5 critical concepts of compassion you should teach your children

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5 Critical Concepts of Compassion You Should Teach your Children


Teach your children well, especially about compassion. Of the many values and feelings they are learning to comprehend and experience, compassion is central to healthy development- in mind, body and spirit. Here are 5 critical concepts central to compassion and how your children imbibe it into their minds, hearts and lives, so make sure to bring these to their attention. 5 Critical Concepts of Compassion You Should Teach your Children 1. Compassion comes from the heart, not the head Teach your children to feel and exercise compassion in authenticity, allowing their hearts to guide them. Seeking to help someone to feel good about your self is not compassion in its truest sense, no matter how similar the external outcome. Logic may direct you to be compassionate, but in truth this feeling cannot be faked and must rise involuntarily within our hearts. Therefore help your kids learn to recognize and respond to the deep calling of their inner landscapes, identifying compassion as it swells up within them and not as is projected onto them. 2. Compassion can be expressed in many ways Compassion drives us to help another and therefore finds expression in a variety of ways. Comforting words, kind actions, standing up for another- compassion finds communication across the boundaries of language, culture and individuality. Show your children how they can channel and express their compassion and intentions in different situations, teaching them to reach out to another- person or creature- with words and without them. 3. Compassion celebrates diversity

Compassion anchors in an absence of judgment and does not hold differences in opinion, belief, ideology, preferences or choices against someone. Infact compassion helps build bridges where we stand divided by these aspects of our individuality. It is thus that compassion is in many ways the building block of not just a civilized and peaceful human society, but also a harmonious world. Embracing and bringing together human, animals and all forms of natural life show your kids how compassion helps celebrate the rich diversity on our planet, and helps maintain the delicate balance between them. 4. Compassion is its own Reward I have often seen parents motivate their children to undertake good deeds for the rewards they promise, including the self-satisfaction and feel good factor involved. But this can be extremely counterproductive, especially as it takes away the selflessness and true nature of the act. Help your kids understand that choosing kindness is a victory in its own right and that compassion is its own reward. Help them see that being compassionate may not always be easy and may not always entail a pleasant scenario, teaching them to identify just when and why compassion is the appropriate response. 5. Compassion is Contagious It only takes one small act to set off a wave of good will and compassion. Teach your children about the power of compassion to create change, and how one act of kindness can spark a revolution of sorts. Show your kids that they need not wait for someone else to lead the way, and that they should listen to their own compassionate impulses. Teach them to have the courage and will to respond to someone else’s pain, anchoring in their compassion for life and not their fears. Source: Childcare Magazines Australia

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