Japanese Restaurant News February 2024

Page 43


Master Sake Sommelier Info All Japan News, Inc.

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America (213) 680-0011 AllJapanNews@gmail.com

Yuji Matsumoto Master Sake Sommelier

Master Sake Sommelier

Toshio Ueno

Ami Nakanishi Master Sake Sommelier

Master Sake Sommelir

Atsuko Glick

Yoshihide Murakami Master Sake Sommelier

Master Sake Sommelier

David Kudo

Ryuji Takahashi

Beverage Manager

Vice President Sake School of America

Vice President New York Mutual Trading, Inc.

Instructor Sake School of America

Liquor Manager JFC International Inc.

President, All Japan News

Owner “Ji . sakeya” Shuto-Meijin




Ask me ymatsumoto001@gmail.com info@sakeschoolofamerica.com info@sakeschoolofamerica.com info@sakeschoolofamerica.com

Master Sake Sommelier

Sake Shochu Beer Institute of America - The Growth Period of Japanese Sake-

일본주에 대한 철저한 지식을 바탕으로 사케 홍보대 사가 되기 위해 노력합니다 Best ways to store and enjoy sake Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America

NPO法人 米国酒焼酎蒸留酒研究所

Sake Shochu Spirits Institute of America was founded with the purpose to promote further understanding of Japanese sake, shochu and beer in a shared where 500 million people enjoy wine in North America. We strive to increase Japanophiles by furthering understanding of the sake culture through online Japanese sake and shochu colleges and books related to Japanese sake, shochu and beer, etc. Especially sampling parties directly approaches consumers and no doubt contributes to expanding the market. Also, our final purpose is to facilitate communication with sake breweries, sake producers, and distribution companies, etc., to introduce Japanese sake, shochu and beer to American consumers in a way that’s easy-tounderstand.

Please enjoy sake with an appropriate amount of food over time, rather than chugging down sake at once. The appropriate amount of sake that prevents stress to the liver is one to two cups. Please keep this guideline in mind and do not drink alcohol one to two days a week to rest the liver. Please do not consume sake with medication, during pregnancy, or during the weaning period. Also, please do not take a hot bath or engage in heavy exercise after sake consumption, nor pressure others to consume sake. The Japanese have a limited ability to breakdown alcohol, while Northern European nationals in Finland and Sweden tend to be highly tolerant of alcohol. Although there is an individual difference, two cups of sake is typically broken down between six to seven hours. Sake does not cause obesity. The calorie content of sake is 185 kcal per 100 ml. Obesity from sake consumption is caused by snacks enjoyed with sake, not sake itself. Also, while alcohol typically cools the body, this is not the case with sake (according to Health and Medicine of Alcohol Association).■

적절한 보존방법과 마시는 법

일본주를 즐겁게 마시기 위해서는 먹으면 서 적정량을 천천히 마시도록 유의하면 원샷은 하지말 것. 간장에 부담을 주지 않는 술의 적정 량은 사케로 1-2홉. 이것을 지키면서 주에 1-2 일 음주를 쉬는 날을 정하는 것이 바람직하다. 약과 함께 마시는 것은 안 좋고 임신중, 이유기 의 음주도 피한다. 음주 후 목욕이나 과격한 운 동도 삼가는 게 좋으며 타인에게 무리하게 강요 하는 것도 좋지 않다. 일본인은 알코올 분해하는 기능이 약하지 만 핀란드, 스웨덴 등, 북유럽 국가는 강한 경향 이 있다. 사케 2홉은 소화하는데 개인차가 있지 만 사케 2홉 분해하는 데는 6-7시간이 걸린다. 일본주를 마셔도 살찌지 않는다. 일본주 칼로 리는 100ml에 185kcal로 살이 찌는 것은 술 과 함께 먹는 안주가 원인. 또 알코올은 몸을 차 게 하지만, 일본주는 다르다. (알코올 건강의학 협회)

일식 레스토랑 뉴스


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