develops Frozen Processed Foods Utilizing Japanese Scallops for Restaurant Operators

ジェトロ・ロサンゼルス、レストラン事業者向けに日本 産ホタテを活用した冷凍加工食品を開発 -関係者を集めた初の試食会並びに懇親会を開催-

20 California Governor signed the amended bill pertaining to the sales of Japanese shochu カリフォルニア州知事 焼酎の販売に関わる法改正に署名 ―日本の焼酎、カリフォルニア州での販路拡大に 期待高まる-

22 The Challenge to Create a New Japanese Food Culture

-Much is expected of female business owners collaborating with other industries新・日本食文化の挑戦 -異業種とコラボで女性経営者待望論-

23 Food Event calendar

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Publisher All Japan News Inc

Managing Editor David Kudo

Editor-in-Chief Hiroshi Kawabata

Designer Ritsuko Lynch

Contributing Writers

Kosuke Kuji, Yuji Matsumoto

Ryuji Takahashi

Special Thanks to JETRO / JETAASC

We’re Member of Japan Business Association, Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Restaurant Association of America and Supporters Conference for WASHOKU.


本誌はこの日本食レストラン業界にス ポットをあて、何が流行っているのか、 また繁盛店の紹介を通し、繁盛店のオペ レーションや時代を生き抜くヒントを紹 介します。最新の話題店舗や人気商品な どを紹介し、日本食レストランの繁盛を 応援します。また、アメリカの最新の食 品衛生管理に関する情報なども提供し業 界の発展に寄与します。

Mission of Japanese Restaurant News

This magazine spotlights the Japanese restaurant industry to introduce the latest trends and successful restaurants along with their operations to provide hints on how to survive the competitive restaurant industry. Further, this magazine introduces the latest restaurants garnering attention and popular products, along with the prosperity of Japanese restaurants. Lastly, this magazine also introduces the latest information on food sanitation and management to contribute to the development of the Japanese restaurant industry as a whole.

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Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 5

Us @Los Angeles Japanese sake Meetup

Bon Yagi

Honorary Sake Sommelier


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier

Finalist of the 2nd World Sake Sommelier Competition.

Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science. Worked for Nomura Securities for 10 years. Former president of California Sushi Academy Former chief of planning dept. at Mutual Trading.

David Kudo

Sake Sommelier Master Sake Sommelier

Born Kita-Akita City, Akita Prefecture.

Took over as Executive Officer of the Japanese Food Trend News founded in 1991, when the predecessor was assigned back to Japan. Currently distributed as Japan Restaurant News (20,000 issues published electronically) in North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia.


這次我總結了包括餐廳和零售店在 內的日本酒銷售要點,同時試著 整理一些與賣家有區別的要點。

把握客戶的喜好,提供所需的日本酒 您可以通過聆聽了解顧客平時所喝的酒 的種類和喜歡的葡萄酒。例如,如果顧 客喜歡波旁威士忌,請嘗試提供他們一 些純米係日本酒,比如桶裝的酒。

日本酒特定名稱(大吟醸,吟醸,本醸 造等)不是特別分類的,而是按酒的味

Katsuya Uechi

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho


Katsuya Group

Rick Smith & Hiroko Furukawa

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “SAKAYA NYC”

Beau Timken

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “True Sake”

Pointers for Selling Japanese Sake

For this issue I have put together pointers for restaurants and retail stores to sell Japanese sake and also important points for distributors in differentiation.

Grasp what customers like and offer the appropriate Japanese sake. You will be able to do this by asking customers what type of alcohol and favorite wine(s) they drink regularly. For instance, for someone who likes bourbon, you can offer a junmai type that is prepared in a cask etc.

For the Japanese sake menu, instead of dividing it into specific class sakes (Daiginjo, Ginjo, Honjozo etc), divide it into taste types and food(s) it matches with.

It is not ideal to have a menu with specific names that do not describe the taste or aroma at all. It is important to taste test and with your judgment, create a menu that matches the taste of sake with the dish.

Offer cross merchandising with seasonal foods that can be used also by retailer stores.



めた日本酒を売るためのポイント、 また販売業者にとっても差別化するため の要点を整理してみた。

顧客の好みを把握し、 的確な日本酒をオファーする  それは、普段飲んでいるアルコールの 種類や好みのワインを聞くことによって 分かる。たとえば、バーボンが好きな人

道類型和餐食的兼容性分類的   不要用完全不能反映酒的味道或酒 香的特定名稱來劃分菜單,而是飲酒後 根據自己判斷,以味道和餐食的相容性 來製作菜單是重要的。

在零售店的酒可以和季節食材一起交叉 銷售

請一定在當天的餐食(食材)中寫 明特別相配的日本酒。另外,可以在餐 廳的“創造料理”中添加日本酒。

對於盛酒的器皿,特別是對於芳香的吟 醸係來說是“生命”毫不誇張   遺憾的是與芳香的吟醸係日本酒相 匹配的“日式”盛酒器幾乎沒有,但是讓 顧客品嚐第一杯酒時用小的白葡萄酒杯 也是一個好主意。

には純米系で樽仕込みなどのものをオ ファーしてみる。

日本酒メニューは特定名称(大吟醸、吟 醸、本醸造など)別に分けず、味のタイ プと食事の相性で分ける

味や香りをまったく反映していない特 定名称でのメニュー分けはせず、飲んで みて自分の判断で味や食事との相性でメ ニューを作ることが大事。


일본술의 판매 포인트

이번에는 레스토랑이나 소매점을 포함한

일본술 판매 포인트와 판매업자의 차별 화를 위한 요점을 정리해 보았습니다.

고객의 기호를 파악하고, 이에 맞는 일본술을 제공할 것

이는 평소에 마시는 알코올의 종류와 좋아하 는 와인을 물어보면 알 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 버번 위스키를 좋아하는 사람에게는 술병에 든 준마이계 등을 드려 봅니다.

일본술 메뉴는 특정 명칭(다이긴죠, 긴죠, 혼 죠조 등) 별로 구분하지 않고, 맛의 형태나 식 사와의 궁합으로 구분

맛과 향을 전혀 반영하지 않은 특정 명칭을 기

Kats Miyazato

Honorary Sake Sommelier

Owner of M&M Enterprise

Always point out Japanese sakes that are compatible with the daily dish (food item). Sake is also added to "Omakase" at restaurants.

The sake cup; it is no exaggeration to say that it is the 'most important thing in drinking' especially for Ginjo types that have aromas.

Unfortunately there are very few "Japanese type" cups that are suitable with Ginjo type Japanese sakes with aroma, but we think it is a good idea to offer the first drink in a small white wine class as a taste testing for the customers.■


本日の食事(食材)のスペシャルに必 ず相性の良い日本酒も明記する。また、 レストランでの“Omakase”にも日本 酒を入れる。

酒器、特に香りある吟醸系にとっては “命”と言っても過言ではない  残念ながら香りある吟醸系の日本酒に 合う“日本的”な酒器がほとんどないの だが、顧客に最初の一杯は小さめの白ワ イングラスで味見させてみるのも良いア イデア。

준으로 메뉴를 구분하지 말고, 직접 마셔본 후 맛과 식사와의 궁합 등을 고려하여 메뉴를 만 드는 것이 중요합니다.

소매점에서도 사용할 수 있는 제철 식자재와 의 크로스 머천다이징

오늘의 식사(식자재) 스페셜에 반드시 궁합 이 잘 맞는 일본술도 같이 적습니다. 또한, 레 스토랑에서의“오마카세”에도 일본술을 추 가합니다.

술잔, 특히 향이 좋은 긴죠계에는 없어서는 안 될“생명”과도 같은 것

아쉽게도 향이 좋은 긴죠계의 일본술에 맞는 “일본적”인 술잔은 거의 없지만, 고객에게 처음 한 잔은 작은 화이트 와인잔에 맛볼 수 있도록 제공하는 것도 좋은 아이디어입니다.

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Honorary Sake Sommelier
6 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

Brewery Owner

Timothy Sullivan Sake Samurai

Keita Akaboshi Sake Sommelier Kuramoto US Inc.

Shigeto Terasaka Sake Sommelier President Japan Hollywood Network

Kosuke Kuji

Nanbu Bijin Inc. Fifth Generation Brewery Owner

Takao Matsukawa Sake Sommelier

Latin Region Specialist Mutual Trading Co Inc.

Michael John Simkin

MJS Sake Selection Owner

Sake Sommelier and Others

Masato Kato Sake Sommelier Wismettac Asian Foods

Mei HO Sake Sommelier True Sake

Isao Kiyota International Kikisake-Shi Academia de Sake Mexico Founder

Teruyuki Kobayashi Taruhei Brewing Co Ltd.

Philip Harper Tamagawa Hand Made

Japanese Sake Master Sake Brewer

Joe Mizuno


Fifth Generation Brewery Owner Nanbu Bijin,

Born May 11, 1972. Entered Tokyo University of Agriculture’s Department of Brewing and Fermentation. In 2005 became the youngest person ever to receive the Iwate Prefecture Young Distinguished Technician Award. In 2006 was selected to be a member of the board of trustees of his local alma mater, Fukuoka High School. Currently is featured in a number of media outlets including magazines, radio, and television.

*Positions of Public Service: Chairperson, Cassiopeia Corporation Youth Conference; School Board Member, Fukuoka High School, Iwate Prefecture, Vice-Chairman, Technology Committee, Iwate Prefecture Brewers and Distillers’ Association

Miyuki Yoshida Sake Sommelier

Eda Vuong Sake Sommelier Sake School of America

Rachel Macalisang Sake and Wine Sommelier

Chizuko Niikawa-Helto Sake Sommelier Sake Samurai

Kaz Tokuhara Sake Sommelier Manager Wismettac Asian Foods

Koji Wong Owner Japon Bistro

Alice Hama Certified Wine & Sake Sommelier

Eduardo Dingler Sake Ambassador

Koji Aoto Sake Sommelier Savannah Distributing Co. Inc.

Liloa Papa Certified Sake Professional Level LL Young’s Market Company

Yoshihiro Sako Sake Sommelier Yuzuki

Toshiyuki Koizumi Sake Sommelier Owner “WASAN”

Info All Japan News, Inc. Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America (213) 680-0011, AllJapanNews@gmail.com

Seasonal Sake

Part 4: Cloudy sake released in spring 季節の日本酒④春のにごり酒

Inthis series that introduces seasonal sake, this report features “cloudy sake” released in the spring.

The beautiful spring season of Japan is represented by blooming cherry blossoms. The sighs of plants and animals that survived the cold winter season are sensed during one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan.

Spring is also a season of partings in the sake industry. The Master sake

brewer and brewery workers who lived and worked at the brewery throughout the winter season return home in the spring to plant rice.

“Nigori sake” is a category of sake sold by many sake breweries year-round. Freshly squeezed sake is slightly cloudy in the beautiful spring season. Recently, cherry blossom petals float on the surface of some nigori sake products released in the spring.

Nigori sake is not thick and slightly cloudy. The Japanese also enjoy viewing cherry blossoms during the spring. Slightly cloudy nigori sake enjoyed while viewing the pink cherry blossoms create an elegant ambiance, the epitome of beauty.

Please enjoy nigori sake while viewing cherry blossoms to experience the beautiful spring season in Japan.■


介していますが、今回は春の「に ごり酒」です。

日本の春は桜に代表されるように大変 美しい季節です。寒い冬を乗り越えた植 物や動物達の息吹を感じることのでき る、まさに日本の中でも最高の季節にな ります。

日本酒の世界も春はお別れの季節で、 冬の間蔵に来て泊まり込みでお酒の仕込

みをしていた杜氏さんや蔵人が故郷に帰 る時期でもあります。

同じく日本の春の代名詞の田植えがあ るからです。

日本酒には「にごり酒」といういジャ ンルがあり、通年を通して販売している 蔵も多いですが、春の美しい季節にし ぼったばかりの新酒の日本酒を薄くに ごらせ、桜の花びらを浮かべて飲むよ うな、春のにごり酒も近年増えてきま


ポイントはドロドロのにごり酒ではな く、薄く濁っている、というところだと 思います。

日本の春は花見があります。花見でこ の薄いにごり酒は、桜のピンクと相まっ て、大変風情があり、美しさの極みとも 言えます。

そんな日本の素敵な春にぜひにごり酒 を桜と楽しんでいただきたいです。

Hirohisa Kikuchi Sake Sommelier Akira Yuhara Sake Sommelier Miyako Hybrid Hotel Stuart Morris Sake Sommelier Hana Japanese Restaurant Kurtis Wells Mixologist Eiji Mori Sake Sommelier Katana Restaurant Michael Russell Certified Sake Sommelier Pacific International Liquor Inc Don Lee Sake Sommelier Yama Sushi Owner Chef Gary Imada Sake Advisor Mai Segawa Advanced Sake Sommelier Tako Grill of the “Regional Sake Tasting Club”
Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 7

Japanese sake is brewed from fermentation-mash prepared by adding yeast, steamed rice, koji, and water to the pure yeast starter cultivated in large volumes, in which alcohol ferments. Since the volume of steamed rice used to prepare the standard yeast starter is low at

What is the stage mashing process used to brew sake?

approximately seven to eight percent of the overall volume mashed (the yeast starter ratio is the ratio of the total volume of rice in the yeast starter to the total volume of rice used to mash the fermentation-mash one time), adding a large amount of ingredients (steamed rice, koji, and water) at once rapidly lowers the acidity of the yeast starter and the number of yeast starters. Therefore, the yeast starter cannot cultivate at the same pace, increasing the risk of bacterial contamination.

Therefore, ingredients are not added at once, but divided and added in several stages to cultivate an adequate yeast starter while mashing. This mashing method is referred to as the “Stage-mashing process,” otherwise referred to as the “Three-stage mashing process,” as sake ingredients are divided and added in three stages. Some may suggest increasing the volume of the yeast starter to ensure safety in mashing in one stage. However, preparing the yeast starter is very time-consuming, and significantly increasing the ratio of yeast starter can compromise the aroma of sake, thus deemed unrealistic.

The Three-stage mashing process is used to mash in three stages over a four-day period: “First stage,” “Second stage,” and the “Third stage” (also referred to as “tome-jikomi,” or the “final stage”).

During the “first stage” on the first day, the volume after mashing grows to approximately three times the yeast starter. The mashing temperature is slightly high between 53.6~55.4 degF to revive the yeast in the yeast starter. During the “resting stage” on the

second day, mashing is stopped for a day to sufficiently cultivate the yeast starter and increase the yeast in the fermentation-mash. During the “second stage” on the third day, the volume after mashing reaches approximately seven times the yeast starter at the mashing temperature between 48.2~50 degF. During the “third stage” on the fourth day, the mashing temperature drops further between 44.6~46.4 degF, and the volume grows to approximately fourteen times the yeast starter. This concludes the standard three-stage mashing process. However, the temperature is lowered to ensure safety as the mashing continues, for as the volume increases, the lactic acid concentration drops and becomes easily susceptible to bacterial contamination.

To prepare sweet sake on the other hand, the final step requires the fermentation-mash prepared by the three-stage mashing process to be mashed one more time, referred to as the “four-stage mashing process.”■


に培養した酒母に蒸米と麹、仕 込み水を加えてもろみ(醪)とし、 その中で酵母にアルコール発酵をさせて 造られる。しかし、通常酒母造りに使用 する蒸米は仕込み量全体の7~8%程度 と少ない(もろみ一仕込みの総米重量に 対する酒母総米重量の割合を酒母歩合と いう)から、大量の原料(蒸米、麹、水) を一度に添加して仕込むと、酒母中の酸 度と酵母数が急激に低くなってしまう。 そのため、酵母の増殖が追いつかず、雑 菌に汚染される危険性が高い。そこで、 一度に原料を加えず、何度かに分けて添

加し、適度な酵母の増殖を図りながら仕 込んでいく方法がとられる。このような 仕込み方を、「段仕込み」または「段掛 け法」という。一般には3回に分けて仕 込むため「三段仕込み」と呼ばれる。そ れなら酒母の量を増やせばよいのではと いう考え方もできるし、そうすれば一度 に仕込んだ場合の安全度も高くなるはず である。しかし、酒母造りは非常に手間 がかかる上、酒母歩合を極端に高くする と出来た酒の香味が悪くなってしまうの で、現実的ではないという。

三段仕込みは、「初添え」(「添え仕込み」 または「添え」ともいう)、「仲添え」(「仲 仕込み」または「仲」ともいう)、「留添 え」(「留仕込み」ともいう)の三段階に 分けて仕込む方法で、四日間にわたって 仕込む。

一日目の「初添え」では、仕込み後の 容量は酒母の三倍程度になる。酒母中の 酵母の活性を呼び戻すため、仕込み温度 は12~13度とやや高い。二日目は「踊 り」と称して、一日、仕込みを休む。酵 母を十分に増殖させて、もろみ中の酵母 の優位性を高めるためである。三日目の 「仲添え」では、仕込み後の容量は酒母 の約7倍になり、仕込み温度は9~10 度とする。四日目の「留添え」では、仕 込み温度を7~8度とさらに低くし、容 量は酒母の約14倍となる。以上が標準 的な三段仕込みだが、このように仕込み が進むにしたがって温度を下げていくの は、容量の増加によって物料中の乳酸濃 度が低下して雑菌に汚染されやすくなる ため、温度を下げて安全性を高めている のである。

一方、甘ロの酒を造る場合に、三段に 仕込んだもろみの末期にもう一度仕込む 方法があり、これを「四段仕込み」という。 仕込む原料は、蒸米、酒母、甘酒、酒粕、 糖化酵素剤などがあるが、近年は酵素の 利用(「酵素四段」という)が一般的になっ ている。

日本酒の段仕込みとは何か この記事は株式会社柴田書店より提供されています。 This article was courtesy from Shibata Shoten Co Ltd. BRANCHES & SALES OFFICES Head Office: LOS ANGELES (800) 633-1004, (323) 721-6100 LOS ANGELES Branch SAN DIEGO Sales Office LAS VEGAS Sales Office PHOENIX Sales Office DENVER Sales Office SAN FRANCISCO Branch SACRAMENTO Sales Office SEATTLE Branch PORTLAND Sales Office HOUSTON Branch DALLAS Sales Office BATON ROUGE Sales Office CHICAGO Branch TOLEDO Sales Office NEW YORK Branch BOSTON Sales Office BALTIMORE Branch ATLANTA Branch ORLAND Sales Office MIAMI Branch HAWAII Branch JFC GROUP OFFICE HAPI PRODUCTS, INC. JES INC. Interbranch Distribution Center (IDC)
日本全国から輸入 全米のネットワークを通じて 皆様に直送中 Yoshihide Murakami Master Sake Sommelier Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. 百味 百題 日本 酒 Jozen Aged Pink Junmai Ginjo Shirataki Sake Brewery (Niigata) Hakutsuru Draft Junmai Hakutsuru Sake Brewing (Hyogo) Suijin Junmai Asabiraki (Iwate) Ozeki Jyudan Jikomi Junmai Daiginjo Ozeki Corporation (Hyogo) Sake Meter Value: +3 Polishing Rate: 55% (Gohyakumangoku) Sake Meter Value: +2 Polishing Rate: 60% Sake Meter Value: -30 Polishing Rate: 40% (Yamadanishiki) Sake Meter Value: +4 Polishing Rate: 70% Polishing Rate: +50% (Yamada Nishiki) Sake Meter Value: +10 Polishing Rate: 70% Fukuju Blue Junmai Ginjo Kobe Shushinkan (Hyogo) Tenbu Junmai Ginjo Nishi Shuzo (Kagoshima)
8 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

Year-end sales event


Three sake breweries were invited to organize the 2023 year-end sales event at Kanemasu Brewery (Shibata city, Niigata prefecture). Thursday, December 28 felt like a half-day workday, yet many visitors arrived to purchase nigori sake “Hatsuyuki,” a popular nigori sake of this brewery. Some customers purchased sake in bulk since Kanemasu Brewery offers few bottled sake products. The sake products featured by Kanemasu Brewery were Junmai Daiginjo “Hatsuhana,” stored at freezing temperatures for two years; and “Kanemasu 36-year-old sake.” The container of “Kanemasu 36-year-old sake,” aged for thirtysix years since 1986, is eye-catching. The 360 ml titanium custom-made double wall tumbler was made by the renowned Horie Titanium Co., based in the Tsubame-Sanjo area. After the aged sake is finished, the uneven interior of the tumbler ensures silky froth beer foam. The 360 ml aged sake is priced at approximately 40000 JPY. Explaining the value of this aged sake to customers was very challenging. The sales event on December 29 featured “Nagatorogura” by Hakuro Brewery (Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture) and new sake by both the Hakuro Brewery and Fujisaki Sobe Shoten (Nagatoro city, Saitama prefecture) of the same group. Hakuro Brewery featured their new sake, Junmai-Daiginjo Nigori Sake, and “Sanzui Junmai-Daiginjo Non-filtered Unprocessed Sake,” bottled in low volumes. New sake by Nagatorogura is unprocessed, non-filtered Junmai Ginjo sake with a flavor like fresh green apple juice. Customers came out in droves to the shopping district this day after completing their work for the year to prepare for New Year’s eve and New Year’s day. Many customers purchased fresh sake available only this time of the year. Nihonsakari was featured the next day, soon to become a classic sake featured during the sales event

on December 30. The special set packaged in the Jinkichi bag (handbag made of durable canvas fabric used to transport sake from the sake shop) consisted of the Ginjo with gold leaf, Daiginjo with gold leaf, and “Souhana Junmai Ginjo,” also used when the Emperor ascended the throne, all products that suit the New Year ambiance. Sales personnel at Nihonsakari taught me the basics of selling sake before my shop opened. For the first time in over a decade, we teamed up so I could learn how to sell sake from a seller of a national sake brand, which is different from how local sake is sold.

On the final day of New Year’s eve on December 31, two part-time workers were invited to sell out the rest of the inventory of the year. High-end sake sold out in no time, along with various new sake and New Year’s sake products that all sold out and concluded the year by 21:00. It is truly unusual to see this much sake sold at other times of the year. The phenomenon of high sake sales raises the question if domestic sake consumption is declining in Japan. If sake sales of this volume are consistent year-round, it would be safe to

Regional Sake Specialty Store “Ji Sakeya” Owner, Master Sake Sommelier, Shuto-Meijin, and the charismatic guru of ordinary sake.

Plans and manages events and seminars with his own unique flare to introduce the appeal of Japanese sake and cuisine, unaffected by the latest trends, while managing a jizake retail store.


いて開催された。トップバッ ターは新潟県新発田市の金升酒 造。28日というまだ半分ウイークデー の感覚だったが、この酒蔵人気のにごり 酒「初雪」を求めた来店者が多く、酒蔵 としても瓶詰めがあまり多くない商品と いうこともあって、まとめ買いをする人 もいた。そして目玉は氷温弐年貯蔵の純 米大吟醸「初花」と「金升参拾六年古 酒」である。この1986年に仕込まれた 古酒もさながら、この酒が入っている容 器が素晴らしい。チタン製造で有名な燕 三条のホリエ製で、高保冷2重構造、完 全特注品の360㎖タンブラーに入ってい る。古酒を飲み切った後もビアタンブ ラーなどとしても楽しめる様になってお り、内部に多少の凹凸がある為、きめ細 やかで滑らかな泡立ちのビールを楽しむ ことが出来るのだ。360㎖で約4万円。 この価値をお客様に伝えるのは非常に難 しかった。29日は新潟県長岡市の柏露 酒造と同グループの埼玉県長瀞の藤崎摠 兵衛商店「長瀞蔵」の販売会。この販売 会の目玉はやはり新酒である。柏露酒造 は定番柏露の新酒と純米大吟醸のにごり 酒、少しだけ瓶詰めされる「さんずい純 米大吟醸無濾過生原酒直汲み」である。

そして長瀞蔵の新酒も、まるで青リンゴ 果汁を飲んでいる様な純米吟醸の無濾過 生原酒。もうこの日は、仕事納め後の大 晦日や正月に向けたお買い物客が多く商 店街に出ており、この時期だけのフレッ シュな酒を求めた人達が多く訪れた。  翌日は、30日の販売会の定番となり つつある日本盛。金箔入り吟醸酒、金 箔入り大吟醸180㎖を2本甚吉袋*に入 れた特別セット、天皇陛下即位の際にも 使われた「惣花純米吟醸」などお正月の 雰囲気にピッタリな商品を並べた。日本 盛の営業マンは当店が出来る前に酒の売 り方の基本を教えてくれた人であり、十 数年振りに、タッグを組ませてもらい地 酒の販売とは違う、ナショナルブランド ならではの酒販売方法を学ばせてもらっ た。最終31日大晦日は、アルバイトの 売り子さんを2名招いて、年内最後の売 り尽くし。高級酒があっという間に売り 切れ、各新酒も売り切れが続出し21時 の時点では新酒やお正月商品が全て無く なり、年内最後の営業を終えた。

本当に年末だけは異常なくらいに日本 酒が売れていく。本当に国内消費量が 年々下がっているとは思えない現象が起 こるのだが、これが通年の出来事である ならば、まだまだ日本酒の世界には未来 があると言えるのだが。

*甚吉袋: 酒屋からお酒を運ぶ時に使われていた 丈夫な帆布生地でできている手提げ

Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 9
say the Japanese sake industry has a bright future ahead.■

Info All Japan News, Inc.

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America

(213) 680-0011


Ask me

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America NPO法人


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier Beverage Manager ymatsumoto001@gmail.com

Toshio Ueno

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Ami Nakanishi

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President New York Mutual Trading, Inc. info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Atsuko Glick

Master Sake Sommelir

Instructor Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Yoshihide Murakami

Master Sake Sommelier

Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. ymurakami@jfc.com

David Kudo

Master Sake Sommelier

President, All Japan News davidkudo@gmail.com

Sake Shochu Beer Institute of America - Part 2: Reading the sake label-

Ryuji Takahashi

Master Sake Sommelier

Owner “Ji sakeya”

Shuto-Meijin ryu2syuto@yahoo.co.jp

米国酒焼酎麦酒研究所 / その2:日本酒のラベルを読む

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America was founded with the purpose to promote further understanding of Japanese sake, shochu and beer in a shared where 500 million people enjoy wine in North America. We strive to increase Japanophiles by furthering understanding of the sake culture through online Japanese sake and shochu colleges and books related to Japanese sake, shochu and beer, etc. Especially sampling parties directly approaches consumers and no doubt contributes to expanding the market. Also, our final purpose is to facilitate communication with sake breweries, sake producers, and distribution companies, etc., to introduce Japanese sake, shochu and beer to American consumers in a way that’s easy-tounderstand.

Sake bottles normally display two labels. The large front label often displays the “sake brand” in the center of the bottle, while the right or left side shows the special sake designation (such as Junmai Daiginjo, etc.). The production year, month, and date indicated is the sake bottling date. The label also lists the alcohol content, volume of the bottle, and the names of the brewery and master sake brewer. The back label lists important information such as the sake meter value - a positive or negative value that indicates the sake is sweet or dry. Generally, the greater the negative value, the sweeter the flavor; and the greater the positive value, the dryer the flavor. This positive or negative sake meter value is determined by the sugar content in sake. The higher the sugar content, the greater the negative number; and the lower the sugar content, the greater the positive sake meter value. Sake with a positive sake meter value that is lighter in relative density than water is lower in sugar content, etc., while sake with a negative sake meter value that is heavy in relative density is higher in sugar content, etc. Generally, sake with scary names such as oni, kujira, otoko, etc., tend to be dry in flavor.

Approximately sixty-five percent of all sake produced is standard sake. As sales of Ginjo and Junmai Ginji increase however, the overall sales of sake is also increasing.

日本酒のボトルには通常2枚のラベルが貼られて いる。「銘柄」が書かれた表ラベルはボトル中 央に大きく書かれている場合が多く、その右または 左横に特定名称(純米大吟醸など)が書かれてある。 製造年月日も記載されているが、これは日本酒をボ トル詰めした日にちである。そして、アルコール度 数、ボトルの容量、杜氏や蔵の名前がある。

裏ラベルには重要なことが書かれてある。日本酒 度は甘辛のことで、一般的にマイナスになればなる ほど甘口、プラスになればなるほど辛口とされてい る。 このプラスとマイナスは、お酒の中にどれく らい糖分が入っているかどうかで決まり、お酒の中 に糖分が多ければマイナスになり、少なければプラ スになる。比重が水より軽いプラスの値のお酒は甘 味のもとである糖分などが少なく、比重が重いマイ ナスの値のお酒は糖分などがより多く含まれている ため。一般的に鬼、鯨、男など怖い名前がついてい るお酒は辛い傾向にある。

日本酒の製造全体の65%くらいは普通酒である が、吟醸や純米吟醸の売り上げが伸び、日本酒の全 体の売り上げがアップしている。

Master Sake Sommelier
10 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

Restaurants added nearly 300k jobs during 2023

-Overall restaurant employment surpassed pre-pandemic readings, but the industry’s workforce expansion likely has more room to run in 2024-

2023年外食産業は約30万人の雇用を創出 -外食産業全体の雇用者数はパンデミック前の数値を上回ったが、 2024年の労働力拡大にはまだ余裕-

Restaurant employment growth finished 2023 on a positive note, but the trendline was significantly flatter than it was during much of the pandemic recovery period. Eating and drinking places* added a net 22,100 jobs in December on a seasonally-adjusted basis, according to preliminary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). That came on the heels of downward-revised changes in both October and November.

In total during the second half of 2023, eating and drinking place payrolls rose by 102,000 jobs. That was only about half of the 196,000 jobs added during the first half of the year. Despite the slowdown, the addition of nearly 300,000 jobs during 2023 was well above 2019’s increase of 246,000 jobs. Job growth was uneven in recent months, but the industry workforce remains above pre-pandemic levels. As of December 2023, eating and drinking places were 31,000 jobs above their February 2020 employment peak.

More hiring expected in 2024, business conditions permitting

Overall restaurant employment surpassed pre-pandemic readings, but the industry’s workforce expansion likely has more room to run in 2024.

When asked in November 2023, 88% of operators said they are likely hire additional employees during the next 6-12 months if there are qualified applicants available. Sixty-two percent of operators said they would be ‘very likely’ to expand payrolls, which illustrates the strength of the demand for labor.

A solid majority of both limitedservice (89%) and fullservice (87%) operators said they will continue boosting staffing levels if good resumes come across their desk.

At the same time, restaurant operators will keep a watchful eye on the economy. Fifty-four percent of operators said they would be likely to lay off employees during the next 6-12 months if business conditions deteriorate and the U.S. economy goes into recession.

Fullservice operators (58%) were somewhat more likely than their limited-service counterparts (51%) to say they would lay off employees if business conditions deteriorate.

*Eating and drinking places are the primary component of the total restaurant and foodservice industry, which employ more than 12 million out of the total restaurant and foodservice workforce of 15.5 million.

外食産業の雇用者数の伸びは 2023年をプラスで終えたが、 トレンドラインはパンデミック 回復期の大部分よりもかなり平坦であっ た。労働統計局(BLS)の速報データ によると、飲食店*の12月の雇用者数 は季節調整済みで正味22,100人増加し た。これは、10月と11月の下方修正に 続くものである。

2023年下半期、飲食店の給与は 102,000人増加した。これは上半期の 19万6,000人増の約半分に過ぎない。 減速にもかかわらず、2023年中の30 万人近い雇用増加は、2019年の24万 6,000人増を大きく上回った。

ここ数カ月、雇用の伸びはばらつきが あったが、業界の労働力はパンデミック 前の水準を上回っている。2023年12月 現在、飲食店は2020年2月の雇用ピー クを31,000人上回っている。

2024年、景況が許せば雇用は さらに増える見込み

外食産業全体の雇用者数はパンデミッ ク前の数値を上回ったが、2024年には 労働力拡大の余地がありそうだ。

2023年11月の調査では、88%の経 営者が、資格のある応募者がいれば、今 後6-12ヶ月の間に従業員を追加雇用 する可能性があると回答した。また、 62%の事業者が給与を拡大する可能性 が「非常に高い」と回答しており、労働 力需要の強さを物語っている。

リミテッドサービス(89%)とフル サービス(87%)のオペレーターの両 方が、良い履歴書が来れば、人員を増や し続けると答えた。

同時に、レストラン経営者は景気を注 視している。経営者の54%が、経営状 況が悪化し、米国経済が後退した場合、 今後6 ~ 12ヶ月の間に従業員を解雇す る可能性があると答えている。

フルサービス経営者(58%)は、リ ミテッドサービス経営者(51%)より も、経営状況が悪化した場合、従業員を 解雇すると答えた。

*飲食店は、外食・フードサービス産 業全体の主要構成要素であり、外食・ フードサービス従業員1,550万人のうち 1,200万人以上を雇用している。

Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 11
Text courtesy from National Restaurant Association

Top Japanese mixologists developed special cocktails to introduce shochu flavors

-Shochu event held to serve shochu cocktails to millennials at nine popular bars in Los Angeles-

日米最高峰のミクソロジストがスペシャルカクテル を開発し焼酎の魅力を伝授 ―ロサンゼルスの人気バー9店舗で ミレニアル世代を対象に焼酎カクテルを 提供する焼酎イベントを開催―

The Japan Food Product Overseas Promotion Center (JFOODO) –an organization established by the Japanese government to popularize Japanese food, agricultural, forestry, and fishery products – teamed-up with nine popular bars in Los Angeles and held a month-long event, “SHOCHU Month,” to introduce shochu flavors to millennials from January 18~February 17. Each bar served original shochu highballs and cocktails during this month when “SHOCHU Week” was held. Shuzo Nagumo, a pioneer mixologist in Japan, was invited as a guest bartender and served original shochu cocktails developed for this event at each bar during the first week.

Fourteen shochu selections sold in the U.S. from ten different shochu distilleries were selected for this event. Each bar selected two shochu brands from “MIZUNOMAI,” “Satsuma Shiranami

Genshu,” “Nankai Shochu,” “Ikkomon,” etc., and developed original cocktails. Nagumo served as guest bartender at each of the nine bars on different days, where he mixed and served two different shochu cocktails at each bar, and eighteen shochu cocktails total.

The first day of the event kicked off with “SHOCHU Night” at the world-renowned bar Death & Co in downtown Los Angeles on January 18. Approximately 150 guests attended the first night with over 260 shochu beverages served with great success. On this day, guests were served “DAIYAME” (sweet potato shochu) highball “DOVETAIL SHOCHU HIGHBALL,” developed by mixologist Mathew Belanger; shochu cocktail “OXYA OLD FASHIONED” mixed from “Asahi-Mannenboshi” barley shochu, and original shochu cocktails developed by Nagumo, such as “CAFÉ BRUNO” (Asahi-Mannenboshibased barley shochu beverage mixed with coffee liqueur, sherry, and wine Amontillado) and “LE PAYS FIZZ” (DAIYAME sweet potato shochu-based cocktail mixed with passion fruit and refreshing carbonation).

The California State Legislature revised the “Alcoholic Beverage Control Act” on October 10, 2023, which stipulates shochu with alcohol content of 24 percent or less are classified into the same category as wine. Due to this change, shochu is no longer confused with the traditional Korean distilled beverage Soju, but now sold as Japanese “SHOCHU.” Daiki Sawabe, Director of JFOODO, commented: “Shochu is now more familiar to consumers as a seasonal beverage garnering interest not only from

Matthew Belanger, Death & Co Shuzo Nagumo
12 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

consumers, but also from beverage servers and the media.”

“Shochu is unique in flavor, aroma, and taste compared to other distilled liquor, yet shochu is unfamiliar to most American consumers,” continued Sawabe. “The aroma of sweet potato shochu is most notable when served as a highball, so we have each bar listing shochu highball in their menus as a gateway beverage to introduce the flavor of shochu. This is where JFOODO would like to expand on in the future,” said Sawabe about his aspirations.

Guest bartender Shuzo Nagumo was interviewed for this report.

JRN: Your event was a major success!

Nagumo: Many guests seemed interested in trying shochu for the first

time. They were receptive and open, and many of them gave us positive feedback. Many American consumers have a preferred spirit. Even if they see a shochu cocktail on the menu, they won’t try it.

I didn’t specifically target American consumers for the beverages I developed. However, I’m ultimately glad to have mixed shochu with other spirits, rather than using only shochu as the cocktail base, which helped to attract interest. Just as we might find it scary to try unfamiliar foods from Asia and South America, it might be scary for American consumers to try shochu for the first time. In that sense, telling a customer “It tastes like lychee” might give them an idea about what flavor to expect. This is why we received a great response from customers for “DAIYAME” (sweet potato shochu).

JRN : What is most important in popularizing authentic shochu?

Nagumo: The event was successful in introducing shochu as a new spirit and received positive feedback. First, it’s important to have customers try shochu and say it’s “delicious,” which leaves a positive impression. Next time, the same customer may ask, “What did you mix with this shochu? “I’d like to try this,” “Can you make me a martini with this shochu?” Afterwards, the customer will start focusing on the flavor of the individual brand according to the general flow.

In addition to consistent promotion, approaching both bartenders and distributors is important. Training and creating a database of shochu cocktails to allow anyone access to shochu cocktail recipes are important to popularize shochu.■


一般消費者に普及・浸透させ るための取り組みを行う“日 本食品海外プロモーションセンター (JFOODO)”が、ロサンゼルスの人気 バー9店舗とタッグを組み、焼酎の魅力 を現地のミレニアル世代に体験してもら う「焼酎マンス」と題したイベントを1 月18日~2月17日の1か月間に渡って 開催。各バーが独自に開発した焼酎ハイ ボールとカクテルを1か月間に渡って提 供するイベントと同時に、日本からゲス トバーテンダーとして招いたミクソロ ジーの日本における第一人者として知ら れる南 なぐも 雲主 しゅうぞう 于三氏が日替わりで初日から 1週間に渡って各バーを回ってこのイベ ントのために開発した焼酎カクテルを提 供する「焼酎ウィーク」も行われた。  今回のイベントでは、アメリカで取 り扱いのある「美鶴乃舞」「さつま白波 原酒」「南海焼酎」「一刻者」など10蔵14 種類の焼酎から、それぞれのバーが気に

Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 13

入った銘柄2種を選び、カクテルを開発 するスタイルを取っている。9つのバー を日替わりゲストバーテンダーとして訪 問した南雲氏は、それらを使って各バー ごとに2種類、計18種類のカクテルを 開発し、ゲストをもてなした。

初日の18日には、ダウンタウンに ある世界でも評判の高いDeath & Co で、キックオフイベントとして「焼酎 ナイト」を開催。一晩で約150名が参 加し260以上の焼酎ドリンクが提供 される大反響となった。この日は、ミ クソロジストのマシュー・ベランガー 氏が開発した「だいやめ~DAIYAME ~(芋)」のハイボール「DOVETAIL SHOCHU HIGHBALL」と「旭万年星 (麦)」を使ったカクテル「OXYA OLD FASHIONED」に加え、南雲氏考案の旭 万年星をベースにコーヒーリキュールや シェリー酒アモンティリャードをミック スした「CAFÉ BRUNO」と「だいやめ」 をベースにパッションフルーツを使った さわやかなフィズ「LE PAYS FIZZ」も


昨年10月10日にカリフォルニア州で 「アルコール飲料規制に関する法律」の 改正があり、アルコール度数24度以下 の焼酎はビールとワインと同じカテゴ リーに分類されることになったばかり。

これにより、韓国の伝統的蒸留酒Soju (ソジュ)と混同されることなく、日本 の「焼酎」として販売することが可能と なり、「より身近な存在になった焼酎は、 消費者だけでなく、バー関係者やメディ アにとってもまさに旬なドリンクで、イ ベントの注目度も高い」とJFOODOの ディレクター澤邊大輝氏は話す。

「焼酎はフレーバー、香り、味に関し 他の蒸留酒では味わえない独自のもので すが、ここロサンゼルスを含めてまだほ とんどのアメリカ人が焼酎という飲み物 を知りません。芋などの香りが一番伝わ るのがハイボールですから、焼酎を楽し む入口として各バーにはハイボールをメ ニューに必ず入れていただいています。 JFOODOとしても、そこは今後もっと 広げていきたいと思っているところで


ゲストバーテンダーの南雲氏に話を聞 いた。

JRN:大盛況でしたね。 南雲:初めて焼酎を飲むからどんな味な んだろうと、ある種ポジティブにとらえ ている方が多かっただけに反響も良く、 おいしいという意見もたくさんもらいま した。アメリカでは好みのスピリッツを 持っている方が多く、メニューに焼酎カ クテルがあっても選ばないそうです。今 回特にアメリカ人のお客さんを意識して 作ったということはありませんが、結果 的に焼酎単体ではなく、他のスピリッツ とミックスすることで興味を持っていた だけて良かったと思います。私たちがア ジアや南米の食べたことがない未知の料 理を怖くて食べられないように、何味だ か分からない焼酎を頼むのは怖いですよ ね。そういう意味では、例えば「ライチ の味がするよ」と伝えてあげるとイメー ジがつきやすいので、今回のだいやめな

どはお客さんの反応も良いのかなと思い ます。

JRN:本格焼酎を広めるために必要な ことは?

南雲:新しいスピリッツだという意味で は、ポジティブだと思います。まずは 焼酎カクテルを楽しんでもらい、「おい しいね」とポジティブな状態を作るこ と。そうすると次に、これは何を使って いるの?それ少しちょうだいとか、これ でマティーニを作ってという状態になっ てきます。その後でやっと個別銘柄の味 にフォーカスされるという流れが一般的 です。

継続したプロモーションはもちろん、 バーテンダーとディストリビューター両 方へのアプローチが重要です。教育や焼 酎カクテルのアーカイブを作ってレシピ に誰でもアクセスできるような形にする ことなども必要だと思います。

14 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com
“Export Support Platform” support base launched in

Houston, Texas

-To promote import and spur widespread popularization of the Japanese food culture


「輸出支援プラットフォーム」支援拠点発足 -輸入促進、日本食文化の更なる普及に拍車-

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries launched a hub for the “Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery and Food Products Export Support Platform” in Houston, Texas on December 5, 2023.

The “Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery and Food Products Export Support Platform” is a scheme to provide ongoing support from experts to agricultural, forestry, fishery and food exporters and local food business entrepreneurs to ensure Japanese agricultural, forestry, fishery and food products achieve the target export value of five trillion JPY by 2030. The platform is currently launched in eight nations, deemed to be high-potential markets and other regions, staffed mainly by members of the Japanese government and JETRO.

The platform was set in the U.S. in Los Angeles and New York in April 2022, with significant potential for the platform to expand in the Southern U.S., especially due to the rapid population growth in Texas - the second largest U.S. market by GDP with a gross state product of 2.355 trillion as of 2022 – where Japanese restaurants are increasing rapidly. As the Japanese food market further expands, a third hub was opened in the U.S. as export destinations are expected to diversify for Japanese food products, led by fishery products.

During the launch party, the Houston hub was set, a council was established, policies for current activities were announced, and collaboration was confirmed between the public and private sectors to operate the Export Support Platform. The launch party was attended by Ken Sasaji, Deputy Director-General of the Export and International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Hirofumi Murabayashi, Consul General of Japan in Houston; Ko Morishita, Director-General of JETRO’s Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Food Department; Texas-based entrepreneurs

in the Japanese food industry, and Marinus Noordenbos, CEO of Hokkai Suisan, etc.

Ken Sasaji, Deputy DirectorGeneral of the Export and International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; commented on his goals for the platform: “The economy of Texas is growing rapidly, where the Japanese food culture is expected to enjoy greater widespread popularity. We look forward to operating the platform to enter the market with support not only from JETRO, the Consulate General, and The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, but also with local support from younger generations as well.”

The first initiative taken by the Houston hub was the “RAMEN BOOT CAMP in Houston,” held at the Houston NRG Center as part of the “RAMEN EXPO/IZAKAYA EXPO USA,” the only exhibit in the U.S. specializing in ramen and izakaya cuisine. Renowned Japanese chefs leading the ramen industry, etc., were invited as instructors for this event that targeted local restaurant professionals, chefs of Japanese cuisine, etc., to pass on the Japanese ramen culture and hold demonstrations. Seminars introducing how to prepare Japanese fishery products such as scallops, etc., were also held to introduce Japanese fishery

products and traditional Japanese condiments, set-up promotional booths for Japanese fishery operators to serve food samples to buyers, support negotiations and sales, and introduce procurement methods, etc.■


林水産物・食品輸出支援プラッ トフォーム」のヒューストン拠 点を開設した。「農林水産物・食品輸出 支援プラットフォーム」とは、2030年 までに日本産農林水産物・食品の年間輸 出額を5兆円に到達させるという目標の 達成に向けて農林水産物・食品の輸出事 業者や現地の食品事業者などを専門的か つ継続的に支援する枠組み。現在、日本 の農林水産物輸出市場として有望視さ れる8カ国とその地域に在外公館とジェ トロが主な構成員となり設置している。 米国では2022年4月にロサンゼルスと ニューヨークに設置しているが、米国南 部の地域ではさらなる展開の余地が大き く残されており、経済規模2.4兆ドルの 全米2位の市場であるテキサス州では人 口の急増も背景に、近年日本食レストラ ン軒数が顕著に増加している。こうした 状況の中で更なる日本食市場の拡大はも とより、市場拡大を通じ、水産物をはじ めとした日本産食品の輸出先の多角化の 促進が期待されていることなどから米国 内では3か所目の拠点開設となった。

立ち上げ式では、ヒューストン拠点の 発足と協議会の設置、当面の活動方針を

発表し輸出支援プラットフォームが官民 一丸となって取り組んでいくことを確認 した。立上げ式には、笹路 健農林水産 省大臣官房審議官(兼輸出・国際局・新 事業・食品産業)、村林弘文在ヒュース トン日本国総領事、森下 興ジェトロ農 林水産食品部長、テキサス州内の日本食 品関係事業者、日本食普及の親善大使の 北海水産 代表取締役マリナス・ノーデ ンボス氏等が出席した。笹路 健審議官 は、「ヒューストンの所在するテキサス 州は経済的にも成長が顕著な地域で、今 後も日本食文化が広がることが期待され る。ジェトロ、総領事館、農林水産省だ けではなく、若いメンバーも含めた現地 の賛同を得て、マーケットインの発想で プラットフォームの運営を進めていきた い。」と抱負を述べた。

ヒューストン拠点の初の取組として、 ヒューストンNRGセンターにおいて ラーメン・居酒屋に特化した米国唯一 の展示会「RAMEN EXPO/IZAKAYA EXPO USA」で、「RAMEN BOOT CAMP in Houston」を12月5、6日に 開催した。このイベントでは、ラーメン 業界を牽引する著名日本食料理人等を講 師に迎え、現地のレストラン関係者や日 本食料理人を対象に、日本のラーメン文 化を伝えるとともに調理実演を行った。 また、ホタテ等の日本産水産物の調理法 等を紹介するセミナー等を通じ、日本産 水産物や伝統調味料等の魅力を発信し、 水産事業者のPRブース設置や来場した バイヤーへの試食サンプル提供、商談支 援及び販売、調達方法の紹介等のプロ モーション支援を行った。

Sabaki Girl, Uwajima Project ©MAFF
Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 15

JETRO Los Angeles Develops Frozen Processed Foods Utilizing Japanese Scallops for Restaurant Operators

-First sampling event and social gathering held with industry professionals-


レストラン事業者向けに日本産ホタテを活用した冷凍加工食品を開発 -関係者を集めた初の試食会並びに懇親会を開催-

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), involved in expanding exports of Japanese food products, developed frozen food products made from Japanese scallops with Los Angelesbased consulting firm, Teruko Weinberg, Inc., and Japanese food manufacturer California Rice Center, as restrictions against the import of Japanese fishery products are enhanced surrounding the discharge of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Approximately forty local restaurant entrepreneurs were invited to the sampling event and social gathering held on January 30.

日本食の輸出拡大に取り組む日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)が、福島第1 原子力発電所の処理水放出を巡る中国などの日本産水産物の輸入規制強 化を踏まえ、日本産ホタテを活用した冷凍加工食品をロサンゼルスのコ ンサル企業Teruko Weinberg Inc並びに日本食品メーカーCalifornia Rice Center社と連携して開発。1月30日に、現地のレストラン事業者 ら約40名を招いて試食・懇親会を行った。

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), involved in expanding exports of Japanese food products, developed frozen food products made from Japanese scallops with Los Angeles-based consulting firm, Teruko Weinberg, Inc., and Japanese food manufacturer

California Rice Center, as restrictions against the import of Japanese fishery products are enhanced surrounding the discharge of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Approximately forty local restaurant entrepreneurs were invited to the sampling event and social gathering

held on January 30.

Three selections of “Skewered Scallops” – made from Japanese ginger, sweet chili, and honey miso - along with “Scallop-cream Croquette,” and “Seafood Curry,” containing scallops, shrimp, and squid; were developed as three menu items for casual use among restaurant entrepreneurs not able to introduce new menu items due to insufficient manpower, etc. The scallop-cream croquette must be fried at the restaurant, but others can basically be heated in a microwave oven as a casual, easy-to-prepare food product.

According to Akira Mizuno of Teruko Winberg, Inc., the cream filling for croquette (deep-fried roll) can be purchased separately to be used for menu items such as gratin (casserole), while curry roux (sauce) can also be purchased separately from rice to ensure flexible, need-based support. Daisuke Fujisawa, President of the California Rice Center, responsible for the local development and preparation of menu items, said, “The ready-to-eat food products were developed to save time spent on food preparation and to offer new menu items,” also to be sold in markets outside of restaurants.

Packaged products for retail shops will also be developed in the future.

Kota Kimura, Director of JETRO, said, “Export destinations for Japanese fishery products must be diversified in various markets overseas, such as the U.S., since the import of Japanese fishery products was banned in Hong Kong, China last August. As part of the effort to enhance promotions in the U.S., Teruko Winberg, Inc. and the California Rice Center were contracted to develop menu items from Japanese scallops. As a result, three menu items made from Japanese scallops were developed to be used as frozen food products to aid restaurants struggling to offer new menu items due to insufficient manpower. Curry, cream croquette, etc., were selected as menu selections due to the high demand for these foods expected in restaurants. The goal was to meet the demand of Japanese restaurants in Los Angeles, home to many Japanese restaurants, although our targeted clientele is not limited to Japanese restaurants. These products are currently offered only in Los Angeles, but we’d like to review the feedback we receive to introduce these products in other regions next year.”■

18 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com
Kota Kimura, Director of JETRO (left)


導入できずにいるレストラン事 業者が手軽に活用できるようメ ニュー開発されたのは、和風ショウガ、 スイート・チリ、ハニー味噌を使った 「ホタテ串」3種とホタテの「クリーム コロッケ」、そしてホタテとエビ、イカ が入った「シーフドカレー」の3品。ク リームコロッケは、店舗で揚げる必要が あるが、それ以外は基本的に電子レン ジで温めるだけの手軽な製品となって いる。

Teruko Winbergの水野 亮氏による と、コロッケに関してはグラタンなどの メニューにも利用できるように中身のク リームのみの販売も可能だといい、カ レーに関してもライス付きだけでなく、

ルーのみの販売も行うなど、ニーズに応 じて柔軟な対応をする方針だという。


California Rice Centerの藤沢大輔社長 によると、レストランにおいて「調理の 手間を省き、新しいメニューを提供する ためのレディトゥイートの商品」だとい い、レストラン以外のマーケットでの 販売なども想定しているという。また、 パッケージを付けたリテール向けの商品 も今後開発する方針だ。

ジェトロ・ロサンゼルスの木村恒太氏 は、「去年8月に中国・香港が日本の水 産物の輸入を停止したことを受け、アメ

リカはじめ諸外国で日本産水産物の輸出 多角化を進める必要があるということ で、アメリカでのプロモーションを強 化しています。その一環としてTeruko WinbergさんとCalifornia Rice Center さんに事業委託をさせていただき、日本 産ホタテを使ったメニュー開発を行いま した。人手不足からレストランでは新し

いメニューをなかなか開発できないとい う声がありましたので、冷凍食材として 使える日本産ホタテを使った3品を作っ ていただきました。メニュー内容に関し ては、レストランさんでニーズがありそ うなものということで、カレーやコロッ ケなどを選びました。ロサンゼルスは日 本食レストランが多い土地柄ですから、

まずは日本食レストランのニーズに応え るという形で始めておりますが、日本食 レストランだけに限ったものではありま せん。今年度はロサンゼルスのみでの実 施となりますが、来年度以降につきまし ては反応をみての他の地域への拡大に関 しても検討していければと思っておりま す。」と同事業について語った。

Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 19

California Governor signed the amended bill pertaining to the sales of Japanese shochu

-Sales channels for Japanese shochu expected to increase in the state of California-

カリフォルニア州知事、焼酎の販売に関わる法改正に署名 ―日本の焼酎、カリフォルニア州での販路拡大に期待高まる-

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the amended bill (AB416: Sales of Shochu) of the “Alcoholic Beverage Control Act,” passed by the California State Legislature on October 10, 2023.

The amended bill officially approved the sales of Japanese shochu as “Shochu” by restaurants licensed to sell and serve wine. According to past California state law and regulations stipulated by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Japanese shochu was only allowed to be sold in California restaurants licensed to sell wine only if labeled as Korean distilled spirit “Soju.”

Japanese professionals rejoined in the amended bill since increased familiarity of “shochu” among mainstream consumers would “increase opportunities to expand sales channels for shochu in California and enhance shochu exports to the U.S.” In addition, this amended bill could help to increase shochu consumption in the future, as shochu is less familiar to consumers than sake.

The state of California issues over eighty licenses pertaining to

the production and sales of alcohol beverages, broadly divided into two categories: On-Sale General liquor license authorizes restaurants to sell all types of alcoholic beverages in bars and restaurants for consumption on the premises, while Off-Sale General liquor license authorizes small retail shops to sell all types of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises in original sealed containers. These licenses are further categorized as general, beer and spirits, or beer only, etc., depending on the type of alcoholic beverage sold. Japanese shochu was classified as distilled liquor in the same category as spirits, which required a general license to sell, a difficult license to obtain.

On the other hand, Korean distilled spirit Soju with an alcohol content of 24 percent or lower was authorized to be sold with an On-Sale beer and wine license in 1988. Japanese distilleries exporting shochu products adjusted the alcohol content to 24 percent or below, labeled their shochu products as “Soju,” or listed both “Soju” and “Shochu” on their labels to export their shochu products. The amended bill passed

after the California State Legislature recognized an exception to the Korean Soju, and the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control instructed how to label other products.

Bottles labeled as both “Shochu” in Japanese and “Soju” in English caused great confusion among consumers and restaurant professionals. First, “Soju” is a Korean spirit, while “Shochu” is a Japanese spirit. Korean distilled spirit Soju is distilled numerous times, while Japanese shochu is distilled only once. Also, shochu is distilled in various flavors, strictly regulated by the Japanese government to ensure the quality of distilled liquor. All shochu commonly use a special fermentation method using koji mold, not traditionally used in other regions.

Either way, this amended bill resolved the confusion in the market over Japanese shochu and Korean soju and ended the identity crisis of Japanese shochu.

“The cultural importance of Japanese shochu cannot be stressed enough,” commented Assembly

member Albert Yasuro Muratsuchi, who introduced the amended bill pertaining to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. “Shochu is an important cultural product with over 500 years of history as the most consumed alcoholic beverage in Japan, more popular than sake. The new law recognizes the cultural traditions of both Japanese shochu and Korean soju. Labeling shochu as soju is akin to selling tequila as scotch or bourbon. Acknowledging Japanese shochu is the first important step taken by California to lead the U.S. in promoting this important cultural heritage.”

Hitoshi Utsunomiya, Director of Japan Sake & Shochu Makers Association, also commented: “Shochu has a long and celebrated history in the U.S. with inherited traditions. I’m happy to see owners of bars and restaurants can now officially sell and serve Japanese shochu.”

In the state of New York, a legislative bill similar to this amended bill passed on July 1, 2022.■

20 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

は他の地域では伝統的に見られない麹を 使った特別な発酵方法である。

いずれにしてもこの改正案によって日 本の焼酎と韓国のソジュの間に起こり得 る市場の混同が解消され、日本の焼酎の アイデンティティーの危機にようやく終 止符が打たれたことになる。



カリフォルニア州議会「アル コール飲料規制に関する法律」の改正 案(AB416:Sales of Shochu)に署名 した。

これは日本の焼酎を「焼酎」としての 名称で販売することを正式に認め、ワイ ン販売免許を持つレストランが焼酎を販 売できるようにする法改正。これまでの カリフォルニア州法とアルコール飲料管 理局の規制では、ワイン販売免許を持つ 州内のレストランで日本の焼酎を販売で きるのは、韓国の蒸留酒である「ソジュ」 と表示されている場合に限られていた。

日本の関係者からは「焼酎」の名称が 知られることで、「カリフォルニア州に おける販路拡大の可能性が高まり米国へ の輸出に弾みがつく」とこの法改正に歓 迎の声が上がっており、日本酒に比べて

知名度が劣る焼酎の今後の消費拡大につ ながる効果も期待されている。

カリフォルニア州ではアルコール飲料 の製造や販売にかかるライセンスは80 種類以上あるが、バーやレストランな どの飲食店が酒類を販売するライセン ス(オンセールリカーライセンス)と、 小売店などが酒類を販売するライセンス (オフセールリカーライセンス)の2つ に大別される。これらのライセンスは、 販売する酒の種類により、全酒類(ジェ ネラル)、ビールおよびワイン、ビール のみなどにさらに分かれている。日本の 焼酎はこれまでスピリッツと同じ蒸留酒 に分類され、販売には許可を得るハード ルが高いジェネラルライセンスが必要 だった。

一方、韓国の蒸留酒のソジュは1998 年から、アルコール度数24度以下のも のに限り、オンセールリカーライセンス

のワインのライセンスでの販売が認めら れていた。焼酎を輸出する日本の酒造会 社はアルコール度数を24度以下に調整 して、商品ラベルに「Soju」と記載し たり、「Soju」と「Shochu」を併記した りするなどの工夫をしてきた。これは、 韓国産焼酎の例外規定が先に議会で可決 され、カリフォルニアABCがそのよう な表示の指示する指導を行った結果で あった。ボトルのラベルに日本語で「焼 酎」、英語で「Soju」と書くことにより、 これがレストラン関係者や消費者の間で 大きな混乱の原因となっていた。そもそ も「ソジュ」と「焼酎」では文化的背景 が異なり韓国の蒸留酒であるソジュは何 度も蒸留されるが、焼酎は一度しか蒸留 しない。また、焼酎は蒸留酒の品質を維 持するために日本政府によって厳しく規 制されている。焼酎にはさまざまな風味 があるが、どの焼酎にも共通しているの

今回のアルコール飲料規制に関する法 律の改正案の筆頭提出者であるアル・ム ラツチ下院議員は「日本の焼酎の文化的 重要性はいくら強調してもし過ぎること はない」とし、「焼酎は500年以上の歴 史を持つ重要な文化的産物で、日本酒を しのぎ日本で最も飲まれているアルコー ル飲料だ。新法は日本の焼酎と韓国のソ ジュの両方の伝統を認めている。焼酎を ソジュと表示して販売することはテキー ラをスコッチやバーボンとして販売する ようなものだ。日本の焼酎を公認するこ とでカリフォルニア州はこの重要な文化 遺産の振興において米国をリードするこ とができる」と述べている。

また、日本酒造組合中央会の宇都宮 仁理事は、「焼酎は米国内において長い 歴史があり、伝統を受け継いでいる。そ してバーやレストランのオーナーが日本 の焼酎を正式名称で販売・提供できるよ うになったことを喜ばしく思う」と語っ ている。

尚、ニューヨーク州では2022年7月 1日より、今回の改正案と同様の法案が 施行されている。

Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 21

Atsushi Ashizawa

Food Service coordinator opening of the first ramen shop in the U.S. in Little Tokyo 1970. Advisor to the ITTO sushi chain in Mexico in 1988. Participated as a director in Chiba Lotte Marines Spring Camp 1995. Awarded a certificate from Russia Academy Hospitality and the city of Saint Petersburg group in 2003. Founded California Roll World in Los Angeles.

Much is expected of female business owners collaborating with other industries


This year marks the fourth spring since the coronavirus outbreak. Many restaurant professionals are motivated to make profit this year. Looking back, I learned many things from various events that happened. As one proverb says, no experience in life is a waste. I’m sure each of these experiences will help me in the future. Recently, I’ve been interested in the deli section of a Japanese supermarket with a larger than normal space. The deli section sells ready-made Japanese and western side dishes, rice balls, sandwiches, sushi, sashimi, various bento boxes, rice bowls, noodles, and other items of over 100 selections in addition to Japanese and western confections, fruits, and desserts such as pudding, etc.

Numerous Japanese restaurants started to open in the 1990s. Customers who patronized these restaurants started to purchase Japanese food ingredients at supermarkets and established a track record of individual purchases, which led Japanese restaurants and retail shops to co-exist and prosper to date. Restaurants were suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic four years ago

when the deli section emerged to sell restaurant menu selections to enjoy at home without visiting a restaurant. Deli selections became established in our daily lives, and now, both industries compete against each other.

Industry professionals provided the following feedback. According to Hiroshi Kadota, General Manager of Suzumo International Corporation, food purchased at a restaurant would cost $40 to $50, while the same food can be purchased at a supermarket for half the price. It’s important to accept the truth as a fact.

How should the restaurant industry evolve in the future? New owners must emerge to create and differentiate a clear mechanism not used in the marketing industry and develop new menu items. As Japanese restaurant owners decline in numbers, much is expected of female business owners collaborating with other industries. Perhaps, we’ve entered a new era where expenses, high rent, and labor costs must be minimized; original recipes must be developed that require no experience, and customer service must be improved to ensure customers feel

satisfied from their restaurant experience. Restaurants and retail shops must always co-exist and prosper together.■

コロナ禍から4年目の春を迎え、今 年こそはと飲食業の皆さんには 気合が入っているのではないで しょうか。振り返りますといろいろな出 来事に出会い、いろいろな経験をしてた くさんの事を学びました。人生学びに無 駄は無いと言いますから将来必ず役に立 つことがあるでしょう。

今、私は日系スーパーマーケットのデ リー売場に注目している。従来の売り場 では考えられない程のスペースを確保。 和洋風総菜、おにぎりやサンドイッチ、 寿司や刺身、各種弁当、丼物、麺類など その品目は100を超え、加えて和洋菓 子、フルーツからプリンといったデザー トまで並んでいる。1990年代に起きた 日本食レストラン開店ラッシュ、そこに 足を運んだお客さんが次は日本食材を求 めスーパーに行き個人消費の歴史を作っ ていった過去があり飲食業、小売業は共 存共栄の関係を築いて今日までに至って いる。ところが4年前のコロナ禍で飲食

業は営業停止に追い込まれ、そこで台頭 して来たのがデリー売場でレストランの 役割を担い、レストランに行かずして自 宅でレストランのメニューが食べられる ことになり、それが日常生活の中で定着 し、現在両業界は競合相手化してしまっ た面が見て取れる。


小売業者に寿司ロボット始めデリー機 器を販売する大手メーカーのスズモの 総支配人、門田 洋氏の言葉を借りれば、 レストランに行けば40、50ドルの料金 が掛かるがスーパーで買えば半値で食べ られる。これも事実と受け止め考えて行 く必要がある。

今後飲食業界はどう対応して行けばい いのだろうか。求められるのは、マー ケット業界では出来ない、しない、はっ きりした仕組みを作り差別を図って行く ことが求められる新しい経営者の台頭と メニュー品目の開発だろう。今業界は日 本人経営者の減少が進む中、異業種とコ ラボによる新しい女性経営者に期待が掛 かる。極力投資額を抑え高騰するレン ト、人件費を抑制、経験を必要としない オリジナルメニューレシピとサービスの 向上を図り、この店に来てよかったと言 われるおもてなしで乗り切る時代に入っ たのではないだろうか。飲食業と小売業 は常に共存共栄でなくてはならない。

22 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com



The International Restaurant & Foodservice Show


New York, NY

Javits Center


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Sea Food North America


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Milwaukee, WI


Fresh ideas for food, beverage and hospitality. 1000’s of products to source.Training on business concepts and culinary skills. Authentic trends like farm to fork, gluten-free & allergens, design elements, craft beer and new media. See more, do more in one place.

Natural Products Expo West


Anaheim, CA

Anaheim Convention Center


Natural Products Expo West continues to be the leading trade show in the natural, organic and healthy products industry, attracting over 60,000 industry professionals and 3,000 exhibits to the Anaheim Convention Center. Rated as one of the top 200 trade shows in the US by Tradeshow Week, Natural Products Expo West continues to help attendees reach their business goals. Co-located with Engredea, NEXT Innovation Summit and Fresh Ideas Organic Marketplace, Natural Products Expo West showcases the entire value chain of healthy products from start to finish, identifying the bestsellers of today and the trends of tomorrow.

Bar & Restaurant Expo 2024


Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Convention Center


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3/ 18-20

Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Convention Center

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WAMP Convention and Meat Product Competition


Middleton, Wisconsin

The objective of the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors is to work for the advancement and improvement of the Meat Processing industry by encouraging and fostering high ethical standards of good business practices in the industry and the cooperation of all engaged in the industry by the interchange of ideas and business methods as a means of increasing efficiency and usefulness of the industry to the general public.

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NRA Public Affairs Conference


Washington DC www.restaurant.org

Make a difference on policy that affects your business. Join us April 15-17, 2024, in Washington, D.C. for our Public Affairs Conference and be part of the industry’s largest grassroots lobbying event. The National Restaurant Association’s annual Public Affairs Conference is your chance to make a difference as we head into the midterm elections. In additional to meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, conference attendees will hear from top political speakers and celebrate the industry at networking events.

Food & Beverage Environment Conference


Miramar Beach, FL Hotel Effie www.fbeconf.com

FBEC is the premier and most comprehensive environmental event for the food and beverage industry in the United States. This event discovers the latest trends and innovations affecting sustainability, water resource management, supply chain, air quality, environmental compliance, professional training and many more, while priding itself on a platform that promotes networking and like-minded individuals within the industry. If you are an environmental professional in any business related to the food and beverage industry this event is for you! You should attend if you are a craft brewery or distillery, pet food maker, grocery store or are involved in nutrition, farming, food and beverage processing, transportation, distribution, preparation, supply chain management, EHS, sustainability and wastewater solutions.

Japanese Restaurant News • Vol. 33 • No. 304 23

Us @Los Angeles Japanese sake Meetup

Bon Yagi

Honorary Sake Sommelier


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier

Finalist of the 2nd World Sake Sommelier Competition.

Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science. Worked for Nomura Securities for 10 years. Former president of California Sushi Academy Former chief of planning dept. at Mutual Trading.

David Kudo

Sake Sommelier Master Sake Sommelier

Born Kita-Akita City, Akita Prefecture.

Took over as Executive Officer of the Japanese Food Trend News founded in 1991, when the predecessor was assigned back to Japan. Currently distributed as Japan Restaurant News (20,000 issues published electronically) in North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

Katsuya Uechi

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho


Katsuya Group

Rick Smith & Hiroko Furukawa

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “SAKAYA NYC”

Beau Timken

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho

Owner “True Sake”

Pointers for Selling Japanese Sake

For this issue I have put together pointers for restaurants and retail stores to sell Japanese sake and also important points for distributors in differentiation.

Grasp what customers like and offer the appropriate Japanese sake. You will be able to do this by asking customers what type of alcohol and favorite wine(s) they drink regularly. For instance, for someone who likes bourbon, you can offer a junmai type that is prepared in a cask etc.

For the Japanese sake menu,


這次我總結了包括餐廳和零售 店在內的日本酒銷售要點, 同時試著整理一些與賣家有區別的 要點。

把握客戶的喜好,提供所需的日 本酒   您可以通過聆聽了解顧客平時 所喝的酒的種類和喜歡的葡萄酒。 例如,如果顧客喜歡波旁威士忌, 請嘗試提供他們一些純米係日本 酒,比如桶裝的酒。

instead of dividing it into specific class sakes (Daiginjo, Ginjo, Honjozo etc), divide it into taste types and food(s) it matches with.

It is not ideal to have a menu with specific names that do not describe the taste or aroma at all. It is important to taste test and with your judgment, create a menu that matches the taste of sake with the dish.

Offer cross merchandising with seasonal foods that can be used also by retailer stores.

Always point out Japanese sakes that are compatible with the daily

Kats Miyazato

Honorary Sake Sommelier

Owner of M&M Enterprise

dish (food item). Sake is also added to "Omakase" at restaurants.

The sake cup; it is no exaggeration to say that it is the 'most important thing in drinking' especially for Ginjo types that have aromas.

Unfortunately there are very few "Japanese type" cups that are suitable with Ginjo type Japanese sakes with aroma, but we think it is a good idea to offer the first drink in a small white wine class as a taste testing for the customers.■

日本酒特定名稱(大吟醸,吟醸, 本醸造等)不是特別分類的,而是 按酒的味道類型和餐食的兼容性分 類的

不要用完全不能反映酒的味道 或酒香的特定名稱來劃分菜單, 而是飲酒後根據自己判斷,以味 道和餐食的相容性來製作菜單是重 要的。

在零售店的酒可以和季節食材一起 交叉銷售

請一定在當天的餐食(食材) 中寫明特別相配的日本酒。另外, 可以在餐廳的“創造料理”中添加日 本酒。

對於盛酒的器皿,特別是對於芳香 的吟醸係來說是“生命”毫不誇張   遺憾的是與芳香的吟醸係日本 酒相匹配的“日式”盛酒器幾乎沒 有,但是讓顧客品嚐第一杯酒時用 小的白葡萄酒杯也是一個好主意。

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Honorary Sake Sommelier
28 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

Timothy Sullivan

Keita Akaboshi Sake Sommelier Kuramoto US Inc.

Shigeto Terasaka Sake Sommelier President Japan Hollywood Network

Kosuke Kuji

Takao Matsukawa Sake Sommelier

Latin Region Specialist Mutual Trading Co Inc.

Michael John


Masato Kato Sake Sommelier Wismettac Asian Foods

Mei HO

Isao Kiyota International Kikisake-Shi Academia de Sake Mexico Founder

Teruyuki Kobayashi Taruhei Brewing Co Ltd.

Philip Harper Tamagawa Hand Made

Japanese Sake Master Sake Brewer

Mai Segawa

Advanced Sake Sommelier Tako Grill

Akira Yuhara



Joe Mizuno

Head of the “Regional Sake Tasting Club”

Rachel Macalisang Sake and Wine Sommelier

Don Lee Sake Sommelier

Yama Sushi Owner Chef


Kaz Tokuhara

Koji Wong

Owner Japon Bistro

Gary Imada Sake Advisor

Alice Hama Certified Wine & Sake Sommelier

Eduardo Dingler Sake Ambassador


Info All Japan News, Inc.

Yoshihiro Sako Sake Sommelier Yuzuki

Liloa Papa Certified Sake

Sommelier Katana Restaurant

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America

(213) 680-0011, AllJapanNews@gmail.com

Seasonal Sake Part 4: Cloudy sake released in spring

季節日本酒 ④ 春天的 Nigori 酒

Toshiyuki Koizumi Sake Sommelier Owner “WASAN”

Michael Russell Certified Sake Sommelier Pacific International Liquor Inc

Inthis series that introduces seasonal sake, this report features “cloudy sake” released in the spring.

The beautiful spring season of Japan is represented by blooming cherry blossoms. The sighs of plants and animals that survived the cold winter season are sensed during one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan.

Spring is also a season of partings in the sake industry. The Master sake

brewer and brewery workers who lived and worked at the brewery throughout the winter season return home in the spring to plant rice.

“Nigori sake” is a category of sake sold by many sake breweries year-round. Freshly squeezed sake is slightly cloudy in the beautiful spring season. Recently, cherry blossom petals float on the surface of some nigori sake products released in the spring.

Nigori sake is not thick and slightly cloudy. The Japanese also enjoy viewing cherry blossoms during the spring. Slightly cloudy nigori sake enjoyed while viewing the pink cherry blossoms create an elegant ambiance, the epitome of beauty.

Please enjoy nigori sake while viewing cherry blossoms to experience the beautiful spring season in Japan.■

Born May 11, 1972. Entered Tokyo University of Agriculture’s Department of Brewing and Fermentation. In 2005 became the youngest person ever to receive the Iwate Prefecture Young Distinguished Technician Award. In 2006 was selected to be a member of the board of trustees of his local alma mater, Fukuoka High School. Currently is featured in a number of media outlets including magazines, radio, and television.

*Positions of Public Service: Chairperson, Cassiopeia Corporation Youth Conference; School Board Member, Fukuoka High School, Iwate Prefecture, Vice-Chairman, Technology Committee, Iwate Prefecture Brewers and Distillers’ Association

們介紹的是代表日本季節 的酒,這次我們將介紹春 季的「Nigori酒」。

日本的春天是以櫻花為代表的 一個非常美麗的季節。在這裡你可以 感受到植物和動物克服寒冬後的氣 息,這確實是日本最好的季節。

春天也是日本酒業告別的季節, 是冬天來到釀酒廠長期工作的杜氏


在日本,種田也是春天的代 名詞。

日本酒中有一種不錯的酒叫 做“Nigori酒”,全年都有很多酒藏 在出售這種酒,是一種在美麗的春天 鮮榨的酒,像雲,像天上飄著的櫻花 花瓣,近年來春季飲Nigori酒的人有 增加。

我認為重點是它不是很渾濁的 酒,而是一種稀薄渾濁的酒。

日本的春天,有賞櫻花的活動。 這款淡渾濁的酒非常適合觀賞櫻花, 與櫻花的粉紅色相結合,創造出非常 優雅美麗的風格。

希望您在日本這個美好的春天 享受櫻花和美酒。

Kosuke Kuji Fifth Generation Brewery Owner Nanbu Bijin, Inc. 197 Hirohisa Kikuchi Sake Sommelier Sake Sommelier Miyako Hybrid Hotel Stuart Morris Sake Sommelier Hana Japanese Restaurant Kurtis Wells Mixologist Eiji Mori Sake Professional Level LL Young’s Market Company Sake Sommelier Manager Wismettac Asian Foods Sake Sommelier True Sake Miyuki Sake Sommelier Eda Sake Sommelier Sake School of America Simkin MJS Sake Selection Owner Koji Sake Sommelier Savannah Distributing Co. Inc. Niikawa-Helto Sake Sommelier Sake Samurai Sake Samurai Sommelier and Others
Brewery Owner
Nanbu Bijin Inc. Fifth Generation
Brewery Owner
30 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com


Japanese sake is brewed from fermentation-mash prepared by adding yeast, steamed rice, koji, and water to the pure yeast starter cultivated in large volumes, in which alcohol ferments. Since the volume of steamed rice used to prepare the

150種美味清酒 從日本全國進口 通過我們的全國網絡 直接寄給你

What is the stage mashing process used to brew sake?


standard yeast starter is low at approximately seven to eight percent of the overall volume mashed (the yeast starter ratio is the ratio of the total volume of rice in the yeast starter to the total volume of rice used to mash the fermentation-mash one time), adding a large amount of ingredients (steamed rice, koji, and water) at once rapidly lowers the acidity of the yeast starter and the number of yeast starters. Therefore, the yeast starter cannot cultivate at the same pace, increasing the risk of bacterial contamination.

Therefore, ingredients are not added at once, but divided and added in several stages to cultivate an adequate yeast starter while mashing. This mashing method is referred to as the “Stage-mashing process,” otherwise referred to as the “Three-stage mashing process,” as sake ingredients are divided and added in three stages. Some may suggest increasing the volume of the yeast starter to ensure safety in mashing in one stage. However, preparing the yeast starter is very time-consuming, and significantly increasing the ratio of yeast starter can compromise the aroma of sake, thus deemed unrealistic.

The Three-stage mashing process is used to mash in three stages over a four-day period: “First stage,” “Second stage,” and the “Third stage” (also referred to as “tome-jikomi,” or the “final stage”).

During the “first stage” on the first day, the volume after mashing grows to approximately three times the yeast starter. The mashing temperature is slightly high between 53.6~55.4 degF

to revive the yeast in the yeast starter. During the “resting stage” on the second day, mashing is stopped for a day to sufficiently cultivate the yeast starter and increase the yeast in the fermentation-mash. During the “second stage” on the third day, the volume after mashing reaches approximately seven times the yeast starter at the mashing temperature between 48.2~50 degF. During the “third stage” on the fourth day, the mashing temperature drops further between 44.6~46.4 degF, and the volume grows to approximately fourteen times the yeast starter. This concludes the standard three-stage mashing process. However, the temperature is lowered to ensure safety as the mashing continues, for as the volume increases, the lactic acid concentration drops and becomes easily susceptible to bacterial contamination.

To prepare sweet sake on the other hand, the final step requires the fermentation-mash prepared by the three-stage mashing process to be mashed one more time, referred to as the “four-stage mashing process.”■

酸度和酵母數量會迅速下降。因此, 酵母菌的生長無法跟上,而被各種細 菌污染的風險很高。這裡,不是一次 全部添加原料,而是採用分次添加的 方法,以確保酵母的正常生長。這種 製備方法稱為「分段配製」或「分段 法」。一般來說,因為它是被分成三 個階段準備的,被稱為「三段配製」。

你可以考慮增加酒母的用量,如果這 樣做的話,一次性放入的話應該會更 安全。然而,製作酒母極為耗時,而 且如果酒母比例太高,所得酒的香味 就會變差,因此是不實用的。

三段配製是,「初次添加」(也稱 為「添加配製」或「添加」)、「二次添 加」(也稱為「二次配製」或「二次」), 和「留添加」(也稱為「留配製」)三個 階段。原料在四天內分三個階段準備 投入。

本酒是在大量培養的純粹 清酒酵母製成的酒母中加 入蒸米、酒麯,和釀造水而 製成醪,然後其中的酵母進行發酵 製成酒精。然而,通常用於製作酒母 的蒸米量較少,僅佔大米總量的7% 至8%(醪-酒母的蒸米量對於投入稱 為酒母步合​​),大量的原料(蒸米,酒 麯,水)一次性全部加入,酵母中的

第一天,是“初次添加”,添加後 的全體體積約為酒母的三倍左右。為 了恢復酒母中酵母的活性,釀造溫度 稍高,設定為攝氏12至13度。第二天 被稱為“舞”,準備工作暫停一天。這 是為了讓酵母充分增殖,發揮醪中的 酵母的優點。第三天,是“二次添加” ,添加後的全體體積約為酒母的七 倍左右,設定釀造溫度為9至10攝氏 度。第四天是“留添加”,釀造溫度降 至7至8度,總體積約為酒母的14倍。 以上是標準的三階段配製,隨著配製 的進行溫度隨之降低,因此整體體積 會增大,原料中的乳酸濃度會降低, 同時降低了細菌污染,這樣降低溫度 增加了安全性。

另一方面,在釀造甜口的酒時, 在三階段配製的末期,有一種再次添 加的方法,這被稱為“四段配製”。使 用的原料包括蒸米、酵母、甘酒、酒 糟,和糖化酶等等,而近年來酵素的 使用(稱為「酵素四階段」)已變得很 普遍。

This article was courtesy from Shibata Shoten Co Ltd. BRANCHES & SALES OFFICES Head Office: LOS ANGELES (800) 633-1004, (323) 721-6100 LOS ANGELES Branch SAN DIEGO Sales Office LAS VEGAS Sales Office PHOENIX Sales Office DENVER Sales Office SAN FRANCISCO Branch SACRAMENTO Sales Office SEATTLE Branch PORTLAND Sales Office HOUSTON Branch DALLAS Sales Office BATON ROUGE Sales Office CHICAGO Branch TOLEDO Sales Office NEW YORK Branch BOSTON Sales Office BALTIMORE Branch ATLANTA Branch ORLAND Sales Office MIAMI Branch HAWAII Branch JFC GROUP OFFICE HAPI PRODUCTS, INC. JES INC. Interbranch Distribution Center (IDC) Yoshihide Murakami Master Sake Sommelier Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. 百味 百題 日本 酒 Jozen Aged Pink Junmai Ginjo Shirataki Sake Brewery (Niigata) Hakutsuru Draft Junmai Hakutsuru Sake Brewing (Hyogo) Suijin Junmai Asabiraki (Iwate)
Jyudan Jikomi Junmai
Sake Meter Value: +3 Polishing Rate: 55% (Gohyakumangoku) Sake Meter Value: +2 Polishing Rate: 60% Sake Meter Value: -30 Polishing Rate: 40% (Yamadanishiki) Sake Meter Value: +4 Polishing Rate: 70% Polishing Rate: +50% (Yamada Nishiki) Sake Meter Value: +10 Polishing Rate: 70%
Daiginjo Ozeki
Junmai Ginjo
Kobe Shushinkan (Hyogo) Tenbu Junmai Ginjo Nishi Shuzo (Kagoshima)
日本餐厅新闻 31

Year-end sales event


Three sake breweries were invited to organize the 2023 year-end sales event at Kanemasu Brewery (Shibata city, Niigata prefecture). Thursday, December 28 felt like a half-day workday, yet many visitors arrived to purchase nigori sake “Hatsuyuki,” a popular nigori sake of this brewery. Some customers purchased sake in bulk since Kanemasu Brewery offers few bottled sake products. The sake products featured by Kanemasu Brewery were Junmai Daiginjo “Hatsuhana,” stored at freezing temperatures for two years; and “Kanemasu 36-year-old sake.” The container of “Kanemasu 36-year-old sake,” aged for thirtysix years since 1986, is eye-catching. The 360 ml titanium custom-made double wall tumbler was made by the renowned Horie Titanium Co., based in the Tsubame-Sanjo area. After the aged sake is finished, the uneven interior of the tumbler ensures silky froth beer foam. The 360 ml aged sake is priced at approximately 40000 JPY. Explaining the value of this aged sake to customers was very challenging. The sales event on December 29 featured “Nagatorogura” by Hakuro Brewery (Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture) and new sake by both the Hakuro Brewery and Fujisaki Sobe Shoten (Nagatoro city, Saitama prefecture) of the same group. Hakuro Brewery featured their new sake, Junmai-Daiginjo Nigori Sake, and “Sanzui Junmai-Daiginjo Non-filtered Unprocessed Sake,” bottled in low volumes. New sake by Nagatorogura is unprocessed, non-filtered Junmai Ginjo sake with a flavor like fresh green apple juice. Customers came out in droves to the shopping district this day after completing their work for the year to prepare for New Year’s eve and New Year’s day. Many customers purchased fresh sake available only this time of the year. Nihonsakari was featured the next day, soon to become a classic sake featured during the sales event

on December 30. The special set packaged in the Jinkichi bag (handbag made of durable canvas fabric used to transport sake from the sake shop) consisted of the Ginjo with gold leaf, Daiginjo with gold leaf, and “Souhana Junmai Ginjo,” also used when the Emperor ascended the throne, all products that suit the New Year ambiance. Sales personnel at Nihonsakari taught me the basics of selling sake before my shop opened. For the first time in over a decade, we teamed up so I could learn how to sell sake from a seller of a national sake brand, which is different from how local sake is sold.

On the final day of New Year’s eve on December 31, two parttime workers were invited to sell out the rest of the inventory of the year. High-end sake sold out in no time, along with various new sake and New Year’s sake products that all sold out and concluded the year by 21:00. It is truly unusual to see this much sake sold at other times of the year. The phenomenon of high sake sales raises the question if domestic sake consumption is declining in Japan. If sake sales of this volume

Regional Sake Specialty Store “Ji Sakeya” Owner, Master Sake Sommelier, Shuto-Meijin, and the charismatic guru of ordinary sake.

Plans and manages events and seminars with his own unique flare to introduce the appeal of Japanese sake and cuisine, unaffected by the latest trends, while managing a jizake retail store.

are consistent year-round, it would be safe to say the Japanese sake industry has a bright future ahead.■


家酒藏參加。排名第一的是新 潟縣新發田市的金升酒造。雖 然28日感覺還是半個工作日,但是 有很多人來到店裡購買該酒藏的熱 門渾濁酒“初雪”。因為酒廠不经常 裝瓶這種產品,有些人甚至會大量 購買。亮點是冰凍溫度下保存了兩 年的純米大吟釀“初花”和“金升參 十六年古酒”。就像這款 1986年釀 造的老酒一樣,它的容器也很棒。它 採用完全定制的 360 毫升杯,該品 以鈦製造而聞名,由燕三條的堀江製 造,並具有雙層結構,可保持冷溫。 即使喝完老酒後,您仍然可以將其作 為啤酒杯享用,由於內部略有凹凸, 您可以用其享受泡沫細膩光滑的啤 酒。360ml約4萬日圓。將這種價值 傳達給客戶是極其困難的。29日是 和新潟縣長岡市的柏露酒造同屬集 團的埼玉縣長瀞市的藤崎摠兵衛商 店「長瀞藏」的銷售活動。本次銷售 活動的亮點是新酒。柏露酒造生產的 經典柏露新酒和純米大吟釀NIGORI 酒,這是少量裝瓶的「三醉純米大吟

釀未過濾的生原未加工酒」。長瀞藏 的新酒也是純米吟釀未過濾的生元 酒,就像喝青蘋果汁一樣。

這一天,不少購物者結束工作後 來到商店街為了除夕夜和元旦購物, 有不少人前來尋找只有在這個時候 才能買到的新鮮酒。

第二天是 30 日銷售活動,主要 是銷售日本盛。裝金箔的吟釀酒和金 箔大吟釀 180ml的特別套裝,這2瓶 裝在甚吉袋中*。

準備了天皇登基時使用的「蔥花 純米吟釀」等,是最適合新年氣氛的 商品。日本盛的銷售員在我們開店之 前就教瞭如何銷售酒類的基本知識, 十多年來我們第一次聯手,與銷售本 地酒不同,我學會瞭如何銷售外國品 牌。最後31號除夕,我請了兩位兼職 銷售人員來推銷今年最後的商品。優 質酒很快就賣完了,各種新酒也持續 銷售一空,到了晚上9點,新酒和年 貨就全部賣完了,標誌著今年的最後 銷售結束了。

酒只有在年底才能以異常的被 出售。很難相信國內消費實際上正 在逐年下降,但如果這是全年共通現 象,那麼可以說世界日本酒仍然有 未來。

*甚吉袋:由耐用帆布面料製成的手 提包,用於從酒類商店的運輸。

32 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

Info All Japan News, Inc.

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America

(213) 680-0011


Ask me

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America NPO法人


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier

Toshio Ueno

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Ami Nakanishi

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President New York Mutual Trading, Inc. info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Atsuko Glick

Master Sake Sommelir

Instructor Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Yoshihide Murakami

Master Sake Sommelier

Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. ymurakami@jfc.com

David Kudo

Master Sake Sommelier

President, All Japan News davidkudo@gmail.com

Sake Shochu Beer Institute of America - Part 2: Reading the sake label-


Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America was founded with the purpose to promote further understanding of Japanese sake, shochu and beer in a shared where 500 million people enjoy wine in North America. We strive to increase Japanophiles by furthering understanding of the sake culture through online Japanese sake and shochu colleges and books related to Japanese sake, shochu and beer, etc. Especially sampling parties directly approaches consumers and no doubt contributes to expanding the market. Also, our final purpose is to facilitate communication with sake breweries, sake producers, and distribution companies, etc., to introduce Japanese sake, shochu and beer to American consumers in a way that’s easy-tounderstand.

Sake bottles normally display two labels. The large front label often displays the “sake brand” in the center of the bottle, while the right or left side shows the special sake designation (such as Junmai Daiginjo, etc.). The production year, month, and date indicated is the sake bottling date. The label also lists the alcohol content, volume of the bottle, and the names of the brewery and master sake brewer. The back label lists important information such as the sake meter value - a positive or negative value that indicates the sake is sweet or dry. Generally, the greater the negative value, the sweeter the flavor; and the greater the positive value, the dryer the flavor. This positive or negative sake meter value is determined by the sugar content in sake. The higher the sugar content, the greater the negative number; and the lower the sugar content, the greater the positive sake meter value. Sake with a positive sake meter value that is lighter in relative density than water is lower in sugar content, etc., while sake with a negative sake meter value that is heavy in relative density is higher in sugar content, etc. Generally, sake with scary names such as oni, kujira, otoko, etc., tend to be dry in flavor.

Approximately sixty-five percent of all sake produced is standard sake. As sales of Ginjo and Junmai Ginji increase however, the overall sales of sake is also increasing.

Ryuji Takahashi

Master Sake Sommelier

Owner “Ji sakeya”

Shuto-Meijin ryu2syuto@yahoo.co.jp


寫有「品牌」的標籤通常寫在瓶子的 中央,在右側或左側寫有特定的名稱(例 如純米大吟釀)。

也記載了生產日期,即日本酒的裝瓶 日期。然後是酒精含量、瓶子容量、釀造者 或釀造廠的名稱。

重要資訊寫在背面標籤上。日本酒度 數是指酒的甜度和辣度,一般來說,酒的 度數越低為負,酒越甜,酒的度數越正,酒 越乾就是辛口。這些優點和缺點取決於酒 中糖分的含量;若酒中糖分多,則為負;若 少,則為正。比重比水輕,數值為正值的酒 雖然是甜味糖分較少;比重較重,數值為 負值的酒含糖量較多。

一般來說,名字帶有「鬼」、「鯨」、「男」 等恐怖名字的酒往往有比較辣口的傾向。 大約65%的日本酒是普通的酒,吟釀和純 米吟釀的銷量正在增加,日本酒的整體銷 量也在增加。

Beverage Manager ymatsumoto001@gmail.com
Master Sake Sommelier
日本餐厅新闻 33

@Los Angeles Japanese sake Meetup

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho

Bon Yagi

Honorary Sake Sommelier


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier

Finalist of the 2nd World Sake Sommelier Competition.

Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science. Worked for Nomura Securities for 10 years. Former president of California Sushi Academy Former chief of planning dept. at Mutual Trading.

David Kudo

Sake Sommelier

Master Sake Sommelier

Born Kita-Akita City, Akita Prefecture.

Took over as Executive Officer of the Japanese Food Trend News founded in 1991, when the predecessor was assigned back to Japan. Currently distributed as Japan Restaurant News (20,000 issues published electronically) in North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

Katsuya Uechi

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho

Chairman Katsuya Group

Rick Smith & Hiroko Furukawa

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “SAKAYA NYC”

Beau Timken

Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “True Sake”

Pointers for Selling Japanese Sake

For this issue I have put together pointers for restaurants and retail stores to sell Japanese sake and also important points for distributors in differentiation.

Grasp what customers like and offer the appropriate Japanese sake. You will be able to do this by asking customers what type of alcohol and favorite wine(s) they drink regularly. For instance, for someone who likes bourbon, you can offer a junmai type that is prepared in a cask etc.

For the Japanese sake menu, instead of dividing it into specific class sakes (Daiginjo, Ginjo, Honjozo etc), divide it into taste types and food(s) it matches with.

It is not ideal to have a menu with specific names that do not describe the taste or aroma at all. It is important to taste test and with your judgment, create a menu that matches the taste of sake with the dish.

Offer cross merchandising with seasonal foods that can be used also by retailer stores.

일본술의 판매 포인트


레스토랑이나 소매점을 포 함한 일본술 판매 포인트와 판매 업자의 차별화를 위한 요점을 정리해 보 았습니다.

고객의 기호를 파악하고, 이에 맞는 일 본술을 제공할 것

이는 평소에 마시는 알코올의 종류와 좋 아하는 와인을 물어보면 알 수 있습니 다. 예를 들어 버번 위스키를 좋아하는 사람에게는 술병에 든 준마이계 등을 드 려 봅니다.

일본술 메뉴는 특정 명칭(다이긴죠, 긴 죠, 혼죠조 등) 별로 구분하지 않고, 맛 의 형태나 식사와의 궁합으로 구분

맛과 향을 전혀 반영하지 않은 특정 명 칭을 기준으로 메뉴를 구분하지 말고, 직접 마셔본 후 맛과 식사와의 궁합 등 을 고려하여 메뉴를 만드는 것이 중요 합니다.

소매점에서도 사용할 수 있는 제철 식자 재와의 크로스 머천다이징 오늘의 식사(식자재) 스페셜에 반드시

Honorary Sake


Kats Miyazato

Honorary Sake Sommelier

Owner of M&M Enterprise

Always point out Japanese sakes that are compatible with the daily dish (food item). Sake is also added to "Omakase" at restaurants.

The sake cup; it is no exaggeration to say that it is the 'most important thing in drinking' especially for Ginjo types that have aromas.

Unfortunately there are very few "Japanese type" cups that are suitable with Ginjo type Japanese sakes with aroma, but we think it is a good idea to offer the first drink in a small white wine class as a taste testing for the customers.■

궁합이 잘 맞는 일본술도 같이 적습니 다. 또한, 레스토랑에서의“오마카세”에 도 일본술을 추가합니다.

술잔, 특히 향이 좋은 긴죠계에는 없어 서는 안 될“생명”과도 같은 것 아쉽게도 향이 좋은 긴죠계의 일본술 에 맞는 “일본적”인 술잔은 거의 없지만, 고객 에게 처음 한 잔은 작은 화이트 와인잔 에 맛볼 수 있도록 제공하는 것도 좋은 아이디어입니다.

일식 레스토랑 뉴스 37


Timothy Sullivan Sake Samurai

Keita Akaboshi

Shigeto Terasaka

Kosuke Kuji Nanbu Bijin Inc. Fifth Generation

Takao Matsukawa

Michael John Simkin MJS Sake Selection Owner

Sake Sommelier and Others

Masato Kato Sake Sommelier Wismettac Asian Foods

Mei HO Sake Sommelier True Sake

Isao Kiyota

Teruyuki Kobayashi Taruhei Brewing Co Ltd.

Philip Harper

Mai Segawa

Advanced Sake Sommelier Tako Grill

Akira Yuhara

Miyuki Yoshida Sake Sommelier

Eda Vuong Sake Sommelier Sake School of America

Joe Mizuno

Head of the “Regional Sake Tasting Club”

Rachel Macalisang

Don Lee Sake Sommelier

Yama Sushi Owner Chef

Chizuko Niikawa-Helto Sake Sommelier Sake Samurai

Kaz Tokuhara Sake Sommelier Manager Wismettac Asian Foods

Koji Wong

Owner Japon Bistro

Gary Imada Sake Advisor

Alice Hama Certified Wine & Sake Sommelier

Eduardo Dingler Sake Ambassador

Koji Aoto Sake Sommelier Savannah Distributing Co. Inc.

Info All Japan News, Inc.

Sommelier Katana Restaurant

Liloa Papa

Sake Professional Level LL Young’s Market Company

Yoshihiro Sako Sake Sommelier Yuzuki

Toshiyuki Koizumi Sake Sommelier Owner “WASAN”

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America (213) 680-0011, AllJapanNews@gmail.com

Seasonal Sake Part 4: Cloudy sake released in spring

일본 계절주④봄 막걸리

Born May 11, 1972. Entered Tokyo University of Agriculture’s Department of Brewing and Fermentation. In 2005 became the youngest person ever to receive the Iwate Prefecture Young Distinguished Technician Award. In 2006 was selected to be a member of the board of trustees of his local alma mater, Fukuoka High School. Currently is featured in a number of media outlets including magazines, radio, and television.

*Positions of Public Service: Chairperson, Cassiopeia Corporation Youth Conference; School Board Member, Fukuoka High School, Iwate Prefecture, Vice-Chairman, Technology Committee, Iwate Prefecture Brewers and Distillers’ Association

Inthis series that introduces seasonal sake, this report features “cloudy sake” released in the spring.

The beautiful spring season of Japan is represented by blooming cherry blossoms. The sighs of plants and animals that survived the cold winter season are sensed during one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan.

Spring is also a season of partings in the sake industry. The Master sake

brewer and brewery workers who lived and worked at the brewery throughout the winter season return home in the spring to plant rice.

“Nigori sake” is a category of sake sold by many sake breweries year-round. Freshly squeezed sake is slightly cloudy in the beautiful spring season. Recently, cherry blossom petals float on the surface of some nigori sake products released in the spring.

Michael Russell Certified Sake Sommelier Pacific International Liquor Inc

본주의 계절을 대표하는 술을 소개하는 중인데, 이번회는 봄 의「막걸리 술」입니다.

일본의 봄은 벚꽃으로 대표되듯이 상당히 아름다운 계절입니다. 추운 겨울 을 견디어 낸 식물이나 동물들의 숨결 을 느낄 수 있는, 진정 일본 계절 중 최 고입니다.

일본술의 세계에서도 봄은 헤어짐 의 계절이고, 겨울 동안 창고에서 머물

면서 술을 담았던 두씨와 장인이 고향으 로 돌아가는 시기이기도 합니다.   마찬가지로 일본 봄의 대명사인 모 내기가 있기 때문입니다.

일본주에는「막걸리 술」이라는 장 르가 있어, 연중 판매하는 창고도 많은 데, 봄의 아름다운 계절에 갓 짜낸 새 술 을 연하게 빚어 벚꽃 잎을 띄워 마시는 봄의 막걸리 술도 최근 늘어났습니다.

포인트는 걸쭉한 게 아니라 연하면

Nigori sake is not thick and slightly cloudy. The Japanese also enjoy viewing cherry blossoms during the spring. Slightly cloudy nigori sake enjoyed while viewing the pink cherry blossoms create an elegant ambiance, the epitome of beauty.

Please enjoy nigori sake while viewing cherry blossoms to experience the beautiful spring season in Japan.■

서 탁하다는 점이라고 생각합니다.   일본 봄은 꽃구경이 있습니다. 꽃 구경에서 이 옅은 막걸리는 벚꽃의 핑크 와 어울려 상당히 정취가 있고 아름다움 의 극치라고 할 수 있습니다.   그런 일본의 멋진 봄에 부디 막걸 리 술을 벚꽃과 함께 즐겨 주시기를 바 랍니다.

Kosuke Kuji Fifth Generation Brewery Owner Nanbu Bijin, Inc. 197 Hirohisa Kikuchi Sake Sommelier Sake Sommelier Miyako Hybrid Hotel Stuart Morris Sake Sommelier Hana Japanese Restaurant Kurtis Wells Mixologist Eiji Mori Sake
Sake Sommelier Latin Region Specialist Mutual Trading Co Inc.
Tamagawa Hand Made Japanese Sake Master Sake Brewer
Sake and Wine Sommelier
Sake Sommelier Kuramoto US Inc.
Sake Sommelier President Japan Hollywood Network
International Kikisake-Shi Academia de Sake Mexico Founder
Brewery Owner
38 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com


Japanese sake is brewed from fermentation-mash prepared by adding yeast, steamed rice, koji, and water to the pure yeast starter cultivated in large volumes, in which alcohol ferments. Since the volume of steamed rice used to prepare the

훌륭한 사케 150종류를 일본 전

국에서 수입

전 미국 네트워크를 통해서 여러

분에게 직송하고 있음

What is the stage mashing process used to brew sake?

일본 술의 단시코미는 무엇인가

standard yeast starter is low at approximately seven to eight percent of the overall volume mashed (the yeast starter ratio is the ratio of the total volume of rice in the yeast starter to the total volume of rice used to mash the fermentation-mash one time), adding a large amount of ingredients (steamed rice, koji, and water) at once rapidly lowers the acidity of the yeast starter and the number of yeast starters. Therefore, the yeast starter cannot cultivate at the same pace, increasing the risk of bacterial contamination.

Therefore, ingredients are not added at once, but divided and added in several stages to cultivate an adequate yeast starter while mashing. This mashing method is referred to as the “Stage-mashing process,” otherwise referred to as the “Three-stage mashing process,” as sake ingredients are divided and added in three stages. Some may suggest increasing the volume of the yeast starter to ensure safety in mashing in one stage. However, preparing the yeast starter is very time-consuming, and significantly increasing the ratio of yeast starter can compromise the aroma of sake, thus deemed unrealistic.

The Three-stage mashing process is used to mash in three stages over a four-day period: “First stage,” “Second stage,” and the “Third stage” (also referred to as “tome-jikomi,” or the “final stage”).

During the “first stage” on the first day, the volume after mashing grows to approximately three times the yeast starter. The mashing temperature is slightly high between 53.6~55.4 degF

to revive the yeast in the yeast starter. During the “resting stage” on the second day, mashing is stopped for a day to sufficiently cultivate the yeast starter and increase the yeast in the fermentation-mash. During the “second stage” on the third day, the volume after mashing reaches approximately seven times the yeast starter at the mashing temperature between 48.2~50 degF. During the “third stage” on the fourth day, the mashing temperature drops further between 44.6~46.4 degF, and the volume grows to approximately fourteen times the yeast starter. This concludes the standard three-stage mashing process. However, the temperature is lowered to ensure safety as the mashing continues, for as the volume increases, the lactic acid concentration drops and becomes easily susceptible to bacterial contamination.

To prepare sweet sake on the other hand, the final step requires the fermentation-mash prepared by the three-stage mashing process to be mashed one more time, referred to as the “four-stage mashing process.”■

일본술은순수한 청주효모를 대 량으로 배양한 주모에 찐쌀, 효모, 담금물을 첨가하여 얻 은 모로미, 그 속에서 효모로 알코올 발 효시켜서 만들어진다. 하지만 통상 주모 만들기에 사용되는 찐쌀은 담금양 전체 의 7-8% 정도로 적다.(모로미-담금 총 쌀중량의 비율을 주모보합이라고 한다) 따라서, 대량 원재료 (찐쌀, 효모, 물)을 한번에 첨가해서 담그면, 주모속에 산도 와 효모수가 급격히 낮아져 버린다. 그

리하여 효모의 증식이 따라가지 못해, 잡균에 오염될 위험성이 높다. 그래서 한 번에 원재료를 첨가하지 않고 몇 번 에 걸쳐서 첨가하여 적당한 효모의 증 식을 꾀하는 방법을 사용한다. 이 방법 을「단시코미」또는「단카케법」이라고 한다. 일반적으로는 3번에 나누어 담기 때문에「삼단담그기」라고 부른다. 그렇 다면 주모의 양을 늘리면 어떨까 라는 생각도 가능하고 한번에 담을 경우 안전 도도 높아진다. 하지만 주모담그기는 상 당히 번거로운 데다가 주모배합을 지나 치게 높이면 술의 향미가 나빠져버려서 현실적이지 않다.

삼단담그기는「하쯔소에」(「소에시 코미」혹은「소에」라고함)、「나까소에」( 「나까시코미」혹은「나까」라고함)、「토 메소에」(「토메시코미」라고함)삼단계 로 나누어서 담는 방법으로 4일간에 걸 쳐서 실시한다.

첫째날「하쯔소에」는 담근 후 용량 은 주모의 3배정도이다. 주모 안의 효모 를 활성시키기 위해 담금 온도는 12-13 도로 약간 높다. 둘째날은「오도리」라고 칭하고, 하루 쉰다. 효모를 충분히 증식 시켜, 모로미 안의 효모 우위성을 높이 기 위함이다. 셋째날「나까소에」담근후 용량은 주모의 약 7배가 되고, 담금 온 도는 9-10도가 된다. 넷째날인「토메소 에」담금온도를 7-8도 낮추고, 용량은 주모의 약14배가 된다. 이상이 표준적 인 3단 시코미인데 이렇게 시코미가 진 행됨에 따라 온도가 낮아지는 것은 용량 의 증가에 따라 재료중의 유산농도가 저 하하여 잡균에 오염되기 쉬우므로 온도 를 낮추어 안전성을 높이기 위함이다.   한편 단맛의 술을 만들 경우에는 삼단으로 담은 모로미의 말기에 한번 더 시코미를 하는 방법으로 이것을「사단 시코미」라고 한다. 담는 원재료는 찐쌀, 주모, 감주, 주백, 당화효소제 등이 있 고, 요즘에는 효소의 이용(「효소사단」 이라고 함)이 일반적이다.

This article was courtesy from Shibata Shoten Co Ltd. BRANCHES & SALES OFFICES Head Office: LOS ANGELES (800) 633-1004, (323) 721-6100 LOS ANGELES Branch SAN DIEGO Sales Office LAS VEGAS Sales Office PHOENIX Sales Office DENVER Sales Office SAN FRANCISCO Branch SACRAMENTO Sales Office SEATTLE Branch PORTLAND Sales Office HOUSTON Branch DALLAS Sales Office BATON ROUGE Sales Office CHICAGO Branch TOLEDO Sales Office NEW YORK Branch BOSTON Sales Office BALTIMORE Branch ATLANTA Branch ORLAND Sales Office MIAMI Branch HAWAII Branch JFC GROUP OFFICE HAPI PRODUCTS, INC. JES INC. Interbranch Distribution Center (IDC) Yoshihide Murakami Master Sake Sommelier Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. 百味 百題 日本 酒 Jozen Aged Pink Junmai Ginjo Shirataki Sake Brewery (Niigata) Hakutsuru Draft Junmai Hakutsuru Sake Brewing (Hyogo) Suijin Junmai Asabiraki (Iwate)
Jyudan Jikomi Junmai
Sake Meter Value: +3 Polishing Rate: 55% (Gohyakumangoku) Sake Meter Value: +2 Polishing Rate: 60% Sake Meter Value: -30 Polishing Rate: 40% (Yamadanishiki) Sake Meter Value: +4 Polishing Rate: 70% Polishing Rate: +50% (Yamada Nishiki) Sake Meter Value: +10 Polishing Rate: 70%
Daiginjo Ozeki
Junmai Ginjo
Kobe Shushinkan (Hyogo) Tenbu Junmai Ginjo Nishi Shuzo (Kagoshima)
일식 레스토랑 뉴스 39

Year-end sales event


Three sake breweries were invited to organize the 2023 year-end sales event at Kanemasu Brewery (Shibata city, Niigata prefecture). Thursday, December 28 felt like a half-day workday, yet many visitors arrived to purchase nigori sake “Hatsuyuki,” a popular nigori sake of this brewery. Some customers purchased sake in bulk since Kanemasu Brewery offers few bottled sake products. The sake products featured by Kanemasu Brewery were Junmai Daiginjo “Hatsuhana,” stored at freezing temperatures for two years; and “Kanemasu 36-year-old sake.” The container of “Kanemasu 36-year-old sake,” aged for thirtysix years since 1986, is eye-catching. The 360 ml titanium custom-made double wall tumbler was made by the renowned Horie Titanium Co., based in the Tsubame-Sanjo area. After the aged sake is finished, the uneven interior of the tumbler ensures silky froth beer foam. The 360 ml aged sake is priced at approximately 40000 JPY. Explaining the value of this aged sake to customers was very challenging. The sales event on December 29 featured “Nagatorogura” by Hakuro Brewery (Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture) and new sake by both the Hakuro Brewery and Fujisaki Sobe Shoten (Nagatoro city, Saitama prefecture) of the same group. Hakuro Brewery featured their new sake, Junmai-Daiginjo Nigori Sake, and “Sanzui Junmai-Daiginjo Non-filtered Unprocessed Sake,” bottled in low volumes. New sake by Nagatorogura is unprocessed, non-filtered Junmai Ginjo sake with a flavor like fresh green apple juice. Customers came out in droves to the shopping district this day after completing their work for the year to prepare for New Year’s eve and New Year’s day. Many customers purchased fresh sake available only this time of the year. Nihonsakari was featured the next day, soon to become a classic sake featured during the sales event

on December 30. The special set packaged in the Jinkichi bag (handbag made of durable canvas fabric used to transport sake from the sake shop) consisted of the Ginjo with gold leaf, Daiginjo with gold leaf, and “Souhana Junmai Ginjo,” also used when the Emperor ascended the throne, all products that suit the New Year ambiance. Sales personnel at Nihonsakari taught me the basics of selling sake before my shop opened. For the first time in over a decade, we teamed up so I could learn how to sell sake from a seller of a national sake brand, which is different from how local sake is sold.

On the final day of New Year’s eve on December 31, two part-time workers were invited to sell out the rest of the inventory of the year. High-end sake sold out in no time, along with various new sake and New Year’s sake products that all sold out and concluded the year by 21:00. It is truly unusual to see this much sake sold at other times of the year. The phenomenon of high sake sales raises the question if domestic sake consumption is declining in Japan. If sake sales of this volume are consistent year-round, it would be safe to

Regional Sake Specialty Store “Ji Sakeya” Owner, Master Sake Sommelier, Shuto-Meijin, and the charismatic guru of ordinary sake.

Plans and manages events and seminars with his own unique flare to introduce the appeal of Japanese sake and cuisine, unaffected by the latest trends, while managing a jizake retail store.

say the Japanese sake industry has a bright future ahead.■

연말 판매회가 2023년도 3장 초 청되어 개최되었다. 가장 인기 주자는 니이가타현 하다시의 금승주조. 28일 아직 일주일의 절반 남 은 시간의 감각이었지만, 이 곳의 인기 품목인 막걸리술「초설」을 구매한 사람 이 많았고, 회사에서 병에 담은 것이 그 다지 많지 않은 상품이라서 한꺼번에 구 매하는 사람도 있었다. 또한 눈에 띄는 것은 빙온2년저장의 순미대음양「초화」 와「금승삼습육년고주」이다. 이 1986년 담아진 묵은 술도 그렇고 이 술을 담은 용기가 훌륭하다. 티타늄 제조로 유명한 쯔바메산조의 호리에제품으로, 고보냉 2중구조, 완전특주품 360ml 텀블러에 들어있다. 고주를 마신 후에도 맥주 텀 블러등으로 즐길 수 있게 되어 있고 내 부에 다소 요철이 있어서 섬세하고 매끄 러운 거품의 맥주를 즐길 수 있는 것이 다. 360ml에 약4만엔. 이 가치를 손님 들에게 전하는 것은 매우 어려웠다. 29 일은 니이가타현 나가오카시의 백로주 조와 같은 그룹의 사이타마현 나가토로 의 후지사키소베상점「나가토로조」판매 회. 이 판매회의 주력상품은 역시 신주 이다. 백로주조는 정반백로의 신주와 순 미대음양의 막걸리술, 조금씩만 병에 담

은「산즈이순미대음양무여과생원주직수」이 다. 그리고 나가토로조의 신주도 마치 파란 사과 과즙을 마시는 것 같은 순미음양의 무 여과생원주. 이 날은 종무식을 마친 섣달 그 믐날이나 정월의 구매손님이 많이 상점가 에 나와, 이 시기에만 후레쉬한 술을 구매하 는 사람이 많았다.

다음날은 30일의 판매회 스테디 셀러 인 일본성. 금박이 들어간 음양주, 금박이 들어간 대음양 180ml를 2병 진키치 후쿠 로*에 넣은 특별세트, 천황폐하즉위 때에 도 썼던「물화순미음양」등 설날의 분위기 에 맞는 상품을 내놓았다. 일본성의 영업맨 은 이 가게가 생기기 전에 술 파는 법을 가 르쳐준 사람으로, 십수년 만에 팀이 되어 토 속주 판매와는 다른, 내셔널브랜드만의 판 매방법을 배우게 되었다. 마지막 31일 그믐 날은 아르바이트 판매원을 2명 불러서, 연 중 마지막 판매를 마쳤다. 고급주가 눈깜짝 할 사이 매진되고, 각 신주도 매진 속출되어 21시 시점에는 신주나 설날상픔이 모두 사 라져 마지막 영업을 마쳤다.   이 가게는 년말에는 이상할 정도로 일 본주가 팔린다. 사실 국내소비량이 해마다 떨어진다고 생각할 수 없는 현상이 일어난 것인데, 이것이 연중 일어나는 일이라고 한 다면 아직 일본주 세계는 미래가 있다고 말 할 수 있겠는데.

*진키치후쿠로: 술파는 곳에서 술을 옮기 는 때에 사용되는 단단하고 두꺼운 천으로 만든 손가방

40 March 2024 • www.alljapannews.com


Info All Japan News, Inc.

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America

(213) 680-0011


Ask me

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America NPO法人


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier

Toshio Ueno

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Ami Nakanishi

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President New York Mutual Trading, Inc. info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Atsuko Glick

Master Sake Sommelir

Instructor Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Yoshihide Murakami

Master Sake Sommelier

Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. ymurakami@jfc.com

David Kudo

Master Sake Sommelier

President, All Japan News davidkudo@gmail.com

Sake Shochu Beer Institute of America - Part 2: Reading the sake label-

2편:일본주의 라벨을 읽다

Ryuji Takahashi

Master Sake Sommelier

Owner “Ji sakeya”

Shuto-Meijin ryu2syuto@yahoo.co.jp

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America was founded with the purpose to promote further understanding of Japanese sake, shochu and beer in a shared where 500 million people enjoy wine in North America. We strive to increase Japanophiles by furthering understanding of the sake culture through online Japanese sake and shochu colleges and books related to Japanese sake, shochu and beer, etc. Especially sampling parties directly approaches consumers and no doubt contributes to expanding the market. Also, our final purpose is to facilitate communication with sake breweries, sake producers, and distribution companies, etc., to introduce Japanese sake, shochu and beer to American consumers in a way that’s easy-tounderstand.

Sake bottles normally display two labels. The large front label often displays the “sake brand” in the center of the bottle, while the right or left side shows the special sake designation (such as Junmai Daiginjo, etc.). The production year, month, and date indicated is the sake bottling date. The label also lists the alcohol content, volume of the bottle, and the names of the brewery and master sake brewer. The back label lists important information such as the sake meter value - a positive or negative value that indicates the sake is sweet or dry. Generally, the greater the negative value, the sweeter the flavor; and the greater the positive value, the dryer the flavor. This positive or negative sake meter value is determined by the sugar content in sake. The higher the sugar content, the greater the negative number; and the lower the sugar content, the greater the positive sake meter value. Sake with a positive sake meter value that is lighter in relative density than water is lower in sugar content, etc., while sake with a negative sake meter value that is heavy in relative density is higher in sugar content, etc. Generally, sake with scary names such as oni, kujira, otoko, etc., tend to be dry in flavor.

Approximately sixty-five percent of all sake produced is standard sake. As sales of Ginjo and Junmai Ginji increase however, the overall sales of sake is also increasing.

일본주 병에는 통상 2장의 라벨이 부착되어 있다. 「상표」가 적힌 라벨은 병 중앙에 크게 적힌 경 우가 많고, 그 오른쪽 또는 왼쪽 옆에 특정명칭 (순미 대음영등)이 적힌다.

제조년월일도 기재되어 있지만 이것은 일본주 병 을 담은 날짜이다. 그리고 알코올 도수, 병의 용량, 담 근 곳의 이름이 있다.

뒤편 라벨에는 중요한 것이 적혀있다. 일본주도 는 달고 쓰고 하여서, 일반적으로 마이너스가 되면 단 맛, 플러스가 되면 쓴만이 된다. 이 플러스와 마이너스 는 술 안에 어느정도 당분이 들어있는지 정하고, 술 안 에 당분이 많으면 마이너스가 되고 적으면 플러스가 된다. 비중이 물보다 가벼운 플러스 의 술은 단맛의 성 분이 당분등이 적고, 비중이 무거운 마이너스 술은 당 분등이 보다 많이 포함되기 때문이다.

일반적으로 鬼、鯨、男등 이름이 붙은 술은 쓴 경 향이 있다.

일본주의 제조전체의 65%정도는 보통주이지만, 음양이나 순미음양의 매출이 늘어나, 일본주 전체 매 출이 늘고 있다.

Beverage Manager ymatsumoto001@gmail.com
Sake Sommelier
일식 레스토랑 뉴스 41

Find Us

@Los Angeles Japanese sake Meetup

Sake de temporada ④ Sake turbio lanzado en primavera

Fifth Generation Brewery Owner Nanbu Bijin, Inc.

Born May 11, 1972. Entered Tokyo University of Agriculture’s Department of Brewing and Fermentation. In 2005 became the youngest person ever to receive the Iwate Prefecture Young Distinguished Technician Award. In 2006 was selected to be a member of the board of trustees of his local alma mater, Fukuoka High School. Currently is featured in a number of media outlets including magazines, radio, and television. *Positions of Public Service: Chairperson, Cassiopeia Corporation Youth Conference; School Board Member, Fukuoka High School, Iwate Prefecture, Vice-Chairman, Technology Committee, Iwate Prefecture Brewers and Distillers’ Association

En esta serie que presenta el sake estacional, estamos introduciendo el “sake turbio” lanzado en la primavera.

La hermosa primavera de Japón está representada por los cerezos en flor. Esta es verdaderamente la mejor estación, donde puedes sentir el aliento de las plantas y animales que sobrevivieron al frío invierno.

La primavera también es una temporada de despedidas en la industria del sake: los maestros destiladores y los

trabajadores que vivieron y trabajaron en la destilería durante la temporada de invierno regresan a casa en primavera para plantar arroz.

El "nigori sake" es una categoría de sake que se vende en muchas licorerías durante todo el año.

El sake recién exprimido está ligeramente turbio en la hermosa temporada de primavera. Recientemente, los pétalos de las flores de cerezo flotan en la superficie de algunos productos de sake nigori lanzados en la primavera.

Bon Yagi Honorary Sake Sommelier TIC GROUP Katsuya Uechi Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Chairman Katsuya Group Rick Smith & Hiroko Furukawa Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “SAKAYA NYC” Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Beau Timken Honorary Sake Sommelier & Saka-Sho Owner “True Sake” Honorary Sake Sommelier Kats Miyazato Honorary Sake Sommelier Owner of M&M Enterprise Kosuke Kuji
Noticias sobre restaurantes Japoneses 43

150 tipos de sake delicioso Importado de todo Japón a través de una red nacional enviado directamente a usted

Yoshihide Murakami Master Sake Sommelier Liquor Manager

JFC International Inc.

PHOENIX Sales Office

DENVER Sales Office




PORTLAND Sales Office HOUSTON Branch

DALLAS Sales Office

BATON ROUGE Sales Office CHICAGO Branch TOLEDO Sales Office NEW YORK Branch BOSTON Sales Office

ATLANTA Branch ORLAND Sales Office

MIAMI Branch HAWAII Branch




Interbranch Distribution Center (IDC)

¿Cuál es el proceso de maceración por etapas que se utiliza para elaborar sake?

El sake japonés se elabora a partir de puré de fermentación preparado añadiendo levadura, arroz al vapor, koji y agua, a una levadura pura cultivada en grandes volúmenes, en la que se fermenta el alcohol. El arroz cocido al vapor usado para ser puré de sake es pequeño y representa solo del 7 al 8 % del arroz total utilizado (la relación entre el peso total del puré y el de arroz para un pure se llama proporción de puré), por lo que se requiere añadir mucha materia prima (arroz al vapor, malta, agua, etc.) cuando la acidez y el recuento de levadura en el puré disminuirán rápidamente. Como resultado, el crecimiento de la levadura no puede seguir el ritmo, lo que aumenta el riesgo de contaminación bacteriana.

Por lo tanto, los ingredientes no se agregan en una sola vez, sino que se dividen y agregan en varias etapas para cultivar un iniciador de levadura adecuado mientras se macera. Este método se conoce como “proceso de maceración por etapas”, también conocido como “proceso de maceración en tres etapas”, ya que los ingredientes del sake se dividen y

agregan en tres etapas. Algunos pueden sugerir aumentar el volumen del iniciador de levadura para garantizar la seguridad al macerar en una etapa. Sin embargo, preparar el iniciador de levadura lleva mucho tiempo y aumentar significativamente la proporción del iniciador de levadura puede comprometer el aroma del sake, por lo que se considera poco realista.

El proceso de maceración en tres etapas se utiliza para macerar durante un período de cuatro días: “Primera etapa”, “Segunda etapa” y “Tercera etapa” (también conocida como “tome-jikomi” o “etapa final”).

Durante la “primera etapa” del primer día, el volumen después del macerado crece hasta aproximadamente tres veces el volumen de levadura inicial. La temperatura de maceración es ligeramente alta, entre 53,6 y 55,4 grados F, para revivir la levadura en el iniciador. Durante la “etapa de reposo” del segundo día, se detiene el macerado durante un día para cultivar suficientemente la levadura iniciadora y aumentarla en el macerado de fermentación.

Durante la “segunda etapa” del tercer día, el volumen después del macerado alcanza aproximadamente siete veces el iniciador de levadura a una temperatura de macerado entre 48,2 y 50 grados F. Durante la “tercera etapa” del cuarto día, la temperatura de maceración desciende aún más entre 44,6 y 46,4 grados F, y el volumen crece hasta aproximadamente catorce veces el iniciador de levadura. Con esto concluye el proceso de maceración estándar de tres etapas. Sin embargo, la temperatura se reduce para garantizar la seguridad a medida que continúa la maceración, ya que a medida que aumenta el volumen, la concentración de ácido láctico disminuye y se vuelve fácilmente susceptible a la contaminación bacteriana.

Por otro lado, para preparar sake dulce, el paso final requiere que el puré de fermentación preparado mediante el proceso de maceración de tres etapas se machaque una vez más, lo que se conoce como “proceso de maceración de cuatro etapas”.

This article was courtesy from Shibata Shoten Co Ltd. Jozen Aged Pink Junmai Ginjo
Sake Brewery
Hakutsuru Draft Junmai Hakutsuru Sake Brewing (Hyogo) Suijin Junmai Asabiraki (Iwate)
Ozeki Jyudan Jikomi
Sake Meter Value: +3 Polishing Rate: 55% (Gohyakumangoku) Sake Meter Value: +2 Polishing Rate: 60% Sake Meter Value: -30 Polishing Rate: 40% (Yamadanishiki) Sake Meter Value: +4 Polishing Rate: 70% Polishing Rate: +50% (Yamada Nishiki) Sake Meter Value: +10 Polishing Rate: 70% Fukuju Blue Junmai Ginjo Kobe Shushinkan
Tenbu Junmai Ginjo Nishi Shuzo (Kagoshima)
Junmai Daiginjo Ozeki Corporation (Hyogo)
百味 百題 日本 酒 www.jfc.com
ANGELES Branch SAN DIEGO Sales Office
(800) 633-1004, (323) 721-6100 LOS
44 Marcha 2024 • www.alljapannews.com

the charismatic guru of ordinary sake.

Plans and manages events and seminars with his own unique flare to introduce the appeal of Japanese sake and cuisine, unaffected by the latest trends, while managing a jizake retail store.

Evento de ventas de fin de año

Se invitó a tres destilerías de sake a organizar el evento de ventas de fin de año del 2023 en la destilería Kanemasu (ciudad de Shibata, prefectura de Niigata). El jueves 28 de diciembre parecía un día laboral de medio tiempo, sin embargo, muchos visitantes llegaron para comprar sake nigori “Hatsuyuki”, un popular sake de esta destilería. Algunos clientes compraron sake al por mayor ya que Kanemasu Brewery ofrece pocos productos de sake embotellados. Los productos presentados por Kanemasu Brewery fueron Junmai Daiginjo "Hatsuhana", almacenado a temperaturas bajo cero durante dos años; y "Kanemasu 36 años - viejo sake.”

Llama la atención el envase del “sake Kanemasu de 36 años”, añejado durante treinta y seis años desde 1986. El vaso de titanio de doble pared hecho a medida de 360 ml fue fabricado por la reconocida Horie Titanium Co., con sede en en

el área de Tsubame-Sanjo. Una vez terminado el sake añejo, el interior desigual del vaso garantiza una cerveza con espuma sedosa. El sake añejo de 360 ml tiene un precio de unos 40000 JPY. Explicar el valor de este sake añejo a los clientes fue muy retador.

El evento del 29 de diciembre contó con “Nagatorogura” de Hakuro Brewery (ciudad de Nagaoka, prefectura de Niigata) y sake nuevo de Hakuro Brewery y Fujisaki Sobe Shoten (ciudad de Nagatoro, prefectura de Saitama) del mismo grupo., Junmai-Daiginjo Nigori sake y "Sanzui Junmai-Daiginjo sake no filtrado ni procesado", embotellados en pequeños volúmenes. El nuevo sake de Nagatorogura es sake Junmai Ginjo sin procesar ni filtrar con un sabor a jugo de manzana verde fresco. Ese día, muchos compradores estaban en el distrito comercial después de terminar el trabajo del año, para prepararse para la víspera y el día de Año Nuevo.

Muchos clientes compraron sake fresco disponible sólo en esta época del año.

Nihonsakari se presentó al día siguiente, y pronto se convirtió en un sake clásico presentado durante el evento de ventas del 30 de diciembre. El conjunto especial empaquetado en la bolsa Jinkichi *(bolso hecho de tela de lona duradera que se usa para transportar el sake desde la tienda) consistía en el Ginjo con pan de oro, Daiginjo con pan de oro y "Souhana Junmai Ginjo", que también se usó cuando el Emperador ascendió al trono, todos estos productos se adaptan al ambiente de Año Nuevo. El personal de ventas de Nihonsakari me enseñó los conceptos básicos de la venta de sake antes de que abriera mi tienda. Por primera vez en más de una década, nos asociamos para poder aprender a vender sake de la mano de un vendedor de una marca de sake nacional, que es diferente a cómo se

vende el sake local.

El último día de la víspera de Año Nuevo, el 31 de diciembre, se contrató a dos trabajadores a tiempo parcial para vender el resto del inventario del año. El sake de alta gama se agotó en poco tiempo, junto con varios sakes nuevos y el sake de Año Nuevo y concluyeron el año a las 21:00 horas.

Es realmente inusual ver tanto sake vendido en comparación con otras épocas del año. El fenómeno de las altas ventas de sake plantea la pregunta de si el consumo interno de sake está disminuyendo en Japón. Si las ventas de sake de este volumen fueran constantes durante todo el año, sería seguro decir que la industria japonesa del sake tiene un futuro brillante por delante.

*Bolsa Jinkichi: bolso de mano hecho de tela de lona duradera que se utiliza para transportar sake desde la tienda de sake.

Noticias sobre restaurantes Japoneses 45

Master Sake Sommelier

Info All Japan News, Inc.

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America

(213) 680-0011


Ask me

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America NPO法人


Yuji Matsumoto

Master Sake Sommelier

Beverage Manager ymatsumoto001@gmail.com

Toshio Ueno

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President

Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Ami Nakanishi

Master Sake Sommelier

Vice President New York Mutual Trading, Inc. info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Atsuko Glick Master Sake Sommelir

Instructor Sake School of America info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Yoshihide Murakami

Master Sake Sommelier

Liquor Manager JFC International Inc. ymurakami@jfc.com

David Kudo

Master Sake Sommelier

President, All Japan News davidkudo@gmail.com

Ryuji Takahashi

Master Sake Sommelier

Owner “Ji sakeya”

Shuto-Meijin ryu2syuto@yahoo.co.jp

Instituto de la Cerveza Sake Shochu de América Parte 2: Leer la

etiqueta del sake

Las botellas de sake normalmente muestran dos etiquetas.

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America was founded with the purpose to promote further understanding of Japanese sake, shochu and beer in a shared where 500 million people enjoy wine in North America. We strive to increase Japanophiles by furthering understanding of the sake culture through online Japanese sake and shochu colleges and books related to Japanese sake, shochu and beer, etc. Especially sampling parties directly approaches consumers and no doubt contributes to expanding the market. Also, our final purpose is to facilitate communication with sake breweries, sake producers, and distribution companies, etc., to introduce Japanese sake, shochu and beer to American consumers in a way that’s easy-tounderstand.

La etiqueta frontal grande suele mostrar la “marca de sake” en el centro de la botella, mientras que el lado derecho o izquierdo muestra la designación de sake especial (como Junmai Daiginjo, etc.).

El año, mes y fecha de producción indicados son la fecha de embotellado del sake. La etiqueta también indica el contenido de alcohol, el volumen de la botella y los nombres de la destilería del maestro destilador.

La contraetiqueta incluye información importante, como el valor del medidor de sake: un valor positivo o negativo que indica que el sake es dulce o seco. Generalmente, cuanto mayor sea el valor negativo, más dulce será el sabor; y cuanto mayor sea el valor positivo, más seco será el sabor. Este valor positivo o negativo del

medidor de sake está determinado por el contenido de azúcar en él. Cuanto mayor sea el contenido de azúcar, mayor será el número negativo; y cuanto menor sea el contenido de azúcar, mayor será el valor positivo del medidor de sake. El alcohol con un valor positivo, que tiene una gravedad específica más ligera que el agua, tiene menos azúcar, que es la fuente del dulzor, mientras que el alcohol con un valor negativo, que tiene una gravedad específica más pesada, tiene más azúcar.

Generalmente, el sake con nombres aterradores como demonio, ballena, hombre (oni, kujira, otoko, etc.), tienden a tener un sabor seco.

Aproximadamente el sesenta y cinco por ciento de todo el sake producido es sake estándar, pero a medida que aumentan las ventas de Ginjo y Junmai Ginji, las ventas generales de sake también aumentan.

46 Marcha 2024 • www.alljapannews.com
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