The 5 things your kids will remember about you

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The 5 Things Your Kids Will Remember About You

It’s no mystery- children are extremely impressionable. Busy learning about and taking in the world around them, they are open to a spectrum of ideas, thoughts, actions and reactions that far surpasses our own experiences in diversity and number. As parent, you are tasked with a dual roleyou are charged with helping your child sieve his/her experiences and impressions, assisting them in making sense of the world around them as they go along; and you are also charged with being a primary source of information, ideas and impressions for your kid. What you do, say, feel, think, encourage, discourage, like and resist, all go a long way to shaping the person your child will be as well as the world your child will choose to inhabit. Very often thus, we are on our best behavior around the kids, letting realities percolate through only when they are safely tucked away. But your kids are much smarter than you realize- they aren’t just learning off the behavior and conversations you may be spoon feeding them; they are also learning when you aren’t paying attention or busy with the demands of your day.

It isn’t always the grand gestures and planned family trips that form their opinions and perspectives on practically everything in the world around them; it is the subtle and the little gestures that make all the difference. Here for instance, are 5 things your kids are sure to remember about you- now and even much later on in life. 1. How You Taught them To Love The first place kids learn about love is from you. This may not come as a big surprise, but just what it entails might. It means your kids learn how to express, feel, perceive and respond to love, and therefore every word, gesture and thought about love you might hold may well get passed on to your kids and determine their relationships and how they love. So make sure to teach them well. 2. When You Wiped Their Tears One of the deepest memories a child holds is about the comfort, security and love their parents provided, especially on a rough day. Therefore more than the picnics and the treats, your child will remember how and when you were there for them in the harshest and most trying of moments. 3. Your Funniest Eccentricities Children don’t expect their parents to be perfect; you are perfect to them just as you are. While you might be busy trying to be an ideal adult and role model to them, it’s the little slip ups and eccentricities that they often find most endearing and remember even after you are long gone. So don’t be afraid to laugh at your own goof ups; better yet, share your laughs with your kids. 4. How You Responded Under Fire Teach your children about courage and dignity under fire through your own example; your children will remember how you survived and responded to a crisis through their lives, using it as a guiding beacon to inspire themselves and their kids. Whether it is all about being victorious or your actions speak louder than words for you, choose your steps wisely- not only for yourself but for your kids as well. 5. The Little Gestures You Made a Habit Of In love, including love shared with your children, grand gestures may be fun and exciting, but it is the small gestures that reaffirm and revive the bond you share. What you say first thing every morning to them or how you tuck them into bed, the little touches that pour your heart out or help them pour theirs out to you- every little move is a lifelong impression in the making.

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