What The Plus by Guy Kawasaki

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What the Plus!—Google+ for the Rest of Us

●● Share by e-mailing link = “You’re such a late adopter that I’m sending you this the old-school way.” There’s one more way to spread a Google+ post: copying the link for the post and forwarding it via e-mail or posting the link on other social-media services. There are two ways to copy the link. First, click on the time stamp of the post. Second, click on “Link to this post” in the drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner of the post. Note: the second method only works on public posts. Private or limited-share posts require clicking on the time stamp.

Figure 48. Clicking on “Link to this post” to obtain the post’s URL.

●● One-word comments. Many people make one-word comments such as “cool,” “wow,” “LOL,” or “hah!” They do it to “join the party” out of sheer enthusiasm for the post. (When I see an NHL player score with a slap shot from sixty feet, all I can say is “Wow!” too.) So one-word comments are OK, but you’ve got a lot of space so why not let it rip and show more emotion? “Cool, it rocks that you posted this,” “Wow, this is totally cool,” or “Please keep this kind of post coming, baby!” If you don’t have the time or inclination to make a substantive comment, consider using a +1 instead.

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